#// i'm curious how redrawing her now will turn out
itsaiba · 7 months
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throwback to my old aiba art. still find it baffling it got rt'd by the assistant director
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it's old 2022 art but i still love it a lot. ngl the mixed media of traditional sketch and touch-up/colours digitally worked out. bur srsly think it's rad the assistant director rt'd this.
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
Hi question this has probably been explained somewhere but I'm currently reading the redraw because I'm not an old follower - in the AFR future comics, how is adult Chara a ghost? I'm morbidly curious now
thegalacticidiot asked: *GOAT, I MEANT GOAT
//you're good! and yeah i'd imagine that whole comic must have been a bit confusing without the tumblr comic as context
essentially what you missed:
It's revealed by Dr.Alphys that Asriel and her dug up Chara's grave to find that they still have a skeleton under the earth. This is odd because the other fallen kids are their old bodies turned into monster forms.
Dr.Alphys deduces that because Chara's body was decomposed to grow the golden flowers, when Chara was resurrected they became the golden flowers. They created a temporary monster form like how Asriel does in the canon pacifist fight -but it becomes permanent when they make the SOUL connection with the goat parents.
In AFR both Asriel and Chara are golden flowers, it's just now they're growing Boss Monster SOULs and their monster bodies are malleable dust.
both Chara and the other fallen kids' monster forms are still developing. Raine is going through "classic Dreemurr Puberty" Chara (at least in the redraw) is growing up to be a shadow demon. But after some Major Character Development! Chara accepts themselves as a Dreemurr family member and grows a goat form instead.
Hope that helps explain things!
Also, also for your clarity, Asriel came out as nonbinary late into the comic, in case you were wondering what was going on w/ that lol
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mayordea · 1 year
PLEASE tell me about your Robin headcanons, I'm so curious now.
oh beans i didn't expect a response to my meme! (i mean, it has happened before but my answer was a bit undercooked) normally i'd say my headcanons are cringe and try not to talk about them but THIS TIME i am excited to indulge, mainly to have them written down on my art page :> this may end up being a long boy answer lol
(as a brief preamble, i've pretty much been building off of these robin headcanons since like, middle school or so (at least 5 years) for my smash fanfiction. while the amount of Stuff i've imagined for them might make them a bit different from their original characters, the context of awakening is what prevents me from turning them into full-on oc's)
anyway. i'm not responsible for any damages this may induce. the actual hcs will be under the cut
Both of them
so to start out, both the female and male variants are separate entities rather than like, alternate dimension counterparts. in fact, they're siblings (reeaally starting a bit out there i know). for reference, the girl (younger of the two) is named reflect (a misreading of the japanese name i grew attached to. it is what it is) while the boy is just robin. this is why i usually try drawing them with different clothes so they don't look like clones of each other lol. i like to think some aspects like the shirt and the black robe and tall brown boots are staples of the "tactician" uniform to explain any similarities.
neither have amnesia (since i just.. don't like the trope that much + i wanted to have them remember and reflect on their upbringing y'know). robin is actually a regular, normal blooded dude (which is why i don't really depict him in an evil grima-possessed form). reflect on the other hand did have grima's blood, which tipped off the grimleal in hopes to resurrect grima. however, much like the original awakening story, reflect's mama took her away out of fear of what the grimleal would do to her in pursuit of their goals. due to circumstances that i haven't fully figured out yet, robin was left behind and was raised by daddy dearest validar. reflect was raised by her mama and unaware of the grimleal or that she even had a brother/father at all.
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a fairly old but still good ref of their differences. i definitely took a lot of liberties with reflect obviously (i REALLLLY like robin's original design, main reason why i got so attached to the character, so i kept it pretty true to the original with some details i dont like redrawing sanded off). a lot of design elements developed over the years and came from various sources.
