#// let's see how badly this flops lmaooo.
snarkwrites · 3 years
ssw | sweetpea; kissed with love. __ with lust. | mature.
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After a summer long break, I’m back at it again. I actually did work on a few things here and there in my absence, so hopefully, these next few days will see me finishing them off, polishing them up a bit and posting them, idk? We shall see.
This can be viewed as a second part to Sweetpea x Lodge!OFC ssw that I previously posted, which can be found [ here ] and will be linked again below. If anyone wants to see me actually sit down and write anything out with these two and like.. then write a version for my Andrews!OFC and Reggie.. just know I am highkey tempted and it probably wouldn’t take a lot of persuasion... Maaybe.
Prompts used for these six sexy words one shots are either taken from [here] or [here] at my choosing. I don’t take requests for characters / prompts for these but… If you just want to send me requests, I do take headcanon requests, fluff and filth alphabet letters. [ request rules / fandoms here ]
The prompts I used here are as follows: kissed with love. fucked with lust // “eyes up, sweetheart. look at me.” // so wet he just slips in.
Riverdale, Sweetpea x Lodge!OFC, Marlena
[ wondering what his kiss feels like. | sfw, squeaky clean]
{NSFW CONTENT. NO MINORS.} consensual but unprotected sex between two adults, biting / marking. body fluids. no foreplay.
Minors, this was not written for you. You shouldn’t be reading it. If you are and you stumble upon something upsetting or that you can’t handle after being clearly warned here… That’s on you, lovelies. Not me. Nobody made you keep reading.
:( there’s nobody on my riverdale tag list actually. so if you’re out there and you’re reading this and you want to be on it, hit me up. or add yourself to the doc linked below. Either way. It’d make my heart so full, bbies.
[ faq | feel free to send me stuff | sfw masterlist | nsfw masterlist no minors. | taglist doc ]
I paced in front of the fallout shelter in the woods. It was getting later and later. I found myself tensing up at every little sound. I dug around in my pocket, searching for my cell phone. Pulling it out, I glanced at the time and took a deep breath. Tried to tell myself that maybe he was just running late.
Surely he wasn’t standing me up for a third time this week.
Almost as if on cue, my cell phone rang. It was Sweetpea.
“Where are you?” I asked.
“I’m not gonna make it.”
I sighed. Fighting back tears. Taking a deep breath or two.
“Are you there, Marlena?”
“Yeah.” I answered.
“I’m sorry. I gotta do this thing, okay?”
,, that’d be great if I didn’t feel like some dirty little secret. Or your kept girl. If you treated me in public the way you do when it’s just the two of us, rehearsing. If I had even a hint that you actually felt anything.” the thought crossed my mind and it took root this time. I couldn’t shake it.
Lately, it’s been getting harder and harder to shake.
“It’s fine. It’s just a play. And we’ve been doing so well together when we practice that missing a few won’t hurt.” I said the words but I didn’t mean them. I pouted as I said them because tonight marked the fifth night of me finally gathering up enough courage to ask him what it was we were doing here and it looked like yet again, Sweetpea was going to bail.
“You okay, princess?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m totally fine.” I was starting to try and navigate the woods in the dark. I swore when I got my favorite expensive sweater snagged on a branch and Sweetpea repeated his question.
It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him I wasn’t fine. That our ‘practice sessions’ and private talks meant the world to me and they’d made me want so much more, but it felt like maybe this was all just something to do to rebound and get over Josie McCoy.
“We’ll meet up tomorrow, okay? I promise.”
I rolled my eyes at his words. And then that nagging thought that wouldn’t leave me alone crept in all over again. “Actually, I kind of can’t. I have a date.”
“What the hell do you mean, you have a date?”
,, what do I mean? I don’t have a date and this is only going to blow up in my face!” I was starting to panic at my ill-thought out response, but then another thought came, ,, If he really cares, let him be the one who worries. If he doesn’t care, you’ll know.”
“I mean… you don’t own me.” I answered calmly. Trusting the process, even though I was at least 80 percent sure that the process was going to royally fuck me over this time. Afraid to hope that maybe Sweetpea was feeling whatever I felt.
“Good point. Who’s the guy?”
Did he sound jealous just now? As quickly as the thought came, I shoved it back down. If anything going on between us mattered to him in the first place, he’d act like it. He wouldn’t act one way in public and a completely different way in private.
“Just a guy.”
“What’s his name?”
“Why does it matter?” I asked the question mildly as possible. I stepped into the lobby of the Pembrooke and wandered over to the elevator, pressing up. “I have to go. I’m gonna lose service in the elevator.”
“Wait.. you weren’t like.. waiting on me… Right?” Sweetpea asked.
I hesitated for a second or two. Every part of me wanted to tell him the truth, and then tell him just how much this whole game we were caught up in really bothered me, but when my mouth finally decided to work again, I gave a soft laugh. “Me? Nooo. No, you told me not to, remember? Because you never know if you’ll make it or not and you don’t want me out there alone in the woods.”
“Where were you then?”
