#//he's trying to be nice here he's only sort of aware that trunks isn't having the best time at ALL
mechahero · 10 months
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@hopefromadoomedtimeline asked-🐤? Send me a 🐤 for a Tweet my muse would make about yours (accepting)
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imagine-that · 4 years
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Warnings: a little angsty I guess? Kinda sad at some parts? Idk lol.
Pairing: (young) Sirius Black x reader
AN: this is my first song based imagine eeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp!!! I listened to wonder a few hundred times already and this popped into my mind as I was listening for about the tenth time I believe and it just unravelled into this from there. I love the Marauders, I love Shawn and being able to mix the two makes me so damn happy.
AN 2: ALL LYRICS USED ARE FROM THE SONG WONDER BY SHAWN MENDES, I put the song right below so you can listen and maybe get a feel for my inspiration or for the imagine itself a little more. Hope you love it as much as I do 🥰❤️☺️
Grabbing one last carefully decided on sweater, you slip it into your trunk, carefully closing the lid over top.
As you struggle to push it down to shut properly, the Marauders come bounding into the room, laughter following their entrance, nearly scaring you out of your skin and making you fall back and the trunk to burst open much to your dismay.
“Boys! I almost had that shut.” You groan from the ground, sitting up to give them each a playful glare.
“Sorry y/n! Didn’t realize you would be in here I’m afraid. Are you alright? Not too beat up I hope?” Sirius says worriedly, reaching down towards you and offering you a hand to get up.
You giggle at his dramatics, taking his hand in your own and hoisting yourself off the ground.
Sirius, though a majorly known flirt with every girl at hogwarts, held a special place in your heart. You were best friends till the very end. Perhaps sometimes even closer than he and James were.
Little did you know, he felt the bond between you was more than just that.
I wonder if I'm being real
Do I speak my truth or do I filter how I feel?
“I’ll live though my clothes may not be there every step of the way.” You laugh, the melodic sound filling Sirius’ ears, much to his delight. You gesture to your wide open trunk, making the boys flash a look of mock guilt. All of them except for Sirius of course, who looks genuinely sorry.
“Sorry ‘bout that y/l/n. Mind if I help you?” He asks, an eager smirk on his face. You just laugh, nodding your head as he walks over to the trunk and pushes down the lid hard, a loud smacking sound ringing through the air.
“My hero!” You cry, running over and wrapping your arms around him tightly, catching him off guard.
He hugs back tightly, scared that if he let go you might disappear or something.
“It was nothing fair maiden.” He whispers teasingly, his breath warm by your ear and making you giggle softly, a smile creeping across his face as you do so.
You could vividly remember the first day you’d met the boys, they’d been teasing Sirius about his families beliefs and their tradition of getting Slytherin as a house, the most evil of them all according to them.
Horrified by what they were saying, you’d jumped to his rescue. You scolded the other three for their behaviour and Sirius had been more than amused by your performance. He was immediately taken by you, not that he’d ever tell you that.
I wonder, wouldn't it be nice
To live inside a world that isn't black and white?
Since that day, you and the group had been inseparable and you and Sirius were connected at the hip.
“You’re such a dork Sirius.” You giggle again, your forehead against his chest as you laugh.
He’s thankful for this, knowing you can’t see his reddened face. The other boys however, mock Sirius in his shockened state.
Anyone would be shocked at this sight. No one had ever seen Sirius Black so flustered. It was the strangest thing to see.
“Right back at you y/n/n.” He chuckles, regaining his composure before you can see his previous reaction.
“Hello? What’re we, snivellus snape?” James cry’s out, catching both of your attention as you turn your head, not quick enough to notice the scarlet faced Sirius beside you.
I wonder, what it's like to be my friends
Hope that they don't think I forget about them.
“You could’ve used a simple charm you know...” Remus mutters, earning a sharp look from Sirius and an elbow jab in the shoulder from James.
“Oi! You two! Picking on Remus won’t help you with anything, it’s just rude.” You mock lecture, pulling away from Sirius to pull the shorter and smarter boy in the group in for a hug himself, unknowingly making Sirius more jealous than ever before.
Remus felt a slight discomfort, knowing you were completely oblivious to the tension between the two at that very moment.
“So, packed up for the holidays already y/l/n? My parents won’t stop talking about how excited they are that your family is having dinner with us. I think they might like you more than they like me, their own bloody son!” James exclaims, looking as though the mere idea was completely crazy to him.
“Well Potter, I don’t get into nearly as much trouble as you so I wouldn’t blame them.” You tease, messing up his hair as you often did.
Your two families had been good friends for years and you’d known James since you were born. You’d grown apart over the years but after you both met Sirius the bond grew stronger than before.
Sirius’ eyes widen as he realizes that means spending time over the holidays with you, seeing as he was staying at the Potters this year as well. His parents were, as usual, furious at him for whatever reason.
The idea of being in close quarters with you during such an intimate time of year made the poor boys heart flutter inside his chest.
I wonder, I wonder...
A few weeks later...
“James for god sake, stop hogging the every flavour beans!” You could hear Sirius cry out as you entered the Potter family home.
