#//So it's only natural he dubs Jill 'BSAA Golden Girl'
chxckandmxte · 2 years
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Prompts For The Heavy Hearted (Angst) || Accepting
@alphateamsfinest​ sent: “Is it getting bad again?”
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Bad, was just the simple term for it, but it was much worse than that. Ever since his life began to spiral downwards, every single day, he felt like another part of him died, and his body was slowly killing itself, the stress, overwhelming thoughts filling his mind with questions making him wonder, just how long could he keep this up, he was already sick of his job, among several other things that added to the stress. 
The fact that this fight he joined three decades ago was still going strong, at this point, it just seemed like it would never end. He hated his job, for fighting constantly, year after year, only for all the work he’d done to wipe the viruses out over the years, all be in vein -- you took care of one virus, only for some other madman with several screws loose, to just come up with a new one entirely, it was all the same old shit.
Sitting around at a bar like he was on most of his days, Leon was sitting in a usual spot, a table across from the window so he could blankly stare into it, especially when his thoughts would become too loud before the booze did it’s job in numbing the pain, and making him feel something, he’d take the burning of the liquor in his throat over anything else, especially with where he was at in his sad excuse that was currently his life. Sitting at the table, the agent slams back a large swig of his liquor, downing the entire glass.
Just as he was refilling his glass, the chime of the pub bell rang, signaling that another customer had walked in, Leon had been here for three hours already, lots of people came in and out of the place while he sat there keeping to himself like he always did, so he didn’t really pay it any mind, that was, until he heard a familiar voice talking to him. Slowly, he turns his head to see that it was none other than BSAA Operative Jill Valentine, honestly, he was pretty surprised to see her here. There was no way she knew he was here though, so if anything, this was probably some sort of coincidence.
A cocking of his head to the side as whiskey-soaked parted to speak.
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[{ ☣ }] - “Bad, ain’t even the half of it.” He replies in spite, helping himself to another sip before blue eyes revert back to look at her.
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[{ ☣ }] - “What are you even doing here? A dive bar like this, is the last place I’d expect to find the BSAA’s golden girl.”
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