#& one day they will meet again & it will be beautiful
tender-rosiey · 1 day
Hii!! I would like to request a Sukuna x Reader, bcs I just love how you write him:))
The Reader gets jealous/upset because Sukuna gets Concubines, with a happy ending though please!
Hope you have a great day!!:))
to provoke — ryomen sukuna x f!reader
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a/n: glad you like him! <3
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you had always known that being with sukuna meant navigating through a maze of power plays and manipulation. his affection—if it could be called that—was far from simple.
but nothing had quite prepared you for this.
the concubines had arrived without warning, and with them, an unsettling shift in the atmosphere.
it wasn’t just their presence—it was the way they paraded through the palace, casting knowing glances in your direction, their soft laughter echoing behind closed doors.
at first, you’d ignored it, pretending their arrival hadn’t bothered you. after all, sukuna did what he wanted—always had. you were no stranger to his need to push limits, to test you.
but the whispers, the sly smiles, the way they flaunted themselves in his presence—it wore on you. each teasing glance felt like a needle, pricking at the thin veil of composure you were desperately trying to maintain.
one night, as you passed a group of them in the corridor, one of the concubines stepped forward, her lips curving into a smirk.
“he’s quite fond of us, you know,” she murmured, her tone almost sweet, but dripping with venom. “you must feel so… left out.”
her words struck you. it is one thing for sukuna to do something, but for them to think that they can even talk to you?
it seemed the bitch forgot who her queen is.
her impudence was the reason why her head was separated from her body and laid on the ground. you let out a breath, as the rest of the concubines fled the scene.
you wiped the blood of your face, eyes boring into the woman’s lifeless eyes. if sukuna wanted his concubines, fine. you wouldn’t fight for his attention. you wouldn’t play his games.
days passed. the concubines roamed the halls freely, their shrill laughter occasionally filtering through the walls as they entertained him. you found solace in avoiding them all—avoiding him
perhaps, you thought bitterly, if you stayed out of sight long enough, he'd forget you altogether. but sukuna, being who he was, had no intention of letting that happen.
“you’ve been quiet,” his voice cuts through the air one evening, startling you from your thoughts.
he stands in the doorway of your chambers, his presence filling the room with that suffocating air of dominance that never fails to make your skin prickle.
“I have nothing to say,” you reply, not bothering to look up from where you sit. your voice is even, but you know he can hear the tension lying just beneath the surface.
“oh?” he steps closer, the smirk in his voice unmistakable. “and here I thought you might have something to say about the new additions to my palace.”
your hands tighten in your lap, but you force yourself to remain calm. “they’re none of my concern, husband.”
sukuna’s laugh is low, mocking. “really? you’re not even a little bit jealous?”
you clench your jaw, refusing to give him the satisfaction of a reaction. this is exactly what he wants—he brought them here to provoke you, to see how far he can push before you break.
but you won’t break. not this time.
“they’re beautiful, aren’t they?” sukuna continues, his voice a lazy drawl as he leans against the wall, watching you closely. “so eager to please. so quick to obey.”
your stomach twists, but you remain silent.
“and yet…” he trails off, his gaze sharpening. “you’ve been avoiding me, wife.”
“I’ve had no reason to be around,” you mutter, finally meeting his gaze, the weight of his scrutiny pressing down on you. you scowl. “and my pride will not allow me to be around a man who does not respect me.”
sukuna’s expression darkens, the amusement slipping slightly as he straightens. “is that what you think?”
you stare at him, defiant, but he only smirks again, his eyes glinting with something more dangerous now. without another word, he turns, motioning for you to follow.
confused, but unwilling to let him have the upper hand, you rise and trail after him, your steps hesitant. sukuna leads you through the palace, deeper into the dimly lit halls until you reach a secluded chamber.
he pushes the doors open with a casual flick of his wrist, revealing what lies inside.
you freeze, breath catching in your throat.
the concubines—every last one of them—lie lifeless on the floor, their bodies unnervingly still. blood pools beneath them, staining the once pristine floor. the air is thick with the scent of death.
sukuna steps inside, his voice disturbingly casual. “they served their purpose.”
you can’t speak. your mind reels, torn between shock and something else—something dark and twisted that tells you this is sukuna’s way of proving something to you. it’s not that you’re unused to carnage.
hell, you even killed one yourself.
but their bodies are so deformed beyond comprehension, they no longer look like humans.
“they were never meant to last,” he says, glancing at you with a bored expression, as if the carnage before him is nothing more than a trivial inconvenience. “did you really think they meant anything?”
the words hang in the air, heavy and suffocating.
“you killed them?” you whisper, your voice barely audible.
sukuna’s smirk widens, his eyes gleaming with amusement. “of course. they were disposable.”
a twisted part of you wants to feel relief—relief that they’re gone, that the torment is over. but another part of you feels sickened by the sight, by the casual cruelty of it all.
“you’re the only one deemed my queen,” sukuna says, stepping closer until he’s looming over you, his hand gripping your chin with just enough force to make you wince. “remember that.”
his words send a shiver down your spine, a mix of fear and something else pooling in your stomach. sukuna is many things—cruel, violent, unyielding.
but in his own twisted way, this is his version of loyalty. his way of showing you that no matter how many games he plays, you’re the only one who truly matters.
you swallow hard, meeting his gaze. “and what if I leave?”
sukuna’s grin widens, his eyes narrowing with dark amusement. “you won’t.”
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copyright © tender-rosiey
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landinhoe · 2 days
Whispers of Forever- Lando Norris
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Lando Norris and his beloved share an enchanting wedding day, filled with tender vows and passionate kisses, as they embark on a journey of everlasting love, promising to create a lifetime of beautiful memories together.
The evening had slipped into a comfortable quiet as Lando and his fiancée sat at their table, the soft glow of candlelight flickering between them. The restaurant was tucked away near the water, chosen not for its fame or grandeur, but for the intimacy it provided. It was a place where they could be alone, just the two of them, with the soft murmur of waves and the distant call of seagulls filling the air. Tonight, as they sat together, there was an unspoken understanding between them—the weight of what tomorrow held was beginning to sink in
Lando leaned back in his chair, his gaze never straying from her face. She was dressed in a simple yet elegant sundress, her hair falling loosely over her shoulders, and the glow of the candles cast a warm, ethereal light across her features. There was a peacefulness about her tonight, a quiet strength that made his heart swell with affection. Tomorrow, she would be his wife, and the thought of it sent a wave of emotion rushing through him.
“It feels unreal, doesn’t it?” His voice broke the gentle silence, soft but carrying the weight of the moment. “Tomorrow… we’re getting married.”
She smiled, the kind of smile that reached her eyes, lighting them up in a way that made his heart skip a beat. “It does. I’ve been thinking about it all day, and it still feels like a dream. Like, we’ve been building up to this moment for so long, and now it’s here.”
He reached across the table, his fingers finding hers and intertwining them in a gesture that was both familiar and intimate. The softness of her skin against his was grounding, and in that moment, he felt more connected to her than ever before. “I’ve thought about it too,” he admitted, his thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of her hand. “Not just about the wedding, but… everything after.”
Her gaze softened, and she leaned in slightly, her voice barely above a whisper. “What do you see? For us?”
Lando’s eyes flickered down to their joined hands before meeting hers again, and for a moment, the vulnerability in his expression was palpable. He had always been confident, always sure of himself on the track and off, but tonight, with her, he was letting her see the depth of his heart. “I see a life together. Not just the big moments, like today, but the little ones. I see us laughing over breakfast, fighting over who gets to pick the movie, traveling together, building a home. I see us growing old together.”
His words hung in the air between them, and she felt her chest tighten with emotion. There was something so raw and honest about the way he spoke, like he was sharing the deepest parts of himself with her. She squeezed his hand, her voice soft but full of certainty. “I want that too. I want all of it.”
For a while, they simply sat there, letting the emotions of the evening wash over them. It wasn’t just excitement for tomorrow—it was the quiet understanding that after tomorrow, everything would change. They would no longer be individuals navigating life side by side; they would be bound together, facing the future as one.
When the evening finally came to a close, and they stood outside the restaurant, the cool night air wrapping around them, Lando pulled her close. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, lingering there for a moment longer than usual. “Tomorrow,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
She rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart. “Tomorrow,” she echoed, her heart full.
The morning arrived with the soft glow of the sun filtering through the curtains, casting a golden hue across the room. Lando stirred beneath the covers, his eyes blinking open as the realization hit him—today was the day. His wedding day. The air felt charged with something electric, a mixture of anticipation, excitement, and a touch of nerves.
He rolled over, instinctively reaching out for her, only to remember that she wasn’t there. Tradition had kept them apart for the night, and while he understood it, he couldn’t help but miss the comfort of her presence beside him. There was a certain kind of calm that only she could bring, and now, all he had was the restless energy bubbling inside him.
Pushing the covers aside, Lando sat up and ran a hand through his tousled hair, his mind racing as he tried to imagine the moment he’d see her walking down the aisle. What would she look like? What would she be thinking? The thought sent a flutter through his chest, and he let out a breath, shaking his head as if to steady himself.
