#: ̗̀➛fc: QUERENCIA
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frieschan · 2 years ago
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QUERENCIA, chapter 3
(n.) where one feels home ; the place where you are your most authentic self
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pairing - hybrid! ot7 x bunny hybrid! male! reader
genre - 18+, college au, hybrid au, fluff, eventual angst, eventual smut, humour
summary - you, a rabbit hybrid away from home to study, run into a group of surprisingly friendly and calm (also very attractive) predators who are a pack and live together suddenly run into your life like a bulldozer. the dull days of your life may turn into days of joy and laughter, or will the days turn into gloom and a sad everafter?
warnings (this chapter) - use of curseword, someone blacking out
word count - 2.9k
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You and Jihoon were staying at your apartment. Having a fun little sleepover since her major was kicking her ass at the moment. It was around mid-morning, 9 am. To your absolute shock, The ocelot hybrid has woken up at a normal-ish time. Only bad part was that she suddenly wanted to bake something at your house, together. You didn't have any baking supplies or appliances, mostly finding yourself to be the type to cook instead of bake.
"C'mon! let's go to the mall and shop!"-
"And you're going to pay..?"
"Hell yeah! I got my allowance from my girlfriend!"
"God I feel bad for her...."
"I'm being a good girlfriend ya know!!"
That was how you found yourself at a mall, with an ecstatic Jihoon, excited to spend every dime and dollar she had on creating baked goods. You were sure you’d be the one doing half, if not all the work though. You and Jihoon arrive at the department store of the mall, her already dragging you to the appliances section to buy the needed equipment. You looked at all the mixers, pots, pans, all the baking galore. They all looked as you expect, pretty much perfect and shiny. One of the mixing stands had caught your eye, it looked like any other mixer but it had an adorable rose-gold color. You just felt the need to have it so you approached it, not minding the wild Jihoon behind you that was close to breaking just about everything in the store. You held your breath as you were about to flip the price tag to show you how much it was, quickly releasing it when you realized it was a good price. As you were about to turn around and tell Youngji about it, your words stuck in your throat as you saw a familiar wolf hybrid
“Hey Y/N! Meet my friends, Namjoon and Hoseok!” Jihoon waved you down from the tool section of the store. You gulped down your nerves and walked to them.
“Hey there bun, we met on the metro right?” Namjoon greeted you with a dimpled smile and hand stretched out. “I’m Namjoon, The wolf you met.”
You took his hand with a shy smile and red cheeks. This certainly wasn’t how you were expecting to see the two of them again. “Y/N, if it isn’t obvious enough I’m a bunny” You laughed nervously.
You then looked at his friend next to him, He was near Namjoon’s height. A fox hybrid. He had sharp features, a perfect nose, high cheekbones, and a heart grin on his lips. He was just as handsome as the rest of the guys you’ve met these days. Seeing as you were looking at him, he introduced himself
“I’m Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi!” He greeted with an excited grin plastered on his face. The moment he had your hand, he shook it aggressively with his tail wagging behind him. Honestly, if he wasn’t a fox, he’d be a dog hybrid with how energetic he is. You loved his energy though! He was like the best friend you never knew you needed. He was honestly adorable, another potential for a mate.
“Anyway, what brings you two here!” Jihoon exclaimed, puffing up her chest and pushing out more of her alcohol-smelling scent. You almost forgot Jihoon was an alpha, and that you forgot to stuff your nose and scent glands with scent blockers.
“Well Jihoon, we were out doing errands for a pack member.” Namjoon answered while Hobi was side-eyeing Jihoon, looking her up and down with distaste on his face and his tail swishing behind his back. It was honestly hilarious
“No wonder! I was about to ask why the great Namjoon was in the baking section when he’d burn a damn house down!”
“Oh fuck off Jihoon, you’d set a neighborhood on fire with your skills.” Namjoon retorted with a roll of his eyes, right before bursting out laughing with Hobi. You couldn’t help but chuckle at the antics of the three.
“Since Hobi and Y/N have the most skill out of us, you two can lead the group while me and Namjoon will just be behind the two of you” Jihoon suggested with a grin, quick to push the two of you to the front with a glint in her eye that you couldn’t understand. I mean, this was Jihoon, she was probably just gonna be weird with Namjoon.
You started walking with Hobi, keeping your eyes straight ahead and trying not to embarrass yourself in front of him. You did take a few quick glances at him and he looked so calm, with a lazy smile on his face to reflect his attitude at the moment. You didn’t notice that with your actions at the moment, you were unconsciously pushing out your scent without knowing.
“I like your scent, Y/N” Hobi softly smiled at you, looking back at him with red cheeks. “It makes me feel calm honestly”
“I’m guessing you like the smell of baked goods?” You giggled softly, taking a deep breath before offering him your wrist. He in return, was quite surprised at your action but welcomed it. Hobi didn’t grab your wrist, but instead just softly smelled your scent gland and smiled. He really is a gentleman. You were grateful that he was an alpha that was one of a kind, an alpha that was kind and treated omegas with respect. He pulled away and offered you a thankful heart grin.
“You can take my wrist if you’d like..”
“Oh no it’s alright, just your scent from here is enough. You were kind of pushing it out a bit..” He teased you and laughed, not a mocking laugh but an amused laugh. His laugh was contagious, it was like something that triggered a domino effect to anyone who heard it, you just happened to be one of those people.
“I mean, I’m not the one that likes my scent.” You laughed with him and smacked his arm lightly with a grin that mirrored his. You saw how his tail was wagging around excitedly and shaked with each one of his laughs.
As the two of you laughed, you didn’t notice how Jihoon and Namjoon were somewhat conversing seriously. Their tails still, their gazes were neutral and close to cold. Jihoon’s arms were behind her back while Namjoon’s were crossed.
“You’re interested in courting Y/N to be packmate?” Jihoon said cooly and glared at Namjoon, close to baring her teeth at him. Namjoon simply nodded at her, keeping his stance and showing he isn’t scared of her.
“I’ll have you know, Y/N is my packmember in the pack of my girlfriend and I. You’ll need to get our approval first before you’ll be able to court him. You and your pack better be ready to work for it.”
“We are. My pack and I have already talked about it and we are ready to prove that we are more than capable of taking care of whatever Y/N needs.” 
“Then, we’ll be talking more about this later. When your pack is present and when my girlfriend is present. I’ll talk to Y/N if he’s interested.. And if he’s not..”
Jihoon was quick to move, grabbing Namjoon by his collar even if she was a few inches shorter, the two of them so close together. She made sure to push out more of her scent and to bare her teeth at him. Jihoon was going to show him who had the authority over you between the two of them. Jihoon was also smart enough to make sure the two of you were far enough away so they couldn’t smell the bitterness of her scent currently.
“You better fucking stay away, Namjoon.” Jihoon growled, before dropping his collar and walking away, back to their spot previously behind the two of you. “Good luck, dear pack alpha.” Jihoon mouthed at Namjoon before turning back to you guys and smiling at your interaction with Hobi. Jihoon could see the way you looked at Hobi, the same sparkle in your eye like when you had a boyfriend. Jihoon swore on her life that she will protect you no matter what and no matter what it takes.
