#//he probably sent this to the wrong number and that's how yuki got it lol
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mechahero · 7 months ago
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@anestofocs asked- 😱 for the text meme with Yuki? social media and texting prompts (accepting!) send 😱 for a scared text from my muse
[text]- hey.
[text]- what the fuck are you doing?
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yuki-the-master-of-demons · 4 years ago
A request
An male mc fly kicking Diavolo in the face and making Diavolo fall backwards, because Satan said mc didn't have the guts. And in front of everyone.
I honestly wasn't sure how to tackle this at first. Randomly assaulting Diavolo would probably be considered an act of treason even if a weak human did it. So I sat on this for a hot second until I thought "What if Diavolo was in on it?" Idk if this is what you wanted, but this is the way it makes sense to me. Writing the reactions for the brothers
The Setup:
MC was always up for a challenge, especially if it completing it meant proving someone wrong. Now MC will admit they aren't a fan of Lucifer's lectures and punishments, so they try to keep a good rapport with the eldest. Though this doesn't mean they aren't invited into the Anti-Lucifer league, but it does mean Satan and Belphie give MC shit for it sometimes. That is, until Satan says something that activates something in MC. "You don't have the guts, do you?"
That's it. Time to prove Satan wrong, and pull the prank of the century. Still, they don't want to be strung up and dangling from the ceiling anytime soon. That's when MC remembered there's someone that Lucifer wouldn't dare punish, Lord Diavolo. Get him involved and Lucifer will at most give MC a slap on the wrist.
"Hey, Dia!" MC waves at the prince as they pass each other in one of RAD's hallway. "I have a favor to ask of you, but it's gonna be fun, so you better say yes."
"Oh?" Diavolo chuckles. "Well, you certainly have my attention."
That's when MC leans in and whispers the plan to Diavolo, and the demon lights up. This will definitely be entertaining. The Demon Brothers weren't all that pleased during the council meeting when Diavolo invited them to have dinner at his castle the next evening (though Lucifer was not showing it, and Beel was actually excited to eat Barbatos's cooking.) "At least MC was invited too." Many of the brothers thought.
Everything seems normal at first, Barbatos greeting them and then heading to the kitchen while Diavolo stayed with them to converse. That's until MC run right at Diavolo, leaps, and both of their feet hit directly on Diavolo's chest, sending the demon price flying backwards. All of the brothers stare silently in shock.
It takes him longer to snap out of his shock than he'd like to admit. Once he takes in what just happened, he's in his demon form and glaring down at MC while the human looks back up at him with a sly smirk. He's thinking of exactly how he will punish MC as he grabs them by the collar of their shirt, lifting them off the ground. Lucifer is about to yell at them when he hears Diavolo laughing.
"You should have seen your face!" Diavolo gives a full hearted laugh. "I don't think I ever saw your eyes get so wide before!"
Once Lucifer realizes that it was a prank and that Diavolo was in on it, he'll set MC down with a deep sigh. He will be civil during dinner but he is still glaring at both MC and Diavalo. Diavolo may have ordered Lucifer to not punish MC, but Lucifer will make their life a bit harder for a time, giving more tasks and assigning more chores and the like.
His jaw is on the floor. The human just fucking LAUNCHED Diavolo across the room. How? FUCKING HOW?! He doesn't know if he should be impressed or terrified, but the look Lucifer is giving MC got Mammon ready to flee. When he hears Diavolo walk back over, laughing, as he explains he was on on it, Mammon tries not to burst into a fit of laughter. Only the human could get Diavolo to help them prank Lucifer and get away with it. A stern glare from Lucifer shuts Mammon up, but the second born is struggling to keep himself from giggling. He definitely asks for Levi's recording.
MC got Levi to look up from his D.D.D. voluntarily. That is a feat in itself. As soon as he sees Diavolo flying, Levi is recording. It's already on DevilTube and it's spreading like wildfire and the number of views is climbing quickly. This reminds him of one of the anime he saw recently, and he's saying "LOL" as Lucifer realizes that it was a prank. Lucifer forces him to take down the video, but the video lives on because people took it and shared it for their own views. MC is famous and Levi is so down for recording whatever Yuki is planning next.