(strap thingies on the side were based on cipher art, stockings are based on heroes art of f!morgan, cloak is partially inspired by the grandmaster design (albeit heavily simplified), shorts... i just thought looked cool, blah blah)
ok enough rambling, time to ramble about them individually
if it wasn't clear by how i'd often draw robin with a tired/exhausted look on his face, he isn't exactly the most high-energy guy :p he's jaded and sometimes a bit of an asshole to people he doesn't know. pretty unapproachable generally. i hope the fact he was raised by validar would explain why. i imagine validar was particularly bitter about the grima vessel slipping out of his grasp and took some of that out on his remaining child.
his strict upbringing helped him become very proficient in tactics and magic as expected... but also a bit reclusive and not much of a people person. he'd travel around after being sick of validar's shit, which is how he crosses paths with chrom. chrom basically takes him in and lets him work as a tactician for the shepherds, which is an act that causes robin to become very attached and loyal to chrom. i'd say he's an established member for a few years before the events of awakening.
he's kind of unathletic (very skinny bastard) and probably has redditor posture (inspired by how slow of a runner he is in smash bros). magic is much more his "asset" ;) his sword game is mid if he's not wielding the levin sword.
he remains single to the end of awakening's campaign, but historians note he was "really good friends" with chrom (he is attracted to men lol. specifically chrom. but then chrom gets married which complicates things 🥴).
in comparison to her male counterpart, she's much more free-spirited and bubbly. she's chill and great at making friends, a bit more accurate to the original. she was also raised to be a tactician, though she is comparatively still a novice. still, she's a quick and enthusiastic learner. i also imagine her to be kind of a risky thrill-seeker.
when she leaves her small community to explore the world, she comes across the burning village in awakening's first chapter, which is how she crosses paths with chrom. she joins his gang to further her learning as a tactician and to make some friends yeeaa!! (i haven't written as much about her as i make mrobin 😛)
she later marries chrom and becomes the mother of lucina.
I sometimes draw her with red hair tied in a black bow-- that's related to some non-fe fanfic stuff that is too convoluted and cringe for this already lengthy and cringe post. but it's an alternate look for her i think is kind of cute 😊
hopefully that's a sufficient enough answer, my brain always gets really scattered whenever i have to elaborate my robin hcs to someone else. i get a bit self-concious about them because i think i'm so far off-base with their original characters (but can't oc-ify them with some elements being based in the world/story of awakening) that i'll become like. public enemy of the greater robin community. but i know that's a bit ridiculous, so i let loose here as a means to get these many thoughts somewhere on my art page as a reference for when i draw these fellas in the future :)
there's also the separate tangent of their offspring, the morgans (or morgan being the girl, and marc being the boy) but this post is long enough as is so i'll just leave it there :,)
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strifethedestroyer · 1 year
another round of this shit again. i got mechanical pencils yay.
adult tired non-idol rin based on the fic 'glory days' by deelovesfandoms on ao3
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tekken expressions stuff, was gonna do a whole sheet but that flopped. i used a picker wheel to determine which characters to draw with which expressions, hence why jin's is pretty out of character.
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tokyo teddy bear rin because i was pretty obsessed with the song lol, even made a cover.
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aaaand this is where the fnaf shit starts as i'm re-entering my fnaf phase lol. foxy's my favorite character and always has been so i made quite a bit of shit. that being said i drew all of this without a reference, i just went by my memory, so he's kind of inaccurate.
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and this is the last of the fnaf stuff, for now. some chicas becuase i love her and then the other two. yes i fucked up bonnie's ear.
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a redraw of an old fighting game character of mine, her name was mizuki i think? and her moveset (yes, i designed an entire fucking movelist) was water-based. the only reason i'm going back to her (?) is because of that movelist actually lol. but as you can see from the writing next to her, i'm kind of wondering if i should turn her into some sort of milk delivery girl (don't ask me what that is because i don't know either) or a shrine maiden. that other girl beside her is not an oc, she was just a test sketch.
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random person + rin, miku and kaito. i always hate how i draw miku's twintails but i'm kind of happy with them here, also yes i fucked up her twintail band things lol. the lyrics beside rin are from useless by updog, if anyone's curious.
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and lastly, a fanart of @megshrm's ocean sekai rin design because i love their ocean sekai au a lot and i wanted to draw something about it.
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aight bye see you again when i accumulate 10 more art photos (becuase that's the tumblr post photo limit). ;D
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two-halves-of-reylo · 6 years
A Curse of Snake
The Boy didn’t dare to look at the Monster. He kept his head down and counted the seconds while waiting that the anguish that knotted his stomach disappears. He wanted to cry. But he could not. He should not. So, he chewed his lower lip nervously to hold back the tears, as he did when his parents scolded him after a mistake. Except that his parents didn’t scare him.
