#; ⋆ || my best girl ( peggy carter )
thatsashitplan · 6 months
he may be your husband who time-traveled to be with you, but do you have an entire section dedicated to your relationship in his exhibit in the Smithsonian museum?
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captainxcarter · 2 years
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My Girl - 💙
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atwellfilm · 2 years
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Just a few seconds to enjoy her beautiful smile. 😍
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slashtakemylife · 9 months
I am BACK rambling about Peggy's character because DAMN, even Bucky of all ppl managed to fck over her character and it only took one scene.
I dislike any interpretation of Peggy as evil or even secretly a nazi, that's a no, just NO.
Cap 2 made us well aware on how deep the Hydra infiltration was in SHIELD via Fury, he trusted Pierce, he even said he would've taken a bullet for him and Pierce confidently said he knew.
Fury, while shady sometimes, is irrevocably a hero and a good spy, the same would've naturally applied to other characters such as Howard and Peggy.
That should've been end of discussion, period but of course the What If 1988 Peter Quill episode happened and just in one scene, it got fcked over.
Now I honestly don't take What If to heart but it is technically canon realities and possibilities and technically they are the same core characters but in different circumstances that just happened to make one different choice or react to what that reality throws at them so what we see in there is easy to interpolate to the MCU timeline.
And basically, just for ONE Bucky CAMEO they decided to fuck over both Peggy's and Howard's character by having Peggy not only recognize Bucky with his full mask and eye paint, something not even Steve could do, but to also recognize that they knew or there where rumors that Bucky was alive and was the winter soldier and evidently did nothing.
This all for the quickest representation of the winter soldier saga with Bucky getting out of his programming merely by hearing Steve's name when in the movie and other iterations he needed much more, he fought Steve directly and I believe in the comics Steve had to use a cosmic cube to bring his memories back.
Fck even in the same episode Bucky is shown without his mask, Marvel's writers could've easily deleted the first scene and have Peggy and Howard recognize him when he took it off.
Which also why did he take it off? He's russia's biggest secret and he just showed his face to a bunch of americans, one being their direct enemies (SHIELD).
And furthermore, that episode wasn't even about him! It was about Peter Quill and an '80s rendition of the Avengers, Bucky's Winter Soldier subplot wasn't really necessary, they just wanted a very popular character to be in there..
Did I like seeing him? Absolutely
In fact I just watched that episode because of him, I went crazy when he showed up on the trailer.
What really bothers me is that for some time I've seen criticism of other people towards Peggy's character due to Hydra's infiltration on SHIELD and how they had Bucky under their noses but for me those were easy to swat since they were theories with no substance or any evidence other than implications and even the movie provides better evidence against it but in one line, one scene, they manage to hand over just the slightest hint of it and of course you know haters are going to pull it hard.
And they could've easily solved it if they showed they recognized Bucky when he took off his mask later in the episode.
I enjoyed that episode, I did, but I don't take it seriously, there's a lot of evident inconsistencies and you can tell it's rushed.
Firstly on why Bucky was handed over so easily, again he's the russian's biggest weapon and secret, it would've made more sense for him to be sent secretly and the team crossing paths with Bucky when he inevitably tried to murder Peter and being put to light by Peter himself instead of being neatly handed over to a bunch of americans
And how he was able to neatly and quickly reset to being Bucky or some sort of Bucky just by Steve's name alone, it doesn't make sense so naturally I don't take that episode to heart much but it is technically canon and furthermore it does taint Peggy's image a little, just before she's about to be made one of the biggest stars of What If!
I know Captain Carter and Peggy Carter from that episode are different but for fcks sake they are technically the same person but different realities and they smudged her character just to have a Bucky cameo, like seriously???? REALLY?!?!?
I don't know, maybe I'm just rambling but I do feel that yet again another male character has a say on Peggy's character.
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mostlymarvelsstuff · 9 months
Reader receives Peggys nudes accidentally
Authors note: For Cap Carter specifically (Agent Carter is also hot, but this damn super soldier has me in a choke hold)
Word count: 691
Marvel Masterlist How They React To Masterlist
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   Technology is not her strong suit, she'd be the first one to tell you that too. So, it's hardly a surprise that she messed something up regarding her phone and its picture sending abilities. However, it is a surprise that she managed to accomplish sending you not just one, but two full frontal nudes that she had experimentally taken in the mirror after a shower while back. And she'd somehow done so just by shoving her phone in her pocket haphazardly after leaving a meeting. Great.
   She has no idea what to do here, is there a way to unsend a photo? She hasn't a clue. Stark would know, and could probably do it too, but she would rather fist fight an alligator than explain this situation to the smug genius and have him see her pictures
   “Oh, hell…” she mutters as she notices the read symbol showing up below the messages. 
   Knowing that you've now actually seen them, meaning you've seen her in full glory, has her face turning nearly as red as the stripes on her suit. Even though she's sure you're aware this was accidental, she wishes to apologize for her enormous blunder, but currently her hands just won't cooperate. 
   On your end, you really aren't fairing much better. You had been working on finishing up some after mission reports when your phone went off, twice. Now normally you would have ignored it, as you really did need to finish the paperwork for Hill. But from the drop-down notification you could see that it had been Peggy, and since you have a soft spot for the woman, and no it certainly wasn’t because you were crushing on her, you decided to let yourself be distracted
   You come to regret that now though, because you're absolutely certain you were not meant to see those pictures of her. And you feel terrible, because even knowing that, you couldn't stop yourself from looking anyway. You knew the serum had bulked her up, afterall you'd gotten glimpses of some of that due to her workout apparel, but seeing her bare really drove the point home of just how fit she truly was. And the way the water droplets gathered in the recesses of her defined muscles, god was it attractive. But you do your best to shake those thoughts away. Now was not the time to ogle, as she was surely panicking. Now was the time to be casual, if at all possible. 
   She's not sure how long she sat there mentally berating herself for getting you both into this mess before her phone dings. She's all too aware that it was a message coming through and her stomach twists in knots with the anticipation that it's most likely you responding to her photos. She takes a deep breath before picking up the device to read your message
   Jesus Peg, take a girl to dinner first
   Her stomach twists again, but this time for an entirely different reason. You didn’t sound upset that you had gotten them, and you certainly weren’t disgusted by her accidental implication that you’d be into another woman. In fact, though you were trying to be comical about the ordeal, it almost seemed as though you liked them. And the thought alone had her heart pounding in her chest
   Bloody device had a mind of its own, I am truly sorry
   No harm done. Besides, I’d rather get your nudes than anyone else's
   Oh my god, did you really just type that? And hit send?? You slam your head down against your desk with a groan and pray that it goes undelivered, or that somehow her phone spontaneously combusts before she can read it. However, you aren't that lucky.
   Her eyebrows raise at your admission, and she finds herself chewing on her bottom lip in contemplation. Should she take a risk? Surely there'd be no harm in it, if you reacted this well to an unsolicited picture of her naked then your reaction to a date request wouldn’t be anything she couldn’t handle.
Well then, how about we grab that dinner? I can pick you up at 6
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fairy-writes · 3 months
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Kaiju No. 8 
Pairing(s): Hibino Kafka x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Female!Reader, Pregnant!Reader, Reader is smaller than Kafka, Childbirth
Notes: The title is inspired by what Steve Rogers said to Peggy Carter in “The Winter Soldier.”
Ichikawa Reno knew something was off about Hibino Kafka when he came to work the next day, obviously sullen and downtrodden. He kept fidgeting with his wedding ring, something Reno knew he only did when he had something on his mind.
But he wouldn’t say anything.
At least, not until Iharu found out about his marriage three months later.
“You’re WHAT?!” He gaped at Kafka, who looked spooked. His chopsticks paused halfway to his mouth, and he glanced around at the room, which had gone dead silent in shock.
“I’m what?” He asked, dumbfounded until Iharu lunged across the table to grab his left hand and point at the wedding band.
“Reno said you’re married! Since when?!” He demanded, and now everyone was getting interested. Conversations petered out as they all looked over at the commotion.
Kafka noticed everyone staring and promptly panicked. Reno couldn’t help but hide a smile at his flushed pink face and neck.
“We’ve been married for four years! Together for eight!” He squawked awkwardly, and Iharu recoiled as if smacked.
“No way! I don’t believe you!” He complained and looked to Reno, “You don’t believe him either, right?!” He asked, and Reno shrugged.
“I’ve met her. She’s nice.” Was all he said.
That caused an explosion of noise. 
And Reno noticed that Kafka snuck out in the middle of it all.
Of course, he followed him! He waited until Haruichi and Iharu were bickering and slipped out to find Kafka sitting against the wall just outside the dining room, staring blankly at his phone screen.
It was a picture of the both of you, his hand on your belly as the two of you celebrated finding out about your pregnancy. It was the one thing Kafka never shut up about until suddenly, he just stopped talking about it altogether. In fact, Reno was fairly certain that no one besides him and Kafka even knew about it.
Just what had happened?
“Is everything okay?” He asked and Kafka jumped, slamming his head back against the wall.
“Oh, Ichikawa! Yeah… Everything just… Got a bit noisy, is all.” He mumbled the last bit and that’s when Reno knew something was really wrong.
But, as clever as he was, he didn’t know how to make it better.
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Hibino Kafka rolled over in bed until he was on his back and stared at the ceiling. 
His apartment felt empty. 
He felt alone.
It had been four months since he had last seen you. By now, you would’ve been close to thirty-somewhat weeks along in your pregnancy. Had you picked out a name? Had you learned the gender yet? What was going to happen to your relationship with him? Were you really going to throw eight years down the drain?
He was just on the edge of dozing when his phone buzzed. He slapped a hand over it, dragging it closer to his face as he rolled onto his side.
Who was texting so late?
Probably Furuhashi sending a cat meme or something…
But it was like a bucket of cold water had been splashed in his face as he read the text.
It was from Haru. Your best friend and older brother. His brother-in-law.
