b3llalution · 16 days
@s-unfleur ( john cena ) gets a shippy starter from nikki.
nikki stood in the ring, hands covering her face, tears in her eyes and staring at the man she loved with all of her heart. she couldn't believe that he had asked her the question she had been dying to hear. this was coming from the same man - who had said he would never get married and here he was, proposing to nikki bella. a proposal that would be remembered forever considering it was on the grandest stage of them all, in front of millions of people including nicole's family. she was so incredibly happy that she couldn't believe it still, that this was actually happening to her. she felt like she had been waiting forever for this. as soon as john grabbed her hand to place the diamond on her finger, she took a few seconds just to let all of this sink in, looking at how beautiful that ring looked on her finger. she pulled john up and immediately went to hug him and then kiss him as passionately she possibly could. this is how people felt like when they were marrying the true love of their lives.
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nevereverafter45 · 1 year
Never Ever After|2| John Cena
I am finally getting around to updating and posting again, school and work have been kicking my ass. But here we go. Jaycee who is mentioned in this chapter is from Live Fast Die Beautiful and the daughter of Triple H and one point she is also engaged to John's best friend Randy Orton.
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Alicia Fox tapped her finger impatiently on the back of her phone, Rhett's phone number was lit up on the screen along with a smiling picture of the two of them 2 years prior. Ever since she landed in Chicago she wanted to reach out to her and find out how she was doing.
She felt like an awful friend for not staying in contact but things changed. Rhett had changed, she had gone from this open, happy loving girl to this guarded, sad person. Someone who almost reminded those closest to her of her older brother Punk. It was disheartening to see how quickly she changed. And then one day she was just gone.
The apartment that she lived in Tampa was emptied and cleaned out and her phone number was changed and the only reason why she got the new one was that AJ Lee her sister-in-law had given it to her.
Saying that she needed a friend especially after they found out she was pregnant and going through everything alone. And she did reach out and try to be there for Rhett and for the baby, but she was jealous because she wanted a baby and wanted to do what Rhett was doing.
The vibrating of her phone shook her out of her thoughts, 'I was just going to call you." she said as a way of greeting her friend. "I must have read your mind then. I heard you have a title match tonight."
"I do. Anyway, I can talk you into coming down and watching it backstage?" She wasn't too hopeful, it was always an automatic rejection. "Sure, PJ is with April and Punk for the night anyways, it will do me good to get out of the house."
"Wait! Really?"
"Yeah, why not?"
Alicia was surprised, this was the last thing she ever thought Rhett would agree to it especially after how things ended with the WWE and her older brother.
"You know Punk doesn't control what I do. I left on my own accord and I can come back on my own accord. Besides I miss my friends."
"And John?"
Rhett was silent. She didn't want to admit out loud that she missed John, and that the feeling had gotten worse after she had seen him at Nat's place. She couldn't do it. "Nikki is going to be here though."
"I don't care Foxy, I really don't. Me wanting to be there has nothing to do with John or Nikki. He made his choice and I made mine."
"And being a single mom was it?"
"In this case, yes, there is nothing I wouldn't do for that little boy."
Alicia laughed softly, "I get it. I just can't believe you are a mom." "I couldn't believe it either. Not until he was one."
"Who are you talking to Fox?" Nikki Bella asked coming into the women's locker room, her twin sister Brie following behind her.
"Rhett." Nikki pulled a face, that was the last person she would have expected the former champion to be talking to.
"I will be there in about half an hour."
"Okay, call me when you get here and I will come meet you." Alicia said before hanging up her phone.
"I can't believe you are still talking to her."
"She is my friend. And she had no one after she left."
"Well, she deserves it."
"Deserves it? She deserved to get her heartbroken?" Natalya asked from where she was sitting, she had heard most of the conversation and couldn't help but add her two cents to it, "You only saw what you wanted to see with it Nik, Rhett, she really and truly loved John. And no offense but you kind of ruined it for her."
Nikki rolled her eyes, she didn't think that Rhett and John were that serious when they first met, given that he ended up marrying another woman and then cheating on her with her. She didn't regret what happened.
Not in the slightest.
She got what she wanted and she was happy about that. **
John came out of his private locker room to do an interview with Jaycee Helmsley and froze seeing Rhett standing between Alicia Fox and Nattie smiling.
A sight he hadn't seen in a long time and it actually warmed his heart seeing it. He didn't realize how much he missed her until he saw her earlier. His feet started leading them to the trio against his will, "Rhett."
"John." She returned a smile playing on her lips, "I brought some pictures of JP for you."
"Girl, what are you doing?" Alicia asked lowly in her ear. She lifted one shoulder up and dropped it quickly, she honestly didn't know what she was doing or what she was thinking grabbing those pictures.
Deep down she knew it was the right thing to do. He deserved to see his son and possibly have a relationship with him. She wasn't going to let her feeling stand in the way of them having a relationship.
"Go to my locker room, I have to do an interview real quick and we can talk about our son afterwards." The former Diva nodded her head the smile that had been playing on her lips broke out fully.
"Rhett, be careful." Nattie hissed, she knew it was going to be ugly if Nikki found out one about Rhett being in John's locker room alone with him and two that they had a son. Something that he had refused to even talk about with her.
"Always am."
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