Not always.
Or not willingly.
The boy didn’t remember very well. His memories were confused, broken. He had become unable to tell the difference between reality and nightmares. And, anyway, it did not matter. Not anymore. He was alone. In his room. In the dark. Nobody wanted him, except the shadows that wrapped around his mind until its choke him.
Maybe the voices were lying, saying that his place was with the Monster. Maybe the voices were wrong. Or not. He was tired of trying to understand. He just wanted to have peace. The control. No longer breaking things for no reason.
You are a monster ! A voice suddenly shouted. A voice he didn’t know.
No. Voice was lying. Voice was wrong. The Monster was in front of him. It was someone else. In his head. And what was living in his head had nothing to do with him. Isn’t it ? Even if it visited him every night and prevented him from sleeping. Even if he desperately needed to join him.
Look at me. Look at you. You are powerful. You are weak. You are a disappointment.
The Boy trembled. The Monster touched his face now, leaving a burning but invisible mark under his left eye. He was too terrified to back off. To say no. Because the Monster had always been there when he felt lonely. And he could never get rid of it. So he had to live with it.
Suddenly, the room became darker, bigger. It was not really a child’s room anymore, but a sort of cave. The smell of the sea was strong, outside, the waves were smashing against the rocky walls.
Now, the voices murmured in an unknown language, and the Monster forced the Boy to raise his head.
There was a mirror in front of him. A strange mirror. Old as time. Living. And it called him. But it was not reasonable to approach it. Not until he receive the order.
Which didn’t stop the Boy from being fascinated. Because the shadow, the figure facing him, was not his. She was smaller. More frail. And oddly, he knew she was a girl. Even if he could not see her face.
“ Who are you ? ” She asked.
He hesitated to answer. The Monster might not appreciate it. And because he didn’t want it to hurt him, he decided to keep quiet. A minute passed, every seconds marked by the beating of his heart.
“ So ? What is your name ? ” Repeated the girl.
She had taken an impatient tone. Almost imperious. But not bad. She was just curious. So, despite the fear, the Boy was curious too.
“ I am B…uh…Kylo Ren. And you ? ”
He heard her sigh, thought understood she was disappointed. But the Monster was jubilant. So, he persuaded himself that he had given the right answer.
The Girl sighed again, put her palm on the mirror, an invitation to approach.
“ I'm… ”
Before she could say her name, the mirror began to melt, turning into a kind of transparent lava that flooded the floor of the cavern, of the bedroom. Surprised, the Boy tried to back down. But the Monster’s hand rested on his shoulder, squeezing it so hard that the pain spread throughout his body.
Look again, look better, young apprentice.
The Monster was angry. The Boy obeys. He didn’t want to be punished. Not again. He didn’t want to feel the burning of lightning on his skin anymore. Tears were still threatening to flow. He held back a sob.
The puddle that the mirror had become began to shake, then to boil. Soon, it was no longer transparent, but black. Black as a starless night. Like the Darkness that held out its arms to him.
Something loud, a hoarse breathing, was heard. And, like a corpse coming out of the ground, a creature, the melted mirror, rose slowly taking a humanoid form.
The Boy had barely blinked as a man stood in front of him. A man with a mask. And a mechanical breathing. Painful. Beside the Boy, the Monster made a sort of laugh. A squeaky laugh. Vicious. Horrible.
The Man walked towards them. With a slow step. Threatening. Like a predator. The Boy knew immediately that he was preparing an attack. But, for the second time, curiosity was greater than fear, and the words of the Girl came back to him.
 _ Who are you ?
The Man froze, surprised by the question. Then, he quickly pulled himself together and lit his Lightsaber. Red like blood. Unstable.
_ I am a monster.
At these words, the Man threw himself on the Monster and sliced it in two, freeing the Boy. But it was not to save him. They both knew it.
While the Man in black turned his weapon towards him, the Boy rushed to the door of his room, crossed the hall, ran down the stairs and ran out of the house. Except that it was not the vast plains of Chandrila that awaited him. But the desert. A burning desert that smelled of metal and death.
