#//you don't have to respond to this if you don't want to but i just.... jules ft ud and her besties shenanigans make my heart happy xD
talaok · 3 days
Win Again
Pairing: Marcus Acacius x sex worker f!reader
Summary: Marcus has won yet another match, so to reward him, his master has granted him another hour with you.
warning: smut| unprotected piv, oral (f receiving), a whole lot of manhandling, he like uses your body idk how to explain it, multiple orgasms, and once again unnecessary feelings cause im not able to write something where they just fuck for some reason
a/n: i know im two days late but PLEASE read this still. (also) basic things for this guy that i've decided are canon: 1)he has a monster cock, like actually scarily big, 2) he's real fucking strong (hulk typa shit), 3) he's not a big talker (but he is a grunter). I need this man to fuck me more than i need my next breath (real), also i did so much research for this fic and you cant even fucking tell
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It wasn't often that you didn't dread going to the barracks.
These were strong, ferocious, and dangerous men, and you were but a meek lamb in comparison.
But today was different, today you were seeing him, him who fit the previous description to a tee, and yet was so different from any man you had ever offered your services to.
And perhaps it was because it never felt like you were ever offering anything, ever since that first night, you had never given anything you hadn't wanted to.
The guards stopped as you arrived at his room and you felt a wave of excitement crawl up your spine the moment they opened the door, waiting for you to enter.
The armored men stepped aside to let you pass, the cobblestones on the ground sounding against your sandals as you made your way inside, looking back at the door just in time to see it being shut close.
It was his breathing you heard first, his heavy breathing coming from where you knew his bed sat on the room's left, and seconds after, the creaks of the wood as he stood up, his feet stalking your way.
You turned to him then, a smile almost making it to your lips as you saw him alive before you once again, granting yourself a second to relish in the fact he still breathed, he was still here.
"You've won again" you spoke softly, your hands slowly finding the string holding your dress together.
He didn't respond. The window behind him caused the moon's soft glow to fall on the stone floor, but not on his beautiful face, that, you had to watch closely to inspect.
A newer cut right above his left eyebrow had appeared, and his right arm was bandaged almost completely, but otherwise, he looked fine.
His eyes remained on yours until you'd undone the dress, until it fell at your feet- then, a low groan rumbled from his chest as he took you in, and took his turn inspecting every inch of your bare figure.
"How do you want m-"
You didn't have time to finish your sentence that he'd picked you up, effortlessly pulling your body up until your legs slung over his shoulders and his face was buried in your cunt.
He hadn't even given you a second to realize what was happening that his tongue was already lapping between your folds, desperately drinking everything your body gave him.
"Oh my g-" you threw your head back, your skull finding the wall behind you being the only reason you realized he'd moved, and you were now caged between him and stone as you forgot how to speak.
The moans you had faked so many times for so many clients were nothing like the ones your mouth was spilling now, these were higher, coarser, feral, and the way you were gripping his hair... there was no way that didn't hurt.
"Y-You only" a whine interrupted your words when you felt his tongue plunge into your hole, when he started fucking you with it just like he would with his cock "You only h-have me for an hour" you breathed, your thighs squeezing tighter around him contradicting the words you were about to speak "d-don't you want me to p-please you?"
His grip on your ass only tightened and his mouth halfheartedly parted from your core to answer you.
"You are"
And just like that, he'd gone back to work. The moment his mouth closed around your clit you knew you were done for, you knew there was no point in fighting what was inevitably going to come, and so you shut your eyes, as he brought you to heaven.
Your moans were getting higher and higher as your back arched to feed more of yourself to him, desperately craving the feel of his touch, of his nouse, of his beard against your thighs, of the lips he so devoutly was using to suck on your most sensitive spot.
"F-fuck- general I-" The fist you had wrapped around his hair tightened as every muscle in your belly did the same "Oh!"
Somehow, through all the chaos, while you were coming all over his face, while your moans reached levels never reached before, the only thing you could feel or hear, besides pure ecstasy of course, were his groans, his groans as he drank up every drop of your juices, as if your orgasm was bringing his as much pleasure as it was to you.
You barely had time to open your eyes that his strong, big hands and even stronger, bigger arms had pulled you down until your legs hugged his waist instead.
You really did weigh nothing for him, and if that wasn't enough to prove it, the next minutes definitely would.
Your heavy breathing was fanning over his mouth as he freed his cock from his pants, but while you were expecting him to kiss you, having been blatantly staring at your mouth since he had any way of seeing it, every thought in your brain turned to dust when with one hard fucking thrust, he drove his cock into you- or the first few inches at least.
You couldn't talk, you could do nothing but throw your head back as your eyes rolled to the back of it, and let him take whatever he wanted to take.
"I'm not a general anymore," he said with another thrust, stretching you out even further, even deeper.
You wanted to laugh at his words. Now? Now he was feeling the need to correct you? When you could barely breathe, let alone think?
But he didn't look interested in hearing a response from you, not when he grabbed your waist, and definitely not when he started moving you up and down on his shaft with just the sheer force of his muscles.
The moans, the lewd moans that crawled up your throat were filthy, even filthier than the sound of how wet, how unbelievably drenched you were as he plunged into you over and over, as he literally used you as a fucktoy, filling you up more and more, until he was finally sat inside you to the very hilt, until his pubic hairs were grazing your skin and the tip of his cock was touching your cervix.
"Oh my god" you whimpered, feeling tears prick your eyes as your toes curled at the feeling.
You could feel him everywhere, everywhere.
But he didn't pause, he wasn't one to take his time, and perhaps that was because he didn't have much; he resumed his movements again, retracting his hips while he pulled you up his cock, and slamming into you while pushing you down on it, leaving you breathless, a simple doll at his mercy.
His groans and growls were deep and filled with lust, just like the way he bent down to take your left tit into his mouth, just like the way he was fucking you, deep and hard, and God- God it was happening again.
"s-shit" you squeaked, your walls squeezing around him as you bit your lip, so fucked out you could barely remember your name or anything at all that wasn't how good he was making you feel.
"O-Oh my fuck-"
The arms you had intertwined behind his neck tightened with every spasm of your hole, with every flutter of your belly, until you'd come once more.
You opened your eyes, letting them trail downwards, to where his lips parted to suck in ragged breaths, begging him for a kiss.
"again" he said instead, and your eyes widened as you felt him starting to move anew
"I-I can't"
He looked at you now, really looked at you, his sweaty hair sticking to his forehead, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily, and then- then he kissed you. Marcus Acacius kissed you the same way he'd been fucking you for the last hour: like an animal.
It was a mess of teeth and tongues and yet it felt like the best thing on earth, better than wine, better than life, even better than the sex- it was perfect.
"again" he ordered once more, and what could you do, if not comply?
So he started again, he started fucking you again, even more ferociously than the previous time, even if you didn't think it possible.
The way his skin slapped with yours was drowned by both your desperate sounds, your legs started to tremble, beginning to fall from his hips as he moved you up and down his cock like it were nothing, and you- you didn't even know where you were anymore.
"please" you begged, a single tear of pleasure, of overstimulation falling to your cheek as he kissed you again, muting all your cries as he drove himself into you like a madman, like he was possessed.
"Time's up"
Two knocks sounded from the other side of the wall together with the warning, and you thanked Marcus for having rendered you such a mess because otherwise, that would have reminded you of how little time you two ever had, and how miserable everything really was.
His movements sped up at the notice, his dick plunging into you over and over and over until finally, it was happening again.
"give it to me" he said, and you did exactly as he asked- you gave it all to him, screaming and crying you let him have all you had to offer, feeling his eyes on you the whole time.
He came loudly just after you, groaning deeply as he filled you up to the very brim.
Out of all the words you could have said to him then, all the things you wanted to tell him at that moment, you chose none, because none would have said anything he didn't already know from the look in your eyes, from the same exact spark in your irises that ignited his own.
So he helped you to the ground until you stood on shaky legs, walked to where your dress lay on the floor, and dressed yourself again, his eyes never leaving you.
The door opened just as you were done, and you turned to him one last time again, a smile pulling at your lips.
"Win again for me, general"
He looked at you too for one last time again, as he thought about how you didn't know, you didn't know how big of a role you played in his victories, how many times he could only think of the taste of you, smell of you, feel and voice of you as he took his opponent's life, as he fought for another hour with you, another second.
"I will" he promised
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cloudzoro · 2 days
Non-sexual turn ons | One Piece ♡
small, innocent things you do that turns them on
characters: law, nami, robin, zoro
genre: smut (minors dni)
cw: fem!reader, hair pulling for nami's, semi public making out/heavy petting
Law - wearing glasses
You had hid your glasses from Law at first, worried that he would find you less attractive, but when he sees the glasses case in your room, he begs you to put them on.
You two have been relaxing in bed together, and innocent kisses quickly escalate to heavy petting. You're straddling him, rocking your hips against his. You start to think you might cum without even taking your clothes off, but Law's firm grip on your hips stops your movement.
“Can you do something for me?” he asks, leaning over to rummage in the bedside table drawer. When he pulls out your glasses case, you go to protest but he speaks before you can open your mouth
“Babe just put them on for me. I want to see them on,” he says. You haven't noticed yet, but he's already hard thinking about what you'd look like. You groan and take them from his hand.
“I don't get why you want me to put them on. It's not like I'm any hotter with them,” you say as you push them onto your face. Law goes to respond, but after seeing you in glasses he freezes. You begin to feel self-conscious because of Law's lack of response. However, you're shocked when you reach your hand up to take off your glasses, and Law shouts out ‘no’.
You're initially confused about his outburst but Law is quick to recover and pulls you in a kiss. His tongue pushes into your mouth against yours and his hands begin to wander your body. When he pulls back for air, he explains himself.
“you look so fucking sexy in those. Please let me fuck you. Can you feel how hard I am?”
Nami - red lipstick
Date night between you and Nami was always special, but this time you've decided to get ready together. The silence had been tension-filled, With both of you keeping an eye on each other as you went about your beauty routine.
You're putting your makeup on, and you've got it down to a science and move freely, stealing glances at the woman sitting next to you. You turn back to add the final touch: a red lipstick. You're so focused on getting the application right that you don't notice Nami is watching you.
As the stick glides over your lips, Nami can't take her eyes off it. The movement is simple, but it has her stomach fluttering. As soon as you finish and turn to her for approval, she pulls you into an open-mouthed kiss. The kiss smudges the lipstick and transfers onto her skin. She sees you with smudged lipstick around your perfect pout and feels her soaked panties clinging to her pussy. She has lipstick smudged on her face too, and it gives her an idea.
“Can you put some more on, baby?” she asks, handing you the lipstick tube. You nod and obey her. She watches intently, running her fingers through your hair as you put on another layer of red lipstick. Once you finish, Nami switches from playing with your hair to gripping it and pulling you towards her bare shoulder.
“wanna leave some other pretty messes on me?” she asks. You don't give a verbal response, instead deciding to attach your mouth to your lover's neck as she lets out a gasp.
Robin - standing up for yourself
Robin's favourite thing to do is observe the always loud, busy environment of the ship and her favourite subject to study is you. She keeps her eye on you as you spend some alone time on the deck, soaking in the sun.
Sanji comes out to talk to you, and your mood plummets. You and Sanji generally got along, but his comments and behaviour had been getting too much to handle recently. You try to let him down nicely, tell him to behave, but when he doesn't - and Nami's not around to smack him - you finally snap.
Robin is intrigued; she's never seen you give anyone this level of attitude. She finds herself excited by the aggressive tone of your voice, which she doesn't get to hear very often. The sharp glare you're giving Sanji as you talk him down is so sexy that Robin almost wishes it was directed at her. Sanji gets himself together and apologises when he realises that he's genuinely upset. You, still angry, just nod and storm off.
Robin follows you into the girls’ room. Nami is busy with Usopp, so the chances of being interrupted are low. When she catches up to you, she checks that you're ok before leaning down to kiss you.
“I like seeing you stand up for yourself. You're so confident. it's so hot”, she says as she pulls you towards her bed. “it makes me want to let you take charge”, she says, and it makes your skin tingle. She's usually more of a service top, but the opportunity to see your aggressive side is too good to pass up. She lies down on the bed, beckoning you to take a seat on her tongue.
“come ride my face.”
Zoro - training together
Zoro reluctantly agreed to train you after you followed him around the Sunny all day, begging him for help. You felt you needed the extra training - and being pinned down by Zoro doesn't sound like a bad use of an evening. He's the only person aboard the ship who doesn't know you like him and you want to use that fact to your advantage sometimes.
You already have the basics of fighting down due to strawhat experience so Zoro suggests going straight to sparring. Zoro is much stronger than you, and he refuses to go easy on someone he has genuine respect for. He knew that he would be pinning you down pretty frequently at first but what he didn't anticipate is how that would make feelings stir inside him that he hadn't felt towards you before.
By the fourth round, you were starting to pick up on Zoro's techniques, and Zoro was feeling relieved about that fact hoping that now he could stop adjusting his hip placement so you wouldn't feel hard cock against you when he pinned you. However, when you do finally get one over on him, you land straddling him with your ass resting just above his bulge.
You freeze above him, and he knows you've felt it. He panics at first, and he accidentally shifts his hips. The friction causes you both to moan slightly. He wants to apologise, but then notices how you're looking at him. You look desperate, like you might cry if he doesn't touch you soon.
“Do you want some help?” you ask, hovering above him. He doesn't know what to say. Are you asking if he needs help getting up or if he needs help with his election? Zoro breathes out your name and a yes. You grind down against his crotch and bend down to kiss him.
Zoro lifts his hips to help you both and growls against your lips.
“We should go somewhere more private. Anyone could walk in on us here.”
thank you for reading! any comments, likes and reblogs are appreciated!!! ♡♡
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 days
I just want a driver!male!reader so confused on why the drivers are acting super nice to him. Like the drivers are so horny on main for reader and people (or even engineers doesn't matter who) are telling him why, and he just continues to brush it off. Even when it comes from his bestfriend (maybe logan or yuki). And he doesnt figure it out until he gets kissed by first and second place. (You decide who. Maybe max? But that doesnt seem like something he would do in my opinion.)
The It boy
Social media au + written fic
Fluff slightly suggestive
Word count 366
Various male face claims
This could be better I’m not gonna lie I’m in a bit of a writing funk 😭😭
Your username posted
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Liked by lando_norris4, Pierregasly10 and 1928 others
Your username — back on the podium 🏆🥇🍾
Username 1 — the it boy is back 🤭
Username 2 — finally no more Dutch national anthem
Username 3 — the first picture tho 👀
Pierregasly10 — and I thought I was the only one who had a big dick
Your username— @kika-gnomes come get your man 🤣
Kika-gnomes— unfortunately for us there’s no saving him 😭
Charles_leclerc16 — I need proof 😩🫠
Username 4– CHARLES!!!!
MaxVerstappen1 has posted
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Liked by lando_norris4, Logan_sargeant2 and 1746 others
MaxVerstappen1 — he’s a liar 🤥 he does like cats . Meet Jimmy and sassy’s new dad ☺️🥰.
Lando_norris4 — google how do I become a cat 🐈???
Max_Fewetrell— Lando mate we’ve talked about this
Lando_norris4 — don’t judge me max…HAVE YOU SEEN HIM!!!!
Username 5– I need y/n to put his hands on me
EstebanOcon31– same here
Username 6 — what in the hell is going on with the boys????
Username 7 — their horny that’s what’s going on 🤣
Logan was woken by the sounds of someone knocking on his door. Rolling over in bed he looked at the time it was 3am Logan had one rule: don't interrupt him while he was sleeping. Grumbling, he got out of bed and opened the door finding his friend y/n standing there staring at his phone.
“What are you doing here?” Logan grumbled.
“Can we talk? It's pretty important?” Y/n asked looking up at his friend who looked like he was going to kill him.
“Can it wait till morning?” Logan asked.
“Not really mate” y/n responded. Logan sighed and opened the door up further to let his friend in.
Logan followed y/n into the small living room of his hotel room and collapsed down on the sofa.
“Well what is it?” He half mumbled half groaned still trying to will himself back to sleep.
Y/n looked away from his phone and sat down on the sofa opposite his friend.
"Promise you won't laugh?"
"Depends if you interrupted my sleep for a good reason or not." Logan replied.
“Everyone on the grid has been leaving these strange comments in any post that involves me” y/n said.
Logan raised an eyebrow, his tired eyes staring at the smaller man.
