#// he isn't bringing out the fancy silverware i am sorry.
ferromagnetiic · 10 months
;From Miss Golden Week A sea king’s head approaches victoria punk, weirdly doesn’t seem to cause any harm than laying its chin over the ship as a little girl slides from its beak. A wanted poster in one hand and a brush in the other. “ You. You stole Mr three, didn’t you? Prepa—” “✨Uaaaaaahhhhhh!✨”
Eyes turn into sparkly stars, arms upwards in an excited motion even though she keep her frown. “Mecha! Mecha Arm! Uaaa—ha!” Bag is thrown on the floor, scattering things as she reaches for a pen and a notebook. “ Eeehhh! Nevermind! Keep him. Do you mind If draw your arm? It will take 2 seconds.” Marianne didn't really waited an answer as she started to sketch anyway.
          【 UNPROMPTED ASK. 】                     @waxgentleman 【 Miss Goldenweek. 】
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          The blithe nature of the steadily approaching Sea King was an unusual sight; the majority of reptilian sea beasts tended to avoid the Victoria Punk entirely, sans the occasional few too young, reckless, and stupid to know they were pursuing an early death by bothering the pirate crew. Even from afar, Kid could tell this wasn't an ordinary one, though he hadn't quite anticipated that it had been trained to serve as a method of transportation.
Bringing in another weirdo, it seemed. She was damn lucky he hadn't shot her ride with a canon.
The young girl standing before him peers up at him from under the brim of her hat with her wide, dark eyes, her energy confidently composed. Not quite like Dive, then. A similar age and height to her, perhaps, but this one is significantly less rabid. She bears no proud display of shark-like canines, nor any nervous twitching which results from an untapped thirst to spontaneously commit acts of inexplicable, unprompted violence.
She was Galdino's girl. He should have figured it out sooner, but her identity was revealed regardless the moment she utters the man's name. Probably shouldn't toss her overboard, then; the wax artist would be in a perpetual state of horrified shrieking for days if his daughter arrived for a number of seconds, and was then immediately flung from the deck. Well, whatever. She was small, she wouldn't take up that much space. Kid could vaguely recall Candlwick mentioning something about the girl in question arriving some time in the immediate future, though in truth, he really hadn't been paying attention to what he'd said. Even if he had brought it up multiple times every single day for the past two weeks in a demonstration of both his sheer excitement as well as his paranoid anxiety for her wellbeing, Kid hadn't been listening to any of those times, either. The point was, she was here now.
Her immediate fawning over his prosthetic limb and subsequent desire to begin sketching it does not inspire a cocksure display of overt conceitedness in him; it would take more than complimenting his craftmanship as a mechanic to form a congenial bond with him. Connecting with him would not occur solely due to her admiring his arm; he knew it was cool already, irrespective of whether or not she told him outright or not. Rather, he is awkward, uncomfortable. Total strangers bluntly praising him often tended to raise his defenses rather than lower them, and entice a degree of suspicion from him. What was she even going to do with that drawing of his arm, anyway? Just keep it and look at it in her spare time? He hadn't even known this girl until around twenty seconds ago. Try again when he had decided if he actually liked her or not.
Kid begins to turn so his back is partially towards her, on the cusp of walking away. If she wanted to draw him, she better do it damn fast, because he wasn't about to linger and wait for her to finish. He had things to do.
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     ❝ Stick with Candlewi— With yer Da. I ain't babysittin' ya, and I don't have time to mind another brat on my ship. ❞
She could stay. Considering his attitude towards most guests aboard the Victoria Punk, this might as well have been a grand gesture of hospitality from him, and she should take what she could get.
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