#// I've been having an easier time on discord so if you guys wanna come plot or anything we can be pals over there!
strxngertogether · 12 days
// I'm prob gonna take a few more days off and try to chill out and also work on adding some new muses I've been writing on discord to my muse page, but then I'm gonna try to get on and see if I can get some new threads and stuff going!
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oh-my-may · 4 months
Very quickly I wanted to share some thoughts on Wuthering Waves so far.
I have completed the main quest up to act IV and I think it goes up to 6 in total? So I am more than halfway done with what the main story has to offer so far. I must say, although it does follow the typical anime rpg plot of recent games, I have been enjoying it!
It took me the first two chapters of the story to get behind all the game specific terms like Resonator, Tacet Fields and Discords etc. but I think as of right now I'm pretty secure in my knowledge of it.
I don't wanna get too much into the lore yet but there's so many things about the world (Solaris 3, right?) that I do not understand (yet) but given how I still have main story to play through I reckon some of my questions will be answered later. But the first thing is HOW BIG THE MAP IS? I think it might be like that for me bc I'm not used to playing open world games on mobile and maybe if I played it on PC I'd have a different impression but like... on mobile it seems huge. The Resonance Beacons are kinda oddly placed I think... like there should be a few more but maybe I'm spoiled from hyv games. From what I can tell on mobile it looks good, too. Can't wait for WuWa to come out for PS5 so I can fully enjoy how beautiful it looks. (no, I don't have a PC to play it on atm)
Scar is really cool, overall I really like the "villain" organisation so far (I know their name but wouldn't trust myself to properly spell it on here lol). Maybe bc they're some lf the only characters in this game that know what colour is lol. Scar's eng VA is *chefs kiss* and I think so far he's the most interesting character overall. Chamellya (? Is that how you spell her name) also seems really cool. Haven't met her yet in the story but I've seen several posts and I really look forward to getting to know more about the Fractuids (????or whatever their name is). Call them the Overseers, that's easier to remember and spell HAHA. Wonder what their motive is for abducting Jue and reviving the other big thing (it starts with Th I know, but can't remember it rn... Threnoid or something? Guys I told you I'm still learning)
When directly asked, Scar said that it brings the Lament and all that but like... why would they want that to happen??? Are humans bad? Is something bad gonna happen to them and they know? And what about putting TD parts into human bodies?? Why?? AND WHERE DO TDS COME FROM ANYWAY?
Okay so far for that. Also I quite like Jihnsi, which is suprising to me... I do find it weird that most characters in this game share almost the same color palette, I think it's cool that she's devoid of any color and she's just... pale. Everything about her is so pale and I think that's really cool, somehow. Just like the Overseers it makes her stand out to me.
I haven't met Jiyan yet :( Apparently I will in the next chapter but I have to level up quite a bunch until then... so lemme give you some other thoughts.
First of all I like the open world! I wanted to save exploration for until I have finished the main quests completely but since you have to level up in between the game leaves you no other choice. I haven't even unlocked the entire map yet (as I said I think it's HUGE on mobile lol) but so far it's been very cool! I like the twist they put in the puzzles, somehow they came up with new mechanisms that aren't just repetition of other games open world puzzles. I like that most challanges aren't time gated (like the sniper ones, I'd be dead if they were on mobile HAHA). Besides the challenges where you fly around as that bird and have to fly through rhose rings.. it goes so fast I can NOT control that at all on mobile. Will save those for a later opportunity ig.
The battles have been fun so far. Again I have to say how dynamic the system feels it's really fun with Intro Attacks and all that, the dodge attacks are really cool and yeah... on mobile I just press buttons and can't be as smart with my moves because I barely know wtf is going on and I can't control my fingers as diligently on the tiny buttons lol. Does the mobile version have controller support yet? I think I read somewhere that it doesn't, but I'll probably be the first to jump to it lol.
(Rn I wanna mention that I saved this post until this point and finished writing it afterwards until suddenly the wifi at work disconnected and then I lost hald the post :((( so I have to kinda rewrite half of it, yaay...)
The echo system is really cool and innovative. Its pretty new to me personally as a system to exchange for the artifact/relic stuff. Its cool you can use the echos ability. I just figure its gonna be a pain to farm later, given how you're not always guaranteed to get an Echo from every enemy snd the stats are random too... I haven't gotten too much into the system yet and what set or whatever is best for each character... but I'm glad that auto euqip is a thing already haha. I'll probably have plenty of time to figure this all out later.
