#//also guess who woke up at 130 AM and couldn't get back to sleep
galaxies-unknown · 2 years
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A (minor) tag dump for Transformers verses.
And then there were five/and they were not alone | Prime Verse
Ten tons of kerosene/Strike the match/Let’s see where it leads | Bay Verse
Humanity’s future/Cybertron’s past/How long will any of it last | Animated Verse
Between human and cybertronian/Between fact and fiction | Rescue Bots Verse
It’s how every war goes/We escalate until the costs outweigh the gains | Robots in Disguise (2001) Verse
Race for the Minicons | Armada Verse
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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We are home! I am sorry my posts were so late. I promise I wrote them on time. I just really didn't know we weren't going to have any service. Like at all. We would have to go all the way into town to get even a bar. And I wouldn't get data again until we were more then an hour from where we were camping. It was wild.
But today was pretty good! I was more exhausted then I anticipated. I am a little worried about how exhausted I am going to be this week based on that. But honestly I had the best weekend. Even with some hiccups.
They were only little ones. Like when I forgot the hammock straps. I was able to make work what I had. And then James forgot shorts and sandals. And I forgot my pocket knife. At least the one I like the most. We weren't able to go tubing, which made me a little sad. But then we couldn't find proof that we had bought the tickets for going to the cave today. And I was just so upset.
But it was mostly me being upset because I was tired. I was very cold last night. I was like glommed on to James because I was shivering. So I didn't sleep the best I guess. I woke up because I heard Evan and Noelle. So I got up and got washed up and dressed. I had some issues with my outfit. But it was fine. I just wanted to be comfy.
We spent the morning packing and organizing. James and Evan were mostly cooking while me and Noelle were packing. JAmes would take the tent apart. We were all a great team. It was a lot of fun actually. Breakfast was great. And I was in a good mood even if I was sleepy.
James made a big deal about how well I put everything in the car. Made me feel all proud. And once all the dishes were clean and I cloroxed all the table clothes, we got in the car and we were off.
We left a little after 10. The plan was to get to town to get some service and then figure out when our tickets were for.
But we couldn't find the tickets. We couldn't find any proof we bought tickets. I was very frustrated. We tried calling but it didn't work. James said lets just go. It will be fine. But it was almost 2 hours away and I was just getting myself very worked up.
I tried looking at the website to see if they had availability but it wouldn't work and we kept going in and out of service. And I was trying not to have a panic but I was just super upset and tired.
But James tried their best to be a calming presence. And I fell asleep.
I woke up when a deer ran in front of the car. James swerved and it was fine but we got a little scared. I would doze a little more. And it was okay. But yeah. I was very tired.
We got the Penn's Cave. And I couldn't be a part of the conversation, finding out if we had tickets at will call. I went to the bathroom. But when I came out James was walking out with the tickets! We were going to get to go!!
I felt so much better after that. The tickets were for 130. So we had about an hour to waste. But that was all good. We went through the gift shop, which was honestly excellent and hokey and great. James bought me earrings. And then we went to the snack bar to get sandwiches.
I was afraid I was going to knock something off the table because it was very full of stuff, and so I handed James the bag with the earrings in it. And then they knocked over a full cup of coffee. On me, on themselves, on the floor. It was kind of a mess and I was so upset. I was just so full of aniexty today and I felt like it was all my fault.
But I went to tell the workers we had a spill, James cleaned up the table. And we were fine. But I was still upset. I enjoyed my sandwich but I was having trouble shaking off my feelings.
We would go sit outside after that. Made sure we had anything we needed. Waited on a bench. And eventually we were able to go down to the cave!!
It was beautiful. I really loved the fish. And the water was a beautiful milky color from the limestone. When we did get on the boat our tour guide was great. I think everyone's favorite part was the beaver that lives in the cave!! We saw him napping. The guide told us that in the winter when they don't have the tours during the week the beaver will try to build a dam and they have to keep cleaning it up every Saturday. It was great.
I got dripped on a few times. Which is good luck. And I enjoyed seeing the elk and reindeer when we got out of the cave for them to turn the boat around. It was great. I had a great time. I sort of wish we also did the nature tour. But that leaves something to do next time? Sometime in the future. Plus we were all very sleepy.
We said our goodbyes. And then we were on our own.
I was very upset again. For stupid reasons. But I knew it was because I was hungry and tired. James said we could go get donuts. But they were an hour away. And then the phone wouldn't connect to the car and it was a whole thing. But I just needed to sleep.
So I put on a podcast for us, and I conked out.
When I did wake up we were close to donuts. We got a half dozen. And some caffeine. And then it was just one more hour to home.
I was so excited to be back here. Even if it was to warm. I was super excited to see sweetP. Who cried a whole bunch. Me and James got everything inside and mostly unpacked. We had to put things away that needed to be cleaned first so we worked on that.
We would take a moment to breath and open mail. I was excited that the half birthday present James got me came! They got me the papershoot camera I wanted. That has been sold out forever. Its a digital camera that shoots like film, with no screen or anything. Its so cute. I got the doodle red one. I think I might do like, a monthly download of the pictures maybe? Im not sure! But Im excited.
We would order pizza. And lay together on the couch. A few times getting up to put things away. And once dinner was done I took a great bath and I feel so much nicer now. And very ready to sleep. I hope its easy sleep.
Im looking forward to camp. Its the last week of overnight!! And then just one more week! I hope its a fun one.
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