“She’s in labor. She needs you.” 
Straight and to the point, just like he knew Haru to be. Another text and this time it was the address to the hospital. But Kafka already knew how to get there. He could do it with his eyes closed. He hurriedly threw on some clothes and shoes and was out the door before he could even really process what was happening.
You were in labor.
But it was too early! An entire month early! Sure, the baby was likely going to survive, but would you? You were a high-risk pregnancy, especially with this being your first!
Would you be okay?
He made it to the hospital in record time. He all but sprinted up to the labor and delivery ward and met Haru in the hallway. He stopped him in his tracks.
“You came.” He said bluntly, and Kafka huffed,
“Of course I did. Is she okay?” He demanded, and Haru gestured to the room.
“See for yourself.”
He checked in with the nurse coming out of your room, explaining that he was your husband and that you were asking for him. He barely said his name before the nurse ushered him into the room.
You were tired. That much was obvious. The midwife patted the sweat on your forehead with a damp towel, coaxing you through a contraction as you clenched your fists in the blanket as the wave of pain washed over you. But when you heard the door open and shut, you opened your eyes and spotted him. 
“You came.” You whispered, and he gently took the midwife’s spot next to your bed, reaching out to hold your hand. He ignored the pain of your hand squeezing the life out of his and instead smiled, 
“I couldn’t leave my best girl. Not when she needs me.” He replied and saw tears well up in your eyes. 
“But I’ve been horrible to you!” You begin to cry, and he hushes you softly, gently, like he is quieting your child, who is going to be here soon. 
“I made a vow when I married you, didn’t I? I promised I’d be there for you no matter what!” He said firmly but no less gently than he had before. 
Another contraction and the doctor instructed you to push. You let out a guttural scream as you tried with all your might. 
And a baby cried. 
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xoxobuckybarnes · 1 month
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August 2024 Reading List
War & Peace and the Redemption of Bucky Barnes (Rated: E, Words: 51K) by ThePirateStorm / @fsbc-librarian
Summary: Bucky Barnes is running from his problems. He’s housesitting for his best friend while she’s on her honeymoon - the almost a year prior that he’s been staying in her house doesn’t count - when he’s woken in the middle of the night by an angel and a demon. Okay, maybe they’re not a literal angel and demon, but Steve Rogers *looks* like an angel, and his daughter Charli certainly *acts* like a demon. The father/daughter duo are running from their own problems, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t crash headlong into one another’s lives. Throw in a cursed book for good measure, and it’s about to get a whole lot more interesting.
Sleep, Baby (Rated: E, Words: 4K) by buckybarnesdeservestobehappy (hutchabelle)
Summary: Have a baby, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. And it is, but it’s also the most bone-crushingly tiring thing in the world. Bucky needs a nap, coffee, and sex, but his baby WILL NOT SLEEP! He should have known his husband always has a plan, especially on Valentine's Day. Written for the Hell Yeah Bottom Bucky Valentines Exchange.
Winter's Children (Rated: E, Words: 66K) by Neery
Summary: When their attempts to recreate the super soldier serum failed, Hydra started trying to breed Captain America clones from his genetic samples. Unfortunately, the serum's effects aren't passed down genetically, so instead of an army of tiny Captain Americas, they get a bunch of tow-headed, asthmatic, allergic, immuno-compromised little Steves. And then the Winter Soldier stumbles across Hydra's failed experiment...
tin cans with string (Rated: T, Words: 22K) by Somanywords / @somanywords
Summary: Bucky’s mother was looking at him knowingly, and she pulled out a chair for him, which he climbed into gratefully. “You’re an only child, aren’t you, Steve?” “Yes Ma’am.” “It ever gets to be too much for you, you just excuse yourself and come sit in the kitchen a minute. It’s a little noisy with the baby at times, but other than that you can catch a breath.” Steve looked up at her gratefully. She understood, and having someone understand was the best thing in the world. --an exploration of mothers, and of one that isn’t yours.
Where You Lead, I Will Follow (Rated: T, Words: 11K) by attackofthezee (noxlunate)
Summary: When Steve was sixteen years old Peggy Carter had placed a tiny, blonde six pound, three ounce bundle into Steve’s arms. She’d kissed the top of Carter’s head, kissed Steve’s cheek and said “I can’t do this.” with such strength and conviction that Steve hadn’t even questioned her. “I know.” Steve had said, shifting Carter to rest against his chest, a hand on her bottom and the other cupping her tiny, soft head. “But I can.” AKA it's a Gilmore Girls AU and Steve loves his kid, Bucky, Stars Hollow, and coffee. In that order.
Seahorses (Rated: E, Words: 31K) by poppyfields13 & tinzelda
Summary: Now that Bucky’s taken over the role of Captain America, Steve feels like it’s finally the time to start a family. Bucky doesn’t know what to feel when Steve breaks the news he’s going to adopt a baby. He wants Steve to be happy, but he’s worried it will affect their friendship. Once Steve becomes a dad though, Bucky can’t help falling in love with the baby. And maybe Steve will finally see Bucky in a different light.
Loves Me Like A Rock (Rated: T, Words: 4K) by musette22 / @musette22
Summary: “You’re not that bad, Steve,” Sarah reassures him, though she can’t be entirely sure. “I’m sure you must’ve gotten a little better at flirting since your high school days?” Steve makes a face. “What on earth would give you that idea?” “Well,” Sarah says, reaching over to give Steve's hand a consoling pat, “you have other qualities, my darling.” “Such as?” “You could out-stubborn a donkey,” she answers, without missing a beat. “You’ve got a decent singing voice, too. Dogs love you.” Steve huffs. “Gee, thanks, ma. That's really helpful.”
A Wedding to Remember (Rated: E, Words: 19K) by SucculentHyena
Summary: It’s Becca’s wedding, her happiest day. Bucky just wants it to go as planned. And it does! Repeatedly.
Five Times Bucky Modelled For Steve (Rated: T, Words: 8K) by Selenay
Summary: The first time Steve drew Bucky, he had purple hair like something out of a cartoon. "I don't have a brown," Steve said when he got to Bucky's hair. "Sorry. It got broken."
sharing beds like little kids (Rated: M, Words: 17K) by tesselated
Summary: Steve and Bucky are childhood best friends who get separated when they're thirteen and Steve moves away. Five years later, they see each other at a party. ++ It seemed to Bucky that there had to be a certain all-encompassing awkwardness in going up to the guy you loved best when you were twelve and saying “Hey buddy, remember me?”
Love Thy Neighbor (Rated: M, Words: 7K) by hermionesmydawg / @anthonystan
Summary: Bucky Barnes has a few problems with his new neighbor: 1. He's hot 2. He's loud 3. He might be a secret superhero
if your heart's still open (Rated: E, Words: 8K) by steveandbucky
Summary: “What’s wrong, Buck?” “You really gotta ask that?” “Yeah, I do.” Steve clenches his jaw. “You were the one who ended things.”
Gold Must Be Tried By Fire (Rated: M, Current Words: 28K) by lavenderpanic / @lavenderpanic
Summary: The pamphlets about escaping abuse always glossed over this part, and Bucky finally understands why. Nobody would fucking leave if they knew how hard recovery would be. In the midst of a trial that questions every hard-won truth out of Bucky’s mouth, can he possibly allow himself to heal- physically and mentally? **Sequel to I Am Ash From Your Fire**
The Life of Jamie Barnes (Rated: M, Current Words: 9K) by deadto27 / @deadto27
Summary: The continuing adventures of Steve, Bucky and baby James from the Heart of Mine series through the years.
Nothing Good Ever Happens on a Tuesday (Rated: T, Words: 28K) by megs_bee
Summary: Recently discharged soldier James Barnes is back in Brooklyn, down an arm and missing five years of memories, but he’s got his PTSD mostly under control, a fancy metal prosthetic, and what’s starting to feel like it could be a half-decent life. What he doesn’t have is any memory of the kid looking at James and asking him, “Are you my daddy?” -- or the gorgeous blond guy standing next to her. Steve Rogers lost his best friend Bucky five years ago, with no warning and no answers when he tried to find out what happened. So it was one hell of a surprise to walk into the grocery store one afternoon and come face to face with the man he thought was dead.
Prince Charming (Rated: E, Words: 55K) by Brenda / @brendaonao3
Summary: Bucky Barnes leads quite the charmed life. He has a thriving tattoo shop, a son he adores, the world’s best dogs, and a great group of friends — almost all of whom are in relationships. And maybe he'd been the one nudging them towards each other, but there's nothing wrong with a little match-making. The world could use more romance. As for him personally, well, he doesn’t need anyone for the long haul. Not when every girl he meets is someone who he thinks would be perfect for someone else. But then Steve Rogers comes into his shop looking for some ink, and maybe that’s the problem right there. Maybe what he's looking for in a relationship isn't a girl at all.
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Take A Fucking Hint
Steve Rogers x plus size reader
Steve is incredibly oblivious to the big hints that his girlfriend drops whenever they kiss and it takes his best friends knocking some sense into him for him to get it.
Warnings: implied smut, fluff, Steve is a naive baby, lots of kissing
WC: 1.5k
Minors DNI
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Steve Rogers had his first kiss in 1931. It had been his 13th birthday and for the life of him, he couldn’t remember the girl’s name. But when the fireworks went off, she shyly asked him if he would like a kiss in lieu of a birthday gift. Her lips were chapped and tasted like the cotton candy she had just eaten, it was barely even a peck but Steve thought it was magical.
The next time Steve kissed someone was right above Howard Stark’s lab with an officer who yanked him into a corner, eager to have her way with him. The kiss was tinged with a lust he couldn’t comprehend. He didn’t hate it but he also didn’t like it, it felt wrong to him. A kiss should be an expression of love, he thought, not some desire for someone based only on their body.
Peggy Carter kissed him next. It was in the middle of a battle as they chased down a plane loaded with bombs. It was fuelled with adrenaline and desperation, like they knew they would never see each other again. 