"Comments? Like what?"
Logan was immediately more awake, the fact that everyone in the paddock was talking had his attention.
“Like these” y/n said, showing Logan his phone.
“Lando_norris4 — google how do I become a cat 🐈???”
Max_Fewetrell— Lando mate we’ve talked about this
Lando_norris4 — don’t judge me max…HAVE YOU SEEN HIM!!!!
Username 5– I need y/n to put his hands on me
EstebanOcon31– same here
Charles_leclerc16 — I need proof 😩🫠
Pierregasly10 — and I thought I was the only one who had a big dick
Carlossainz55 — I’d give up everything to be a homemaker just for him…
YukiTusnoda22 — does y/n need a private chef 🧑‍🍳
Oscar_piastri81– those lips are looking mighty kissable
MaxVerstappen1– if I could get pregnant I’d be Y/n’s baby mama 🤷
Logan was struggling to hold back laughter. He knew his friend was attractive, the grid had been drooling over him since he joined 5 years ago.
He knew it would only take 1 good photo for all hell to break loose. He did promise to not laugh though.
"And it's all the drivers?"
Y/n looked back at his friend, his face going slightly red.
"Well no... Some of the team members have got involved...even a few fans...."
Logan's eyes widened. He knew the drivers were down bad but the team members and fans too?
"And what do you want me to do about it?" Logan asked, leaning back on the sofa. Y/n looked down at his feet.
"Well you're my best friend and a good looking guy…. I was wondering if you could give me some advice? Help me on how to deal with all this?" Y/n asked, a slight hint of desperation in his voice
Logan's annoyance at his friend for waking him up was all but gone.
"How could I not see this coming? They've been making heart eyes at you for years."
Logan shifted into a more comfortable position on the sofa, gesturing for friend to come sit next to him
Y/n stood up and sat down on the sofa next to Logan, still staring at his phone, refusing to look up and meet Logan's eyes.
"Mate I’m so screwed." He mumbled. Logan sighed and put an arm around his friend's shoulder.
"You're not screwed. You're an attractive guy. Of course all those drivers are gonna be thirsting over you"
Y/n finally put his phone down the coffee table and groaned, burying his face into Logan's shoulder.
"They’re not even being subtle about it! Lando wanted to know how he could turn into a cat!”
Logan chuckled and rubbed his friend's shoulder. Watching him get so distraught over this was quite entertaining.
"Like I said they've been thirsting over you for years. Lando has had a crush on you since last year"
Y/n looked up at his friend, his eyes searching for a hint of a lie on Logan's face.
"Really? Lando?”
Lando norris was a good looking driver, y/n couldn't deny that. But he was also a bit insane, and the exact opposite of y/n.
Logan let out another chuckle and nodded.
"He's crazy about you."
Logan glanced at his friend, his face red, completely oblivious to the fact that most of the grid was in love with him.
"You really didn't know did you?"
Y/n let out an uncomfortable laugh and stood up from the sofa.
"It can’t all be Lando, come on mate"
Logan smirked and picked up his phone. He knew he was going to enjoy this. A ping sounded as an Instagram notification popped up on his screen.
“What am I going to do?” Y/n asked
Logan scrolled through the comments, chuckling to himself at the ridiculous things they were writing.
“You’re a grown ass man. Just ignore them." He teased, knowing it would piss his friend off.
“Oh yeah because it’s that easy” y/n responded, rolling his eyes and glaring at his friend.
Logan chuckled again, he was enjoying messing with his oblivious friend.
“So what’s the worst one you’ve seen?” He asked, still scrolling through the comments.
Y/n went bright red and he sat down on the sofa again, staring at his own phone.
"You don't want to know." He mumbled, trying to avoid the question.
Logan's eyes widened, that reaction could only mean one thing, someone had written something dirty.
"Oh come on, mate now I want to know" he laughed leaning closer to his friend. Y/n buried his face in his hands, the tips of his ears going red.
"You're gonna laugh at me" he mumbled, refusing to look at his cheeky friend.
Logan was laughing already, he could tell it was going to be good. He sat down on the sofa next to his friend, their thighs touching.
"Come on, it can't be that bad" he goaded, leaning closer to get a better look at his embarrassed friend's phone.
The smile on Logan's face got wider and his arm found its way back around y/n's shoulder. He pulled his friend closer, a cheeky plan forming in his mind.
"Damn they're not pulling their punches" he laughed reading the raunchy comment.
“It’s not funny Logan!” Y/n exclaimed looking at his friend.
“I don’t know man it kinda is… look just let the guys down tell them your of interested” Logan says.
“What am I going to do?” Y/n asked leaning against the back of the couch.
“Join a convent and go celibate for the rest of your life” Logan suggests.
The next couple of days passed quickly for y/n and he spent them avoiding his phone, hoping the comments would die down. But the thirst for him only increased. He walked around the paddock, trying to go unnoticed but being stopped and dragged into conversations everywhere he went. He had to admit some of the attention was fun, Max Verstappen had jokingly commented that y/n was the hottest driver on the grid.
That was until he walked back into the Ferrari hospitality on the second practice day, he had been invited to join the team to enjoy the air conditioning.
As he sat at one of the tables, he was joined by a couple of drivers. He'd just finished a rather heated conversation with Carlos about his new haircut when he felt somebody else slide into the seat next to him. He turned his head to find himself face to face with none other than Charles Leclerc, Ferrari's golden child.
Charles smiled down at the smaller man, resting his chin on his hand. He had the same goofy look on his face that most of the drivers had.
"You know they’re all absolutely crazy for you, right?" He smirked, watching y/n's reaction. Y/n felt his face go red. No matter how many times the drivers mentioned it, he always got embarrassed by it.
He looked away from the handsome Monegasque and cleared his throat, trying to sound casual.
"They’re clearly joking," he mumbled.
Charles laughed, his eyes never leaving the nervous man beside him. He knew y/n was oblivious, everyone knew that he was oblivious.
"Mate you're hot. You were the hottest thing in the paddock last season" Charles teased, resting his hand on y/n's knee under the table.
Y/n's eyes darted to where Charles' hand was resting on his knee. His breath hitched as the older man’s hand slowly crept up his thigh.
“No way” he mumbled, trying to ignore the way Charles’ hand felt against his skin and the heat radiating off the man's body.
“Ummm I gotta go” y/n said jumping up and running off.
Charles chuckled to himself, amused by the smaller man’s panic. He watched as y/n ran out of the hospitality and through the paddock, almost bumping into Lando and Pierre on the way out. Lando and Pierre caught each other’s eye and silently agreed to follow behind the man. They’d both seen the interaction with Charles and had to admit, it was very amusing.
It was race day. The whole paddock was buzzing with excitement; most of the attention was focused on y/n.
He had already been swamped by drivers all morning, everyone trying to wish him luck and joke about how attractive he was.
But he pushed all those thoughts away as he climbed into his car. Now it was just him and the race.
The race went smoothly for y/n. He finished P1, which was an amazing result but it made him happy. He climbed out of his car and was instantly swamped by his mechanics and engineers congratulating him on the race. He smiled, proud of himself for finishing in the points.
The usual celebrations began, music blaring out, champagne spraying everywhere. The crowd were going wild.
Y/n stood still watching the chaos unfold in front of him. A smile on his face. Until he felt a presence standing next to him. He turned his head to see Oscar smiling down at him. “You did great mate” Oscar mumbled, trying to make his voice heard over everyone else on the podium.
Y/n smiled up at him.
“Thanks. You did good too” he chuckled, a sense of giddiness flooding over him.
As the celebrations continued Oscar leaned slightly towards y/n.
“Can I tell you something?” He asked, his eyes wandering across y/n’s face and settling on his lips. Y/n’s breath hitched slightly when Oscar leaned closer to him. He nodded and looked away flustered by the young man’s gaze.
“Uhmmm. Yeah. Of course” he mumbled.
Oscar shifted closer until his chest was almost touching y/n’s shoulder. He could hear the man’s breathing, and the way his breath hitched when he spoke. He smirked
“I’ve wanted to do this for a while” he said quietly, barely more than a whisper.
Y/n shuddered, the feeling of Oscar’s breath brushing against his neck and the warmth of the man’s body seeping into his sent all the blood rushing down to south.
He opened his mouth but was cut off by a set of warm lips pressing firmly against his. Oscar’s hand found its way to the small of y/n’s back, pulling them flush together as he pressed against the man. Y/n responded immediately, leaning into the kiss. One hand gripping the side of the podium and the other grabbing the front of Oscar’s race suit.
They pulled away panting slightly, both men’s faces flushed. Oscar smiled at y/n, his eyes full of hunger and need. Y/n let out a nervous laugh.
“What was that for?” He asked, his voice shaky.
“I had to make sure you got the right message considering that you are so oblivious,” Oscar says, shrugging his shoulders.
“I’m not oblivious” y/n said offendedly .
“Sure you aren’t mates” Oscar says, shaking his head smiling.
Oscar_piastri81 has posted
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Liked by lando_norris4, Carlossainz55, and 3992 others.
Oscar_piastri81 — I win 👹
Lando_norris4— CON-😭-grad-😭-ulations-😭
Username 8 — poor lando 🤣
Username 9 — y/n was and is the most oblivious person to ever walk the earth
Username 10 — it was Oscar standing on his tippy toes for me 🤣
Username 11 — someone check on Logan
Logansargeant2– not even I could see this coming I always thought it would be lando
Charles_leclerc16 — need a third 👀
Username 13 — CHALES NO!!!!
MaxVerstappen1– what am I supposed to tell our children????
Oscar_piastri81– split custody that’s what my parents did 🤷
Username 14– oh my god Oscar 🤣🤣
Username 15 — you know it makes so much sense now if you think about it.
Username 16 — Oscar “heart eyes” piastri
Username 17 — oh he bold bold 🤣
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mrsdesade · 3 days
I'd like something based on Sage vs fem!supe! Maybe them arguing and then Homie forced to choose between one of them, but everything ending up with something unexpected! You choose what :)
Shattered glasses;
Pairing: Homelander x fem!super (I use Ophera bc I don't like writing ''y/n'' y'know) TW: slight angst, mention of poisoning, morally grey fem!supe Timeline: season 4 Words count: 2,7k Note: thanks for the request dear anon, I was waiting for writing something about s4 :) ofc no hate for any characters!!
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Sister Sage never liked you. From the first moment she saw you, she knew you would be a hindrance. She's not jealous, not even in love with him, she just wanted to control Homelander, and you already had him in your grasp. But the little flaws in your absolutely not perfect relationship with him were the perfect opportunity for her to destroy you and get you fired.
For months she had been trying to make you look incompetent or unable to do your work, she was the smartest woman in the world, and in her eyes you were just another showgirl like the others.
But you were on the Seven from the early years and, oh, you didn't liked at all the fact that Homelander had chosen her as his advisor.
You, you are his partner, he should listen to you.
It has always been about control, rarely about love. But now you feel jealousy boiling in your veins, your control over him is slipping away, and you feel in danger. You know that you'll have to prove to Sage that it is not so easy to get rid of you.
Sister Sage sat comfortably at the table of the Seven, her hands folded in front of her, sipping a steaming cup of chamomile tea. With a delicate motion, she set the cup back down on its saucer, and flashed you a calm smile.
“I think you’re letting your emotions cloud your judgment. You’re making this personal. It’s simply business.”
She's too confident in her intellectual abilities, to the point of arrogance. She's good at reading people, especially their feelings and insecurities, and she uses that to her advantage in arguments, trying to make you say something stupid and make you look like a fool.
“You’ve had your chance at the top, dear. It’s time to accept that things have changed.”
You are standing, with your hands placed on the table, clenched into two fists to hold back your nervousness, looking for the right words to face her, but nothing comes out of your lips.
“Listen, I understand your… frustration. After all, you’re nothing more than a relic these days, don’t you think? A fading star.”
The words hit you like a blow to the gut. Her casual insults were like salt rubbed vigorously into an open wound. You fight back the urge to respond with anger, knowing that she's goading you into a reaction.
“Oh, I hit a nerve, didn’t I? That’s exactly what I meant. You’re stuck in the past. You can’t adjust to the changes. It’s kinda pathetic, really.”
You wanted nothing more than to reach across the table and wipe that arrogant smile off her face, but you knew that’s exactly what she wanted. So you took a deep breath, trying to maintain some semblance of composure.
“I suggest you think about your words better, the last person who dared to call me pathetic didn't end well.”
Sage raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
“You can try to intimidate me all you want, but it won’t change the fact that your time has passed. No matter what you do, you won't be able to get your spotlight back.”
“Dear, I fill the stadiums, the arenas, millions of people come to hear my voice every night, every single event is sold out in minutes! I wouldn't call this decay of a carreer.”
“Ah, yes, the fame and the adoration of the masses. Impressive, really. But I was referring to another type of spotlight here.”
She paused for a moment, studying your face before continuing. Your gaze has become dark, almost threatening, you know perfectly well where he wants his speech to end.
“We both know you lost your real spotlight a long time ago…the one that matters. Homelander won’t change his mind about me.”
Your expression betrays your emotions, anger and frustration bubbling just beneath the surface.
“You're playing a dangerous game Sage, you know that? You think you can just waltz in here and take my place?”
“Ophera, is it so hard to accept that I’m better equipped for the job? You’ve always been so blinded by your ego and your pride. Your strategy is always to stay safe and not lose your career, Vought needs much more than this.”
Her expression was cool and calculating, as If she had already mapped out every possible reaction you might have.
“And let's clarify, I don’t need to take your spot. I already have.”
Your face twisted in anger, your fists gripped the table’s edge, under your gloves knuckles turning white.
“You arrogant little—“ you began, but she calmly interrupted you.
“Now, now, there’s no need for insults.” she chided, her voice dripping with faux sweetness. “We’re adults here, we can speak calmly and intelligently like any normal person, don’t you agree?”
“You're feeling cool, mh? Acting all smart and knowing everything. I've been a part of this Seven for years. And you, you're nothing.”
Her cool demeanor began to crack, and a hint of annoyance flickered across her face at your words.
“Ah, here it goes. The same old tired argument. I've been here longer, I'm more experienced, blah blah blah.”
She leaned forward, her eyes boring into yours with an intensity that contradicted her calm exterior.
“Oh, did I hit a nerve?” you teased, mirroring her earlier taunt.
“Don't get too comfortable.” she retorted, her voice slightly sharpened. “You should remember that your position here is fragile. One wrong word, one wrong move, and you could lose everything you have left.“
You leaned forward now, your voice lowering as you met her gaze.
“You seem to forget that I’ve still a pretty big influence over Homelander myself. I can make things difficult for you if I want to.”
“I think we both know who he listens to these days.”
The conversation was cut short when the door to the room burst open, and Homelander strolled in, his presence immediately filling the space. His eyes flicked between the two of you, sensing the tension in the room.
“What's going on here?”
You and Sage both turned your attention to him, quickly composing yourselves.
“Just a chat. I was merely informing Ophera of some important developments within about the Vought future.”
Homelander glanced at you, tilting his head slightly as he observed.
“A chat, huh? Didn't look like a friendly one to me.”
“You're right. And since it's clear that Sage loves telling you lies, I'll tell you that wasn't just a simple chat.” an adorable, mischievous smile escapes from your lips. Exposing the little lie she told to him.
Homelander's eyes immediately landed on Sage, waiting for her to respond. “Care to explain?”
Sage shifted in her seat, clearly irritated that you had exposed her lie. “It's nothing serious, just a typical argument between colleagues. Nothing you need to worry about.” she replied quickly, trying to downplay the situation.
And incredibly, it works.
Homelander nods like a tamed puppy and believes her.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of frustration as Homelander seemed to buy into Sage's explanation so easily. It seemed like she had him wrapped around her little finger.
“I see, things like this happens, just keep it professional, ladies, okay?”
Sage shot you a quick, victorious look, smug knowing her sweet words to him had prevailed, again.
Disappointment flooding through your veins. It infuriated you how easily Homelander seemed to believe blindly in to Sage's words. You tried to maintain a neutral expression. But you won't have another opportunity like this to assert your dominance, you have to think of something quickly. Sage sure is smart, but you can be really sly.
You pretended to shrug nonchalantly, even though inside you were seething with anger. But you weren't done yet.
You locked eyes with Homelander, ensuring he was listening to you. And then you spoke, your voice dripping with feigned concern.
“It’s true, it wasn’t a big deal. But there’s one thing that concerns me, Homelander. May I be honest with you?”
