#;& bother hannah lololol
reifromrfa · 7 years
RFA guys + Minor Trio play Until Dawn with MC
written with @rainydayswriter
So lucky to have met this girl and to have written this with her!!! I had so much fun writing these hcs that I was literally laughing out loud alone :)) Check out her blog too!!! :D She’s brilliant! Hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it! :)
This poor boy, how you convinced him to play a horror game is beyond anyone
All the lights stay ON whether it’s the middle of the day or not
But he really enjoys this game and tries to make the best decisions and tries to save everyone
Specially the wolf (makes you Google how to save it)
Gushes about the graphics half the time
Horrified that there’s even a choice to harm animals
Screams his head off when the wendigo first makes its appearance
And also screams when the flamethrower guy appears in the mines
Practically THROWS the controller at every scare, you’ll have to play through some high-tension spots for him
What is he more afraid of: gore or needles? BOTH, apparently ;;;
He answers Dr Hill’s tests truthfully so the game is 1000x scarier for him now ;;;
Explores the most, probably to stall but also finds most of the clues and totems
Unfortunately he gets a little too curious about every single item, and ends up getting Mike’s fingers caught in the bear trap
Makes you decide what to do because he can’t watch
You decide to just hack off Mike’s fingers
Yoosung flees for the bathroom
He couldn’t save everyone and he feels really really bad about it; you have to console him when he accidentally kills Chris and Ashley gets upset
“Yoosung, you can just replay it later-”
“NO, they deserve to be together now!!”
Restarts the game and still falls for the same jumpscares
What a (lovable) dork
After finishing up the game, he will need to watch no less than four romcoms to calm down
Throw in plenty of cuddles and praising his bravery and he’ll be so happy
Mike is his favorite character: buff hero on a mission to save his girlfriend, befriends a wolf, kicks Wendigo ass? He’s so there
All those innuendos at the beginning of the game?? He’s wiggling his brows at you the whole time
“A romantic getaway in the mountains sounds nice, huh babe~?”
“Yeah Zen nothing like a crazy flamethrower murderer to set the mood.”
Definitely gets Jess to take off all her clothes and gets flustered when you tease him about it
That part where Matt climbs the fire tower and leaves the axe? You can bet Zen is swearing profusely at the screen
High key makes fun of the horror-movie acting
Pauses the game to debate almost every decision
Sorry Josh, he’s saving Ashley no ifs ands or buts
Protects your precious eyes from any gore (almost smacks you in the face with the controller in his hurry)
The first Wendigo scares the hell out of him and he lets out the most high-pitched screech
I didn’t know you had such a ladylike scream, Hyun~
Tries to save everyone because he’s ZEN THE KNIGHT
Not a big fan of Emily because she’s such a bully but still saves her because he wouldn’t kill anyone just because they were mean
Sucks at quick time events, though, and probably curses the entire time
Both of you are yelling when someone’s getting chased, there is arm slapping involved
Manages to kill off a few people, including Emily
But of course he saves Ashley and Chris, Sam, Mike and Jess
Isn’t much of a gamer to begin with, but is willing to play with you for moral support
So done with all of these kids already, where are their parents, why are they on an isolated mountain after two girls died due to a prank they played??
Almost as jumpy as Yoosung, and tries to play it off but at one point spills her coffee all over the couch
“Why do you enjoy this?!”
She can’t understand who would willingly put themselves in stressful situations for fun?
Surprisingly sarcastic at times, as a defense tactic against the fear
If one more person mentions the butterfly effect
“Worst fear? Bad Zen fanfiction.” Jumin in a cat suit
Criticizes the characters ruthlessly
Sam running around in a towel -- “How is she still alive and not freezing to death?”
Doesn’t want anyone to die, but you swear she smirked when the revenge plot was revealed
“This story is so cliche-wait what the hell is that thing?!”
MUTE TERROR as the wendigo screams at your character
Needs to take frequent breaks to calm her poor heart
Clinging to you for dear life
Jaehee please I can’t feel my arm
How can any of these kids be sane???
Sam is her favorite character. Takes a bath for hours and then saves everyone at the end. If you end up killing her, Jaehee will be salty af
At first glance you wouldn’t expect him to be the type to play video games, but he owns a Gray Station and a ZetBox so
The lodge in the mountains looks nice and he considers investing in a ski resort
But comments on Josh’s poor planning skills and says he’s a terrible host ;;;
Jumin honey it’s just a game ;;;
You’ve seen his attempts at taking pictures. The parts where you’re supposed to keep the controller still? Better snatch that controller from him and set it on the table or you’re DEAD.
