#? just cause I mentioned the pregnancy I'll put it in my Au tag
daddiel-ish · 11 days
So while i think some fic over do it i love law being a bit self conscious about thier appearance especially with what amber lead did to them. Tends to get in there head a bit about it especially when it comes to luffy cause while theyd rather die than admit it they do care what luffy thinks of them
Meanwhile luffy is physically vibrating with how attracted they are to law and only law
Even more so while laws pregnant
I love this take! But I think the consequences of the Amber Lead pestered them more when they were a teen. I imagine Teen Law adding layers of clothes to hide some whiter spots, even using makeup to hide the ones on his face, tattoos helped with the ones on their hands they didn't want to receive questions they didn't want to answer. Growing up let them come to a pact with this, they thought he added something to their being a pirate, like a shadow of mystery, so they stopped hiding them, not that they started to show them proudly, but they didn't even try to hide them anymore. Even tho they noticed some people, maybe the ones who still remember the Amber Lead, looked at them, and those gazes always made them uncomfortable--honestly, they didn't care what everyone thought. Those people were going to call the Marines on them? Good luck.
When they and Luffy started to date, or whatever their thing was, Law started to get again self-conscious about their white spots and this brought them to take a bit of a distance from Luffy. Even tho Straw-Hat never stopped tracing first their tattoos and then the spots always telling them how they looked dope and he wanted them to! I think Law at first didn't believe those words, he spent the majority of his life being called weird or monster, when people recognized what illness they came from, so how Straw-Hate was finding them "Dope"?
Oh yes! When they got pregnant Luffy became insufferable, in the sense that he wasn't able to stop touching Law. Every occasion was a good one to touch their shoulder, their arm, their hand, their baby bump. Luffy didn't want to stop tracing Law's tattoos and spots. It was his favorite way to spend his free time sometimes. When they are alone I imagine Luffy talking with their unborn child like: "Torao has these spots! They're so cool! Like- they make them look like a leopard and leopards are so cool!" And maybe hearing Luffy talking like that about his appearance can make Law loves his body more. Even tho they would never be able to love it more than Luffy.
Don't know if this was what you were looking for anon, but I got carried away (again), if you write a fic with this theme I would love to read it!!!
EDIT: just a random thought- Maybe Luffy asked Law to paint some white spots on him with makeup so Law didn't feel alone and weird anymore, cause they could've been weird (Luffy uses this word just cause Law uses it, but he doesn't think they're weird) together
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dragoncxv360 · 1 year
Due to some personal stuff I'm thinking of pulling the zombie au out of fnaf and making them just ocs. So I'm curious what other people think. Please don't just say do what you want/what makes you happy. I don't know what I want, that's why I'm asking for other people's opinions. I'm gonna schedule this for in a few days so I'll hopefully be feeling better (nvm I'm moving it to now, July 1st instead of July 3rd 'cause I'm an impatient bitch and the waiting is actually giving me more anxiety)
I'm just lost on what to do and would like to know what anybody who follows this au (if there's anybody) would like to see
Reblogs are off 'cause this is personal. Please leave any comments you would put in the tags in the replies instead
The gist is that some people have been uncomfortable with the au having pregnancy (idk who specifically as I was not told to my face) and I'm wondering if it might be better to just pull the au away from the fandom entirely, especially since Sun is canonically a guy and I think that's part of why people are so uncomfortable.
But yeah, I just feel very down about the way people have reacted to this au and am wondering if it'd be better to just sever it from fnaf completely so that hopefully people react slightly less disgusted.
Which is absolutely a valid feeling, don't get me wrong. It's just frustrating as a trans masc person that non female or non female presenting pregnant characters (and not to mention irl people) seem to get treated like it's a disgusting thing they're doing whereas female pregnancy is put on a pedistal as the most amazing thing a woman can do. Which is also wrong, everything about it is sexist and transphobic.
Honestly I thought about discontinuing it entirely, but I won't. I worked hard on the art and characters for it and the depression and anxiety don't get to decide this shit for me.
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