He tilted his head slightly, curiosity piqued. “You've to.”
“I felt a bit insecure lately and I was wondering...If I should save Sage from poisoning or me from falling from a building. Who would you save?”
Your question comes like an unexpected bolt of lightning, without anyone being able to foresee it or understand its real intention. You cross your arms over your chest and walk around the room slowly, waiting for a response.
He's is taken aback by your question, and the room falls silent. Sage glanced at you quickly, an unexpected flicker of worry in her eyes.
Homelander's eyes follow you as you walk around the room. He's quiet for a few moments, considering the weight of your words before answering.
“Why should I choose, I can save both without effort, you know that.” he finally responds, a slight smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
Your lips curled into a smirk - the answer is far from satisfactory.
“Of course, but let's say you can only choose one.” you persist, your voice steady. “Who would it be?”
His expression unreadable. He's definitely taken off guard by your insistence, and you can see a hint of annoyance starting to form underneath the surface.
“There are too many factors to consider, I can't just say one random name. Fuck, you and your stupid questions...”
Sage looks down at the cup of chamomile tea she was drinking a few minutes ago, and for a second the fear of having been poisoned actually makes her shiver.
“And that's why I'm here to listen all of your thoughts about.” you smile at him once again, hiding something dark behind your kind tone.
Homelander sighs, finally realizing you won’t back down. He crosses his arms, staring at you with slight irritation.
“Fine. Let's say, If I had to choose, I'd likely save Sage first.”
Sage's head snapped up upon hearing his decision, and her eyes widened in surprise. But you answer him carefully, still smiling.
“Are you sure about that?”
“I mean, you're more resistant than her, you wouldn't really die falling from a building. While Sage body is totally human, he would certainly die without an antidote for the poison.”
Your smirk widens, you expected this.
“There, happy now? I solve your fucking riddle.”
You quickly turn away from the conversation and casually walk over towards the large window you know is behind Sage's seat. Acting as if you were admiring the view outside, you casually reach for the handle and pull the window open. The gust of wind that blows in is strong enough to be unexpected, the documents on the table rattle, and the curtains wave violently.
Sage's hand involuntarily releases her cup of tea, and as it hits the floor and the liquid splashes in her direction, a look of panic and realization flashed across her face.
She quickly rises from her seat, her body shaking subtly, trying to play it off as if it was just a simple accident. But anyone can see the flicker of panic behind her eyes. The liquid seeps into the carpet, staining it a dark brown.
“You— Ophera what have you done to my tea?!”
Homelander's eyes narrow, his attention suddenly diverted from the ongoing conversation.
You feign surprise, tilting your head to the side innocently. “Me? Nothing.”
“Bullshit!” Sage points a finger at you, a mixture of shock and fury on her face. She starts to feel strange, she feels dizzy and her legs are shaking.
You turn back to the large open window, the strong gust of wind causing your hair to flutter and the hem of your uniform to flutter. As you look outside, you subtly step back, closer and closer to the edge, the tips of your feet barely holding onto the edge of the window frame.
“What the hell are you doing Ophera?” he say, his voice sharp. “Get away from the window, where has your fear of great heights gone?”
Your eyes flick toward Homelander, a sly smile playing on your lips as you continue to stand dangerously close to the open window, your words dripping with a hint of manipulation.
“Well, I guess now you finally have a real opportunity to choose, love.”
A moment of silence hangs in the air as they're taken off guard by your audacity. Suddenly, without any warning, you lean back, and with a graceful leap, you launch yourself out of the window.
Homelander's heart skips a beat.
“No…No, don't—” he exclaimed desperately, his body moving on instinct.
The wind immediately engulfs you as the ground rapidly comes closer and closer. You feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins, looking at the blue sky, the thrill of the freefall mixing with the intense rush of the air hitting your back.
In an instant, a blur of red and blue rushes towards you as Homelander flies out, he flies towards you at superhuman speed shattering the glass of the other windows. He moves closing the distance between you and him in mere seconds.
From the window, Sage leans out, looking at you both with disbelief. Her eyes widened, and her mouth hangs open, speechless at the turn of events.
Homelander catches you mid-air, wrapping his arms around you, the wind still rushes around you both. You can feel his hands shaking a bit as he holds you.
You look up at him, a cheeky smirk dancing on your lips. A breathless laugh escapes you, the adrenaline still pumping through your veins. Your heart pounds, and a sense of exhilaration washes over you. The suddenness of your action still hangs in the air, and his surprise is evident in his eyes.
“Ops, I guess you picked me.”
Homelander huffs, his grip on you slightly loosening, relaxing, floating in air with you. He shakes his head, relief and frustration clear on his face.
“You're out of your goddamn mind woman.”
“Maybe I am. But, at least you still care enough to save me.” you chuckle softly, enjoying the moment of his attention.
He rolls his eyes, but you can see a smile on his lips and he's slowly moving in the hair to coming back inside the Tower.
You reach out to caress his face gently, your touch tender against his skin. Your hand trail over his jaw, feeling the slight stubble beneath your fingertips. Your other hand still grips onto the fabric of his suit, holding onto him.
“Y'know...I thought Sage brainwashed you into choosing her over me, but I'm happy to see that's not the case.”
His expression softens a little, his eyes meeting yours.
“Believe me, I think she tried. But she didn’t brainwash me at all.” he grumbles, his voice low. “I’m not that easy to control. You should know that..”
“I know you're far from being easy to control. You’re too stubborn and prideful for that.”
He huffs again, with his bold smirk on his lips. “You’re quite stubborn too, maybe more than me. Just look at your little stunt back there.”
As he lands back inside the room with you in his arms, the scene is a little chaotic. He takes a moment to check you are okay, before his eyes land on Sage, who is now passed out on the floor.
“Was really necessary to poison her? Despite your jealousy he was an excellent strategy member to the team.” he say, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Relax. She's not dead. There wasn't a single drop of poison or anything in her tea.” you look down at Sage's unconscious body, lying motionless on the floor, and a small, satisfied smile lifts the corners of your lips.
“Then why the hell is she passed out?” he asks, puzzled.
You kneel down next to her and tilt your head to the side as you examine her unconscious form. The feeling of triumph washes over you, knowing that you managed to manipulate her fear and doubt to your advantage.
“With a brain like hers, mental deceptions are more effective than anything else. It was enough for me to convince her that she had been poisoned and goodnight little sunshine.”
He lets out a low whistle, impressed by the simplicity of your tactic.
“Damn. You really know how to mess with people's heads.”
There's admiration in his voice. An admiration for you that you can still wear like a medal.
“But you really had to prove a point in such a dramatic manner, huh?”
You stand back up, brushing off your uniform and looking at Homelander with a smug smile.
“I had to do something to prove to her, and you, who your favourite really was.”
Hope you like it! I will calmly continue to write about him based on your ask box requests, I will not leave anyone unsatisfied, I promise <3
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mechaknight-98 · 22 hours
Stacking Bodies (NSFW) FT Hyewon
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Author's Note: Don’t plagiarize. So I technically had three different stories I tied together just to see if I could. Each focusing on something different. The first one was a random idea I just had the second one was me being livid about plagiarism and assimilation and the third was about reconciliation and reconnecting with those closet too you. So enjoy the birthday girl’s birthday fic(s)
Act I
Hyewon and I lay in bed after an intense session when Hyewon suggested spicing up our sex life (literally) tomorrow with a bit of food play. I wasn’t a fan of the thought, but Hyewon was hard to say no to.
“Ah babe come on it’ll be fun,” I look at my girlfriend and hesitate. As much as her offer seems enticing something about eating off of her seems a step too far. Hyewon remained unconvinced. “Come on you'll get home from training. Then I can feed you and fuck you.” She asserted
I hesitantly responded, “I don’t know Hyem that sounds like an infection waiting to happen.”
Hyem pouts. “I forgot how forward-thinking and reasonable you were.” She lamented before a bright idea popped into her head.
“What if it was something you could eat with your hands?” Hyem responded
I squinted as I realized that she wasn’t going to let this go.
“Fine if you can make it so it doesn’t make a mess and it’s not gross by the time I eat it I’ll do it.”
Hyem smiled and then did the little dance that she did whenever she got what she wanted.
I rolled my eyes watching her“Gosh you’re such a loser,” I teased.
Hyewon smiled, “but I’m you’re looser,” she said proudly.
I sighed then responded, “Can I ask why this is such a big thing for you?”
Hyewon smiled “Because it’s sexy and empowering . In one act I can provide all of my guy’s needs. Do you know how sexy that is? The power I have over how much you need me,” she said with manic sexy glee as her hands traced along my chest. I shrugged as we cuddled before drifting off to sleep.
I woke up early the next morning so Hyewon could go to her meeting, but she clung to me as I tried to get out of bed.
“Come on Dio please don’t leave Wizone. It won’t be the same without you.” Hyewon begged.
My reply is apologetic because I will miss her but tbh I don't fit in the office so I should go, “I’m sorry Hyem but it's time for me to go back home,”
“Wait I’ll make it worth your while. I’ll move in, I’ll give you a titjob or a blowjob every day and we can play games or fuck every night.
Like a siren’s song, I am tempted by her words but Sakura and the rest of the office have changed so much since they all started cavorting. So I’m resolute in my convictions. I pry her off me and start getting ready.
As I get ready Hyewon walks in and pins me to her bathroom wall as I shower. She smiles as her tiny left-hand goes for my scrotum. She cups it and asks, “Who are they?”
“They’re yours,” I moan moans out horny and ready to fuck but Hyem smiles and kisses him on the cheek.
“Love you, babe,” she says innocently, before walking away leaving me Dizzy Disoriented and aroused. I hoped that it would be Hyem’s only advance for the morning.
As I was eating breakfast Hyem came up from behind me and started to bend me over as she sensually grabbed and massage my ass before going in for a normal hug. I reeled as Hyem would go from slut to sunshine at the drop of a dime it was hot but starting to be annoying to me.
“If you keep this up when I get back you won’t be able to walk.”
Hyem smiled and meandered close by with an ear-to-ear grin “You won't. Not when it's so close to work,” she teased.
I arrive at work with her and we go to our respective offices. There is a peculiar fleshy smell that I can’t place but makes me uncomfortable as I work. I dismiss it and chalk it up to sex smells.
I manage to get an hour deep into work before Yena and Levi walk into my cubicle. I sense their eyes because their silence is a very different silence from the regular silence as they stand behind me.
I spin my chair to see their expectant faces.
“What is it?” I ask a little annoyed. Their gazes are a combination of reverent fear and mild irritation.
“Is it true that you and Hyewon are dating?” Yena asks bluntly. I shrug and get back to work. Levi turns my chair around for Yena to ask her question again. I shrug again and get back to work. When I feel a grab on my chair I simply respond.
“Listen if you don't want me to report you to HR for harassment I suggest you leave me alone.” the couple take the hint and leave…or so I thought. Fifteen minutes later I got a message from Sakura to come to her office, and I was to bring Hyewon as well. I groan then grab my things and go to her office. I enter the cherry-scented room with an anxious glare, that only intensifies when I see Pat.
“Thanks for coming,” Sakura says seriously.
“I want to congratulate both of you. Your processing numbers have been up across the board.”
Hyewon smirks while I shrug.
“Now we must address your current relationship and how it has gone beyond working hours. As you know our policy is…” Patrick began but I got up and just left. As I did Sakura yelled at me.
“If you open that door Dio you won't have a job by the time you exit.” hearing that made me livid. So I let go of the door and began my reply.
“You want me to care about your policy that you don't even follow? Not only that you want me to let that slide when your own personal affection is standing right next to you. Let me tell you something Kura. I know Hyem, Pat, Ivan, Eunbi and I all helped you build this company but don't ever get it twisted. You still need us. We aren't easily replaced. So if you ever threaten me over something like this again. Not only will I quit. I will tear the company down, and if you think I'm bluffing just ask Haiabd…oh right you can't because his company is toast. So I'm going to say this nicely back off, and we won't have any issues. Do I make myself clear?” Kura’s eyes widened as she stared at me.
“Was that a threat?” Pat questioned I looked him in the eyes and said nothing before leaving.
The rest of the day is super quiet until it's me and Hyewon left in the office. She needed to stay late.
When everyone was gone I heard the familiar taps of her shoes. She entered my cubicle with a ravenous look on her face and lowered herself to my crotch before tearing it open.
Feeling whiplash I tried to muster a response but was quickly silenced when Hyewon began to suck me off. In between inpatient slurps, she squeaked out.
“Fuck you went full Demon Flanker. I missed that so much. You use to not take shit from anyone and if get so wet when you'd just bite back.” she said before going back to sucking my rod.
When my dick is more than hard enough she lifts her dress and lowers her panties as she unclasps her bra she says, “fuck me like you hate me. Fuck me like Im Sakura.”
At that point, all the teasing and cold fury bubbling inside erupted and I grabbed my naked paramour and I violently plugged her with my cock. She moaned and I slapped her ass.
“Zip it slut.” I growl into her ear. Her pussy clenched me as I said that.
“Oh, you like being called a slut?” I question. I feel a rush of liquid from her.
“Did you just cum from being called a slut.” I ask and Hyewon weakly nods. I give her a hard thrust and she mewls.
“Good slut.” I groaned as I thrust in and out of the mewling mess of Hyewon.
“Yes. Yes,” she moaned as I pounded into her deeper and deeper. Her pussy was a sopping and sodden mess as her slick pooled below us. Enraptured by her bouncing tits I take them into my hands as I massage them while I fuck Hyem. She moans again before cumming over my cock again. Her breathing is ragged as I chase my release. Hyewon's moans are music to my ears as I begin alternating my hands between her tight ass and her perky tits. Eventually, her tightness and moaning get to me, and I cum inside her. I feel my dick explode inside her as she moans like an overstimulated mess. As soon as I cum however all the “Demon Flanker” attitude goes away and I stare at her. What gets me more than anything is the vulnerable and fearful look she has. In a moment of weakness, I say, “I won't leave you Hyem,”
When we do leave we get back to Hyewon’s apartment we both change into more comfy clothes and chill for a while. I play on my switch while she watches her drama. I smile at her while she adorably cuddles next to me. Her clinginess is simultaneously her cutest/most annoying trait. With her sexy body strewn all over me, it was only a matter of time. When I feel Hyewon’s body heat begin to rise I look into her eyes. Her gaze holds intense lust, and just with one look she pushed out all my cute and soft thoughts about her now all that's left is the Demon Flanker as she calls it. I try to fight it but Hyewon's gaze keeps pushing my surging desires for her until I can't take anymore. I kiss her. Her lips taste like a cherry lip balm reminding me of Sakura and it's all over from there.
“You dirty slut,” I say and Hyewon smiles before getting up excited. She clumsily goes to her kitchen and then to her bedroom. I wait for her signal before I follow her. When I enter the room I smile at her.
See Hyewon has intricately placed full sushi boards all across her body and was lying cutely to make it both as appetizing and as sexy as possible. With a goofy smile, she says
“Come devour me,” I laugh and grab a seat to do so. As I eat this weird sense of mundane comfort overtakes the horiniess. So it leads to me chatting with Hyewon.
“Thanks, babe,” I say as I take my first bite. It's weird because her body heat is making the cold sushi warm but it's high quality so the taste more than makes up for it.
Hyewon pouts but smiles saying, “You're welcome.” I notice her pout and ask her what’s wrong.
She smiles and replies, “I figured this would have riled you up more but I always forget just how calm you can be in weird moments. “
I shrug and take another piece.
“I'm sorry about that.” I retort. Hyewon dismisses it as she gets it. She understands I can't be Demon Flanker all the time.
“So how did you come about calling when I get angry “Demon Flanker”?”
Hyewon smiled and said,
“When you were playing rugby when you first came out here that's what everyone on your team called you. When I asked why they mentioned your first name and it all kinda made sense. Diabolos=Demon and you played Flanker.” Hyewon explained as I took another piece. I laughed before moving closer to her face she was all awkward smiles. She kisses me and as she does she steals half the piece of sushi I was eating from my mouth. With her mouth puffed up she smiles mischievously. I smile with her as we continue to share the food. Despite the discomfort I feel at eating lukewarm sushi the comfort I feel being with Hyewon counteracts all of it. When we finish she gets up to straddle me she pulls my sweats down before she impaled herself on my cock. She moans as she bottoms out. She's a little shakey from earlier but I steady her by keeping a firm grip on her tight ass. She smiles at me as she begins to ride.