“Already fighting I see?” You ask with a playful grin. Sirius and James stop bickering, looking over to greet you only Sirius is at a loss for words.
You’d dressed as nicely as you could, but you’d still brought pants with you in case you needed them to run after the boys and their troublesome antics. However, you’d opted to wear a simple black skirt with a y/f/c top.
“Y/n, looking ugly as ever.” James teases. Just as you’re about to swat at his arm, his mother enters, looking furious.
“James Potter, did I just hear you say what I think I heard you say to sweet y/n?” She demands. James’ eyes go wide in fear as he gulps nervously.
“No I-.” He starts but his mother is already dragging him out of the room, scolding him for his lack of manners.
“Wouldn’t want to be him right now.” You chuckle, watching after the two.
“Yeah... he was only joking you know. I don’t think it’s even possible for you to look ugly y/n.” Sirius admits shyly.
You look at him with a coy smile and surprised y/e/c eyes, your face heating as it tinges pink.
Sirius tries to hold back a grin at the sight, never wanting to look at anything other than your face in that moment, knowing he’d more than likely have some sort of magnificent dream of it later that night, or at the very least have it running through his mind on a joyful loop as he tried to get some sleep.
Right before I close my eyes
The only thing that's on my mind.
“Of course not. It is James after all.” You agree, breaking the silence between you as you nervously run a hand up your arm.
“Yes of course.” He mutters before leaving the room.
The next few hours are spent in bliss, sharing stories between your two families and exchanging gifts and a delicious supper prepared by both of your mothers.
The minute dinner is over, you and the two boys race outside, quick to get away from the chance of chores.
“So Potter, any luck so far this year with Lily? Or are you still getting rejected every bloody time.” You ask with an eyebrow raised in amusement as you walk together.
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. “I have you know she isn’t rejecting me. She’s simply having trouble making up her mind.” He sighs.
You snort at his argument, remaining unconvinced.
“Sure she is Potter.” You say sarcastically.
“Alright then y/l/n. This is only fair, so is there anyone you fancy yet?” He asks challengingly.
Sirius looks at you expectantly, waiting for the answer more eagerly than you could tell.
Been dreaming that you feel it too
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you, yeah
“No I don’t believe so.” You laugh, rolling your eyes and shaking your head at him.
Sirius’ face flashes with disappointment for a moment but it’s gone as soon as it has appeared, making you question if it had really been what you’d seen at all.
Shaking off the feeling of suspicion, you dare the boys to race with you down the hill you’d decided to sit on to take a breather. They both gladly take the challenge, practically crashing down the hill into each other.
As they reached the bottom, you continued your slow and relaxed pace, watching with a smile as they both stop to catch their breath desperately.
“We win... y/l/n.” James pants, trying to control his breathing.
“I’m well aware. I just wanted to watch the two of you nearly kill yourselves running.” You say, falling into a fit of giggles as the two chase you around the field.
You squeal excitedly as they catch up to you, both grabbing hold of you at the same time and pulling you back towards them as you kick and flail, failing to break free through your fit of laughter.
The two tickle you together, making you giggle even more, your rib cage aching from the feeling.
“S-stopppp! I get it!” You screech, tears in your eyes from laughing so hard.
The two move away, leaving you on the ground to recompose yourself. You take a few deep breaths, staring up at the sky as you calm down, blissfully watching the clouds.
James waggled his eyebrows at Sirius wordlessly, teasing him for the look of pure admiration he was fixing you with, though not to your knowledge.
I wonder what it's like
I wonder what it's like to be loved by you
After a while, the boys decide to join you, sprawling out on the ground on either side of you.
The three of you lay there for hours, watching the sky darken and chatting about everything you could think of. As you tease James about his crush on Lily Evans, he decides to work up the nerve to send her an owl.
Though you wanted to talk him out of it, you opted not to, too interested in what the outcome may be.
“He’s a real nutter thinking that pestering her will earn her affections.” You laugh to Sirius, your head rested comfortably on his shoulder.
He chuckles. “Yeah, I’m not sure Evans will much appreciate his attempts.” He agrees.
The two of you once again sit in a comfortable silence, happy to be in each other’s company. A few moments later, Sirius notices your trembling figure, seeing your arms covered in goosebumps from the crisp early winter air.
He pulls away, making you glance over at him in question as he removes his jacket and drapes it over your shoulders to protect you from hypothermia.
“Thanks Siri.” You whisper as you return to your previous position, the nickname a habit at this point.
“Of course y/l/n. I’m nothing if not a gentleman.” He laughs, hoping you don’t notice his slight stutter of nerves. No matter how many times you would snuggle up to him late at night or even during the day when you were getting sleepier, he could never stop the way his heart skipped a beat when it happened.
He always worried he would say the wrong thing and reveal his feelings or make you question his intentions.
I wonder, why I'm so afraid
Of saying something wrong, I never said I was a saint.
You look over the skyline with a smile on your face, tugging his jacket closer to you blissfully.
“So why aren’t you with your family this year Siri? I mean, I know they’re not exactly the greatest of people but it is the holidays and I know you miss your little brother.” You question, leaning back to let your head rest on the grass.
