#;v. nothing personal but I'M the badass twin
runawaybun · 7 years
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As a teenager, Bunny was known to be quite a grinch when it came to the holidays. They had a good reason for it. It was a time when they struggled to belong and fit into the family traditions. But, now that they had grown up and mellowed out, as well as melded a better, more healthy relationship with their twin, they were excited for the holidays and heading to their childhood home to spend the days together. With everything packed and in the car, Luke and Logan all ready to go, they head out. Laura was always a lot more involved in the Christmas spirit so they took a mental bet that she was already there and getting the place ready with Carmilla and their dad.
Once they are there, they grab their backpack and takes Luke’s hand as they enter the house, trusting Logan to handle the rest of their bags. As they get settled and everyone is there, Bunny feels a tug on the bag full of Christmas gifts they were holding and looks down at their son. “I wanna put the presents under the tree with Aunt Laura!” They hear their three year old say and looks to Laura for her response with a smile.
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Best Yugioh series?
Oh, that one is going to be tricky for me.
First things first, I have to clarify that I have only ever seen the original series, GX, and 5Ds. Not that there's anything wrong with the subsequent shows, I just never got into them, never got around to watching them in full. Zexal just didn't appeal to me. (Possibly because it recycles the premise of Duel Monsters but there we are.) and I do love the Performapals but the whole "Avengers" reunion style of Arc V did put me off a little. I know absolutely nothing about VRAINS except that it's about cyberspace. So I'll only be discussing the first three shows.
My immediate, instinctive answer is 5Ds. Card games on motorcycles or no card games on motorcycles, this series was where Yugioh peaked. The Dark Signer storyline is, and I do not say this lightly, the best Yugioh has ever been. It's incredible. Every character is fascinating, the themes and ideas are beautiful, there are some genuine twists and turns (The reveal of The Fifth Signer's identity blew my fucking mind as a kid) and, hand to Ra, it made me cry. Never was I more shocked than when Roman revealed his backstory. Never was I more depressed than when Rally made his sacrifice. Never was I more disturbed than when the "King of The Underworld" first appeared, whatever the hell that thing was. I think my favorite Dark Signer and my favorite character was Carly, though. Watching her die and then be restored (even in the dub where they laughably tried to censor it) watching her journey, just tore right through me.
Of course, there's only one problem. 5Ds carried on after The Dark Signer story ended.
Okay, okay, that's a bit harsh. But it's not untrue. All of the narrative threads and symbols were basically all wrapped up by the end of that arc, so for the show to continue afterward felt very much like an entirely new series. It would have been the shortest of the shows if it had ended there, but at least it wouldn't have thrown everything in the trash. I'm sorry, but that's what happened. Particularly for the female characters. Akiza was amazing. She was compelling and interesting and she was one of the Signers, so for once, a girl would get to be part of the main cast and actually do something. Nope, she gets shunted off to the side and never does anything again. Don't get me started on Carly. Her character development is literally erased, because she doesn't remember her time as a Dark Signer...even though Kalin does? (Crash Town was pretty awesome, I won't lie.) Jack also just goes back to treating her like a fangirl. Screw that. There are only three main characters post-Dark Signer arc. Yusei, Jack, and Crow.
Let's talk about Crow.
For my HPHM fans out there, Crow is basically the Penny Haywood of Yugioh 5Ds. He was absurdly popular when he first appeared, with a cool design and personality and a badass deck (to those of you who were around in the fandom at the time, you probably remember the Blackwing explosion all too well) Even I loved the guy. If you had asked me at the time, I would have named him my favorite character. But then he just kept getting more and more screen-time, and relevance. (Probably because he was so popular, but I have no clue) Even though the story was, quite literally, not about him. It was about The Signers. Yusei, Jack, Akiza, and Luna. They were the focus of the story. So what did the writers do? Why, make Crow a Signer, of course. Yeah, never mind that it did not suit his character at all, never mind that he had no Dragon, so they had to invent one later. Never mind that Leo was clearly supposed to become The Fifth Signer, as we see from a later arc hastily throwing that in at the last second. I love Crow but genuinely, what the hell. He stole all of the importance that Akiza and the Twins used to have, and in hindsight, I'm not happy about it.
The other awkward part about 5Ds' second act is the abrupt shift in tone, and in genre. It goes from being a dark fantasy to being a scifi show. It begins involving cyborgs, and time travel. Time travel! What were they thinking? Ylliaster turned out to be a group of cyborgs from the future. Seriously. I am glad they didn't forget about Ylliaster the way they forgot about Sayer and the Arcadia Movement, but ret-conning them to be responsible for Zero Reverse? Give me a break. I do know that there was some behind the scenes trouble with cults in real life, like, one of the actors in the subbed version was revealed to be part of a cult. So that is possibly why the Arcadia Movement disappeared, by Ylliaster changed. If so, it's not their fault, but...time traveling cyborgs? Come on! I want to be really clear, there's nothing objectively wrong with any of this. In another anime, another Yugioh anime, even, it could have worked. Could have been great. But not in 5Ds, not with what 5Ds had already established itself to be. And not at the cost of characters like Carly and Akiza.
