#//I think I'm also just really overthinking it all (thanks perfectionism!!!) so my brain wants to explode.
kingspuppet · 1 year
I can't believe it took me literal hours to write a single reply. I'm just gonna roll around on the floor now to become one with my carpet. Don't mind me.
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danpuff-ao3 · 2 years
More Adventures in Bookbinding
My Aries Mercury + Mars really does a gal no favors
Being both a perfectionist but also stubborn + impulsive?? A nightmare.
Following instructions is wise but why be wise when you just know you can figure it out?
Many faux leather sheets and much glue was lost to the cause
I stabbed my finger with my utility knife because of course I did
Eddie was like "yeah I was worried about getting that for you."
Measuring stuff is the worst, but that's because my brain really hates numbers. The actual math portion is Big Suck. Thank god for Google home who can answer all of my questions when I'm sitting in the middle of chaos, covered in glue, and have lost my phone.
Oh yeah my house is chaos. RIP my super nice and pretty office space, hello madness.
I did however find the white fold up table I knew we had but couldn't find for days. My next project I'm doing on that instead of my desk + cube organizers. And my lap desk. And a stool.
My paper cutter/guillotine has been living in my kitchen because while it technically fits beside my printer, it's best used standing, and I have the best height at the kitchen counter. Hopefully the fold out table will work for this but we shall see.
My "first" technically bound book is done, but it hurts me to call it the first, so I'm calling it the test run. But for the sake of transparency I'm saying "hey I did all steps but I don't want to count this one, please and thank you."
Now it is being used as a way for me to test putting a title on the cover via stencils made with my Cricut + dye markers. So far not so good, but I'm getting closer!
Oh yeah and faux leather? Not the best place to start. It's like I decided to learn a new hobby on hard mode. But on the plus side maybe this means I'll get the hard part out of the way and have an easier time with other fabrics? If I choose to use them because really, I probably spoiled myself with the idea of leather bound books.
That is the reason my tester copy turned out as bad as it did. By the end I was so desperate to get the leather to stick AND have the case fit the text block, that I went overboard and cut my chipboard too wide. Oops.
First rounds with the case (following a tutorial), the cover was a teensy bit too short.
Then by the end I was fighting too hard with the leather to care about much else.
I'd probably be happier with the test run if my measurements hadn't been so off.
Also...wax paper??? I wish someone had told me about wax paper sooner. Now I'm not getting everything stuck with glue.
I'm going to have to buy TWO boxes of wax paper today. One for baking and one for crafting.
I am really bad at gauging how even things are. I think that's ruled by the same bit of my brain as Math Hatred. Further hindered by overthinking and perfectionism. (Nothing is ever straight/even enough 😭)
Oh remember how the first copy is the "test run"? I decided the smart thing to do was to after one failure do two at a time. (Not actually smart, but ah well.)
Current stage: waiting for the leather to dry along the top/bottom edges of the chipboard. Then I get to do it all over again with the side edges.
With luck I'll have measured everything properly this time but we shall see.
Oh yeah: the multiple sources recommending waxed thread?? Bad idea. Or at least buying pre-waxed thread was a bad idea. That stuff is THICK. Easy to work with, but THICK and not pretty at all.
Round 2 I used regular thread and double threaded my needle. Less easy but a better result all around.
On that note: stitching the signatures is my FAVORITE part??
Also poking the holes. Poking holes in paper is very satisfying.
Stitching the text block is very therapeutic. Just me on my couch watching true crime videos and stitching signatures together. A great time was had.
Also, minor complaint, I got leather sheets in a variety pack. Bad idea. One won't fit everything the right way. I ended up having to glue my chipboard to two sheets but the "matching shades" are slightly off from each pack. Most noticeable and horrifying with the white leather. 😭 Will be getting proper rolls next time.
Also new hobby has confirmed that my partner is 100% into my obsessive nature.
100% Eddie is very affectionate when I'm hyper focused on writing, and also when hyper focused on binding. Causes mild annoyance at the disruption, but I choose to be happy about it.
Like hell yes my partner fully appreciates me in my element and is super into me being super into what I love. Like...isn't that precious?? I can put up with disruptions to be loved for doing what I love.
Also: when I stabbed myself with my utility knife? Eddie didn't get home until after I went to bed. So when I woke up due to my finger throbbing, he was in his office unwinding after work. And I was high on sleeping meds and exhausted from a long day of working hard. So I just sorta shuffled all zombie-like into his office and held up my bandaged finger. He very quickly deduced what happened, jumped to attention, examined my wound, re-bandaged it, fed me pain meds, and tucked me back into bed. This probably matters not a wit to you but I adore this man with my whole heart and as I was already gushing about him...why not gush more?
Hopefully my next update will have a success story, but y'know...one thing at a time!
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