#; follow forever
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
I have somehow hit hit 15k followers which is insane. This also happens to be my 15th year on tumblr so it's 15 in 15! Therefore, I'd like to give something back to my followers and mutuals to say thank you <33
❤️ - Send me a character or ship/dynamic and a colour (three colours max) and I'll make a colourful gifset similar to this style.
📚 Send me a fandom, character or ship and a one word prompt and i will make a gifset around it (i.e. 'bucky barnes + babygirl' or 'blackbonnet + hands' etc..)
✨ MUTUALS ONLY: Free range - request whatever you want!
(This is for my followers so you must be following me to request something).
Please find fandoms I am willing to create for have created content for here - you can check my gif tags to see what sort of content I usually create.
If you're unsure if I like a character/ship please ask :) Or search my blog with the name (some ships I may have tagged 'name x name').
Tagging some of my favourite blogs (I'm sure I've missed someone so I'm sorry) ❤️
@aenslem, @ayo-edebiri, @anyataylorjoys @alivedean, @aemondtargaryenn, @andremichaux, @andrew-garfielld, @anyatudor, @abigaillazaar, @agathaharknes, @bo-kryzze, @bunnykaye, @bellamysgriffin, @bakerolivia, @bettycooper, @buffysummers, @bladesrunner, @clarkgriffon, @clairesbeauchamp, @charliexspring, @crowleybrekkers, @crowlixcx, @cilly-murphy, @cherylblossom, @chrrispine, @catabasis, @clarke-griffin, @drtbrennan, @damn-salvatore, @davinaclare, @brooksdavis, @disenchanteds, @capinejghafa, @djarin, @crowleyholmes, @astaerion, @blakbonnet, @cobbbvanth, @cressidascowper, @cheugyphobe, @art-donaldson, @benoitblanc, @anyataylorjoy, @audreys-hepburn, @buckysbarnes
@forbescaroline, @gwenpendragns, @fawad-khan, @evan-buck, @elinordash, @eddiediaaz
@jeonqkooks-main, @jakeyp, @kelseas-ballerini, @ivashkovadrian, @izzy-hands, @jackswolfe, @jynerso, @jackytaylor, @jacobglaser, @heartbellamy, @hexcoreviktor, @jesperfahxey, @indestinatus, @kiekiecarrera
@laurabenanti, @leojfitz, @laurens-german @nessa, @mcbride, @mauraeyk, @nataliescatorccio, @pensbridgerton, @muldery, @oliviairodrigo, @narliee, @ohtendril, @ngatwa, @mikewheeler, @nothuggingyou, @miwtual, @milkovichy, @mcgregor, @niccolofares, @nicola-coughlan, @miss-carter
@pedrorascal, @poguelands, @richardgrimes, @rosamundpkes, @sheryl-lee, @rainbowcrowley, @seeleybooth, @shaunashipman, @samwwise, @stars-bean, @saryasy, @rosettyller, @scullysconstant, @padme-amidala. @shlofolina, @star-kovs
@the-borgias, @trueloveistreacherous, @ughmerlin, @underthebluerain, @userlaylivia, @useryoumna, @violet-bridgerton, @wandamaxiomff, @whichcouldmeanothing, @wearecrowley, @zoya-nazyalenskys, @userlizziesaltzman
#15k celebration#follow forever#laura's ramblings#fandom love#text post#tumblr will only let me tag so many people annoyingly
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((i most definitely stole this idea from @ronandreams ))
hey guys <33 i have absolutely loved this year of tumblr. while this blog is very young, i started my journey here back in 2012 and never thought that 12 years later i would still be typing in the name of this website. eras was so fun to experience with all of you! you have all brought me happiness and community in my old age <3 tagged below, are my beautiful mutuals.