Natasha Romanoff was his next kiss. She teased him relentlessly about it. It was sloppy and unpracticed and very weird considering he thought of the former assassin as a sister. Then, it was Peggy’s great niece Sharon.
But nothing compared to the way you kissed him. You kissed Steve like it was the only thing keeping you alive. You hadn’t been together long, just two months but it was more than enough time for him to fall utterly in love with you. You taught him how to love, how to ask for affection and attention.
But mainly, you taught him how to kiss. Quick pecks when you woke up, both of you still half asleep and with morning breath. Affectionate, have a good day kisses when you left for work. ‘I’m glad you’re alive’ kisses when he returned from missions. And finally, his favourite ones; the ‘I need to feel your body against mine right now’, when your tongues tangled, your breath mingled together as you tried to swallow each other whole, but those always ended as quickly as they started.
You were at the compound with him today, Tony needed your help with engineering a new AI system for the jet. “I don’t know when we’ll finish up tonight so how about you come steal me away for lunch today?” Your hands tugged on the labels of his leather jacket, pulling his body closer to your own. Steve smiled wildly as he looked down at you, so utterly enamoured by your presence.
“Now that is the best idea I’ve heard today.” His hands hovered over your wide hips, not yet touching you. He still struggled with PDA, especially when he was so conflicted as to whether he deserved your touch and wanted to throw you down and have his way with you constantly. Your arms moved up his strong chest to wrap around his neck.
Your eyes were hooded, heavy with desire that sent a shiver through him. “Well then Cap, how about you reward me for having such a good idea.” His lips met your with a practiced ease, a warm feeling filling his gut. Your lips felt like coming home, like a safe place where he could just be. He tilted his head, eager to deepen the kiss.
You moaned into his mouth, your grip on him tightening as the air ignited with a white hot passion. “Hey suckerfish! Break it up! I need my assistant to actually be able to breathe without a geriatric man sucking on her face.” Steve groaned as you pulled away to glare at the billionaire. Tony stood several feet away with his arms crossed over his chest like a disappointed father.
“First off Stark, I am not your assistant. Second, I will kiss my insanely hot boyfriend whenever I want as is my right.” Steve chuckled, pressing one last kiss to your forehead before stepping back and giving you a gentle shove towards the lab doors.
You looked at him clearly offended. “I’ll find you for lunch. Try not to kill Tony.” 
“I’ll kill him if I wanna kill him.” You muttered but walked away anyway, the cutest frown on your face. He chuckled and turned as the doors slid closed behind you, and came face to face with a smug looking Bucky and a disgusted Sam.
“You two are nasty. Why don’t you just fuck at home before work like normal people.” Steve’s face went beat red at Sam’s comment. Bucky guffawed, shoving him with his shoulder.
“Don’t you know they haven’t done the deed yet. Apparently, they’re ‘taking it slow’. Which is just code for Steve has a girlfriend way out of his league and he doesn’t know how to handle it.” 
“Hey!” He objected. “That is our business, not yours. Besides, how do you know we haven’t.” Bucky rolled his eyes at his best friend’s childish retort.
He clapped a hand against Steve’s shoulder. “Oh you poor dumb man, it is incredibly obvious.” Sam joined him on his other side, taking his other shoulder.
“We have so much to teach you.” They guided him away from the lab, intending on educating their lost friend. 
Steve felt like he was in sex ed again, except this was so much worse. They were in one of the many conference rooms on the compound, a white board had been dragged in from a storage room and was now covered in crude drawings that were borderline lewd.
“Now that we have the basics down, you need to understand the nuances of women’s hints.” Sam started but Steve sighed, resting his head in his hands.
“She would have told me if she wanted to have… sex. And she hasn’t so I haven’t gone any further than kissing.” Both men groaned in aggravation. They had been at this for an hour now, trying to get it into Steve’s head that you just wanted to get laid but he wasn’t listening.
“All right, look. What does she do every time you kiss?” The office chair creaked as Steve leaned back in it. His hand scrubbed down his jaw, running over the smooth skin.
“She always pulls me closer to her like she doesn’t want me running away and then puts her arms around my neck.” Bucky nodded thoughtfully, a slightly proud glint in his grey eyes.
“Just as I thought.” Sam muttered, taking a seat right in front of the Captain. “When a woman or whoever does that with the person they are kissing, it’s a signal for the other person to touch them.” Steve’s head tilted questioningly.
“But I do touch her.” 
“Yes but how?” Bucky picked up where Sam left off. “Just her hips?” Steve gave a curt nod. “Ok, next time she kisses you, hold her by the small of her back, or even better, one hand at the base of her neck and the other on her ass. Just trust me.” He patted Steve’s back and walked out of the room like he had just told him the meaning of like.
Sam scoffed but followed him out, yelling down the hall about how much of a drama queen he was being. Bucky retorted but Steve was too lost in his thoughts to consciously hear what they were saying to each other. Maybe he should try it.
As usual with your ‘lunch breaks’ with Steve, he had dragged you into an empty office to make out for a while before you both had to get back to work. And as usual, your arms were around his neck, fingers buried in his short blonde hair as he lightly gripped your hips.
You could live in Steve’s lips. They were always so soft, like he was constantly using chapstick. He tasted like coffee and jam pastries. You let him guide your chin upwards so he could kiss along your soft jaw. But then, he did something new.
His hands moved slowly to the base of your spine, his warm touch making goosebumps erupt all over your body. You moaned quietly into the still air of the office, the sound barely covered by the hum of the air conditioner. 
Apparently the noises you were making gave him an ego boost because suddenly he was holding the back of your neck tightly, keeping your head still as he took what he wanted from you. “Steve!” You gasped and felt him smirk against the skin of your throat. His other hand was placed firmly on your plump ass, something he never dared to try.
Your body thrummed with an arousal you had never felt before. This was an entirely new Steve and you were loving it. “What’s gotten into you, Stevie?” You asked breathlessly. His head lifted from where he had been nibbling on your collarbone, his blue eyes black with desire.
“I learned how to take a hint.” Safe to say that lunch went well into the night.
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the-winter-spider · 3 months
Kinda Don’t | B.Barnes
Warnings: Angst, character death
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: Never proof read, going through my drafts and just posting shit lol, enjoy?
Master list
Bucky and you had a long history, and I don't mean long as in only a decade but 7 of them.
You were the girl next door literally, you grew up directly next door to Bucky. You moved in right before puberty hit not just the boys but you too.
It was always just you three and it was the first time you had any real friends, your father was part of the army, science sector of it so you were constantly moving never having enough time to actually make any life long friends let alone fall in love but when he went missing, later discovered dead in some secret lab he had under your house, your mother and you packed up and moved to the city that everyone wanted to live in, New York.
With the endless amount of possibilities or more so the endless amount of men your Mother could shack up with and have them support her and yourself. You didn't mind of course as long as she was happy, you were happy.
That was until her latest husband David started yelling a lot, then he started drinking a lot, then he hit you for the first time. Your mother told you it was the wrong place at the wrong time, you walked into the house right as they were fighting and he struck you. You never said anything except went straight to your room, then climbed out your window back to where Bucky was.
And when he saw you, you broke down. He promised he’d always be here for you and you were the only girl that would ever have his heart. He was true to his word to a certain extent. That was until puberty hit and every girl was throwing themselves at him, it was inevitable he was gorgeous.
He went out with every girl in town, except for you because you weren't as pretty as them even though he always would get drunk and end up climbing through your window instead of his, telling you just how you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on how he was so lucky to have you, but then the next day when you woke up he was gone, back out the window and back to holding some other dame in his arms.
But when the war got worse and people were getting their letters left and right you knew Bucky’s were coming and he stopped seeing other girls and he spent all his time with Steve and you.
It was different, he would hold your hand on the street, he would take you dancing, he would take you on dates. You found yourselves constantly under the sheets intertwined with one another and then one night when he thought you were sleeping he told you while running his fingers through your hair that it was only ever going to be you, it was only ever you and when he saw any future it was always with you.
He told you he was hopeless in love with you since the day he saw you standing by the moving truck holding a box and you tried your hardest not to open your eyes and tell him you were in love with him too.
The next day he enlisted and spent the last night he had with Steve and you at some Stark thing you cared nothing about but at the same time everything about because Bucky cared about it and you cared about Bucky.
And just like that he was gone and the first decade and a half of your history had ended before it ever really started. When Steve showed up on your step to tell you about Bucky and to give you the book that Bucky wrote to you every single day, he told you he was going to avenge his death and he would come back to you, and then he never did either. When Peggy Carter knocked on your door to tell you about Steve you shut the door and shut anyone out that was left in your life.
Till sometime in the 50’s in the paper it said Howard Stark was looking for volunteers and you never forgot how much Bucky would beam at the opportunity so you showed up at the base and he said yes before you could even speak after hearing how you were Steve’s best friend.
You were injected with the closest hope to the next super soldier serum without the drastic physical changes. They called you Miss America, and you hoped you would have made your boys proud but when Howard noticed you weren’t ageing as you should they ran tests, discovering that your cells rengernated at an extremely fast rate now allowing you to age as you should before you could run more tests and possibly find an antidote or even how enchanced you really were, Howard died.
You were alone again, Peggy tried her best to keep you company and to keep you hidden, you should have been in your late 60’s like her but instead you looked 3 decades younger than her, she thought it would be best to fake your death so that's what you did.
Y/N Y/L/N died in 1995 at the age of 75, your cause of death was undetermined. That’s when Lily Barnes was created, born in 1965 making you 30 years old, which is what you would stay looking for the next 2 decades, when they found Steve on ice you could have sworn you saw a wrinkle that was never there before.
When he found out Peggy was alive he was of course over the moon but when he saw you he couldn’t believe his eyes. He had Fury look into you and when he saw a death certificate, they found where you were buried and it was beside Bucky. But yet you were standing directly in front of him looking like you had only aged 5 years in the last 70. You told him everything, he was so mad at first but he came to terms with it when he realised he wasn’t going to be alone.
