#//you'll never guess what ive been doing all day (playing farming simulators my one beloved)
outofthiisworld · 1 month
FARMING SIMS ON THE MIND— 💕🐮🌾 romanceable edition
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[💜] OPHELIA: A secret bachelorette AND the hardest one to romance, on account for how much nonsense you’ll need to do before being able to marry her! The player will first meet her in the holographic disguise, only discovering her true self perhaps at 5 out of 10 hearts (but there are some fourth wall hints she’s not what she seems). 
You HAVE to gift her all donatable museum objects to her FIRST, or her romance route will be locked. They’d be displayed in her room/the farmhouse for easy viewing, at least. You’ll also need to max out your friendship with Doc.
… aaand you’ll have to prank each and every festival at least once, too. (‘wouldn’t it be so soo sooo funny if someone were to put [REDACTED] in the community soup this year at the harvest festival? Heehee—!’)
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[🧪] DOC: Another secret bachelor who’s a bit of a toughie to romance, but nowhere near as hard as his daughter. His dialogue heart would be hidden since he doesn’t believe love is in the cards for him (but he’d still of course have heart events the same as any other)
Raising friendship with him will grant you various blueprints and wack-ass inventions for your farm that make things easier! Things like a seed-maker, fancier sprinklers, and other sorts of quality of life things. Also maybe mad scientist decor. The good news is that he'd actually like a lot of junk items!
You’ll also need to max out your friendship with Ophelia before you can marry him! These two are a pair like always, I'm afraid.
[🐰] ARLO: The only normal, base game romanceable bachelor!!! Yippeeeeee!!! He fills in the role of a sunshiney, happy-go-lucky troublemaker in town who’s a real sweetheart. 
I imagine a lot of his loved gifts would be fairly easy for the player to get their hands on; the hardest part would be figuring out his schedule at first, since he’d travel around the map oddly fast … he’d also not have a set job, and will randomly be found helping other npc’s with their jobs+chores!
Higher friendship with him means there’s a higher chance he’ll stop by the player’s farm to help out, too!
[🧬] COPYCAT: The only romanceable candidate thats locked depending on the player’s gender (girl+girl lovers only)! She can be found usually in the wild woods and has a chance to appear in the mines as well, the deeper the floor the higher chance. She’ll help clear out enemies on the floor depending on what you give her.
In one of her heart events, the player can convince her to not eat everyone else’s livestock by offering up one each of your own. If you want her to marry you— you’re gonna have to sacrifice one of each livestock to her unfortunately. 
She’ll go into the barn or the coop, terrible noises will come from inside, and she’ll come out with a burp and a review on how that animal tasted. <3
The higher her friendship is, the more things she’ll drop at your doorstep, too. Favorite gifts are usually fish and food, shocking no one!!!
[☣️] NECROSIS: Terrible to think about, I know, I know … but hear me out. 
The most fucked romance candidate, it’s less of a secret and more like an unorthodox situationship. One of those types of candidates that don’t move in with you. Wildly RNG based. Once you get to 8 hearts with him, he’ll offer to experiment on you which will give the player a random buff and a random debuff (this can be re-rolled next week).
He also only shows up to one ( 1 ) festival each year but that’s also random every year. Doc and Ophelia will not show up to the festival he goes to.
The player will also need to offer up a certain amount of livestock to him for … his research. :(
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