if you have a ♡ next to you; you're one of my mvps <3
@a-victorian-girl @accioclexa @adanceinasnowglobe @andrew3garfield ♡ @afearlesspaperairplane @atorturedpoetx @anna-tariel @aintmyjewelry ♡ @allaroundtaylor @allofmechanged @avengerdaisy @allmybestmes @alltheendings @acoustictaylor @andrewgarfields @another-aveng3r ♡ @aotgylbs @at-secret-gardens-in-my-mind @araphiel ♡ @augustpoem @besavedbyaperfectkiss @binary-choice ♡ @backgroundagent3 @bisxualbucky @blankspace-sydney @bloodmoonlich ♡ @bowtiesnmusicals @buckypascal @carolinanadeau @chappellrroan @cherryswift13 @clearlypositive @coffeeisaritual ♡ @crowleybrekkers ♡
@daylightfuls @darling-gemini ♡ @demigxddess @did-somethingbad @dorothheaa @dreamgfs @dreamingswift @eevermore @elinordash @emerald-chaos @fairinloveandpoetry @feelingso-peculiar @feydsdarling @feytheist @folklorianhaze @givingmeyourweekends @girl-of-ink @goddamnfight @graveyarrdshift @helmes-deep @howyouslaytheworld @hintatake ♡ @inardentdaylight ♡ @iknewyouweretroubletv @iluinmoonlight @isknowplaces @itsawalkinthepark @itsjustinyourwildestdreams @itsonbitcheskh @itstimetogo
@kathrynmhahn @killatay @laufeysons-edits @lavenderlegends @lightscamerabtchsmile @littlelightninggirlofchb @littleolldme @liaazhang @lifeofthedarty @lovelikealandslide @lovelornnobodyknows @lunar-years @lightscamerabitchsmileee @mandofury @martyconansversion @mirrorballcowboy @mirroball @mytearsrricochet ♡ @mustbolt @nailbiting-fangirl @neil-kinnie
@octoberconstellation @ohmywhatamarvoloustune @okteavia @onacrowdedstreet @otpcutie ♡ @pcrushinnerd @paintedmegolden @pagesturnedwiththebridgesburned @pedropascsl @peters-parker @played-it-safe @princessmishaps @really-beam-me-up @rep-meow-tay-tion ♡ @ronandreams @rocketxgirl @scarletcomet @scarredpineapple @shesdead @simoneashlcy ♡ @sebastienlelivre @slippedawayintoamomentintime @snowglobeballet ♡ @spookycomputersong ♡ @soscarlet-itwasmaroon @speaknowworldtour @shrinking-violetta ♡ @star-spangled-man @stevengrantsgf @swiftspoet @tarazizari ♡ @texashippiecowboy @thatssotrue @too-haught-haught-damn♡ @thelingeringquestion @theoneandonlypigeon @the--anarchists @thelovelybookworm @thewestsideloft @this-love-is-delicate @thsismetrying @toherlover @tinkerbellsgf @trynot-moved @urfav-mirrorball @verdantsecretgardens @visshortgf @wearthesamejewels @whenwebothfell @willowandwisteria @willyoustillwantme @winchester-1895 @yelenabemylova ♡ @yellowjackie @youllalwaysfindyourwaybackhome @youareinlovetv @yourloversstaymyage @zephyrmonkey ♡
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so this happened today and it was a bright light at the end of a shit week. tumblr has always felt like my home and you all have always felt like family to me. it means more than you'll ever know that so many of you enjoy my silly little edits. thank you for your endless support and kind words and for always making me feel like i have a place here. i love you all to the moon and back. my beautiful mutuals: @aaronwarner / @agathasharkness / @allisonaergents / @anditsdraining / @anthonybridgertonn / @anya-chalotra / @artofdoubt / @audreys-hepburn / @bakerolivia / @bellamysgriffin / @beth-cassidy / @brooksdavis / @buffonias / @carriefisher / @chappelroan / @charlieconwayy / @cherylblossom / @chiliconsharls / @clarkgriffon / @clary-jace / @clintbartons / @crowley-anthony / @cynthiaserivo / @daisjohnsons / @danieljradcliffe / @danystargaryens / @davinaclaires / @delphines / @djo / @duffhilary / @elena-gilbert / @elenas / @elizabeth-forbes / @fadeintoyou1993 / @flodaya / @giffordmayfair / @henwilsons / @henycavil / @hunterschafer / @imogens-temult / @isakvaltzrsen / @jakeperalta / @jasonstodds / @jennalouisecolemans / @kayascodelorio / @kiofs / @lalalalovely / @layla-keating / @laylakeating / @lenedanvers / @lola-miles / @margotrobie / @matbaynton / @michellesmallons / @mikewheeler / @miriammaisel / @misty-quigley / @mitchmarnier / @montygreen / @muldery / @nanihirunkits / @narliee / @nataliescatorccio / @nessa007 / @nick-nellson / @oliviairodrigo / @oonsmay / @oscar-piastri / @paceywittters / @parisgellrs / @pensbridgerton / @phoebesbridgers / @poguelandia / @poguelands / @quincywillows / @radicaloptimisms / @rosamundpkes / @samcarpnter / @santinacedes / @shaboozey / @shegos / @sheryl-lee / @signorcerullo / @spencershastings / @star-kovs / @stephsu / @stydixa / @tabithatate / @tessagray / @the-borgias / @thewildmother / @tilyoutryit / @tim-lucy / @timlucys / @toddandersonn / @tony-soprano / @trueloveistreacherous / @tylrgalpins / @uplandglinda / @userlaylivia / @vanessacarlysle / @wheelernancy / @whichcouldmeanothing / @wildblues / @willafitz / @zen-dayas the lovelies i admire from afar: @abigaillazaar / @alinaastarkov / @allsonargent / @amanitacaplan / @babyjapril / @buffysummers / @changebydjo / @clarissa-frey / @cressidascowper / @daniels-gillies / @evabrighis / @fiona-widdershins / @gabriellabolton / @gregheffleys / @ivashkovadrian / @jakeyp / @jennasommers / @jugheadjones / @kitconnor / @lady-arryn / @landonmikaelson / @larajeanandpeter / @liv-hewsons / @lizzie-saltzman / @madeline-kahn / @maxanor / @maya-hawke / @milesgmorales / @mybodywakesup / @nicola-coughlan / @rachel-bloom / @rileykeouhg / @sabrinaacarpenters / @saharzahids / @seance / @sulietsexual / @taiturner / @tay-swifts / @thepunkpanther / @timbradford / @ughmerlin
#follow forever#follow appreciation#love you guys so much#hate that tumblr won't let me tag you all but oh well
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hi darlings! ✨️ happy holidays! ❄️ interacting with you guys has been so much fun this year. i feel closer to a lot of you (especially those i've been mutuals with for 8+ years; you guys are amazing for that). i'm also so grateful for the new mutuals i've made this year (more than usual, yay!). thank you all so much for interacting with my edits, sending me messages, playing tag games with me, and making my dash beautiful. you guys remind me i'm not alone, and there's someone (more than one) who understands me. thank you! 💖 if i've tagged you here, please know i love you, you are wonderful, and you've made at least one person happy (me lol). forgive me if i forgot to tag some of you, i get so confused with url changes 🙈 but you know ily! i'm wishing you the best this holiday. you did an amazing job this year; be proud :)
i hope 2025 will be a better year for us all. you guys deserve the very best 💕mutuals tagged below the cut! ❤️💚❤️💚
a - c
@abernathaes ♡ @andialmostdo ♡ @aino-minakos ♡ @angelamcss ♡ @aredhels ♡ @bellameblake ♡ @biilpotts ♡ @bruceewayne ♡ @buchananjames ♡ @buckybarsn ♡ @burke-juliet ♡ @buyingorangejuice ♡ @carpenter-sabrina ♡ @carveredlunds ♡ @carriefisher ♡ @coffee-in-europe ♡ @coldasyou ♡ @cavarage ♡ @crowleyaj ♡ @cyborg-cinderella ♡
d - j
@danystargaryens ♡ @davinaclaires ♡ @diegoshargreevs ♡ @eightiesharrington ♡ @elenas ♡ @favroitecrime ♡ @felicitykings ♡ @finnickodaiir ♡ @firstfallofsnow ♡ @golden-loves ♡ @halfmoonshines ♡ @halfstayed ♡ @haillily ♡ @harmoon ♡ @heartwasglass ♡ @hellshee ♡ @henrywinteris ♡ @hibiskooks ♡ @ianmitchells ♡ @imaginearyparties ♡ @jakeperalta ♡ @jjameslily ♡ @jeaanmoreau ♡ @jeanmoreaux ♡ @joequinns ♡ @juliet-ohara ♡
k - n
@kahans ♡ @laurabenanti ♡ @leaiorganas ♡ @lookforanewangle ♡ @lucybaird ♡ @luucydacus ♡ @magbane ♡ @masiepeters ♡ @misswift ♡ @munsonseds ♡ @mybrightstar ♡ @my-lover ♡ @natromanovs ♡ @neverfindmegone ♡ @nightlock ♡ @nonsensechristmass ♡ @nordstars ♡
o - z
@obsessedx ♡ @ohmoriartea ♡ @padme-amidala ♡ @penelope-garcia ♡ @queens-clarke ♡ @riccis ♡ @samwinchcster ♡ @scorpiussmalfoyy ♡ @sherlockig ♡ @shipmvn ♡ @slyhtherins ♡ @spiteslucanis ♡ @stevebcks ♡ @strikingjann ♡ @sunflowervol6 ♡ @swkywalker ♡ @tayloralison ♡ @teamred ♡ @thepinkscale ♡ @tommensbaratheons ♡ @tonytoponi ♡ @tornadocowboy ♡ @userhalsey ♡ @userlorelai ♡ @visenyatargaryen ♡ @waddinghamhannah ♡ @waxladrian ♡ @22s ♡
#chance's 2024 mutual appreciation#ff#follow forever#mutuals#hopefully this actually shows up in ppls notifs lol#mutual appreciation#2024 mutual appreciation#ily guys!!#if you celebrate christmas i hope you have a wonderful one!#and a happy new year too :)#tagged mutuals
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happy (belated) new year!!! i wanted to make this post as a way to show appreciation to my beloved mutuals. thank you for making my fandom experience the best with your art, posts and friendship. no matter if we’ve been mutuals for years or days, i guarantee you’ve made my day. i hope all of you have a wonderful 2025 and i can’t wait to share all these experiences with you all.