Fury tried to recruit you for the avengers but you wanted nothing to do with making new friends and losing them your heart simply couldn't handle it. Fury understood told you he didn't like it but he understood, he put you in a safe house Steve respected your wishes and besides Fury, Steve was the only one who knew where you were that until a red head knocked on your door, Steve beside her and he told you to suit up, you did no questions asked.
The next thing you knew you were on a jet, getting debriefed about someone by the name of Thano’s. But when you were getting close to a place called Wakanada, your heightened sense picked up on something you.
“Steve, what's wrong?” You stood by Natasha putting all your weapons in their correct spot.
“What isn’t wrong?” Natasha tried to joke but you ignored it.
“Stevie” You asked again “You know I can tell right? I can sense literally everything”
He gave you a soft smile “I forgot you were enhanced” he sighed “There’s something i haven't told you”
“No shit” You smiled
“She doesn’t know?” Sam asked from the front seat, Steve shook his head in response.
“How much doesn’t she know?” Natasha whispered
“None of it”
Natasha looked at you, placing a hand on your shoulder “I’m sorry in advance, I didn’t know” she then proceeded to sit by Sam, giving Steve and you the space you apparently needed for this conversation.
“I’m so sorry, i just, there was so much going on and you wanted to stay out of it and i know if you knew you would have been brought back in, but then Natasha happened and i didnt know about their history and he was so happy, I haven't seen him smile like that since you, then Wakanda happened, he deserved to be free, he deserves to be happy and so do you and it was wrong of me not to say anything, your my best friend you took care of Peggy, I – “
“Steve, slow down, what are you talking about?” Your senses were in overload, you could feel every atom, every fibre in the air, alerting you that you needed to run, that you needed to fight.
He gave you the same eye’s he gave you when your Ma past, the same eyes he gave you when Bucky forgot about your birthday because Dot said yes to a date, the same eyes he gave you when he told you Bucky died. “He’s alive, Bucky’s alive”
“What? Steve that's not funny”
“I know, I’m not joking” He reached just beside the shield and handed you a file that said CLASSIFIED in big red letters “Were arriving in an hour, I’m sorry I should have told you sooner, everything you need to know is in here. I’ll be right over there if you need me, I’m here for you”
The file was heavy in your hands, your mouth was dry. When you read his name at the top it felt you were swallowing a razor blade. You read everything as fast as you could, you held back tears, letting the metaphorically razor blade cut any emotions you wanted to have. You were angry, so angry, so hurt that this was kept from you, you wanted to kill Steve Rogers, you wanted to murder Captain America. But no more than you wanted to kill yourself, he was alive this whole time, the same time you were alive. You could have done something, why didn’t you know to do something? You should have felt he was still alive and in pain, he was your soulmate, he said you were soulmates. That was until you got to the second last page in the file, it was an HR paper from Stark Industries and your eyes were blurring with tears when you saw the world's relationship and saw two signatures at the bottom one reading James Barnes and the other Natasha Romanoff.
“Landing in 5, 4, 3 – “ You heard Sam counting down, you placed the file down. You took a deep breath soaking in every fibre of information presented to you in the last hour. You stood up having an internal battle of whether you should kill Steve now or later, you wanted to strangle Natasha, but it wasn’t her fault, you couldn't blame Bucky, she was amazing if you swung that way you would have fallen for her too, you should have known the second Steve told you he was alive, before you even opened the file, he always had a thing for redheads. You clipped your last knife to your thigh.
You gave Natasha a small smile and she returned it. You could feel Steve’s presence hovering beside you, as the doors whired open “Does he know?” you didn’t even look at Steve as the doors slowly opened.
“No” He sighed “Im so sore –”
You shook your head “Don't”
Natasha was the first one out, no doubt in your mind wanting to see Bucky, Steve followed shortly after, then Sam, then Bruce, the Rhodey, than you’
Her arms wrapped around his neck, her lips grazed his you heard her mumble an ‘i miss you’, that metaphorical razor you swallowed sliced your heart in half.
Steve hugged Bucky, whispering something to him and his blue eyes searched for you, disbelief written all over his face. He started to make his way to you, but stopped just before he could reach you, his eyes trailed over your figure, tears brimmed his eyes “Doll, I -”
You cleared your throat, shifting your demeanour from heart broken and love sick back to someone you swore you never wanted to be again and that was Miss America “We have a fight to win Sargent.”
He blinked a few times, shifting his gaze to Steve and he shrugged in return, he turned back to you “But I - “
Steve came up beside him “She’s right Buck”
Bucky looked like he was having an internal battle within himself before he nodded and the team made their way to the battle ground, Bucky never leaving your side, his pace stayed with you the whole time until the fight started, he kissed Natasha on the cheek wishing her good luck, before he got the chance to say something to you, your back was already turned getting in your fight stance.
You lost him for a while during the battle, while still keeping an eye on him without being too obvious. You did the same with Steve you knew he was more than capable and was no longer that little boy from brooklyn, even though you were still mad at him he was still your best friend, well one of them.
The fight dragged on, and when you thought you had any possible chance of winning, people started turning to dust all around you “no no no” you mumbled running closer to Steve, your eyes locked with Bucky “Y/n….” he trailed off before he was completely gone.
F i v e whole years.
Five whole years of losing Bucky again, five years of growing so close to Natasha you would consider her your best friend. It was just you two in the compound, you came back to the whole superhero lifestyle and tried your best to do anything you could to keep things running smoothly. It was hard half the fucking world was missing, but your whole world was.
You wanted to hate Natasha you did, she had everything you ever wanted in the palm of her hands and yet you couldn’t. She was everything you aspired to be. You were nothing like her and it made sense why Bucky kept anything you thought you had in the dark, it wasn't because you thought he was savouring it, soaking up every moment, no it was because he was ashamed.
You wanted nothing more than to hate her, it would have made things so much easier but she was just as amazing as everyone made her out to be, you hoped you could somehow find a way to get Bucky back and selfishly you hoped he would wildy confess his undenying love to you but you knew that would never happen, and at the same time you were rooting for them, he was your everything then and she was your everything now.
You could push your heart break aside for decades again couldn't you?
Could you die from a broken heart? You hoped it would make everything so much easier.
But you didn't and here you were about to do fucking time travel. Standing on the platform you tried to tune out all the energy and nerves you could feel radiating off of everyone, a hand found its way on your shoulder “Were gonna get him back Natasha smiled at you before turning to the rest of your teammates, her family “See you in a minute”
“You know, i thought living as long as i have would have been the craziest thing to ever happen to me” You smiled thinking of all the crazy shit you experienced in your overly lived lifetime.
“But here we are, in space going to some place called Vormir, don’t be too full of yourself y/n'' You laughed, bumping your shoulder against hers.
“Welcome” A voice echoed behind you. Grabbing your knife, Natasha reached for her gun. “Natasha, daughter of Ivan. Y/n, daughter of Lilith.
As you both made your way forward you tensed immediately recognizing who is in front of you.
“Who are you?” Natasha questioned, your knives still raised.
“Consider me a guide, to you and to all who seek the Soul Stone”
You eyed her cautiously before taking a step forward “Oh good, you tell us where it is, then we’ll be on our way”
Red skull looked at you “If only it were that easy”
He turned around starting to move forward, you looked at Natasha, she shrugged in response and then the two of you followed him near the edge of a cliff, what looked to be a sunset in the distance.
“What you seek lies in front of you, as does what you fear”
Natsha pushed ahead peering over the edge “The stones down there” Her back to you.
“For one of you” Red skull respond
You were overwhelmed, you could feel the stone, you could feel the calmness, the sureness radating off of Natasha, her pure willingness. Your feet dragged you forward, peaking over hoping the stone would be in reach, which you knew it wouldn't be, because it would be crazy for something to be that easy.
“For the other” He continued “You must lose that which you love, an everlasting exchange” He paused dramatically, you swallowed the lump in your throat “A soul for a soul”
She took your hand in hers, pulling you away from the ledge. Taking a seat on a rock, while you leaned on one. You knew what you had to do, what had to be done “Y’know, I think our hopefully chatter doomed us”
She smiled at you “We cant seem to ever catch a break huh?”
“People like us never really do it seems”
She stood up turning to face you “And here i thought we found a little bit of break in each other the last 5 years”
You smiled back at her “It's always too good to be true”
“Whatever it takes” She took your hand in hers
Swallowing back the lump in your throat “Whatever it takes”
She stared in your eyes, you felt nothing but love and longing radiating off of her “If we don't get that stone y/n, millions of people stay dead, Barnes stays dead”
Nodding in agreement “He deserves a life Nat” You placed your other hand on hers “A great one and you —“
“I'm starting to think we mean different people here y/n”
“For the last five years Nat, all we've been trying to do is get to right here, that's all its been about. Bringing every body back, getting Bucky back”
“Don't you get all sappy on me now y/n/n”
“Nat..” you trailed off
“You think I want to do this? I'm trying to save your life you idiot”
You squeezed her hand “Yeah, well I don't want you to. I've lived long enough Nat, this would be a great way to go” You smiled back your tears “Bucky has you, i have you” you looked off towards the sunset “It's not that bad of a sight, y’know if its the last thing i see”
She placed her free hand on your cheek, turning your head to face her again “I love Bucky” her eyes piercing into yours “But i love you more”
“No, Nat -“
I wasn't finished” Her thumb swept one out of a dozen fallen tears finding their way down your cheek “But he could never love me, his heart belonged to someone else but the little piece of it i got to see”
You shook your head as she brought your forehead to hers before she continued “Whatever it takes”
“Okay, you win” You released her hand before sweeping your leg under hers, placing your arm across her chest and pinning her down “Tell Bucky and Steve i love them”
She grunted before hitting your arm, and using her legs to flip you around before standing up and pointing her widow bite at you “You tell em’ yourself” before shooting it at you, an electrical charge attacked your body.