I have arrived at a point in the game where the game wants me to level characters... the game recommended team level 40 for the Scar fight when I had my team at 25... Currently I use Rover, Verina and Chixia and habe been quote enjoying them. I'll try and use Rover as long as possible, so far I really like her playstyle! I also like that the game basically adds two new elements to the roster: light and darkness, basically. Seems pretty cool. Do the elements interact? Haven't gotten too much into the meta yet, so are there like reactions like on genshin or just status effects? To conclude my thoughts I'd like to add that I'm not sure yet how worth it is leveling up my characters rn? I know that Verina is very good and as I said I'll try and level Rover for now, but as for the third slot... although I like Chixia I ultimately wanna get Jiyan or some other 5star lile Calcharo? I also have no idea (yet) how to effectively farm level up material. There must be something like a ley line or calyx surely, I just haven't found it yet. Overall I'd like to spend the 240 energy the game gives me but besides bosses I haven't really found something on the map... oh yeah there was spme forgery challenge ig that's like for weapon stuff? We'll see...
Since I have lots of leveling to do (6 levels to continue the main quest...) I figured doing normal quests is the most effective way to do that, although I have noticed that not all quests give Union Exp? I find that a bit odd. Also are there any of these smaller quests worth paying proper attention to? Like that tell important lore? So far I've only done a few and they didn't really seem significant ... some photo taking and infiltrating an enemy camp, which was pretty cool because Rover dressed up as one of them snd snuck arpund the camp, but it didn't seem that important in the grand scheme of things? Do let me know if there are certain quests that are really cool.
I have done Lingyangs character quest and it was pretty sweet. I liked the camera switch in the cavern a lot. He's also just generally a very cite character, he falls out of the character colour scheme and he's just adorable :( I did get him as my first 5star on the 50 pull banner... sadly I don't like his playstyle :( I think I dislike the way gauntlet characters feel on mobile? Idk. I also dislike that lightning 4star gauntlet man (forgot his name. He was one of my first 4stars and his trial felt weird playing him idk...) in terms of gameplay. I do think this is just a mobile thing for me, at least with the controls. As I said, when the game gets controller support this might change.
I'd like to mention a few things that bother me, too. No game is perfect and I do think that kuro games is definitely able to fix these things. First of all I've noticed that in the open world when expllring it's often very silent? As in... there's no background music? Idk if it's just programmed to set in very late? I know that there is music, since it does play when I log in... but when I walk through the world and change areas it's so oddly silent for so long... it's kinda scary sometimes haha. Also I often hsve the problem that spoken dialogue randomly cuts off mid sentence without any trigger? Like it just doesn't play the entirety of the sentence? And this happens quite frequently, especially in the first few chapters of the story. Also when the text appears on screen... it seems that sometimes it is so long that it doesn't fully appear on screen? It doesn't scroll down or anything the longer texts are just not displayed? Idk.
Another thing I noticed is that the Rover's voice over often seems very monotonous and almost... empty? Like there's no emotion or anything... at least for female Rover. I do like that she gets quite a bunch of spoken lines, but sometimes they seem oddly off against the other characters... one example that really botheres me wss in act 4, when Scar gets arrested (and Scars voice over is phenomenal btw!). There's this moment where he wants to flee and in the lsst second Rover jumps in and says something like "not so fast" or something like that and its just... the character is in action and there's high tension and the line just falls so incredibly flat? I think it may be a directing problem, maybe they just didn't tell her what the context was but like... it really bothered me. I generally like the Eng voice over, although I do find some of Yangyangs pronounciations weird? It irritates me how she says Huanglong a lot of times? Like I get it that its closer to the Chinese pronounciation but other characters say it with an english accent too? Or her breathy "Rover" all the time? I think this is just me but it was quite annoying.
Other than that (and I already mentioned it) it will tske me some time to get used to the colour palette of the characters... i do like the character design, but almost every character has the same colours to them? It's all mainly black with white/grey details and occasinally some shade of blue/red or green in between. Very few characters fall out of that scheme, like Encore, Verina or LingYang. Or the Overseers, but they're not playable (yet?)
Other than thode pretty minor problems I'm excited to explore the world a bunch now. Very excited to see how the story ends as of rn. The devs are very attentive to player feedback so I'm vurious to see where the game is headed. I do think it has lots of potential. As I said, I can't wait for playable Scar and just generally to explore more of the world. Are there gonna be more countries added to the world? I'd say yes as of right now but are there mentions of it in the story? Very excited for it!
Also I'm looking forward to meeting Geshulin in the story. Ive seen short clips of him and to say I'm obsessed would be an understatement. This game nails it's morally grey male characters.
I'm not used to taking screenshots during mobile games, so I have only this one of Scar for now, maybe I'll mamage to make it a habit. Bye for now! (Wish me luck on Jiyans banner)
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NAME?: Leah
PRONOUNS?: She/Her (They is also accepted)
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION?: Discord is easiest for me cause I can get the notifications on my phone. (It makes noise so I like HAVE to check it.) Whereas there's days or even weeks I don't check Tumblr. SO- discord is best.)