💜 special shoutout to these people 💜
@finnickodaiir @miwtual @ropebunnykant @bidamonalbarn @killmymind @bellamygate @bangchanted @riggerbison @jordanshenessy @fuchsea @sunkissedlouis @tommos @louisgrayhairs @lonelychicago @silverfoxusos @louisgayvodka @silverfoxpunk @pop-punklouis @wlwjungkook @bobbiedebruyn @savebylou @srldesigns6277 @louisarmpits @chappellrroan @28goldens @firstkhao @cloudslou @delicatepointofview @whatifai @voulezloux @merryloumas @theirloveisgross @cuetlaxochitl @alonetogether @vinnymauro @anderperries @calliettes-posts @sherrymagic @jorgecrespo @elle-smells @emilyskinners @nyttvera @louisgoldenhour @julienrosebakers @unadulteratedloathings @machneherald @tommolinson @ontoheartache @ohwarnette @hiodoshi-ao
#i’m really sorry if i forgot anyone#just know that if we’re mutuals i love and appreciate you#logan.txt#follow forever
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wrestlezaynia's 2025 Follow Forever!
Another year has come and gone. Where the heck did it go? 😭 This year has been a heartbreaking one for sure having to put our little girl down, but there has also been some sunshine as I've met some truly wonderful people who have made my life a helluva lot brighter! Happy New Year and whether you're new to my blog or a veteran, thank you for your friendship and support, it means the world to me.
@low-x-battery, @loki69zowens, @wrestlingdespairings, @mjfass, @jazzy-tzw, @writinglionqueen, @who-do-you-want-to-be, @unintentionaloracle, @expert-texpert, @fantasyismyonlyrealescape, @spaghettiisinmysoul. @colesterstrudel, @cawcawmotherfker, @caktusjuice-draws, @adriennegabriella, @sami-uso, @put-a-keep-are-you-foo-dell, @baybays-baybay, @newcivilisations, @duranie1996, @cynssia, @kitwilsonsass, @codyrhodes-lvr, @coloursflyaway. @codystonguepiercing, @terrortwinunicorn, @a-random-pillow, @mzv11, @thesamoanqueen, @luxinwonderland, @catgoesboom, @pete-dunnes-thighs, @music-wrestling-nascar-fangirl, @claymoresofinfamy23, @trentybenty, @mal-dimka. @fearlesschimera, @donutholes44, @ursa-arrowbreaker, @stuffil1ke, @saintmagx, @sami-zayn1, @liveforeverinpunishment, @roppongiivice, @nekosounds, @anothersabah, @an-inferior-espresso, @f0ll0w-the-buzzards, @owenssteen, @devilbarista.
If you don't see your blog, please don't take offense. Dumblr will only let me tag so many urls. If you see this, just know I love you. 😊💖
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hey all! long time no follow forever. this has been in my drafts and i was waiting until today to post it. looking back, it has been three years since i made one of these so it's long overdue. i felt that before i end this crazy and chaotic 2024 that i finish it out right by showing some love to the people i'm currently following on my dashboard who make it enjoyable to be on this site still. i made this account in 2017. and a lot has changed since then. i usually run my blog on a queue. but i do what i can to visit every day and reblog and post things that interest me. this place will always keep my inspired. so thanks to everyone on this list who allowed me to do that! hope you all have the best 2025!
