#//But this will make my RP life on here (hopefully) easier so I don't have to worry about that anymore!
kingspuppet · 1 year
I'm finally combing through all my tags and putting them in a document to keep them organized so I don't have to fist fight the tagging system for not keeping my tags. (I refuse to give up my capitalization. I won't do it. You can't make me.) But that meant I also had to go back onto the old blog because I wasn't sure if I moved over every single one when I remade. I wasn't too hopeful because towards the last few months of me using the old blog it was not saving my tags at all so I had to keep remaking them. (This was a legacy issue, not beta related at all.) So, like I expected, a lot of the tags were just not going to show themselves to me. Either way, I think I got all the important ones. I hope. It was really weird though going onto the old blog though. I feel sentimental and at the same time glad that I had remade Goro because that blog was a mess. Still, it's kinda nice to just revisit it even for a few minutes. Though it is kind of annoying to see that random blogs reblogged IC and HC posts on there. Not that it matters now I suppose since it won't clog up my current feed. But it's still oddly disheartening in a way (and frustrating that personals will never know to respect the RPC's boundaries by not reblogging their things). Regardless, I think I got all of the tags I need. And if not I'll have to search for them later...But I'm glad to finally have this done because now I won't have to worry about it every time I go to make a post!
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dragcnlxrd · 2 years
○  name: Midori
○  pronouns: I'm a girl... so yeah
○    preference of communication: normally just here unless I'm really comfortable with you cause I normally just don't talk much so Discord is only for like super close people.
○    name of muse(s): Lysander, I also was going to write Dream, and Sesshomaru... hopefully soon and when i do I'll share those urls.
○    platforms you’ve used:Yahoo, AIM, ICQ, Live journal, Myspace, Discord, Skype, uhh... a lot basically
○    best experience: Probably meeting the new people here. I've been on this hellsite for a while and like... I honestly was going to just quit but then meeting a few of ya'll especially @ravusnightblossom has been a pretty great experience to be honest.
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: Drama, sending hate, if you write with, follow, talk to or reblog from my ex abuser.
○    fluff, angst, or smut: I'll write anything honestly. I mean real life is a mixture of everything and so why stick to just one thing? The only thing that I am very picky about and will rarely write is Smut... I'm just not going to be THAT blog you know. And it seems that's all anyone really ever wants is shipping and smut and I'm like... no come on?
○    plots or memes:  Plots but I'm not opposed to turning a meme into a thing if it seems likely to go somewhere.
○    best time to write: When I have time... my life is chaos right now and I find myself less inclined to write because I'm busy or tired but most of the time it's the evening or whenever I have a moment
○    are you like your muse(s): Nope we are nothing alike at all... I mean I am a potato and he's... well Lysander lmao I think he's more of what I'd like to be if I was a hot person who had a dragon.
Tagged by: I stole it from @ravusnightblossom
Tagging: all of you
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avampyone · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡
My friends- I'm grateful for the friends I've stayed connected with over the years as well as new ones made. I get somewhat shy and not easy to come out of my shell, but appreciate their patience for me in that. There are a few I miss dearly that I haven't been able to see since before covid though hopefully sometime soon!
Better job recently - It was tough to leave a job I'd been comfortable in so long, but I let myself get too far of a point where the stress and burnout was taking a toll. It was 100% worth leaving and lesson learned! The new place has its ups and downs ofc, but less stress and vibing with everyone much better here.
Writing/RP - I wouldn't say I'm the best at either, but have enjoyed the hobby for many yrs regardless! Although it's great to do so for FFXIV now, I used to with Vampire the Masquerade and kinda miss that world/setting at times. I still appreciate it for giving me the inspo for Hemlocke and Seiro either way. Love all the chaotic gremlins <3
Cosplay/Sewing - I don't do as much as before, but I still enjoy it now and then. A lot of good memories of doing so with friends over the years :D.
Self improvement - I've been working to try to go easier on myself and focus on just living life one day at a time. I would always beat myself up with 'should have' types of statements, but at this point I think I'm doing the best with what I have and keep striving to work to where I want to be in life.
Thank you for the ask @avaritia-ffxiv !
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zawazawanightmares · 1 year
Milly Ashford & Giantess
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You, Milly Ashford, are connected to Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP) Your partner selected the 18+ server.
Milly Ashford: Milly walked along a waterway, her camera held in her hands, looking for a news scoop. She stopped at a suspiciously large shade. "Hmm...was a tree planted near here? And did it grow...overnight?" She looked up, her eyes widening as she saw a gargantuan woman sitting down. She was as big as a Knightmare Frame...and had the proportions to match. "...Oh."
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): The gigantic woman was dressed strangely -- in a white tunic-skirt and boots reminiscent of the Greco-Roman style, as if this was some kind of mythological titaness come to life. She had fair skin, blue eyes, and long, wavy black hair. When Milly approached, the giant turned her massive face toward her and raised an eyebrow. "Oh," she rumbled in a slow, deep voice.