5Ds will always be my favorite Yugioh series. But is it the best one? Still inclined to say yes, but I'm not sure. Unlike the original series, which was all over the place due to the filler arcs, and GX, which started out average but gradually got better and better...5Ds left them both trailing behind in it's first half...and then nose-dived in it's second half.
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
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🖤 I See My Future Before Me 🖤
~ A V X Reader set in an Alternate Universe wherein Nero gets his own motorcycle. 🖤
~ This time, this chapter is dedicated to all the people who reblogged the first three parts. Thank you so much!
~ Also, to @acieoj , thank you so much for your unwavering support.
~ And to @heaven-on-a-landslide , oh, my gawd! Thank you so much for the kind words.
"Ave Maria,
Gratia plena!
Maria, gratia plena,
Maria, gratia plena!"
V could hear, as clear as day, the solemn music that was coming from the other side of the portal. He walked, reaching the end of the dark tunnel, until light enveloped his entire body, giving him warmth. He finally arrived to his destination. But, all of a sudden, he was met with a violent slash of light that almost ripped him in two. If it weren't for Griffon, who grabbed the collar of his dark, leather vest just in time, he would probably be as good as dead.
"What the hell?!" Griffon screeched, looking around for any sign of Demons.
V looked around, as well, but saw nothing, except for a pastel pink, fur blanket on the grass beneath his feet, an empty basket, and the radio which played the song, "Ave Maria". He picked up the blanket and immediately noticed that it was still warm, not to mention very fragrant, like the smell of fresh flowers blooming in the morning.
"She was just here." V said, his voice almost dropped to a very low whisper.
"She?!" Griffon shot back. "How did you even know that was a girl? She tried to chop you like onions!"
Yes, how did he know that? Was it some kind of a strange, gut feeling, or one of his suppressed, male instincts?
"No matter. I'm very certain that we are the ones who are at fault here. We startled her." he said, purposefully making his voice louder. He took a quick glance at the bushes on his right and noticed something moving behind it. He smiled and placed the soft blanket back down on the ground. "I think I'll return this."
"Shall we go after her?"
"There's,... no need for that." he answered, making sure that his voice could be heard by that person behind the bushes. He then faced the path before him and walked, making sure that Griffon's following closely behind him. "We must press on."
The sun was getting low. Despite that, he still took the time to admire the lush garden of the very familiar place. He had been here, he knew it. And, the moment he arrived at the main road of the city, there was no mistaking it:
He was back at Red Grave.
But, why did the Yamato bring them there, of all places?
It looked as though he would no longer muse any longer, for there, speeding from the distance with a sleek, blue motorcycle, was the boy, himself. Nero was about to pass V when he noticed him standing there on the sidewalk. He put the vehicle to a halt, hitting the break, and stopping right beside V.
"Hey, V!" Nero said, smiling at him. "Long time no see."
"It has been quite a while." V said, then smiled back, not wanting to let the boy know that he was still a bit mad at him for what happened the last time they saw each other.
"Was it a month already?"
"Three weeks, you idiot!" Griffon screeched at him.
"And the little chicken is here!" Nero joked, pointing at Griffon and effectively mocking him with the cursed nickname. "Now, I know what we're having for dinner!"
"Why, you, son of a - !"
V quickly shielded Griffon with his cane, or the other way around, and tilted his head sideways, letting his hair fall to the half part of his face. "It seems that you are in a hurry."
"Yeah, I'm going to Nico's." Nero mentioned. "Said she had a job for me."
"And what would that be?"
Nero shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me. She only said to 'hustle over and make it damn quick'. Look, she even told me to bring formal wear. I don't even know what that is!" He pointed at the compartment of the motorcycle with his thumb and gave it a disgusted look. "Luckily, Kyrie knows stuff. She's a real life saver."
"Is that so?" V said, making himself sound like he was genuinely interested.
And, it was a success.
"Wanna tag along?" Nero graciously offered, revving his badass motorcycle and looking really proud.
What a simpleton.
A few moments later, V found himself riding with Nero, letting the delicious, early evening air splash on his face and sweep his wavy, jet black locks. He held onto the boy's shoulders with a hand, his other one firmly holding onto the metal cane and making sure it's not in the way as Nero drove.
"So, this job,..." V had to make his voice louder for him to be heard above the sound of the speeding vehicle. "Is it Devil May Cry related?"
"I think." Nero answered, not letting his eyes off the road for a minute. "I knew I told her not to bug me unless she wants me to kill some shit."