past follow forevers | blogroll
A-E - @abbystanaccount @abelas @academicabyss @achromatic @alicedyers @apocalypsekid @arcadiabay @arsuf @audreys-hepburn @avasillva @bamf @beardedjoel @bigbywolf @bladesrunner @bluewaterlily @brej2018 @brixuth @caulfixld @chaseprice @crimsonheads @dailygaming @daydreamingmiller @destroyyaa @dorktendo @ellienism @ellies-enrichment @elliesjournals @elliewiilliams @elliewilliamsmiller @elliiewiilliiams @estelessar @evehypos @evg @evilvvithin @evilwvergil
F-M - @finalfantasy7 @flawinthemachine @frey-jaa @furiroad @gamingladies @gamingscenery @glassrunner @harryflynns @helios1 @hellboys @jaycetclis @jillvalentine @josephs-quinns @karlachx @kirsctein @knifefightandchill @krausersknife @ladyaloy @leviiackrman @maxbegone @mcbride @mercysheart @messmers @minthara
N-Y - @nathanielhowes @ncthandrake @ofwings @oneofthegoodthings @pedropcl @poetscinema @raccoonscity @risingsh0t @rotbites @samcarpnter @savedpeople @seethesunny @seifers @shadowglens @shadowsofrose @skribbz @spaceswifty @stydixa @summonernoctis @sweeetestcurse @tlotrgifs @usersukuna @vagabond @valkyurii @videogamewomen @viktorgf @villainii @vindicia @wardenevka @wintersongstress @wolfsdread @yocalio
#tumblr only lets you tag 50 people now#so sorry if some of you don't see this <3#also wow i haven't made a gif in forever#i think i did okay#and i love mouthwashing so much#thanks for following me too#and putting up with me for this long#it's much appreciated#follow forever#my tings
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hello beautiful people, this is kashi here! as 2024 winds down, i want to end the year with gratitude for all the lovely people i’ve met here. this blog reaching 2k followers has me floored—i still can’t believe anyone would follow this chaotic little corner of mine, but i’m so, so grateful you’ve chosen to stay 🙇🏻♀️💘
(this blog is actually just an elaborate love letter to him at this point but thank you for letting me scream about him with all of you)
thank you so much for being here and making this platform such a bright and welcoming place. i’ve grown so much as a person and as a content creator on caratblr, and all i can say is thank you 🥺❤️ thank you for supporting me, and thank you for always leaving sweet notes and tags on my creations.
this blog has been my safe haven for a little over a year, bringing me peace and warmth during tough times. thank you for being part of this journey; i truly can’t put into words how much you, the boys, and this blog mean to me.
to my wonderful mutuals: even though i’m a bit awkward when it comes to interactions, please know i cherish each of you deeply 🥺 and to everyone who follows this blog: your reblogs, tags, comments, likes, and asks bring me so much happiness. you light up my days simply by being here 🌻
to those tagged below, please know how grateful i am for your presence on this platform. all of you never fail to brighten my dash, and it’s truly a privilege to have crossed paths with you 🌟 each one of you has inspired me so much, and i’m incredibly thankful to see your beautiful content 💞 i’m really shy and awkward, so i apologize if i’ve never initiated any conversations, but please know my heart holds so much admiration for you and your blog.
last but not least (omg, for a shy person, i’m quite the yapper!), i wish you all a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year! may the coming year bring you endless joy, warmth, and success. thank you for being part of this little corner of the internet 🌟💞
@96z, @97-liners, @baekhyunnybyun, @bei-b, @caspleosvt, @chancheols, @chwedout, @coupsnim, @db2k, @dinogimon, @eoieopda, @etherealyoungk, @facethesuns, @fairyhaos, @hanjlsung, @hongtonie, @jeonghanic, @jeonwon-wonwoo, @jnwonwoos, @kimsmingyu, @kveom, @leedonghun, @master-tonberry, @meowonhao, @minzbins, @powerboo, @scouped, @scoups, @seonghwasblr, @seoksoonwoo, @scoupssolo, @seungkwan-s, @soonhoonsol, @sugurugetos, @sungjinhos, @vcrnons, @wnjunhui, @wonboos, @woneko, @wonwoorideul, @woozification, @zyx
#follow forever#milestone#2k#shutup kashi#feeling so grateful!!!#this is long overdue but thank you!#thank you for letting me be embarrassingly in awe of this silly boy#also i will cry if i missed anyone please forgive me!!!!!#thank you is all i can say without feeling overwhelmingly emotional 🤍
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hii i hit a follower milestone recently and i really wanna thank u all. i came back to this blog last year thinking it’d feel lonely and weird, but it’s been the complete opposite. thanks for being so welcoming, reblogging my gifs, reading my rambles… this is my happy place again and i've made friends i'll always hold close to my heart. i love it here. you’re all so cool and talented 🫶🏻
pls go follow everyone i tagged in this post if u haven’t already! this is a sideblog so i’m rly sorry if you’re a mutual and not tagged 🥺
sending good vibes 〰️
🩵 gc friends ily 🩵 @danrifics | @dnphobe | @lesbiandanhowell | @personthattoleratesme | @pseudophan | @simplydnp
@acefruit | @awrfhi | @ahappydnp | @cafephan | @cardsagainstdnpg | @danandphilandthedevil | @danielbear | @danpilled | @dapg-otmebytheballs | @deadandphilgames | @deathclassic | @demonphannie | @dnp-pet-rectangle | @dnpsuck | @energeticwarrior | @freckliedan | @freckliephil | @fryday | @gamora-borealis | @goldenpinof | @hoodiestrings | @lesbaurinkos | @lightphilly | @luckilyiambrave | @manchesterau | @moonchair | @oriharakaoru | @parasocialdnp | @phannotfound | @phansterdam | @phlesbian | @phulge | @queerdnp | @swearphil | @thistooisphanyuri | @yonpote
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hello! i just hit 2k, and i haven't done one of these since i hit 100 followers so: follow forever incoming!