He’s so focused when he plays, and he manages to keep a straight face through most of the game. Hardly even flinches
Unfortunately, he isn’t too keen on lingering or searching each and every room, so he misses unobvious clues and totems
But will definitely replay the game until it says he’s completed it 100%
Refuses to read any walkthroughs or accept Seven’s “help”
Jumin no you can’t skip work for this
Ashley or Josh? That decision was tough since it made him think about you and V
He saves Ashley but you can see it bothered him
How can a game make me feel such things?
This guy may be cold and calculating to other people, but he’s fiercely loyal and protective so he tries to save as many characters as he can and you find yourself more attracted to him
When he learns about Josh and the whole revenge thing, he still fights to save Josh because that’s just what friends do and he understands how Josh was going through a tough time because of his sisters
Finds himself addicted to these types of games and buys similar games for you two to play
LOLOL a game where he can decide the fate of 8 teenagers? LOLOLOL
Turns all the lights off for ~atmosphere~ and yells at tense moments to try and scare you
Guesses who the Psycho is right away
Laughs at all the lame puns and jokes
Won’t stop quoting the game for days (“Hello, friends and fans!” “Ugh, unfollow.” “It’s mammoth!” “You know what else is mammoth, MC? Me.” wiggles eyebrows suggestively)
Fear: cockroaches
Jokingly shoves the controller into your hands at the worst moments
Makes THE MOST RANDOM decisions ever: “I wonder what will happen if I FOLLOW JESS’S VOICE?”
“Saeyoung you know that isn’t Jess!”
“So are you saying I shouldn’t open the trapdoor? The one right here?”
Good luck prying him away at any point, he’s not leaving till he’s found all the clues and unlocks as many endings as possible
Not above trying to distract you when it’s your turn to play
“Saeyoung if you poke me one more time-”
Chris gets beheaded by the wendigo
He’d just laugh ;;; Seriously this man :)))
Sam’s “Don’t move” parts?
“MC, it’s just a game, we can always replay it~”
Just like you keep replaying my route~
Never playing this with him ever again ;;; He’s more stressful than the game ;;;;
Never really had much interest in video games, but if you want to play it he’ll be right there beside you
He’ll get surprised at jumpscares but wouldn’t make a sound
He’ll immediately hold you when you get scared or scream though
Makes all the righteous choices and even though Emily’s such a horrible person, still makes it a point to save her
Protect this man
What do you fear most? Gore. This cutie apparently hates gore and he closes his eyes when Matt dies coz he tried to save Emily
That photo with the scarecrow? He felt calm looking at it, probably because he usually went on hiking trips alone for his photography thing
This guy is good with the “don’t move” scenes too, since he’s used to staying still when taking photos
Sucks at quick time events though ;;; He panics too easily and misses the buttons but thank God you learned about this early on in the game ;;;
Same as Jumin, he has a hard time choosing between Ashley and Josh
“I would give my life instead, why can’t that be an option?”
But he also chooses to save Ashley and also feels bad about it afterwards
Ashley or Chris? You already know this man will choose to kill himself than hurt the people he loves
And then he finds out that it was all a revenge scheme by Josh and he’s so surprised because how can someone do that to their friends?
He’s on the edge of his seat during Emily’s trip down the mines part
Super invested in the mystery aspect, ends up talking and theorizing through some cutscenes
V there are Wendigos PAY ATTENTION
Will make you look for all the clues and totems because he’s so invested in this game and really wants to save everyone
And he feels terrible when the flamethrower guy dies even though there was really no way to save him
When he finds out what really happens to the twins, oh my God, he’s so done with this game
Why would you make Hannah eat her sister??? And how come nobody searched the mines? Surely someone must have known about it?
If horny teenagers can find this mine in the middle of a snowstorm HOW COME THE SEARCH PARTIES WEREN’T ABLE TO SAVE THEM???