The knock on the door pulled him from his thoughts, and when he opened it, his father stood there, dressed in a simple suit, his expression soft with understanding.
“Morning, son,” his dad greeted him, stepping inside with the easy familiarity of a man who had watched his boy grow into the man standing before him.
Lando smiled, though it was tinged with the weight of the day. “Morning, Dad.”
They sat together in silence for a few moments, the air between them comfortable, filled with the kind of quiet that didn’t need words. Lando appreciated his dad’s presence more than ever this morning—his steady, unwavering support had always been a constant in his life, but today, it felt particularly grounding.
“How are you feeling?” his father asked, his voice gentle.
Lando hesitated, searching for the right words. “I’m excited,” he admitted, his voice quieter than usual. “But nervous too. Not in a bad way, just… I want everything to be perfect for her.”
His dad nodded, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding. “That’s how it should feel. Marriage isn’t just about today, or the ceremony. It’s about every day after. It’s showing up, even when things aren’t perfect.”
Lando’s chest tightened with emotion. He had always looked up to his father, not just as a role model, but as a man who had shown him what it meant to be committed, to love deeply and unconditionally. “I want to be that for her,” he said, his voice thick. “I want to be the kind of husband she deserves.”
His father smiled, his hand resting on Lando’s shoulder. “You will be. You already are, just by the way you’re thinking about it.”
The words settled into Lando’s chest, and for the first time that morning, he felt a sense of calm. His father’s reassurance meant more than he could say, and as they sat together, he realized that he was ready—ready to be a husband, ready to start this new chapter of his life.
Across the house, the bridal suite was a flurry of activity. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and quiet conversation as she sat in front of the mirror, her heart pounding in her chest. The dress hung nearby, a vision of delicate lace and intricate beading, the long train spilling onto the floor like something out of a fairy tale. She hadn’t put it on yet, but the sight of it made her stomach flutter with anticipation.
Lando’s sister stood beside her, carefully pinning her hair into soft waves that cascaded down her back. Her own sister was fussing over the veil, adjusting it every few minutes to make sure it would sit just right.
“You look beautiful,” Lando’s mother said softly from behind her, her voice thick with emotion as she stepped closer to place a gentle hand on her shoulder.
Tears pricked at her eyes, and she met Lando’s mom’s gaze in the mirror. There was a warmth in her eyes, the kind of love and acceptance that had made her feel like family from the very beginning. “Thank you,” she whispered, her voice catching. “I just… I wish my mom could be here.”
Lando’s mom squeezed her shoulder, her own eyes glistening. “She’s here with you, in her own way. And she would be so proud of the woman you’ve become.”
Her heart swelled with emotion, the words settling deep within her. Lando’s family had embraced her with open arms, and while the absence of her own mother was a constant ache, she felt surrounded by love today—by people who cared for her as if she had always been a part of their lives.
Her sister stepped forward with a grin, adjusting the last piece of the veil before stepping back to admire her handiwork. “There,” she said, her eyes shining with excitement. “You look perfect.”
She took a deep breath, her hands smoothing over the bodice of her dress. It was a dream—an off-the-shoulder gown that hugged her figure in all the right places, the lace delicate and intricate, like a work of art. The soft tulle skirt flowed behind her, giving the dress an ethereal quality, as though she were floating. She had never felt more beautiful, but it wasn’t just the dress. It was the way she felt—ready, confident, and so deeply in love.
Lando’s sister smiled, stepping back to admire her. “He’s going to lose it when he sees you.”
Her heart fluttered at the thought, and she couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at her lips. She knew Lando well enough to picture his reaction—his eyes widening, his breath catching for just a moment as he took her in. The thought of it made her nerves dissolve, replaced by a deep sense of excitement. She couldn’t wait to see him, to stand beside him and promise to love him for the rest of her life.
Standing at the entrance to the aisle, her arm linked with her father’s, the weight of the moment settled over her like a soft blanket. The music began to play, the soft strains of a piano filling the air as the doors opened, revealing the long aisle before her. Her breath caught in her throat as she took her first step, the scene before her like something out of a dream. The church was adorned with white roses and delicate greenery, their fragrance lightly perfuming the air. Sunlight filtered through the stained glass windows, casting a warm glow over the guests as they all turned to watch her make her entrance.
But her eyes were only on him.
Lando stood at the end of the aisle, his posture straight and his hands clasped in front of him, but it was the look on his face that nearly brought her to her knees. His eyes, wide and glistening with unshed tears, were locked on her as if nothing else in the world existed. She could see the love, the awe, the tenderness in his gaze, and it filled her chest with a warmth so powerful it almost overwhelmed her.
He had never looked at her quite like this before, and in that moment, she knew—she was his world, and he was hers.
Her father walked her slowly, step by step, down the aisle, but each step felt lighter, the weight of the moment replaced by the overwhelming joy of knowing what awaited her at the end. Her heart raced, not with nerves, but with the anticipation of the life they were about to begin together.
As she reached him, her father placed her hand in Lando’s, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth before he stepped back to join the guests. The warmth of Lando’s hand in hers was steady, grounding her in the moment as she gazed up at him.
“You’re… incredible,” Lando whispered, his voice thick with emotion. His thumb brushed lightly over the back of her hand, a silent reminder that he was just as overwhelmed as she was.
She smiled up at him, her heart swelling with love. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
The ceremony began, the officiant’s voice weaving through the air like a distant hum, but all she could focus on was Lando—his steady breathing, the warmth of his hand, the way his eyes never left hers. Each word spoken, each vow exchanged, felt like a promise, not just of love, but of a lifetime of shared moments, challenges, and triumphs.
When Lando spoke his vows, his voice was steady, but she could hear the raw emotion beneath it, as if every word was coming from the deepest part of his heart. “From the moment I met you,” he began, his eyes soft but unwavering, “I knew you were special. You made me feel things I didn’t even know were possible. And every day since, you’ve continued to surprise me, to challenge me, and to make me fall even more in love with you. I promise to be your partner in everything, to support you, to lift you up when things get hard, and to stand by your side no matter what. I promise to love you, not just in the easy moments, but in the tough ones too, because that’s what real love is.”
Her heart felt like it might burst from her chest as she listened to him, tears stinging her eyes. She squeezed his hand, feeling the same overwhelming love coursing through her.
When it was her turn to speak, her voice wavered slightly, but the words flowed from her heart. “You’ve always been my greatest adventure,” she began, her voice trembling with emotion. “You’ve shown me what it means to love someone fully, without holding back. You’ve made me braver, stronger, and happier than I ever thought I could be. And I promise to be your partner in everything—to stand by you, to laugh with you, to dream with you. I promise to love you with all my heart, through every high and every low, because you’re not just the man I love—you’re my home.”
The moment hung in the air between them, charged with a love so deep and so true that it felt almost tangible. When the officiant pronounced them husband and wife, the room seemed to hold its breath.
Lando didn’t hesitate. He pulled her toward him, his hands framing her face with a tenderness that made her knees weak. His lips met hers in a kiss that was soft, slow, and full of all the love and promises they had just made. It wasn’t just a kiss—it was an unspoken vow, a reminder that no matter what came next, they would face it together.
As they walked back down the aisle, hand in hand, her heart felt lighter than it ever had. The future stretched out before them like a blank canvas, ready to be filled with memories and moments they would create together.
The reception was a blur of laughter, toasts, and dancing, but through it all, Lando never left her side. He held her close during their first dance, their bodies swaying gently to the music as they lost themselves in each other. His hand rested on the small of her back, pulling her closer as his lips brushed her ear.
“I love you,” he whispered, his voice barely audible above the music. “I love you more than anything in this world.”
She rested her head against his chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart beneath her cheek. “I love you too,” she whispered back. “More than words could ever say.”
She felt a shiver of excitement at the thought. They had talked about their future countless times—the adventures they would embark on, the home they would build, the family they might create. But now, standing there as husband and wife, those dreams felt closer than ever.
Lando’s gaze dropped to her lips, and she felt the heat of his breath as he leaned in closer. “May I kiss my beautiful wife?” he asked playfully, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.
She laughed softly, nodding. “I think that would be quite appropriate.”
With that, he captured her lips with his, the kiss deepening as he pulled her closer. It was a kiss filled with passion and tenderness, a declaration of love that seemed to echo into the night. As they melted into each other, she felt as if all her worries, her fears, and the stress of planning the wedding faded away. In that moment, there was only love—pure, unadulterated love.
As they pulled away, Lando’s expression shifted, the light of the moon catching in his eyes. “I love you,” he said, his voice earnest and sincere. “With everything I am, I love you.”
“Let’s make a promise,” he suggested, his tone shifting to something more serious. “No matter what life throws at us, we’ll always find time for moments like this—just the two of us, away from the noise.”
Her heart swelled with love at his words. “I promise,” she said firmly, locking her gaze with his. “We’ll always make time for us.”
As the night wore on, they rejoined their guests, the atmosphere buzzing with laughter and joy. Friends and family surrounded them, offering heartfelt toasts and sharing stories that brought tears of laughter and nostalgia. Lando’s playful banter and charming smile drew everyone in, but every now and then, he would catch her eye from across the room, and the world would blur around them.