most of the older blogs i'm following have gone inactive, so there's so much love in my heart for everyone who's still here. i AM reccing just a couple inactive blogs that i will be following for life 💛 edit: these are in groups of 4-5 because otherwise? tumblr stops letting @ ing people work
friends i've talked the most with about dnp: aries @freckliephil, roper @phulge, hana @danielbear, ry @dnphobe, & rudy @yonpote
blogs i found before dnp came out: xavier @angryphildm beth @awrfhi jess @cactuslester kristine @danandphilandthedevil
pip @dannierights al @danpilled leo @danslawdegree molly @deathclassic
jas @demonphannie lola @dnpsuck yash @floppy-ding-dong valo @gaymingvideos kate @goldenpinof
katie @heterophobicdaniel dylan @horsegirlhob blonde @leblonde em @lesbiandipandpip di @lesdienne
ott @milflester barry @milfygerard @oldqueenphil nora @pseudophan
ari @thelionandthellama tj @tjlauren av @vampire-email renee @yikesola
blogs i found after dnp came out: jacky @2009phan jenna @ahappyphjl ava @birthdaywolf chicken @chickenfreeblog ru @danisnotonfirewalkwithme
hazel @dapg-otmebytheballs allie @deadandphilgames emma @dnpbeats daye @dvp95 nikki @energeticwarrior
westley @flamingheretic callie @gamora-borealis amelia @lesbaurinkos zee @manchesterau
char @simplydnp emily @slayter-kinney robin @tarotphil chelle @thatsmistertoyou
ada @theyarewrestling p @thursdaygirlmp3 bee @ttlmt vi @wdapteo
love you all! thanks for 2k!
#yes i do have most of your names memorized <3 everyone these days is making it very hard with a + l or e + l names#jam posts#follow forever#if we are mutuals from pre hiatus. high odds i consider you a cousin on the tumblr side#phandom
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who is on your follow forever list?
Hiya Lovely,
I'm going to split this into a list of people I've been following since I joined Tumblr and are still around and the lovely new friends I've made since I rejoined the fandom :)
@freddiesmyqueen @awesomefringey @kinglouisalmighty @heartshaped-lou @kingsofeverything
@londonfoginacup @kindathoughtprovoking
@larry-hiatus @thedevilinmybrain @alarrylarrie @strangenewfriends @zourried
@allwaswell16 @alloutshirt @delicatepointofview @nouies
@hellolovers13 @tommosgun @ishipmutualrespect @1dhq @tommokat
@sadaveniren @2tiedships2 @lululawrence @braverytattoos @thebirdtatts
@lt3 @louisarmpits @savebylou @thechavier @hl-obsessed
@petitommo @tommos @goldcrumble @awake--and--dreaming @enchantedlandcoffee
@theeliampayne @louisgrayhairs @wishingforloushair
@redpantslouis @red-pandaaa @ocean-sailor @louisisalarrie @bidamonalbarn
@voulezloux @fadeintolight @evilovesyou @greeneyesfriedrice @crinkle-eyed-boo
@oflouistomlinson @bloodonthedrums @killmymind
@walkinginsunflowers @tobethemselves @larrysballetslippers @doesntmeanitsmeaningless @aquietlarrie
I tried to get as many people as I could, I'm sure I've missed some people but I love you and love following everyone :) <3
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Hello! You all know me as Luci and I just hit a pretty big milestone! 1k followers! So I'm making something of a Follow Forever like they used to do in older rpc's I've been in. I've only been here a little over 2 months now and I've absolutely loved roleplaying Lucifer, and everyone I've had the pleasure of roleplaying and talking with too. And it's made me sooo incredibly happy that people enjoy my portrayal and everything I have done with him and have plans to do with him! And I can't thank you all enough! Also wanted to give a special thanks to @/zestials for helping me get this graphic together just for this. Feel free to reblog this! As much as it's a celebration for me, it's an appreciation for you. Thank you all for giving me a chance and sticking with me until now. ❤️ But, I couldn't have done this without some amazing people along the way. These are people who talk/roleplay/mean a lot to me:
