thequeen-crimson · 17 hours
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atrociousgargamelitis · 3 months
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c0smiccl0wn · 1 year
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got a secret, can you keep it?
this took one hell of a long time and i don’t actually like it as much as i though i would
[image id: a digital price of sun and moon.
sun is standing tall with his arms outstretched, a smile on his face. he is colored a monochrome yellow palette.
moon is crouched behind sun. only his face is visible. his eye is colored in purple and red with a purple tear streak running down his face. he is colored in a monochrome blue palette. /end id]
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kimiko24-art · 2 months
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Bruno Bucciarati from JJBA (Ep. 26th "Notorious Chase")
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justyalocalmoss · 2 months
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roxylexie01 · 10 months
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lanzamoony · 8 months
HUGS! (ft. Kirby characters) pt.1
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(Not proofread) Kirby
He's my baby, He's our baby. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
He'll be more than happy to hug you if he knows you. After all, (almost) everyone is his friend!
He'll make happy sounds, and will ask you to hold him.
May or may not fall asleep in your arms...
He doesn't need a reason, he's just made of love <3
But if I had to write about any situation... it'd be this:
You had a rough day, Meta Knight's hard training lessons, Dedede's nagging, and various things that just drained your energy. You were in the beach, looking at the sea as your thought started to fill your mind. If only you could mute your consciousness...
What you didn't notice, however, was the small heroe next to you, who let out a concerned "poyo?" At the sight of a sad friend.
You didn't notice him run away either, but you did saw him running back to you with some apples. He sat next to you and gave you one of them happily, as if he were trying to cheer you up. He listened to your problems, and even if he didn't understand some of them, he comforted you as best as he could.
You two saw the sunset begin, and he jumped in your arms. It was int that moment that you realize that you'll always have a friend who's willing to listen to you, no matter what. Although he may fall asleep in your arms after that, like what was happening at the moment.
Meta knight
No. At least, not without asking for permission.
Let's be honest, he's a cold knight and even if he cares for his friends he's not a fan of physical contact.
So it takes a lot, A LOT of hard work to get him to trust you. Many battles and long training sessions, nights of talking and insufferable scolding during hikes.
He does that because he cares for your safety, but you're still a stranger to him. Though, your resilience and kindness have surprised this stoic knight.
Seeing you work hard and smile everyday was suspicious, not many are able to pass his training...
But one day, he saw you crying in your quarters out of exhaustion. He felt... guilty.
So he decided to set his ego to the side and apologize.
Try to imagine the expression under his mask when you told him you just wanted to make him proud because you didn't feel like you belonged to dreamland. :(
He hugged you. It was akward, yes, but it's the thought that matters. He feels bad for you, after all.
Meta had the great Idea of asking you to meet up for lunch the next day, to get to know eachother.
King Dedede
In his defense, he was very cold.
Winter in Dreamland, a strange sight but always welcomed by the most playful ones.
You came to Dreamland not too long ago, and the self-claimed king has hated you ever since. I mean, getting back at him for his insults is so unfair....! (Cue him throwing a fit at poor escargoon because you always manage to see him coming at you with a new scheme to ruin your day)
So when he saw you giving away sweet, hot chocolate to people in the town, he became furious (He wanted you to offer him hot chocolate too). He got closer to throw subtle comments about your chocolate not being tasty, and it ended up in a snowball fight.
What he didn't expect, was you covering him completely in snow.
It seems like Meta knight's training was worth it, after all.
This all leads us to the current situation: him having catched a cold and staying in your guest room at the castle. "It was your fault, you take care of him" (Escargoon's words).
He looked at your figure entering the bedroom with some (burning hot) soup and a cup, not really being in the mood to take medicine. You had to practically force him to finish the soup, but there were no problems when he realized the mysterious cup was filled with your hot chocolate.
After that, when the tiredness started to kick in, you decided it was a good moment to get to know him. Turns out he's not that bad, he's just... lonely. And traumatized (For everything that happens to him in the games).
You were about to go away, but he stopped you. You were about to ask why, when he sat up amd wrapped his arms around you. "Please" was the only thing he said. You really couldn't say no, huh?
You may have gotten a cold last night, but hey, at least you don't have a tyrant making your life impossible everyday! Now, you just have a whiny penguin nagging you with his schemes and plans. If you already understood Escargoon's suffering, now you two bond over it. Waddle Dee's
It was an average friday. You used to watch movies every friday night before coming to Dreamland, and it didn't change since there were TV's here too.