During one of the toasts, Lando’s best man raised his glass, a mischievous grin on his face. “To Lando and his beautiful wife! May your love be modern enough to survive the times and old-fashioned enough to last forever.”
Everyone raised their glasses in agreement, and as the clinking of glasses echoed in the air, Lando leaned in close, his voice low and intimate. “You are my forever.”
The weight of his words settled in her heart, a beautiful promise that made her pulse race. “And you are mine,” she replied, her voice steady and full of emotion.
When the dance floor opened up, Lando pulled her into his arms, and together they swayed to the music, lost in each other’s embrace. The laughter and chatter of their guests faded into the background as they moved together, the world narrowing down to just the two of them.
“I can’t believe we did it,” he murmured, resting his chin on the top of her head, his body radiating warmth and security. “We’re married.”
She nodded against him, a smile spreading across her face. “I know. It feels surreal.”
“Good surreal or bad surreal?” he asked, pulling back slightly to search her eyes.
“Good surreal,” she assured him, her fingers brushing against his cheek. “I’ve never been happier.”
Lando’s eyes sparkled with mischief. “And we’ve only just begun. Just wait until we get to our honeymoon. I’ve got some surprises planned.”
Her curiosity piqued, she tilted her head. “Surprises? Now you have my full attention.”
“Just little things,” he said with a wink, “like a private villa on the beach and the chance to explore together. I want to show you the world, one adventure at a time.”
Her heart raced at the thought of traveling with him, of exploring new places hand in hand. “That sounds perfect,” she said, her excitement bubbling over. “I can’t wait.”
As the night continued, they shared more dances, each one punctuated by whispers and laughter, their connection deepening with every passing moment. With each twirl and sway, Lando would lean in closer, stealing kisses that left her breathless and filled with longing.
As the celebration wound down and the guests began to drift away, Lando and she found themselves at the center of the garden, the soft glow of fairy lights creating an enchanting atmosphere. They were enveloped in their own little bubble, the world outside fading away as they held each other close.
With every glance and every whispered word, she felt the depth of their connection solidify, their love deepening in ways she had never imagined possible. They danced under the stars, their bodies swaying to a melody only they could hear, and as the final notes played, Lando drew her in, their foreheads touching.
“Let’s never forget this moment,” he said softly. “This is just the beginning of our forever.”
Her heart swelled, and she nodded, tears glistening in her eyes. “I will never forget, Lando. This is the best day of my life.”
“Mine too,” he murmured, sealing the promise with a tender kiss that felt like the culmination of all their dreams—one shared kiss, one shared future, and a lifetime of love stretching out before them.
As they stood there together, in that magical moment beneath the stars, they knew—this was the start of their greatest adventure, a journey of love and togetherness that would only continue to grow. Together, they would face whatever came their way, hand in hand, heart to heart, forever intertwined.
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desi2go · 3 days
First times
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pairing: Channie x reader
warning: fluff
summary: How were your first times with him?
author's note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHANNIE!!!!! I love you so much and I hope you have a great day <3<3<3<3<3
𝔣𝔦𝔯𝔰𝔱 𝔪𝔢𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤
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You never thought that you would meet the love of your life on the beach. You and your friends were on vacation in Australia, enjoying the beautiful beach in the warmth of the sun. There were so many people, laying next to each other due to the limited space but it still was relaxing.
You were just reading a book while sunbathing and trying to get a good tan, your friends swam in the warm water, leaving you alone on your towel. Suddenly, a ball hit you, bouncing over you onto your friend's towel. You looked around for the culprit, expecting it to be a child but instead, three men stood a few metres away. They pushed each other forward and when they caught your staring, they pointed at each other, claiming that it was the other ones fault.
You rolled amused with your eyes, not believing that grown up men could act like children. Two of them, one with long blonde and the one with short black hair, pushed their friend forward with force, letting him stumble.
The message was clear, he should get the ball back from you. You fished it from your friend's towel and waited for him to step up to you.
He was beautiful, his black hair hidden by a black base cap but his face was gorgeous. Those brown eyes looked like delicious chocolate and the smile that formed on his face made you blush.
You held the ball out while he stood in front of you, rubbing his back.
"Thank you" he exclaimed, taking the ball and already turning.
"You're welcome" you responded. But the good looking man stopped in his tracks when he saw his friends making signals with their hands. You figured out that the blonde was signing phone and the other acted like he wrote something, pointing to you.
The man with the base cap sighned. "I hate you guys sometimes" he mumbled, heading towards you again while blushing and hiding his face under the cap.
"Already back?" you asked amused, watching him with a smirk. "Yes. Can I have your number perhaps?" he questioned, becoming a blushing mess.
You chuckled. "Did your friends tell you that?"
He laughed. "No, they just encouraged me. I'm Chan by the way"
𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖉𝖆𝖙𝖊
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You texted on a daily basis, getting to know him very well and you found out that he was an idol. Since you were from south korea too, you didn't think that this would be an obstacle for your relationship. Before he would go back to korea, he wanted to show you Sydney on a personal trip.
The whole day, he showed you around, poiting to the hidden spots and attractions that a normal tourist wouldn't see. It was fun to spend time with him, easy and without uncomfortable silences.
He was a true gentlemen, opening doors for you and even paying your ice cream. You laughed a lot and you must admit that you already adored his. His gentle gaze would always be on you, letting you feel safe and secure in his proximity.
When the sun was replaced by the moon and stars, he lead you to a small restaurant. You sat down in front of it, the soft light of fairylights luminated his face, emphazising all his beautiful features.
Chan told you that this was his favourite restaurant and he couldn't even deny it anymore when the waiter greeted him with his name, making you laugh. He recommended you some things and after getting your order, he even let you try his meal. You couldn't even remember if a man before him had fed you once, but he did, blowing on his fork to cool it down and then placing it in your mouth carefully.
His ears were red but the smile on his face was hypnoticing. You could watch this man for your entire life.
𝖇𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖌𝖎𝖗𝖑𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉
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As soon as you were back in south korea, he took you out on more dates and you were sure that he was the person you wanted to spend your life with.
It was just that you feared for asking him if he wanted to be your boyfriend. You were just insecure how to approach this, afraid that it might be too soon for his liking but all your doubt were destroyed when he asked you instead.
It was on one of your dates. He had picked you up at your apartment and brought you to the park a little outside from Seoul where you could be alone. You both had planned to do a picknick to enjoy one of the last summer days before the cold winter would come.
You spread the blanket and placed the food down, talking about everything. While you laid down, he fed you some strawberries that were dipped into chocolate, reminding you of his eye colour.
You had noticed from the beginning that he acted different than usual, he seemed nervous. But you trusted him to tell you what was on his mind.
His hand caressed your cheek and you closed your eyes, eating the strawberries from time to time. He cleared his throat, not responding to a question you had asked.
"Okay Channie, tell me what is up with you today. You seem nervous" you expressed, opening your eyes to take his form in.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" He spoke fastly, leaving you speachless. You definitely didn't expected that.
You chuckled. "That bothered you so much?" He nodded hesitantly, clearly panicking that you would say no.
"Of course Channie, I love you" you pushed yourself up from his lap, pressing your lips on his own.
𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖙𝖔𝖌𝖊𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖗
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Saying that you weren't nervous at all was wrong, completely wrong. You knew that it was just Channie, your Channie, and you didn't need to be so tense but this felt like a big step in your relationship.
You were officially together now and even if it sounded unbelievable, you hadn't spend a night together yet. You didn't mind since both of you wanted to take things slow.
Now, you stood in front of his apartment with a bag in hand, pressing his doorbell. He opened immeadiatly as if he had waited impatiently for you on the other side. He pressed a loving kiss on your lips and taking the bag from you in the same moment.
"Hello love" he greeted, pulling you out of the cold hallway. It wasn't the first time being in his apartment and you liked his way of decorating from the first moment.
"Hey Channie" you responded, getting rid of your shoes and jacket while he placed the bag into his bedroom. "I just started cooking" he told you, leading you into the kitchen where the food was already cooking.
You laughed a lot while you observed your boyfriend since he forced you to sit down instead of letting you help.
After dinner, you two layed down on his couch to watch a movie, your head an his shoulder while he played with a strand of your hair. You felt him pressing his nose into your hair and you laughed when you heard him inhale deeply. "What? I love your smell" he exclaimed, throwing his arms around you.
Afterwards, you headed to bed after getting ready together. He didn't even give you the chance to bring some sort of distance between you or letting you even lay down for a second before he was already pulling you into his arms again, leaving you squealing and giggling.
"Come here! I need my cuddles!" he demanded, giving you a light bite on your shoulder. "As if you weren't cuddling me all the time" you stated, brushing a few hair strands out of his face.
"They are never enough, never"
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Chan's proposal was something you hadn't expected. Well, yes at some point in the future yes but you were surprised when the love of your life suddenly kneeled in front of you, a beautiful and well-chosen ring in his hand. Of course you said yes! I mean how could you not?
The preparation of the wedding let the time pass so fast. You chose the perfect venue in Australia on the beach you had met years ago and your wedding dress was breathtaking and you couldn't wait to see Chan's reaction.