{ @voxistem ° @holoharbinger ° @lilitophidian ° @k1zty ° @cxncrie ° @perditicn ° @bxrningembers ° @arachnaemboss ° @pompedia ° @rockange ° @sainticidal ° @clwngasm ° @spiderslvts ° @cardedsoul ° @deversolium ° @pridefell ° @origiinis ° @chthonicrage ° @waywardsculs ° @jizzlords ° @televanghell ° @hazb1nh0tels ° @therealricksanchezpleasestandup ° @zestials ° @hellsbroadcaster ° @gluttonybound ° @videoaux ° @r-adio ° @painmon ° @wonderful-balan ° @hellshoard }
These are people who I haven't really spoke to recently/as much or hasn't roleplayed much with me ( yet ) but I appreciate and enjoy seeing on the dash as well:
{ @onhigh ° @hotelbitches ° @voxxcd ° @sinfuldxgenerates ° @mothvalentino ° @originemesis ° @lilithisms ° @fearedelight ° @staticheck ° @infernal-feminae ° @snapshotxsinners ° @fizzarollitm ° @starsaught ° @dvilborn ° @l-ucitiel ° @demondads ° @adamsappl ° @hazs-been ° @kakodaimones ° @gethellbcnt ° @helluvaflames ° @vanaglcria ° @screentimeoverlord ° @respectlless ° @voxiiferous ° @lustsang ° @gctchell ° @radiiosugars ° @helhime ° @madefate ° @hclluvahctel ° @radioaici ° @hzbinsouled ° @multipalz ° @ducktastic-dad ° @hellahtel ° @gamblins ° @rotdame ° @hazbintales ° @edenpoise ° @exorcistlieutenant ° @prnkill ° @ciircex ° @heaven-said ° @infernalight ° @helluvahotelx ° @heavenscrow ° @heartsbitten ° @hellishisms ° @helfires ° @unholi ° @stolsas ° @bloodczar ° @helldrip ° @thefirstwoman @faithcorrupted ° @redemptsin ° @cacology ° @culling ° @bxttybitch ° @diresang ° @demonsdealings }
#follow forever#appreciation towards my followers and supporting me for so long. ❤️#1k milestone.#hopefully it tags everybody .. i went over 50 mentions ..
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hello!! i just hit 300 followers the other day, which is so crazy after so many years of just lurking on phannie tumblr. here is a quick lil follow forever, so sorry if i forgot to mention you ilu all 💙🫶
med phield / STEM besties:
🩺🧪@amusedphan @serendipnpipity @greycr3scent @thighguys @cactuslester + everyone else @medphieldphannies 🧪🩺
other beloved mutuals:
💫💌@that-azurii-loser @philsbrownquiff @freckliedan @beachcollector @sisterdaniels @notsosaucystuff @dnpbeats @fryday @phanbeats @snailsandstrawberries @jonsaremembers @blessedjoy@antiadvil @aromanticphillester @awrfhi @danrifics @wdapteo @ghoulish-art-tendencies @queerdnp @tarotfiend @phantasticphizza @freckliephil @omatone-dnp @spacedaisjes @cardsagainstdnpg @fagus-sylvatica-beech-hedge @gamora-borealis 💌💫
incredible artists / gifers / writers not mentioned above:
🎬🪩@pseudophan @ahappyphjl @phrumbs @lizardsmp3 @calvinahobbes @demonqueenart @amid-fandoms @azuphere @goldenpinof @proudsnackeezowner @laddersmp3 @yikesola 🪩🎬
#my ipad goodnotes slay#ily all this has been such such such a lovely experience these past few months#robin 📢#follow forever
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My 2024 follow forever
Another year has passed since my first follow forever and yes I'm doing another one and now it's my two year anniversary of this blog. A lot has happened in this year, so many beautiful memories attached to yr, getting to see Omar live (twice!!), meeting other fans there and sharing that connection, visiting "Hillerska" together etc. It's been such a good time and I'm so glad I got to have this and that this show brought us all together!
I also can't deny that it's been tough at times in the fandom. I have a more complicated relationship with young royals now than I would like it to be, especially with S3 when I really looked forward to it a year ago. Since it's not all I wished it to be it's been a bit hard finding and navigating my new space in the fandom and it's not always easy when everyone else is loving it and having fun and you feel like you missed the memo and don't quite feel like you belong here anymore.