It didn’t matter. The Boy thought only of fleeing. Where to go was no longer a relevant question.
He ran for what seemed like an eternity. Until the desert becomes a green forest. Until the green forest becomes a snowy forest.
He never turned to see if the Man was still following him. And never the Man did seem to catch up with him.
The Boy could not stop running, even though he was short of breath. Even if his lungs and throat burned him. Even if the world around him narrowed with every step. Even if he saw less and less where he put his feet.
He had to continue, to run, he had to. To not be caught. To not be outdistanced.
He thought he saw a glimmer in front of him. A piece of white tunic. Someone was running too. Someone was still running.
His prey.
He stumbled over a root he had not seen, swore in silence, and removed his mask. A mask that prevented him from seeing clearly. Which creature would want to remain blind during a hunting, because of something so trivial ? On one impulse, he sent the helmet crashing against a tree. He didn’t need that. Not anymore.
The Boy no longer existed. And the Man, Kylo Ren, was a monster.
But, for who was he the monster ?
That of the figure running in front of him? The Girl ?
Impatient and galvanized by this pursuit, Kylo Ren resumed his race, taking care not to let himself be slowed by snow or trees.
The Girl.
He had to capture the Girl.
Not capture her.
Kill her.
He didn’t want to be seduced by the Light anymore. Darkness called him in such a soft voice.
So he went faster. Gained ground on his prey. He had been running for too long after freedom, peace. Days, months, years. The hunt was finally going to end.
Kylo Ren was only animated by hatred when the Girl stopped abruptly in the middle of a clearing. She was turning her back on him, and seemed barely breathless. She had grown up, like him. And he didn’t feel her scared. Not anymore. She was waiting for this moment. He knew it.
The conflict was inevitable.
But she was not armed. And she did not intend to defend herself. Despite this, he preferred to stay out of reach. Ten meters away.
_ Do you know who you are? Do you know who I am ?
He didn’t answer. What he knew concerned just him. And it didn’t matter now. Rey seemed to have the talent of asking questions out of context.
_ Yes, you know. Ben.
She let out a small laugh. Charming. Nervous. The Bond between them was silent. Like the forest. And time had stopped.
Rey finally turned to him. For a second, her thirst for blood reflected his, he watched it dancing in her eyes. But her fury dissipated faster than a mirage. She didn’t want to fight him. However, he felt that he had suddenly lost the advantage.
Because she began to walk towards him without fear.
Because she was crying silently.
Because she was smiling kindly.
Because her Light was marrying his Darkness without destroying them.
For a moment, Kylo Ren was frightened.
When Rey was so close to him that he could see the green that speckling the gold of her eyes, he firmly adjusted the grip of his fingers around his Lightsaber. He would not fail. Not this time. She was his last obstacle before deliverance. His last chance.
_ Do it, Ben.
He didn’t understand why she refused to defend herself. He was wondering where the trap was.
Rey took advantage of his confusion to cross the last meter that separated them.
She hugged him without hesitation as he activated the Lightsaber, as his blade crossed her belly.
Rey was scarcely shaking, despite the pain. Her smile was beautiful. Full of hope. And it was surreal. It was too much.
A suffering without name suddenly burst in the Kylo Ren’s chest. It was so violent that he had to struggle to stay standing.
Rey hugged him harder. As if to reassure him. This didn’t make sense. He was her enemy. Her murderer. A monster.
But she was not afraid. Not by him.
The veil of fury that blinded Kylo Ren slowly disappeared. And despair took hold of him, when he realized what he had done.
The cold began to creep under his skin. And it also began to rain. He looked up at a sky as empty as his soul. There was not a cloud. It was not raining. Not really. It was he who was crying.
Something touched his cheek. Rey. He lowered his eyes to meet her stare. Her caress was soft and warm as she was redrawing his scar.
Then, without warning, she kissed him.
Ben froze. He didn’t know how to react.
He could not even turn off the Lightsaber. His body refused to obey him.
He felt himself dying.
He felt her.
It was Rey who was dying.
An unnamed terror overwhelmed him. He wanted to go back. But it was too late.
Rey breathed her last breath against his lips. The next moment, she was gone.