You put on whatever movie you could find, grabbed some snacks, a blanket, and sat on the couch. Everything was normal, until you heard a soft knock on the door. It was Bandana Waddle Dee, who came to see if you were doing alright. You cpuld tell he was happy when you offered him to sit next to you.
You talked to him through the entire movie, sharing the snacks and the blankets, carrying him to his quarters when he fell asleep. (He's so pure I can't-)
He came back the next friday, and the next, but that time he brought two other Waddle Dee's with him, claiming that they were following him. Fortunately, you had more that enough snacks for everyone.
But as weeks passed, your room started to get more crowded, to the point that you had to improvise a projector in the gardens and organise the snack and blankets/pillows situation.
By the time two months had passed, and you moved to the plaza (people like Dedede, Escargoon or Meta Knight may be in the crowd, but disguised or hidden, trying not to be suspicious they are).
However, you'll always be surrounded by a pile of happy Waddle Dee's, with any lucky one sleeping in your arms. It's safe to say that they absolutely adore you.
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Me writing the day before an exam bc I'm just that awesome (The anxiety creature is whispering in my ear)-
Ok first of all, I want to let you know that I'm aware that you can't catch a cold for not wearing a coat or being cold, it's just series/games/fanfic logic. I just feel the need to clarify this..
So yeah
I'm tired. (Zzz)
I wanted to be Susie in life but I feel like I'm slowly turning into Escargoon-
Anyways have a good day/night!
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fandomfloozy · 7 months
Bittersweet Nothings
Pairing: Durge x Gortash, reader x Gortash
C/W: gn reader, redeemed! durge, platonic/romantic soulmates, sfw
It's just a glass of wine, you'd told yourself. What's the harm? You'd naively asked.
Having the newly appointed Archduke of Baldur's Gate set up in your camp was unprecedented enough, but to agree to join him in his tent for a spell was hardly appropriate. Especially now that over half the bottle had disappeared in no time at all.
You were hardly to blame, to be fair. He had a certain air about him that had drawn you in from the beginning. A comfortable familiarity with you that left you equal parts confused and amused. He was charming, as is his way. Which is why when he'd asked you to share a drink with him, the only response you could scrounge up was a shrug and a "What the hell, why not?"
Which left you here. Sprawled out on an assortment of cushions and floor mats, a slight heat in your face that spread from your cheeks to your neck, cackling at whatever sad attempt at comedy has just left Gortash's mouth.
"You're positively primeval," you laugh as you playfully push at his shoulder, which is lightly adorned with just a black dress shirt. His overcoat lay forgotten in the corner somewhere, shed about two glasses ago.
"Oh, come now," he grins slyly in response, face leaning against his hand as he lay facing you. "You always liked that one."
You can tell in the way he says it and in the moment that follows that he knows not what he said or how it came across. The words flowed out of him without thought, as if by nature.
And you're no fool. You've scrounged up enough clues and hints of a past alliance. Words written in your own hand, and some in his, that tease at something even deeper than that. A friendship. A bond. Maybe something more, if you look real close, if you squint.
It's circumstancial at best. Letters can be fabricated, feelings can change. One page of a book tells only a fragment of a story. Yet it's moments like these, where his facade cracks and his defenses drop, that cement a truth in your mind: you meant something to him. Mean something to him. And a lifetime ago--a gruesome, gory, painful lifetime ago--he might have meant something to you.
And you don't remember it.
He's too engrossed in pouring his next glass to notice your shift in mood. You almost feel sober, idly circling the rim of your glass with a finger.
And yet the alcohol definitely plays a part in loosening your tongue. "You know, in our travels," you begin. His gaze shifts to you again. "My group and I, we've come across many an expert who have taken it upon themselves to inform me of just how..." You struggle to find the words, yet he hangs off each one in rapt attention. "Mutilated my mind truly is. In a very literal sense." You don't gauge his reaction. The ichor of the liquid in your glass seems far more fascinating right now.
This subject matter makes you feel shy and exposed, and yet his response is nonchalant. "Yes, well, it should come as no surprise how thorough Orin was in her brutality." You can hear the roll in his eyes.
The mention of her name leaves a foul taste in your mouth and a tightness in your chest. "I've no doubt she took great pleasure in her work," you retort, emulating the exasperation in his tone. Your feelings pertaining to Orin are complicated, and this wasn't really the direction you intended to steer the conversation.
There's a hand at your chin and suddenly your eyes are level with his. "Dear assassin, take comfort in the fact that you were always her better." His expression is fierce. A sense of sort of... pride emanates from him. "She lies in the very bed she made and you alone stand victorious, as is your right." There's a finality in the way he says it. He sounds so sure, as if it was written in stone. As if he'd known this would always be the outcome.