MOST ACTIVE MUSE(S)?: I only have two. Cicero is usually the most active because he gets more interaction. But I like writing on both and do so as often as my depression addled brain will let me.
EXPERIENCE / HOW MANY YEARS?: Uhhh.... Well, over ten. Maybe... 13 years? 14 Maybe?
BEST EXPERIENCE?: I've made friends and lost friends and seen comebacks and such. But really I just enjoy consuming your guys' stuff. I read your stuff and alot of you do arts in some way or another about things I like so really it's good for me all around even if I'm not interacting with you at the time. I really do enjoy writing stories with you guys though. I wouldn't say I have one single best experience though. (Such a cop out answer I know)
RP PET PEEVES?: I dunno man. Maybe like... people who take themselves and writing silly little mind thoughts too seriously? I do this for fun, yannow? Its not my life. Idk something like that. It's not like I don't like people who are serious about their writing, it's more like having unrealistic expectations and standards pushed on me to fit into your narrative that I didn't ask for. (Or rather, pushing my MUSES into narratives that I didn't ask for. Like.... in a bullying sense. If that makes sense?)
I've been bullied and shamed and lied to in rp communities before. And I'm just like... over that kind of stuff. I just come here to write my little stories with my little online friends and that's as much as it is gonna be. Yannow?
FLUFF, ANGST, OR SMUT?: I love more serious things like angst. But I also like a bit of soft too. I like writing smut, but sometimes it takes me awhile to work up to it because like.... I don't wanna embarrass myself? lmao
PLOTS OR MEMES?: I like both! Memes are easier to just wash your hands of. But also they're great starters and ways to get to know each other more often than not! I'm honestly terrible at plotting cause I'm such a people pleaser. But- I'm more than happy to talk things out with others and see where it goes.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES?: Both are fine I have no preference. Although I must say I have a tendency to ramble and multi-para even without meaning to. Cicero's got a lot going on in his head specifically and if I don't write it all out I feel like you're missing out on the experience, ya dig? So like... I LIKE writing both. But do I typically write one liners? Absolutely not.
TIME TO WRITE?: Really late at night or early in the morning. (Every so often the afternoon but that's usually when I'm napping. My sleep schedule is shitty cause of my job.)
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)?: There's some of me in both Cicero and Kira in different ways. They've also defs evolved over the years. Straying from what I intended and such. But I'm not displeased about it. I wouldn't say either are self insert-y though. Cicero is way more confident than I am and Kira is much more hardworking than I am ha ha.
Tagged by: @archerwhiterp
Tagging: Whoever would like to! :)
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aberooski · 10 months
I actually legit almost dm'd you about it the other night cuz I was actually going crazy over the idea but then I fell asleep and forgot akakskks
OKAY SO! I've actually been thinking about this for a while as a possibility because my mind runs wild with this shit as we all know all too well by now aksksk
I was actually thinking about everything I had in my pipeline because once I get finished with this 1 shot I'm doing for a fic exchange I wanna actually sit down and dedicate time to getting through Chazzerella because I meant to do it literally MONTHS ago so I could get to work on OUAD 2, and then we have Chazz Princeton and the Seven Duelists, and then I was like OH F U C K
And now here we are akskksksks
OBVIOUSLY Chazz is Rapunzel he's literally always the princess in these things who's surprised? It's more fun and it always just works out best that way plot wise. Only I am thinking about foregoing the hair maybe, I mean her hair doesn't actually really matter in Barbie Rapunzel apart from her dream where Stefan finds her and we have the whole "let down your hair" reference, and Gothel cuts it and uses her hair to trick Stefan at the ball but otherwise her hair doesn't matter or is really called attention to. BUT I'm still in the early planning stages so I mean maybe I'll change my mind 🤷‍♀️
But my initial thought is that we begin similar to OUAD, Slade and Jagger would be the villains obviously. Exiled from the kingdom for being just bad people, they resent their parents and when they have Chazz so they'll still have an heir, they kidnap Chazz as a baby and spirit him away deep into the darkest forest of the neighboring kingdom far of their parents' reach out of their hatred and resentment. But in the Barbie fashion, they frame the king of their neighboring kingdom, Atticus and Alexis's father, for the crime with a desire to sow seeds of discord so that both kingdoms will destroy each other. Then they can swoop in and rule all the lands themselves.