“Out. I have to go now.” I hung up before he could ask anything else because if I didn’t, I knew I’d tell him the truth. And the truth might just make everything between us fall to pieces. Because he might not want the truth.
I barely got into the door of the penthouse before my phone rang again.
It was Sweetpea.
Rather than answer it, I declined the call. And I flopped down on the couch beside my sister. “How’d it go?” Veronica asked, pausing the movie she’d been watching to look over at me. “Did you tell him?”
“He ditched me. Again.”
“To be fair, he did tell you not to go out there until he told you he was definitely going to show up.” Veronica mused. I shook my head, sighing. “All I am is a rebound. Now I just have to decide whether I can be okay with that or not. Besides…” I paused for a few seconds, taking a deep breath, “I might’ve just messed it all up anyway.”
When she asked what I meant, I told her everything. Ending with the whole interrogation that he’d just put me through on the phone.
“You should’ve just made up a guy.”
“I’m not smooth enough to pull this type of stuff off, Ronnie! You know this. Ugh. Me and my big mouth.”
“Did he sound jealous or upset?”
“I mean.. I want to think he did but I’m also not about to be stupid enough to get my hopes up.”
My cell phone rang again and I hesitated. I almost answered it and told him everything but my sister smirked and she took the phone from my hand, wandering into the other room as she answered it.
I tensed all over, following her. Giving her a pleading look, shaking my head no.
But my sister wouldn’t be who she is if she didn’t stir the pot.
“Veronica, give Marlena the phone.”
“Afraid I can’t do that, Sweetpea.”
“And why the hell not?”
“Well, I’d love to but she’s kind of… busy… right now.”
“Busy doing what?”
“Showering, damn. Don’t raise your voice at me, Sweetpea.”
“Oh, he’s totally jealous.” she mouthed to me as she held the phone away from her ear for a second or two to let him rant on his end.
“Anyway, she’s busy. Is that all, or did you want something else? Remember, manners benefit you in this situation.” Veronica stated, flopping onto a chair. Waiting on Sweetpea to get to whatever the reason was for him calling.
I snickered to myself when I heard him swear and then mumble an apology.
“Who’s the guy she’s going out with tomorrow night?”
“On why it matters. I’m not going to tell you anything if you’re just going to hurt my sister or go beat the poor guy up.”
I tensed a little, getting frantic. Veronica seemed to pick up on it and she mouthed, “Relax. Listen, if anyone can get an answer out of him, I can. Just let me do my thing.”
“I’m not going to hurt her. That’s the last thing I wanna do. I thought we had something then she just casually mentions she’s busy tomorrow night, that some guy’s takin her out.” Sweetpea trailed off. I grimaced because it sounded like he’d just hit a wall or something.
Veronica was barely hiding back a grin.
She eyed me and then lowered the phone. “You can’t tell him how you feel, right? But you want to? This is a way to find out if he feels even a little of what you’re feeling.”
I eyed her, wary.
She put the phone back up to her ear.
“Is she there?”
“She’s still showering. Why’s a guy taking her out bother you so much, hm? I mean, you two barely speak at school and lately, you’ve kind of been avoiding her. She’s told me that you’ve blown off these little solo rehearsals you’ve been doing out at the shelter four or five times now?” Veronica questioned. Holding the phone away from her ear because apparently some of the bikers were doing shots and the crowd in the bar was getting a little out of hand, making it hard to hear or focus on Sweetpea.
“before we discuss this any further, Sweetpea, I’m going to need you to go somewhere more quiet.”
“Just like.. Tell her I’ll talk to her later.”
“No, no.. I think you might want to hear what I have to say.” Veronica’s words had me mouthing “Are you fucking mental?” while shaking my head no at her in a panic.
“Fine. I’ll step out in the alley.”
After a second or two, I heard Sweetpea ask, “Better?”
“Hey, wait… I talked to Marlena earlier and she said she hasn’t been going out there to wait on me.” Sweetpea trailed off, swearing under his breath.
“Yeah, well.. Maybe she didn’t want to be embarrassed?” Veronica walked into her bedroom, shutting the door behind her, leaving me out in the hallway, gaping at her audacity and the closed door. I paced back and forth, stopping now and then to hear bits of the conversation.
“Well what, hm? I told her not to go out there alone at night. There’s a fucking murderer on the loose.”
Veronica’s laughter had me glaring at the phone in my hand, rolling my eyes. “What the hell’s so funny?”
“One, that you think she’ll just jump when you tell her how high. Two, I can’t believe you’re actually this blind. Or stupid.”
I glared at the phone, scowling. “The hell’s that supposed to mean?”
“Do you have any idea how much she looks forward to seeing you? Like.. the happiest I’ve seen Marlena in years is when she’s sneaking out to go meet up with you. And then you pull all this shit. Honestly, I don’t see why she bothers. It’s obvious you’re just using her as  a rebound.” Veronica ranted, falling silent. Leaving me to stand frozen in place in the alley as my brain desperately tried to process what Veronica was telling me.