You realize his finger and thumb linger on your chin. The exaggerated sense of warmth is dizzying. You blame the wine.
You attempt to refocus, smile with an exhale. "While I appreciate the sentiment, that's not what I was getting at."
"Speak then." He adjusts his frame. The hand remains in place, save for a rogue thumb that travels upward, brushing your bottom lip. "What troubles you?"
He asks in a cavalier sort of way, but his eyes carry an earnest. I'd move mountains to ease your troubles. It makes you hesitate before you continue. "Well, because of the sorry state I'm in." He chuckles at that. "It's entirely possible that... no amount of magic or healing could ever restore my memories. Return me to I was--"
He scrunches his brow quizzically. "I'm sure some way exists. We are set to conquer an elder brain, after all--"
"If your Grace would allow me to finish my thought." The words spill out of you with a laugh. Playful yet frustrated. So frustrated, in fact, that you've grabbed the hand that was at your chin. It's still in your grasp as you huff out a puff of air at the unperturbed face of Enver Gortash.
Your display apparently gives him no pause. He only raises a brow in amusement. He allows his hand to remain in your grip as he brings the other to his grin. He mimes zipping his lips shut and bows his head as a gesture to continue. You have the floor.
You sigh. "Were it possible... By some miracle or great power, to restore my mind to what it once was..." You look down and fiddle with his fingertips as you try to organize your thoughts. He lets you. "I'm not even sure that's something I'd want?" It comes out as a question. Rhetorical in the sense that you have no answer and Gortash doesn't offer one, true to his promise to let you continue uninterrupted. So you do.
"I'm free of my father. I've no concept of what it was like to submit to him fully, and I don't think I want to." The you that you hear about sounds nothing like the you you know. The you that was willing to watch the world burn--willing to be its last inhabitant, its last sacrifice to your god, your very blood--isn't you anymore. Everything you've heard has led you to believe the person you were was disturbed, deranged, unhinged. Who was that person beyond the madness? Was there one? "That part of me feels better off lost... Lest I lose my current self to it."
When you meet Gortash's eyes again, they're still on you, expectantly. His lips are sealed, determined to a fault to allow you to finish--somehow aware in the first place that you aren't yet.
He waits.
The bastard.
You bite the inside of your cheek. You sit up to your knees, now holding that hand so fiercely in both of yours. "I'm so certain of this. But..." Your brow furrows. "When one decides to leave their past behind, there are tradeoffs. One truly leaves everything behind them. Other aspects of my old life are simply lost to me. I know not who raised me up, I know not whether I was sweet as a child, I know not whether some trace of who I am existed in the person I once was." You bring his hand up to your forehead and shut your eyes as you confess. "And I know not who you are, Enver Gortash."
You either still have the floor or he doesn't know what to say. Either way you keep going.
"While I've come to respect you, and somewhat even trust you, no part of my mind remembers you."
You look down at him and search his eyes in desperation. The amusement in his face has softened into something else you can't quite place. He looks up at you, not having torn his gaze away.
You don't remember him.
"And yet, dear tyrant." You've known something from the moment you first met. "Some part of my soul knows you..." You exhale a laugh without humor.
"And I don't know what to make of that."
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hugsandchaos · 29 days
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lelanida · 1 year
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"Haha, what a funny bug!" <= SHUT UP IT WASN'T A BUG
It was Megabird's will
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“What are you going to do to our planet?”
“‘Your planet?’”
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divinesouldariax · 11 months
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house-fortemptations · 2 months
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You know, don’t you? Everything he never had the chance to say…
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unidentifiedprimate · 2 months
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harrowedsoup · 1 year
You think in a daemon AU Lyctors have two daemons or their daemon’s flip back and forth? I love daemon AUs and would LOVE to see some takes on what character would have what daemon.
I can’t see Gideon’s as anything other than a dog. Something huge but known to be friendly like a Leonberger or Great Pyrenees. Not a dog breed meant for army work - a farm dog that been breed to protect. Gideon can pretend that she wants to be a soldier but she’s a caviar and that means protecting her necromancer.
I think most would have Harrow’s daemon as a cat but I think that’s a cheap choice. I personally think there’s other parts of her personality that her daemon may inundate like her complete inability to lay down and die: honey badger. Through I do do feel like she’d push her daemon to be useful and like. Have hands. so they’d be able to hand her things. I can’t see her daemon as ever being large so no apes or most monkeys. Maybe a lemur or a raccoon (oooh they’d already have a little face paint vibe with the markings.)
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steviemaylane · 2 months
TEXT: Mikey
Stevie: Hey birthday boy, are you having a good day?
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