#<- that's MY fucked up autistic victorian surgeon medical malpractice waif
foursaints · 5 months
just saw a guy on youtube that has a pet mold and feeds it strawberries and my microbiologist and pandora-like self was juste like: why haven’t i done that before
a crucial part of evan rosier's insanity to me is that despite APPEARING completely emotionless, he actually does have feelings (albeit strange ones) that he channels into the most bizarre coping mechanisms. and yet he's convinced he's normal.
when he had a crush on barty, he would name anything & everything after him. that frog that he's dissecting? he's calling it Barty and talking to it like it's him. his brain preserved in a jar on his desk? that's barty junior now and he takes extra special care to make sure it's resting nicely. he probably had a creepy little patchwork doll that he dressed like barty & talked to while blushing a bit.
anyway this means pandora has probably walked in on evan confessing his feelings to her jar of pet mold that she keeps under her bed
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