I’d been avoiding Marlena because I’m determined not to let myself get so caught up in someone that they have the ability to really hurt me like Josie did again. And just the thought that Marlena might have another guy interested in her upon hearing it earlier had me up in arms. It’s too late. I’m fucked. Somehow, Marlena Lodge got to me before I ever realized it was happening. “ I’m not using her as a rebound. Did she say that?” I snapped before I could stop myself. I apologized and then went quiet.
“She didn’t. But I know her well enough to know that’s exactly what she things. My advice here? Stop acting like you are towards her, because she feels like you are just using her as a rebound and she’s probably about to give up on you. The fact that she’s using the old I have a date excuse on you tells me everything I need to know. My sister only does that when she’s getting ready to cut her losses and move on. She does it so she won’t get hurt, so obviously, you’re hurting her. I have nothing else to say.”
“You’re sure she really feels this way…”
“If I weren’t, I wouldn’t even bother talking to you. I can’t stand back and watch her just close off a part of herself again, okay? Because sooner or later, she’s not going to have any parts of herself left to close off.”
Veronica hung up before I could really react to the statement and I leaned against the brick wall outside the Wyrm, just trying to process everything.
Fangs wandered out, lighting up a cigarette. “Everything alright, Pea?”
“She feels somethin, too.”
“I told you, idiot.”
“Shut the fuck up, Fogarty.” I grumbled, rolling my eyes. Laughing a little as I took a few deep breaths. “So that means she was only sticking to status quo at school because she thought that’s what I wanted.”
“Again. I told you so, Pea.” Fangs exhaled a plume of smoke and then asked the more serious question. “My question is what are you gonna do about this, hm? You gotta do something, man.”
I smirked as a half assed plan born of desperation began to form itself in my mind…
“Your father and I are heading out to the Halloween festivities in the town hall. Are you sure you don’t want to come along, Lena?”
I pretended not to hear my mom because I’m still not speaking to her or my father. I haven’t spoken a word to either of them in months now. I don’t intend to until they admit that everything they’ve ever done is wrong and it’s hurt more people than it was all worth.
Veronica says I’ll be giving them the silent treatment until they’re dead and I’m old and gray and I’m starting to agree. Hermosa is always preaching to me the importance of family and forgiveness. Trying to get me to just give it up already.
The storm picked up outside and I jumped a little. Mentally damning my decision to watch all the horror movies I could possibly handle while at this godforsaken and creepy penthouse all alone. My father eyed me in concern and my mom cleared her throat.
“Still not speaking to us?”my mother asked.
I gave them both the thumbs up and my father sighed in disappointment. Mumbled something about how Veronica and Hermosa came around and hopefully, sooner or later, I will too.
He went to hug me and muttered quietly, “I know storms scare you, mija. If you need me to come home, I’m but a call away. I know you’re upset with your mom and I right now, but I am your father and I do love you..”
I stayed stiff in the hug, though it killed me to do so. This whole silence and distance act towards my father and my adoptive mother, Hermoine is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life.
,, and avoiding Sweetpea all day today even though he seemed to seek me out the most, that wasn’t an easy task either. But I need to let go. I was obviously just a rebound and I don’t want to be someone’s rebound. Just one time, I’d like to be someone’s first choice.” the thought came as the doors to the penthouse shut and locked behind my parents as they left. I did my best to push out the thought but tonight, it just didn’t want to leave me alone.
I reached for the remote to our home theater system to start my horror movie, - the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween, and I happened to notice my cell phone lit up, buzzing and vibrating.
Three texts and four missed calls from Sweetpea.
I shrugged it off and tossed the phone back onto the end table, unpausing my movie. Getting caught up in it all over again as the storm raged on outside.
The more the storm intensified, the more I found myself tempted. All I had to do was reach out and pick up the phone. I told myself that I could just call Veronica or something, but the only thing that kept me from picking the phone was that I knew if I did, I wouldn’t be calling my sister.
I’d somehow wind up calling Sweetpea instead.
The sound of the call box by the door going off had my brow raising and I slipped off the couch, wandering over to the  door.
Pressing the button to talk.
“Can you tell this jerk at the door you know me, Marlena?” Sweetpea’s voice crept in through the loud crackling static and reverb from the speaker.
“What the hell is he doing here?” I wondered, jumping a little when Sweetpea answered, “If you’ll let me come up, princess…”
I let go of the button to talk and dragged my fingers through my hair. Looking at myself in the mirror that hung right next to our front door and wrinkling my nose.
The intercom roared to life again.
“I know you’re there. Just let me up.”
“You forgot one very important word.” I answered after pressing the talk button on my end again.
I heard him grumbling a little and at first, I’d figured he’d just leave because for the span of time that I’ve known Sweetpea, he’s just not the kind of guy who says Please or I’m sorry or anything to do with feelings easily.
I swallowed hard. My heart was beating against my rib cage so hard I thought it’d beat right out. I tried to remind myself that I was attempting to just move on and the less I saw him, the better off I’d be doing that, but before I could stop myself, I was hitting the button to allow Sweetpea access to the building.
I started to race to my bedroom to change into something more presentable, at least throw a little makeup on because no one outside of my sister or my parents have ever seen me looking anything less than well put together, but I stopped myself.