When you walked down the aisle, you were so nervous but yet so excited. With a beautiful bouquet in hand, you headed to your future, to your beloved husband. He looked absolutely gorgeous in his black suit and as soon as his eyes found yours, a stunning smile decorated his face.
Your farther gave you into Chan's arms and got back to his seat. During the whole ceremony, your lover's eyes never left yours and his fingers caressed your hands. Soon, you both said yes and exchanged your rings that you had chosen. Your wedding band was silver with a white stone and on the inside, hidden from the outside, were your initials engraved.
Chan gently pressed his lips on yours, your hands finding its way in his hair.
𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉
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You and Chan were married for over a year now and you knew that he wanted kids and you must admit that you imagined being a mother too. And after settling into marriage you felt that it was the right time to try for a baby.
Chan was excited and couldn't wait until you were pregnant. Just some months later, you found out that you were indeed with child and on the first doctor's appointment, Chan cried as soon as he saw the cell that is your baby.
During the whole pregnancy, he was so nervous and affectionate. Whenever he found time, he would caress your bump or lay on your stomach to tell you and your baby about his day.
As your bump grew, he was cautious about everything. You couldn't even do laundry without him jumping up and taking over, claiming that you needed to rest.
When you went into labour, he stayed by your side during the whole process. His hand never left yours and he drove to the hospital, even when you tightened your hold with each contraction.
After hours of labour, you heard your baby's first cries and it felt like all the pain faded away. The only thing you could concentrate on, was to hold your baby. Chan kissed your forehead in joy, complimenting you how great you did this. In his own eyes were tears as they laid the beautiful baby girl in your arms.
Tenderly, he caressed his finger over the smooth skin and oh lord - he was smitten. He felt nervous when you suggested to hold his girl but he agreed and listened to the instructions the nurse gave him. He undressed his chest because newborns liked the skin to skin contact to hold their temperature and to control their breathing.
He laughed in joy as he held his little one finally after months of waiting, the smile never left his lips again.
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The Vampire's Kiss
[NSFW | 18+]
Characters: m!vampire x f!reader
Content: stalking, blood, blood drinking, fingering, biting, marking, bite marks, possessiveness, yandere
#1 Marking the territory and #27 Bloodthirst from @ozzgin's Monstertober 2024 prompt list
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You didn’t know it, but this morning while you were working at the quaint little coffee shop, there was a man sitting at one of the tables nearby. He was reading a newspaper while sipping on an espresso you made him. When you cut your hand on one of the sharp corners of the counter, a little bit of blood welled up in the wound.
The scent of it immediately caught his attention and the rest of the shop faded away as he zeroed in on the pulse beating steadily at your throat. It was an intoxicating aroma to him and he’d never smelled anything so decadent before. He was desperate for a taste. For the rest of the day, he was unable to think about anything else but you as he followed you around, lurking in the shadows. 
Now, late at night, as you walk home to your apartment building, you swear you keep hearing footsteps echoing behind you. But whenever you turn around to look, there’s nothing there except the empty sidewalk. Growing nervous, you begin to quicken your steps, just needing to get out of the darkness creeping in around you.
Just as you reach your apartment building, you shriek as you’re suddenly lifted off your feet and whisked into the alley beside it. Your heart is pounding out of your chest as your back is pressed up against the wall. A cold, hard body pins you to the bricks. 
Looking up into your assailant’s face, cool gray eyes meet yours. He’s devastatingly beautiful with sharp angles and a pale complexion. For a moment, you can’t do anything but stare, mesmerized by him. He gives you a lopsided smirk and you catch sight of a fang peeking out. A vampire.
The notion should scare you but the hunger in his eyes causes your blood to heat in desire. You’ve read so many vampire romance books and now you desperately want to know what it would be like to have one feed from you. When he sees the lust fill your expression, his grin grows wider, revealing the other fang. You watch as his pupils dilate, a barely disguised monster lurking under the surface.
He inhales deeply and drawls, “Do you know how utterly delectable you smell?” Just the sound of that sinful timbre is enough to make you shudder in pleasure. “Will you let me have a taste?”
Not caring how dangerous it might be, a barely audible, “Yes,” slips from your lips on a soft whimper.
He doesn’t hesitate and claims your mouth in a bruising kiss, nipping and sucking at your lips. When you plunge your tongue into his mouth, he groans into yours and the sound travels right to your core.
As your tongue tangles with his, there's a sudden pinch on the tip. You pull back with a gasp, the taste of copper filling your mouth. When he grins at you, blood smeared along one of his fangs, you bite your lip at the erotic image. Tilting your head in invitation, you bare your neck to him.
“Good girl,” he murmurs before shifting your hair to the side and sinking his teeth into the spot where your neck meets your shoulder. You throw your head back against the wall as your hands fly up to grip his hair tightly.
You groan in ecstasy at the feeling of him sucking, drawing in deep mouthfuls of blood. It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before and an aching, desperate need begins to build in your core. Your head swims with the intoxicating arousal as wetness pools between your legs and drips down your thighs.
He releases your shoulder and you almost cry out at the loss. But then he moves to the other side, biting you again. He continues to bite and suck all along your neck, ripping open the front of your blouse to pepper the swells of your breasts with even more. With each bite, he lets out long, needy groans as he grinds his hard cock against your stomach.
While his fangs are buried deep in your flesh, he reaches down and flips up your skirt, tearing your panties off with one hard yank. You gasp as you watch him stuff the stolen garment in his pocket. Before you can protest, he’s shoving two fingers deep inside your pussy and all thoughts fly from your head. As he pumps his fingers in and out of you, he swirls his thumb around your clit, causing your back to arch off the wall.
Between his fingers fucking into you and his mouth and fangs on your skin, it doesn’t take long for a toe-curling orgasm to crash into you. It feels like it goes on forever as he draws it out, not stopping until you’re squirming away from the over sensitization.
Chuckling, he releases you and withdraws his fingers from your pussy. When he pulls back, the streetlamp on the corner casts a yellow glow across his face. The crimson blood smeared across his lips almost sparkles in the light. Lifting his fingers, which are glistening with your arousal, he runs them along his lips, mixing the blood with your juices before licking them clean.
“So fucking delicious,” he growls. The words send a shiver down your spine and you’re instantly aroused again, the heady experience of his feeding still swirling around you. Needing more, you let out a sound that’s somewhere between a whimper and a moan, unable to form the words to ask.
As if understanding exactly what you need, he lifts you up into his arms. Wrapping your legs around his waist, he walks you to the front door of your building and sets you down on your feet. You reach into your purse to pull out your keys and wince, forgetting the cut from this morning.
He grabs your hand, flipping it palm up and undoes the bandages gently, almost reverently. Lowering his mouth to the wound, he softly laps at it with his tongue. You watch in awe as your skin tingles and begins to knit back together. Within seconds, the cut is completely gone, smooth unmarred skin now in its place.
You look up at him and run a finger along his bloody lips, whispering a soft, “Thank you,” at his surprisingly kind gesture.
When you turn to face the glass entrance, you gasp at the sight of yourself. Your hair is a mess, your blouse is hanging open at the front, and bite marks cover your neck and chest in a bloody patchwork.
Tracing the marks on your skin, you meet his gaze in the reflection of the door. “Why didn’t you heal these?”
“Because you are mine now, sweetheart, and I want everyone to know it. Now, won’t you let me in?”
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drunk-person · 1 day
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x reader
Summary: Aemond approaches Rhaenyra's daughter in childhood, always bringing her small daisies that are not flowers, but simple weeds.
WARNING: No age restriction. Mentions of blood, previous injuries and medieval medical procedures. Other than that, just cuteness and sweetness. No reader discretion!
Word cont: 7.500 k
Author's note: This story was the result of a request sent by an anon, it was the first time I received a request and it made me very happy because usually when I make a request to a specific author it is because I like how that person tells the stories from their own point of view, so… thank you. It is not 100% focused only on what is in the request, since I have already read several stories with this same theme, so I decided to adapt and tell it in my own way. I hope you like it! 🥰💕
Ps: Y/n can be the daughter of either Harwin, Laenor or Daemon, you choose!
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The day dawned sunny and warm in Kings Landing, bringing many of the nobles out into the courtyards and gardens of the red keep. While the adults whispered gossip and negotiated positions and power, the children simply played and laughed around the Keep.
-I don't know why you like these silly flowers so much. - Jace rolled his eyes as he watched his younger sister braid the freshly picked bouquet of daisies into a flower crown. - They're not even real flowers! I heard the septa say to a girl that they are weeds!
-I like them. - Y/n sighed in a soft voice, shrugging her shoulders without stopping to braid the flowers. - They're delicate and make beautiful crowns!
Jace rolled his eyes and pulled the flower crown from his sister's hands and lifted it slightly in the air so that the younger one couldn't reach it.
-Jace! - The girl scolded, getting up from the floor and brushing the dust off the blue dress she was wearing for the day. - Give it back to me or I'll tell Mom!
-Leave her alone! - Before Jace could answer, Aemond's shy but firm voice sounded through the courtyard, making Y/n smile and go to meet him, forgetting about the flower crown stolen by Jace almost instantly.
