#// i'm gonna say it's not event cuz they're on different boats still? so yea
The coastline of Fodlan has long vanished from sight. Of the three boats that depart, one charts its own diverging path from the others. If Sara were to try to recall the passengers aboard, it would be Lyn's face that comes to mind. Jugdral is not the only land plagued by shadows from the past. How fitting that only recently Lord Leif had honored the Twelve whose blessings might once again be needed.
Lazily her gaze drags across endless swatches of blue, coming to a stop at the only other thing to see out here: a ship bound for Valentia. Sara squints at the speck of green in the distance, thinking of Lyn again and eventually moves to the railing for a better look.
To her surprise, she spies Linhardt instead. Acknowledging him with a purposeful cant of her head, she rattles her staff from side to side in greeting, mouth forming the shape of a single word: Hello.
Linhardt had seen the sky before, and he’d seen paintings of the shore line, of boats, of oceans. It’s still different to witness it yourself, smelling the sea air and realizing how boring it is.
She imagines that if she were Caspar, she’d be finding something to do—like lifting barrels and tossing them overboard or something. (Okay, so perhaps he wasn’t that stupid, but it’s certainly his spirit, you know.)
Their eyes haven’t left the Jugdral ship since they left, and while it was getting harder to see Caspar’s blues against the sky and sea, the boat was large enough to mean something while intact. Something bright reflects light towards Linhardt’s eyes, and when he squints–
Oh. That’s Sara. (Of course she would be here.) She betrayed a lot of Jugdrali knowledge during Harmonia not too long ago. It made sense to Lin that she was native, or at the very least had stakes in going back.
A paltry wave would never make it, but Sara had the right idea. Taking a moment to remove Caduceus from his back, he waves it against the air, whispering back his own ‘Hello’.
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