Milly Ashford: "Hi...?" Milly weakly greeted. She didn't seem hostile. "Um, my name is Milly Ashford and I work for the Britannia Times. If you wouldn't mind, despite the lack of prep time, can I interview you?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): The ground shook as the raven-haired giantess stood up to her full, towering height. She was perhaps 25 or 30 feet tall. Milly was a bit less than knee-high. Now looming over the scene, she put her hands on her hips and smiled. "Very well, little one. I suppose I might enjoy a chat."
Milly Ashford: "Good. Very good..." She blushed, trying not to look up the giantess' tunic. "Let's start off with something simple so that I may address you properly: what's your name?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): She cracked a thin smile, noticing the way Milly was deliberately avoiding her tunic-skirt. "I am called Titania. But you'll say yes ma'am and no ma'am to me. Is that understood, little one?"
Milly Ashford: "If it will make the interview easier for you to take, then...yes ma'am." Milly nodded. "Let's start off with another simple question: are you a giantess?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): It felt strange to yes ma'am someone who as seemingly about Milly's own age. "Yes, obviously. But what does the word' giantess' mean to you?"
Milly Ashford: "A mythological being, in this context. Not to insinuate anything but most people don't get this big." Milly said. "Why would a giantess want to spend time here?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): She thought for a moment, then nodded. Her wavy black hair breezed about in the wind. "You can think of me as a mythological being like a god or titan. That isn't inaccurate. And who says I want to be in this setting? Nevertheless, I find myself here..."
Milly Ashford: "I see. Is this environment hurting you in any way or do you just easily adapt to whatever area you find yourself in?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "A being of my power can adapt to virtually anything. Though I do seem to be substantially oversized for this little place." She smirked. Her voice was so slow and deep Booming.
Milly Ashford: "Well, we do have certain...instruments about your size so it shouldn't be that hard to accommodate you." Milly smiled.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "Yes, I've seen them. The lengths you little mortals must go to in order to mimic just a fraction of my power..." She returned Milly's smile.
Milly Ashford: "Ah heh...hopefully we'll learn to just leave well enough alone." Milly's smile was accentuated with a blush.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): She took a huge step forward, shaking the ground and putting a huge boot right in front of Milly. Her shadow completely covered the girl. She looked straight down. "You're blushing."
Milly Ashford: "Am I? Are you sure it isn't the make-up?" Milly's blush grew brighter in the shade.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "Absolutely positive," the big woman rumbled confidently.
Milly Ashford: "I suppose I'm used to beautiful women being smaller than me, not so...much bigger." She explained.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): The giant stared down at Milly for a moment. Her eyes were vast and cool. Then she chuckled. "Ah, I've seen this before. Some people your size can't help but be attracted to size and power, hmm? I suppose you're one of them."
Milly Ashford: "I suppose power is a weakness of mine...no matter what form it takes." Milly confessed, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "Very well," the big woman boomed. "You can serve me. I'll give you the closeness you desire in return for your submission." She wiggled her nose in amusement, then gestured down at Milly. "Come closer. Touch me."
Milly Ashford: "Serve? In what fashion?" Used to being in positions of authority, Milly usually wouldn't be enthused at being volunteered for servitude in such a manner. But she still found herself approaching the giantess, touching Titania's leg with her hand.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "In every fashion, Milly. I deserve power and control. You'll use your own position to help me get it. You rank rather highly in this society, don't you?" Titania's shin was immense -- warm, smooth, and lovely to touch. The giant woman titled her face straight down to maintain a semblance of eye contact.
Milly Ashford: "I...I used to be nobility but currently, I am just a reporter." Milly revealed. Why is she being so open with a stranger? This isn't like her.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "What a shame. But I won't go back on my word. I already promised you the closeness with me that you seek in exchange for submission. And I'm a woman of my word." She slowly bent down to a massive bare knee. The ground shook from the impact. Her huge, smiling face leaned closer. She reached Milly's tiny neck with a great big fingertip -- gently stroking it. "You're easy on the eyes. I like golden hair."
Milly Ashford: "You do?" Milly felt her own knees go weak. How can something so big feel so...soft? "Then I can be yours?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): She nodded. "You already are, little one." She allowed her massive hand to curl gently around Milly's torso. Long and elegant fingers squeezed her pint-sized body, feeling the shape of it and compressing her little breatss. She lifted Milly up with ease and smiled as her legs dangled. "You're quite tall for a mortal. I only just noticed. That's an attractive trait."
Milly Ashford: "You can see why this is so...exciting for me." Milly giggled. "It's so hard to find a woman around my height, let alone taller than me."
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "I can certainly imagine having that problem, yes." There was more than a hint of humor in her voice. She lifted Milly to her face and studied the little thing for several moments -- big blue eyes taking in every detail of Milly's face. "I'm pleased with you. But don't forget that you have to be fully submissive to me."
