#//also part of me haven't done a female muse in forever and a day so..
feathersofvibranium · 2 years
//ok after thinking more about it (which is a rare occurance for me *coughs*) i definitely want to have Okoye (BP/BP:WF canon) as a muse. I’m going to dig more into wakanda culture and learn more about her before I do it tho. not sure yet if I want to make another blog for her or have her be a sideblog (im not a fan of running muses from sideblogs tho but like....sam here needs an entire blog theme update and i haven’t done it in like 2 years oops) okoye muse is mighty, mighty need. i love her so damn much aahh.
//and i still want a Wong (dr strange) muse too but.. actually he’s kinda a more knowledgable casey from loki so i guess im off to a good start on how to rp him eheheh 
//anyway if anyone wants to write either of these muses, feel free to contact me! 
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laurfilijames · 29 days
Heyyyy love! Okay, Idk if you have spoken about this before but what inspired you to write Breathe? Other than Will being scrumdelicious. But how long did it take you to think up the idea of it and then get it into writing ?? 😇
I actually haven't ever been asked this and I've been so excited to answer it despite how long it's been sitting in my inbox (I'm sorrrryyyyyyyyy 😭)
Long story short; the first time I watched Triple Frontier I KNEW I needed to write for Captain William ‘Ironhead’ Miller and the moment he stepped onto that stage, he owned every part of me.
To make the story longer; Charlie once again was so captivating playing his role and added so much depth to his character and gave more than enough to embellish on.
Will Miller is seriously my idea of a perfect man.
Looks? Check.
Military personnel? Check.
Wounded Warrior (mentally and physically)? Check.
Strong and masculine? Check.
Devoted to his duty and brothers (in the literal sense as well, hi Benny 👋🏻). Check.
Able to keep his shit together (mostly, also see; Benny). Check.
I'll stop myself before I get too carried away because I can go on forever as to all the reasons why I love this man.
So after the first time I watched it, I immediately started it over and watched it again.
And then again.
And again.
It was like an epiphany. I HAD to write for Will Miller.
I'd say by the next day, I already had plans to write for him, and the main premise of Breathe was noted down in a mish-mash of thoughts in a document.
I knew Will would be suffering long-term with his PTSD and reader would be helping through it all while they fell in love (hello, hurt/comfort 🤤).
I had just started my own gym journey at the time and was obsessed with being there and feeling good and was discovering how difficult training can be. (Still to this day when I'm struggling with something at the gym I imagine the TF boys and everything they've gone through, and picturing a sweaty, pumped-up Will is all the fuel I need to push myself). To me, it all plays in with Will’s character so much and knowing Charlie is so dedicated to physical activity whether for himself or for a role, it helped to inspire this idea of reader and Will hitting it off between sets 🥵
When I wrote the first chapter I really wasn't sure if it would successfully turn into a series. I had ideas of course (and smut to fulfill!) but it was a quick 1.8k that was sort of “take it or leave it” and was my intro to writing for the Charlie fandom. Dipping my toes if you will.
And then the second chapter came. And then the third quickly after.
I was hooked.
I wrote four chapters that I was so proud of and then my muse went in other directions (Jax, Jay and Pete were lurking) and then it took me a few days shy of a year to make the next update.
I had a few encouraging friends to help that next chapter happen and now the series has exploded with interest and I am in constant awe at the response!
I've really pushed myself with expanding on plot and adding a level of angst I never have before, and I only have my friends and readers to thank for being so enthusiastic about it and helping inspire me as I go. 💗
I have plans to finish the series within a chapter or two, something I’ve never done in my writing career (the thought is so bittersweet 🥲) but most of my stand-alone Will fics can easily tie in to this story, and I know I will always write for him even after this story is ‘completed’.
I'm not sure if this is at all the answer you were looking for 😅 but I'm so grateful for you asking it and again I'll apologize for taking so long to answer! I just love this series and talking about it always breathes (lol) new life into it and keeps me motivated to keep going!
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