#;soph's series ; a pregnancy and parenting journey hookedcamelot
ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
A Pregnancy and Parenting Journey: Part 4 (A HookedCamelot - Amelia and Killian OneShot)
Killian getting annoyed that the baby stops kicking just as he goes to feel and then getting really excited when it finally kicks right when he is resting his head on Amelia’s belly. A/N: This is part 4 of the story that is in the universe of HookedCamelot and follows a set of imagine your otp in a series of family related situations. This journey will be over 8 parts. They already are parents to Madison but are back together so are technically becoming parents again. Part 4 is about our couple when Killian and Amelia have some fluffy moments together. This chapter has less Ingrid and Arthur in it, as it is more a fluffy Amelia and Killian chapter. Ship: Amelia x Killian Characters: Amelia, Killian, Madison. ~ Amelia and Killian were having a quiet night in, Amelia was now seven months pregnant and she liked having quiet nights in with Killian. Madison had chosen to watch Hannah Montana: The Movie in her room while Amelia and Killian watched a rom-com in their room. They were having a takeaway pizza night, with Madison collecting her pizza before Amelia and Killian ate their pizzas. During these quiet nights Liam always kicked to tell his parents he was there. Liam kept kicking a lot and it made both Amelia and Killian happy when Liam kicked. While they were watching the film Liam decided to start kicking. "Killian, he's kicking." Amelia told Killian. Killian smiled and went to feel the kicks. Just as he did Liam stopped kicking. "Amelia he must be in a mood with me. He's stopped kicking." Killian told her, he was annoyed. Amelia giggled. "Killy, he probably just stopped because he stops sometimes." Killian pulled a face at her. He was majorly annoyed. "I always get excited when he kicks and he stops. Does he not like daddy today?" Killian asked frustrated. Killian spent ages frustrated at the fact that Liam had stopped kicking as he went to feel. He soon decided to rest his head on his wife's stomach. "Killian? Why are you resting your head on my bump?" She asked him. Killian chuckled. "Oh I just decided I want a lie down are you ok? I'm not crushing you or Liam am I?" Amelia shook her head. "No your fine." The minute he got comfortable in the position, Liam kicked. "Amelia, he kicked! He kicked!" Killian yelled excitedly as he took his head off and felt where Liam kicked. "I know I feel it every time he kicks." Amelia said. Amelia and Killian cuddled up together and smiled as Liam was kicking. Madison came in. "Mummy, can I feel my brother?" Madison asked. Amelia nodded. "Be careful." Madison felt and Liam kicked her hand. "Hello, brother." She said. Amelia grinned. Amelia and Killian smiled and everyone cuddled up together. They had a lovely time watching the film and talking to Liam ~ Thanks for reading. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
A Pregnancy and Parenting Journey: Part 1 (A HookedCamelot - Amelia and Killian OneShot)
Amelia and Killian discovering they are going to become parents. A/N: This story is in the universe of HookedCamelot and is somewhat a sub series to Becoming A Father, however is not following Becoming A Father fully as Killian has two hands and no hook in this story. It follows a set of imagine your otp in a series of family related situations. This journey will be over 10 parts. They already are parents to Madison but are back together so are technically becoming parents again. Part 1 is them actually discovering they are pregnant. Arthur is Amelia's twin brother in this series like Becoming A Father. Ruby is Amelia's ex in this story, not Mal like in Becoming A Father. Oh and this is set in a Modern universe. Killian does not have a hook in this storyMagic does exist though. Emma is Ingrid and Arthur's daughter in this story. Ship: Amelia x Killian Characters: Amelia, Killian, Regina, Ingrid, Arthur, Ruby, Robin, Zelena. Appearance from Emma. ~ Amelia Mills and Killian Jones had a love story that was very complicated. Amelia had been dating him when they were younger and she was distraught when he started being bad but he soon became better. He soon left and she was devastated, because she was devoted to him and also pregnant with their daughter. Two years after their daughter was born, Amelia, who had support from her beloved dashingly, handsome older twin brother and his girlfriend Ingrid, starting dating a girl called Ruby. Ruby had been her friend before they started dating, and she was great with Madison. However they soon broke up as Killian returned. Ingrid found Killian for Amelia and brought him home. Madison was soon growing up from the two year old she was. When she was three her parents got married. They decided to wait a while before they had another child. When