Her walls are tight as she gyrates her hips searching for an ideal angle.
“Fuck Dio.” she groans as she continues her ride, before bouncing up and down on my rod when she found her ideal tempo. As she chased her high she grew exponentially tighter. She then brought me in for a fervent kiss. Her teeth lightly bit my tongue as she pulled it out. Her eyes are full of mischievous glee. As she continued riding me I felt myself getting closer and closer. Her eyes narrowed as she stared into mine.
“You gonna cum?” she asked. I nodded and she said “Go on then cum inside I'm safe today.” with no other options I filled her womb with my seed and she came as well, smiling at me for all I' was worth.
Despite being 45 minutes early to work, I was still somehow late. Don't ask me how I don't know. I walk in to see the receptionist Eunbi flirting with my friend Izzy. I walked past them and waved politely but Eunbi being the mom of the office was not having any of that.
"Um, Diabolos where do you think you're going?" Eunbi said with her arms open. I look at Izzy who shrugs at me before laughing. I sigh and walk back to Eunbi and give her a big hug. After I break it she smiles and says, "I always love you big hugs. Now go before Sakura has your balls on her desk."
"Okay will do...Wait, but I am 45 minutes early."
Eunbi shrugged and then smiled at me before I left. I overheard Izzy say, "Really babe his balls on her desk? We gotta get you better slang."
I walked into my cubicle where Mrs. Miyawaki was waiting for me.
On the way, I run into Yujin Simon, Leo, and Nako all talking. Yujin and Simon were holding hands. I laugh and say to Yujin and Simon.
“Don’t let Kura catch you. She’s already having a bad day.” Simon laughs and says,
“Well, we should be good as long as you’re here. You are here favorite punching bag of course.” I laugh before going to my office.
Her look was somewhere between Livid and focused. She gave me a forced pleasant smile before tearing into me.
"I hate you so much Diabolos." She opens. I look at her confused.
"What did I do now?" I ask legitimately confused. Sakura rolled her eyes annoyed.
Sakura scowled as she spoke, "Nothing currently but I need you and Hyewon to go upstairs and talk to your old job. There has been this weird smell that's been coming from there."
I look at my boss annoyed, "Really but they're so weird. Why can't you go?"
Sakura rolled her eyes in annoyance, as she answered"Because despite your childish attitude people listen to you...for some reason. Especially if Hyewon is with you."
"But I thought my association with her" I paused to breathe before continuing, "was "unprofessional, and distracting"" I said to my boss defiantly hoping to get out of this.
Sakura stood firm as she responded, "I changed my mind."
I rolled my eyes and said, "Are you sure it was you or Pat?"
Sakura was dumbfounded by my assertion, "Excuse me?"
I rolled my eyes annoyed, "You know what I said, but that's not important. What do you want me to tell them?"
Sakura scoffed before saying "Just ask if they can stop the smell. I am sure you know which one I am referring to."
I shook my head and replied "No, because the only smells are that of Lust and sex around here,"
"I beg your pardon?" She asked indignant, I rolled my eyes at Sakura's indignation until she backed off. She began to speak again"I swear you can be so childish."
I furrowed my brows as I replied frustrated "Well, I will remind you, Not only are you asking me to work during nonbusiness hours but you also made it so I can't hang out with one of my closest friends at the office."
Sakura scoffed again, "Oh please we all know you two have long skirted that rule."
I squinted "Not until about a month ago?"
Sakura reeled "Wait really?" she said taken aback.
I nod as Sakura softens.
"Oh well, then I am sorry," she says
"No worries" I reply
Sakura recovered shortly after and then said, "Wait you're 15 minutes late what do you mean Off business hours."
I point to my pinned offer of employment that stayed on my cubicle wall.
Sakura began to read it out loud, "Billable hours for Diabolos Maleovlence Bruce will be from the hours of 6:30-2:30. Oh really So you get here an hour early every day?"
I nodded as Sakura turned around to me.
Sakura looked at me confused before asking “Why?”
“Originally it was just to ease into the business day but since I spend most of the day putting out fires for you and the rest of the office I do my actual job of archiving records properly,” I explained and Sakura laughed with recognition.
Sakura laughed before she replied“Well I’m glad you’re so considerate,” her voice tilted sardonically. I shrug before getting ready to leave to find Hyem then I turn to Sakura and ask.
"Okay, last question. How long have you been waiting for me?"
“5:30 when you normally get here,” she said annoyed before shooing me away. I found Hyewon talking to Captain (it was his actual name. When she saw me she turned to me and smiled before running up to hug me.
“Ah, Dio you made it.” She said happily. I nod before returning the hug.
The lights began to flicker and Captain pointed out to Minju. “That’s the third time today we’ve been having power issues. Hey, Diabolos and Hyewon when you go up there can you ask them if they're having issues?
Hyewon and I nod before taking the elevator one floor. On the ride, Hyewon kisses my cheek.
“I’m so ready for our weekend sleepover. It’s gonna be so much fun wet is going to watch all the ranger reject episodes and Kaiju No. 8 is going be great.” I nodded as I mentally prepared to talk to the employees of Planet Upscaled. As we exit the elevator the air is dank, tinged with a humidity and smell that’s disgusting, as we walk to the entrance the door is left open. The smell emanating from inside. I peek in to see 5 flesh pods lining the walls of the office. The first one on the right side is open. I also see the entire office covered in flesh growths and distended/disfigured limbs that were fused or joined in impossible configurations. If that wasn’t enough there was a face on the wall directly in front of me, that opened its eyes at me before saying, “You gotta get out of here,” before watching the face contort and its voice change from a terrified gruff man into a feminine voice as an eye appeared on its right cheek and an entire new mouth on the left.
Before it could speak I closed the door and turned to Hyewon, “what is it?” I picked her up and ran down the stairs to our office. I set her down and she’s frantic “What was that for?” She demanded. Still processing everything I just saw I said to her.
“We need to leave now. Like right now. You go to the parking lot right now and wait for the rest of the office to get there and lead them to my house.” Hyewon looked at me worried
Hyewon’s eyes tracked mine as she sensed the worry in them, “Diabolos what’s wrong?” She asked
I grabbed her gently and looked her in her eyes, “We don’t have time for that right now we need to go now,” I said terrified.
Hyewon nodded then said “Okay I trust you”
She runs to the parking garage, as I walk into the office.
Sakura, Eunbi, and Izzy were all standing at the front desk.
Sakura smiled when she saw me, “Oh Diabolos how’d it go?”
“We all need to leave right now,” I responded.
“Wait why?” Sakura asked. She noticed my grave face as did Eunbi.
“Wait Diabolos why do you look so rattled.”
My worry began to mount as we were running out of time.
I strained not to yell at them because I knew starting a panic would start a very bad situation, “Look please trust me on this one I’ll explain when we all aren’t here.” I say as calmly as I can muster.
Sakura rolls her eyes and says, “Okay but you owe us Diabolos.” I nod and tell them that Hyewon is waiting for them in the parking garage. They go and I swiftly go through the office directing everyone to the garage. There are only two I’m missing Yunjin and Simon. I tear through the office looking for them but can’t. I know they’re here but where? I hear the door to the office open and see a face that shouldn’t be there.
“Hello? Anyone here a tiny female voice says.” I decided to rush to the custodial closet. As I entered I found Yujin and Simon. Their eyes are petrified as they see me as I catch them having sex. I close my eyes and lock us all in the custodial closet.
“Pull your pants up we have a meeting in the parking garage. Sakura asked me to find you both.” I say Yujin and Simon nod as I grab a mop. I grab the duck tape and tape my knife to the non-mop end. We all walk out to the front desk where we are greeted by Lisa from BlackPink.
“Oh hi I was looking for the boss,”
“Oh that would be me,” I lied.
“But wait,” Yujin said
“No go to the meeting or I’ll have to report you,” I said to Simon who instantly knew I meant business.
After the door closed Lisa attempted to get closer to me. “I’m from Planetary Upscaled and I was wondering if you could help me handsome.”
“I am sorry I am in a massive rush,” I said as I tried to go around Lisa but she stood in my way.
“Oh please. Pretty please.” She said cutely as she did I noticed an intent to break the touch barrier. I used the mop to keep her distance as I switched our positions.
“Sorry, Miss. I’m married to the love of my life,” I lied again before attempting to leave.
“But we’d make such a cute couple,” I heard her say before I heard gurgling noises. I watch in horror as pieces of “Lisa’s” flesh fly off. Tendrils and tentacles extend from her body to the plant behind her the wooden part of the mop and the leather rug we had just got. As she inched closer to me I pushed the mop into Eunbi’s desk pinning her as this thing began growing as it assimilated more matter. Not wanting to be the next snack I ran out of the office. Yujin and Simon were waiting for me. “Fucking run,” I yell as the door behind me explodes and more flesh tendrils begin to chase us. The tendrils reverberate Lisa’s voice don’t “You want to be my friend?” They all seemed to say. We all book it in the parking garage where the tendrils don’t continue. Yujin and Simon race to their car as I catch my breath. I can’t say I blame them.
“Oh, there you are what happened?” Kura and Eunbi said.
I could have been more polite, but I was under duress.
“Get in your fucking cars now,” I yell as I hear a huge boom coming from our office. Everyone listens to that as we all drive out. As we drive out I see the floor of the office building explode as flesh tendrils extend out from it grabbing people off the street, trees, dogs animals. And drag the bodies to the mass.
By the grace of fucking god and him alone we make it to my place on the rural side of Korea three hours out. As everyone got out of their cars I sat in my car trying not to scream and freak out.
Eventually, I collected myself enough to talk. I slowly opened the door to my car as I walked in several others followed me. I sat on my couch fried as I tried to figure out what to say. Hyewon sat next to me and hugged me. After that Leo and Nako came in Leo was understandably freaking out.
“What the fuck was that. What happened?” He was yelling. We all knew he was trying to process what he saw and didn’t expect an answer. That was until Patrique turned the conversation to me.
“Yeah, Diabolos what was that?”
Everyone turned to me expecting answers. I looked up and said,
“I don’t know,” Pat and Tim were understandably upset.
“How the fuck do you not know? You got us all out before anything happened and safely as if you knew this would happen,”
I look up at them and reply, “I didn’t know this would happen but when I walked into Planetary Upscale’s office I saw enough things to make me think an evacuation was necessary.”
As I spoke I got up and went to my fridge. Maybe water would cool my frayed nerves. As I did Pat got in my face.
“Ya know you’ve been such a dick after Ivan left,” he said angrily. I sighed then he said the thing that he knew would set me off.
“I think you’re just mad Kura chose me over you.” I balled my fist and then clenched it until I was drawing blood from my hand. My rage flared up until I remembered the practice that my old therapist told me.
“When you’re mad at something someone said put your head in their perspective and ask would I be mad as well,”
I thought about his perspective. His least favorite coworker saved his life from some horror movie scenario that he seemed to know a lot about but refuses to elaborate, and now you and you’re girlfriend (his ex-crush) are stuck in the same house.
“This fire dies with me. This fire dies with me.” I say internally as I turn to Pat and Tim.
“Look I just saw bad things happening and made the call to get everyone to safety if you think you do a better job then by all means.” Pat softens as he is surprised by my calm response. (One of us has to be)
“Now if you’ll excuse me I need to I have some calls to make to try and get us out of Korea.”
Yena popped up and asked “Wait why?
I turn to her and say. “This is spreading fast and if we aren’t careful it could spread to us,” I explained. Everyone nods. I go to my backyard and ring up Sammy.
“You Sammy you got a boat for me and 30 or so people to get out of Korea if need be. I’m calling in that favor.”
Sammy sighed but responded, “I should have figured you call, Yeah I can be there in three days can you hold out.” I turn back to my house look at my contemporaries and reply
“Yeah,” I replied
I waited “Great meet me at the abandoned pier.”
“Okay,” I said
As I walk in the group is watching a broadcast explaining an emergency evacuation/shelter staged by Planetary Upscale. Everyone’s eyes held hope. I sighed and turned the TV off they all looked at me angrily.
“What was that about? Pat asked
“It’s a trap,” I replied coldly.
“How do you know?” Leo asked
“Well 1.) Planetary Upscale is where this all started. 2.) This thing disguises itself as humans. 3.) It feeds on biomass 4.) What is the easiest way to trap people so you get more? Making a false rescue. This has trap written all over it,”
Nako stood up and said, “Oh, and what’s your plan?”
“We wait three days then drive to the abandoned pier and sail out in the night get to Japan and we fly out from there.”
“Three Days?” Chaewon said incredulously. “You said we may not have much time and here’s a guarantee we can escape.”
“You know what fine you all can go I’ll stay here and go with my plan,” I said calmly which was the last thing I remember before hearing a crash and then blacking out.
When I came too I realized I was tied up in Eunbi’s car. Eunbi, Izzy Hyewon, Sakura, and Pat were all there. We were driving back into the city. The amount of anger I felt was almost biblical.
“Oh good you’re awake,” Eunbi said.
“Look honey I am sorry but this is our best bet. I hope you’ll forgive me.” Eunbi said as she drove. I clenched my teeth as I watched her drive white-knuckled 10&2. I take a deep breath.
“Can I please be untied?”
“Are you going to try and leave the car?” Eunbi asked. I shook my head knowing the answer she wanted to hear.
“Okay” Eunbi as she gestured for Pat and Izzy to untie me. The duo finished and we arrived at the rendezvous point, along with several other people.
The first strike is the Area is Open air. The second strike is that I noticed something weird a lot of the people were extremely touchy-feely like uncomfortably so. We walked out and I watched as Wonyoung smiled before running to Yujin and giving her a big kiss.
“We made it.,” she said happily. As we walked into the check-in I got the third strike.
There was no one checking for infection, no scanners or monitors. I stopped before we reached the check-in gate. Before I could say anything I heard a very loud “UNNIE!” We all turned to see a brown-haired girl approaching Sakura. She gave Sakura a big hug that turned into another heated passionate kiss.
“You’re safe," Sakura said happily. I watch from a distance confused as more people begin to come in, and this weird sexually charged aura comes around. I wonder why that is. Hyewon grabs me and holds me close.
"I don't like this," she whispers as she looks around I try to look for anything to get us out of here when I smell it. The same smell as the scent when I entered Planetary Uspcale's office. I turn to my friends and tell them to run. When something hits me over the head and knocks me out.
When I came to I was in a cell surrounded by a flesh wall. I stared in horror at everything that surrounded me.
“You are so interesting.” I heard a voice say. I turn to see “Lisa” again. She stares at me with a wolfish hungry glare.
“You are seemingly immune to all my assimilation tactics. It’s truly amazing,” “Lisa said. I groaned as I looked at her.
“You’re immune to pheromone exposure, hallucinations, mental suggestion all of it. How?” Lise said. I sigh and say,
“What do you want?”
“I want to know why. You are so unique that even after almost 8 months of exposure to me, you resist, and here I figured you’d be the easiest since you were the most isolated and most idiosyncratic.” “Lisa,” said exited.
“Well, I have a proposal for you. An experiment if you will. If you can make it out of here without succumbing then I will let you go. Otherwise, I plan to cut you up and see what makes you tick.” “Lisa,” said seductively “Or you can willingly let me in and end this pointless struggle because I’ll eventually win anyway.” She adds
“Why are you doing this? Who are you?”
“Why Diabolos don’t you recognize me? I’m Planetary Upscaled,” she said with a smile. As things began to click and memories unlocked.
“You’re the meteorite Haiabd found.”
“Bingo, and together we have achieved so much. Imagine what I could do with you.” She said. “Just let me in,” she whispered.
As she spoke and reminded me of what happened something inside me broke.
“You dare?” I yelled before I began punching at my Cell walls which Planetary watched excitedly
“You’re struggle is pointless.” She said repeatedly until the glass cracked. The window shatters and I walk out of the cylinder surrounded by piles of flesh. My vision is red as I feel the entire room try to tear me apart. I walked over to “Lisa” and I brought my hands to her throat.
“Ah choke me, Daddy,” she teased, and my vision went black as the color became so intense that was almost blinding. When I hear the needed crunch, I let go and walk to the exit. I take out a lighter and aerosol before lighting the flesh pit on fire.
I take out my phone and see it’s a day after I was supposed to leave with Sammy. I groan and start walking.
