#// sayuri who is just: I'm the worse woman you'll ever meet
usagimen · 10 months
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         Still thinking of BG3 Sayuri who comes from a notorious family that is essentially murder for hire. They are known primarily as entertainers, actors, even dancers to camouflage their real intentions. Though have been notorious in knocking down high political figures, socialites, esteemed members of the city making them middlemen of the sort. None can confirm or deny it, though she learned quickly at the age of eight either to adapt to the world around her or be swallowed by it. She generally seems uncomfortable once approaching closer to the city knowing her family will be watching their runaway with intense eyes.
       Even if she was apart of academia for sometime, they never let her stray too far, often humorously joking amongst their social circle her curse is that of freedom, she cannot see anything but an endless horizon to obtain. It’s common in such families for children to squabble against each other, her infamous scar was obtained at the age of seventeen when a rival bard clashed against her, she doesn’t seem to mind discussing it but hints she didn’t mean to hurt anyone. Indicating strongly she feels remorse, if anything, she seems to genuinely hint her time dazzling crowds or amongst her peers was the most happiest. There are also rumors she withdrew immensely after the death of a lover which she neither confirms nor denies. Due to being a high elf, she can be arrogant with profound insight on the arcane though she much rather speaks poetry nor does she rely too heavily on magic.
        Knives, crossbows, arrows, they seem to be a constant in her arsenal but if left to her own devices she will fight purely with hands alone. There is no doubt, despite everything or her rather sordid background, Sayuri is a tremendous performer who was dearly loved; she is affectionately named nightingale by the residents of Baldur’s Gate. Her monochrome style is contrasted to the actual hues she wears when performing, if she is romanced or a high affiliation is reached, she will discard black && white hues for pale blues or sapphires to represent her summer like nature.   
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