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“Well, I didn’t know it was already 7 in the afternoon.” You said while glaring at Jihoon, her chuckling nervously in return. “How the hell did we even stay here for 9 hours?!”
Hobi laughed while Namjoon just sighed. “Hobi and I can take you guys home with all the stuff you brought” He offered.
“Are you sure? I live kind of far from the mall.” You said dejectedly, truly you were grateful for the offer, but you were scared to burden the two alphas when you were sure you and Jihoon could find another way home. The alphas were quick to comfort you and pat you on the head, saying that it was more than alright for them to take the both of you home. Little did you know, they had started to smell the rain on your scent which in turn made them worried so they were quick to comfort you.
You watched as the two alphas haul all the stuff into the truck on Hobi’s car, which was a black Porsche Panamera GTS that has Jihoon absolutely awestruck while you were just making silly faces on your reflection that was on the car. The two alphas have succeeded in hauling all the stuff into the trunk, Namjoon’s strength helping well. 
“I’m calling shotgun!” Jihoon said with a grin, before looking at Namjoon with an unreadable expression. It was as if Jihoon was testing him, but you didn’t read too much into the situation. Opting to just get into the car and wait for the rest to also go in.
The car ride was fairly quiet, Jihoon and Hobi occasionally making jokes and talking about how each of them have been, and Jihoon telling Hobi what your address is. You occasionally heard a mention of a ‘Jungkook’ or a ‘Yoongi’ but you were sure it was probably just a coincidence. A lot of people possibly had that name anyway. You decided to just admire the outside, seeing either dozens of trees or dozens of buildings. 
The 4 of you had finally arrived at your apartment. The werewolf and fox quick to get out and bring all the stuff into the lobby and get ready to get on the elevator, you and Jihoon trying to help but the other two were adamant about letting the ladies do minimal work. Now you were in your apartment, organizing all the stuff while Jihoon kept Hobi and Namjoon entertained. You couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but with Jihoon’s chatty nature, you were sure she kept the two of them busy. Just as you finished putting the last piece of equipment into one of your cabinets, you rushed into the living room.
“I apologize if my apartment is a bit small and messy, I didn’t have time to clean it” You smiled apologetically at Hobi and Namjoon. “Jihoon also made a big mess.” Which was followed by a chorus of complaints from the ocelot and laughs from the fox and wolf. 
“Don’t worry about it bun, Hobi and I are about to leave anyway.” Namjoon said dejectedly, wanting to stay a bit more in your apartment. Hobi looked just the same as his pack member. “Namjoon needs to continue doing his nerdy things and I need to rehearse for a dance competition.” 
Your ears had perked up when you heard the word dance from Hobi’s mouth. He did look lean but flexible like a dancer. “Since the both of you are leaving, I’ll give you two my number so we can talk more and maybe hangout next time?” You smiled, hoping they’d accept and that the three of you would grow closer. Namjoon looked at Jihoon with a questioning glance, Jihoon responding with a nod. The two of them jumped up from the couch to copy your number and save it, after that they bid goodbye and left your apartment.
“They were really nice..” You whispered with a big grin, quick to drop onto the couch and giggle like a highschool girl with a crush.
“You like them?” Jihoon asked, looking up at her with a thinking face. You nodded. 
“I don’t know if they like me though, or even if their pack would want me in.” 
“Oh trust me ‘mega, they do like you.” She smiled while patting your head, careful not to brush your ears on accident. “They’re a 7 member pack, with only alphas.” 
You looked at Jihoon, shocked, and confused on why it sounded somewhat familiar.
“Their pack is interested in courting you ‘mega… I trust Namjoon and Hobi enough to let them court you, but Yuna and I need to talk to their pack first. Is that alright?” Jihoon said softly, you looked up at her with the happiest grin and eyes that held a big sparkle.
You jumped up from your position and tackled Jihoon from her spot on the couch, hugging her and squealing about how thankful you were. Then you started getting emotional, tears prickling and about to burst while your lips were shaking.
“Do you think.. Do you think they’ll be better than him? Do you think I’ll finally try love again?” You whispered while hugging Jihoon tight. You could feel her rubbing your back and comforting you to the best of her abilities.
“I know they’ll be better than him ‘mega, he never deserved you.. He was nothing but garbage and you were just too deep in it.” Jihoon comforted you, one hand rubbing your back and the other scratching behind your ear.
“Would you like me to get Yuna to come here and we’ll have a big cuddling sesh while watching netflix?”
“Yes please..”
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Right now, you were walking home in the rain from your classes. There were only three classes that lasted around an hour and 10 minutes. You had your headset on, playing some piano instrumentals. Your left hand was holding the umbrella while the right was hugging your shoulder tote close. The rain wasn’t too hard but it was safer to not drive in the weather. The path you were taking was a path that not a lot of people took, not that it was those sketchy alleys, but it was more because it was a residential area that was mostly full of old people. 
As you walked, you noticed a man crouched and hunched over a box, he had an umbrella covering him and the box and he was seemingly trying to grab what was inside. That was until you heard it, you heard the whimpers of a bunny. The moment you heard it, you immediately sped-walk to the same box the man was huddled over, in fear and worry of what was wrong with the bunny.
The man saw you and was worried about what you were about to do, but when he got a glimpse of your rabbit ears, he knew it was better to let you do what you wanted. 
“Oh god, is the bunny alright?”
“I’m not sure, I just saw it out here while walking to the convenience store.”
You started to feel the worry bubble up inside you and you didn’t notice you started lightly thumping your foot. The man looked at you and you looked back. He had plushy lips and slightly chubby cheeks. You could see his leopard ears and his tail curled up underneath him, seemingly trying to avoid the rain. His dark brown and curly hair were a pretty contrast to his brightly colored ears. You then got hit by his scent, it was a smell of toasty wood, indicating he is an alpha.
“I feel like it’d be better if you were the one to take the poor thing home, I don’t think it would like being surrounded by me and my pack. Plus, you are also a rabbit.”
You nodded in response, putting your umbrella in between your armpit and grabbing the box and hugging it to your chest. It had a singular bunny, it was a black bunny that reminded you of your nieces and nephews. The leopard introduced himself as Jin and asked for your number, so he could ask for updates on the bunny and help take care of it. 
“It was nice meeting you Jin and I hope you make it home safely.”
You dictated your number before giving him a thankful smile and walking away, making sure to be cautious with the rabbit. 
After 10 minutes of walking home with the bunny, you arrived home and rushed to get inside your house. Texting Jihoon about the situation and deciding it’d be better if the bunny stayed at theirs instead of your home. Your home was too much of a mess from the wild baking you and Jihoon had been doing from last night while Yuna was watching. Jihoon was quick to arrive at your house, pick up the bunny and give you a nod of good luck. You knew she had a soft spot for bunnies and rabbits alike because her mate and her best friend were both one.
As you sighed and leaned back into the couch, you could feel yourself growing more weak and weak, and it felt like you couldn’t function properly. You tried to get up to get a glass of water, until your vision started to develop black spots and you just dropped.