Milly Ashford: "I am willing to turn over any corner of my body to you." Milly said, a sultry undercurrent in her voice.]
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "That's exactly what I like to hear," the big woman boomed. Now she held Milly in two hands and began removing her clothing -- undressing her like a little doll while fasting her eyes on the bared flesh.
Milly Ashford: Milly's E cup breasts spilled out from her unhooked bra, her juicy thighs on display as her skirt was removed and her bubble rear exposed as she was stripped nude. She made no attempt to cover herself but she was already feeling electricity course through her body from the thrill. "Oh my..."
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): Titania's face reddened with arousal. Massive hands squeezed and grasped Milly, touching her legs, her bare stomach, her ass, her back, and her bare breasts. She just touched her and turned her over in those huge, soft, dominant hands. Then she leaned forward and licked one of those E-cup breasts with a massive tongue. It was huge and bumpy and left a line of saliva.
Milly Ashford: "Ahh..." Milly felt the massive tongue wash over her body, her frame shuddering from the contact. Even though the tongue only brushed against it, her nether regions were becoming rather moist as well.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): She wasn't ready to focus on Milly's nethers yet. She sucked both of those huge, yet tiny, breasts in her mouth. Hard. Hot saliva flowed everywhere. Her tongue licked and lapped over soft breastflesh and nipples. Her hands held Milly so firmly in place, all the while kneading her naked little body.
Milly Ashford: Milly's nipples stiffened in Titania's mouth, her moans growing louder as every inch of her was pleasured, her futile squirming in the giant's hands calling to mind a tryst with several women at once.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): It definitely felt like groupsex. It was that intense. Massive fingers were all over Milly, squeezing her little legs and torso while Titania sucked. It was overwhelming -- maybe in a good way, maybe not. Either way, Titania eventually stopped sucking MIlly's breasts. She turned the girl over an studied her bare little thighs and sex. Then she moaned with arousal while stretching her tongue out to lick that little womanhood with the tip of her tongue.
Milly Ashford: Milly cried out, squirting onto the giantess' tongue as she came. She arched her back against her hands before panting as she came down. "Sorry..." She sheepishly uttered.
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): Titania's head face withdrew. She still held Milly but her two hands became soft and supporting instead of dominant. And she smiled down at the nude little blonde, relaxing. "Was it everything you fantasized about?"
Milly Ashford: "All that and more..." Milly answered breathlessly. "Can you keep me?"
Giantess (F, 20's, Black Hair, Lit. S/RP): "Of course. You're mine now. We're a couple." The big woman patted Milly's little head with a fingertip, enjoying the feel of that golden hair.
Milly Ashford: Milly smiled. "Then I guess I'm your consort."
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Hello, I'm a mun w/ AvPD who's set up rp blogs twice but flaked out both times due to fear winning out. Especially since I'm a SUPER skittish person, beyond anxiety. I've mostly flaked out due to certain types of muns [that are VERY common on here] that really scare me. Is there anything I can do to ease the fear so I don't flake out a 3rd time? Or do I have to basically suck it up/just do it?
Hey anon! First of all, I’m sorry about the wait. I’m the mod here with AvPD, and life has been a bit of shit-in-a-blender for me for the last few months and I’m trying to get it together, so I’ve been busy and stressed and didn’t want to project or unload all of my personal baggage in my response to your ask.
I feel like how we deal with our AvPD is a bit different, since I’m super awkward, anxious and uncomfortable around people face-to-face, but in a secure, disconnected environment (ex: the internet), I feel safer. Not ‘safe’, but safer, so I don’t get as uneasy around people since I’m not actually ‘around’ them, but I still have the other symptoms associated with AVPD (like the constant worrying of being left behind / abandoned, feeling that everyone hates you, dropping people and sabotaging relationships so you don’t have to endure other people putting you through it, etc).
But it would be easier to tell you how to deal with your fear if I knew what was causing this fear -- what kind of common ‘mun type’ that causes you to flake out so much. If I knew something bothered me, I’d avoid it (puts the whole ‘avoidant’ part into AVPD), but obviously if it’s something so common that avoiding it is almost impossible... then I just find ways to make it as endure-able as possible, usually by setting up precautions and safeguards in case shit goes wrong.
I also feel like making my boundaries known helps to alleviate anxiety later on, so I don’t feel guilty when it causes a conflict-- since, if people read rules like they’re supposed to, they would know when, where and why I have to draw the line.
So, without knowing any specifics, the best advice I can give you is be prepared. Cover all your bases, since you know (with these ‘types of muns’ being so common) that you will very likely run into them sooner or later, get all your ducks in a row first so it’s easier to deal with. Be open and honest on your blog and, if necessary, with the muns themselves, about how you feel and why you feel this way, and in doing so, you’ll hopefully feel less pressured to ‘flake out’ or run away.
If you need any more help or advice, I’m more than willing to assist. Best of luck.
--- Mod Sky
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