I sat in my home in California. When the door rang, I opened it to see Ivan he smiled and said, “Dude you’re a genius, the corrosive binder and stabilizer worked.” He said with a smile
“How is the cleanup going?” I asked.
Ivan smiles “Oh it’s great the flesh is almost cleared and we have saved so many people we never found Planetary though.”
I sigh relieved. “Oh also you’ll never believe it we were invited to the Wizone gala for our work on the cleanup,”
I squint and say “I’m not going,”
Ivan looked at me before saying, “Look I get that you’re mad still at them but think about it this way. You wanted them safe, and they are safe and thriving. You won.”
I sigh and say “Okay”
Two days later we arrived at the Gala. It was a masquerade-themed one. I was given a stag-based one while Ivan wore one based on a lion. I dreaded the event but put on a brave face. As we entered Ivan being the wildly popular and success story he was was swept up by a host of people trying to rub elbows with one of the Diabolical Society founders. On my part, I approached the bar. First and asked for a Shirley temple. As I waited a familiar voice said,
“I didn’t expect a mighty stag to order such a soft drink.” I turn to see Hyewon who is currently wearing a cute mouse mask and staring at me. She smiles.
“I try to keep a sober mind,” I reply.
Hyewon smiles and then says, “I like that tell me what brings you here. I see you with Ivan and a new face so I’m assuming you are the reclusive other owner of the Diabolical Society Firearms company.” I nod and Hyewon smiles.
“Well, I am glad I am your first acquaintance at this party I hope it will be good for you.” I shrug and say
“It’s not my scene Hyem,” Hyewon turns to me and rips my mask off.
“Dio?” She says staring into my eyes. I nod. She smacks me angrily before saying, “I thought you died,”
I shrug weakly as I say surprise. As she hits me she stops when she sees the scars on my face neck and slightly exposed shoulder.
"What happened to you?" she asks worriedly.
"Well, I had to kinda fight my way out of the Planetary Upscale building without being assimilated by all their stuff," I explain.
Hyewon's gaze holds a mix of concern and frustration before it thaws into legitimate appreciation.
Hyewon smiled as she said, "I missed you so much."
I am unsure how to respond so I just mirror her statement, "I missed you too Hyem."
"So you're the elusive other half of Diabolical Armory. Honestly, it suits you." Hyewon says looking at me with a loving gaze. I smile as a wave of comfort takes hold I haven't felt in a long time. She approaches me and kisses my cheek. She smells like grilled onions but honestly I
“So what are you doing after this Gala?” Haewon asks.
“Probably go home, but honestly I would love to spend some more time with you,” I reply.
Hyewon smiles mischievously and asks if I still wear the same-sized clothes. I nod and she smiles.
“What are good burger joints nearby,” she asks.
45 minutes later
Hyewon and I snuck out of the Gala after changing into less expensive clothes and were enjoying in-n-out on the steps we found at a nearby park while catching up.
“It's been such a mess since you've been gone. Sakura and Patrick have a kid, but they aren't even together anymore. So it's a huge mess. Eunbi and Izzy are going strong along with Leo and Nako. Minju and Cap just got together too.”
I looked at Hyewon surprised, “Oh really that's great.”
"Yeah, I was dating him for a while during one of Minju and Cap's breaks." I sighed heavily and chose my response carefully.
"Oh, I am sorry for that then."
Hyem nods and then asks "What about you how is your love life looking?"
"Oh me I haven't been dating I have stuck to myself after the whole Planetary thing.
"Wait really?"
I nod as I begin to recount the story. Hyewon nods in acknowledgment while tracing the scars on my arms and wrists. About how the biomass used its electromagnetic pulses from its "Nervous System" to try and cook/rip me apart, and how I got my freedom. I told her about fighting my way out of Korea only to get back home and everyone thought I was dead.
"So you were taken by the Planetary Upscale people. I knew it. All the girls told me you were infected that's why the worker came and knocked you out with a sedative."
"Oh, that's what happened," I said gaining some clarity about it."
Hyewon nodded before going back to her burger. I sit closer to her on the stairs we are currently on.
"So what happens now?" I ask. Hyewon turns to me and smiles.
"Well, that depends on you. You can either come back with me to my hotel room and we continue where we left off, Or you can drive me home and we go on our separate ways." Hyewon responded. I stood up considered her words then responded.
"Before we begin I should let you know. I am part alien."
Hyewon looked at me confused, so I repeated the statement. She smiled gently before saying.
"Why would I care about that?" I smiled as I said, "Well then as long as you know what you are getting into."
Hyewon laughed and said, "It would explain more than you know."
Now that everything was on the table I drove her to her hotel and followed her up. On the way to her room, she asked why I didn't come find her when I was free.
"Well subtracting how broke I was...both financially and emotionally. I was not the same guy I was when I left you." I answered
Hyewon's eyes were bright as she gazed at me. A warmth began to fill me.
"Yes you are." she said as she entered her room before saying, "Come on Demon Flanker."
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hgfictionwriter · 3 days
Maybe This Time - Part Four
Jessie Fleming x Reader
Summary: Confessions finally come to light and Jessie has the chance to ask you what she should've asked you years ago.
Warnings: Mild language. Outside of that - none. Just fluff, fluff, fluff.
A/N: I'm ignoring the most recent Thorns results in this story, btw lol. They're gonna rebound - I know it! Previous parts for this series can be found on my masterlist.
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"Nice playing tonight. Congrats on the win." 
Jessie smiled to herself as she sat on the twin-sized bed of her hotel room and laid back, resting her head on the pillow.  
A few team members were still downstairs in the hotel restaurant, but she was beat and needed some downtime. She knew Janine would stay down with the group for a while, so this was her chance to get some solitude.  
"Thank you! I'm super happy with how the team was playing together today. And away games can be tough, but I'm stoked. Anyway, enough football talk lol how was your dinner?" 
"Well, you play Utah next – I'm no expert analyst, but as far as I can tell, your chances for 3 points are good lol. And dinner was delicious – thank you for asking. [Y/friend] and [Y/other friend] went out for drinks after but I called it a night. I'm exhausted after this week." 
"Lol I don't want to jinx anything, but yeah, you may be right about those 3 points. Sorry to hear you're so tired. You had a super stressful week though – I know work was crazy for you and then your brother showing up out of the blue. Yeah. That's a rough week. I'm sorry I'm not there to help more." 
"What are you talking about? You were so helpful. I bet you thought you were done hearing about my family drama, but here we are again lol. It's just a lot less common now – thank God. And anyway, what about you – what are you up to? Don't feel like you have to text me. I know you're with the team." 
"It's not a problem – seriously. Call me anytime. And it's all good – I've retreated to my room early. It's been a long day." 
"Okay, still, don't feel like you have to respond. I know you need your me-time; take it if you can get it." 
"It's alright. Really.-" 
Jessie stared at her phone for a few seconds as she contemplated continuing her thought. Screw it.  
"-I'm happy talking with you."  
She hit send and subconsciously held her breath for a second before remembering to breathe. She worked to dismiss any mounting anxieties, but had a hard time denying the way her pulse had quickened. It only got faster when she saw you starting to type. Her eyes remained fixed onto the screen until your reply came through.  
"Well that makes two of us." 
"As in I'm happy talking with you." 
Jessie chuckled, relief going through her body. She lifted a finger to her mouth and mindlessly chewed at her skin. Her brow creased as she contemplated her next move. Thoughts ping-ponged inside her mind before she threw caution to the wind – very intently so – and started texting. 
"Lol I understood." 
"Hey, are you busy next weekend? There's this pop-up exhibit in town for a few days. Maybe we could go and grab a late dinner together after?" 
"Are you talking about the CityScape exhibit? I wanted to go to that! Yes, that sounds amazing." 
Jessie beamed from ear to ear. 
"Okay, awesome. I'll get tickets." 
"Thanks, just tell me what I owe you." 
"Nothing at all 😊" 
"Stop it. Tell me what I owe you. Or I can just buy dinner, then. Whatever works." 
Jessie huffed. She was conjuring up a rebuttal when another message came in from you. 
"Okay, I have to confess something. It's been weighing on me for years and this just totally made me think of it again." 
Jessie frowned as she wracked her mind for any possibility of what you may be referring to.  
"Okay. What is it? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's okay." 
"Lol you say that now." 
"K. Remember when we went to that underground art show and then dinner and drinks in WeHo a few months after we first met? Or more specifically, remember when you asked me if I wanted to go to that?" 
Of course she did. You looked amazing that night. She was grateful that Teagan and Mia were there to distract her because if it had just been the two of you, she wasn't sure if she'd have been able to function.  
"Yeah, I remember. Why?" 
"So, full disclosure, I legitimately thought you were asking me on a date to that. When you showed up with Mia and Teags? DEAD. Let's just say it was a very humbling experience hahaha. So embarrassing! Enough time has passed that I can admit to it lol. It cracks me up now." 
Jessie didn't even realize her mouth was agape. Her mind was absolutely foggy and turned upside down as she reread your message again and again. She felt like she was having an out of body experience. Her mouth was dry and she started stammering even though there was no one to hear it.  
She needed to talk to Janine.
Before she even knew what she was doing, she found herself hauling open the hotel door and started padding down the hall until she realized she didn't have shoes on. She whipped around in a flurry to go back into the room and grab her shoes.  
"Shit!" She exclaimed as she more or less faceplanted into the door when it didn't open as she turned the handle. In her fluster she forgot she needed a key to open it. She stared down blankly at the lock for a few seconds before belatedly realizing she'd left the hotel key in the room. "Oh my god," she growled under breath. She spun on her heel and looked down the hall as she contemplated what to do.  
She looked back down at her phone and called up Janine. She let out another frustrated growl when the call went to voicemail. She texted her. "CALL ME. NOW." 
She paced back and forth in the hallway for a few seconds before looking back at the message you sent. Now anxiety around not replying to you was setting in. She didn't want you to think she was put off by what you said, but she also didn't know what the heck to say. This was too precarious a situation.  
She stood there motionless for a moment as she weighed her options and before she could start to overthink things she took off down the hall to the elevators.  
Once inside, she hit the 'M' button and the button to close the doors repeatedly in a vain attempt to move this journey along faster. She groaned when the elevator slowed at one of the floors along the way. She offered the joining guest a stiff smile and felt heat rush to her face when they glanced down at her sock feet.  
Once at the main floor, she took long, brisk steps towards the restaurant where she'd left the team and searched the remaining crowd for Janine. She spotted the blonde at a table towards the back and took a few steps into the restaurant – hoping not to get caught by the host. Thankfully, she caught Janine's eye. She waved the blonde over with uncharacteristically exaggerated movements and the blonde just frowned at her. Jessie's shoulders slumped in momentary defeat and frustration before she gave the girl another pointed look and gave a sharp wave. The blonde held up her hands in concession and got up. Jessie caught the curious looks the rest of her team gave her and offered a mere wave of 'hello' before grabbing Janine by the arm when she approached and dragging her out into the lobby.  
"I need your help." 
"What the heck!" Janine complained as she jerked her arm out of Jessie's grasp and shook it out for show. "What is going on? And why are you in your socks," she went on as she gave Jessie a disapproving look.  
Jessie bit back a sardonic, tense reply and instead just held up her phone to Janine's face. The blonde winced at the sudden movement and frowned as she read the message, before her jaw, too, fell like Jessie's had earlier.  
"Oh my gosh," Janine said in bewilderment. Jessie nodded repeatedly. "Oh. My. Gosh! Okay. So – what the heck – you left her on read?" 
"I didn't know what to say!" Jessie responded with a harsh whisper, gaze flitting about as she tried to not draw further attention to them.  
"Oh my gosh, Jessie. You're the worst," she said with an eye roll as she began to usher the smaller girl towards the elevators. Before Jessie could protest, Janine held up her hand in declaration, "Okay. We need a game plan..."
Jessie's mind was still racing as she stared vacantly at the elevator floor deep in thought as she pieced things together. Suddenly, she inhaled sharply, eyes growing wide as she lifted her head to look at Janine.
"She went on her first date with [an ex] like a month after that night! Wa-" She stopped herself momentarily, thoughts resetting before she started again, "Wait - do you think if we'd actually had a date that night that she wouldn't have dated her?"
Janine gave her a long stare that tapered into a look that was half sympathetic, half pointed. "Jess."
"Oh my God," Jessie groaned as she rubbed her face.
"Sorry - that was probably really awkward. That was a long time ago. And obviously it was all good in the end. Anyway, now I can die with an unburdened soul lol.”
“What do I say!” Jessie said, her voice rising while her heart beat out of her chest.
The elevator dinged as they reached their floor and the two looked at each other before exiting and heading to their room.
“Well, this could be your opportunity. Why not just tell her that you liked her? I know you aren’t comfortable telling her you like her now. But you can admit to it for the past,” Janine suggested.
Jessie’s eyes scanned around as she processed the different scenarios and outcomes that could arise. Her instinct was to say “no”, but she really couldn’t find a logical reason to deny it. She huffed.
“Okay. Well. What - I just say ‘Oh hey - speaking of funny stories, I had a crush on you for years. And I’m glad your exes hated me, cause guess what, I hated them because I was jealous’?” Jessie said moodily as she crossed her arms.
“Maybe not that,” Janine said with a sidelong glance.
The girls talked hurriedly, debating back and forth about what to say until Janine threw her hands up in relinquishment.
“I told you what I think. It’s your call. This is your relationship. Or - would-be relationship,” she relayed.
Jessie sighed heavily once more and sat down on the edge of her bed. She had to chill out. She reminded herself that this time things were supposed to be different. And that she was different, and not so scared.
“Sooo does that mean you would’ve said “yes” to a date? Wish I had known. I would’ve gladly taken you on a date.”
Jessie exhaled slowly as the message sent. She looked up to Janine and ignored how her ears were ringing.
She glanced back down and immediately saw bubbles come up.
“Lol! I’m sure.”
“I’m serious.”
“Jessie! Come on.”
“What? I’m dead serious. Question is if you would’ve actually said ‘yes’.”
“I wore my nicest dress and actually put in the time to do my hair and make-up properly. So I’ll leave that up to you to interpret.”
“Janine,” Jessie complained, her pitch rising as she rubbed her face in aggravation before bringing the hand down to slap against her leg. “I’m such an idiot.”
“Well I could’ve told you that,” Janine rebutted without hesitation before pausing and giving a small shrug. “For this situation anyway.”
Jessie exhaled in frustration again as she readjusted position on the bed, eyes still transfixed on your text. You know what? She might as well own it.
“Well, I’m an idiot. I truly thought I didn’t have a chance with you. For the record, you looked stunning that night. But also for the record, I liked you just as much in your everyday clothes and makeup or when you didn’t try at all.”
By now Janine was kneeling on the bed behind Jessie, hands on Jessie’s shoulders as she watched everything unfold. She was started to make a remark when she let out a loud gasp as Jessie’s screen lit up with a call from you.
“Oh my gosh!” Janine exclaimed.
“Shit!” Jessie said as panic began to rush through her. She was about to accept when she noted Janine’s head right next to her and she shook the blonde off of her. “Go!”
“Oh now you want me to leave,” Janine protested.
Jessie waved her off and took a steadying breath before answering and holding the phone up to her ear.
“Jessie Fleming. You start off by giving me a heart attack - just leaving me hanging after I share my deeply embarrassing and humbling story. And now you come out of left field with - I think - a confession of your own? Are you fucking with me right now?”
Jessie choked and coughed at your wording. You didn’t sound mad at all. Bewildered? Yes.
“No. No I’m not,” she said much more tentatively than she’d intended.
The line was silent for a few seconds and Jessie was about to check if the call dropped when you spoke up again. This time you were the one who sounded tentative.
“Okay. Wait. Let’s recap. So-” Jessie could practically hear you thinking. “-you’re saying you would’ve wanted to go on a date together?”
Jessie pushed her hair back unnecessarily. “Um, yeah.” She shook her head out and spoke more confidently. “Yes. I would’ve.”
She heard you give a disbelieving chuckle. “But you didn’t,” you said slowly, but matter of fact. “I’m sorry. I’m just kind of shocked,” you laughed further. “You felt like you didn’t have a chance with me? Are you serious?”
Jessie exhaled, eyes set on the floor as she gave a shrug of her shoulders. “Dead serious.”
“Come on. The great, unattainable, Jessie Fleming, liked me? Impossible. I mean, yeah, we were close, but you never really showed any indication of it being more. I mean, at most it must’ve been short lived.”
