#//tunglr was being such an ass about that meme but it's all good now? hopefully?
mechahero · 2 months
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@outofthiisworld asked- 🖕 A headcanon relating to anger !!! Headcanon Ask Game (accepting!)
It's not too uncommon to see Lambda snap at someone or seemingly lash out out of frustration. That's all it is though. Surface level frustration or irritation that makes itself know every now and then. Or well, often given the shoddy grasp he's got on it. But pure anger? A angry Lambda is scary.
Because it's one thing to hit or throw something at the person/thing that upset him, it's another thing to lash out at whatever or whoever made him mad, it's an entirely different thing to sit there and stew in that anger until you get up and try to hunt them down to take your anger out on them. Yeah, Lambda does not handle his anger well, much less have a way to handle it all.
He knows he doesn't have a good grip on it as well. He doesn't like the way he feels after he lashes out. He doesn't feel vindicated afterwards. He feels... horrible. He hates it. He hates the guilt and hates the fact that he feels utterly miserable after. It's a cycle to him. He explodes, he tells himself he'll have a better grasp on it next time because he has to, and then... he never does.
His anger is all consuming and burns within him like a fire, and it keeps eating him alive.
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