Ben fell on his knees. The snow around him had turned red. It began to swallow him slowly. Suddenly, he heard the laugh of the Monster. A laugh like snake whistles. And he recognized other voices. But he knew now. He could not lie to himself anymore. There was no Light. There was no Darkness. There was only the Force. Only Rey.
And you killed her.
He could not think of anything else. The pain was unbearable. Before the snow had completely consumed him, he heard someone scream in sorrow. Of suffering.
He didn’t understand that this voice, this last voice, belonged to him.
Ben awoke abruptly, trembling so hard that his muscles were painful. He had not had such a violent nightmare for almost two months. A hand over his eyes, he gradually regained his breath, mentally repeating to himself that Snoke had been dead for three years.
This old thing would never come back, even if the voice in his head wanted him to believe otherwise. And he was no longer the Jedi Killer, or anything else in connection with the First Order. He was free, and happy with his new life.
When he was calm enough, Ben searched for Rey in the bed. He knew she had been with him in the nightmare. Really there. He had felt her. Sometimes, thanks to the Bond, they shared their dreams as if it were visions. They had learned to live with it. Most of the time, it was pleasant and good. Not this night.
Rey was not here. For a brief moment, Ben panicked, and quickly left the bed, frightened at the mere thought that she had disappeared from his plane of the existence, as at the time, when light-years separated them and that the Bond united them for few minutes, before he found himself alone with contradictory feelings.
But his fear was short-lived. Because it was stupid. Rey was still there. With him. At their home. She just needed to move away to regain control of her thoughts. And he didn’t have to use the Force or the Bond to know where she preferred to go for regain her calm.
As the spring nights were fresh on Chandrila, and that Ben was certain that his dear Scavenger had gone outside without worrying about the cold, he provided himself with a shawl before going out through the French window still open.
The garden that bordered their bedroom was vast, lush. It was a private place where they loved to relax, meditate or practice, enjoying each other’s company in quietude.
Rey was there, arms crossed, standing among the flowers and plants they had planted together. She stared at the sky, at the stars, and persisted in turning her back on him, even though she had felt his presence. Because she was crying.
Her hair was not tied, she was barefoot, like him, and she wore nothing more than a semi-transparent nightie. Usually, Ben would have found this vision very seductive, especially since the night was clear and gave her body an almost mystical aura. But Rey shivered a little, so he hurried to join her to cover her shoulders with the shawl. Then he stood next to her, put a protective arm around her waist. She snuggles against him, letting out a sigh that’s close to a sob.
_ I killed you Ben…you didn’t even want to fight…you left me do it…
_ Everything is fine Rey, it was just a horrible bad dream…
_ I know…I know…but it seemed so real…and you saw it too.
Ben bit his lower lip, pushing away the vision of what he had done in his dream.
_ Not really. For me, the roles were reversed, and I would have preferred it otherwise.
His voice was hoarse and trembling slightly. Rey turned to take him in her arms. He responded to her embrace, pressed her against him, leaning his chin on the top of her head.
_ Do you think these nightmares will stop one day ?
He sighed. He didn’t want to lie. They both knew that demons would never really disappear. Even if they had fewer nightmares than before, they would probably do it so until the end of their lives.
_ I am sorry. You make this kind of dreams because of me.
_ Please, don’t apologize Ben. Not for that.
A comfortable silence settled between them. The minutes passed, during which they finally relaxed completely. The anxiety provoked by the nightmare had passed.
Despite the warmth of their embrace, Rey began shivering again. They had remained too long without moving, and the return of tiredness made her more sensitive to the cold.
_ We should go home, otherwise you will end up getting sick.
She laughs a little, and stroked his back with her fingertips. Then, she pulled away from him to point to his naked chest.
_ You too.
Ben raised an eyebrow, resisting the urge to remind her that it was not he who should follow the advice of their doctor. This would only provoke a battle of arguments. And anyway, Rey knew her physical limits, though sometimes she was not very reasonable. So, he kept his opinion for himself, even though she had probably guessed it.
They didn’t really want to go back to bed, even if there were a few hours left before dawn. However, they wanted to find the comfort of the sheets, the pleasure of sharing a reassuring embrace.
Ben knew he could not sleep more, so when Rey snuggled up against his chest with a discreet yawn, he decided to watch over her sleep for the rest of the night.