Surprisingly saves everyone except Matt because he was so stubborn about trying to save Emily
Let’s face it, this guy would probably kill all the characters
You see his face change when he sees the twins in the beginning of the game though, and he totally chooses the option to let go and fall together instead of letting the other twin die alone
Hates the other characters because they were mean to the twins
Yup, he kills all of them
Except Sam, Chris and Josh because they weren’t involved in the prank
And also, the wolf
Fair enough, you roll with it
He decided he would save Chris but when he finds out Chris likes Ashley, chooses to shoot himself
Marry him
Then he finds out Josh tried to get revenge for his sisters
Is now super determined to save him
Unlike Saeyoung he’s kind of impatient but he reads through the stuff
Still shoots Emily because she was such a bitch
Kills Mike as well, because he was seriously a jerk to Hannah but everyone sees him as the hero --not Saeran though, so bye bye Mike
Matt finds Jessica and he’s considerate of her and chooses to hide instead, saving both of them
It wasn’t really his intention since he wanted to kill everyone, but you kiss his cheek saying how cool he is and he blushes
So upset when he finds out Hannah became a wendigo because how could she eat her sister? That’s really really messed up
And when he finds Hannah’s diary in the mines? You hug him because he goes silent and stares at the screen blankly
Saves Sam as well and he never plays the game again ;A;
Next time you’re playing Tekken
Ha? What’s this game you want to play?
Pretends he’s bored with the game but deep down he’s LOVING it
Kills the quicktime events
“This is so easy.”
Gets so annoyed like wtf is wrong with these kids??? Why are they so horny???
He doesn’t always make the right decisions though and ends up killing a few characters
Swears a lot
Devastated when the wolf dies but he wouldn’t show it
So when you gently squeeze his arm and tell him it’s alright, you see him purse his lips
He’s crying inside
Oh it was all an elaborate prank by Josh?
Wendigos are after him? Has no problem staying still and doesn’t miss a shot during Mike’s chapter
Hates Dr. Hill’s character because he felt like someone was probing into his brain and he doesn’t like it
Chris and Ashley are his OTP so he definitely saves those two
He finishes the game and tells you he’s done playing it, but you’ll catch him playing it late into the night when he can’t sleep, trying to get all collectibles and save everyone
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rainydayswriter · 7 years
RFA + Minor Trio Play Until Dawn
A collab I did with @reifromrfa! Truly a wonderful person and writer! If you enjoy Mystic Messenger (or just laughing in general) you should definitely check out Rei’s blog! I had so much fun doing this, so much laughter and keyboard smashes went into these, so I hope you enjoy it! ^^
This poor boy, how you convinced him to play a horror game is beyond anyone
All the lights stay ON whether it’s the middle of the day or not
But he really enjoys this game and tries to make the best decisions and tries to save everyone
Specially the wolf (makes you Google how to save it)
Gushes about the graphics half the time
Horrified that there’s even a choice to harm animals
Screams his head off when the wendigo first makes its appearance
And also screams when the flamethrower guy appears in the mines
Practically THROWS the controller at every scare, you’ll have to play through some high-tension spots for him
What is he more afraid of: gore or needles? BOTH, apparently ;;;
He answers Dr Hill’s tests truthfully so the game is 1000x scarier for him now ;;;
Explores the most, probably to stall but also finds most of the clues and totems
Unfortunately he gets a little too curious about every single item, and ends up getting Mike’s fingers caught in the bear trap
Makes you decide what to do because he can’t watch
You decide to just hack off Mike’s fingers
Yoosung flees for the bathroom
He couldn’t save everyone and he feels really really bad about it; you have to console him when he accidentally kills Chris and Ashley gets upset
“Yoosung, you can just replay it later-”
“NO, they deserve to be together now!!”
Restarts the game and still falls for the same jumpscares
What a (lovable) dork
After finishing up the game, he will need to watch no less than four romcoms to calm down
Throw in plenty of cuddles and praising his bravery and he’ll be so happy
Mike is his favorite character: buff hero on a mission to save his girlfriend, befriends a wolf, kicks Wendigo ass? He’s so there
All those innuendos at the beginning of the game?? He’s wiggling his brows at you the whole time
“A romantic getaway in the mountains sounds nice, huh babe~?”
“Yeah Zen nothing like a crazy flamethrower murderer to set the mood.”
Definitely gets Jess to take off all her clothes and gets flustered when you tease him about it 
That part where Matt climbs the fire tower and leaves the axe? You can bet Zen is swearing profusely at the screen
High key makes fun of the horror-movie acting
Pauses the game to debate almost every decision 
Sorry Josh, he’s saving Ashley no ifs ands or buts
Protects your precious eyes from any gore (almost smacks you in the face with the controller in his hurry)
The first Wendigo scares the hell out of him and he lets out the most high-pitched screech 
I didn’t know you had such a ladylike scream, Hyun~
Tries to save everyone because he’s ZEN THE KNIGHT
Not a big fan of Emily because she’s such a bully but still saves her because he wouldn’t kill anyone just because they were mean
Sucks at quick time events, though, and probably curses the entire time
Both of you are yelling when someone’s getting chased, there is arm slapping involved
Manages to kill off a few people, including Emily
But of course he saves Ashley and Chris, Sam, Mike and Jess
Isn’t much of a gamer to begin with, but is willing to play with you for moral support
So done with all of these kids already, where are their parents, why are they on an isolated mountain after two girls died due to a prank they played??