"And this,... vehicle?"
V noticed the boy chuckle. "It was a gift from the mayor of Red Grave for defeating that son of a bitch." He was refering to none other than Urizen, V's demonic half. "Well, actually, I bought it using the money he offered me for saving the lives of the citizens. Kyrie was opposed to this, at first, telling me I had no discipline with things like this."
"She was right." V answered. "You are not wearing any protection for your,.... cranium."
"Ahh, yeah, I think I forgot my helmet back home. Kyrie's gonna slit my throat for this,..."
V smirked, actually wishing for it to happen. However, at the simple thought of slitting someone else's throat, one person immediately popped into his mind.
"And,... Dante?" V asked. That's it, he finally asked about his stupid twin brother.
"He got paid by the mayor, too. But, he squandered everything in a casino one night, losing in one fell swoop. Let's just say he ended up with more debt than usual."
"Oh. I see." V said, musing about the fact. He may know Dante to be a bit of a risk - taker when it comes to challenges. But, he knew for certain that he would never take part in any challenge unless he knew from the start that he would win. Aside from that, he knew Dante would not indulge into such things, unless,...
So, why? V knew his brother too much. Was he secretly - ?
"We're here." Nero announced, putting the vehicle to a stop in front of a twenty - story building in an actually fancy neighborhood a few kilometers away from the park V just transported into.
He got down and looked up at the apartment, fully anticipating everything that would possibly happen to him from then on. If the Yamato really intended for him to be here, then he might as well do anything he can to unravel this rare phenomenon that reunited him with these people.
After properly parking the motorcycle, Nero invited V inside the apartment. Once inside, they noticed that the walls of the lobby were filled with classic, renaissance - style murals that simply took V's breath away. It's not everyday that he could see such sights as this, after all. Murals in an apartment? That's something. And clearly, Nero was surprised, as well.
"Huh, who knew Nico lived in a fancy place now?" the boy said as he pressed the elevator button that would lead the two of them to the sixteenth floor.
V didn't answer. Instead, he listened in on the music that was being played inside the elevator. Nero noticed V's interest in it and smiled.
"You like these kinds of things, yeah?"
"Definitely." V answered, his mind still on the riveting piece of music that was Mozart. "Actually made me miss playing the violin."
"Oh, right." Nero nodded, then jerked his head towards V in utter shock. "Wait, you could play the violin?!"
But, before V could even answer, they arrived at the destined floor. The two got out and went directly to the third room on the right. Nero checked and double checked the crumpled note he produced from his pocket and confirmed it was the right place.
"Okay. This is it." he said, and before he could even knock, the door was slammed open, almost whacking him in the face. "What the fuck?!"
"You're late, psycho!" Nico, the tattooed female who opened the door, screamed at him. "What did I tell ya about the third ring rule?!"
"Stop bitching! V's right here! I found him on the way here." Nero screamed right back at Nico, who immediately noticed the poet's presence in the area.
"Hey, you must be him, huh?" Nico cooled down, appraising her surprise visitor with an expert eye. "The mysterious one who hired Dante."
"You are looking at this mysterious one right now." V answered good - naturedly.
"Then, let's not wait for the grass to grow! Come in!"
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runawaybun · 7 years
@cosmosiism continued from 🌠🌠
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Bunny sighed and shook their head in amusement, not necessarily surprised by the girl's insistence to disregard their advice. They take a seat at her bed side and pokes her shoulder with a single finger, using some force to keep her down on the bed. "It's Bunny, not honey but I guess that's close enough for your sick ass." They playfully tease. "Well, people have to do things that they're not cut out for sometimes and for the sick giant walking stick, it's staying in bed for the day and getting rest. Once you're better you can work out extra harder to make up for what you're gonna miss today." They simply say. They knew how frustrating it was to stay cooped up in bed when there were so many other things that they could possibly do, so it got them to have some empathy for the girl and to act on this, it meant keeping her in bed and stopping her from exerting her fatigued body.
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runawaybun · 8 years
Trying to find Laura in this huge university seemed like a harder task that it actually was. It was almost like everyone knew her, from the weird looks they were getting and getting the right directions from the first person they asked. Breaking into the really fancy house through a window was just as easy. A round through the empty space, they figure they’d make themself at home on a nice chaise and waited for someone to come along. Which happened to be the leather-clad young woman.
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“Oh, hey. So I’m guessing you’re the one Laur tweets about all the time?“ They ask while not moving from where they were sat.
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runawaybun · 9 years
@puppyhollis continued from ミ☆
It was an intense race. Bunny makes audacious taunts if they needed to change the difficulty settings of the computer players for the sake of their struggling competition. In all honesty, their kart wasn’t that far ahead from the pack, mere seconds away and if there was a single disarray then they wouldn’t be sitting as pretty anymore.  
