#// it's been awhile since i've done a proper report style post so I hope it sounds at least passable ;;;
catncore · 8 months
!!! for a secret report :3
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@lyingmage Send “!!!”for my Hanekoma to write a secret report about your muse.
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We haven’t had a D-ranked magician arrive in Shibuya in quite some time. When dealing with travel between worlds and with space, time as a whole is a wholly intangible concept. The time between worlds rarely if ever often syncs up together. While my second sight had warned me of the arrival of the Mage, it is often too far out, or too sudden to accurately pinpoint without deliberate analysis. It is fortunate that I have had centuries to practice narrowing now what signs to look for with a new arrival from the OutSide. 
Thankfully, the traveler in question is someone I am familiar with- one Fai D. Flourite to whom I have considerable experience with traveling across worlds. While his personality appears on the surface to be amiable, the curse that rests on his shoulders remains unbroken. It seems that he has not yet arrived to that place yet. This is both comforting but dangerous.
It is uncommon for curses to span across worlds, but this is a unique situation to which it is unwise that I mettle with. It is magic that is foreign to this world and it's ecosystem. Introducing any sort of magic on that scale poises vast environmental and societal risk of collapse. I will, however, provide a ward to the Mage to wear to lessen the impact of his magical influence within this world. This should help the stress on his soul as well as not not interfere with the curse.
The following is what I understand to be the constraints of the curse that have to be followed:
If the curse bearer encounters a being that is stronger than his current magical abilities, the curse will activate and cause him to attack and kill the one who is stronger than the curse bearer. 
The beings must be in the same plane of existence for the curse to be activated. 
Those beings who are stronger than the curse bearer but are not magically stronger than them will not activate the curse. With that note, one can exist within the world and have magical abilities and not passively use them and potentially cause the curse to activate. 
Because of this, I have taken precautions to my own safety and opted to interact with Flourite under the safety of the UnderGround’s authority. It is my first and foremost priority that I keep Shibuya safe from the potentially lethal risk of this visit. While I have every belief that the Mage has no intention to harm those in his company, the curse that he bears most prominently is something I must take immediate action with. Intention does not equal control. What happens when the curse is activated is unpredictable.
The Dimensional Witch intentionally directed his travels towards me on account of a debt being paid off. This is not unusual for her as she has done this before. Based on the density of Flourite's soul, there appears to be more trauma since the last time we encountered each other. I will be keeping a close eye on him for further notice until the debt is settled. Should there be continued degrading in quality of the Mages soul, I may need to authorize measures to keep him from destabilizing. 
I will not allow the Composer interfere in this matter.
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jasperygrace · 4 years
February 2021 Mid Monthly Report
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Hello hello! Do I keep changing the graphic style every month? Yes, yes I do--I'm doing my best to get a feel for these reports; I'm not quite there yet.
Buckle up, y'all. This month's report is a bit of a long one, so without further ado, let's begin!
Project Progress
If you're interested in the project, consider checking out the WIP page!
It is with great pleasure to show you all the finished Shrine concepts:
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The concepts came out AMAZING; I'm incredibly impressed with my self, to be honest. There's technically suppose to be one more piece included with this set, the interior of the Shrines, but I'm still working out how I want the inside to actually look. Once I'm done with the zero draft, I'll likely have a better idea of this.
So what exactly are the Shrines? As some the notes in the first image states, their purpose is to maintain the barrier that's keeping shapeshifters like Orias and Niv (called Abstraktions) trapped within the Trigala Wasteland. This is also where Vinnie meets Miriam since she's trapped within that system. There are three total present in the wasteland, corresponding to the three acts that Project : Desert is set up as.
Act Two Fiasco:
Speaking of acts, I recently came across a story issue as I was plotting out Act 2; originally, I was suppose to introduce a new character who would only appear in this act. The problem I was beginning to have was that this new character was stealing the spotlight from all the other supporting characters (especially Briar and Reese). Unfortunately for me, I wasn't able to address this issue until yesterday morning (as of writing this). I had already drafted five chapters into Act 2 and now I've gotta scrap them; alas, I'll do what's best for the story, even if that means starting again from the top.
Going into this with a new thought in mind, my goal for Act 2 is to shine the spotlight on Briar and Reese. They're in the sidelines for majority of Act 1 since that's where the main conflict is setting up (Vinnie getting attacked and running from Trin, Orias setting his plan into motion, and Niv mercilessly hunting the two of them down). Unlike Claudia, Miriam, and Niv who only show up for parts of the story, Briar and Reese are constant presence around the protagonists; they need to make their presence known otherwise the reader is going to forget they're there.
I'll do my best to keep this bit short since this report is a lot longer than I planned (whoops).
I need to do some desperate housekeeping for the project. What do I mean by this? I'm planning to redo some technical stuff, such as redoing the WIP page, making a proper WIP intro, I'd even like to tweak some of the character designs to make them stand out and/or easier to draw (I'm looking at you, Vinnie). Of course, I'm not going to have time to do all of this in a month, especially with my new art gig, but I'd like to get on the ball to doing this.
I also want to get back into doing full pieces again because it as been awhile. I'm incredibly rusty since I've done nothing but concept art for the last couple months. I plan on practicing some scenery and perspective in the coming days, just so I get the hang of it again.
Here are the goals I completed for this month:
Outline five chapters by February 15th [Although I did write 5 chapters, I plan on redoing them]
Complete Shrine concepts by February 15th [done]
February Goals:
Outline five chapters by March 16th
Redo the WIP page by March 6st
Create a WIP introduction post by March 16th (must complete the WIP page task first)
Create a seperate post for the Shrine concepts by February 21st
Complete a scenery piece by March 16th (bonus points if two pieces are completed)
That sums up my report for this month! Thank you for reading and I hope you'll support me in my future endeavors!
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