She started to run towards the edge before you recovered, grabbing your knife and aiming it at her leg grazing the side enough to knock her down.
Before you started to charge at full speed to the edge, as you were about to fall, she wrapped her arms around you shooting your grappling hook at the top of the cliff, you both swung back at full force smashing into the edge, you looked up “No no no” you tighten your grip on her but you could feel her slipping “How do you know i love you! This could be for nothing you dont know”
“I know”
You tried to reach her with your other hand for a better grip but failed
“Let me go”
“No” you sobbed “No please no”
“Its okay” she smiled
“Please” Tears were burning down your face, before she kicked off the wall her arm ripped from your grip.
“No!” You screamed till your throat was raw, as you looked down you saw her lifeless body laying there.
Everything went black and you could hear water running, you sat up frantically, you were no longer hanging off the cliff, as you lifted your hand out of the water a single stone laid in it. Your tears meshed with the water before you were being brought back.
“Did we get 'em all?”
“Are you telling me this actually worked?”
You dropped to the ground, cheeks raw from crying, you could feel all eyes on you, “Y/n? Where's Nat?” Bruce questioned, you turned to look at Steve, shaking your head no, avoiding all the other eyes because you wouldn't dare look into their eyes, you were nothing to them.
She was their family and you came back and she didn't.
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your-darling-gaze · 1 month
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(TAGS: @the-loss-of-my-life @soldier-bucky-barnes @tony-starkinator @the-capsicle @thee-little-angel @nastya-medvdeva @butter-n-popcorn @fox-barnes @totally-not-kate-bishop @hawkeyes-favorite @moon-barnes @laura-barton-shield @natt-romanoff-official @agentcarter-official @wanda-django-maximoff @lukyan-barnes @peterparker-who @imnothulk @official-buckybarnes @official-pietro-maximoff @rocketraccoonrp @thir-0dinson @laufeykid-loki @clintbarton-thearrowguy @you-know-frankieeex )
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captainsophiestark · 6 months
Bucky Barnes x Reader
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Requested by @flowers-and-fichte! Hope you enjoy, Novalis, and thanks for the request!
Fandom: Marvel
Summary: Bucky's gotten close with Peggy's best friend, the two bonding over the reckless mavericks they both chose to care so much about. But Steve and Peggy aren't the only couple dancing around each other in this war.
Word Count: 1,396
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: I can't believe this is my first time writing for Bucky, lol. Most of the rest of the fandom has been here since Winter Soldier, but better late than never I guess!
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I shook my head as I barely managed to put one foot in front of the other, heading through the front door of my favorite dive bar. The Howling Commandos and I had spent many a night here, toasting success or planning our next move, but tonight I was without the rest of my group.
Peggy Carter was going to well and truly kill me, and I needed a night to process that.
She'd been my best friend for just about as long as I could remember; we'd joined SOE together, and somehow managed to end up on General Philips' staff, two of the only women getting as close to combat as we did. We made an excellent team, and normally, I had no complaints. But sometimes she could just be so reckless, flying head first into insane danger, that my heart needed a break lest it burst on the spot.
Tonight had been no exception. Peggy and Steve Rogers, the one and only Captain America, had worked together on a Commandos mission just across enemy lines. We'd been successful, and the two of them together had made an incredible difference in the war effort, but damned if I didn't also rue the day they'd met.
I slumped into a stool at the bar, barely registering my surroundings until someone slid a glass of my favorite drink in front of me. I frowned at it, then turned to my left to see who exactly it had come from.
Sargeant Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers' best friend, stared back at me with a faint smile on his face. He looked almost as tired as I felt.
"You look like you could use this," he said. I huffed.
"Thanks. How'd you know what I liked?"
He just shrugged, his eyes never once leaving mine as I took a drink, the corner of his mouth gently tugging up.
"I usually pay attention to the drink orders of pretty girls."
I snorted so hard a bit of my drink came out of my nose. It burned like hell, so it took me a few moments to recover myself enough to meet Bucky's gaze again. He'd leaned forward a bit, one eyebrow raised, looking a bit concerned.
"You alright there, sweetheart?"
"Yeah, fine. Just wasn't expecting you to hit on me, especially with that lame ass pickup line."
"Lame?" Bucky asked, a hand flying to his heart in mock-outrage. "That hurts."
I just rolled my eyes. "Knock it off, Barnes. We've quite literally been through hell together, I think we're a little past you trying to get my number in a bar."
"Well then how would you suggest I get your number?"
I paused, drink halfway to my lips again, and cut my eyes towards Bucky to let him know how truly ridiculous I thought the question was.
"You already have my number. It's the same one for Peggy and all the Commandos, as long as we're all stationed at the same camp."
Bucky just stared at me for a long moment. I sipped my drink and set it back down on the bar before he finally spoke again.
"Yeah. Nice try though."
Bucky huffed a laugh and took a sip of his own drink, then turned back to me with renewed energy and a bright, charming smile. I held up a hand before he could launch into whatever he was planning to say next.
"Okay Buck, why don't you just tell me what this is about. Because I came in here exausted after dealing with our best friends, and I don't have the energy to coach your rusty ass on how to flirt, if that's what you're trying to practice."
Bucky cleared his throat, deflating a little, but not all the way. He sighed, then set his shoulders and met my stare again with a determined expression.
"Actually, I'm trying to ask you on a date."
I laughed, until I realized Bucky wasn't laughing.
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Very. Although you're really testing my resolve, since you've now laughed in my face twice. You know I used to be good at this before the war?"
I shook my head, a disbelieving smile subconsciously forcing its way onto my face.
"Bucky... I'm not saying no, but... I mean, why? Why me, why now? We've known each other and been working on missions since Steve got you out of that prison... what changed to make you think this was a good idea all of a sudden?"
He sighed heavily, the muscles in his jaw working as he apparently forced the words to come.
"I've been feeling like I wanted to ask you out since I saw you, honestly. But we were going to have to work together, and I think it's pretty clear I'm a little rusty. So I waited, and I was just starting to convince myself to wait all the way to the end of the war, until I tried to get Steve to ask Peggy on a date."
My eyebrows shot up. "You did? How did that go? Those two have been dancing around each other for way too long, I've been trying to tell Peggy the same thing-"
"Well, maybe between the two of us we can actually get them to take the leap. But I realized when I was talking to Steve that I can't expect him to take my advice when I won't take it myself. I'm turning into the biggest hypocrite in the world encouraging him to talk to Peggy while chickening out on talking to you. So... here we are."
"Here we are..." I repeated, my voice a little faint as the full weight of Bucky's confession sank in. He had feelings for me, and apparently had for a while now. And now he was asking me on a date, the fact that we were in the middle of a war be damned.
I grinned.
"Is that a good sign? That looks like a good sign, but now I'm not sure..."
"It's a great sign, Bucky," I said, meeting his eyes and feeling a spark of excitement in my chest. "I'm glad you decided to take your own advice."
"So that's a yes?"
"That's absolutely a yes." Bucky's shoulders finally relaxed, a smile appearing on his face to match my own. "So... when do we do this? Do we call tonight our first date? We're out together, the two of us, at a bar..."
"No. No way," Bucky quickly decided. I raised an eyebrow at him, so he continued. "Tonight's not a date, sweetheart. Even in the middle of a war, I can find a way to make our night on the town something special. A little magical, and definitely just about the two of us. Tonight might be just the two of us, but it's about the two reckless idiots we call friends."
I laughed, then reached for my drink and raised it towards Bucky.
"I'll toast to that. To taking tonight to cope with the people we care about, and putting something on the books for a real night out together soon."
"Hear hear."
Bucky and I shared a smile, then each took a drink. I finished mine off, then sat back in my chair and stared at the man before me.
"So... how do you feel about a game of darts? Person who's not throwing is allowed to distract the other person, but only by relating the most insane shit our friends have done lately. True stories only."
"Bring it on. I've known Steve long enough that nothing's gonna surprise me anymore."
I snorted as the two of us grabbed another round of drinks and headed for the dartboard at the back of the bar.
"Look, Peggy might've gone through a phase of trying to be a proper lady, but she's been making up for it by doing even more ridiculous nonsense lately. Your boy's got nothing on her."
"I guess we'll just have to see about that, won't we?"
Bucky and I shared another smile. The routine was familiar, but now, there was an extra spark attached that hadn't really been there before. Even though tonight wasn't a date, spending time with Bucky felt a little different, now, in a very good way.
Maybe this could be the silver lining I held on to the next time Peggy tried to kill me via heart attack, until the end of the war and beyond.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Marvel Taglist: @valkyriepirate @songbirdcannabe @infinetlyforgotten @coinsublime
If your name is crossed out, Tumblr wouldn't let me tag you for some reason
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camilaxmartin · 3 months
Can you do a Peggy carter fic where reader has insomnia and it’s to the point they don’t sleep at all and Peggy was getting suspicious, so one night she stayed up and found out reader doesn’t sleep and helps us little by little. The rest is up to you (p.s I LOVE ur fics❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥😭)
a/n.1: first and formal, THANK YOUUU you don’t even know what your words mean to me every time i get them from someone😭🩷 plus i am having a shitty time lately about my writing so yeah-
rest, darling
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summary: *request*
warnings: not proof read! feeling shitty lately so this might be shitty as well lol
notes: hope i didn’t disappoint you tho (also this is my first time writing for peggy so be lenient!!)
requests: open!! (see rules)
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peggy crumbled in her bed as her eyes couldn’t leave the small string of light under the door to your bedroom signalling that you’re still not asleep and obviously far away from it. she sighed as her eyes shut closed trying her best to make herself sleep yet it seemed, like that small stupid light was haunting her even when here eyes were closed. she groaned softly under her breath as she rolled the blanket over her face to get some rest yet the light now seemed to bother her even more as a small lamp appeared in her imagination and didn’t seem like leaving soon. with force peggy threw the blanket away from her face as well as her body and grumpily sit up on your bed wiping her face with her hand as she looked at the clock. 3.00 am. great.
she grabbed the blanket unconsciously again and pulled it all over herself making it into a home-made rope. her eyes closed at the comfort of it but she quickly shook it off as she stood up and lazily stumbled over to the door making more light enter the dark atmosphere of your bedroom. peggy left the room and slowly walked into the saloon where she find you sitting at the kitchen counter with a glass of some liquid she couldn’t fully comprehend in your hand, staring emptily into space before you.
she huffed softly seeing your state and walked over to you, wrapping her arms right alongside with the blanket around your body from behind. you left a soft gasp, feeling her closeness but it quickly turned into a hum as you closed your eyes nuzzling into her. peggy hummed as well and rested her chin on your shoulder as she tightened the grip around you more.
