#// honestly? i'm still working out the kinks of mac's narrative voice
gwinnetts-archive · 6 years
previously (x)
“Hey, um...” Elle’s eyes are fixed on her service rifle as she cleans it. MacCready’s been eying the thing ever since he first saw it, to be honest; he’s never seen one like it. And he has no clue what’s been carved into the stock. ARRÊT isn’t a word. And what’s with that weird hat thing over the E, anyway?
“Is it... Can I...” She stops, frowning at her hands. MacCready hasn’t really known her to stumble over her words like this, so something’s obviously up. Not... that he’s known her long, but still. She takes a deep breath through her nose and tries again. “I want to ask you to... not call me ‘boss.’”
O-kay... Not the kind of thing he was expecting. His eyebrows crawl up his forehead. Part of him wants to ask why, but another part of him... There’s a line here begging to be said, and he really shouldn’t. Flirting with employers is a bad idea. He should just confirm and move on. MacCready opens his mouth.
“And here I thought you liked it.”
... that is not what he meant to say. And he definitely didn’t mean to say it like such an obvious come-on. He stares at her, eyes wide.
She’s staring at him, too, but she just looks confused. And in the, Where did you get that? kind of way, not the Is he seriously hitting on me? kind of way. Small mercies. Ish. It kinda stings a little, to be honest. That was so not subtle, and she still doesn’t get it? He’s not that interested in her,  don’t get him wrong — She may be cute, but she’s just not his usual type. He flirted for the hell of it more than anything else. But... He likes to think he’s no slouch in the looks department. Is he really not even remotely on her radar?
“It’s... not that,” Elle says slowly, like she’s still trying to figure out what to say. “It’s just...” She stops entirely now, brow furrowed thoughtfully. Yeah, that stupid slip-up hasn’t registered to her at all. Yowch. 
She seems to finally have gathered her words, because her posture straightens. “I know you’re working for me, but I don’t like to be considered ‘above’ anyone. I’d rather walk with someone...” Elle trails off, the certainty in her tone wavering, making him think that’s not really the reason why. But, uh... that’s okay. He’s pretty sure he doesn’t want to know why any more.
If it was the real reason, though, he’d be... surprised. And even though she failed to really sell the point, he has to admit, it does match up with how she’s treated him so far. “You know, it’s not every day you come across someone with that kind of attitude who’s hiring a merc,” MacCready comments, setting his own rifle on the tabletop.
Elle blinks at him, then, her eyes fall to her own gun. “I guess so. It’s just... how I operate.”
“You won’t hear me complaining.” MacCready shrugs.
That must have been the right thing to say, because she glances up at him. For a second, it feels like she’s sizing him up, but not as a threat or a target. She’s weighing whether or not she can trust him — believe him. He feels his stubbornness kicking in and meets her eyes readily, undaunted, and after a beat of silence, her shoulders relax marginally and a small smile tugs at her lips.
They work in silence after that, listening to the faint sounds of the radio in the next room over and tending to their weaponry.
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