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TAGLIST - @blehhhidk, @instantnarwhal, @singukieee, @weepyalex, @kaceypdf (just comment or dm to be added in masterlist !!, crossed out are people I couldn't tag)
notes - sorry this took too long! but what do you think will happen to y/n now that he blacked out in his home? with no one to help?!
copyright © 2023 | frieschan
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dear-indies · 5 months ago
Hello, could you please recommend some female fcs that either have short hair and/or hair that isn't blonde or brunette. I would prefer if they are 25 or older, but I am open to suggestions beyond that. Most of the faceclaims I have on my wanted list have the same style hair and I would like some other options. Thank you in advance!
Shaved hair:
Florence Kasumba (1976) Ugandan.
Danai Gurira (1978) Shona Zimbabwean.
T'Nia Miller (1985) Afro Jamaican - is a lesbian.
Jodie Turner-Smith (1986) Afro Jamaican.
Michaela Coal (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic.
Kota Eberhardt (1989) Lakota Sioux and African American.
Alexis Louder (1991) African-American.
Jordan Alexander (1993) African-American and White - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Short hair:
Alexandra Billings (1962) African-American. Unspecified Indigenous, White - is trans.
Elena Kong (1971) Hongkonger.
Kim Seo-hyung (1973) Korean.
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - had short light pink hair in Tomorrow.
Ha Jae-sook (1979) Korean.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani and White - is a lesbian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Jillian Mercado (1987) Dominican - has spastic muscular dystrophy - has had short hair and multiple colours!
Anna Diop (1988) Senegalese - had pink hair in Titans.
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - has had short pinky orange hair in Humans S2 and platinum hair in The Umbrella Academy.
Mary Galloway (1990) Quamichan and White - is queer - had short blue hair in Querencia.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / White - had short hair in We Are Lady Parts - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lee Joo-Young (1992) Korean - has had short green hair in Green Night.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / White - had short blue hair in The Matrix.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is trans - has short hair and orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Lily Sullivan (1993) - had short hair in Evil Dead Rise.
Emily Rudd (1993) - had short orange hair in One Piece.
Anna Leong Brophy (1993) Irish, Chinese, Kadazan.
Aisha Dee (1993) African Australian / White - had short pink hair in Sissy.
Natasha Liu Bordizzo (1994) Chinese / White - has had short and also long purple hair in Ahsoka.
Jerrie Johnson (1994) African American - short blonde hair.
Blu Hunt (1996) Oglala Lakota, Apache, White - is queer - short hair.
Sierra McCormick (1997) - has had short orange hair.
Brianne Tju (1998) Chinese, Indonesian - has had short black hair in Uglies.
Dyed hair:
Kim Hee-sun (1977) Korean - had short light pink hair in Tomorrow.
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer - has had orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Alyssa Sutherland (1982) - had red hair in Evil Dead Rise.
Aslıhan Güner (1987) Turkish - had red hair in Kuzey Yıldızı İlk Aşk.
Naomi Watanabe (1987) Japanese and Taiwanese - range of colours.
Jillian Mercado (1987) Dominican - has spastic muscular dystrophy - has had short hair and multiple colours!
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - has had short pinky orange hair in Humans S2 and platinum hair in The Umbrella Academy.
Mary Galloway (1990) Quamichan and White - is queer - had short blue hair in Querencia.
Michaela Jaé Rodriguez (1991) African-American 1/4 Puerto Rican - had pink hair in Tick Tick… Boom - is a trans woman.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is trans - has short hair and orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Davika Hoorne (1992) Thai / White - has had red hair.
Lee Joo-Young (1992) Korean - has had short green hair in Green Night.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / White - had short blue hair in The Matrix.
Shotzi Blackheart (1992) Filipino and White - has green hair.
Emily Rudd (1993) - had short orange hair in One Piece.
Aisha Dee (1993) African Australian / White - had short pink hair in Sissy.
Natasha Liu Bordizzo (1994) Chinese / White - has had short and also long purple hair in Ahsoka.
Emma Mackey (1996) - had blonde and pink hair in Sex Education.
Sierra McCormick (1997) - has had short orange hair.
Chloé Hayden (1997) - is orange hair - is autistic, has ADHD and has chronic illness.
Janella Salvador (1998) Bisaya Filipino - has had orange hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sab Zada (1999) Chinese, Filipino, and Unspecified Hispanic - has pink hair - has spoken up for Palestine!
Yuna (1986) Perakian Malay - has spoken up for Palestine!
Anjana Vasan (1987) Tamil Singaporean - in We Are Lady Parts.
Aiysha Hart (1990) Saudi / White - in We Are Lady Parts - has spoken up for Palestine!
Faith Omole (1992) Nigerian - in We Are Lady Parts.
Nemahsis (1994) Palestinian.
Please let me know if you'd like more suggestions for any category!
If this has helped you in any way please consider donating to a Palestinian fund me and/or please consider reblogging content about Palestine if you haven’t already!
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mundoequinocomco · 3 years ago