“darling,” she started softly yet sternly as her eyes never left your face, roaming every inch and taking in your every small expression.
you hummed at her words as your eyes stayed closed partly not wanting to see her hard gaze but also not wanting to leave that comfortable and warm embrace she’s brought up to you. “yeah?”
“it’s 3 am” she whispered this time as her face nuzzled into your shoulder more, the blanket wrapping around you even more closely now.
“i know” you whispered and uncontrollably rolled your still closed eyes at her, the gesture not going unnoticed by the girl of your heart.
“and you” she highlighted as her tone got even more stern. “should be in bed by now” she added quickly with a sigh her face squinting softly in worry.
you sighed at her words and opened your eyes, being immediately met with her big brown ones, staring deep into your soul. “i can’t sleep” you said and her brows burrowed. “so i decided to get myself a cup of tea” you added as your eyes slowly drifted away from hers, her own catching onto that as well.
peggy huffed and moved away from your shoulder a bit to be able to look at your face more carefully. you almost whined at the lost contact yet thankfully your senses weren’t so tired to let you let out that sound. peggy tilted her head a bit while observing you carefully her eyes narrowing just so slightly. “you’re not sleeping for god knows how long since the four days i’ve been at your apartment and i don’t even want to think about how many times before that” she huffed slightly and then let out a sigh as one of her hands went to gently grab your chin making you look at her. “you need to rest” she said through gritted teeth as her eyes never left yours.
you sighed deeply and closed your own eyes not wanting to see her worried and disappointed look. “i know” you mumbled again, as you unconsciously bit your cheek from the inside. “it’s just… it’s been pretty hard lately, my minds been running and i just-“ you cut yourself off as peggy’s eyes narrow even more with even more worry filling them as she waited for you to finish your sentence. “when i keep myself busy it’s easier” you added in a mutter with a deep sigh following it.
peggy’s lips twitched at the sound of your voice as her grip on your chin tightened. your eyes flipped open at her grip and met her almost instantly. “i… i’ve noticed it’s getting bad” she said with a sigh of her own as her eyes roamed all over your face now slowly going down to your lips from time to time. “but that’s not the way to go. you need rest.” she cooed and tilted her head to the side lightly, her eyes full of nothing but worry.
“but i-“ you said but peggy quickly put one of her fingers onto your lips, stopping your next rambling and whatever it was that you wanted to say. you looked at her a bit surprised but also curious as what she was about to say more.
“you need rest” she said sternly as her eyes focused on yours. “and i’m not talking about just making you go to sleep. we can take it slow” she cooed again as the fingers on your chin started to slowly stroke your skin there. “we can just lay down and talk while we cuddle and try to make your body relax and get closer to falling asleep” she continued as her eyes moved down to your lips again. her gaze softening slightly, her mind visibly going to some other places. “and i can pamper you up with kisses” peggy added with a small chuckle as her eyes found yours again.
your lips immediately twitched at her words and your gaze softened as well. “oh is that so now?” you asked tilting your head for as much as her hand on your chin allowed it. peggy nodded her head slowly, staring your lips again.
“yes” she whispered and leaned in softly, pressing a quick and soft kiss onto your lips. you wanted to give it back but she pulled away too fast for that. she smiled herself seeing your attempt as her hand hold you in place. “now, can we go to bed?” she asked and her eyes went a bit wide realising how that sounded when the words left her lips.
you couldn’t help but chuckle at that, peggy immediately rolling her lips and smirking at her own slip up. “and what exactly did you have in mind?” you ask, nuzzling into her hand more. she’s scoffed but decided to play into your little game… somehow.
“well…” she started, her voice deeper and huskier than before, you could feel her breath on your lips that was making your body warm up slowly. “we will roll you up in some blankets and make you lay down next to me, while i stroke your skin softly and talk endlessly about stuff to make you fall asleep” she added with a chuckle, her voice changing to a gentle and smooth one again.
you rolled your eyes at her cheeky attempt and scoffed yet couldn’t control the smile hearing once again how deeply she cared for you and your well being. “not exactly what i was hoping for, but-“ you started and a chuckle softly interrupted you. “but i think that’s a good idea” you finished softly and the smile creeping onto peggy’s face was everything that it took to make you want to try to fall asleep again, only to be able to watch that smile forming again.
“let’s get you warm then” peggy smiled wider and leaned in to kiss your lips again, giving you time to actually kiss her back this time as her hand left your chin and wrapped around your neck to keep you close. you sighed into the kiss at that and wrapped your own arms around her waist, not wanting her to let go off you anytime soon. peggy smirked into the kiss and gently nibbled at your lower lip as she pulled at it softly while leaning away. your face immediately turned into a pout when she did lean away, and she couldn’t help but chuckle.
“darling, that’s not the kind of warm i meant. get up, we’re going to bed” she said as she leaned away from you fully, getting out of your arms and taking away the blanket from you. you shivered when the cold air hit you again and followed her immediately like a lost puppy, hoping for more kisses before the torture that was about to come which was falling asleep.
peggy leaded you into your bedroom, switching the kitchen light finally and making your bedroom cover in darkness fully. she made her way over to your bed and sat down, patting a spot next to her for you to join her. you snorted softly at her gesture but went with it anyway, as you slowly stumbled over to your bed as well, sitting down close to her.
peggy smiled seeing your face in the dark as much as she could with her eyes not being used to it yet, and wrapped her hand around your cheek this time, stroking your soft skin there. that simple gesture made you nuzzle your face into her hand and close your eyes purely out of instinct. peggy hummed at that softly and put her other hand on your other cheek. “lay down, darling” she cooed gently and you had no other choice as to listen to her.
while not wanting to loose her touch you slowly moved further into the bed and laid down. peggy sensing your resistance, moved quickly with you her hands following your face immediately as she laid down with you and stared at your face. her hands kept on stroking your skin as her eyes kept looking into yours. she smiled noticing how your eyelids started to fall slowly, her movements getting even more gently.
“that’s it, you’re safe” she whispered as her eyes flickered over to your body and then immediately looked around for some blanket. one of her hands left your face and grabbed the one she was covered in before, throwing it over the both of you. she wrapped that arm around your waist, brining you closer to her and almost bumping your nose with hers. you giggled softly at the motion and moves your own hands under your chin to make yourself comfortable. peggy smiled even more at that, her arm around your waist tightening. “it’s alright. you can rest your mind now, i’m thinking for you now” she kept whispering her words slowly blending into nonsense in your head as you actually felt sleep coming over you. your eyes fell shut and peggy couldn’t help but chuckle at that as well, as her hand on your cheek kept on stroking. “it’s okay, i’m here, you’re safe, i’ll take care of you” she kept on going and going with more sweet-nothings as she felt your body going more still and relaxed with every second. you wanted to respond, tell her that she can feel safe with you as well and that you’re so grateful for her but your mouth didn’t seem like listening to your brain anymore. you nuzzled into her body more, unconsciously sliding her hand off of your cheek as you hummed satisfied. peggy’s heart melted at the sight as her arm around your waits pulled you closer to her even more. she rested her head on top of yours and sighed.
“i love you” she whispered but to be fair it could be your imagination playing tricks on you in that moment looking at the state you were in. she hummed to herself as her chin slowly moved against your scalp. “and i’m always going to look out for you. i will never let anyone hurt you. even including yourself” and that was the last ting you suppose you heard from peggy’s lips, before your like shut off completely and let the well deserved peace of sleep take over.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
Best night of your life (2)
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Summary: You get the offer of your life. 
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Plussized!Reader, Implied former Helmut Zemo x Plussized!Reader
Warnings: a lil angst, unrequited feelings (kinda), cocky Bucky, teasing, implied smut, light smut, oral (fem rec), bitchy Peggy Carter
A/N: I love being a tease...
>> Part 1
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“Fuck, look at you,” he purrs in your ear. Bucky has you sprawling out on his desk. A very expensive desk. Not that you had the time to get a closer look. He was all too eager to shove you dress up your thighs and spread your legs. “Such a pretty pussy for me to ruin.”
His face ended up between your thighs seconds after he ripped your panties down your trembling legs. “OH GOD,” you grab a fistful of his hair, tugging hard as your legs begin to shake again. “Y-ou didn’t exaggerate.”
Bucky chuckles against your cunt. He gives your thrumming clit a few more kitten licks before he gets up from the floor to lean over your body. Bucky greedily claims your lips, tongue sliding over yours. “That was the most delicious pussy I ever tasted, doll. I hope to do this again with you.”
“More?” you whine. “You promised me the night of my life. Your mouth is very good, but I’m curious if your cock can keep up with your tongue.”
“Sweetness, you won’t survive taking my cock after I ate you out,” he grins. Damn, that man. His second name should be cockiness, not Buchanan. “Let me take you out on a date before I feed this pussy with my cock.”
“Hey, don’t chicken out now,” you mutter. “I want that dick, and I want it now.”
He laughs at your attitude. “Baby doll, I won’t fuck you before we had our first date.” Bucky’s eyes darken when you wrap your legs around his waistline. “You’re a bad girl, aren’t you?”
“Depends…” You watch Bucky place his hands on each side of your head. He cages you with his body, teasing you with the feeling of having him on top of you.