While waiting for Rey to fall asleep, Ben soothed her by stroking her arm, then her belly. She was not hurt. She was fine. They were fine. She and the small presence he felt flourishing under his fingers. A small bump, round, soft. A small presence in the Force, which would soon be four months old...
Submission by @til-lyanae
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bunny-wk-fanfic · 7 years
If you're up for it, how about your take on writing something dark with Ciel and Kagome? Since, we're both in discussion over the CielKag hell I'm currently going through and all. Hm, your challenge is, demon!Ciel serving Kagome and find himself not wanting to eat her soul but to keep her for himself, or something the like? Have some creative license and have fun~
Went in a slightly different direction, but I hope you still like it!
If there was one thing he was aware of that his kind shared with that of humans, it would be they both felt hunger. They both had the need to feed. Beyond that, and the fact that demons could be killed, albeit with great difficulties, then that was where all similarities ended.
But this current hunger had nothing to do with feeding. No, it was almost, human. And it was brought on by a woman.
It was more than a physical desire, though he wouldn’t deny himself that the idea had on occasion crossed his mind. He could feel the brightness of her soul, the crispness against his own darkness, and he wanted all that was Kagome Higurashi.
There were times as he watched her that would call up foggy images of a life he once may have had. But he cared not for those. No. At first, he thought it was her soul, an ultimate meal, that drove his hunger. Imagine his surprise when he soon learned that the idea of doing such and destroying all that she was, left a bad taste in his mouth.
No, he wanted the tiny woman as she was for himself.
“Oh! Um, Ciel, I think Kikyo was looking for you.” Kagome halted when she turned around and nearly crashed into the ever hovering butler.
Ciel smirked at the slight coloring of her cheeks. “Is she?” he took in her outfit for the day, a lovely gown in peaches and gold, making her look at the softer, sweeter and ripe for the taking. “Did she say what it pertained to?” he smirked at the charming blush that stole over her cheeks at having caught him admiring her form.
“Some… something about contracts?” small hands pressed to her stomach as she took half a step back, his instincts howling at the subtle show of fear.
While he chased her with slow and sure steps, trapping her into a corner, his mind puzzled over the information his little prey had just given him. His ‘Mistress’ was beckoning him through her cousin, a curious method since Lady Kikyo had sold her soul to him and established a contract and connection with him. Now she wanted to go over said contract? Just what, was his food trying to play at?
“I see. I should thank you for relaying the message to me.” he flashed another smile at her startled squeak when her back bumped into the wall, saliva pooling in his cheeks as her scent perfumed the air between them.
“C-Ciel, this is highly inappropriate!” the strong beginning of her scolding ended in a breathy whisper when his hands took hold of her waist.
So tiny, his prey, so easy to break. And yet, she held such untapped power. Similar to her cousin in the ability to wield such a destructive force, but woefully untrained in comparison. A delightful danger. Though a ploy of Kikyo’s to keep Kagome as weak as possible, making her so ripe for plucking really.
“Mm? Is it truly?” blue eyes flashed up at Kagome’s flustered face, tongue darting out to barely trail up her neck. His stomach twisted at her flavor, heart pounding as -that- hunger grew to an inferno. “A man and a woman being together are wrong?”
“Y-yes. Especially when they have no relations or relationship!” a whimper escaped her when her head was nudged to allow him to nip at her earlobe, her fingers curling against his chest. They shook as she attempted to apply force and push him away.
Smirking, Ciel continued to lavish his physical attentions on the young woman. There was no love, if she did in some way come to love him, he would hoard that as well with everything she could give him. Because he would have all of her. Those thoughts flew from his mind when he felt that his ‘Mistress’ was now actively calling for him through their shared bond. She did have the worst of timing.
“Hm, it seems I must return to my duties.” he crowded into even more as he nipped at her lower lip, eying how it became puffy and much more red from his treatment. He mentally winced when Lady Kikyo was now 'shouting’ from him to attend her
Stepping away from the pretty little woman, he straightened his appearance and made to where Kikyo was. Perhaps it was time to redraw their contract. Until then, perhaps it was also time to 'assist’ Kagome with her nightly duties and make his designs of her clear.
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