,, He’s the one who came to me. Let him deal with the way I  look.” and with that thought, I made my way over to the door of the penthouse, opening it when he knocked.
Before I could say or do anything, I was being pinned against the door frame, my back meeting cold wood with a soft smack as Sweetpea’s body pressed right into mine and his hands wandered all over me without stopping.
When they did stop, one was tangled in thick dark curls at the back of my head and his other hand was on my ass, fingers splayed and digging into soft flesh roughly. Squeezing. Rubbing me against him slightly. Enough that I sucked in a breath because I felt the way his cock pushed against his jeans, strained.
When his mouth finally found mine, his tongue split my lips, finding my tongue, tangling with it. Pulling at the hair his hand was tangled up in to tug my mouth into the kiss deeper. Greedy. Teeth sinking into fleshy and swollen lips roughly.
I was starting to get really light-headed. I placed my hand palm down against his chest and shoved him away slightly, wiping at my mouth with the back of my hand and staring up at him with wide eyes. “What the hell was that for?”
A large rough hand caught against my face, caressing it. Tilting my head so that I had to keep my eyes on him when I did eventually try to look down and busy myself by pulling at a ragged thread in the front of his plaid shirt.
“Eyes up, Sweetheart. Look at me.” he muttered, a dazed and soft yet somehow still firm tone to his voice as he spoke. It was enough to make me keep my gaze on him. Waiting. Trying to pull myself together because I felt like I’d fall apart at any second.
“You still haven’t answered my question.” I pouted as I pointed it out.
The fact that his immediate response was to get all squirmy and for his hands to start wandering all over my body again as he melted against me should’ve been a clue as to exactly why he was here right now, but somehow, I missed it entirely.
His mouth crashed against mine all over again. Hungrier. Needier. A kiss so deep that more than a time or two, I forgot to breathe. Melting against him. The hand pressed against the front of his plaid shirt catching hold of a fist full of the fabric. My leg raised to his hip and his hand wandered down, squeezing my thigh. Rutting himself against me as he muttered “I love you, I love you, I love you. Fuck. I love you.” into softly smacking and frantic kisses that continued to deepen. His hand roamed over my bare thigh, a soft hiss hanging in the air between us, swallowed by the meeting of our mouths all over again. The kiss broke and he pressed his forehead against mine to stare deep into my eyes. I was trying to catch up, to process what was going on. When I realized what he’d been saying as we kissed, my breath caught and escaped in a quiet gasp. I realized that he was trying to avoid eye contact, staring down my shirt at the top of my breasts instead, so I made him look at me.
“Was there a guy, Marlena?”
“It’s Lena, for the millionth time and no. No, there wasn’t a guy. I was just saving face?”
Sweetpea raised a brow.
I explained sheepishly, “Well, when you started bailing on our private rehearsals, I figured I was just a rebound and I didn’t want you to know that you actually did keep me waiting more than once…” I stared down at my bare feet as I went quiet.
He curled his fingers beneath my chin, making me look up at him. Sighing as he tried to think of something to say.
“I didn’t wanna get too caught up in you, okay? I… I had to do something.”
The stammer in his words is what caught me by surprise because Sweetpea isn’t exactly known for being unsure about anything.
I tilted my head slightly. Taking a shaky breath. Nodding as I managed to grasp what he was getting at. Admitting after a seconds pause, “I didn’t either. I mean, literally every single time I do it… It all goes wrong somehow. Or I’m not enough. I don’t know.” I blew at a strand of hair that flopped down into my eyes and Sweetpea reached out, smoothing the strands back behind my ear.
“You wanna come in?”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?”
“It’s better than me, being here all alone in this fucking tomb while there’s a storm going on out there.” I muttered, going quiet. I didn’t want to push or anything.
Sweetpea rubbed his chin in thought. Smirking just a little when he asked in a teasing tone, “You’re scared of bad weather, huh?”
“Very. It’d be nice to have something to take my mind off it.” I raised my hand to my mouth to cover it as soon as I realized just how coy the statement I’d made sounded. Rather than be off-putting -or too needy, to him like I was afraid it’d be, something entirely different happened.
He scooped me up as soon as he stepped fully into the penthouse and shut the door behind him. The warmth of his skin and the scent of his cologne had me sighing in content as I nestled my face against the side of his neck, the smooth edges of his double headed serpent tattoo drawing my attention as I raised a hand and delicately trailed the tip of my index finger over the design, making him shiver and have to stop to tighten the grip he had on my body.
As we passed the living room, he happened to see the movie I’d been watching, paused. “You’re scared to death of storms but you were watching that shit alone? You realize that was asking for nightmare fuel… Right?”
“It’s my Halloween ritual, okay?” I muttered, my lips brushing right against the tattoo on his neck with each word I spoke. “Do you wanna finish watching?” he questioned, stopping in the doorway of the room and lingering. A smoldering look in his eyes as he glanced down at the way he held me in his arms.
“Are you sure you want me to answer that?” I purred against his skin. Clinging to him a little more. The shock of it all was starting to wear off now.