“On what?” He asks.
“If you like a bad girl.”
“I like you,” Bucky claims your lips again. “I think we can find a compromise.”
“Shoot me, Sir.”
He laughs wholeheartedly at your reply. Bucky pecks your lips and pushes off the desk to hold out his hand for you.
“We will go back downstairs, dine together, and after I kicked my guests out, I’m going to ruin this pretty pussy and make you mine…”
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Bucky led you back downstairs to dine with you. Now he shoves another canape into your mouth, smirking as you eat out of his hand. Literally…
“Such a good girl for me,” he whispers lowly. His erection prominent in his pants he already imagines how he ruins you the moment the last guest left his house. “I will make you scream my name tonight.”
“I already did,” you cock your head to look at his crotch, “didn’t I? Right after you pushed your thick and talented fingers inside of my greedy hole.”
“Holy,” he curses under his breath. “You dirty girl. Where have you been all my life?” He furrows his brows, expecting an answer.
“I was dating the wrong guys, I guess,” as you run your hands over Bucky’s chest, a pair of jealous eyes follow the motion.
Once again, Margaret didn’t get every man’s attention, because of you.
She grabs Helmut’s wrist to move a little closer to your position.
“Peggy, what’s wrong?” Helmut wants to know. He thought Peggy will be all over him, and now, she seems to be more interested in listening to your and Bucky’s conversation.
“I just want to know how she wants to get rid of the extra calories,” Peggy sneers when you look in her direction. You grit your teeth, ready to give her a snarky comeback.
“Well, that’s easy,” Bucky jumps in. He narrows his eyes at Peggy and smirks, “I will fuck every single calorie out of her body tonight, and every night after. Not that I want her to lose one single pound. Y/N is perfect the way she is and gets me rock-hard.”
You are speechless and just watch Bucky snap his fingers at his bodyguards. “Miss Carter wants to leave my home now. Make sure she finds her way.” He says, nodding at Helmut. “You are welcome to join her.”
Bucky smirks when you pounce on him. You press your lips to his ear, and purr. “How about you kick all of them out right now and fuck me on that buffet. I’m on the menu tonight…”
“Fuck, I knew it was the best decision of my life to order food from this catering company…”
>> Part 3
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missvelvetsstuff · 1 year
The Wrong One
Steve Rogers x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader meets Steve while he is on the run and stands by him through everything. Until he sees Peggy Carter again.
9. The Storm Pt2
Warnings: swearing, angst
~Last chapter~
They got up to leave before Steve left the stage but the crowd was difficult to get thru and before they made it to the door, he was suddenly in front of them with a nasty grin
"Well look what we have here, the whore and the bastard who stole her. You kids can't leave yet, we have a lot to talk about."
Y/N felt her heart racing and her stomach turning. How was he even here, looking like he used to? She wrapped one arm around her belly to protect her and stepped back, into Bucky, whose right arm she held tightly in front of her.
Bucky was seething, the plates in his prosthetic whirring as he tensed for a fight. How dare Steve just pop back up, young again and throwing insults at his girl. "You have a lot of fucking nerve showing up here and tossing insults around when you're the one who left her!"
He looked at the crowd that had gathered around them, noticing the clicking and flashing of multiple cameras. "If you must do this we should go somewhere without the audience."
Steve nodded "Maybe we should go to your brownstone, in Queens. It looks awfully cozy from what I've seen." He spat out bitterly.
An out of breath Pepper rushed up to them "Y/N, I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was-"
"I'm right here Pepper. Good to see you too." Steve interrupted.
Pepper glared at him. "I don't know what you're up to Steve but you best not put Y/N through anymore drama. It's not good for her baby."
Steve scoffed "I think you mean our baby. That is my kid. Unless she's more of a tramp than I thought."
Pepper bristled and had to stop herself from slapping him "How dare you call her names. The way you've treated her is unforgivable. You don't get to come back and cause trouble when you made your own mess." She took a breath to calm down, there were too many people here watching.
She lowered her voice "How are You even here? Like that" she pointed vaguely at him.
Steve grinned, obviously proud of himself. "I went to see Hank Pym and uh, convinced him to show me how to go back to my younger self."
He turned to look at Y/N. "I wanted to come back and marry you, take care of you and our daughter. I didn't expect to find you just a couple of months later playing whore to my so called best friend. It's impressive that you caught Bucky while you were fat and pregnant."
Y/N had to stop herself from flinching at the insult but Bucky heard her gasp.
Bucky growled and stood in front of Y/N possessively "You best knock off the name calling punk. You wouldn't even be here if you hadn't found out she was pregnant. After more than 5 years together you just up and left for a woman you barely knew decades ago. You didn't even have the decency to tell her beforehand."
Y/N couldn't say anything and just stood there, holding Bucky's arm and feeling lightheaded. When she felt like the room was spinning she pulled on the arm of his jacket and he turned just in time to catch her as she fainted.
Bucky swore softly and picked her up bridal style "I need to get her out of here, lets get to the car."
Pepper helped clear the way and her limo was waiting for them "Happy, please take them home and come back for me."
She looked Bucky in the eye "Take good care of them."
Bucky nodded "Always" then gently settled Y/N in the car and buckled her seat belt. He slid in next to her and Steve sat across from them.
The ride to Queens was silent, both men tense, and Y/N didn't wake up until the car stopped at her home. She looked around the car and saw Steve smiling at her, with a look in his eyes that she couldn't decipher, and felt her stomach turn again.
They went inside and Steve and Bucky sat in the living room while she went to change into more comfortable clothes.
When Y/N came out in one of Bucky's shirts, a pair of sweats and fuzzy slippers on her feet, Bucky got up to help her get settled and brought her some water and crackers.
Y/N sat quietly for a moment before blurting out "What are you really doing here, Steve?"
Steve scoffed "To get back what's mine, you and our daughter. You weren't even going to tell me you were pregnant, were you? How long have you two been together?"
Y/N had enough of his nastiness "You have a lot of fucking nerve to come in here calling names and tossing around accusations when you left me! With no notice, no goodbye. Nothing.
I had planned to tell you that night after you returned the stones. I had it all planned, a romantic dinner and the ultrasound picture framed and wrapped up for you."
She paused to catch her breath "when you showed up old after living your life with her, there didn't seem any point in telling you."
Steve reached out to take her hand but she pulled back, he spoke anyhow "I'm sorry for leaving you like that but I deserved to have my happy ending too. Now I have that all out of my system so I want you back. I want us to be a family and raise our daughter together."
Y/N shook her head "Why would you want to be with a whore? Couldn't you and Peggy have kids?"
Steve shook his head sadly "Peggy was too busy with SHIELD and her work against Hydra to want any kids. I had accepted that I'd never have any kids when Sam told me you were pregnant. I knew then that I had to get you back, be a family."
Y/N scowled at him "Did you lose your memories in the quantum realm? What did I tell you the first time you tried to leave me? You've had your second chance, that's all there is. We're over."
Steve looked surprised "I was just upset seeing you and Bucky so close, I'm sorry, maybe I overreacted.
I do remember what you said but now there's a baby coming, that changes things."
Surprise shifted to anger "But I know you two have been fooling around, I can smell you on him. But you're having our baby. You have to give me another chance."
She looked at him like he was nuts which she was pretty sure he was. "The only thing I have to do is give you access to your biological child. You and me are done romantically."
Steve looked over at Bucky "I'm willing to fight for you."
She sighed heavily "You don't get it Steve, there's no more chances, there's no fighting for me. You could take out every bad guy in the world but it won't matter. I'm not getting back together with you, period.
And my relationship with Bucky is between me and him. Get it through your head."
Steve shook his head. "I don't accept that. I'll find a way back in your heart. We will be a family."
She ran her hand down her face "I don't know how to make you understand Steve." She sighed and looked deflated "You don't know what you did to me. I can't trust you again. Not with my heart."
Steve scowled "Yes you were so broken that you fell right into Bucky's bed. It makes me wonder what happened before I left." He looked at Bucky angrily "i asked you to take care of her, not take her for your own."
Bucky had been trying to stay quiet and let Y/N and Steve work it out but Steve crossed a line. "I didn't take anything, asshole. Y/N disappeared the day you left. Sam and I looked for her but had no luck. I ran into her at the ice cream parlor we knew in Brooklyn, months later.
Now I know that Pepper set her up here and even had Scott checking online regularly to erase any trail she left behind."
Y/N moved slowly "I'm exhausted. All this has been too much and I need to rest." She looked at Steve and sighed "We can work out visitation once she is born and maybe joint custody if you can convince me you won't try to take off with her but that's all."
She smiled softly at Bucky and Steve felt like he had been punched in the gut, she used to look at him like that.
Bucky stood to help her up "I'll see him out and bring your tea, just go lay down doll."
Y/N looked over at Steve "Do you remember when we were first together and I told you I wrote my term paper in history about Bucky? You said I wrote about the wrong one, because I ended up with you?" Steve nodded yes, smiling "You made a mistake. I wrote about the right one but I dated the wrong one, you're not the man I thought you were and Bucky is 10 times the man you will ever be."
She turned and walked away, over the whole conversation.
As Y/N left the room Steve looked at his oldest friend "Please Buck, I know I fucked up but I'm here now and want to take care of them. You know I've always wanted kids."
Bucky looked at him emotionless "We can't always get what we want." and went to the front door. "You need to go now."
Steve bristled and shoved him but Bucky expected it so barely moved "So thats it, huh? Everything we've been through and you won't give my girl back."
Bucky rolled his eyes "She isn't mine to give. She is not something to own and she made her stance very clear. I'm just here to help her however she wants."
"Yeah, whatever she wants. How long have you been fucking her? Before I left wasn't it? Is that brat even really mine?"
Bucky couldn't help himself and punched Steve in the face, knocking him down in his surprise "Fuck you Rogers. I've had enough and I will not let you cause her any more stress. You made your own goddamn bed so fuck off with it."