Obviously though I am still here and working on creating that space because I am still invested in the show and do love it and I wanna have fun with it. So in that process I've found new blogs and I'm so grateful to have found this community of like-minded people. It's been nice to see how there is a sense of camaraderie and support of each other. Isn't there a saying about adversities and always finding something beautiful out of it because that's how it felt haha
It can be frustrating sometimes but I've also talked to so many people this year and made friends, talking fics, talking Edvin, Omar and so much more and that's been all worth it so I wanna shout out the old and new blogs I've been following this year!
@amailboxlemur, @andyouloveme, @bluedalahorse, @cupofteainme, @delicatelystrangepolice, @drs295, @frogprincesnowglobe, @glimmeringdreams, @grapehyasynth, @groenendaelfic, @illuminescent, @justfriendsbestthings, @omar-bb, @omarera, @omarsimp, @plantbasedfish, @pwdd1, @resipsaloquitace, @saynomorefic, @sflow-er, @sobadbad, @sunnyelfs, @the-words-we-sung, @willedeservesbetter, @wille-yr, @youngroyalsforever, @yrblogbaby, @zee-has-commitment-issues
I also want to appreciate every other yr blog that is still going strong and keeps this fandom alive by making or sharing content in any shape or form. Thank you all for being here and I hope to see you in the next year!
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hi darlings! ✨️ happy holidays! ❄️ interacting with you guys has been so much fun this year. i feel closer to a lot of you (especially those i've been mutuals with for 8+ years; you guys are amazing for that). i'm also so grateful for the new mutuals i've made this year (more than usual, yay!). thank you all so much for interacting with my edits, sending me messages, playing tag games with me, and making my dash beautiful. you guys remind me i'm not alone, and there's someone (more than one) who understands me. thank you! 💖 if i've tagged you here, please know i love you, you are wonderful, and you've made at least one person happy (me lol). i'm wishing you the best this holiday. you did an amazing job this year; be proud :) this is part 2 of my original post. i forgot tumblr doesn't allow more than 50 mentions in a post anymore 😅
i hope 2025 will be a better year for us all. you guys deserve the very best 💕mutuals tagged below the cut! ❤️💚❤️💚
@lucybaird ♡ @luucydacus ♡ @magbane ♡ @masiepeters ♡ @misswift ♡ @munsonseds ♡ @mybrightstar ♡ @my-lover ♡ @natromanovs ♡ @neverfindmegone ♡ @nightlock ♡ @nonsensechristmass ♡ @nordstars ♡
@obsessedx ♡ @ohmoriartea ♡ @padme-amidala ♡ @penelope-garcia ♡ @queens-clarke ♡ @riccis ♡ @samwinchcster ♡ @scorpiussmalfoyy ♡ @sherlockig ♡ @shipmvn ♡ @slyhtherins ♡ @spiteslucanis ♡ @stevebcks ♡ @strikingjann ♡ @sunflowervol6 ♡ @swkywalker ♡ @tayloralison ♡ @teamred ♡ @thepinkscale ♡ @tommensbaratheons ♡ @tonytoponi ♡ @tornadocowboy ♡ @userhalsey ♡ @userlorelai ♡ @visenyatargaryen ♡ @waddinghamhannah ♡ @waxladrian ♡ @22s ♡
#mutuals#tagged mutuals#chance's 2024 mutual appreciation#2024 mutual appreciation#mutual appreciation#text post#personal#ff#follow forever#chance's 2024 mutual appreciation part 2#ily guys!!#thanks for being amazing mutuals & friends 💞
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i have hit another milestone! 3,000 of you follow... whatever this is now 😂 and i can’t believe it! i haven't been super consistent with my gifs recently, but thank you to anyone who has shown my gifsets love!
as per usual, i’m gonna shout out some moots and lovely people! 💖 means we’re moots! if you think we’re moots, tell me!
@akaanmo 💖 / @atinystraykid 💖 @changbeens 💖 / @chanrizard 💖 / @chanstopher / @cheekyquokka 💖 / @geniaparadox 💖 / @ggthydrangea 💖 / @haenglixie 💖 / @hoshissi 💖 / @hyunchans / @hyunebear / @hyuniejinie / @jerirose 💖 / @jinniebit 💖 / @jjsungie / @juiceofmoons 💖 / @lee--felix 💖 / @leefelex 💖 / @missyedits 💖 / @quokki 💖 / @snug-gyu 💖 / @straykidsgallery / @strayklds / @sunnishine 💖 / @winterfloral 💖 / @wolfchans 💖 / @yonglixx 💖
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