-Hi Aemond! - She smiled, tilting her head to the side in a sweet way, making Jace roll his eyes even more deeply.
-I want to see if you have so much courage when training with dragons… - The brunette spoke provocatively and then started laughing. - Oh, I forgot… you don't even have a dragon.
-If you continue to be mean, I'll tell Muña what you and Aegon did yesterday! - The youngest screamed when she saw Aemond's embarrassment, and Jace's eyes widened and he ran away right away, leaving her alone with the older one.
-What did he and Aegon do yesterday? - Aemond asked curiously and the youngest shrugged her shoulders with a confused look.
-I don't know, but Jace probably wouldn't want our mother to know.
Aemond couldn't help but chuckle at the girl's answer, but the smile slowly faded when he saw the sad look on her face when she saw her bouquet of daisies crumpled on the floor.
-Jace ruined them. - She sighed in a sad voice as she played with the crumpled petals on the floor.
-Don't be sad. - The oldest sat next to her. - I'll get some more for you.
-But you said they only grew in the south of forest! - She sighed even more sadly. - You can't go there alone and there won't be another hunt for another 2 moons!
-I'll find a way to get them for you. - Aemond shrugged as he subtly brushed his fingers against hers, who didn't really believe him, but was happy that he cared so much.
-Aem? - Her sweet voice called him moments later as she looked at the sunny blue sky, full of white clouds.
-Yes? - He looked at her curiously when he heard the nickname coming from her lips.
-Don't pay attention to what my brother says. - She muttered, looking at him. - He can be very silly sometimes.
-Something that our brothers apparently have in common. - He rolled his eyes, making the youngest laugh.
-If Aegon and Jace are mean to you again, I'll tell Hūraxes to set them on fire. - The little girl hissed decisively and the older boy gave a small smile.
-I don't know why, but I don't think our mothers would be happy with that. - Aemond rolled his eyes, lowering his gaze, making Y/n smile too.
The next day, the sun had barely risen and Aemond was already chasing Sir Cole through the courtyard, vehemently insisting that he needed to go to the kings wood.
-I just don't understand what you want to do there, my prince. - The knight looked at him confused. - We were there about two days ago.
-I just want to go, Criston. - Aemond rolled his eyes, poorly raised. - And if you don't go with me, I'll find a way to escape and go there alone.
And overcome by tiredness and fearful that the young prince known for his stubbornness would actually keep his promise, Criston reluctantly led him to the forest.
The morning passed quickly at Red Kepp with the adults immersed in their daily activities while the children just attended their daily classes and played among themselves.
Y/n was laughing amusedly as she watched a rabbit that had entered one of the Kepp gardens, it was very white, fluffy and skittish making her laugh as she tried to imitate it. She had been looking for Aemond all morning, but without success in finding him and only now had she found something fun to do alone.
Until, amidst the soft rustling of the leaves, Aemond's voice rang out through the garden, calling her name softly.
-Aem! - She ran to him excitedly. - Look! A bunny!
But Aemond didn't seem very excited about the fluffy animal, he just waved and continued to look at her, looking a little embarrassed.
-Is everything okay? - She tilted her head to the side. - Was Jace bad again?
-No, it's nothing like that. - He sighed after gathering courage. - I just brought you a gift.
And taking his hands from behind his back, he handed the youngest a beautiful bouquet of fragrant, freshly picked daisies, still with a few drops of morning dew on them.
Y/n's eyes widened and became full of brightness at the same time, a smile lit up her childish face as she extended her hands expectantly to the eldest, who smiled at her reaction.
-How did you get them? - She sighed, smelling the flowers with a whiff of air as she looked at Aemond through the bouquet.
-I asked Sir Criston to take me to the forest and I picked them for you. - He shrugged, lowering his gaze a little blushing, and Y/n smiled even more, tilting her head to the side, admiring him.
-They're beautiful, Aem. - Y/n hugged him, being careful not to crush the beautiful daisies. - The most beautiful bouquet I've ever received!
-Have you received many bouquets? - He raised his eyebrow a little laughingly, and Y/n gently pushed his shoulder.
-Don't be silly, Aem.
The rest of the day Princess Y/n spent weaving beautiful flower crowns for herself using the flowers from the bouquet, except for a few that she separated and kept inside her favorite book, just as she had seen her mother do a few times.
And when Rhaenyra smiled and asked who had given her the flowers with her eyebrows raised in confusion, the little girl simply replied that it had been a secret admirer, making her mother roll her eyes with a smile as she kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.
Time passed more and more, and as friendship and love blossomed between Y/n and Aemond, enmity and hatred grew between him and her brothers. Everything reached its peak on the night of Laena Velaryon's wake, when Aemond reclaimed Vhagar and Luke in return gouged out his eye.
Y/n hadn't seen the commotion, she was a little scared after the wake and hearing Rhaena and Baela crying made her almost cry too, and for a moment she thought about how she would feel if she herself lost her mother. With that thought Y/n left the room she shared with her brothers and cousins ​​and ran to her mother's room, lying down alone among the covers waiting for her to return, sleeping in the middle of the wait.
The girl was woken up in the middle of the night by shrill screams and raised voices breaking through the Driftmark fortress. And even fearful she left her mother's room and walked to the main hall following the sound of the voices. The Vision that greeted her was one of the most terrible she had ever witnessed in her life.
Aemond sat rigid in a chair, biting his lower lip tightly without making a sound, while the maester stitched up a furious red wound where his beautiful eye had once been.
At the same moment, tears ran down Y/n's face. Unable to make a sound, she ran to the foot of the chair, throwing herself on her knees and taking Aemond's hands in hers as she cried and sobbed. She didn't even notice her mother and brothers standing further away.
-A-Aemond. - She finally sobbed the name of the eldest after a few moments. - What happened?
Aemond didn't say anything, he just lowered his head, feeling the weight of everyone's gaze in the room on them both and barely able to open his lips for fear of succumbing to the pain and screaming if he did, even though he had already drunk a certain amount of poppy milk.
-What happened? - Alicent shouted, drawing everyone's eyes back to her. - I already said what happened! My son was attacked in an ambush and had his eye gouged out by Lucerys Velaryon!
Y/n shook her head in internal denial, still firmly pressing Aemond's hands in hers, barely noticing the blood that had not yet completely dried on his hands, staining hers. Finally noticing Luke's broken nose and crimson-red stained face, while Jace hovered protectively in front of him.
She didn't know what to think at that moment, and suddenly felt like a loud ringing was in her ears, and she just held her breath when her mother and the queen faced each other in the middle of the room with a dagger between them. The fear from earlier took over the girl's heart again at the same moment when she saw the blood running down her mother's wounded arm, and before things got any worse, Aemond stood up, assuming a very firm and straight posture.
-Don't cry for me, mother. - He spoke in a firm voice and without wavering even once. - I might have lost an eye, but I gained a dragon.
The youngest looked at him confused, not understanding what he meant by that. And when Alicent dragged Aemond back to his room, Y/n tried to follow him, but was stopped by her mother's soft touch on her shoulder, who looked at her with a stern look while shaking her head negatively.
-Why did you do this to him! - Y/n shouted, walking hard towards Luke, her eyes burning with fury as the others left the main hall.
-It wasn't his fault! - Jace shouted back, interposing himself between his younger brothers. - Luke was just defending himself against your dear friend Aemond!
-Lie! - She shouted at Jace while the two were fighting, not listening to Rhaenyra who ordered the two to stop arguing immediately.
-He stole Vhagar, beat Rhaena, broke Luke's nose and then tried to hit me with a stone! - Jace enumerated furiously, staring at the youngest. - All this while calling us bastards…
-Jace! - Rhaenyra practically shouted, reprimanding him firmly for using such a word.
Y/n just stood still for a moment, her eyes wide as she heard that while she slowly shook her head.
-You're lying. Aemond wouldn't do that. - She practically whispered, not her dear Aemond who hugged her and picked wild daisies just to make her happy, he would never do something like that without reason. - I don't believe you.
-But it's the truth! - Jace hissed between his teeth.
-What did you do to him? - Y/n shouted, livid with fury once again, glaring at her brother while ignoring her mother's reprimands. - He wouldn't attack you without reason!
-But he did! - Now it was Rhaena who shouted. - He stole my mother's dragon that was supposed to be mine and then attacked us.
-If you wanted Vhagar so much, you should have gone to her before someone else did! - Y/n spat back, facing the girl.
-Don't talk to her like that because of him! - Jace snapped back, now in front of Rhaena.
And before the argument could continue any longer, Rhaenyra reprimanded them both firmly, this time, leaving no room for questioning. And fearing that the argument would prevail, she took Y/n with her to her own room, taking her away from her brothers and cousins.
Hours later, when the day dawned looking more gray than anything else, Y/n waited until her mother was busy enough with the preparations for the trip and slipped into the room where she knew Aemond was. She was staring at the door in the distance at the end of the hallway, when suddenly it opened and Alicent left the room.
Taking a deep breath to gather courage, Y/n walked quickly over there, closing the door carefully behind her.
-I just want to be alone, mother… - Aemond's voice died when he noticed Y/n there, and as if she hadn't seen the injury the night before, he tried to hide it, turning his face to the side quickly while holding his breath.
