#//but rn she's listening to brit.ney s.pears so like. not much i can do about that
outofthiisworld · 1 year
[🧪💜]— Names
Doc’s current legal name “Ezekiel Walker” is not his real name, but an alias for himself after his proclaimed “death" during the containment breach of ATLAS. With fake ID and documents forged by yours truly, he now guards his old name and identity very closely (It's Joseph). He prefers the name Doc much more, and still finds it weird whenever someone calls him Ezekiel/Zeke. Ophelia's real name before ATLAS has been long lost & forgotten— the names of those taken for experiments were not kept long term in the research documentation and notes. Currently, Ophelia is not interested in learning this for herself, or at least— so she says. (it's Sofía).
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"By the stars above— what was I on, picking out Ezekiel? It's so pretentious..."
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"Heehee—! Ooh, but I think it’s so cuuute~♡! You can always change your name again, though.”
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"—and redo all of those identifications? Ugh, no. I just finished perfecting the deed to the farmhouse."
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