Jessie tried to process your words that were coming at her a mile a minute. You gave her an out. She could say it was a fleeting thing. A curiosity. But, Janine was right, this really was the chance.
“Uh,” Jessie rubbed her face distractedly, feeling heat rushing to her cheeks, “if ‘short lived’ means all through uni, then sure.”
The call was silent again and Jessie could hear her pulse throbbing inside of her head until you finally spoke again.
“Now you’re really fucking with me."
Jessie's body continued to heat up and she tugged subconsciously at the collar of her shirt.
"I've said too much already. I mean, it was obviously short lived on your end - which is totally fine."
"Why do you say that?" You questioned.
Jessie frowned, making a face and ignoring how Janine was attempting to look occupied with her own thing, but clearly eavesdropping.
"What do you mean?" Jessie asked, careful not to sound argumentative. "You dated a lot of girls in university. Well, not a lot. You know what I mean."
She heard you give a short laugh on the other end of the call before speaking wryly.
"Well, maybe - no, never mind." You exhaled lightly. "Anyway - it's all in the past, but, consider me stunned." You gave a bit of a chuckle. "I hope you're more forward with girls now than you were then. I really didn't know you had any interest."
"I was shy," Jessie offered as she scratched her temple. "Like painfully shy. And you were so pretty, and smart, and charming - I just didn't know what to do."
A glare crossed Jessie's face as Janine hopped down in front of her and mouthed 'Tell her you like her!" as she gestured wildly in the air.
"Well, now I'm extra confused about why we didn't stay in contact after university. If you liked me that much," you stated without challenge.
Jessie sighed. She'd told you enough. She didn't need to get into how desperately in love she was that she needed to cut herself off from you altogether to even have a hope of moving on.
"I mean, we don't need to rehash it all. Anyway, recap, I liked you, you were open to a date, but I stupidly didn't ask you out." Jessie chuckled, trying to keep things light. She cleared her throat and the heat that had started to fade from her face came raging back and she began to fidget. "And, um," - she glanced to Janine for reassurance - "I don't know. If you're open to it, maybe we could finally have that date. When I pick you up next time, it could be a date - for real."
She heard you hum before speaking.
"That sounds really nice. Yes. I'd like that a lot."
Jessie's eyes lit up and her posture straightened immediately as she looked to Janine excitedly. The blonde gave a boisterous, but silent celebration.
"Okay," Jessie said, her voice growing tight momentarily as she tried to remain composed. She cleared her throat and relaxed her shoulders. "Sounds like a plan, then."
A/N: I have one more chapter in me for this one. Thanks to all who've followed this series!
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aniesvision · 15 hours
Vegas! (matt x chris x f! reader)
part 1
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warnings: sex shop and buying toys (?) not sure if that's a warning but anyways, mentions of gambling, drinking, suggestive, mocking (?), use of vibrator, praising, pet names (sweetheart), getting caught, i might be forgetting something
a/n: hi! another threesome (this first part it's just matt but wait for the second one), but obviously no matt x chris bc it's weird. friendly reminder that english is not my first language enjoy ✨
synopsis: Matt and Chris were going to Vegas and they asked you to come along, what happened next it's something none of you ever imagined it'd happen.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
-Uh, nice! I've always wanted to go to Vegas.
I look at my friends, excited for them when they tell me about their plans. I was at the triplets house, as usual, all of us on the living room talking.
-Wanna come with us? Justin is going too and the room Nick got us is huge anyways.
Chris opens a can of pepsi as he asks, taking a few sips. Matt just nods, showing that he also didn't mind my company. I look at Nick, who just shrugs and stands to go get him a cherry cola.
-I mean, if it's not gonna bother you guys, then yes, I'd love to. -I respond, with a smile, already thinking about all the things I could do in Vegas.
-It's settled then, you're coming with us. -Matt smiles and also stands, messing with my hair on his way back to his room.
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾ ⋆⁺₊⋆
I decided to pack my stuff to the trip, playing some music and talking to Nick through facetime. I was so excited to go, Vegas was definitely a place that caught my eyes long ago and having the opportunity to go with my friends was amazing.
I asked Nick his opinion on what I should bring with me, which clothes, accessories, and all that. He was like my personal stylist sometimes and I loved that. We talked a bit more and when I was done packing I decided to end the call and go to sleep.
I met the triplets at their house the next day and after saying goodbye to Nick, me, Matt and Chris went to the airport. We were going to meet Justin in Vegas already. It didn't take long for us to get there and we got an Uber to the hotel Nick booked us. The room was gigantic, the size of a whole apartment.
There was two beds, a couch, it was a suite so obviously a bathroom, a small kitchen space, balcony, a wardrobe that I was already claiming to organize my clothes and a nice luxurious decoration.
Justin was supposed to go play a poker game and Matt and Chris were going to Power Slap. I decided to explore Vegas by myself, excited to see some stores and even casinos. They were about to leave when I decided to stand from one of the beds and get ready. We didn't stablish who was going to sleep with who yet, but I wasn't worried about that.
I opted on a nice red dress, it wasn't so tight but definitely showed my curves, black heels and a nice basic makeup. I get a purse from my suitcase, filling it with my documents, some money, a lipgloss and my charger. I asked for an uber, going to a mall I wanted to go, exploring all the types of stores. I bought some clothes, some glasses to Nick that it was exactly his type, and when I was about to leave the mall to a casino, I saw a sex shop.
It wasn't a store in the mall, but next to it, and it caught my attention. I wasn't sure why, but it's not a bad thing that I felt like buying a toy to pleasure myself, specially since I was going to spend some time alone when the guys were out doing their things. I got a pink vibrator, just a simple but potent one. I hid it in my purse and headed to the casino, just to see how it was like.
I'm not a fan of gambling, but somehow I ended up winning a few dollars. It was fun, I must admit, but also such an easy way to lose money if you don't know when to stop. I walked around the casino, taking some glasses of champagne and exploring the machines. I was betting on my luck tonight and I only realized it was already late when I felt my phone buzzing with an incoming call from Matt.
-Heyy. -I answer, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear so I could try to get a bar of gold out of a glass box, a few people watching me as I tried to pass it through the circle. (click here to see what i mean)
-Hi, where are you? -He asks, I could hear Chris's voice on the background.
-At a casino, why? -I ask back, not knowing that it was late at night already.
-It's almost 1am, kid, come back to the hotel. -He says, making my eyes widen a little and drop the gold bar.
I sigh in frustration, giving space to the next person and holding the phone in one hand as I walked to the exit.
-Fine, I'll call an uber, be back soon.
I end the call, asking for an uber and rubbing my temples a bit when I get out of the casino. I was a few months older than the triplets, which means I was already old enough to drink and gamble, but it was a terrible idea I had to accept so many glasses of champagne. At least I won a hundred dollars.
I got in the uber and we drove silently back to the hotel. I throw my hair to the side, taking off my heels and walking barefoot to the elevator, holding my heels in one hand. Before even unlocking the door to our room, I could hear Chris's playlist playing. I smile to myself, passing through the door and meeting a shirtless Matt with my eyes.
-You drunk? -It's the first thing that comes out his mouth, making me laugh.
I lock the door behind me, realizing Justin still wasn't back and Chris was probably showering, the songs muffled by the closed door and the sound of water making me connect the dots.
-No. -I scoff sarcastically, placing my heels on the floor and throwing myself next to him on the bed.
He laughs, placing his phone down and looking at me.
⁺₊⋆ 3rd person ⁺₊⋆
Matt takes in the sight of you, your tipsy state, your smile, the red dress you're wearing and how it makes you look so pretty, your thighs showing a bit. He always thought you were good looking, and sometimes, like tonight, he couldn't help but feel attracted to you. He shifts in the bed, tossing a strand of your hair behind your ear.
-Of course not. -He smiles, taking his hand out of you and moving back to his previous position.
You smile back at him, turning sideways and wrapping an arm around his bare chest, resting the side of your face on his shoulder.
-I won a hundred dollars tonight. -You mumble, giggling and handing him your purse, wanting him to see the dollars in it, forgetting completely about what you bought earlier.
-Yeah? You won that on the casino too? -He asks, taking the vibrator you bought out of your purse and raising an eyebrow at you.
Your cheeks turned red immediately and you quickly took it from his hand, throwing it back in the purse and dropping it on the floor. You were so embarrassed that he saw it.
-You never saw that. -You warn him, pointing at his face with a serious look, covering part of it with the other hand, not wanting him to see how red you were.
He raises his hands in surrender, chuckling at your embarrassment.
-No need to be all embarrassed, there's nothing wrong in wanting to pleasure yourself, sweetheart. -He shrugs, sitting upright and reaching out to your purse again.
You keep your eyes closed, with your hands covering your face, too embarrassed to even respond. You didn't even want to see him and it was like your body wasn't responding to your mind, but all you wanted to do was to run away.
Matt takes the vibrator out of your purse again, examining it. He was curious, and also amused by your reaction. His imagination making him wonder how you'd use it, if you'd think about someone, if you were thinking about using it soon, how you'd sound like. He spins the pink vibrator in his hands, intently studying the object.
-Can you stop? -You ask, peeking through your fingers, your embarrassment turning into annoyence.
-Why? -He teases with a smirk, chuckling when you try to take it out of his hand and fails when he moves his arm back.
-You're so fucking annoying, Matt. -You huff, sitting and crossing your arms over your chest, leaning your back against the headboard.
-How do you turn it on? -He asks, completely ignoring your words.
You roll your eyes, rubbing your face and pulling a blanket to cover your legs so you could bend your knees without showing your panties. You extend a hand, giving him a look like you were saying "I'll show you". He hands you the toy back, still curious, his eyes darkening as you show him the on/off button.
Even though you were the only one who had something to drink tonight, he was the drunk one, his body reacting in a way it never did around you before. Maybe it was the sex toy, maybe his imagination, maybe something in the air, or all of it, but he wanted to do so many things to you.
Matt had a few wet dreams about you before, not frequently, just like three or four times along your friendship. He ignored all of them, and all the thoughts he'd have whenever you looked prettier than normal. He didn't want to cross the line, you were important to him and he was scared it was going to ruin things if he fucked you. Clearly none of you liked each other like that, it wasn't going to be more than a friendly fuck, but still, he was unsure if it was worth it.
Looking at you turning on a vibrator in front of him, specially when you were using that dress, was not making it any easier to him. He licks his lips, eyes dropping to the vibrator again.
You looked at him, turning it off and throwing it on the bed, unsure of what to do now. It feels like you guys already crossed some sort of line, like you were showing him a part of you that wasn't a secret but wasn't supposed to be known.
-How many levels it has? -He asks, breaking the silence again.
-Four, I guess. -You shrug.
You were still embarrassed, but mostly annoyed now. It was getting easier to talk about it without wanting to hide, but you wanted the conversation to be over.
-Have you ever used one before?
His question is so explicit. Your eyes widen a bit and you turn your head to the side, avoiding his eyes. It shouldn't feel so awkward to talk about it, it's a natural and normal human thing, but you were so nervous to open up about this to Matt. You trust him with your life, but your sexual life was so different to talk about than just your life.
-Uh, not exactly. I mean, yes, but not with someone else. -You try to explain, shyly, hugging your blanket-covered legs.
He nods, a smirk growing in his lips as he lets his imagination flows. His fingers starts to tap lightly the vibrator in front of him, a wave of boldness hitting him, probably because of how turned on he already was.
-How many levels you can take? -He looks at you, his pupils dilated, the blue almost fully covered by the black.
You feel goosebumps all over your body when you meet his gaze. It's so different than the sweet lovely look he normally have, makes you even more nervous. The room seems to get hotter, maybe it was the alcohol you consumed, maybe just the Vegas weather, or even the heat from Chris' shower on the bathroom. You clear your throat, trying to think that he was just saying it as an innocent friendly tease due the situation you guys were into.
-I don't know, I think there's no need to go past two, these are pretty strong. -You say, hearing the shyness in your own voice, but ignoring it.
He scoffs, like he was mocking you, your eyes meeting again. He leans a bit closer, bringing the vibrator with him.
-Can't even handle four levels of this little fucking thing? -He mocks, with a smirk, moving the pink object side to side in the air.
You don't know why you found it so hot to see him mocking you. Probably the five champagne glasses you drank at the casino had something to do with it, but still. It's not like you weren't attracted to Matt before anyways, you always thought all three of the triplets were equally handsome and hot, but of course nothing more ever crossed your mind about it. Not until now.
You roll your eyes, trying to look unbothered, throwing part of your hair to the side.
-I'm just saying that using all four levels is insane. -You shrug.
His eyes admired the way your hair thrown to the side made your face look perfectly shaped, the way you were trying so hard to keep it cool but he knew you enough to know you were practically shaking in nervousness, the way you looked when your eyes rolled back... It was all driving him insane.
Matt, without saying anything, turns on the vibrator once more, looking at how it moved against the bedsheets. He changed the level to the last one, the number changing from 1 to 4 in a second. Just the sound of it vibrating made you feel hotter, it was like an automatic reaction. You look as it vibrates on the sheets, thinking that if it was against your pussy instead you'd be quickly ruined.
-I think you can take it. -Matt cuts the silence again, his words just above a whisper.
You were surprised to say the least. Failing to breath normally, you furrow your eyebrows, tilting your head slightly as you wonder if he meant what he said. If he was still just friendly mocking you, or (not so) discreetly making a move.
When you don't say anything, he looks at you, his smirk still evident. He slowly moves even closer to you, gently resting one hand on top of your covered knee.
You drop your gaze to his hand, admiring all the veins, how long his fingers are, how he slowly but constantly moves his fingertips down to reach the end of the blanket and push it away from your legs. Your heart was pounding so fast against your chest, your entire body heating up as the sounds of your heartbeats were almost as loud as the vibrating sounds coming from the vibrator in Matt's hands.
He didn't even care that you two were not the only ones in the room. He continued teasing you, giving you time to think, and to push him away if you didn't want to do anything, but you didn't.
Matt changes the level to 1 again, touching your skin with the vibrator. He starts on your ankles, barely grazing it not to startle you. You gasp quietly in surprise, biting your lips and looking at your friend, still unsure, but not having a single thought on making him stop. You noticed how he looked at you so differently, how it was so evident just by the way he looked at you that he wanted to absolutely destroy you. The way you could see his bulge poking through his white shorts and the way he was shirtless, all making it so hard for you to say no to him.
He moves the vibrator to your inner thigh, using his free hand to open your legs. He sits in front of you, making sure to be in a position he could clearly see your body and face. He grins when he sees how fast you were breathing, your chest raising and falling rapidly. Matt was stunned by you, your pretty face, your expressions still shy and unsure, but excited to see where things were going, your chest, your thighs, your black thong that he so desperately wanted to rip off of you.
Your hands were on each side of your body, holding the sheets lightly. You were so focused on what was going on, no words leaving any of your mouths, but it was like so much was being said.
He finally reaches the spot both of you were anxious about. The vibrator sends a shiver down your spine, the feeling of it finally touching your heat over your underwear makes you unleash the air you didn't know you were holding.
Matt starts to move the vibrator in slow circles, making you bite your lips and look down to his hand so close to you, making you feel things you never thought you'd feel for him, making you crave him, need him.
He speeds up his movements, a light moan escaping your lips as you close your eyes, the toy moving easily over your wet underwear. Without warning you, he changes the level to number 2, making you whine.
-Matt... -you whisper, gripping the sheets with widen eyes, surprised with the sudden change.
-Shh, we're halfway there, sweetheart, you got it. -He praises, making you even wetter.
Both of you were so focused on the moment that no one realized the sounds of water from Chris' shower stopped.
Matt couldn't hold himself back, he wanted you, he wanted you so bad. He only stopped what he was doing to pull you by the ankles so you'd lay on your back, hovering you and changing the level to 3, circling your clit with the toy, swallowing your moans by kissing you.
You kissed him back, forgetting all about the doubts you had. Your lips moved in sync, his tongue brushing against yours perfectly. Matt slides the vibrator in your thong, circling your clit and lowering his lips to your neck. You moan under him, the pretty sound making Matt even harder, proud that he was making you feel good.
He kisses you again, your arms wrapping around his neck to pull him closer. Just as your orgasm starts to build up, he changes to number 4, the last level. Your eyes roll back and you squirm under him, his lips leaving red and purple marks on your neck.
-See? I told ya, you're taking it so well, got all the way to level 4, such a good girl. -He praises, pressing sweet kisses to your neck.