Steve refused the hand Bucky offered to help him up and stood on his own, rubbing his jaw "I must have touched a nerve. I'll go but I'm getting her back. This isn't over."
Chapter 10
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ʜɪɢʜᴡᴀʏ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇʟʟ ᴄʜ. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: In an effort to get the two of you to bond, Tony Stark sends you and the ex-assassin Bucky Barnes on a road trip together. The problem? You hate each other. The situation? Two weeks in a car together. The reward: three days of a resort vacation. And the problem? He's kinda cute.
Warnings (Entire Series): Enemies-to-lovers, cursing, sexual tension, angst, fluff, crying, fighting, violence, chaos, mentions/talk of trauma, discussions of mental health, and potentially more.
Warnings: Enemies-to-lovers, cursing, sexual tension, reader wears lipstick, heels, and a dress, insecurity on Bucky's part, brief allusion to disordered eating (Bucky), mentions of Bucky not doing so well, mentions of Bucky's trauma in general, and Bucky is probably written wrong. (Trying my best lmao)
||Part 2|| Part 3 || Part 4
[Series Masterlist]
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒂𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑹𝒆𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏
It had been easy to find a store selling dresses made to look like they were from the 1940's. The Brandon Center, the little store that could only be found in Brandon Briar, had an overwhelming amount of them. You'd left Bucky to find whatever he needed, you instead opting to browse through all the pretty dresses. There was a large selection, filled with pretty prints and colors.
Bucky, perhaps ten minutes ago, had interrupted your browsing to tell you that he was going to wait in the car. You had simply nodded, quickly glancing at the bag he carried.
A stunning red dress caught your eye. It had a little belt to go around your waist, with 3/4 satin-cuffed sleeves and a matching satin heart-shaped collar.
Sure, there were other dresses in a similar color, but once you saw this one, there was no going back. You checked the tag, making sure that it would fit.
Grinning once you saw that it did, you took the hanger off the rack before looking through the jewelry stand. When you found nothing that fit your style, you sighed. You walked to the register, and you were greeted by a woman, probably in her sixties. Her hair was dyed blonde, which looked good with her blue eyes. She wore black eyeliner all the way around her eye, with thick mascara to match. She grinned, a heavy country accent coming in thick when she spoke. Though you'd only spoken to a few locals, they all seemed to have the same accent.
"Hiya! Will this be all for you today?" She had a nametag on her floral blouse. Brenda.
You nod. "Yes."
"Okay. Oh..this is a pretty thing. You plannin' on comin' out by the old diner for the dance tonight?" She laid the dress out on the counter, examining it.
"Yeah. It's..it's in that little square, right? I saw the string lights this morning when I was driving by, but I didn't really have time to look."
"Yes, yes. The decorations are always gorgeous. Wait a minute..oh, this is from Mr. Lee." She said, beginning to fold the dress. When she noticed your confused expression, she grinned.
"A while back, we had a guy donate a bunch of old dresses like this after his wife passed. His wife was friends with Peggy Carter, funnily enough. Anyway, we kept a bunch of those dresses in the back for a few years. Forgot all about them. Until now, that is."
You nodded, though the mention of Steve's almost-kind-of-basically girlfriend startled you. A younger girl, maybe a college student, stepped out from the door next to the register. The creaky wooden floor announced the presence of another customer, as did the bell on the door.
"Aunt Brenda, can you help Ms. Owens? She wanted to look at that green dress I told you about." The girl said. Her hair was brown and straight, going down to her waist.
"Oh, yes." Brenda turned back to you. "Stacy will ring you up." She explained, placing the folded dress into a white paper shopping bag.
She walked out from behind the counter, Stacy taking her place.
"Sorry about that." She apologized. "That'll be $23.99. Hero's discount."
When she glanced up to you, she smiled a little. "Don't worry. You blend in a lot. Most of the people here are older, and anyone who isn't is just a young couple coming here for the festival. My great aunt and my grandma live up here, so I stay here every summer to help with the store." She assured.
Once you paid, she waved you goodbye as you walked out of the shop. Bucky was waiting in the driver's seat of the truck, scrolling on his phone.
"Y'know it starts at 6:00, right?" He asked when he heard the truck door open.
"It's 3:15, we'll be fine." You rolled your eyes, buckling your seatbelt. You didn't say much on the drive to the hotel, instead thinking about what else you were going to wear.
Bucky stood inside of his hotel room, not sure what to do. You had decided to close your door to his room, and he decided to do the same.
He showered quickly, before getting dressed. He felt stupid as he glanced at himself in the mirror. He knew how he was supposed to look, but none of this felt...right. He tied his hair into a low ponytail, just to keep it out of his face.
He opened his door to your room, just to be met with your door closed. He knew it was going to be closed. Of course it would be closed. There was no reason he should feel so...disappointed.
Disappointed? No. No. Bucky was sure of it. He barely tolerated you. You were annoying, and you liked starting fights for no reason.
But he couldn't deny the feeling of excitement he got when he saw your name light up on his phone.
Ready. That was the entire text message. And somehow, a single word made his stomach feel light. Without typing a reply, he stepped into the hallway of the hotel, before he saw you.
"You look..fine." You mumble, refusing to say what you really meant: hot.
He nods awkwardly, before tilting his head towards the elevator. Nodding, you walk with him to the elevator, and you try and study his expressions as you wait to get to the first floor.
He looked lost in thought. Shit. That was never good. If he wasn't talking, whether that meant exchanging insults with you and Sam or marveling at modern technology with Steve, he was lost in his head.
One thing you'd noticed about him since he'd moved into the Compound was that he was getting better. Better, in the sense that he wasn't staying holed up in his assigned bedroom pretending that the world didn't exist. Better in the sense that he was talking to people now. Better in the sense that he wasn't waking up violent or screaming in the middle of the night. Yeah, sure, he's a petty asshole who's extremely good at pissing you off, but even semi-joking insults are better than eerie silence and pure fear of the outside world.
When he'd arrived at the Compound, he'd avoided everyone, even Steve. He didn't speak, barely acknowledged people unless he had to. He didn't eat. He could barely sleep. It was like he was a ghost. The first time Peter came over while Bucky was around, Bucky seemed to have shut down a little. Peter was a good kid. He stayed over in his room during weekends, or even occasionally during weekdays in the summer. He didn't ask intrusive questions, and he really did try his best to make Bucky feel welcome. But it really just terrified Bucky.
After a few months of court-mandated therapy, which slowly evolved from twice a week to once every two months throughout the span of a year, he seemed to recover. He slowly learned to get out of those post-HYDRA habits he'd picked up. He'd eat with the rest of the team. He'd join in on weekly movie nights. He'd even help Wanda when she cooked for the monthly 'nice-family-dinner' days. She always loved making the food for those. He started watching baking shows with Vision. He'd hang out with Natasha. He pestered Steve in a way only a best friend ever could. He made jokes. The first time you ever heard the former brainwashed assassin make a joke will be forever ingrained into your mind. It had been some stupid joke about Steve's old costume, and it had shocked everyone in the room. Except for Steve.
He only went silent like this on particularly bad days. Nobody ever said anything, because they knew that would only make it worse, but it was obvious whenever something rough went down. 'Bad days' meant days that followed nightmare-filled nights, or days that involved flashbacks or recovering from flashbacks, or days that were ruined by something triggering him.
"You good there?" You decide to speak up, just as the elevator door opens.
He nodded quickly, beginning to walk to the truck. He hops into the driver's seat, and you don't fight him on it.
"We're a bit late." You note, glancing at the time. 6:13pm. Technically, it started at 6:00pm and ended at 10:45pm.
"Holy shit." You say aloud, looking through Bucky's window at the beautiful decorations. There were string lights strung from light posts, and hay bales for some reason, and other cute things. There was a little stage set up, with a small band playing vintage songs. There were little stands set up where you could buy food or random 1940's themed shit.
"You ready?" You looked to Bucky, before checking in the mirror to make sure the red lipstick you'd applied hadn't smudged.
He nodded, parking the truck against the sidewalk. He waited for you to walk around the front of the vehicle to join him.
"I'll grab us some dinner. You up for this? We can always go back--"
"I'm fine." He said, and at first you thought that he was getting annoyed at you, before a quick glance to his face assured you that he was just trying to convince himself of this. "I'm fine." He repeated.
The air was warm, and the yellow light of the string lights combined with the street lights made Bucky look..really nice.
"Ooh! That place looks good. C'mon!" You grabbed his hand, pulling him forward.
Taglist: @afraidofshrimp
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In an ideal world...
What If...Peggy Carter fucked right off?
God damn, everytime she pops up i can feel my soul leave my body and transcend in an attempt to cope 😭
I feel you. I went from disliking her but not caring too much about her post-TFA, to downright hating her guts the more they kept bringing her back.
She has been showing up non-stop for a decade if you count TFA, TWS, her series and cameos. My question is: what's her arc? Surely, someone who has been present for that many years, would be fleshed out and would have an arc, right? What's hers? She has none!
She's the perfect woman who is always right, Saint Maggy of Britain. She knows best, she speaks with an air of superiority as if the rest of the world owes her something for existing, she takes other characters' lines and story beats because she has none of her own and she's defined by her relationship to Steve. Even her freaking title is shared with his, they even gave her his catchphrase. Why? Cause she has none.
Hell, I don't remember much from her series but I still remember one line she says to one of the Howling Commandos where she goes "Steve would say 'Do whatever Peggy says!'". Uh... what? He disagreed with you in pretty much every scene in TFA, lady. What are you high on? 🤔 But that's what the writers want us to believe so of course, Steve would follow her blindly (even though he ignored her advice every time in TFA), Russian little girls dream of being like her (because Natasha Romanoff, who?), she's the Captain and she needs to say that constantly and numerous times in each ep (because that title is the only thing she's got going on)...
Ugh. They didn't bring her back out of an interest to tell her story. And that is what pisses me right off.
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