Almost as jumpy as Yoosung, and tries to play it off but at one point spills her coffee all over the couch
“Why do you enjoy this?!”
She can’t understand who would willingly put themselves in stressful situations for fun?
Surprisingly sarcastic at times, as a defense tactic against the fear
If one more person mentions the butterfly effect
“Worst fear? Bad Zen fanfiction.” Jumin in a cat suit 
Criticizes the characters ruthlessly 
Sam running around in a towel -- “How is she still alive and not freezing to death?”
Doesn’t want anyone to die, but you swear she smirked when the revenge plot was revealed
“This story is so cliche-wait what the hell is that thing?!”
MUTE TERROR as the wendigo screams at your character
Needs to take frequent breaks to calm her poor heart
Clinging to you for dear life
Jaehee please I can’t feel my arm
How can any of these kids be sane???
Sam is her favorite character. Takes a bath for hours and then saves everyone at the end. If you end up killing her, Jaehee will be salty af
At first glance you wouldn’t expect him to be the type to play video games, but he owns a Gray Station and a ZetBox so
The lodge in the mountains looks nice and he considers investing in a ski resort
But comments on Josh’s poor planning skills and says he’s a terrible host ;;; 
Jumin honey it’s just a game ;;; 
You’ve seen his attempts at taking pictures. The parts where you’re supposed to keep the controller still? Better snatch that controller from him and set it on the table or you’re DEAD.
He’s so focused when he plays, and he manages to keep a straight face through most of the game. Hardly even flinches
Unfortunately, he isn’t too keen on lingering or searching each and every room, so he misses unobvious clues and totems
But will definitely replay the game until it says he’s completed it 100%
Refuses to read any walkthroughs or accept Seven’s “help”
Jumin no you can’t skip work for this 
Ashley or Josh? That decision was tough since it made him think about you and V 
He saves Ashley but you can see it bothered him
How can a game make me feel such things?
This guy may be cold and calculating to other people, but he’s fiercely loyal and protective so he tries to save as many characters as he can and you find yourself more attracted to him
When he learns about Josh and the whole revenge thing, he still fights to save Josh because that’s just what friends do and he understands how Josh was going through a tough time because of his sisters
Finds himself addicted to these types of games and buys similar games for you two to play
LOLOL a game where he can decide the fate of 8 teenagers? LOLOLOL 
Turns all the lights off for ~atmosphere~ and yells at tense moments to try and scare you
Guesses who the Psycho is right away
Laughs at all the lame puns and jokes 
Won’t stop quoting the game for days (“Hello, friends and fans!” “Ugh, unfollow.” “It’s mammoth!” “You know what else is mammoth, MC? Me.” wiggles eyebrows suggestively)
Fear: cockroaches
Jokingly shoves the controller into your hands at the worst moments
Makes THE MOST RANDOM decisions ever: “I wonder what will happen if I FOLLOW JESS’S VOICE?”
“Saeyoung you know that isn’t Jess!”
“So are you saying I shouldn’t open the trapdoor? The one right here?”
Good luck prying him away at any point, he’s not leaving till he’s found all the clues and unlocks as many endings as possible
Not above trying to distract you when it’s your turn to play
“Saeyoung if you poke me one more time-”
Chris gets beheaded by the wendigo
He’d just laugh ;;; Seriously this man :)))
Sam’s “Don’t move” parts?
“MC, it’s just a game, we can always replay it~”
Just like you keep replaying my route~ 
Never playing this with him ever again ;;; He’s more stressful than the game ;;;;
Never really had much interest in video games, but if you want to play it he’ll be right there beside you
He’ll get surprised at jumpscares but wouldn’t make a sound
He’ll immediately hold you when you get scared or scream though
Makes all the righteous choices and even though Emily’s such a horrible person, still makes it a point to save her
Protect this man
What do you fear most? Gore. This cutie apparently hates gore and he closes his eyes when Matt dies coz he tried to save Emily
That photo with the scarecrow? He felt calm looking at it, probably because he usually went on hiking trips alone for his photography thing
This guy is good with the “don’t move” scenes too, since he’s used to staying still when taking photos
Sucks at quick time events though ;;; He panics too easily and misses the buttons but thank God you learned about this early on in the game ;;;
Same as Jumin, he has a hard time choosing between Ashley and Josh
“I would give my life instead, why can’t that be an option?” 