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63 EXPO - INTERNACIONAL FERIA DE LAS FLORES 2022 GRADO A GRAN CAMPEONATO CABALLOS Paso Fino Colombiano GC MÉDICO DE GALENO (Vino Griego de Santa Maria X Máscara de las Guacas Am Tronante de la Gitana) Montador: VICTOR RODRIGUEZ PROPIETARIO: FERNANDO CARRASCO GCR PICASSO DE LA ILUSION (Quinto Elemento X Antagónica del Teatro Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: ALEX CANO Propietario: CRIADERO LA ILUSIÓN 1 REFLEJO DE RANCHO SERRITO (Jeroglífico del Salado X Emperatriz Am Rafaelo) Montador: LUCIO BARRETO MACETO Propietario: CRIADERO VILLA FLORALINA 2 TORBELLINO DE PASION DE LA PAULA (Tormento de la Virginia X Dulce Fantasia de la Paula Am Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: JUAN PABLO CASTRO VARGAS Propietario: LA MARTINA HM 3 CURIOSO DE LA ILUSION (Bribón de San Isidro FC X Campirana Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania FC) Montador: Propietario: MACEDONIA CRIADERO 4 ARROJO DE SAN ISIDRO (Atractivo de La Pirámide FC X Miel de la Querencia Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: JOSEAN RIVERA CARRASQUILLA Propietario: CRIADERO SAN ISIDRO . . . #Asdesilla #FeriadeFlores #FomentoEquino #CCC #MasCaballosYFloresQueNunca #PasionEquina @Equisurecolombia @Asdesilla #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg7ahkuu5HZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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46 EXPOSICIÓN INTERNACIONAL EQUINA CIUDAD DE MEDELLÍN. POTROS EN PROCESO DE ADIESTRAMIENTO Paso Fino Colombiano MJ INVICTO DE LA ILUSION (Dulce Jesús Mío X Sublime Historia Am Sublime de Doña Lola) Montador: Lucio Barreto Propietario: Rafael Santamaria 1 BORINQUEN DE SAN ISIDRO (Manto Sagrado de San Cayetano X Silindia de Buenos Aires Am Melao de Caña) Montador: Jose Gabriel Martinez Propietario: Criadero San Isidro 2 ARROJO DE SAN ISIDRO (Atractivo de La Pirámide FC X Miel de la Querencia Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: Josean Rivera Carrasquilla Propietario: Criadero San Isidro 3 BENDECIDO DE SIERRA NEVADA (Eminente de Doña Lola X Sorpresa de Sierra Nevada Am Dulce Encanto de Sierra Nevada) Montador: Oscar Martinez Propietario: Criadero Luxo 4 NOVEDOSO CLASSICO (Novedoso de la Seda X Manuela de los Cuatro Vientos) Montador: Gerson Romero Propietario: Wilson Aguilar 5 RESPLANDOR DE VILLA DEL SUROESTE (Atractivo de La Pirámide FC X Piquiña del Suroeste Am Talismán del Clásico RS) Montador: Juan Fernando Montoya Propietario: Criadero CST . . @asocaba_org #FomentoEquino #CCC #SomosAsocaba #CopaCiudadMedellín @solucionesvita @artequino @briocomunidad @antioquenofla @lasantamariacentrodeeventos @caballoslasantamaria @fedequinas.oficial @solucionesvita #mundoequinocomco https://www.instagram.com/p/CctmPnnudu3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gustavomundoequino · 3 years ago
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TRIGÉSIMA OCTAVA (38°) EXPOSICIÓN NACIONAL EQUINA BARRANQUILLA 2022 POTROS EN PROCESO DE ADIESTRAMIENTO DE 36 A 48 MESES MJ BORINQUEN DE SAN ISIDRO (Manto Sagrado de San Cayetano X Silindia de Buenos Aires Am Melao de Caña) Montador: JOSE GABRIEL MARTINEZ Propietario: CRIADERO SAN ISIDRO 1 INVICTO DE LA ILUSION (Dulce Jesús Mío X Sublime Historia Am Sublime de Doña Lola) Montador: LUCIO BARRETO MACETO Propietario: RAFAEL SANTAMARIA 2 INTREPIDO (Batances de las Américas X Intrépida Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: ROBERTO CARLOS ARIAS Propietario: CRIADERO LA GALIA 3 ARROJO DE SAN ISIDRO (Atractivo de La Pirámide FC X Miel de la Querencia Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: JOSEAN RIVERA CARRASQUILLO Propietario: CRIADERO SAN ISIDRO 4 EMILIANO DE LA QUINTA REAL ( Mediador de Villa X Luna Llena de la Rosa Am Vitral) Montador: JOHAN ROJAS MURCIA Propietario: CRIADERO EL TRIÁNGULO 5 ARDIENTE DE CANTABRIA (Firmamento de Agualinda X Ponderosa Dulce Novena Am Dulce Sueño de Lusitania) Montador: JUAN PABLO CASTRO VARGAS Propietario: AURELIO IRAGORRI @fedequinas.oficial #fedequinasoficial #38exponacionalequina #exponalequina #exponalequinabarranquilla2022 #pasionporloscaballos #caballocriollocolombiano #ccc #mundoequinocomco 👇👇👇 Dios es maravilloso 🛐 https://www.instagram.com/p/CaOo900OMti/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hablemossiempredecaballos · 4 years ago
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Criadero la marqueza @criaderolamarquezaoficial Toda la gloria sea para Dios, nuestros 3 lotes de yegua con cria obtuvieron los titulos de honor. MEJOR LOTE *LITURGIA DE SAN MARCOS (Firmamento de A. X Sueño y Dicha) * AZUCAR MORENA FC (Dulce Sueño FC X Tuerta) 1. er Puesto * AURORA DE HH (Pedregal del Conde x Madrugada de la Hacienda) * PATRIA COLOMBIANA DE LA QUERENCIA (Dulce Sueño FC X Patria de la Querencia) 2do Puesto * ESCRITURA DE BARCELONA (Tormento de la Guajira x Mecanografa de San Fernando) * CALEÑA DEL RINCON FC (DulcE Sueño FC X Intriga Tropical) Grs equipo por su compromiso @macamilaob @sebastp_9909 @jhl72 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRoaPkCsiM6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hablemosdeequinos · 4 years ago
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Criadero la marqueza @criaderolamarquezaoficial Toda la gloria sea para Dios, nuestros 3 lotes de yegua con cria obtuvieron los titulos de honor. MEJOR LOTE *LITURGIA DE SAN MARCOS (Firmamento de A. X Sueño y Dicha) * AZUCAR MORENA FC (Dulce Sueño FC X Tuerta) 1. er Puesto * AURORA DE HH (Pedregal del Conde x Madrugada de la Hacienda) * PATRIA COLOMBIANA DE LA QUERENCIA (Dulce Sueño FC X Patria de la Querencia) 2do Puesto * ESCRITURA DE BARCELONA (Tormento de la Guajira x Mecanografa de San Fernando) * CALEÑA DEL RINCON FC (DulcE Sueño FC X Intriga Tropical) Grs equipo por su compromiso @macamilaob @sebastp_9909 @jhl72 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRoaMWyMrgx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Nelver – Proud Eagle Radio Show 368 Tracklist
01. Technimatic – Lightwave 02. Blue Frequency – Open Your Eyes 03. Idun Nicoline – Lost Without You (Boxplot Remix) 04. K Motionz – Tell You 05. G Drive – Feel The Fire 06. Missing & Trex – 2 Infinity 07. Concord Dawn – Morning Light (Rift Bootleg) 08. FC Kahuna – Hayling (Deadline Remix) 09. The Caracal Project & Skylark – Into You 10. DC Breaks – Step Up (Levela Remix) 11. Unglued – Sunbathing In Space 12. N-Mon1c & Rollyax – Le Ux 13. Smooth & Disphonia – Plump 14. Kleu – Searching 15. Minos – Tribe 16. DNMO – Without You Near (feat. The Arcturians) 17. Kleu – Puppet 18. Rameses B – Escape 19. Technimatic – Holding On (feat. Matt Wilson) 20. Volatile Cycle & DOt. – Voices 21. CRSV & TS – Rejection (feat. Silentium) 22. Lovell – Cool Breeze 23. Jay Dubz – Broken In 2 24. Ben Soundscape – Situations 25. Melinki – 25 Hours 26. Aperio – Metropolis (Seba Remix) 27. Crash Comet & Dustkey – Berlin 28. Nelver & EmTee – Resolutions 29. Zero T – Hurt Inside 30. Walk:r – Everything I Said 31. Mage – The Voice of The Siren 32. HumaNature & Leniz – Querencia 33. Secret Structures – Afterlife 34. Creatures & Kolectiv & Collette Warren – Change Me
The podcast Nelver – Proud Eagle Radio Show is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
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edmlivesets4u-blog · 4 years ago
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Listen or download Nelver - Proud Eagle Radio Show 368 for free now!
