#++ venus
ickadori · 5 days
your. your tags. your tags about endo fucking you in the middle of the room for takiishi. i’m having a hard time being coherent about that because i know takiishi’s expression isn’t changing a single bit. but like, the thought of looking over at him to see cold bored eyes and uninterested body language but he’s STARING so intensely and his cock is hard in his sweats. like. the unbotheredness is really getting to me. and how endo so badly wants to just see takiishi look the slightest bit pleased so he is just absolutely wrecking you. but he’s talking to takiishi, saying “you like that?” to TAKIISHI. like. i’m not okay about this.
takiishi is so annoying. his face is literally like this 😐 the entire time, and if it wasn’t for the wet patch on his pants and the way his cock twitches underneath the fabric every time you moan you’d think he was bored.
Endo’s never fucked you like this before - never this wild, this frantic, this sloppy. Your cunt squelches with every plunge of his cock into your sopping hole, splatters of your arousal hitting the floor and his tender thighs. Your nails are biting into the skin of his shoulder, and the sweat that pours down his body makes the cuts sting but he pays it no mind, biceps bulging as he lifts you up once again just to drop you back down onto his cock.
He’s got something to prove tonight—he’s gotta prove to Takiishi just how good he is, just how serious he is about fulfilling every request that he gives him, and if he had to fuck you stupid to do that, then well…
“You like that?” He grunts, gaze zeroed in on the way Takiishi looks at the two of you. His eyes go from where your head is lolled back, eyes rolling and drool spilling from the side of your mouth as Endo easily lifts up and down his cock like some doll, down to where said cock is coated in your slick. It’s got a white ring around the thick base, evidence of the amount of times he’s made you come on it, and Endo moans high in his throat at the attention.
He misjudges a thrust and his dick slips out, a low whine sounding from you and a frustrated grunt sounding from him. A long line of your cum stretches from the tip of his cock down to the floor, Takiishi’s eyes following it the whole time, and before the string is broken when he bucks his hips up, cock slamming in deep and hitting against that spot that has your toes curling and your pussy clamping down tight.
“Endo, Endo, Endo, Endo!” You chant his name like a prayer, and he finds it sacrilegious of you when there’s a God right there in the flesh sat on the sofa and watching you come undone for the umpteenth time. “I love it!” You answer his earlier question, and he lets out a breathy laugh.
He had wanted Takiishi’s answer, but he guesses he can take the sight of the bulge in his sweats as answer enough. The lump is thick and long, and if Endo focuses enough he can make out the shape of his tip-fuck. His grip on you tightens as he fucks you through your orgasm, and his eyebrows shoot up in short lived surprise when he feels a rush of fluids spray out of you.
His eyes flick back to Takiishi, searching, yearning, silently begging, and Endo face splits into a grin at the sight of Takiishi’s hand tightly gripping the back of the sofa. His face is as emotionless as ever, but Endo knows, it’s his fucking life purpose to know, and he comes hard with that knowledge, thick seed overflowing your spent cunt.
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whiteshipnightjar · 5 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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daily-spooky · 5 months
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shisasan · 2 months
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Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus, originally published: 1977
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heartnosekid · 2 months
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the venus girdle (cestum veneris) | aquatilis_expedition on ig
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deep-space-netwerk · 9 months
So Venus is my favorite planet in the solar system - everything about it is just so weird.
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It has this extraordinarily dense atmosphere that by all accounts shouldn't exist - Venus is close enough to the sun (and therefore hot enough) that the atmosphere should have literally evaporated away, just like Mercury's. We think Earth manages to keep its atmosphere by virtue of our magnetic field, but Venus doesn't even have that going for it. While Venus is probably volcanically active, it definitely doesn't have an internal magnetic dynamo, so whatever form of volcanism it has going on is very different from ours. And, it spins backwards! For some reason!!
But, for as many mysteries as Venus has, the United States really hasn't spent much time investigating it. The Soviet Union, on the other hand, sent no less than 16 probes to Venus between 1961 and 1984 as part of the Venera program - most of them looked like this!
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The Soviet Union had a very different approach to space than the United States. NASA missions are typically extremely risk averse, and the spacecraft we launch are generally very expensive one-offs that have only one chance to succeed or fail.
It's lead to some really amazing science, but to put it into perspective, the Mars Opportunity rover only had to survive on Mars for 90 days for the mission to be declared a complete success. That thing lasted 15 years. I love the Opportunity rover as much as any self-respecting NASA engineer, but how much extra time and money did we spend that we didn't technically "need" to for it to last 60x longer than required?
Anyway, all to say, the Soviet Union took a more incremental approach, where failures were far less devastating. The Venera 9 through 14 probes were designed to land on the surface of Venus, and survive long enough to take a picture with two cameras - not an easy task, but a fairly straightforward goal compared to NASA standards. They had…mixed results.
Venera 9 managed to take a picture with one camera, but the other one's lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 10 also managed to take a picture with one camera, but again the other lens cap didn't deploy.
Venera 11 took no pictures - neither lens cap deployed this time.
Venera 12 also took no pictures - because again, neither lens cap deployed.
Lotta problems with lens caps.
For Venera 13 and 14, in addition to the cameras they sent a device to sample the Venusian "soil". Upon landing, the arm was supposed to swing down and analyze the surface it touched - it was a simple mechanism that couldn't be re-deployed or adjusted after the first go.
This time, both lens caps FINALLY ejected perfectly, and we were treated to these marvelous, eerie pictures of the Venus landscape:
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However, when the Venera 14 soil sampler arm deployed, instead of sampling the Venus surface, it managed to swing down and land perfectly on….an ejected lens cap.
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u-so-silly · 7 months
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Intro cutscene Lae'zel has earrings
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sailorsenshigifs · 2 months
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wonders-of-the-cosmos · 10 months
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Solar System Planets including Pluto aligned in a planet shape
Credit: Ika Abuladze
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yamino · 10 months
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b0tster · 11 months
when u typo a tilde at the end of the sentence instead of an exclamation point and accidentally come off as a whore
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mysharona1987 · 11 months
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For some reason I have doubts about putting my life in this man’s hands.
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chosisbox · 2 months
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The god of love and the god of war?? 🤨
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I was about to draw zosan for a warmup and THEN this tweet came across my TL and altered by brain chemistry like they are so venus (aphrodite) and mars (ares) coded I-
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stigmatam4rtyr · 8 months
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The Bath of Venus (1898-1904, oil on canvas) | Charles Shannon
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shisasan · 29 days
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Anaïs Nin, Delta of Venus, originally published: 1977
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egophiliac · 3 months
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IT WAS ERIC AFTER ALL!!!! I'm so glad we got to meet him (before Vil snaps him away with those Infinity Gauntlets) (can't wait to see what happens when we get the matching Infinity Tiara to go with them, there will be no survivors)
(sorry to be so slow/rough lately, just got a lot of stuff on the ol' brain at the moment! alas, if only I could spend all my time drawing incredibly stupid characters I mean I do but)
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