#;v: smile 'til you fake it {group verse}
undyinglegends-blog · 6 years
@dcfctive liked for a gossip alert starter! {x}
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Ciryke, by this time, was a regular visitor to the nurse’s office. She’d fight a lot, with a lot of people, but Sefris, with her deep-set facial scars, was in no position to judge. Ciryke fought for reasons that were beyond Sefris’ knowledge, and she had no right to know in the first place. She wondered if that damned blog had anything to do with the recent fights, though.
Seeing the child walk in, Sefris merely smiled. “Good morning, Ciryke. What do you need?”
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
Giggles in the Dark
~A/N  - It was my day of birth! (29th of the June babeyyyy... damn this is late lmao)
So I wanted to write this cause its v cute andiwouldn'tmindithappeningtome. It took me a while to think of a fandom to write this for but I finally realised it should be heartstopper!!! It's perfect!!!
Kinda dedicated to the anon who asked if I would write for heartstopper, and also dedicated to the birth of me. (I sound like some medieval king being like HAH TIS MY DAY OF BIRTH HOLD A FEAST IN MY HONOUR and I'm so sorry lmao)
I'm also tagging the onion man @ticklepinions cause his heartstopper fics are absolutely fcking adorable and I love them
- Enoy! ~
Tag List: @mysterious-marvel
Masterpost Link
"Our Colony depends on you, ranger." The video echoed dramatically.
"Alright troopers!" The lazer tag attendant bubbled in very obviously fake enthusiasm. "Any questions about our safety rules?"
"I know we can't hit each other with the phasers, but fists are fair game right?" Tao grinned, getting a chuckle from Elle and Tara.
The attendant tried to stifle a laugh. "With some of the kids I've had to deal with today I wish they were."
"We're good to go, thanks." Charlie smiled.
It was his 17th birthday, and his 6 favourite people had all assembled for a battle of lazer tag at their local arcade. While Charlie, Tao, Elle, and Issac were all well versed in the game, the others were less confident. But their lack of skill did not result in a lack of playful arrogance and boasting.
The group, now alone in the 'training' room, were constantly engaging in teasing challenges and joking threats, until Tao added an interesting extra rule.
"Let's change this up a little..." He smirked. "For extra points, you can tickle our birthday boy-" he ruffled the hair on Charlie's blushing head - "while singing happy birthday as loudly as possible."
"Awww, Charlie's ticklish?!" Tara beamed at the newfound information.
Nick chuckled, nodding eagerly. He was one of the few in the group who knew just how much Charlie both loved getting tickled, and how embarrassed he got by it.
At the encouraging smiles and comments from his friends, Tao's voice took on a dramatic inflection. "If you finish the song, you automatically and instantly win the game..."
"Sounds easy enough, as long as we can be heard over Charlie's giggles." Elle smiled playfully.
"But! If someone shoots you then you're unable to tickle or sing 'til you're back online. And, if Charlie is shot then he can't be tickled 'til he's online."
Chuckles of agreement blended with the group's footsteps as they made their way into the armoury. Donning their obnoxious flickering vests and grasping their phasers, they maneuvered into the almost pitch black darkness.
Charlie's heart thumped as his eyes adjusted to the low light around him. Lazer tag adrenalizes him enough without the added threat of tickles. The somewhat cringy announcement countdown began, as Charlie settled himself in a corner of the arena. The wait began.
Sounds of lasers, shrieks and triumphant cries echoed around him as Charlie sat impatiently. Waiting to hear footsteps or muttering walk past. He managed to sniper Nick a few times, silently giggling to himself at his boyfriend's confusion.
His giggles grew to a squeal as hands wrapped around his body.
"Happy Birthday to you~!" Issac sang loudly, wriggling his fingers into Charlie's armpits. "Happy bir- damnit..."
Darcy's laugh from the darkness revealed Charlie's saviour, as Issac slunk away waiting for his jacket to reilluminate.
There was barely a minute of reprieve before someone else's claws latched to his sides.
Tara began to sing, and usually Charlie would enjoy her voice, but her slender fingers were absolutely agonizing squeezing against him. She barely got through the first two happy birthdays before a shot deactivated her suit.
"Aww... I was enjoying that." Tara frowned teasingly. "Your laugh is really cute Char."
The poor boy blushed, clinging to his gun and stumbling away in a giggly mess.
As much as Charlie was enjoying it (though he'd never admit it), he did still want to win. He was on the hunt, shooting anything that moved along with the extra lights scattered around the arena which gave bonus points. The satisfying groans from Tao or Darcy made him smile each time he hit them, and of course it was hilarious to continuously shoot Nick from behind. There was something cartoonishly comical about just how long it took him to realise where the shots were coming from.
He was about to shoot Nick for the fourth time, before Elle grabbed him under the arms. He let out a shriek, muffling the sounds of the first line of her Happy Birthday song.
"Happy birthday to you~! Isn't it great that Tao knew exactly how to make you smile on your birthday!" She beamed, holding up an absolutely limp giggly Charlie. "Happy birthday dear gigglesss~ and the absolute cutest giggles at that."