-Aem. - She approached the bed slowly.
-Don't look at me. - He hid even more. - I'm completely deformed.
-T-There's nothing wrong with you. - She murmured, extending her hand slowly, fearing that he would move away once again and when he didn't, she slowly stroked his hair with her fingertips.
-I'm leaving for Dragonstone. - She sniffed, looking at his back and seeing him tense up at the same instant. - I just wanted to let you know that I don't believe anything they said about you. And that I'm happy for you to reclaim Vhagar.
As if those words had a calming effect on him, the older boy back relaxed slightly.
-Thank you. - He practically murmured, still feeling her soft touch on his hair.
And interrupting the moment, Y/n heard her mother's voice calling her from a distance, her eyes widening immediately afterwards.
-I have to go. - She sighed, slowly removing her hand. - Aemond?
-Can I see your face before I leave? - She whispered and he didn't move a muscle. - Please. I don't know when I'll be able to see you again.
Taking a deep breath, Aemond decided to end it and break his own heart once and for all when he saw the repulsion he knew would be in her eyes when she saw his mutilation in the light of day.
He slowly turned to her, barely looking her in the eyes as he did so, fearing what he would see there, and when he finally looked at her, what he found was not what he expected. Y/n had approached him with her face hovering inches away, and when he thought he couldn't get any closer, she left a gentle, soft kiss on the stitches that closed the reddened skin of his cheek that had become a mess of patched skin.
-You're still perfect for me, Aem. - She sighed against his skin delicately, making him almost gasp in surprise.
And hearing her mother call her once again, Y/n said "Goodbye" in a very low voice, feeling tears fall as she ran towards the door, heartbroken for leaving the injured Aemond behind.
After that, weeks passed before the two spoke again because they were so far apart, until one morning Aemond got up practically before nightingale time and ran to send a raven saying he was sorry for not having said goodbye properly weeks ago, placing with the letter a small daisy with slightly wilted petals that he had picked in the forest two days before.
The answer came a day later in the form of a long letter in which Y/n detailed everything that had happened at Dragon Stone in the last few days while stating how much she wished he was there, and how much he would enjoy the place.
From then on, it became common for both of them to exchange letters in secret, talking about their own lives and telling each other daily secrets week after week, month after month. Aemond's letters always included a small daisy attached, which made Y/n smile as she felt the sweet aroma of the flower while reading the contents of the letter.
Until the day Aemond sent her a letter informing her that the Master was preparing to perform a procedure on his missing eye to reduce the constant pain he had been feeling lately, and that he recommended inserting something so that the pressure would help his body readapt.
He did not receive a reply to that letter for days and when he thought, with his heart heavy with pain and shame, that the reply would no longer come, he received a small note through a raven with only a few words written and Y/n's name signed below.
Meet me on the middle island at the hour of the wolf.
And without blinking he went.
In the middle of the night he sneaked through the secret passages until he reached the royal forest, where Vhagar slept soundly when she was not flying, and mounted her, leaving as stealthily as he could considering the enormous size of the centuries-old dragon.
As he approached the island, he noticed Y/n sitting on the grass, looking up at the starry sky, her head resting on Hūraxes' wing, covered in silver-blue scales. He caught his breath immediately when he noticed how much she had grown, as had her dragon.
As soon as she noticed Vhagar's approach, Y/n stood up, very anxious, admiring the grandeur of Aemond and his dragon in the sky. And when he got down and walked towards her, the two of them were barely breathing, staring at each other in the darkness, with only the moon illuminating them.
The two murmured at the same time, overcome by shyness and embarrassment after not seeing each other for so long and speaking only through letters.
-Y-You're taller. - Y/n whispered, not knowing whether to look up and stare at him or look down and stare at her own feet.
-Mmmm. - He didn't know what to answer, he was too lost in the melodious and sweet sound that her voice had developed over the years.
The two remained silent, staring at each other for what seemed like hours, while little Hūraxes bothered Vhagar by poking her with her nose and the older one turned away, occasionally snorting when she was prevented from sleeping.
-You called me? - Aemond murmured almost inaudibly after the long silence and Y/n widened her eyes, as if she had forgotten that she had planned all this.
-Y-Yes. - She cleared her throat after stuttering. - Yes, I did.
Aemond looked at her questioningly and with a sigh the younger one walked over to Hūraxes, whispering for him to be quiet and leave Vhagar alone in Valyrian, making Aemond smile and close his eye slightly as he felt a pang in his chest.
-I wanted to give you something as a gift. - She looked back as she took something that was firmly attached to her dragon's saddle, and Aemond frowned in confusion at the prospect of receiving a gift from her.
And without saying anything else, Y/n approached and slowly unwrapped the cloth that previously covered what Aemond noticed was a large block of sapphire.
-You told me that the maester is going to do a procedure to alleviate your pain. - She began a little awkwardly, fearing that he would not like the idea. - And that you would need something for the inside.
With a little more courage she reached out her hand slowly and touched him over the eye patch in a gentle caress.
-I always thought your eyes looked like them when I was a child. - She sighed, looking him in the eye now. - As bright as sapphires.
And seeming to have no control over himself, Aemond inclined his head to her gentle touch.
-I thought I would need something that would do at least justice to the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen in my life. - And without thinking about how indecent that would be considered, Y/n leaned forward and put her forehead against Aemond's, staring straight into his eyes. - I found the stone myself, with the help of my guard, of course.
The older one didn't know what to say. He just stood there, staring at her almost breathlessly.
-I am not worthy of so much praise. - He finally muttered a few moments later with his gaze down and Y/n smiled wistfully.
-You are worthy of even more.
And slowly pulling away, she passed the sapphire block to his hands, feeling the touch, previously so soft when they were children, rough and calloused, causing strange goosebumps on her skin.
-I am sorry for not being with you that night. - She lamented, looking at the floor and then looking up at him again. - What my brothers did to you was unforgivable!
-There was nothing you could do, Y/n. - He spoke in a muffled voice, squeezing the sapphire block between his fingers. - You would only hurt yourself too, and I couldn't bear that.
-I also can't bear that you got hurt without me being able to do anything to help. - The pain in her eyes was visible even in the darkness and Aemond would rather be dead than see suffering in her eyes.
-You shouldn't blame yourself for this. - He murmured getting closer to her. - It wasn't in your power to save me.
-But I am grateful for being my confidant all these years, never leaving me alone even for a moment. - Aemond placed the sapphire block on a rock on the ground and held her hands between his affectionately, making her smile with her gaze downcast.
-I have something for you. - He murmured a little shyly, reaching into his pocket and taking out a slightly crushed daisy, making Y/n's eyes light up almost instantly. - I had brought you more, but the wind on Vhagar's back tore them apart, I could only save this one.
-She is perfect. - The youngest smiled, taking the flower from his hands and placing it behind her ear with her eyes shining. - The most beautiful flower I have ever received.
-Have you received many flowers? - He asked with a simple side smile, making her smile beautifully when she realized that he remembered it too.
And breathing deeply as she heard the rustling of birds in the trees as the first rays of morning appeared in the sky, Y/n left a quick kiss on the left corner of Aemond's lips, making him widen his eyes in shock as she ran away with flushed cheeks towards Hūraxes, leaving Aemond stunned behind.
Only when Y/n was already flying through the dawn with her dragon was he able to move again, breathing deeply, feeling his lungs burn as he smiled with his hand on the place where her soft lips had touched.
And still smiling, he reached for the sapphire block on the rock, realizing at that moment that there was a note attached to the bottom, with an anxious look he opened it as fast as his hands could.
"I will be praying to the gods every day and every night for your recovery. I hope you will accept this gift as a demonstration of my eternal affection for you.
With all my love, Y/n"
And looking at the paper affectionately, he put it in his pocket, close to his heart, walking again to Vhagar, feeling his chest heat up uncontrollably.
The procedure performed by the masters was a success, and even in the midst of recovery, Aemond did not stop writing to Y/n, who was elated to receive the first letter after the meeting, as she feared that he would take her for an dishonorable girl judging by that night.
After that first escape and the healing of Aemond's skin, meetings like that on that small island became frequent for the two. Escaping in the middle of the night and meeting under the moon and stars while they talked and smiled at each other. Every now and then, when he felt bold, Aemond would steal a kiss from her sweet lips, and then they would both blush to death, looking at each other shyly.
A few months after the eye procedure, Aemond felt comfortable showing his almost completely healed eye again to Y/n. He thought it was unfair not to let her see it since she had given him the stone, and he knew she was curious, but he was afraid she would find it grotesque beyond measure and not want to see him anymore after that.
He was completely wrong. As soon as she saw the sapphire attached to the socket where his beautiful blue eye had previously been, she sighed with contentment, carefully bringing her hand to the area and gently caressing the scar.
-Gevie. (beautiful)- She sighed in Valyrian, barely noticing that she had changed languages ​​due to surprise and making Aemond blush slightly with such a feeling of approval for himself.
Over time, Aemond learned a way to bring the daisies to Y/n without them arriving completely crushed and destroyed, and she was overjoyed with joy with each bouquet of flowers she received from him.