Anybody else would be angered by the blue shell hurtling towards them, ready to shatter their lead in a grand explosion. However, Bunny smirked. Their sister’s screen was above theirs and it wasn’t exactly cheating to use this fact for your advantage by doing a little screen hopping. Not to mention Laura being excitable and making it very clear that they had just launched their attack. It was good that first through fourth place was clustered so close together after all. A quick glance at the map and a finger flooring the reverse, the Yoshi kart drives backwards, collides directly into player one and BOOM.
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runawaybun · 9 years
@puppyhollis continued from ミ☆
It happened in slow motion and all too quickly all at the same time. Like the moment before a car crash. Or really, any glorious moment of tragic disaster.
In all honesty, Bunny wasn’t completely present in this sisterly cocoa drinking time. Obviously having tuned themself out of the conversation and letting Laura talk about whatever was on her mind. Consider it some twisted godsend in disguise. Bun’s attention caught by the background and suspiciously watching sketchy scenes play out past Laura’s head and eyes widening as the present events clicked in their mind. No time to think but enough time to react.
There was a split second where the twins were in two far different worlds. Laura innocently oblivious like nothing was wrong in the world while Bunny found themself jumping out of their chair and then dropping to their knees, arm clutching at their newly acquired wound.
The surroundings became skewed. It was only the two of them in this plane of existence. Teeth clenched, they look up at their sibling, not at all surprised to see her fear and panic. Sure, blood was streaming out of their body from the gunshot at their upper stomach but the pain in that area competed with the ache at their chest from seeing their sister so distressed. From seeing how much she cared.
Bunny gives a single, very rough chuckle and sends the best smile they can muster Laura’s way. “But wouldn’t that be lying, sib? You do say to stop joking around so often.” Their words already contradicting themself as they try to lighten the mood so it wouldn’t be too serious. “What the hell was that about?” They ask themselves, still trying to make sense of a reason to this sudden situation.
“I’m – I’m okay. It doesn’t even hurt as much as I thought it would.” Lie. It hurt like hell in fact. “Hey, it’s not like TV, Laura. It’s not like I’m going to die immediately or anything like that.” In hindsight, it was funny that the mortally wounded one was the one making the attempts in calming down the other. But whatever. Bunny didn’t care. They were there for their sister. No matter what goes down, they’ll be on her side.
And now there was physical proof.
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runawaybun · 9 years
@puppyhollis continued from ミ☆
Christmas normally wasn’t Bunny’s thing. Too much emphasis on family, especially in the Hollis house. Christmas was Dad and Laura’s thing and Bunny could honestly care less about their traditions. But that didn’t mean the teen was a total mope didn’t the holidays, especially when they actually found a decent gift in time. A smile beaming on their face as they watched Laura’s reaction. “I wasn’t so sure you would like it. The color was what sold me though. It reminded me of those gold, tiny flying balls from the Harry Potter movies that you like.” Bunny explained whilst casually grabbing at their two gifts. “And I don’t think you’ve played in a while so…” They continue but overly distracted at pawing away the wrapping and opening the box.
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“Sib! Come on!” They exclaim, in awe at the new piece of technology. They place it aside and tear open the envelope, expecting some sappy Christmas card but instead eyes glistened at the glossy little rectangle. “Score.” Bunny pockets the card and smiles at their sister, then fakes a pout. “Do you always have to one-up me?” It’s meant to be a joke, they’re own way of saying thank you.
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runawaybun · 9 years
@puppyhollis continued from ミ☆
[text]: whatever Laura. [text]: and hey if you aren’t going to tell me about your ‘love life’ then I’ll just have to force it out of you by talking about mines until you do. [text]: yeah, that sounds like the perfect plan! When I get there I’ll help you with whatever you needed me for and then we’ll have a nice sisterly chat.
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runawaybun · 9 years
@puppyhollis continued from ミ☆
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Um, cause I haven't gotten yours yet? "Just thought I should be a good sib and remind you what I want in case you forgot."
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runawaybun · 9 years
@puppyhollis continued from ミ☆ 
Bored as hell with what was being shown on the screen, Bunny thought they could create their own entertainment. Though it seemed as if the teen's attempts to scare their sibling was a dud. Buzzkill.
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Holding their hands in place, Bunny talks before their face can contort into a displeased pout. "So, I'm bored and I still have no idea what you're dork language is about, little sib."
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runawaybun · 9 years
you know. bunny would have laura’s contact name as Cookie Monster.
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runawaybun · 9 years
Bunny squints at the girl from afar for a few moment before they finally stepped into the room. “So, you’re Carmilla? Well, at least you look good.” 
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They continue studying the girl, so much judgement in their eye. “I’m sure my sister at least mentioned her twin, right? Where is she?” Though it wasn’t like Laura was expecting her sister that she hasn’t seen in practically forever to show their face. This was a surprise visit after all. 
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