#; `` role storage. `` ๐Ÿ“œ
greenieflor ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ“œ please!
(Aaa thank you so much!! I'm such a huge fan of the Leda 'verse I'm having a Moment)
11. ๐Ÿ“œ - Favorite myth/fairytale/folklore?
This is a tough one for me, I love mythology and have been studying it/learning about it in some way (mostly Greek) for ~15 years so this might get a little long.
My first instinct is to say the Rape of Persephone, the story of her first descent into the underworld. I have a tattoo dedicated to her and her roles as both Queen of the Underworld and Goddess of Spring (I'm doing a whole sleeve of mythological tattoos) as it has spoken to me in a lot of different ways over the years, I really love looking at the recent (5-10 years) changes in how the story is contextualized. The change from the common understanding being explicitly a rape or kidnapping of Persephone by Hades to her willingly entering the Underworld/wanting to stay there with Hades is something I find really intriguing, especially in conjunction with the similar change in the story of Medusa- going from her seducing Poseidon to him outright raping her in the Temple of Athena, from her being a monster and punished to her transformation to a Gorgon being a blessing and a way to protect herself from men.
I would have to say though that my favourite myth is Pandora's Jar (it would have been a storage jar, not a box). It's the first story I ever learned from Greek mythology and has stuck with me for a lot of reasons beyond that.
Pandora was created by the gods to be a gift to the humans after Prometheus shaped the new age out of clay to repopulate the earth, for whom he later stole fire from the gods. Zeus, along with Hepheastus, Aphrodite, and Hermes, created and blessed Pandora with beauty and cunning with Zeus giving her the final gift of curiosity. Before she was brought down to earth to be a bride for Epimetheus, Prometheus' younger brother, Zeus gave her a jar and instructed her never to open it, no matter what.
The jar, of course, was filled with all the miseries of man that we know today. When she opened the jar they all flew free, save for Hope, which was stuck under the rim of the jar and trapped when Pandora slammed the lid shut. She does eventually reopen the jar, allowing hope free, and giving us that which can be a light in times of darkness.
Pandora and Epimetheus' daughter, Pyrrah, later marries Deucellion and the pair become the only two humans to survive the great flood and are then tasked with repopulating the earth.
I could go on for hours about the path these stories take and I probably will at some point, but this is already incredibly long.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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