-Fuck, Matt. -You breath out, bucking your hips and tangling your fingers in his hair, diving your head onto the pillow under your head.
He chuckles at your moans, obsessed with the way you looked under him. It was like you were a fucking piece of art, and he was so sure he'd see you like this a lot more. He props himself on his forearm, using his hand that he was holding the vibrator to please you, eyes dropping to your wetness, loving the sight of you so wet for him.
You feel your orgasm about to snap, your moans getting louder, Matt's name sounding like a mantra as you repeated it over and over again. You look at him with pleading half-lidded eyes and he grins widely, leaning closer to you, your lips just mere inches apart.
-C'mon, pretty girl, come undone for me, yeah?
You dig your nails on his back, a whiny moan leaving your lips as you reach your climax, releasing all over the vibrator and making a huge mess in your panties. You start to pant heavily, not even having time to catch your breath before hearing a loud voice behind you both.
-What the fuck is happening here?
You and Matt both look at him at the same time. Chris was standing there, leaning on the wall next to the bathroom door.
tags 💕
@riowritesitall @sturniolosarethebest @hyacinthst @anabanana28 @flower-sturns
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sturniolo04 · 2 days
Mini Me- M.S.
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Husband!Dad!Matt x Wife!Fem!Reader
Summary: just a collection of cute shared moments with your daughter Lily.
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
* @spicymuffins03 wanted me to post it today*
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"Lily time to go"
you yell to you daughter as you and matt finish packing everything to take for the road trip you guys were about to take to visit lily's grandparents in Boston.
"Baby girl"
you call out for your daughter again seeing you didn't get a response from your four year old. Lily eventually makes her way to the living room where you and matt were getting ready to load the car.
"momma i cant find m'shoes"
she mumbles fiddling with her fingers looking at her feet in her nike socks her uncle chris insisted on buying her.
'what do you mean mama"
matt questions as you look to see if you left anything in your bedroom.
"I I have one of m'shoes but i'dont know wher'the other one is"
"okay where was the last place you had it"
matt questions her kneeling down at her level. Lily grows quiet seeing that her answer was firm no.
" how about we check the playroom yeah you were in there last right"
Matt asks his daughter grabbing her hand leading her to the playroom and low and behold the nike sneaker she was looking for.
" did you guys find it"
you ask coming down the stairs.
"yes and daddy helped me"
you daughter giggles
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"what are my two lovely girls doing"
matt asks the pair walking into the kithcen.
"i'helping momma make dinner"
your daughter responds continuing to put the cut up vegetables in the bowl. As you look at matt with a look of she's doing so good.
"oh yeah and what are we making lils"
you ask your daughter continuing to stir the noodles in the boiling pot.
she slurs still intently focused on stiring the not needed to be stirred vegetables she had placed in the bowl. You shaking your head from side to side seeing she had gotten distracted from the task at hand.
"can i have a try lil"
matt asks his daughter standing next to her attempt to kneel down a little at her level. She inaudible agrees holding up a chopped up carrot to his lips as he opens his mouth eating the carrot in her hand. Lily quickly jerked her hand away because of the uncertainty of the fact she didn't know if matt was going to bite her fingers.
"is it good"
she asks matt as her eyes sparkle with hope towards her dad.
"so good baby"
he gleams kissing her forehead.
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your daughter screams as she is sitting on the couch in your guys living room.
"yes baby whats going on"
you hurriedly rush out worried.
"my tummy hurts"
lily sobs out curled up in a ball in the corner of your guys couch, breaking your heart.
"aww baby girl how bad does it hurt; what does it feel like"
you ask her kneeling down next to her at the foot of the couch running your fingers through her messy brunette hair as she continued to sob.
"like really bad"
she chokes out, hiding her face in her arms that were laying in front of her supporting her head on the couch.
"aww baby"
you coo out. You guys sit there for a minute or so as you noticed your daughter's face morphs into a very readable face.
"mom i-i gon-"
she gasps out
"you gonna throw up"
you ask her quickly as she quickly nods her head
"bathroom lets go"
you breath out as you and her make your way into you and matts shared bedroom to the bathroom.
"lily wh-"
matt trails off surprised by his daughter's and wife's entrance into the room but realizes what is going on when he hears the audibly sound of throw up spilling onto the floor, meaning she didn't quite make it to the toilet.
you gasp out seeing that she threw up all over the marble tiled floor, you knelt down behind your daughter rubbing her back and gathering the hair out of her face as she continues to release the contents in her stomach now in the toilet.
you call out as his face appears in the doorway fo the bathroom with a concerned look, then going into the kitchen to get the cleaning supplies and returning momentarily.
"thank you"
you mouth to your husband as he simply just nods his head and kisses you and your daughters heads.
"you get it all out"
you ask your daughter as she nods her head as you gather all of her tying it away in a messy bun on top of her head.
"you wanna go lay down in mom and dads bed"
you ask as she nods her head again.
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you daughter sheepishly squeaks out from the backseat of the car.
"yess lilyy"
matt responds dragging out the 'y' playfully with you giggling next to him in the passenger seat
"i h've to g'potty"
"okay babygirl hold on dad is going to find a potty"
you reply to her as matt changes his speed, knowing his daughter has a small bladder.
"momm i have to go potty"
your toddler drags out kicking her feet in the car seat in the back as a few minutes pass. As you turn in the passenger seat reaching your hand out to lilly for her to hold.
"i know lils almost there think about puppies to take your mind off of it"
you giggle at you toddler in repsonse.
"i cant im only thinking of water because we are going to the beach today and its not helping"
Lily whines out. As Matt and you chuckle at your daughter.
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"baby lily whats going on"
you ask your now 13 year old as you rush over and sit next to her on her bed rubbing her back as she raggedly breathing.
"i-i-i d-d-dont k-knowww"
she chokes out a response
you call out for your husband as he come running into his daughters room coming over to the pair.
"whats going on- lily baby girl whats wrong talk to me"
matts asks her kneeling down in front of her on her bed.
"dad i-i-i cant b-b-breathe"
she sobs out as he reaches out and grabs his daughters hand pressing it against his chest
"baby girl its okay yes you can match my breathing okay"
he responds as she raggedly copies his breathing.
"i-it's not working i cant"
she chokes out.
"yes you can look in-"
you trail off taking a deep inhale with your daughter and Matt.
"and out"
you continue exhaling along with her while still rubbing her back comfortingly.
"there you go"
matt calmy states once he see she is breathing normally again.
"im sorry i dont know what happened"
"hey hey you dont have to apologize it happens to all of us"
matt coos out taking a seat next to her as she lean her head on his shoulder.
@mintsturniolo @adirtylittleheart @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03
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angstingantlers · 1 day
Mind control that doesn't dominate your thoughts, it just... is your thoughts. Perfectly rewriting your will and everything it embodies. Not a single trace of resistance because this is just what you want. Why would you resist your own thoughts? Why would you disagree with your own motivations, your own desires?
Mind control that doesn't shatter once it's done, it just disappears. You don't snap back into awareness. You barely even notice. You just continue as if nothing ever happened. Maybe one moment you look back and you frown, because thinking on it, you remember when you happily followed that person out of town, and you remember what you did, you remember wanting to... but that's crazy. Why did you think that was okay? Why did you want to do that?
Or maybe you were under this mind control for so long that even once it's over you look back and say, "Oh, of course I did that." As far as you're concerned you've always held the beliefs you do now. You've always wanted to do these things. You don't remember why, but you've never had to think of why, and it doesn't matter anyway when you've always been so confident that you're right. It isn't until you're challenged on it all and reminded that you never used to be like this, that you were different before, that something has changed that you finally falter. And you try to think of where this all started, try to figure out why things changed -- and all you can really remember is an entrancing pair of eyes, and a gentle suggestion, and then your own mouth responding, "That's a great idea. Let's go."
And suddenly, you realise that you have no idea how much of what you are, what you were, and what you believed you always have been is just a lie. You don't know whether any thought you have now is really yours or just another preciously placed prompt. You don't trust your impulses, you don't trust your desires, you definitely don't trust your judgement.
You don't trust yourself. And you never can again.
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midnight-pluto · 1 day
SAY ON SKIBIDI — damian w.
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After an unfortunate incident involving a ball and your kneecap, you get sent to the nurses office with Damian in tow. In the isolation of the office, Damian tells you something that makes your mind short-circuit, and proceed to make him say that he means it.
contains: bsf!damian x reader, fluff, brainrot, swearing, humor, they're in middle school — both 14 years old, mention/description of injury, reader doesn't know damian is robin, short fic
a/n: this is the most brainrot thing i've ever written but i found this idea hilarious so i had to write it out
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P.E. IS A stupid elective to have is what you've concluded. Sure, you've always thought that but you were normally able to sit out of most of the activities since all they cared about was the no phones rule and sometimes cared about what shoes you wore. You were content with that though.
You could spend the whole hour yapping Damian's ear off and he never objected to it all throughout the countless amount of times you did so. That was something you were thankful for since he was surprisingly a fantastic listener despite himself also being a yapper.
However, the one time a game has mandatory participation in P.E. is the one time you get hurt. What was the game? Dodgeball, because of course it had to be dodgeball along with the kids with the super good aim for some reason all being on the other team. Minus Damian, mainly because you begged him to stay.
Was it a good call though? Not sure since he'd end up by your side regardless of what team he was on, in the nurses office.
"What was the name of the boy who hit you?" the nurse asked, walking through the door, ice pack in hand.
"Dunno," you simply responded, gently taking the ice pack from her. Nodding your head in thanks, you wince a little at the contact with your ugly purple bruise and the sheer coldness of the ice pack.
"You both can stay here for the rest of the period which will end in," she cranes her head to look at the clock behind her, "roughly fifteen minutes or so."
"Thank you," Damian nods.
The nurse smiles in response. "It's not a problem," she says before she exits through the door and closes it halfway.
Once he could no longer hear the soft sound of her shoes stepping on the cold tile floor, Damian lets out a sigh. "That dude really needs to watch how hard he's throwing things."
"I know," you scoff, gently pressing down on your bruise with the ice pack, "But it's whatever I guess, he didn't intend on seriously hurting me anyways. I don't think so at least."
He merely tsk's at your statement. "How can you be so nonchalant when someone hurts you? Intentionally or not, how can you act so normal about it?"
You tilt your head in confusion at his words, "What do you mean by that?"
He just looks at you for a moment before shaking his head. "Never mind, I just don't want to see you hurt. Physically or emotionally."
"Is... Is this your way of saying you care about me?"
"Do you really need me to say it out loud for you?" Damian sighed.
"Yes," you eagerly nodded, a smug smile on your face as Damian ran a hand through his black strands; head hanging low as he slouched against the wall he was leaning on.
"I care about you," he lifted his head to look you in your eyes.
Your smile soon turned into a wide-toothed grin at his words when a brilliant idea popped into your head. "Say on skibidi."
"Excuse me?"
"Say on skibidi. Say on skibidi that you care about me," you repeated.
"The brainrot has gotten the better of you, you're going to need more than just that ice pack," he deadpans.
"Wow! That's so mean," you gasp, lifting the ice pack slightly to glance at the bruise which has now turned into an icky yellow color. "C'mon, just say it."
"This is shameful," he says exasperatedly. "On skibidi," he visibly shudders, spitting out the word as if it were profanity, "I care about you." His head was turned away, facing the nurse's bathroom door instead of you with his hands stuffed into his pockets.
"Yipee!" you laugh at his facial expression when he turned his head back towards you, Damian's lips curled into a frown as well as an eyebrow twitching in annoyance. "See? It wasn't that hard to say."
"My pride has taken irreparable damage, I will never recover from this experience," he monotonously said.
"Now you're just being dramatic!" you huff out, "Are you really incapable of being silly?"
He pauses for a second as if in thought, "Maybe."
Truth was, it was a reoccurring thought that passed through his mind multiple times whenever he hung out with you. Being so carefree and open was never a luxury he got to have, even when he moved in with his father he still felt some form of obligation of stoicism in the manor.
"Wow, we really need to find a way to heal your inner child," you mention offhandedly paying more attention to your knee, not noticing the way Damian's eyebrows rose.
"Maybe," he muttered, barely audible enough for you to hear. His inner child, huh? He didn't know if it was still there at this point but your antics made him self-aware of the reality that he's a child soldier, his childhood wasn't the same as his peers and he knew there would always be a disconnect.
Though, maybe he could finally live as a child instead of a soldier around you.
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a/n: turned more into a character study at the end there and it was kinda bittersweet but womp womp
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janmisali · 3 days
hi jan Misali! you might not remember me, and that's fine, I don't expect you to, but a while back I presented to you a spreadsheet analyzing the lyrics of "how do we know what's mainline?" I'm calling back in to say that i've done another thing, and this time i might have gone overboard...? TL;DR: made a spreadsheet of all the simple numbers from the results of "how many Super Mario games are there NOW?," it's at the bottom of the ask.
you see, I wanted to go back to the survey form to see if I could look back over my own answers purely so I could get the list of games you chose for the survey, because as far as video games only are concerned, it's a pretty damn comprehensive list! So I wanted to go over all of them to go in-depth on my own time.
WELL, I'm not sure if you intentionally made it this way or not, but the Form has a "view previous responses" button, giving me and presumably anyone else access to all the pie charts and numbers and stuff, but crucially this also gave the first 115 or so free answer questions to me. i hope you can trust that i did nothing with those. I was only there for the numbers.
what i used said numbers for was this: a spreadsheet that compiles the raw numerical data that was available to me (literally just the number of people who responded with each answer). I've also color coded it. However i did unfortunately input all the numbers myself. I am 99.9% sure the numbers themselves are accurate, although there may be one or two inaccuracies. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Z-8VGt39SCcG1h3ZZt3d4mP6tF7-03261yXuKN6BBMA/edit?gid=2127805774#gid=2127805774
I was unable to see who answered in what way, so I can't determine what % of people answered both questions a certain way, but it should probably be enough to just see the numbers. maybe. i have no idea honestly. Your faq says "it would take about as much work as it took to make the video itself to get [the raw numbers] into a comprehensible format," so i hope this cuts out some of that work for you. not that I expect you to do anything with this, but it would be nice if you let this reach a wider audience.
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rowretro · 20 hours
𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕿𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖞
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(this is a request I hope this went well!!!)
✧warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, marriage, blood, violence, explicit stuff mentioned (gore etc),Hyper feminine reader, mean af Riki
❁synopsis: The sweet, beautiful human princess married the cold, handsome Vampire prince, for a happy ending in both worlds, where blood shed and murders won't occur anymore. It's perfect, in fact they're such a perfect couple. That's what people believed, but they never understood how broken the couple are behind closed doors...
"Listen... uhm Riki? yeah I think I'll sleep on the couch I mean I'm human- you're vampire, on top of that I really doubt you do want to share a bed with me-" "I don't want to share anything with you not like I have a choice-" He cut her off as she nodded, feeling awkward. He finally owns this girl god damit. Instead of being all scared and obedient, she's here, pink silk flowy nightgown hugging her in all the right spots, making her seem like a trophy wife. Nail's all blingy, with charms and hearts, her lips still tinted from her lipstick from before, and lashes all done spikey and stunning.
Riki couldn't stand it. She's one of those annoying, mean girl wannabes who body shame girls that are living life. So he thought. She smiled as she went downstairs, carrying her pet goat to the garden. Yes a pet goat, it even had pink light pink shoes, and matching pink bows. Riki found her intriguing. Annoying. "uhm... I don't wanna sound rude but uhm can you please not drink Veronica's blood?" she asked as Riki blinked "You have a goat called Veronica.... do you get bullied in school?" he asked as she frowned.
"Uhm I don't know how to respond to that.... Of course I don't- I can defend myself when I need to- and I don't think humans get bullied for their pets... Maybe vampires might but not us humans" She said as she placed her goat in the comfy little enclosure, and brought her pet bunnies in. For a girly girl she sure does own a lot of pets. "can I suck their blood?" he asked half jokingly as she frowned.
"Id rather you suck my blood." she said as she pouted at her rabbits, booping their noses as she locked them in the indoors cage. "Woah there Mrs Nishimura... getting a little too attached to a cold blooded vampire" he teased as she rolled her eyes. "I suggest you sleep in my room if you want to be alive.... not all vampires here are as patient as I am." Riki simply said as he grabbed her waist, teleporting her to his room. "I doubt you had to hold me but uhm... thanks?" she thanked, scratching her head as Riki smiled.
