#; Welcome To Doose's! {starters}
offorester · 2 years
If you see him in the hospital today, Shh.
It's...a very long story.
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greenmountainhq · 3 years
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A time-honored tradition hosted by the people of Stowe themselves! Right in the sweet spot of Autumn beginning, the town gets together and celebrate with a fun picnic and fundraiser! Half the town makes a basket while the rest are expected to bid on them. All bets are considered donations and will be happily donated to the town for any future events / projects! 
The once age-old tradition was broken down by the basket weavers (aka women) and the basket bidders (aka men) but the event was certainly modernized in 2018 to include non-binaries and give more fairness to the ladies. A week prior to the fundraising event, the township of Stowe holds a meeting and lottery picks the basket weavers! Those who were not selected in the drawing, are the town’s bidders. Down below this post will be the listing of our basket weavers and bidders. 
The idea is that the highest bid for the basket will win the basket. These baskets may be filled with yummy goodies or themed products like body lotions, hand-crafted items, etc. As Taylor Doose would say -- keep this PG, people! Though keep in mind, basket weavers, most people are betting for a delicious lunch! 
And in the midst of all the excitement of the bidding picnic basket wars, there are plenty of tables full of refreshments and hand-made goodies for the whole town to enjoy! 
Alexandria Kaye
Arthur Desai
Emery Farina 
Kassandra Ryder
Kyle Jenner 
Scout Johnson
Meredith Calloway 
Valentina Cabrera
Brandon Segal 
Camila Clearwater 
Constance Faulkner
Maggie Sainte 
Margaret McKee
Matt Blazej 
Miles Parker 
Zhao Re Mi
Welcome to our first event, Stoweys!  We ask everyone to participate for our first event but not every event will require participation on your end. Please tag all open starters as gm:event001 and let’s get this thing started!
The event will last until next Saturday, September 11th.
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**disclaimer: the idea of the Bid-On-A-Basket Fundraiser was 100% inspired by the tv show Gilmore Girls and we do not claim any originality whatsoever.  
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offorester · 2 years
@codedeargent​ “So is wandering off in the woods to shoot a bow a hobby or...?”
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offorester · 2 years
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Listen, It’s that time of year and he is going to be focused on sketching and painting. But who is the muse? YOUR MUSE OF COURSE.  Pose for him.
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offorester · 2 years
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“I don’t know...Maybe it’s because I know in the end I’m not good for anyone, not really.”
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offorester · 2 years
@thechaoticmusecollection liked for a small starter! {for whichever muse you are feeling <3}
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"I'd be a bit more careful if I were you...Taylor's been cutting back on people to tend to the sidewalks so it's icy. One wrong step and you'll end up flat on your butt. Or worse, face."
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offorester · 2 years
@multi-royalty liked for a small starter! {Caroline} "You know, I think this is the third time I've seen you pass by this exact spot...You could always ask for directions. Just saying."
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offorester · 2 years
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“Ha ha...Laugh it up. I know the hat looks funny but it’s a work requirement, okay?”
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offorester · 2 years
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He’s eating candy but... He might share if you ask nicely.
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offorester · 2 years
@townwxtch​ “You look like you could use a little help there.”
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offorester · 2 years
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“You look a little lost there.”
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offorester · 2 years
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Well...shit. This doesn't look good. At all.
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offorester · 2 years
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All was lively and bustling in the small town of Stars Hollow, families doing last minute shopping and scrambling around to prepare for Thanksgiving dinners. Everyone seemed to have something to do this year except Dean Forester whom was currently out on a walk. He could have stayed home or made dinner himself but he couldn’t quite get himself in the mood. So rather than sitting around he had opted to take a walk, enjoying the early winter weather and cool chill in the air. It was comforting almost, the bite in the air a welcome distraction.
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offorester · 2 years
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His mood might be just a little off tonight but it’s perfect weather for a stroll, just chilly enough. Hazel eyes roam the sight of the town, drinking it in for all that it is. Wisps fill the air each time a breath escapes parted lips. Dean loves the chill of the autumn air, the bite to it and scent of fallen leaves. They litter the ground in many colors: orange, yellow, brown. Like a path laid out before him. He shoves his hands into his pockets, a small attempt to keep them warm as he continues his walk. Passing buildings along the way: Miss Patty’s, Doose’s Market, Luke’s Diner...So many memories passing on through. Memories that feel his being with warmth, others that sting. This town holds so many parts of his life. The question running through his mind is would leaving be better? Or would staying be? He was uncertain.  There were times he felt at home and others: like a caged bird. Should he welcome it or fly free?
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offorester · 2 years
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“Huh...? You wanna repeat that? But explain it to me like I’m five this time.”
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offorester · 2 years
“So what? Just because I didn’t go off to college and get some fancy job that makes me less of a person? Worth less because I’m not more successful? I’m so...tired of hearing stuff like that. Tired of feeling stuff like that.” A bitter laugh escapes him, hazel eyes narrowed. He’s heard that so many times that it feels as if it’s sunken into his very being being, down to his bones. From his family to Richard Gilmore and many others. And it makes him sick. He’s been working relentlessly since he was just an early teen, not having any time to actually think about things like that. He didn’t have the luxury. So every time people gave him that look of disapproval it ate away at him a little more each day. He’s done with it.
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