#;; ( chloe/kate ) : she's well known to police 'cause she looks like a riot
judesowndaughter · 4 years
starter for @et-inarcadia-ego It’s not often that snow comes so heavy in the Bay. Classes are cancelled---thank God---because Kate wants nothing more than to hole up in Chloe’s room and hibernate. Someone from up on high must be smiling on them, because they have the entire house at their disposal. David is blessedly absent for the week, and Joyce is working a double-shift at the diner. They can play at domesticity for a few precious hours, and neither girl is wasting a second of it. The fireplace hosts an honest-to-god roaring fire for the first time in ages, its bright warmth banishing cold air to dusty corners best left forgotten. Two fat little marshmallows are plunked into each cup of steaming hot cocoa, with little chocolate shavings to top it off. Kate crosses the threshold of the kitchen to place two steaming mugs of hot chocolate onto the coffee table. Chloe is bundled up in a blanket stolen from the bedroom, to no surprise from Kate. Boxers and a tanktop can’t keep them warm, no matter how loudly they insist that it’s hardly cold out. Kate smirks, slipping beneath the blanket to nestle into her girlfriend’s lap, cuddling close. Her head tilts back into the crook of Chloe’s neck, the low rise and fall of their chest a comforting rhythm on Kate’s back. Her hand slides down to lace their fingers together. ❝  Hey,  ❞  she whispers, giving Chloe’s hand a gentle squeeze,  ❝  Are you cold?  ❞
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judesowndaughter · 5 years
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?” - chloe
   Dana keeps cajoling her into these parties, and Kate keeps going despite her better judgement. She’s no Helen, raring to condemn people for choosing how they spend their time, but God, the acedia has finally come home to roost. ‘If you’ve been to one party,’ Alyssa drawls, ‘You’ve been to them all.’    Kate swirls her drink around, listens to the cool breeze of the Pacific sweep the cramped clearing, rustling the pines. Fairy lights gutter ominously, wrapped around the branches of strong spruce trees. No one pays that disturbance any mind, too busy dancing near the bonfire or toking up by spare kegs. Smoke curls around the treetops, vanishing into starry skies. Boredom sinks in bone-deep, the temptation to sketch the night away reaching fever pitch.    Arcadia Bay’s prodigal daughter is here, but Kate pays her little mind. There are keg stands to commit to, girls to kiss, weed to smoke; none of which really require Kate’s presence. So it’s decidedly not fair when Chloe comes at Kate’s stupid loner schtick with her quick wit and honeyed words.    Chloe calls her pretty, and Kate almost chokes on a modest sip of beer. She must have a guardian angel looking out for her, because it’s nothing short of a miracle that she hasn’t spat her drink up into the solo cup. She’s doing her best to keep the coughing at a minimum, and hopefully refrain from spewing Pabst all over Chloe Price. A few rivulets of booze roll down her chin, but Kate manages to wipe them away in a flash. God bless cable-knit cardigans.   “Just…wanted to have fun?” Her tongue travels rough-shod over words, stumbling into a nervous, uneasy answer. Cross necklace lies heavy on her chest: when was the last time they talked? Mr. Price’s funeral? Had they really talked? “What are you doing here?” Kate counters, “You seem…too cool for this.”   Dana is nowhere to be found, her unopened can of booze lying on top of one of the many coolers scattered around the party. Kate picks it up, the cold numbing her hand. “I may not be the host, but it’s rude not to offer people drinks, so…” she holds the can out for Chloe, “…Beer?”   Drinking at least gives them a reprieve from Kate’s stultifying responses.
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judesowndaughter · 5 years
Romantic relationship tags under the cut. Will add more depending on circumstances/time---
;; ( ash/kate ) i love the light that i’ve found in you ( odawns ) ;; ( max/kate ) : if the right one came along ;; ( victoria/kate ) : we could wash the dirt off our hands now ;; ( chloe/kate ) : she’s well known to police ‘cause she looks like a riot ;; ( rachel/kate ) : so name a game to play and we’ll roll the dice ;; ( rachel/kate ) : i don’t wanna be your friend i wanna kiss your lips ( et-inarcadia-ego )
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judesowndaughter · 4 years
;; ( chloe/kate ) : she’s well known to police ‘cause she looks like a riot ;; ( max/kate ) : if the right one came along ;; ( rachel/kate ) : so name a game to play and we’ll roll the dice ;; ( victoria/kate ) : we met by a trick of fate
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