She's such a pretty girl, so cute, especially when she's shy and nervous, he's seen her smile, fake and real smile, and its so fucking cute... he wonders how she looks when she cries... He pushes her onto the bed, catching her off guard, hovering over her as he suggestively leaned into her nick, his lips gently grazing her skin. A smirk plastered on his lips as he could hear, and smell the blood rapidly coursing through her veins. He turned to look at her frightened expression, then got up, satisfied.
"You thought I'd actually fucking touch you.... pfft you're too full of yourself y/n... you really aren't all that you know?!" as she just uncomfortably scratched at her arm. It wasn't enough of a reaction for him. "Why do you think the real reason is behind your parents and not your older sister? want me to tell you why?! you're a weak useless stupid girl who fails her studies focuses on her looks no matter how ugly you truly are. You're so worthless they went all in and threw you in the arms of me. Me who loves human blood, especially the blood of a sad, worthless little girl, preferably pretty... but you're ugly" He remarked.
Y/n's eyes became glossy. he was right for the most of it, she was more creative than academic, she loved doing her nails and makeup, but it's therapeutic, and she wasn't the biggest fan of her appearance and her parents are very disappointed in her... she constantly lived in her sister's shadow. But Riki doesn't know any of that. He didn't know until he read through the thoughts that clouded her mind. She truly wanted to die.
She's absolutely ethereal, even when crying. "But you don't need them.... you're the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on so as long as I have you all to myself.... everyone is safe." Though his words were absolutely sweet, he's being genuine, he wants this marriage though she doesn't. Yet she can't help but notice something eerie lacing his words... his eerie obsession...
Since their wedding day, he was always with y/n, in the kitchen, in their bedroom, the living room, outside the restroom, even in his office where he forbids anyone from entering. Y/n pouted as she aired her lips, lying on her front on the comfortable airbed, piled with blankets and fluffy pillows. Riki snickerred at the cute view. She's always a sight he loves to see.
She's grown so dependant on him, such a typical 1950's housewife, except she has a loyal loving husband who drinks her blood of course. "Riki im boredddd can't I got to the living room and play with the bunnies?" she asked with a little pout as he got up. She stared him up, and god was he tall, she envied him for having such a perfect waist, but she loves him so dearly. "Sweetheart.... I can't go a second without youuu-" he whined a little, as he snuggled her.
"I need to pee-" she suddenly said as Riki groaned "no you don't" he said bluntly as he snuggled into her neck "no seriously I need to" "no you don't you're making an excuse to leave me." he said as she frowned "Riki im serious. my bladder can only hold so much. and on top of that, if you don't want your expensive tailored trousers, and this fluffy bed, and this nightgown you bought me to be all wet and gross and stinky I suggest you let me go pee now!" she exclaimed in a somewhat calm manner. He sighed getting up as he waited outside the restroom door, waiting for her to finish.
He carried her once she was done, sitting her on his lap as he worked. "Riki..." "hmm?" "Can I visit my parents tomorrow?" she asked biting her lip as he stopped writing, glaring at her coldly "no. you don't need them." He coldly said as she whined "But they're my parents I miss them!" "No you don't. Y/n you have me and im enough, if you want more company, wait a few years we'll have noisy kids. until then, me and your fluffy pets are enough understand?!" he warned as she frowned.
"Why can't I-" "I said NO. FUCKSAKE Y/N YOU'RE MINE NOW. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TURN YOUR BACK TO ME AND GO VISIT OTHER PEOPLE?! PEOPLE WHO FUCKING HATE YOU?!" he yelled as she flinched, sniffling. Seeing this he snuggled her, kissing her forehead. "awww im sorry for yelling at you babe.... but I love you and you're mine now you know? you're mine all mine."
A/n: this isnt that good but oh well, have a jay ff in the waiting, and im currently writting a sunghoon ff inspired by Leo the movie w vijay (i had a dream)
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Strangers No More
Fandom: Star Wars - The Acolyte
Pairing: Qimir x GN!Reader
Summary: Weeks after your first encounter, the strange man comes back to your shop looking to purchase something else. This time, he doesn't come alone.
The Stranger in My Doorway
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The strange man had left an impression on you that seemed to effect you every day. As each day passed since your first meeting, you were hoping he'd stop by again. He intrigued you and you wanted to know more about him. The days turned into weeks and you eventually stopped looking forward to seeing the man again.
Then appeared in your doorway again right before closing.
"I was wondering when you'd show up again," you say leaning forward onto your counter, "I take it the poison worked?"
"It did, but I'm here for something else," he says as he starts perusing through one of your shelves.
"A stronger poison?"
"A sedative," he responds lowly, picking up a bottle and reading its contents.
You tilt your head in curiosity, "You want to put someone to sleep?"
He places the bottle back and fully turns to you, "A colleague of mine hasn't been sleeping well. They've been having nightmares. In our line of work, it's not safe to go without proper rest. Can make us reckless and unaware."
You nod, "Understood. Well, I have benzodi. Somatoll if they need something stronger. Also have renatyl but I usually reserve that for the bounty hunters."
The man looks at you curiously, "And how do you know I'm not a bounty hunter?"
You shrug, "You didn't give me that impression."
He licks his lips and smirks, slowly approaching you like he did when you first met, "And what impression do I give off?"
You front door suddenly opens and you take a step back from the man. In walks a young woman with a purple hood on and braids cascading down her chest. She looks at you for a moment. Her stare is hard and cautious. Then her focus goes to the man, "Qimir, what's going on?"
The man sighs, "Why did you follow me?"
"You were being suspicious," the young woman stalks towards the man, whose name you now know is Qimir. She eyes him and then looks at you, "You're the one who gave him the poisons?"
You don't answer, looking between her and the man. The man sighs again, "This is Mae, my colleague. Your poison helped her on a mission."
"Why are you here again?" Mae asks Qimir.
"You're having trouble sleeping. Master wouldn't like it that your head and body weren't fully rested."
"I'm fine," she sneers.
"How about hypnocane? It can help ease your mind and stop those nightmares you've been dealing with." You move around the counter and head to some shelves on the right side. You pluck two bottles from the shelf. You scurry back behind the counter and place the bottles in front of you. I have it as pills or in liquid form."
Mae swipes up the pills looking at the contents written on the bottle. Without another word, she pockets them and heads for the door.
"You're welcome?" you say as she walks out.
Qimir pulls out his money pouch, "I apologize for her. She can be...stubborn." He sets five hundred spira onto the counter, "For the trouble."
You take one and push the rest towards him, "It's only worth a hundred spira."
He pushes the money back towards you with a smirk, "Then take the rest as compensation for Mae's behavior."
You can't help but snort, "With the amount of Batuuan spira you seem to have, maybe you are a bounty hunter after all." You collect the chips and pocket them, "Pleasure doing business with you again, Qimir."
His lips twitch up, as if wanting to smile. He nods, "And you, Y/N," he says before turning around and exiting the shop to follow his colleague.
You stand alone now in your shop. Your fingers playing with a spira chip and then you realize...you never told Qimir your name. So how does he know it? Did he ask Batuuans about you? The thought of him asking about you made your stomach do a tiny flip.
There's something about Qimir that just draws you to him. He's piqued your interest and you don't know why. Like before, you hope to see him again. Hopefully, sooner than later.
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formulawolff · 1 day
public display of affection - s.p.
pairing: fem!reader x sergio pérez
word count: 764
warnings: slight angst, cursing, pda (obv), nothing else really! just some sweet n tender shit
a/n: this was a request from an anon! (i believe)this fic is set during the 2023 azerbaijan grand prix, btw! i hope y'all enjoy some fluffy checo content <3
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"private, not secret."
that was your mantra.
well, more like his mantra.
you could give two shits if the world knew about your romantic relationship with the esteemed formula one driver.
he was the one who was more concerned about it, always ensuring that your identity was concealed from the world. he avoided pressing questions in interviews or debriefs, stating that he simply did not want to respond out of respect for his privacy. he never posted you on his socials, and if he did, it was merely crumbs.
your fingers wrapped around his bicep. the shadow of your stature. your neatly manicured nails resting on his thigh.
of course, you were content with the fact that he at least posted about you. people knew you existed, just not exactly who you were.
although you were okay with it, you were beginning to grow restless. after all, it had been almost two years now, and he would barely even interact with you during race weekends in order to dodge the media or his fellow drivers.
you were well aware that he was not doing this out of secrecy, like he was intentionally trying to hide you from the world or well, someone else. you had those doubts at first, but he swiftly squashed them.
to put it simply, sergio pérez did not want everyone and anyone in his business.
especially in the world of formula one where a single rumor could accumulate into numerous headlines across various social media platforms. where one piece of gossip could buzz around the paddocks for months.
as frustrating as it was, you could only respect his wishes. after all, your relationship had been nothing but peaceful. if he felt that sharing with the world who you were would disturb that peace, then you couldn't blame him.
even if it was a little annoying. even if it did break your heart just a tiny bit that he refused to post one singular picture of you. to just give you a kiss in public. or hold your hand, even.
yet, here you were, pacing in the garage as he soars on the circuit, his car gliding along the track. there were only two laps left in the fifty-one lap spectacle, sergio maintaining his lead.
if he was able to pull this one off, he would be the only driver in history to become a repeat winner of the azerbaijan grand prix, as he won once before in 2021.
even though he was the one behind the wheel, your heart thumps, teeth gnawing at your lower lip, blocky headphones resting on your ears.
the checkered flag waves, your eyes widening, lips parting.
he did it.
he won.
"come on!" hugh shouts, waving fervently, "let's go meet your man!"
you follow the team as they pour of the garage, making their way to that designated sign. that number one. as sergio gets out of the car, he stands on it momentarily, pumping his fists in the air as the team jeers, praising the driver for a phenomenal performance.
as his head swivels, surveying the crowd, you can sense his entire body freeze the moment his eyes lock with yours.
hopping down from the car, he pushes his way through the red bull crew. ripping his helmet off, he tears off the balaclava, nearly panting as he wraps you up in a tight embrace.
hands cup the base of your neck, bringing you in, "come here. i can't fucking do this anymore."
lips crash into yours, the entire world falling away as your lashes flutter, mouth parting so he can have further access. his fingers squeeze, tightening as you loop an arm around his neck.
pulling away, he catches his breath, "i don't give a fuck anymore. okay? i need the world to know who you are. i need them to know that you're mine. i need everyone to know how much i fucking love you."
a giggle bubbles up in your throat as you brush away a few sweaty strands of hair, "was someone thinking about me?"
he nods, adoration glinting in his gaze, "i couldn't stop thinking about you, actually. you were on my mind the entire race."
"but baby," you counter, "you won! you won another grand prix!"
"no win compares to the prize by my side," sergio's head brushes against yours.
"you're my biggest win in life. and by god, i am going to show you off. i'm done hiding you. the world is going to know who my beautiful, amazing, wonderful, funny, girlfriend is. i promise you that."
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paledarklight · 12 hours
my god can you STFU?? You keep telling people “you didn’t actually watch the show!” No you didn’t! You say Carol is a whore and a creepy person, when she isn’t . Fans of Carol x Daryl might say “oh this oh that!” But they are the ones making to weird, not the characters and the writers. Also stop attacking the fucking actors! What the hell is wrong with you? What did the girl who play Carol do to you?
Don’t get me started on being a hypocrite and a liar. And saying things like “I don’t attack people!” But literally are mean to everyone no matter how nice they are. (Yeah I saw that person asking questions nicely and the way you responded to them? Ew. Just ew. They didn’t say or bring up half the shit you mentioned and you were a fucking ass.)
Yeah the gross sexual messages are gross. I’m sorry you get those! They aren’t fun I know. Don’t respond to them, people will send more trust me! (I’ve had people send shit like that to me)
People are hating on you because you are a proshipper and have openly admitted to being okay with older men dating underage girls! (Don’t care if “16 is legal” it’s still gross and shouldn’t be legal) But when two people have a like 2-5 year age gap both above the age of 30? Oh no that’s wrong! Because the woman is older and has a husband before! (Even thought it’s not canon and she doesn’t ever flirt with Daryl. It’s almost always a joke?)
also Daryl is late 30s or early 40s I’ve always put him around 39. That doesn’t make shipping him with a 16 year old okay. Don’t care if she turns 18 at one point, that’s still so weird. (And I’m not saying Daryl is a creep, why? Because it’s not fucking canon. He’s a good guy and I love Beth and his relationship with Beth. I don’t see it as romantic because that’s gross! If you had a better explanation other than just “oh it’s legal” maybe I wouldn’t think it’s so gross. But yk you are a fucking weirdo for saying that)
Calling all the shippers people who condone SA and saying it about not even shippers? Ew wtf. Don’t even get me started on the fact that you seem to be a bigger fan of the ship than the shippers!
Oh also it’s not SA to jokingly flirt with your friend or provide comfort to them! Especially when they don’t ever out rightly say not to. If anything you go back and watch later seasons and Daryl likes being around Carol! Why? Because they are friends. You are the only person I’ve seen say weird shit. And again, THE SHIP ISNT CANON. Yes Carol has done shit, but they only reason you seem to hate her are because of a couple toxic shippers.
And I wouldn’t have a problem with any of this, if you were a good person! If you didn’t lie and say weird ass shit all the time. You probably are a troll I know. But it’s annoying.
(Also not everyone woman who is friends with a man wants them for sex? And if you are going to say characters are bad? Have good points! And hold up other characters (that are usually worse) as well. They are just as bad. Fuck you and have a good night)
oh also I saw you say “don’t make everything sexual!” No one is, it’s just you (also your ao3 bookmarks are public… why are you reading smut about a 16 year old and a guy in his 40s- sorry my bad can’t have my own headcanons, late 30s? Kind of weird… someone people not like us by Kendrick!)
I saw you say if they don't say No then it's okay to verbally sexually molested them so everything you said suddenly doesn't matter.
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 days
Seongji Yuk x Reader: Travel
G/N. Fluffy but a lil bittersweet.
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"I was reading about Paris today." You say, breaking the silence and poking the fire with a stick.
Yeonji continues to stare into the flames, you think he might not have heard or is just ignoring your small talk until a full minute later, he asks if that's in Europe.
"Yep, France. It's meant to be really romantic. I wanna see it for myself."
You feel his eyes turning to you at your comment and your face flushing when he tilts his head, trying to work you out.
"Apparently nothing prepares you for the scale of the Grand Canyon," you mention during another night. This time with the full company of the Cheonliang gang.
"It would be cool to visit." You add, as Mary gives you a questioning look before her gaze then flickers to Yeonji.
"Sounds boring as shit." Vin snorts.
You snap "Nobody asked you!" at the same time as Yeonji responds with "I don't think so."
"Do you think we would make it all the way across the Great Wall of China?"
Seongji momentarily pauses skewering the fruit, his prep for tanghulu, to consider your question.
"I don't see why not."
"What do you think about Jeju Island?" You ask as Seongji prepares kimchi, surrounded by tubs of cabbage and seasoning paste.
He looks up and gives you a small shrug, "I don't."
You roll your eyes at his answer. "Well, do you want to visit together one day?"
It's the first time you've asked him directly.
All your talk about other countries and sights is fanciful at best and delusional at worst. But somewhere like Jeju is much closer to home. Somewhere penniless students and dropouts are more likely to make a reality instead of it being wishful thinking and hypotheticals.
Yeonji doesn't answer you straight away, there's very few things he answers straight away.
You know he's considering his life in Cheonliang, the home he has made for himself on the mountain. How difficult escaping this wretched place would be and how sweet freedom would taste.
Daunting, however.
Overwhelming to think of an entire world outside of this cult.
He settles on asking you a question back, "Is that where you want to go?"
You think of lush greenery, beautiful beaches, sand between your toes and eating delicious tangerines with Seongji by your side.
It sounds like heaven.
"Well I'd go anywhere with you," you avoid looking at his face with your admission, "but Jeju would be nice."
Seongji feels his heart pounding, and it’s nothing like when he has to calm himself down with a cocktail of pills to prevent himself from losing control.
There’s a warmth that spreads from his chest, a fluttering in his stomach.
He wants to grab your hand but focuses on his task instead.
Nevertheless, you catch a small smile settling over his face as he rubs the kimchi paste into the leaves.
"Ok." You agree, beaming.
Maybe visiting this summer will be nice, or more realistically the next. There’s an escape you need to plan and money you need to save.
But you’re in no rush. As long as you're with Seongji, you don't mind waiting.
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