#//anyway yeah something that fascinates me w/ jerry is that like. he's stupid as fuck. but god he knows what he's doing
gas-stxtion · 2 years
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@oceanoecielo said: 67, for the loaded character questions, for jerry!
[loaded questions - open!]
67. What is one thing people always get wrong about you?
Jerry smiles good-naturedly as he considers the question, cigarette perched between two fingers. "Well, I'd say people don't usually get things wrong about me most of the time--I mean, I try to be a pretty open book usually." It's a pretty obvious lie, and it's not even one he makes much of an effort to hide.
At first, he seems content to leave it at that, but he reconsiders rather quickly as his expression grows more serious.
"If I had to pick one thing," he muses, "it'd be that a lot of people seem to think I'm harmless." His smile returns, a little sharper this time, as he takes a drag from his cigarette, and it remains firmly in place as he breathes out a cloud of smoke. The whole time, he doesn't take his eyes off the person he's talking to.
"Y'see," Jerry says, "I'm pretty stupid, and I know that. I'm not gonna pretend to be something I'm not. But I'll admit that I play it up a bit sometimes to let people think I'm too stupid to be a threat. 'Cause they almost always do--people don't usually take me seriously or recognize that, if I really wanted to, I could wreck their fucking shit."
Just as quickly as it arrived, the eerie seriousness in Jerry's tone vanishes and his grin is as goofy as it was before.
"Either that," he says, "or they assume I'm just high all the time. Which, y'know, isn't totally wrong because I do do a lot of drugs. But I don't do them at work! At least, not most of the time."
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