Artist: Nelver Show: Nelver – Proud Eagle Radio Show 368 Quality: 320 Kbps 48000 Khz Genre: Drum & Bass Source: RSS
Discover more Nelver live sets & radioshows here | Listen or download more Proud Eagle Radio Show episodes HERE
Nelver – Proud Eagle Radio Show 368 Tracklist
01. Technimatic – Lightwave 02. Blue Frequency – Open Your Eyes 03. Idun Nicoline – Lost Without You (Boxplot Remix) 04. K Motionz – Tell You 05. G Drive – Feel The Fire 06. Missing & Trex – 2 Infinity 07. Concord Dawn – Morning Light (Rift Bootleg) 08. FC Kahuna – Hayling (Deadline Remix) 09. The Caracal Project & Skylark – Into You 10. DC Breaks – Step Up (Levela Remix) 11. Unglued – Sunbathing In Space 12. N-Mon1c & Rollyax – Le Ux 13. Smooth & Disphonia – Plump 14. Kleu – Searching 15. Minos – Tribe 16. DNMO – Without You Near (feat. The Arcturians) 17. Kleu – Puppet 18. Rameses B – Escape 19. Technimatic – Holding On (feat. Matt Wilson) 20. Volatile Cycle & DOt. – Voices 21. CRSV & TS – Rejection (feat. Silentium) 22. Lovell – Cool Breeze 23. Jay Dubz – Broken In 2 24. Ben Soundscape – Situations 25. Melinki – 25 Hours 26. Aperio – Metropolis (Seba Remix) 27. Crash Comet & Dustkey – Berlin 28. Nelver & EmTee – Resolutions 29. Zero T – Hurt Inside 30. Walk:r – Everything I Said 31. Mage – The Voice of The Siren 32. HumaNature & Leniz – Querencia 33. Secret Structures – Afterlife 34. Creatures & Kolectiv & Collette Warren – Change Me
The podcast Nelver – Proud Eagle Radio Show is embedded on this page from an open RSS feed. All files, descriptions, artwork and other metadata from the RSS-feed is the property of the podcast owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by EDMliveset.com.
Follow us on: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit & VK
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frieschan · 2 years ago
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QUERENCIA, chapter 2
(n.) where one feels home ; the place where you are your most authentic self
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pairing - hybrid! ot7 x bunny hybrid! male! reader
genre - 18+, college au, hybrid au, fluff, eventual angst, eventual smut, humour
summary - you, a rabbit hybrid away from home to study, run into a group of surprisingly friendly and calm (also very attractive) predators who are a pack and live together suddenly run into your life like a bulldozer. the dull days of your life may turn into days of joy and laughter, or will the days turn into gloom and a sad everafter?
warnings (this chapter) - another one with mentions of some dark themes..
word count - 2.4k
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Comfort. All you felt was comfort at this moment, you felt arms wrapped around you in a loving and caring way, a calming yet indistinguishable scent flowing to your nose.
You welcomed it, all this felt so right. You could see the kiss of the sun on your skin with a light beeze of the wind hitting you, you wished this could stay forever.
It felt as if you were complete at this moment. You felt so full and loved, so happy and like you were in heaven. This was how life is supposed to be, no worries, no doubt, just love and warmth all throughout.
Suddenly you felt a light brush of lips on your cheek and as you were about to turn around-
Everything had vanished.
You were now left empty, confused, even bamboozled as you open your eyes to the light colored walls of your room.
It was a dream? Damn it, of course it was a dream, you're a single prune with not a mate in sight. Since when did you get THIS touch starved? It's only been around.. 2-3 years since your last relationship?
You had never thought about it much before, you had your mind on other things like family, studies, ice-skating, ballet, and a couple of other things.
Never having an ounce of time to even just oogle and admire other guys on campus had finally taken a toll on you and you were starting to realize it. Maybe Jimin and Jungkook might just be your starvation.
The two are handsome hybrids that are torally your type, surely a small admiration wouldn't hurt anyone? As long as you have your boundaries set, it shouldn't go wrong.
You finally decided to check your alarm clock, it was 8:24 on a Sunday. Having a day-off to just relax and catch up on some shows shouldn’t be too bad, you already studied your butt off the night before yesterday just to be ahead for a few more lessons to remove some of the load. Yeah, you kinda do deserve this 'all about you day'.
Grabbing your phone from the nightstand, you turn it on to be greeted with a few messages from two new people. Opening up the first one, you are greeted with:
Kookie💭at 9:23pm: hey bun-hyung, just got home
Kookie💭at 9:24pm: already asleep? Ballet took a lot out of you lol, sleep well sweets
Kookie💭at 7:34 am: gm, just woke up for my jog, you down for some lunch in the new bistro at around 12? Jimin is gonna come and maybe another one of our guys.
You smiled at the way he remembered about texting you when they got home, the nicknames and invitation was what got a lot of your attention though. Finally deciding to reply to him:
Y/N🐰 at 8:29 am: good mornin' ♡ just woke up, yes I'd love to go out for lunch! Sounds like it'd be a date tbh hahah
Kookie💭 at 8:29 am: hmm? Would you like it to be only us?
Y/N🐰 at 8:29 am: so playful, wolfyboy!!!
Kookie💭 at 8:30 am: very cute sweets, but the lads are really lookin' forward to seein you
Y/N🐰 at 8:30 am: who might this other fellow be? 👀👀
Kookie💭 at 8:30 am: it's a surprise bun, dress smart casual or semi-formal by the way.
A guy that knows you might struggle with knowing what to wear and then telling you the theme on what to wear.. now that's just attractive. He'd sweep anyone off their feet.
In honesty, you were quite surprised at how comfortable Jungkook had gotten with you, not that you minded but you took him as someone who would only do the bare minimum to be polite and friendly to strangers.
You decided to check on what the feline boy could have texted you:
Jimin🐈‍⬛ at 9:26 pm: Kook and I got home safe! Hope the rest of your night is good.
Jimin🐈‍⬛ at 8:34 am: I heard I'll be seeing a bunny later in the afternoon? 😏
You laughed under your breath as you read the message, seems like news spreads fast in their house.
Y/N🐰 at 8:34 am: Indeed, a cute bunny boy will be spotted at the bistro!
Surely flirting here and there wouldn't be too bad? You really couldn't help it, the two were two of the most socially magnetic people you've met and you were honestly hoping a strong friendship would come out of this. Well, not like your heart slightly yearned for a little more than than the title as friends but you are getting a bit ahead of yourself. The love-starved part of your brain taking in the slightest bit.
Now that you had plans to go out in the afternoon, you decided getting out of bed right now would be the best option based on what time it already is. Already thinking about what could be a really good breakfast before you do your whole morning routine since everybody has to take care of themselves always.
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11 pm was finally rolling around the corner so you decided it was time to shower, get changed, and get ready, the holy trio before going out.
Since Jungkook had mentioned that you could dress semi-formal or smart casual, you had opted for an outfit that perfectly suited the activity in mind. The outfit consist of an oversized gray sweater on top a white dress shirt, color out of course. You wore dar brown slacks with a black belt and your set of black men’s heeled dress shoes, you were dressing to impress with this outfit. Boosting your self confidence isn't gonna hurt anyone.
After putting everything on and very very very light makeup, mostly just to hide your eyebags, you were finally ready to go out to the bistro. The bistro in question not exactly suitable for a walk, since the distance between the bistro itself and your home was quite far, you decided to go through the metro and commute like a good citizen (and non-driving student)
After a few staircases underground and into the underground metro station, you were in the train on the same route to your bistro. The ride was going to be a bit long, being around 20-30 minutes so you decided to take a look at your surroundings as you leaned on a pole in the train.
Looking around, you found a few hybrids and non-hybrids conversing, them seemingly being in one big group but that wasn't what caught your attention, what caught your attention was a lone gray wolf hybrid sitting on one of the seats.
Noone had taken the seats next to him as if they were scared but what the wolf was currently doing was far from intimidating, same goes for the aura he was emitting. Looking at him, you judged him to be close to 6 feet, with nice and smooth looking black hair that reached his nape. He had rosy lips with sharp eyes as if they were of a dragons but all his attention was on the book in his hands. He was dressed in a comfortable yet smart casual attire, with the color scheme being browns and grays.