When MC told him they were going to be the one prank Lucifer for once, this is was not what he was expecting. He will admit he is impressed though. Getting Lord Diavolo to assist in a prank? Satan definitely got some pictures of a surprised Lucifer he's saving for future pranks. MC was at first just an honorary member of the Anti-Lucifer League, but now they're a full fledged member. Not only did MC successfully prank Lucifer, they found a way to do it with a miminal punishment. Satan is impressed.
Gasps when he sees Diavolo flying. He pulls out his D.D.D. to record, but he's recording his reaction and commentary more than the event itself. He's livestreaming the entire time. He goes from him freaking out about seeing MC send Diavolo flying and then proceeds to giggle as he finds out the prank MC got Diavolo to assist with. Asmo did flip the camera at one point to get a good shot of Lucifer holding MC by the collar. Ot was quite the steamy image and Asmo wanted a reminder for later.
Confused baby is confused, pausing mid chew. MC just sent a demon almost twice their size across the room. When did MC get so strong? What did Diavolo do to anger MC so much that MC would full on kick him in the chest? Beel is more worried than anything, especially when he sees Lucifer giving MC a death glare. When Diavolo comes back unharmed and reveals it was a prank, Beel sighs in relief and continues to stuff his face with snacks.
Belphie's eyes go wide when he sees Diavolo fly. He is cackling at the sight. A weak little human somehow sent the demon prince fucking flying across the room and Lucifer is in full WTF mode, which isn't a sight people often get to see. While he is a bit disappointed when Diavolo comes back admitting he's in in the prank, Belphie is also impressed that MC had the gall to get the prince to prank Lucifer.
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yujachachacha · 7 years ago
And since you that busy I will steal your waifu's from you
3 points: (1) Your grammar got on my nerves more than the actual statement itself. (2) The term “waifu” is creepy, and I personally don’t use it except as a joke. (3) You can’t “steal” away favorite characters.
As for the “busy” portion, feel free to refer to my previous asks on what I think about your accusations of my blog activity. If you really wanted to motivate me to work harder, you could’ve asked nicely instead of giving me all this material to sass you with, y’know.
I actually ended up writing an entire grammar lesson devoted to #1 plus some ramblings about my issues with the term “waifu” in general, but I assume you’re the same anon who sent the previous ask, i.e. I know you hate my long-winded answers. You can find the non-tl;dr version under the cut, if anyone’s interested in learning about a tricky English grammar rule.
…but since I find it important, let me put the essential part of the lecture up here for people to see: STOP CASUALLY USING APOSTROPHES TO DENOTE PLURALS. IT’S WRONG. waifu’s → waifus. 
All right, have your “Keep reading” thing now.
1. It’s “waifus”, not “waifu’s”.
I get that, for some godforsaken reason, people have it in their minds that adding an apostrophe + s to certain words creates the plural for those words. But it’s wrong. Let me say that again for emphasis. IT’S WRONG. You only use this form in very special cases for plurals - mainly, to avoid confusion. Here are some examples:
How many i’s are in Mississippi? I’m still triggered when I see 0’s because of that one LLS episode. There were countless “harasho’s” transmitted in the lobby of the EliRin Score Match. → Used when counting letters/numbers/words, though usually people (including me because I’m lazy) omit it. This is because “How many is are in Mississippi” looks hella confusing, while in most cases people will generally understand what you’re saying (i.e. you’re referring to the phrase “harasho” rather than some unknown word “harashos”).
I have B.A.’s in Politics and Economics. → Used for abbreviations with more than one period. Does not apply to abbreviations without periods, such as TVs. This rule is pretty much ignored too, since like I said before it’s not essential for clearing up any confusion.
You should use apostrophes for possessive cases and contractions, e.g. “I can’t handle this anon’s misuse of the apostrophe.” You could’ve said “I will steal your waifu’s love from you” and that would’ve been perfectly acceptable. TBH I’m actually more upset by your grammar mistake than the statement itself which probably says a lot about me as a person lol.
I know perfect grammar isn’t called for on the internet. Hell, I use “imma” and “gonna” all the time. But even slang follows certain structures - I’ve read papers on the subject and even went through a college lecture on this. The “you that busy” (as opposed to “you’re that busy”) works fine for slang, but the “waifu’s” thing? Nope. A lot of style guides argue over how to use apostrophes in different situations, but nowhere will you find one that allows you to use “waifu’s” as a plural.