But he also chooses to save Ashley and also feels bad about it afterwards 
Ashley or Chris? You already know this man will choose to kill himself than hurt the people he loves
And then he finds out that it was all a revenge scheme by Josh and he’s so surprised because how can someone do that to their friends?
He’s on the edge of his seat during Emily’s trip down the mines part
Super invested in the mystery aspect, ends up talking and theorizing through some cutscenes 
V there are Wendigos PAY ATTENTION
Will make you look for all the clues and totems because he’s so invested in this game and really wants to save everyone
And he feels terrible when the flamethrower guy dies even though there was really no way to save him 
When he finds out what really happens to the twins, oh my God, he’s so done with this game
Why would you make Hannah eat her sister??? And how come nobody searched the mines? Surely someone must have known about it?
If horny teenagers can find this mine in the middle of a snowstorm HOW COME THE SEARCH PARTIES WEREN’T ABLE TO SAVE THEM???
Surprisingly saves everyone except Matt because he was so stubborn about trying to save Emily
Let’s face it, this guy would probably kill all the characters
You see his face change when he sees the twins in the beginning of the game though, and he totally chooses the option to let go and fall together instead of letting the other twin die alone
Hates the other characters because they were mean to the twins
Yup, he kills all of them
Except Sam, Chris and Josh because they weren’t involved in the prank
And also, the wolf 
Fair enough, you roll with it
He decided he would save Chris but when he finds out Chris likes Ashley, chooses to shoot himself
Marry him
Then he finds out Josh tried to get revenge for his sisters
Is now super determined to save him
Unlike Saeyoung he’s kind of impatient but he reads through the stuff
Still shoots Emily because she was such a bitch
Kills Mike as well, because he was seriously a jerk to Hannah but everyone sees him as the hero --not Saeran though, so bye bye Mike
Matt finds Jessica and he’s considerate of her and chooses to hide instead, saving both of them
It wasn’t really his intention since he wanted to kill everyone, but you kiss his cheek saying how cool he is and he blushes
So upset when he finds out Hannah became a wendigo because how could she eat her sister? That’s really really messed up
And when he finds Hannah’s diary in the mines? You hug him because he goes silent and stares at the screen blankly
Saves Sam as well and he never plays the game again ;A;
Next time you’re playing Tekken
Ha? What’s this game you want to play?
Pretends he’s bored with the game but deep down he’s LOVING it
Kills the quicktime events
“This is so easy.”
Gets so annoyed like wtf is wrong with these kids??? Why are they so horny???
He doesn’t always make the right decisions though and ends up killing a few characters
Swears a lot
Devastated when the wolf dies but he wouldn’t show it
So when you gently squeeze his arm and tell him it’s alright, you see him purse his lips
He’s crying inside
Oh it was all an elaborate prank by Josh?
Wendigos are after him? Has no problem staying still and doesn’t miss a shot during Mike’s chapter 
Hates Dr. Hill’s character because he felt like someone was probing into his brain and he doesn’t like it
Chris and Ashley are his OTP so he definitely saves those two
He finishes the game and tells you he’s done playing it, but you’ll catch him playing it late into the night when he can’t sleep, trying to get all collectibles and save everyone
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Designated Survivor s2ep3 liveblog in one post
MY PARENTS 😭😭😭 Emily looks 💥 MY PRESIDENT. HE'S TOO GOOD FOR THIS WORLD. Emily's stray hair low-key bothers me Slay, Zoe. Slay. I like the redheaded lady @ British dude stop third-wheeling Chuck and Hannah Speaking of whom... HAVE I EVER TOLD YOU THAT HANNAH WELLS IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE BECAUSE SHE IS Chuck is so disappointed 😂 poor baby Good God Hannah you put Aza to shame The frog to my princess LOLOLOL 😂😂😂 Hannah's "wow" is me @ everything that happens in my school - utterly unimpressed SLAY ZOE SLAY I love how Hannah doesn't even need to finish her sentence That smile 😭 Chuck is bitter. He is so bitter. Truly my son. Ah yes. Kendra. That's the name. MY PRESIDENT 😭😭😭 Hannah that was stupid And of course she handles it all with grace and sass Stop! Making! Me! Ship! Them! That frog scene 😂 "That's slander." 😂😂😂👏 This love triangle is going to kill me. I love Hannah's black outfit so much omg I SHIP THEM SO MUCH MY HEART IS BURSTING My hero 😭 "That's called kidnapping." 😂 and he's just casually eating jello My heart is so full 😭💖 TRENCH COAT Holy fucking plot twist
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