You could've looked at him for ages, he looked very peaceful yet gorgeous at the same time. Something in you felt like it wanted to gravitate towards him, want to talk to him maybe. So you did, being an impulsive person you are.
You took the seat next to him and took a small peek to what he could be reading. When you felt his eyes on you, you looked up from the book and to his face. His beauty upclose was completely unmatched comapred to your view earlier.
He greeted you with a soft and polite smile, not really minding the fact that you sat next to him but more so confused on the reason why.
"Ah, you just seemed like a very warm person to talk to, I hope I'm not disturbing you too much, I'm Y/N, a bunny hybrid" You start the conversation, sticking your hand towards him even while sitting down.
The wolf maneuvered his book to be stable enough to be held on one hand before taking your hand and shaking it.
"I'm Namjoon, a Gray wolf, and no you're not, I find your presence quite nice actually." He said while closing his book and setting it on his lap, setting all his attention on you.
"Where are you headed to, if you don't mind me asking?" You asked with a curious glint in your eyes, honestly you were confused where your social confidence came from but it was honestly welcomed.
"I'm just heading to the library to check out some books, potentially borrowing a few to take home if I spot a few interesting ones." Namjoon answered with a grin.
"That's really neat, what’s the title and plot of the book you were reading?"
"Oh, it was a philosophy novel by Osamu Dazai called 'No Longer Human', the main plot is about a guy caught in a crossfire between a breakup of Japanese aristocrats and western influence, it really shows you another outlook and perspective on what life is and what could be. It really depicts depression and anxiety really wel- Aishh, I'm rambling a bit, please forgive me." He said embarrassed, his eyes now looking at the floor with a hand scratching the back of his neck while a rose tint is on his cheeks.
You honestly found Namjoon adorable, though he is a predator, his personality and hobby seem far from it, if you didn't see his ears and tail, you would've honestly mistaken him for a full-human. Hybrids did seem to have a part of their animal somewhere in their personality, maybe this was just one of many sides from Namjoon. You couldn't wait to find out more from him.
"I'd love to check it out sometime, if you don't mind, how about we exchange numbers?" You suggested with a hopeful smile, a bit flustered with your request but you were going to shoot your shot nontheseless.
"Oh sure, here you go"
And that's how you ended up talking to Namjoon until you got to your stop, sadly bidding him farewell before getting off the train and making your way to the Bistro.
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Now at the bistro, you waited outside the building to check your phone for messages from either of the two predators.
Jungkook 🐺 at 11:50 am: we're at a table at the corner sweets
Jungkook 🐺 at 11:51 am: i've got a black coat on and Jimin-shi has a turtleneck
Jungkook 🐺 at 11:51 am: if you can't find us, don't be scared to call me
After taking in the information, you finally walk into the restaurant and look around at the numerous tables of humans and hybrids alike, waiters and waitresses walked around with trays or taking orders. After a few minutes of scanning, you luckily found the predator duo with unfamiliar hybrid. Jimin was sat with his back towards the wall,  in front of him were Jungkook and the other hybrid that were both faced away from you.
You walked towards the table, Jimin had seen you and you caught the way his eyes lit up with a grin breaking out on his lips. His bread cheeks showing and his eyes barely visible.
The other two hybrids saw his reaction and were quick to look beside them, seeing you standing next to the table with a soft smile.
While the hybrids were just taking in your presence, you took this as your chance to examine the apppearance of their friend.
He had dirty blonde hair with black roots, looking fluffy and messy, but it fit him very well. He also had cat-like eyes, probably a bi-product from his hybrid, part snow leopard. His lips were just as blushy red and soft-looking as the two other predators. His outfit seemed to reflect his laid-back and calm attitude, sporting a plain white shirt underneath a black bomber jacket, jeans and some plain sneakers.
The other two had noticed your oogling and looked at eachother with a questioning look.
"Come here bunny, Take a seat next to me before we introduce you to our friend." Jimin patting the empty seat next to him which you happily took.
"So, this is Yoongi, a snow leopard that lives with us." Jungkook introduced you to him, Yoongi being sat in front of you. "Then this cute bunny is Y/N, Jimin's fellow ballet classmate."
"It's nice to meet you Y/N. I hope we get along well, yeah?" Yoongi put his hand across the table for you to shake, him sporting a smirk.
His voice wasn't exactly what you'd expect from his soft and sugar-sweet like appearance. His voice was deep, a slight noticeable accent in the way he pronounced his words. It was pleasant to the ears, it could potentially put you to slee if it weren't for the current environment.
You finally took his hand, and shook it. Your foot lightly thumping on the ground in excitement. "Back at you, Yoongi."
Yoongi admired the way his name rolled off your tongue, your voice like a melody from one of his songs, your voice was soft and kind, he could tell you were a very sweet and kind hybrid.
Jimin wrapped his tail around your waist, you snapped your neck to him in exasperation, shocked at the action. "What would you like to order, cutie?" He asked with a smirk.
He didn't miss the way your foot thumping had quicked, same as your heartbeat. He could also see a rose red bloom on your cheeks. You quickly averted your gaze, hands fumbling on the menu that was on the table to look at the options, also to hide your embarrassed face from the panther.
"The veggie pasta would be good! With a lemonade! Thankyou!!!"
Jimin laughed at your adorable reaction, the other two were amused at you, with each word you say they could feel themselves falling more and more in love. As if there was a magnetic pull..
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TAGLIST - @blehhhidk, @instantnarwhal, @singukieee, @weepyalex (just comment or dm to be added in masterlist !!, crossed out are people I couldn't tag)
notes - busted out this chapter in like 2 days.. I wrote this from my phone while chapter 1 was written on my computer, which do you guys prefer since I already have a chapter 1 rewrite brewing in my phone? I'd love to know which is better! this chapter was gonna be so much longer but I didn't want to delay it for another day so here ya go! would you also like shorter or longer chaps?
copyright © 2023 | frieschan
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dear-indies · 10 months ago
Hello hello! Please could I get some fc help? I'm looking for a female fc with a bit of a punk/grunge/edgy/alternative look - probably 30s but age is not a big deal at all! - bonus points if the fc is queer and/or not purely super femme-y
Thank you!
Beth Ditto (1981) - is queer - has spoken up for Palestine!
Fefe Dobson (1985) Afro-Jamaican / Unspecified First Nations, White.
Jurnee Smollett (1986) African-American, possibly other / Ashkenazi Jewish - in Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey and The Twilight Zone.
Roberta Colindrez (1986) Mexican - is queer.
Alba Flores (1986) Romani - is a lesbian.
Diane Guerrero (1986) Colombian - in Doom Patrol - has spoken up for Palestine!
Mae Whitman (1988) - is pansexual - in Jack.
Ritu Arya (1988) Indian - in The Umbrella Academy.
FKA twigs (1988) African-Jamaican / White, possibly Egyptian.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian - in Resident Evil.
Katy M. O'Brian (1989) African-American, and white - is queer.
Mary Galloway (1990) Quamichan and Unspecified White - is queer - in Querencia.