Madison was ten they decided to try for another child. Amelia had brought back her best friend Helga from the dead after she was in an accident and aged slightly from using the magic. Amelia and Killian soon tried for a child together, hoping to have one. Killian hadn't actually been through the feeling of becoming a parent and Amelia hadn't had a nice experience despite the help from Ingrid, Arthur and her friends and family. So this felt like becoming parents for the first time, even though they had Madison. One day Amelia was talking to her sisters Regina and Zelena as well as her sister in law Ingrid and her friend Ruby in Frankie and Benny's, one of their two favourite hangouts the other being Granny's. Her best friend Robin had just gone to get some drinks for everyone. Amelia thought she was pregnant and she thought Ingrid knew too. 2 years ago Ingrid and Arthur had a daughter they called Emma, who was two years old. They had a son already who was four called Ryan. Like Amelia, Ingrid could spot the signs of a pregnancy due to having two children. Emma was currently sat with Arthur at the table looking through the kids menu, and playing with her daddy's beard. Amelia chuckled. "Ingrid, look, Emma likes my brother's beard." Ingrid looked at Emma. "Yes she does, she always likes playing with it but she might pull it off." Amelia laughed. "You should tell her that then." Ingrid turned to Emma. "Emma, sweetie, don't pull daddy's beard, you might pull it off." Emma listened to her mummy and sat on Arthur's knee instead. Amelia sighed. "I miss Madison being that young." "Well, haven't you guys being trying?" Arthur asked. "Yes, Killian and I have been trying to have a baby." Amelia told them. "Amelia, I do actually think you could be pregnant." Ingrid pointed out. Regina nodded. "You do decide to have decaf a lot and go for water or diet drinks." Amelia chuckled. "Well, I'll have to take a test. Ingrid, you have tests don't you?" Ingrid smiled. "I'll call at yours later and give some to you." Amelia nodded with a smile. Ingrid called at Amelia's house and handed over the tests, then went back to her house. Ingrid had given her two tests. Amelia went into the on-suite in her and Killian's bedroom and took the two tests. She waited for Killian to arrive home before finding out the results. He came up behind her kissing her neck. "Hello babe." He said. Amelia moaned into the neck kiss. "Killian, I took a pregnancy test. Well I took two, Ingrid gave me two. The results are nearly ready." Killian grinned and looked down at the tests when the timer beeped. Amelia looked at the tests too. "Killian they are both positive we are going to be parents together. Well, like officially together because I was without you with Madison." Killian grinned and held his wife in his arms kissing her neck. "I hope it's a boy." "I want either, but yes I do hope it's a boy too, so I can have two wonderful boys in my house." Amelia told him. A week later they went to Dr Whale for an appointment to see how far along Amelia was. Whale had been training 10 years earlier when Amelia gave birth to Madison and Whale had delivered Amelia's niece and nephew. Killian was anxiously waiting in the waiting room while Amelia checked herself in. He didn't know what he was doing, so he picked up the pregnancy magazine in front of him and started to read it. Amelia came over and placed her hand in his, looking at the magazine he was reading. "Is it a good read Killy?" Amelia asked. Killian shrugged. "I just picked it up, I was intrigued by it." Amelia chuckled. "Well, it's a magazine about pregnancy that mentions the basics and talks about everything you want to know. You can take it home." Killian nodded, smiling. Soon the two were told to come in, Killian bringing his magazine in. "Amelia, you are pregnant and the sample you provided confirmed this." Whale told them. "I would like to do the normal stuff so Killian would you go back to the waiting room." Whale added. Killian nodded heading back to the waiting room and continuing his reading. Killian was soon allowed back in when they did the scan to see how many weeks she was. Whale looked at the screen. "Amelia, you are roughly 12 weeks pregnant from the look of the scan. I'll see you again soon, I'll give you both a copy of the scan and for friends and family." Whale went to fetch the scan pictures. Amelia nodded looking at the screen and then at her stomach. "Oh that's why I felt like I was gaining some weight." Killian chuckled. "You're fine you don't look too pregnant yet babe." She giggled slightly. "You are charming and devilishly handsome Killian Jones, and also good at telling a women she isn't too pregnant." Whale gave them the scans and they left to go to the family meeting at Granny's. At Granny's they told everyone that Amelia was pregnant. Zelena smiled. "I knew it, you have been a bit different." Everyone laughed at Zelena and they all looked at the scan pictures. Amelia, Ruby and Ingrid went maternity shopping for some clothes for Amelia and they helped Amelia tell Madison she was to be a big sister. Madison was excited to be a big sister. And everyone was excited about the baby. Killian was finding his magazine interesting too. ~ Hope you enjoy part 1. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