He sighs, putting his arms behind his head as he lays down next to you.
“They aren’t my family, haven’t you heard? I’m a Potter through and through!” He jokes bitterly and you frown over at him placing a hand on his shoulder and rubbing it in circles soothingly.
“I know you are. But you’re also a black. You’re brother needs you sometimes too, he’s just too much of a stubborn bloke to admit it.” You murmur, rolling over onto your side so you’re able to face him.
He groans, looking up at the sky and avoiding your gaze as he runs his hand through his hair.
“I bloody well know that y/n. But my mother all but disinvited me to holidays at home anyway so what was I supposed to do.” He mutters, sitting up with his face buried in his hands.
You look at him in surprise, never having seen much of this side of him. You saw the teasing side, the playful and friendly side and the flirty side. You’d only ever seen the deeper, darker side of Sirius once in your life and it hurt like hell watching him torment himself with his own thoughts this way.
“Your mother is a bloody wench.” You growl, picking at pieces of grass with a scowl.
He chuckles bitterly, pushing his hair back with one swoop of his hand.
“Tell me about it, she sent me a letter, practically a howler actually, just to tell me I’m basically the biggest disgrace our family’s ever seen and that I’m basically not a real black.” He whispers.
Just as you go to speak, you’re interrupted by his sniffles. You glance over to see him fighting back tears, practically ready to start bawling right there.
“Hey, Siri. It’s ok to cry you know.” You promise, pulling him into a tight hug. He gets a whiff of your perfume and feels immediately more comforted and loved than he ever had with anyone else, even the boys.
“I don’t know why I’m even crying. It’s not as though I even wanted to be there that badly. I’m being too sensitive.” He musters, his shoulders coming to a slow but sure halt to their shaking.
“You are not. You have every reason to be emotional Sirius. It’s not a bad thing.” You promise, running your fingers through his hair absentmindedly.
He glances at you doubtfully, not totally sure whether you were right or not.
I wonder, when I cry into my hands
I'm conditioned to feel like it makes me less of a man.
“I won’t tell anyone.” You promise quietly, smiling sadly over at his tear streaked face.
He stays quiet, staring out at the falling snow wordlessly, not wanting to further embarrass himself in front of you.
“Are you ok Sirius?” You ask worriedly, scared to have not heard so much as a peep out of the usual smart talkers mouth.
He blinks back more tears, wiping his face a bit and giving you a weak smile.
“Never better. No ones ever really wanted me anyways, at least it’s a fact now.” He jokes, clearly trying to make you think he’s feeling better.
He goes to get up and away from you, not wanting you to see him lose control of his emotions again but the gentle feeling of your fingers brushing against his arm makes him stop, looking at you in curiosity, his breathing finally fully tranquil.
“What y/n?” He asks tiredly, running a hand through his hair yet again. For as long as you’d known him, that’d been his biggest tell to when he was upset.
“I want you.” You say softly, meeting his eyes shyly, your hand overtop of his. “And the potters want you. Remus and Peter do too.” You add shakily, your face blushing furiously, looking lighter thanks to the moonlight.
His heart warms at the tone in your voice, the way your voice softens so slightly. He didn’t know why you sounded so innocent, you never did usually but there was something different in the way you were speaking to him. It felt different to Sirius, but it was a good kind of different. It almost made him forget about all his troubles, the way you often did.
“And whoever you even start to think doesn’t is wrong. Like, incredibly, madly wrong.” You continue, making him laugh slightly and bringing a small smile to your lips. “Your family is wrong about you Sirius. Someday, even they’ll see that.” You promise, moving over and enveloping him in another hug.
And I wonder if some day you'll be by my side
And tell me that the world will end up alright.
As the two of you pull out of the hug and away from each other’s embrace, you immediately feel a lack of warmth, not just outside but in your heart. You miss holding him, and vice versa. But neither of you dares to vocalize your realizations.
Instead, you sit, staring up at the stars and grinning at each other.
Though Sirius still felt the pain of his family’s words inside, his overwhelming sense of comfort and admiration with you was overpowering the negative, making his smile bright and genuine.
“I’m sure James is having a good time with that letter.” He jokes, making you giggle warmly.
“Yes, I’m sure he finished it forever ago.” You pipe in, both of you falling into a small heap of laughter.
He stands, bending down slightly to reach for your hand, pulling you up off the ground.
Not expecting the amount of force he’d decided to use, you fall forward as you reach your feet, practically flying into Sirius’ arms. He holds them out just in the nick of time, catching you right as you land smack dab against his chest, your arms wrapping around his torso on instinct.
“You alright there y/l/n?” He asks, obviously flustered by the sudden proximity between the two of you.
“Y-Yeah.” You stutter, your face going a bright beet red.
He looks down at you for a second, your eyes meeting as he quietly moves his hand and gingerly moves strands of hair off of your face, pushing them delicately behind your ear.
To both your silent delight, your eyes never leave each other’s. Suddenly, the gap between your bodies is shutting until finally, your lips have made their way to being a mere inch from his own.
I wonder, I wonder...
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