And almost as if on cue, the storm picked up even more and all the power went out. I giggled quietly.
“Gee. Guess Hiram and Hermoine won’t be coming back here tonight.”
“Your parents are gone?”
“Mhm. They went to that stupid silent auction. They weren’t going to be back until stupid early. And with the power being out, they won’t be getting in here. It’s a safety feature that my father had put in. One he clearly didn’t think through.”
“So… nobody gets in and nobody gets out until the power’s on?” Sweetpea’s brow raised.
“Or until the backup generator kicks on. But given that the building staff is gone home for the night… The odds are against that.” I giggled a little more because I could see the gleam in his eyes and the way he was smirking right now as if he were thinking long and hard about something he wanted.
“Uh oh. I know that look…” I teased.
“Oh you do, hm? What’s it mean then, baby girl?”
If I thought our little makeout in the doorway left me wet and beyond worked up, it was nothing compared to the flood of slick I felt flooding the insides of my thighs when he called me baby girl.
“Usually means you’re thinking about something you really want to do. Something you know might not be a good idea, but you don’t care because you want to do it.” I answered quietly. Wondering if he’d pick up on what I was hinting at. Wondering if I was right to begin with.
I had to be. Given what happened when I let him up to our floor, I doubt I’ve misread the situation.
“Oh, I definitely want to do it. And the way you’re giggling right now and clinging to me, baby girl, I think you know exactly what I want. Either that or you’re being a tease.”
I whimpered before I could stop myself. Sweetpea stepped over to the couch and sank down to sit on it, letting me get comfortable in his lap. His hands were all over me at first, settling on my ass to pull me completely against him.
He was straining so hard against his jeans that when he pulled me closer, my throbbing core rocked right over the hefty bulge. He bucked himself up into me before he could be bothered to stop himself from doing it, his breath coming in short panting gasps as his mouth collided with mine and his tongue parted my lips. One of his hands left my ass, moving up my back. Tangling in the dark curls at the back of my head as he used his grip there to pull me even deeper into the kiss. A harder buck against me that had me whining at the dull throb that settled in even more.
The kiss finally broke and we pulled away very slightly. Catching our breath.
I pouted a little and leaned into him again, my mouth grazing against the shell of his ear as I whispered quietly, “Now who’s doing all the teasing, hm?” while rocking myself against the way he strained at his jeans. “Oh, I’m not teasing, princess.” he answered.
Standing. Making me pout when he did. Until he asked where my bedroom was and I told him where to take me. He rushed out of the living room, carrying me down a darkened hall and as soon as I saw the door that lead into my suite of rooms on the wing of the penthouse I share with Veronica, I pointed and giggled. “It’s there. That one.”
Sweetpea kicked at the bottom of the door with his heavy soled boot, letting me wrap myself around him as my back met the door with a soft smack and he got the door opened.
Once we were inside my suite with the doors locked behind us, he sat me on top of my mirrored vanity. Stepping between my legs as his hands moved down to the bottom of the oversized shirt I’d been wearing. He licked his lips and chuckled, pulling the shirt up and away from my body. Letting it settle on the floor of the room. I raised my hand to start working the buttons on the front of his plaid shirt free, but I was so excited that my hands were shaky, so I grabbed the front of his shirt with both hands, tearing it open. Sending a quiet spray of buttons scattering across the room.
He growled against my ear with a husky laugh, “Not fair. I didn’t tear off your shirt.”
“I didn’t stop you from doing it?” I pouted up at him, giving a soft giggle as I shrugged. My hands moved over his chest, the giggle at the way he shivered at my touch getting swallowed by a slow, deep and rough kiss. He nipped at my bottom lip, making me cling to him even more, rubbing myself against him as I whined; impatient.
My arms wrapped around his neck and my legs squeezed against his sides. The hand he had resting on my thigh started to trail upward. Squeezing my dripping core and drawing a gasp out of me that seemed to shatter the silence in the room all over again. When he felt how wet I was, he growled. Scooping me forward on the vanity. Rubbing me right against the way his cock pushed against the denim barrier of his jeans. His tongue dragged along the shell of my ear and he mumbled, “How are you so fucking wet already?” in awe. He cupped my dripping sex a little harder, massaging me through my panties. “Fuck.”
I gazed up at him with the most innocent look I could muster up as my hand wandered down his chest. My fingers toying with the waistband of his jeans, tugging him in even closer all over again. His breath caught in his throat when he felt me fumbling with the button and by the time I was tugging down the zipper impatiently, he was slipping his fingers beneath the thin waistband of my panties, pulling them away as a silent tear seemed to echo in the air around us. Letting them settle on the floor next to the shirt he’d taken off me and his own discarded shirt.
He took just a slight step back. Licking his lips and groaning as his eyes wandered over every inch of my body. When I went to raise my hands to cover myself a little, he stepped closer all over again, lowering my hands as his mouth found mine and devoured it. “Don’t do that. I wanna see you.” he mumbled into my mouth.
A loud clap of thunder had me flinching a little and he grabbed hold of my jawline gently. Leaning in to close the distance between our mouths all over again. “Focus on me, baby girl. Not the storm.”