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British - in We Are Lady Parts.
Jessica Henwick (1992) Chinese Singaporean / English - in The Matrix Resurrections.
Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - is queer.
Hope this helps!
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mundoequinocomco · 3 years ago
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Miren la raza de esta Mona, de 31 meses de edad! Atractivo de la Pirámide Fc y campeón mundial del paso fino ❌ Madame Yalconia. Abm Prestigio de la Querencia. Su genética es excelsa y en el día de hoy la estarán comenzando en el criadero las Torres #criaderolastorres #pasofinocolombia #pasofinoworld #pasofinocolombiano #pfha #criaderolastorres #mundoequinocomco #gustavo_torres_mundoequino #nuestrocaballocriollocolombia #acaballoco #hablemossiempredecaballos #hablemosdeequinos 👇👇👇 El bien y la misericordia de Dios me seguirán todos los días de mí vida 🛐 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ9wK9hFEJZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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gustavomundoequino · 3 years ago
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Miren la raza de esta Mona, de 31 meses de edad! Atractivo de la Pirámide Fc y campeón mundial del paso fino ❌ Madame Yalconia. Abm Prestigio de la Querencia. Su genética es excelsa y en el día de hoy la estarán comenzando en el criadero las Torres #criaderolastorres #pasofinocolombia #pasofinoworld #pasofinocolombiano #pfha #criaderolastorres #mundoequinocomco #gustavo_torres_mundoequino #nuestrocaballocriollocolombia #acaballoco #hablemossiempredecaballos #hablemosdeequinos 👇👇👇 El bien y la misericordia de Dios me seguirán todos los días de mí vida 🛐 https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ9mszUuLxW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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frieschan · 2 years ago
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QUERENCIA, masterlist
(n.) where one feels home ; the place where you are your most authentic self
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pairing - hybrid! ot7 x bunny hybrid! male! reader
genre - 18+, college au, hybrid au, fluff, eventual angst, eventual smut, humour
summary - you, a rabbit hybrid away from home to study, run into a group of surprisingly friendly and calm (also very attractive) predators who are a pack and live together suddenly run into your life like a bulldozer. the dull days of your life may turn into days of joy and laughter, or will the days turn into gloom and a sad everafter?
warnings - sexual themes, eventual angst so be prepared, mentions of abuse, part-human and part-animal(aka hybrids) warnings to be updated as more chapters to be posted. suggest reading through blog.
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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 2.5
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
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copyright © 2023 | frieschan
notes: taglist may be added depending on how much attraction this might get, yes this is purely fiction. there will be texts or posts to be added but this is not a SMAU, yes female readers are allowed to read but this is written for a male reader. there is no definite schedule of each post, there is also no definite amount of chapters atm (230411)
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dear-indies · 1 year ago
hello cat & mouse! i've been struggling to find the perfect fc for my muse with little to no luck. she is an openly queer and polyam tattoo artist, so preferably the fc would also be queer as well as tattooed. a woman of color or nonbi person comfortable with she/her pronouns (can use a combination of pronouns though!) that can play in the mid20s to mid30s range. thank you for any suggestions, hope you're doing well!
Kali Reis (1986) Wampanoag, Nipmuc, Cherokee, and Cape Verdean - is two-spirit (she/her) and queer.
Mary Galloway (1990) Quamichan and Unspecified White - is queer - has tattoos in Querencia.
Coty Camacho (1995) Mexican [Mixtec and Zapotec] - is pansexual.
Kehlani (1995) African-American, French, Blackfoot, Cherokee, Spanish, Mexican, Filipino, Scottish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, and Welsh, as well as distant Cornish, Irish, and possibly Choctaw - is a non-binary womxn and a lesbian (she/they).
Sasha Lane (1995) African-American / Unspecified Māori, Irish, Scottish, Cornish, English, Sorbian, French, German, Belgian, Dutch, Russian, Italian - is gay and has schizoaffective disorder.
Ilona Verley (1995) Nlakaʼpamux - is two-spirit, trans, and genderfluid (she/her).
Ludmilla (1995) Afro-Brazilia - is bisexual.
Slick Woods (1996) African-American - is bisexual.
Snitchery (1996) African American (including Nigerian), Irish, and English - is bisexual.
Lizeth Selene (1999) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous and Black] - is genderfluid (they/she) and queer.
beabadoobee (2000) Ilonggo Filipino - is bisexual.
Here you go anon!
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frieschan · 2 years ago
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QUERENCIA, chapter 1
(n.) where one feels home ; the place where you are your most authentic self
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pairing - hybrid! ot7 x bunny hybrid! male! reader
genre - 18+, college au, hybrid au, fluff, eventual angst, eventual smut, humour
summary - you, a rabbit hybrid away from home to study, run into a group of surprisingly friendly and calm (also very attractive) predators who are a pack and live together suddenly run into your life like a bulldozer. the dull days of your life may turn into days of joy and laughter, or will the days turn into gloom and a sad everafter?
warnings (this chapter) - mentions of abuse and dark themes (nothing happened dont worry :)
word count - 1.9k
masterlist // next
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In a world where the two kings of earth rule, animals and humans. Yet there is one group who lives in harmony among both, those to be HYBRIDS. The times have changed, through each cycle of seasons, each law against hybrids slowly faded away.
These days, hybrids were nothing new anymore, their rights the same as any other. Though, that didn’t change the views of certain people. The hybrid auction rings, the slavery, abuse, and bloodshed. It will forever stain the reputation of hybrids, though there will always be a light, a hope, a future for those who have the blood of animals running inside their veins. That will never change.. Never. As your mother always reminded you, where there is darkness, shall always there be light. For a world with no balance is a world unreal and not ours. 
You liked remembering your family. Though you did have a big family, your parents still managed to love and treat you all the same, raise you into aspiring and ambitious people. The only strange thing about your family being.. All of you were rabbit hybrids. You being the runt, though you weren’t even the youngest! Humans were also quite shallow when they compared you to family. Offering you the pity you never needed nor asked for. In life, each difficulty you receive is what you will need to persevere through. 
Already in your early 20s, in college and having amazing talent for ice skating and ballet. You adored the feeling of just how far you’ve made it, being able to keep up with your siblings. 
You shook your head from your thoughts, carrying on your walk to your ballet classes. You were particularly foggy-headed today mainly due to the fact that your studies ate up a portion of time meant for sleep. Taking a glance around, you noticed the familiar cafe shop that was only a few blocks away from your Ballet gym. Maybe a coffee wouldn’t hurt before your classes.
You walked into the shop, hearing the familiar jingle of the door chyme. You felt yourself relax at the smell of roasted coffee and the chatter of fellow customers. As you approach the cashier, jazz plays through the speakers while the cashier offers you a friendly grin.
“Welcome to Seoul Downtown Cafe! What could I get you today?” The cashier greeted you.
“Could I just get a Caffe mocha and a slice of oreo cake?” You assumed that today’s class would be a bit more intense since it was the weekend, many people having to make up for their missed classes on weekdays.
“Alright! That would be 11,000 won.” 
You gave the cashier the money and She left to go make your drink. You noted that she was around the same height as you.. You were more on the shorter range for young adult males. You also couldn’t help but appreciate the fact that she didn’t pay any mind to the fact you’re a hybrid and didn’t stare at your ears like most people do.
