#// Wowie! Anyways an update on where I've been!
bonesandthebees · 8 months
Bee bee bee bee :D a little Icy update for you... I'm going to NYC in a few weeks to meetup with some online friends!!! It feels like ages since I sent that ask-- Oh wait . That was on anon SCREAMING aha anyways . I was that really anxious anon asking about advice for meeting up with online friends lmao 😭😭😭 back then the plan was very different and for a small town and possibly Staying with them and the whole plan was just... not as safe of an idea as it is now so I was really anxious at the time BUT I found out that NYC is actually not?? That expensive to go to during the offseason?? And it's close to where my dad lives so I can go visit him after so it works out perfectly:D
But yeah, I do still really appreciate you replying all those months ago<3 really helped me out in the moment eueueeu
ANYWAYS . YASS Its really funny bc?? Another one of my online friends (one who I've known for Five Years now holyshit) is randomly?? Going to be there??? At the same time?? So I'm in total gonna meetup w 3 ppl, one who's my partner and I'm just AAAA I'm so excited. I'm also very nervous bc it's my first time traveling alone but i think it will be very very fun:D
We're gonna go see Hadestown on broadway I'm HYPED also getting matching tatts w my partner<3 I've never gotten a tattoo before but I've been wanting to for ages and I finally got the courage to suggest the tattoos during the trip (which we have been wanting to do for years). I've like grilled every single one of my coworkers and friends who have tattoos about the process lmao and I'm finally. Finally feeling more excited about it than nervous lmao
BUT YESSS :D just wanted to update u bc idk I did really appreciate the advice u gave all those months back<3 also wow I feel like I haven't properly sent a message here in ages... I've been so busy lately plus I randomly got super anxious about being annoying so I gave some space for a bit 😭 bUT IM BACK >:D you'll never get rid of me hehehe
Anywyas. Wowie. That got long lmao pulling a snowflake SENDING HUGS AND COOKIES AND (icy addition) TEA!! I love tea sm... I'm gonna make some rn
oh that was YOU??? I remember that ask! I'm so glad you were able to plan things out better to make yourself feel safer. and yeah NYC definitely isn't as expensive as people think it is if it's the offseason, especially bc I feel like the expected 'image' of new york as this sparkling glittering city has kind of chilled out over the years (probably because thanks to the wonders of social media we can all witness the natural wonders of new york—the rats)
that sounds so awesome though!! such a wild coincidence that you're gonna get to meet up with your other friend just by chance. and I'm so happy you're getting to hang out with your partner as well!! you're gonna have such a great time. and traveling alone is very fun in my opinion so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I actually way prefer traveling alone, it's so nice to just be able to chill out in airports by myself so I think you'll have a good time :)
and tattoos that's so cool!! I'm glad you've asked around about them, and if you have any other qs about the tattoo process feel free to hmu I have 5 of them. also I'm sure you've heard this already so I won't say much, but if you're getting a matching tattoo with your partner make sure it's of something that you'd want as a tattoo if it was just on you and not matching with someone else. just make sure it's something you want for the tattoo itself not just the match factor
I'm glad my advice helped <33 I hope you have an amazing time!! NYC is such a fun city, it's one of my favorite places in the US outside of California
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spcllbounded · 4 years
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// Sorry gang for the lack of activity aside from some lil funny posts and replies a couple days back!! I’m hoping to drag myself off my lazy tush and get my writing brain working. I think after needing to do so many writings from my semester (Some being as long as 20-40 pages. Yikes. ;;;), my writing department hasn’t...been there? I gotta slap it back into myself so maybe I can try and chug some stuff out these next few days? We’ll see here! I’ll do my best!
The combination of my computer getting slower and me getting ready for out of state college doesn’t make this easier either, but I’m hoping I can get breaks from that stuff here and there to be around on Tumblr! I am also on Discord an awful lot of the time! So you can reach me there too! Feel free to slap me with a dm for my username there!
Oh. And uuuuuh. One last little thing that’s held me back from doing anything productive. Literally right after I finished my finals, I wanted to treat myself and buy a game to unwind and chill. That game is under the read more! This is post is a little lengthy as it is and I’m going to go dumb mode and ramble a little bit under there gbweiubr
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Yup. smh I’m becoming jrpg trash - pensive emoji -
fheewgubre kidding kidding. I wouldn’t consider myself a hardcore Final Fantasy fan but there’s a handful of a couple of Final Fantasy games I genuinely have interest in! IX and XII were actually the ones I was torn between getting. Settled for IX in the end for a couple of reasons having to do with space, price, and overall interest at the time. Maybe next time XII. ;v;
 Aside from a couple of spinoffs my brother handed off to me, this is the first actual Final Fantasy game I now own! It feels like a wild dream actually being able to play this because this is one of the games that I’ve been dreaming of playing for years now. I felt a certain sense of fulfillment actually being able to own and experience this game myself. Not growing up with any Playstation systems made getting this game kind of hard back then fbuybfeyrgbrt
I gotta say? Don’t regret my decision a bit so far. I’m enjoying this way more than I anticipated. And I am no doubt going to replay this game more than once sometime after I finish my first experience with it. I’m already emotional and attached to this game. Save me. :’)
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