A Pregnancy and Parenting Journey: Part 3 (A HookedCamelot - Amelia and Killian OneShot)
Killian getting up to get weird food in the middle of the night for very specific cravings. A/N: This is part 3 of the story that is in the universe of HookedCamelot and follows a set of imagine your otp in a series of family related situations. This journey will be over 8 parts. They already are parents to Madison but are back together so are technically becoming parents again. Part 3 is about our couple when Killian has to go pick up food for Amelia. This chapter has less Ingrid and Arthur in it, they are mentioned but don't feature. Emma in this AU can speak but she hasn't spoken yet in the series and does say a little bit. She has said her first word which was dada. Ship: Amelia x Killian Characters: Amelia, Killian, Madison. With appearances from Arthur, Ingrid and Emma. ~ Amelia was now 6 months pregnant and now was craving food a lot. Killian kept having to get up in the middle of the night for the cravings that Amelia had been having. Madison was laughing at him having to get up at that time and also laughing at her mother's cravings. Amelia kept having cravings for bacon, ice cream and milkshakes among other foods. Sometimes it would drive Killian mad. Killian had spoken to his brother in law Arthur about cravings before Amelia started going absolutely crazy with her cravings. Arthur told him about when Ingrid was pregnant with Emma, her cravings were mostly grilled cheese sandwiches and ice cream. Ingrid talked to Amelia about cravings as well, laughing about Arthur telling Killian about her cravings. One night in the middle of the night Amelia was asleep with Killian's hand on her stomach like they had slept for most nights since the bump became visible. Amelia soon woke up with an urge for cravings so she rubbed her stomach while she felt a couple of movements. When she woke up Killian's hand fell be cause she moved. "Yes, Liam that sounds wonderful, lets ask daddy to go and get it." Amelia told her bump, receiving a small kick from her unborn son. Amelia tapped Killian on the shoulder and when he didn't wake up she kissed him and put her hand on his chest. Killian soon woke up kissing his wife back. "Amelia, it's the middle of the night what do you and Liam want?" Killian asked yawning. Amelia rolled her eyes. "I want a BBQ bacon cheeseburger with extra bacon, fries, onion rings, bacon and ice cream. Oh ice cream is pralines and cream, chunked monkey, bubblegum and white chocolate." Killian nodded. "Is it ok from Granny's or do I need to drive to the mall?" "Wait! I want pepperoni, ham and pineapple pizza as well." Amelia told him. Killian sighed. "Ok do you want me to ring Frankie and Benny's for the burger, fries, bacon and onion rings, ring Dominos for the pizza and go visit Ingrid in the middle of the night for the ice cream?" Amelia nodded. "Yes please. Dominos and Frankie and Benny's do delivery." Killian rang Frankie and Benny's and Dominos and popped into Madison's room to tell her to answer the door while he went to Ingrid's to get the ice cream. Amelia waited for the food with Madison who came into her and Killian's room. Ingrid answered the door to Killian. "Oh hi Killian, are you wanting ice cream? Late night cravings?" Ingrid asked. "Oh yes, can we have chunky monkey, pralines and cream, bubblegum and white chocolate." Killian told her. Ingrid nodded putting the flavours into a cool bag and into the boot of Killian's car. "I'm awake anyway because a certain two year old keeps waking me up in the night for a snack." Ingrid told him smiling. Emma toddled over to Ingrid and Killian, and Ingrid picked her up. "Emma, say bye bye to Uncle Killy." Ingrid said. Emma giggled. "Bye Bye Unca Killy." Emma waved at Killian as he smiled and drove away. When he arrived home he brought the ice cream upstairs. Madison had taken the food upstairs and they were sharing the pizza. Killian shook his head and put the ice cream on the bed. He got three spoons and joined the two. "Do you mind if I join you?" He asked them. Amelia smiled and nodded. "No of course not come and join us. The burger is mine though but take some fries and onion rings. Don't take the bacon either." Killian chuckled and started eating the food he could have. "Killy you did a great job." Amelia told him kissing his cheek. They laughed for hours talking about the plans for the baby and what they wanted to happen. They also enjoyed the food. ~ Thanks for reading. Soph.