There was just one problem, someone started to notice Y/n's constant happiness and the fact that she was constantly surrounded by those weeds that everyone knew didn't grow in Dragon Stone's volcanic soil.
And one day, taking advantage of his sister's distraction, he followed her in Vermax to a small island, landing stealthily among the trees and frowning when he saw her alone admiring the sky. Until a monstrously large shadow covered the moon's brightness over the earth, making him almost lose his breath. And when Vhagar landed with its enormity, the entire land of the island trembled.
Jace's eyes shone with fury when the older man took a bouquet of those damned weeds and held it out to his sister, who accepted it with a bright smile, leaving a kiss on the corner of his lips.
-Get your paws off my sister! - Jacaerys shouted in fury, walking towards them both, making Y/n's eyes widen in shock.
-Jace? What are you doing here?
He didn't answer, he just pulled her arm hard, making her hiss in pain as he snatched the bouquet from her hands and threw it hard on the floor. At the same moment, Aemond pushed him to the ground without making the slightest effort, his face contorted with anger, while Hūraxes approached, growling in an furious manner.
-Don't you dare hurt her, you damn thing! - He growled, taking hard steps towards Jace, causing Vermax to jump from where he was hiding among the trees and threaten to breathe fire on Aemond. But that didn't do much to scare him, since now he had Vhagar who, upon seeing the knight under threat, stood up in a more than imposing manner, hovering behind Aemond and making Vermax back down with just a powerful snort that made the plants spread across the ground.
Aemond threw a smile of maximum arrogance at Jace who was still down, and Before he could hit him again, Y/n intervened with wide eyes, making him stop at the same moment, staring at her fixedly.
-You're going to come home with me. - Jace snorted, standing up, now even more furious at being easily surpassed by Aemond both in physical strength and in the strength of his dragons. - And when I tell our mother and Daemon that you were alone, at dawn, in the middle of nowhere with that cripple, she'll ask for his head for dishonoring you!
Jacaerys had barely closed his mouth when Y/n gave him a loud slap on the left cheek, her eyes burning with rage.
-Don't you dare refer to him that way again! - She shouted angrily, making Aemond's eyes widen. - Do you hear me?
-You want to know? - Jace laughed without humor and even more angrily. - You can stay here with him! It'll be even better to see our mother's and Daemon's reaction when I tell them that you're still here with him.
And after spitting out the words, he turned and climbed onto Vermax with ease, already flying towards Dragon Stone.
-No! - Y/n screamed desperately, unable to stop him, and even at a disadvantage since he had left first, she ran to Hūraxes, ready to mount.
-Y/n! - Aemond's voice sounded tense. - Where are you going?
-I need to stop him! - She practically cried, staring at him in despair. - If my mother finds out, and especially… if Daemon finds out, they'll say you dishonored me and they'll want to hurt you for it!
-You can't go like this! - He murmured, visibly worried, as he caressed her face affectionately.
-I'll be okay. - She forced a smile, stroking the dragon's silver-blue scales. - Hūraxes will take care of me.
Y/n was preparing to climb onto the dragon, but then a terrible idea crossed her mind. What if she never saw Aemond again? What if everything went wrong and the two were separated forever? And faced with these catastrophic thoughts, she turned back and kissed him on the lips. A real kiss, different from all the others they had shared up until that moment. Their tongues intertwined and danced between them, and they only let go when they were practically out of breath.
Aemond pressed his forehead against Y/n's, and they both closed their eyes in silence for a few moments, trapped in that mutual understanding that had always been so common and certain for them.
And with a final sigh, Y/n separated from him and climbed onto Hūraxes' saddle, feeling tears almost escaping her eyes as she flew away from her former safe haven.
Aemond looked at the other beautiful daisies, now crushed and trampled on the ground, and feeling his heart heavy with pain, he mounted Vhagar and took flight towards Kings Landing.
Unfortunately, no matter how fast her dear Hūraxes was, Y/n couldn't get to the Dragon Stone before Jacaerys. And when she landed on the sandy ground and walked towards the castle, Y/n could see her mother and stepfather with deadly looks on their faces.
-Y/n, I want you to tell me the truth. - Rhaenyra spoke in a restrained manner as soon as she reached the top of the stairs. - Did you let him touch you?
Rhaenyra wanted to say more than kisses and soft hugs in the starlight, but Y/n didn't know that and so she just stared at her own feet, blushing, unable to say a single word.
-By the gods. - The older woman sighed, looking at her husband.
-For me, the solution is clear, we ask for his head for taking away her virtue and solve all our problems at once. - Daemon hissed furiously, making Y/n's eyes widen.
-No! - She practically screamed. - It wasn't that way! Aemond never touched me like that, I swear!
-How do I know you're not just trying to protect him? - Rhaenyra looked at her very seriously.
-Muña, I swear to you! - Y/n pleaded. - I swear! He would only kiss me and bring me flowers! That's all! Don't hurt him, please!
-Go to your room right now and get ready, we're going to Kings Landing! - Rhaenyra's voice sounded very serious, making Daemon smile widely while Y/n shivered in panic.
-Muña, I'm begging you. - Y/n cried, looking deeply into the older woman's eyes. - Don't hurt him. If anything happens to Aemond, it will be as if it had happened to me!
And wiping the tears with the back of her hands, she walked with long strides towards the chambers, finding Jace standing in the way.
-If Aemond suffers any harm or is exiled because of you, I will disregard you as my brother! - She practically spat those words angrily at Jacaerys, making him shiver.
Rhaenyra and Daemond argued all morning before leaving for Kings Landing, the shouts in Valyrian could be heard from miles away. Y/n understood some parts, especially what Daemond was saying, since his angry voice could reach the seven hells at that height.
Basically, he continued to ask for Aemond's head or exile, which according to him was the best possible option and the most beneficial considering the whole situation and thinking about a not too distant future. Y/n wanted to understand what her mother was saying, but she used a strangely low tone of voice with screams when she was angry, making it difficult to hear anything from a distance other than angry and disjointed growls.
Rhaenyra didn't even want to leave by ship, since only Y/n, Jace, Daemon and Rhaenyra herself would go to the capital. They all went by dragon, and Y/n had never had such a terrible flight in her life, feeling her stomach churn to the point of almost vomiting on poor Hūraxes.
When they finally arrived and got off the carriage in front of the Red Keep, Y/n didn't know if it was just her impression, but the silence there seemed morbid while Alicent and Oto waited at the top of the stairs.
-My princess, what brings you here without giving us any warning? - Oto murmured, raising his eyebrow in curiosity.
-This is still our house Hightower. - Daemon spat, rolling his eyes. - We don't need to give you any warning or ask for your permission to come.
-That's not what I said, my prince. - Oto spat back, trying to maintain his composure.
-I came to discuss very serious matters with my father. - Rhaenyra finally spoke, and before Oto could open his mouth she cut him off with a serious voice. - Only with my father!
-You don't need to guide me, I know the way. - And without saying anything else she put her right hand on Y/n's back, guiding her into the Keep.
Y/n couldn't feel anything other than fear. All she could think was Aemond. Her eyes ran through every corner and crevice of the castle, looking for even a figure that could indicate his presence, but she didn't see him anywhere.
When they arrived at Viserys' room, a strange smell took over Y/n's nostrils, momentarily distracting her until she realized where the smell was coming from when she saw her grandfather sitting reading a book in an armchair with twice the wounds he had the last time she had seen him.
–Dad? - Rhaenyra whispered and the old man's eyes instantly shone as he looked up.
-My beloved girl! It's so good to see you!
And Rhaenyra hugged him, feeling warmth in her chest as she did so, and for a moment Y/n thought she would reconsider bothering the king by seeing him in such conditions, but she didn't reconsider. She whispered something inaudibly in his ear, making Y/n's skin crawl with pure anguish.
-This calls for an audience with all those involved. - Viserys finally spoke out loud and Y/n felt her heart drop in her chest.
Almost an hour later, they were all gathered in the main hall with Viserys wearing the crown for the first time in months and sitting on the Iron Throne.
Alicent and Otto had morbid looks on their faces while Aemond remained motionless, avoiding looking at Y/n so as not to make the already bad situation even worse.
-As your king, your father and your grandfather, I order you to be sincere. - Viserys did his best to keep the firm voice he once had.
-Aemond, did you take away Y/n's virtue?
After that question, the empty hall was dominated by a deadly silence, and with a sigh Aemond murmured.
-No, I would never dishonor her in that way.
-But would you take her to a piece of land in the middle of nowhere at the hour of the wolf to just exchange kisses? - Daemon mocked and Viserys gestured for him to be quiet while Rhaenyra glared at him with a deadly look.
-Y/n, is what Aemond says true?
-Yes, your grace. - She spoke as firmly as she could while holding her hands tightly so as not to tremble. - He never touched me in an inappropriate way.
-Well, if they both vehemently deny any accusations against my son, you can't do anything against him! - Alicent scolded with contained fury facing Rhaenyra.
-Nothing may have happened between them, but tongues speak! - Rhaenyra hissed very rigidly. - Servants hear things and tell each other and before we know it, the royal houses are aware of everything that happens within our walls too!
