#// but y'know... since jun still CLEARLY very much cares for kaz
angelfate ยท 8 months
beats me, man. I remember seeing it years ago and doing a quick research, this was written in 2014 so yeah a decade ago I guess. I don't think he cares for her tbh. He is just attracted to her. Maybe respects her a tiny bit for her strength
YEAH... I rarely trust Harada's tweets, but like, I REALLY don't trust 'em if they were from years ago. Just because if they constantly retcon things from the actual games, then I can't imagine them having much faith in simple tweets being canon.
Either way, I'm not sure if Kazuya is supposed to care about Jun or not. It feels like 8 is somewhat trying to express that he may. But the games have been very vague about it. And even when they had chances to, they didn't take them to show that he loved her at one point. The closest I can think is the minimum 8 is doing, and Devil Kaz's Tag 1 ending. Like even when Kaz mentions her in 6, he just refers to her as a mysterious woman and that's it... nothing about how he had a woman he loved once or anything.
Which I don't get why shippers get so mad when somebody says Jun deserves better than Kaz. Because even if he DID love her, it's like... he's still a horrible person lol. I know he's a sad meow meow but like... he's still a war criminal, he's still a killer, he still threatened to wipe out countries, he still tried to kill their son. And even if people wanna say "SO?! CANONICALLY JIN IS JUST AS BAD AS KAZ!11!" Kaz wanted to kill Jin before Jin did anything wrong (see Tk4). Yes, Jin was planning on killing Kaz, too. But... Kaz probably didn't know that. And even if he DID... he didn't consider any alternatives for his son? The only piece of Jun that's left? Like it is a lil weird that if he did care for Jun, he doesn't have a single care for what she left behind (Jin). And doesn't consider how heartbroken she'd be if he did kill their son. But no, in Tk4, Kaz literally saw an opportunity to kill Jin in order to become more powerful lol.
So yeah, Jun does deserve better.
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