So for the love of god, to everyone reading: STOP CASUALLY USING APOSTROPHES TO DENOTE PLURALS. Please. I die a little every time I see it, which is why I’m going through the trouble of pointing this out.
Addendum: If English isn’t your first language, I applaud your progress in the language so far, and hope that you consider this an informative lesson on the subject. If it is, please note that you’ve been upstaged by some punk who spoke Korean better than English until about age 7.
2. I don’t refer to Love Live! characters as “waifus”, so your statement is invalid.
I haven’t used the term for favorite characters since my high school days except to parody something (e.g. “rinnya aishiteru be mai waifu 4ever!!!111”). I don’t use the term “waifu” in the LL fandom - in fact, I don’t even use it at all outside of a joking context.
You might have noticed that I often refer to the LL girls in the following ways:
omg don’t hurt this precious baby
bless this child
look at my beautiful daughter
someone stop this kid
I’m Suwawa’s age, so do the math: I’m old. Though actually, referring to high school girls as wives is pretty creepy, regardless of age. Anyways, I’ve reached the point where I relate more to the parents going “omg this child is being reckless and doing stupid shit” instead of going “omg this superhero is being badass”. Seriously. I watched Spiderman: Homecoming recently and couldn’t stop pulling my hair out over Peter Parker’s stupidity. Instead of being impressed by the fight scenes, I was more worried about all the cars being destroyed in the movie (What if someone’s livelihood depends on their ability to drive to work?! Oh my god Parker, you just destroyed a car you borrowed from someone, that was an Audi do you know how much those things cost) and the poor saps who had to rebuild all the structures in New York and Maryland (You get a free suit from Iron Man, and you repay him by causing needless destruction to people’s homes and businesses?! Parker you little shit you go to a school for gifted kids so fucking stay in it!!!).
Whoops, got sidetracked. What I’m trying to say is, the LL characters are teenage girls. I’m not interested in them romantically. If anything, I see them as kids who need protection from all their haters and precious darlings who need to be shown the best of the world.
Do you want to know who I’ve used the term “waifu” for? Just two people.
The first is a living, breathing, actual person in real life who was one of my best friends in high school. I’m pretty sure you’re not referring to her. If you are, that’s hella creepy for a whole bunch of reasons, including “dude i don’t call her that now and she’s probably taken” and “that’s a detail from my private life, how the fuck did you even know about that???”. I nicknamed her “Waifu” for shits and giggles. Well, there was actually a reason behind it, but, uh…it’s a long story.
Anyways, there is exactly one anime character I’ve labeled “waifu”, and that dubious honor goes to Nagato Yuki of the Haruhi series. She was my first legitimate favorite character, since IMO characters like Pikachu and Sasuke don’t count (I just thought he was cool back when I was like 11, plus that was before he pulled all that weird shit with Orochimaru…oh god I feel old again). But yeah, instead of just going “I like her because she’s pretty/kickass” I was just like “omg she does so much to protect her friends and suffers so much, why can’t she be happy???”…which is, admittedly, a trend with my favorite characters…why am I like this…
Anyways, I’m pretty sure you weren’t referring to her, either.
3. You can’t “steal” away favorite characters, so your statement is still invalid.
Let’s assume that you were thinking of Rin and You (and maybe Shukashuu?) when you were sending in that ask. Here’s the issue - “your” waifus. Uh, news flash: you can’t steal away a favorite character. Like, my favorite color is red, and you’re allowed to have that be your favorite color too.
That’s partially why I detest the term “waifu” - it implies exclusivity and possession. They’re not “things” you can take. Also, I kinda hate people who bicker over who’s the #1 fan of a certain person or character. Bruh, if you’re a true fan you’d just cheer them on from the sidelines and want the best for them, rather than poisoning the fandom with your attacks.
And on the subject of that “(and maybe Shukashuu?)” above…referring to seiyuu as “waifus” is super-duper mega creepy. They’re real people, and they’re all pretty young, too. Please treat them with respect.
tl;dr: I don’t have “waifus”, and even if I did you can’t “steal” them away. Also, please fix your grammar.
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