I also had an idea to try and differentiate from OUAD, they had already grown resentful and spiteful of their parents and were sowing seeds of discord between the kingdoms, and eventually at some point they like, fake their deaths so they could work behind the scenes and to cover their tracks. So then when their parents have Chazz to reinstate the line of succession and they kidnap him, it's even easier to frame the crime on Atticus and Alexis's father and keep him hidden because who would suspect them? They're dead as far as everyone knows, they can very easily hide and keep him and his whereabouts concealed. And obviously since Gothel is a mage in Barbie, at the very least Slade will have magic powers because I mean come on. He's the main bad guy here.
But regardless of how we get to that point, they raise Chazz and keep him under lock and key in their secluded home hidden and concealed deep in the forest where no one would dare to look, forbidding him from ever leaving the old manor under the guise of keeping him safe from the outside world, not that they haven't still been abusing him all this time themselves also Barbie Rapunzel really is Rapunzel and Cinderella at the same time in a way and that makes so much sense for them 🙄 when really they're just waiting for the two kingdoms to destroy each other. That way they can swoop in and rebuild their own kingdom on the ashes of the old one with no one to stop them, and Chazz will stay their prisoner. But unlike like every version of Gothel they cover their tracks by telling him that their parents died when he was a baby.
Which brings me to a question I have yet to figure out, the equivalent of the hairbrush/paintbrush 🤔
And the Ojama spirits are there to bug him with their love. Obviously.
B U T Chazz has been trying to find a way to escape from his brothers for a while because shocker, they've been abusing him and um, they're terrible. But he knows if he simply tried to run away they would find him and he'd never be able to get away, so he's gotta be careful. And one day he stumbles upon a 🎵 secret tunnel 🎵 in the basement and finds himself on the outskirts of the kingdom. But not without making the Ojamas stay back to watch for his brothers. He wanders into the village and after exploring around, he runs into Alexis. I'm not exactly sure what happens but they run into some sort of trouble and while trying to help Alexis, though he quickly discovers she's more than capable of handling herself just fine, Atticus swoops in having come upon the scene and saves Chazz leaving him all 😳😍😳
Alexis leaves eventually leaving Chazz and Atty alone to talk. But they don't get far enough into the conversation to make introductions before Atticus is drawn away momentarily but not before telling Chazz to wait for him there. Which he intends to, but the chime of evening bells and a sinking feeling in his stomach tells him he needs to get back before his brothers discover he's gone. If he wants to escape for real he'll need to be more careful than this. As much as he hates it, he needs to go back for now. He'll just have to hide the tunnel again and try again another time when his brothers wouldn't suspect a thing.
Chazz hurries back before Atticus can return, creating a mystery for the prince to solve.
Honestly I imagine when he gets back through the tunnel it's like that movie moment where the kid sneaks back in like heh got away with it, then the lights turn on and the parent figure is in the chair in their pjs all mad like "where were you? 🤨" so like when he gets back through the tunnel Slade and Jagger are just waiting for him there in the basement all 😠 I think that would be funny but also yikes..... and they take him back to his room where they start like interrogating him to find out what happened while he was gone.
I also literally just now as I'm writing this out thought another things that could happen and like, how they find out, is that Jagger had gone into town and sees him with Atticus, but maybe doesn't get a good enough look to know exactly who Chazz is with or something so we can keep the mystery of who his mysterious suitor is, and Ojama Yellow shows up to tell Chazz that they found out Jagger went to town and he has to come back before he's found, but at this point Atty has left so Jagger swoops in and forces Chazz back to the manor, dropping him at Slade's feet with the whole "look who I found wandering around the village this afternoon" bullshit and that would be when they march him back to his room and start interrogating him.
So like that's another way that could go? And obviously they wanna know who the fuck he was with, but obviously Chazz doesn't know who Atticus was and they don't exactly believe he's telling the truth because I mean, in their minds, why would he tell them the truth? So in their frustration and to keep Chazz from trying to escape again, then we get the fun part where Gothel turns Rapunzel's room into the tower muahahahaha so Slade does that, intending to leave Chazz there until he tells them who the boy he met was.
And this is where I need to figure out the equivalent of the magic paintbrush cuz this is where that comes into play after the like stardust turns the hairbrush into the paintbrush.
And that's kinda all I have actually for real thought out atm I mean I did only just start actually planning like last night after all aksksk but I literally just watched the movie again yesterday too and like everything's falling into place fairly easily 😌 but I've still got like the whole last like half to plan out and some questions to answer and decisions to make about what I have so far but GAH THIS IS GOOD SHIT !!
ALSO AS WE ALL WELL KNOW, There are dragons in Barbie as Rapunzel. So I was thinking I could find a way to sneak Light and Darkness Dragon in there at some point, maybe towards the end like LDD gets summoned somehow and like rescues Chazz from the tower and gets him to the kingdom in time to thwart Slade and Jagger??? We'll see what I can figure out I guess aksksk
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