Her soft teasing throughout, though it completely won over Charlie's nervous system, took just too long for her to win overall, as Tao managed to whip round the corner and shoot Elle in the shoulder.
"Tao! I almost had him!" Elle groaned, a smile still stuck on her face.
Tao didn't respond, fully focused on running straight towards a still giggly Charlie collapsed on the floor. Somehow the two ended up in an awkward seated bear hug, giving Tao the perfect position to reach Charlie's stomach from behind. Tao sped through the birthday song, fingers scribbling at double the speed of his words. He was about to finish the final line when.
Elle's victorious face peeked over her blaster as Charlie's vest powered down.
"Ugh no! I was so close!" Tao grumbled. "This is your fault!" He directed at Charlie with playful annoyance, fingers still wiggling against the man. "If you didn't squirm so much I would have finished that song!"
"Consider it revenge for getting shot!" Tao grinned, finishing his friend off before running around the corner.
Once Charlie was back online, he weakly shot a rapidly approaching Elle. He couldn't take another round just yet.
Footsteps thudded eagerly behind him. In his giggle-drunk fear his 3 blind shots that he fired as he turned ricocheted off the walls around him. He let out a yelp of confusion as Darcy shot him in the chest and practically tackled him to the ground.
The 10 seconds of waiting for him to come back online were some of the longest and most fear-inducing of his life.
The moment the lights on his jacket came on again Darcy plunged her fingers towards his stomach and began singing (or, more accurately, yelling) Happy birthday.
"DAHAHAHARCY!" Charlie begged, squealing and thrashing from side to side.
"Shh!" She laughed, continuing the song. "Happy birthday dear charlieeeee!"
"You could just shoot me..." She smirked. "Unless, you're having just as much fun as we are..."
Charlie's eyes shot to the ground, right as Tara shot Darcy. In his embarrassment he almost became Tara's victim once more but managed to scramble to his feet and shoot her before running away.
The nimble and still-giggly Charlie managed to shoot Tao as he escaped, dodging through cracks in the walls and around pillars. He spotted Elle slinking past him, oblivious to her soon-to-be attacker. Lining up his shot, he guided the red laser light through several holes in the arena before firing. The satisfying noise of the LED vest deactivating was almost distracting enough for Tara to sneak up behind him.
The second Tara's hands slithered around his waist he instinctively whipped around and shot her phaser. Thank god the guns count as target points.
Groaning, Tara shuffled onwards. Charlie moved backwards, facing the open hallway in front of him to avoid another person sneaking up beh-
"Hey Char." Nick smirked, grabbing his boyfriend and trapping him in a ready-to-be-tickled hug.
"Nick!" Charlie squeaked, squirming in his grasp. "Nononono please!"
"Haaaaaaaaaaa~" Nick drawled it out, letting the anticipation of the first syllable of the happy birthday song work it's magic.
"-aaaaappy birthday to you~" He sang, giving Charlie's neck a few kisses as his hands squished his boyfriend's hipbones. "Happy birthday to you!"
"Uhh... umm..." Nick stuttered playfully. "Oh damnit Charlie I've forgotten the lyrics. Let's start again!"
"NOHOHOHO!" Charlie begged, the hands still torturing his hips were short-circuiting his brain.
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear..." Nick paused once more. "What was your name again?"
"No I'm pretty sure that's my name..." He continued to tease. "Yours was... Connor? Chris?"
"Charlie! I remember now!" Nick beamed, hands continuing to practically massage his boyfriend's hips. "What I don't remember though, is where I was in the so-."
"Let's go again!"
Nick's relentless teasing, mixed in with the odd neck kiss or ear nibble just to keep Charlie guessing, was enough to absolutely destroy the man.
"Happy birthday dear Charlieeee~" Nick nuzzled into his boyfriend's neck as he said his name. "Happy birthdaaaaaaaay toooooooooo...........!"
"GAME OVER!" The intercom boomed.
"Awwwww, what a shame. Saved by the bell I guess." Nick winked, before giving Charlie a genuine kiss (on his lips this time, though Charlie wasn't any less giggly) and slipping their hands together to exit.
"YES!" Darcy exclaimed, pumping her fists in the air.
"I take it you won then?" Nick grinned as he and Charlie joined the rest of the group in front of the final scoreboard. "I almost had an instant win."
Charlie blushed further, face still stuck in that endearing post-tickle smile. A buzz from his pocket interrupted the group's teasy questions of the last minute of the game.
"Dad's here, you guys ready for cake?" Charlie asked.
Eager nods led the way back to the carpark, where Tara, Elle, and Darcy hopped into Tara's car to meet the rest of the group back at Charlie's house.
Issac hopped into the front seat next to Charlie's dad, while Nick, Charlie, and Tao squished into the backseat.
With Charlie trapped in the middle, Tao and Nick were at the perfect position to poke and tease Charlie's sides the entire car ride home - not to mention squeeze juuuust above his kneecaps every time they hit a speed bump so Charlie would jump a little more than usual.