I nodded. Taking a shaky breath. Tugging impatiently at his jeans until he chuckled and covered my hand with his own, lowering it. “Tell me what you want.”
“You.” I whimpered out, my lips straying from his to drag slowly down the side of his neck. Letting my tongue roll over the double headed serpent covering the skin there. Making him shiver and swear quietly as I did it.
“You want me, hm?” he questioned as we broke apart to breathe.
“Mhm.” I pouted, trying again to grab for the waistband of his jeans. He smirked and stepped away. His hand lowered and my eyes followed the movement of it. My breath caught in my  throat and escaped in a quiet gasp as he kicked off his boots and then worked his jeans down, letting them pool at his ankles. Leaving him standing there in front of me in only a pair of black boxers.
I barely stopped a whimper as he started to tug down his boxers, kicking them away once they pooled at his feet. Stepping back up to me all over again. His thick cock standing at attention and grazing right against my aching core as soon as he had me pulled as close to him as he could get me all over again.
“Have you ever done this before, baby girl?” he questioned just before his mouth latched onto my neck. Sucking a deep mark into my skin as his hands wandered all over me. Settling between my thighs. Rubbing my dripping sex until I felt my stomach starting to coil. He nipped at my neck. “I asked you a question.”
“Fuck.” he practically growled the word as he scooped me off the top of the vanity, stepping over to my king sized bed. Tossing me onto it gently as he stared down at me and swallowed hard. Taking a few shaky breaths.
“I’m gonna have you all to myself then, hm?” he mumbled as he settled over my body, his hips pressing mine against the mattress. His mouth crashed against mine in a kiss that ended too soon. Then his lips trailed down the front of my throat, dropping hot little kisses and nips against my skin. Leaving any part of it he could get his mouth on covered in marks.
I couldn’t help but giggle because the fact that he was my first kiss and now, he was going to be the first guy I made love to just seem to amp up that cockiness of his to the nth degree.
But when his eyes met mine again, just as his mouth worked across my collarbones, the loving gaze he gave me had me blown away.
The lower his mouth moved on my body, the more I tried to come alive beneath him. The more I whimpered and moaned. Tried to rock myself against him until big hands grabbed hold of my hips, holding them still against the bed.
“Ah-ah. Let me take care of you, baby girl.” he muttered firmly. His tongue circled my navel and my back arched. I reached down, tugging at his hair. Making him growl and nip at my abdomen before rolling his tongue over my skin.
“I wanna fuck you so bad.” he groaned out against my skin as he rose up and bucked himself against me, letting his cock just barely graze against my sensitive,throbbing core. I raised my hands, grabbing hold of his face. Pulling him back down on me. “Then do it. Please? I-I.. I want you.”
He eyed me. Thinking it over.
“If it hurts…” he started to say something but I crashed my mouth against his hungrily. “Now.” I begged again, the word getting swallowed up by the meeting of our mouths all over again.
The tip of his cock grazed against my opening and I whimpered. Trying to rock against him more urgently. He caressed my face, staring down at me. Dazed.
Teasing just a little by letting his cock graze against me all over again, sending a shiver through me. My stomach coiled just a little tighter.
His mouth crashed against mine, his tongue devouring mine in a deep and slow kiss. His hands roamed over my body, settling on my hips. He sank his cock into me just a little more and I tensed as I could feel myself starting to be stretched out. He eyed me in concern. “Are you good?”
I nodded because the little bit of pain I’d felt was starting to ebb off. He sank in a little deeper, growling against my neck “Fuck, fuck. You’re so.. Fuck, princess. How are you so wet? I can barely stay in.” and I tensed up a little more, making him pause. Pepper my neck and throat with hot kisses and nips, latching on to leave the occasional little mark behind. My nails dug into his shoulders and as soon as the pain was gone again, I started to rock myself against him, desperate for the way it felt after the pain.
The way his thick cock seemed to split me in two. He started to pump in and out a little faster, his hands squeezing my hips until I knew they’d be bruised tomorrow because he was holding on to my body so tight.
“Ugh, fuck. Feels so” I moaned out, “Good. Don’t stop.”
He started to slow down, making me pout as my mouth latched onto his all over again, pulling him into a deep kiss. “Faster baby. Please?”
All he did was shake his head. Smirk at me as he went still. Letting his cock fill me. His mouth roaming all ov er my body. His hands leaving my hips to move back up my sides and stop at my tits, pushing them together. Dipping his head down. Latching onto a nipple with his mouth as I moaned and tried to get us moving again, the heels of my feet digging into the bedding on my bed because it felt so good. I wanted, no I needed more. Everything. All of him.
He started to pump into me all over again, his hips smacking against mine. My back arching away from the bed when he hit the same spot buried deep within me over and over. Slowing down just when I felt like I’d fall to pieces and I was shaking a little. Kissing. Touching.
“Pea, please? C’mon.” I begged breathlessly.
