#<- that lyric is one I scream sing often. IM GOING TO MAKE IT!!!! I'll hit 37 and fuck I'll be happy I'm alive!!
theood · 2 years
I got so excited last night bc of bottom growth 8'). Like, I've known for YEARS I've wanted that more than like anything from T but to see it ACTUALLY happening is so.
And yet, I truly never thought I'd be on T. I've had a very particular mindset about a certain age where I just knew in my heart that'd be my end. It was a mix of coping (badly), and how I grew up and what I had to endure and so much more. And it became a clutch that, well, my pain wouldn't matter in just a few more years because it was my end.
But, for the first time in a LONG time? That age limit doesn't seem so strong. I can make it past it, and it's gonna be good.
Everyone talks about how T can help you mentally and like, I get it I do.
To think something so small as my starting off bottom growth got me so happy I was beaming coming out of the bathroom last night... I'm changing! And it really is for the better 8). And I like this. I want this to stay. This is what I needed
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ultsoobins · 5 years
me wants a ship bc im pretty convinced i'll be alone forever and this is the only thing that makes me think otherwise??? i'm 5'1 and have short, jet black hair, and really dark eyes. i love reading and writing, but i'm also pretty chaotic??? i bounce off the wall with energy, and people often call me hyper uwu i can't stay focused on just one (1) task as it bores me so i'm usually swamped with a whole slew of things to do,,,, ooh and i can sing and dance a bit, but nothing phenomenal,,,
i think beomgyu would really love being with you! you sound like you’re incredibly fun to be around, and he’d appreciate your ability to keep the mood up wherever you go. he’d also definitely love how active you are and how many different things you do, and he’d have a lot of fun singing and dancing with you as well. he’s said that he likes chic girls, and you fit that to a t! he’d love how many different interests you have and would want to read your writing as well as have you read his lyrics. 
a date concept: going to an amusement park together! you’d definitely make fun of him screaming on rides, and he’d love to take polaroid pictures of you with the fair plushies he buys you and with all of the crazy fried foods. he’d love how excited you’d be to try everything and do everything at the park, and you’d both have a lot of fun together getting adrenaline rushes.
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