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
A Pregnancy and Parenting Journey: Part 2 (A HookedCamelot - Amelia and Killian OneShot)
Killian setting up, painting and arranging a nursery while Amelia impatiently waits to see the nursery and Amelia finally seeing the nursery and it being completely perfect so she starts bursting into tears because its completely perfect and she is loving that Killian put so much effort into it. A/N: This is part 2 of the story that is in the universe of HookedCamelot and follows a set of imagine your otp in a series of family related situations. This journey will be over 10 parts (edit: 8 parts). They already are parents to Madison but are back together so are technically becoming parents again. Part 2 is Killian, Arthur and Robin doing the nursery and Amelia impatiently waiting to see it. Ingrid, Ruby and Zelena go shopping with Amelia and Madison bringing Emma too. Regina is looking after Ryan. Ruby is Amelia's friend. Ship: Amelia x Killian Characters: Amelia, Killian, Arthur, Ingrid, Robin, Ruby, Zelena. ~ Amelia was currently 5 months pregnant with a cute baby bump. She had got some of the stuff she needed for the baby's nursery, but still needed some clothes for the baby. They had found out it was a little boy. Amelia was really excited to be having a son. She wanted to name him Liam after her husband's brother, Liam. Killian agreed. Killian soon decided to start work on the nursery so he asked Arthur and Robin to help. Arthur asked Ingrid to take Amelia out for the day so she wouldn't spoil it for herself by seeing them do the nursery. Ingrid decided to take Amelia to the mall for shopping for the baby and some of the stuff her and Killian needed, as well as maternity stuff. She also brought Emma and told Zelena and Ruby to come so they could have a girls day. They arrived at Storybrooke's mall with Ingrid putting Emma into her stroller. Ruby smiled. "Where should we go first?" Ingrid looked at Amelia. "Amelia, would you like to go for some lunch? I know Emma would." Amelia nodded. "A bit of lunch would be good. I think the baby is hungry too." They headed to Frankie and Benny's and ate some lunch, while they were waiting to order they talked. "So, I know Killian and I need a pushchair well.. We do have Madison's old one that you used when Emma was a baby. But I want to buy a new one for him." Amelia said. Ingrid nodded. "Yea it is better to buy a new one." Ruby smiled. "Amelia, do you have a name for him?" Amelia nodded. "Liam. Liam Mills Jones, that's what we want to call him after Killian's brother Liam." Zelena chuckled. "That's a good name. If you have any more kids call one Zelena.." Ingrid playfully hit Zelena on the arm. "Zel, she's not gonna do that she probably has better names and like she has labour to go through so don't ask her." Amelia nodded in agreement. The waitress soon arrived and took everyone's order. Amelia ordered a BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger with extra bacon and fries, Zelena ordered a BBQ Cheeseburger with fries, Ruby ordered a salad, Ingrid ordered a BBQ Bacon Cheeseburger with fries, Madison ordered a hot dog and fries and Emma got chicken nuggets and fries. Meanwhile, Killian, Arthur and Robin were doing the nursery. "Robin, do you think she'll like it?" Killian asked. Robin smiled. "She will, we are doing a good job." Arthur was painting the room light blue. Killian smiled, he and Robin were building the crib and some other things for the room. They were nearly done with the nursery and knew Amelia was impatiently waiting to see it. After lunch, they headed to the baby and pregnancy shop. Amelia looked around the shop looking for more maternity clothes. After Amelia tried some on and got some breastfeeding stuff, they looked for baby stuff. "Amelia these baby clothes are so cute." Ingrid told her. They picked up some of the baby clothes for newborns. They soon went looking for the pushchair. They found a good one for Liam that they could use for the first year of Liam's life and went and paid for the things. The pushchair and things they bought were sent to the pickup zone. Amelia knew that Killian was doing the nursery, so she watched Ingrid closely. They decided to go to the toy store, so Emma could pick a bear for being good. Emma and Zelena went to go look for a bear while the others waited. Amelia looked at Ingrid as Ingrid's phone beeped, with a text from Killian. "Um... Amelia are you ok?" Ingrid asked. Amelia nodded. "I know Killian is texting you. And that he's been making the nursery." Ingrid sighed. "Yes he has and he's just texted me to say he's finished." Emma and Zelena came back with a bear which Emma named Bruce and Ingrid gave Zelena the money to buy him. Zelena gave Emma the cash to pay and Emma handed it to the lady. Zelena then carried Emma back and put her in her pushchair. They collected the things they bought from the baby shop and headed out. Amelia, Ingrid, Madison, Zelena and Emma arrived at Amelia and Killian's to see the nursery. Ingrid guided Amelia to the nursery. Amelia started bursting into tears. Ingrid looked at her. "Amelia are you ok?" Amelia nodded with tears in her eyes. "It's completely perfect." Killian looked at her. "Amelia, why are you crying?" Amelia glared at him. "Pregnant women cry a lot, and I'm crying because I love it and you've done an amazing job." Amelia went over to him and kissed him as Killian wrapped his arms around her. He chuckled. "Well thank you. I'm glad you like it." They all had dinner together with Emma showing her uncle Killy the bear she bought. Everyone had a great time. Killian was also enjoying his wife's pregnancy. He cuddled up to her on the sofa putting his hand on her small bump. ~ Hope you enjoyed. Soph.
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