“Nope. I’m not even close to done with you yet, baby girl. Not even close.” he mumbled against my skin as he picked up his pace but only a little. My legs were almost shaking now and I wrapped my arms around his neck, dragging my fingers up and down his bare back. Barely digging because I didn’t want to hurt him.
I wrapped my legs around his waist and he growled, nipping at my mouth as he muttered against it, “Oh fuck. Fuck. C’mon, princess. Move your hips like you were.” when my movements got just a little clumsier because I could feel that tight coil in my stomach threatening to come undone just a little more with each deep drive he made.
He rose up, raising my legs to his shoulders. Slamming himself back into me, burying deep inside all over again. I gripped his shoulder and the blanket, moaning his name as tears of frustration started to sting my eyes, one of them breaking free and rolling down my cheek.
“C’mon, baby girl. I know what you wanna do right now. Let go for me. Let me have it all.” and as he pumped me up and down on his cock faster, burying deeper inside with each stroke he made, my orgasm shattered me. Leaving me with pretty much no other option but to cling to him and try to fuck my way down from the high. He growled as my walls clenched tight around his cock and I got so wet that he nearly slipped out more than a time or two, my juices coating him and the excess puddling below me.
His hips stammered and he slowed, peppering my skin with little kisses. His hands all over me, touching. His mouth leaving marks behind on every strip of skin he could access as his hips snapped into my body slow. Each drive he made seemed to go deeper and deeper. Until he couldn’t go any deeper and then he went still. Drawing a whimper and a pout out of me as I gasped out “Why’d you stop,hm?”
“Because if I don’t, princess… Fuck. Do you know how good you feel to me?” his words came out muffled, his mouth buried in the curve of my neck. Teeth scraping against flesh as he nipped and sucked, leaving a bruise I knew I couldn’t hide. He muttered seconds later, “Wanna make every second count, okay?” as his eyes locked on mine and he raised a hand, caressing my face. His other hand gripped my hip and he started to pump himself in and out. The sloshing wet sounds with each deep thrust driving me almost feral as they joined with the quiet and steady creak and rustling of my bed and were drowned out by my quiet whimpers and moans and his grunts and the occasional growl. “I could fucking stay like this forever, baby girl.” he mused as he crashed his mouth against mine, his hips stammering. Slowing.
Those big rough hands all over me again, slow. Deliberate. Like he was trying to learn every inch of my body or commit it to memory. I sighed and my head fell back against the pillow, my eyes fluttering open and shut as my stomach coiled and I felt myself getting closer and closer to the edge. Poised to go over. I just wanted to let another orgasm shatter me. Sweetpea seemed to sense it and he muttered against my ear, “Let me have it, baby girl. Now. C’mon. Let go. I’ve got you.” in a coaxing tone.
My orgasm ripped through, leaving me clinging to him a second time. Moaning his name. Rocking my hips frantically, desperate to ride out the high. Sweetpea tried to stop a time or two, tried to grip and squeeze my hips, but he just couldn’t anymore and I caught hold of his face in my hands, muttering against his mouth, “C’mon. Please?”
“Ah fuck.” he grunted, his hips moving erratically. The soft smack of skin against skin echoing through the room. His fingers dug into my body, holding me tight against him as he started to fuck into me deep and frantic. His lower body pinning mine against the bed. The warmth of the way he emptied inside, throbbing and hot, filling me up.
As he came down from the high of his orgasm, he collapsed to the bed beside me. Reaching out to pull me on top of him. His lips pressing against the crown of my hair as his hands roamed slow and delicate up and down my bare back.
And outside, the storm was starting to quiet down.
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EPISODE 14: I really wish there’s a montage or collage of all the dumb sh*t I’ve said in this game - Dane
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I’m just Abi-Maria this game huh except I made it to the final episode
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*24 hours later*
well. the jig might be up gals i just. really have the feeling it’s me tonight. like it just feels definitively over. i’ve started to be less paranoid about dan stabbing me in the back and more about ruthie having an idol. we have to vote her bc it means a better shot at all of us in ftc but like i’d feel SAFER voting lachie since he definitely doesn’t have an idol. me getting idoled out would be hilarious in a karmic way but like also. i would cry a lot. so let’s hope i’m just being paranoid. i’m so close and i wanna win so fucking badly that i’m legit gonna be heartbroken if it’s me tonight (:
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Okay so I have had TONS of things to do today, I had to ring the Salvation Army bell, decorate a golf cart for Christmas while my mom gave an interview about a blink and you miss it parade my town has every year AND my school kids go swimming every other week and today I agreed to get in with them and BOY am I exhausted and ready to call it a night. I just want to search for the idol, find it and get my ass to sleep. Okay so Dan is talking to me now and he, Lachie and I are going to vote together but for who... I'm not so sure!