“Oh Hey Y/N!” A sudden smell of two predators, one smelling like vanilla and another smelling more like honey. 
You turn your head to see a familiar black panther hybrid and an unfamiliar wolf hybrid next to him, the wolf being taller. The wolf hybrid has multiple piercings and a sleeve tattoo on his right arm.. You couldn’t say he didn’t look absolutely drop dead gorgeous even in just a plain black shirt. You remember the black panther being one of your classmates in ballet, you couldn’t have mistaken him for anyone else for his bread cheeks, and pretty eyes. his name being… Jimmy..? Jim?? You couldn’t really remember.
“Oh hello Jim….y Hyung?”
The unknown wolf hybrid burst out laughing at your response, already bent over and ready to topple over any second now while Jimmy paled and blushed in embarrassment at the same time- Is that even possible?!
“It’s Jimin!”
“Oh!!- Oh.. I’m so sorry Jimin Hyung!”
Now it’s your turn to burst out in crimson embarrassment. The wolf was still laughing while Jimin was looking at him with blushing red ears. You watched as Jimin smacked the wolf on the back, telling him off on how rude he was and how he should introduce himself to you.
“I’m sorry! I’m Jungkook and I’m 21!” He finally stood back up to his full height, seemingly towering over you. He offered you a sheepish smile with his bright doe eyes, his fluffy tail whipping behind him in a seemingly happy manner. Now, he was undoubtedly handsome with that smile.
“Ah, I guess I’m your hyung.. I’m Y/N, 22.”
“Excuse me, your drink and cake is ready!” The cashier had finally come back with your order, and embarrassingly enough witnessed your little interaction with the two guys. 
As you took your order and were about to walk to a nearby table, Jimin suggested that the three of you could get to know each other more and sit together, which you agreed to. You did think that Jimin and Jungkook were nice company and based on the incident that happened, you could tell that they would be good friends for you.
After a couple minutes of waiting, it didn’t take long for the duo to go to your table with their own drinks and desert. The three of you sat at a round table with three seats, perfect for you three. From your seating, next to you was a beautiful view of the quiet and peaceful streets of Seoul. 
“Anyway, how come you’re here Y/N-ssi? I don’t usually see you here before ballet.” Jimin asked with a curious glint in his eyes, his black tail swishing behind him in interest.
“Well, I kind of stayed up too late studying, so a coffee and snack would be good for some energy. Is Jungkook gonna try out ballet?”
“Yes I am- Oh! What University do you go to, Y/N-hyung?” seemingly taking interest in what you do in your life.
“University of Seoul”
Jungkook seemed happy at your response, sipping his drink with sparkles in his eyes and his tail uncontrollably wagged. You found it pretty cute, but you couldn’t notice the playful glint in Jimin’s eye as he looked at Jungkook as you sipped your Mocha.
“Actually, Jungkook and I also go to UoS, and our five other friends. Well actually- five other roommates.”
You choked on your drink, wide-eyed as you looked at Jimin in astonishment at the fact that he was living with 6 other people under one roof.
“There are seven of you under one roof?!”
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You ended up spending most of the day practicing Ballet, even after classes the two chose to stay with you practicing your moves more. You could say today was a nice and eventful day. You made 2 new friends- even though they were predators and people typically are shocked to see prey and predators together. They were undoubtedly handsome too- I mean look at those strong and defined legs of Jimin- Oh don’t even get started on Jungkook’s arms- Are they even gay? 
You couldn’t notice Jungkook and Jimin staring at you, you being lost in the clouds of your mind. 
“He’s pretty cute, Hyung..” Jungkook whispered to the older man.
“Oh please, I had my eyes on him first, you brat” Jimin furrowed his eyebrows at the maknae of their group. Jimin has been interested in you since the first time you two met. You were one of the more talented in the gym and you were also very much attractive, physically and personality-wise. It didn’t help that you were always so adorable with your long floppy ears and fluffy little tail, then there was your sweet scent. He just wanted to swallow you up and make you his. Though, he wouldn’t mind sharing but as long as it was his group of best friends.. 
“Hey guys, it’s getting pretty late, we should probably leave now” Jungkook’s voice cuts through the air, dragging you and Jimin out of the hellhole of thoughts. 
Acknowledging him with a nod, you went to grab your bag, until you were cut off by Jimin grabbing it for you and carrying it for you. He offered you a smile with his panther ears high and proud. He trailed behind Jungkook, who was already walking outside the gym after turning off the lights. You quickly chased after them and closed the door.
The crisp cool air of the dusk hit you, it was approaching quite quicker than what was the standard in Seoul. Then again, you never really bothered checking weather or anything like that unless there was an important event. 
“We can walk you home Y/N-Hyung” Jungkook suggested with a kind grin showing his bunny teeth, gosh he really was adorable. Should you really accept the offer of two strangers- even worse predators, you just met today?
The both of them really are good company, and you did have pepper spray in your bag.. Though you didn’t really believe for the duo to be bad people, it never hurts to be extra careful these days. A lot of people try to pull stuns on prey, especially with you being on the smaller scale and the weaker bunch of the hybrids. 
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The duo was stuck to your left and right, making sure no one was staring for too long or eyeing you. In honesty, you hadn’t felt this comforted by another presence for a while, your last mate had left you for a more.. Voluptuous bunny hybrid, but in all honestly you’re glad for the breakup. The two alphas were both on guard constantly, making you feel protected the whole time on the way back home. It made Y/N wonder, just what opinion was their opinion on you? Oh dear, maybe your anxiety might just get the best of you.
The whole walk ended up being quiet, which none of the three of you really minded. Occasionally, one of them would brush his tail against your hand and exchange a grin with you, maybe even a wink. A light dusting of pink was stuck on your cheeks the whole time.
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Now outside of your apartment building, the two seemed a bit.. Deflated, possibly upset that your pleasant walk together had ended. You decided to break the silence.
“This is my stop now, I’m thankful you guys walked me home.” You said with a grateful yet shy smile. Truly you were thankful, just couldn’t help but be a bit shy now that the attention of two attractive men are on you.
“Anytime Y/N-hyung! How about Jimin-ssi and I get your number before we leave? Maybe up for another hangout next time?”
Now, you weren’t expecting the two of you to actually want to deepen the friendship between the three of you, but you were absolutely more than welcome for the proposal. I mean, who wouldn’t want two hot guys to be your friends? Not you.
“Ah sure.. My number is XXX-XXX-XXX”
“Got it, I’ll text you Y/N-ssi when we get home, alright?”
“Alright, Stay safe you two!”
Just as you were about to turn around and walk into the building, the two each grabbed one of your hands and kneeled to the ground, leaving a light kiss on your knuckles before getting up and walking away. Jimin turns his head to you with a cheeky grin and each of their tails swishing behind them satisfied, leaving you blushing red and embarrassed, your bunny ears instinctively drooping down to hide your face. Gosh, these two might just be the death of you.
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masterlist // next
TAGLIST - @blehhhidk (just comment or dm to be added in masterlist !!)
notes - so sorry it took a while. . some stuff happened irl so i couldn't push this out, I hope to have a decent schedule on each chapter to be posted. likes and reblogs keep me motivated, praises also make me really happy :D
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