The gang gathered on the couch. Nick, Charlie, and Tao all sat on the floor, with Tara, Darcy, Elle, and Issac on the couch behind them. Charlie's Mum brought out his cake - a very tasty looking vanilla cake with rainbow sprinkles. With the lights out, and the blue candles flickering in the dim living room, all that was left was to sing.
Charlie's mum began, and no sooner had voices filled the room did the hands start. 12 hands found their ways to Charlie's sides and neck, one or two ruffling his hair as they went.
Halfway through the song was when Charlie couldn't hold his giggles any more. His eyes squeezed shut and his arms curled around himself to try to protect himself.
The singing finished, but the tickles did not. Tara laughed something about all of them winning the game, as Nick whispered in his ear about blowing out the candles.
The hands lessened, but were still very very tickly. Charlie took a deep, shaky breath, before all the air came out in a stream of breathy laughter. The candles wiggled, some even seemed to go out, but all came back in full flame.
"Come on Charlie! It's not that hard." Tao teased.
"I cahahahan't!" Charlie giggled, before trying again.
Nothing changed. The breath turned to laughter and the candles remained aglow.
Charlie gave it one last shot, rapidly taking in a breath and immediately blowing it all out. The candles faded one by one leaving only smoke behind.
He laughed both in relief and at the residual ghost tickles left behind.
"You guys suhuhuck." He glared, much of the sting taken out by the bright smile still on his face.
"You love us." Elle smiled, giving his hair one final ruffle before the group stood up to leave. Nick moved to the kitchen to help Charlie's Mum clean up, while Charlie helped their friends grab their coats.
After saying a very cuddly goodbye, Charlie returned to the living room to find his Mum and Nick chuckling endearingly at his Mum's phone.
"What's that?" Charlie asked genuinely.
"Only the best photo ever taken." His mum grinned, turning the phone towards him.
The picture, taken only a few minutes earlier, showed him and his friends gathered around the freshly extinguished cake. Each person smiling at the birthday boy, who was a giggly post-tickle mess.
"It's adorable Char." Nick smiled, zooming in on Charlie's red beaming face.
"Noooo!" Charlie tried to cover the phone screen, battling Nick's and his monther's hands for a moment. "It's so embarassing!!"
"It's so cuuuute!" Nick teased, poking his boyfriend and putting the phone in front of him every time he turned.
"Nihihick stop!" Charlie laughed. "You guys are so mean!"
And yet, as much as he complained about it, he did ask his Mum to send it to him.
And that photo remains his phone's home-screen to this day.
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undyinglegends-blog · 6 years
@impulseloved liked for a gossip alert starter! {x}
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Cinder was good with maintenance work--it was why she was so frequently seen backstage. Thick gloves and boots covered her prostheses, keeping them from sight. She didn’t need any more of those stupid rumors spreading about them. Cinder set the drill down and wiped the sweat off her brow, before pushing on the ladder to see if the step was steady.
A shadow loomed over her, and Cinder looked up to see a rather pretty girl, one she had seen on stage before. She was eyeing the ladder... no, something below it. A script? How did Cinder miss that?
“Oh, uh, sorry.” Cinder lifted up the ladder with ease, allowing the other girl room to grab the script.
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undyinglegends-blog · 6 years
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The two staff members could only watch and wait, which was the absolute last thing they wanted to do. Alora found the post that night, and spent the next hour texting Sefris until the nurse finally convinced her to calm down.
Cinder was not an idiot. She was quiet, she was a bit antisocial, and she was a borderline cyborg. But she was not an idiot.
Screencaps of the posts being made were saved onto her computer--a dingy little thing that Adri let her have after her stepsisters already beat it to death, and only because Cinder needed it for school--and codes, decryptions, dates, and urls were being hand-written in a notebook that she would keep at home and nowhere else. On the internet, they could disappear at any moment. So she wanted to have records of them.
Was she going to investigate? Of course not. Not unless there was a good reason for it. But Cinder thought it better to have the records than not.
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undyinglegends-blog · 6 years
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Fire was not unknown to Alora--hidden underneath her enormous red coat were sleeves of burn scars she’s had from projects, but this was something new. Several essays from her AP Art History class were burned, as well as a couple art books on her desk. Worst off, though, was her old blowpipe, which she often used as a pointer during classes. She could get the char off no problem, it wasn’t burned that horribly, but it made her blood boil to see one of her prized possessions damaged in such a way.
Ix’s enclosure had burned, but the lamp was put elsewhere with no signs of malfunction. Ix himself was in a box (with airholes) in her office, safe.
After blowing the smoke out of her own office, Sefris found that several medical records had been burned, charred at the edges--but only a select few. The names she saw at a glance--Ciryke, Connor, Oliver, even staff like Alora and Mr. Quincy--had been affected. She saw some of them talking about their burnt possessions. Sefris had little in terms of possessions--but her holy symbol to Sarenrae was covered in scorch marks, the gold-and-white ankh now blackened.
Only Cinder’s books were scorched. She had no pictures, no personal belongings. Only a few books and the couple things she stored in her prosthetic leg. Why on earth she was targeted, she didn’t know.
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