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i hate writing rops. i just feel like i come off so fake even when im not trying to be. i'll start writing things and then i'll be like "god this bitch," and erase the whole thing.  the personality disorder really jumped out
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So I just realized that after I idol’d out Linus and we voted out Ryan in the live night, John AKA Joe started a Snapchat streak with me and after I voted him out he ended it 💀💀💀💀
Sooooo lmao since the cast was announced I knew I was never going to win this game but I have had a blast playing it. These games are truly meant to be played for fun and this was fun BECAUSE I knew I wasn’t going to win. I instead made a challenge for myself and said “find people you trust and get all of them to the end,” and Me, Dan, and Asya are almost at final 3 and I couldn’t be happier! It was almost like a challenge lmaooo like getting to the end by yourself? That’s reasonably easy, you just have to line yourself up for ONE person to get to the end. But getting you and your 2 closest allies to the final 3? That shit is STRESSFUL like any of us could’ve gotten voted out at any moment and we nearly did! Thanks for the fun game uwu xo 
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I can’t fucking believe I made the final 4. I really felt like I positioned myself really well in this game and now my hard work might ACTUALLY pay off. Being so loyal in this game has scared me honestly. I don’t know who I am anymore. I do fear my game isn’t as flashy as Asya and Dane, but literally when have I been on the radar? If you want to call it using meat shields, I guess you can, but that doesn’t make me a floater. I was actively keeping targets in front of me by using others to protect me. Amanda died for me, Ruthie died for me. Like I literally was at risk and then they let their side know I wasn’t a threat. It’s literally genius. Idk maybe I’m being too big headed, but I truly feel like I played a stellar game. Getting to FTC would mean the absolute world to me and I really pray for a f3 and not a f2. I just really need to look back and be prepared for questioning. Asya is very articulate and her Rites of Passage really spoke to how well she played. I personally just don’t like using them to talk about my game, it’s more of an honoring thing for those who played. We have enough time at FTC to ramble about how we played the game. I’m not looking forward to endurance tonight. I have won endurance before, but I’m so worried if Lachie wins. I’m hoping and praying Asya will be willing to vote Dane out, but objectively she’d be better off killing me and going to the end with Lachie and Dane. I’m worried. I NEEEEEEED to win.
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i’m so fucking nervous for this endurance :’) i’m already bad at pressure cookers but my gout flaring up this past two days sure doesn’t help ! i really would love to win bc a bitch can only trust HERSELF but i might have to cop out as soon as lachie does when the pain gets too intense. i just have to pray dane and dan don’t leave me to duke it out with him. probability of me crying on camera? high oh yeah also i survived the f5 vote lol
*After endurance*
FTC BABY !!!! i actually made f3 with my f3 alliance... wildt. my whole body hurts and i won’t be standing again for the foreseeable future but it was Worth It. will make another confessional tmrw when i’m not sleepy.
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I really wish there’s a montage or collage of all the dumb shit I’ve said in this game
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writing talking points for my opening speech and everything feels wrong like i just. i know what i want to say but when i say it out loud i feel like an asshole. i think it's because i'm used to going into these things sure that i'm playing for 2nd or 3rd place, but as of right now, i really believe this is my game to win. and saying that makes me feel like The Worst bc its not like dan or dane played badly, i actually think dane really underestimates himself. i just feel like i've worked so fucking hard to get here, scrambling to make things happen on every single vote, building numbers from nothing, busting my ass in every challenge, even the ones i knew i couldn't win. this is one of, if not THE best game i've ever played and i just !! want validation for that i guess. but i don't know how to say that in a way that sounds self assured and confident but not like.. douchey. on the other hand, i've played the loyal game all along. i helped get dan and dane and myself to this point, but now it's every man for themselves so like. lets go ig
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Honestly I hated Asyas opening statement. It was a lot of stuff I did with her??? I think I’m really gonna roast her at FTC now. Like the girl acts like she did all the work voting out glo but I used my relationship with Dane and Linus to get them to trust me. She sounded so cocky and confident about her position but I truly believe she wouldn’t be here without her idols and myself. I’m just worried the jury is going to see her as the mastermind when I literally was there with her for every move, Dane too.... I need to really think because who knew people would become real snakes in the grass at f3...
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So final tribal tribal council is tonight and I’m so anxious lmaooooo. If it were people that like aren’t rude then I wouldn’t be, but a lot of our cast members tend to be very petty so I have a gut feeling they’re going to make personal remarks. I’m happy to answer any gameplay questions though! I think i have played a pretty well game considering I started out on the outside of a large majority alliance. I snuck my way into people’s trust where they may not usually trust me and it helped me get further. I stayed lowkey with making small moves which would benefit my future like voting out Pippa and Glo and making big moves like voting out RTP and idol’ing out Linus. I used the fact that the cast hates me to keep around as an easy beat and overall I’m really proud of my game no matter what anyone says tonight or the result of the votes. Thank you hosts for casting me it was fun xo
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WHEW ftc is over and I feel okay? Asya probably won, but honestly her performance was very impressive. She really sold her game and I need to give credit where credit is due. 
 However, I really think I sold my game. There’s not much else I can say. The production value was lower, but it was just as effective. I feel like I’m on cloud mine right now just because I can say I DIDNT FUCKING FLOP A TS SEASON.
 I made two incredible friends that I plan on talking to long after this and I’m just blessed for this opportunity. Whatever happens, I need to be happy with the result and know in my heart of hearts that I played the very best game I could. Also, Isaac smells.
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