-Father… - She looked seriously at the throne. - I will not allow my only daughter to be defamed.
Y/n felt tears blurring her vision, prepared to beg her grandfather not to listen to her mother when she demanded Aemond's head or exile.
-I demand that Aemond marry my daughter so that she will not be dishonored! - Rhaenyra growled unyieldingly and Y/n almost froze in shock, barely feeling the tears roll down their cheeks at that moment.
For the first time in that day, Y/n and Aemond's hearts beat in surprise and then in joy.
-What? - Alicent hissed furiously, and Y/n could see from the corner of her eye that Daemon didn't seem happy with the idea either.
The only one in the room besides her and Aemond who seemed happy was Viserys, who upon hearing Rhaenyra's solution seemed to almost shine with a breath of life again.
-I accept the princess's demand.
Alicent's eyes widened as did Oto's upon hearing Viserys speaking, making the decision so seriously and clearly. And before either or both of them could intervene, the morbid king continued.
-It is hereby proclaimed that from this moment on, Aemond of House Targaryen and Y/n of House Velaryon are betrothed and shall be married within a maximum period of three moons from today.
Y/n could very well die of such happiness with those words. And when she looked in Aemond's direction, her heart brightened even more when she saw the almost palpable joy in his eyes, even though his face was serious, and he could hide it from everyone, but Y/n could notice the curve in his serrated lips.
As she left the hall, Y/n could not hear the sounds around her, it was as if a sweet song sounded softly in her ears, bringing her peace of mind while a smile of enchantment hovered on her lips.
She found Jace waiting anxiously outside, not even having been called to say what he had witnessed, she simply hugged him and left a loud kiss on his cheek before walking, still humming, towards her own chambers, being closely followed by a member of the royal guard so as not to stray from the path.
And when a secret passage opened hours later and Aemond appeared inside the room holding a single, slightly wilted daisy in his hands, Y/n ran towards him, hugging him fervently, laughing outrageously when he spun her around in the air, holding her by the waist.
-We're engaged. - He murmured as incredulous as she was, his eyes still shining with that uncontrollable joy. And Y/n just shook her head positively, holding his face between her palms, bringing their foreheads together, still smiling.
Aemond left a soft, sweet kiss on her lips, and carefully placed the daisy behind Y/n's ear when he let her go.
-She remained in the bag, separated from the bouquet. - He smiled, caressing her soft hair with the back of his hand in a reverent way, and Y/n practically trembled with joy at the sound of his voice and his touch.
Hearing footsteps coming down the hallway, Aemond left a sweet kiss on her forehead and disappeared through the secret passage. And when Rhaenyra entered, she only arched her eyebrow when she noticed the slightly wilted flower stuck in her daughter's hair, but decided not to comment.
From then on, the days seemed to pass like the wind in winter. The rest of the family came by ship from Dragon Stone, while the preparations for the wedding were made with all the care in the world, with Y/n smiling and giving her opinion on every detail.
Jace was appalled by everything that had happened. The intention was to disappear with Aemond, not to marry him to his sister. And no matter how much he tried to dissuade his mother, she was adamant about the idea, as for Y/n, she laughed at his expense, constantly emphasizing the great fool he had made.
Letters and more letters with invitations were sent, and as the wedding day approached, nobles from all over the kingdom arrived in Kings Landing to witness the celebration of a marriage that many believed would bring lasting peace to the kingdom.
When the day of the wedding ceremony finally arrived, Y/n could barely breathe. She hadn't been able to see Aemond up close for two weeks, it was to be expected that the bride and groom would be able to spend time together, but she saw him more when they were hidden than now, with so many eyes watching every possible slip-up before the wedding.
Besides the fact that with so many political and royal tasks for both of them before the ceremony, there was barely any time to talk. She couldn't wait to finally be married to him and nobody never be able to separate them again.
That afternoon, when the sun was high in the sky, Princess Y/n Targaryen entered the sept of Baelor in a beautiful white and gold dress, with a radiant smile on her face, and her arms linked to her stepfather, Prince Daemond, who, on the contrary, had a dark frown on her face.
But what caused whispers to take over the sept was the fact that a Targaryen princess, currently considered third in line to the Iron Throne, behind only her mother and older brother, was getting married with her hair loose and a simple crown of daisies braided on her head, with dozens of other daisies sewn onto the train and skirt of the wedding dress..
"A princess marrying with simple weeds on her head!"
Exalted voices whispered through the sept, trying not to be heard.
What none of them knew was that even though he was up to his neck in tasks, Prince Aemond had woken up early that morning riding his horse and headed towards the royal forest just to pick a bouquet of fresh daisies for his future wife, leaving it on the table in her bedroom for her to find when she woke up.
When Y/n woke up that morning, a smile of pure joy took over her lips as she wove the most beautiful flower crown she had ever made in her life to wear at her own wedding. And making the royal seamstress almost growl at her, Y/n ordered the rest of the daisies to be sewn into the train of her wedding dress, only being satisfied when the last of the flowers was attached.
She didn't care about any mocking looks or laughter from the other nobles who spoke of her dress full of weeds. The only eye that mattered was Aemond's, which looked at her wide-eyed and full of happiness so wide that it almost made the already huge smile on her face tear up her cheeks.
When Daemon finally handed her over to Aemond reluctantly, heading to his place next to Rhaenyra, the septon stood up and everyone immediately fell silent as the wedding ceremony began.
The two repeated the septon's words, breathing deeply as they looked at each other in love with an almost childlike happiness overflowing from their eyes.
After uttering their oaths of fidelity and love, Aemond removed a sapphire ring from his cloak, making Y/n's eyes water at the same time while her lips trembled with anticipation.
-Is-Is that the one? - She whispered only for him to hear amidst a trembling smile as she extended her hand to Aemond.
-Mmmm. - He murmured as he nodded positively with a sideways smile. - Exactly the same stone. - He whispered very quietly, but with a palpable pride in his voice. - United forever now, wife.
And under the watchful eyes of the septon and the entire court, Aemond kissed her hand, making her smile beautifully at him, and then he caressed her daisy-scented hair, gently running his thumb over the flower petals.
-Forever now, husband. - She sighed back, laying her head against the palm of his hand and closing her eyes as she felt the soft touch that would forever be hers now, ears ringing moments later with the deafening noise of the court's applause as Aemond finally placed a sweet kiss on her lips, the first they had finally married, the first of the beginning of a lifetime together.
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divider credits, It took me hours to find this perfect divider, thank you to the sweet person who created it! 🥰💕
Final notes: I saw somewhere (I don't remember where) that daisies are weeds! And I became obsessed with this fact because I had no idea that a flower that I like so much is considered a weed by many! From this subtle information and the request mentioned here, this story came about! I hope you like it! 💖💖💕🥰
Ps: Aemond only didn't call Jace a bastard on the island because Y/n was there, and he wouldn't be foolish, but know that inside he did! 🤡😂
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nighttimealone · 2 days
Cw: Nsfw (poly 141 x afab!reader, female pronouns)
Calling this anon, HBD and I hope you enjoy this.
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“Woke you up, sweetheart?”
Your eyes flutter open when you feel a hand caressing your face briefly, the sunlight seep through the seam of the curtain, basking the bedroom in a scrim of orange as your mind process who’s beside you when you meet a pair of tender brown eyes.
“Kyle…” Stretching out your limbs then roll out from underneath the duvet, you rest your head on his lap before answering him “Not really, was about to get up after all.”
A click from the door turns both of your attentions towards the direction, the door’s not even open fully, but Johnny’s voice pops up from behind already.
“Who got the lassie out of her beauty sleep already?” He closes the door behind, and the mattress dips when he joins you and Kyle on the bed. “Ye know you can nap a bit more, eh? A perk of being a birthday girl.”
“Before Simon and John come back from picking up the cake?” You snicker when Johnny’s eyes widens a bit at your words, but a scoff of laughter quickly replaces the surprise, follow with Kyle’s chuckles ringing from the top of you.
“Already said that she’ll find out one day, Soap.” He reaches his arms out again, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
“Not that hard to figure it out when you both started convincing me to have a nap every year around afternoon?”
“aye,” another pair of hands tracing circles on your calf, and you shift your gaze to meet Johnny’s again. “Forgot about we got a smart one for us.”
A shudder leaves you when Kyle gently maneuvers you to sit up, your head rest against his chest while Johnny scoots closer to you on the bed, and you huff out a laughter, feeling Kyle’s warmth seeping through his shirt with Johnny’s breath fanning on the nape of your neck. “So this is why they’re the one getting the birthday cake, and you two are the one staying home with me?”
“We’re more entertaining than those old men.” Kyle eyes meets Johnny’s for a brief moment, as if seeking his approval. Yet nothing speaks louder than Johnny’s hand traveling upwards, stopping at your inner thighs and palming the supple flesh in a sensual manner.
Your hazy mind’s clouded with pleasure, Johnny’s face burying between your legs, lapping like a starving dog through your wet folds, make sure every spots are taken care of and changes between sucking the swollen nub and teasing your entrance with little swirl of the tip of his tongue. He groans obscenely whenever you squeeze your thighs around his head, chasing each drop of your essence with the same passion of a bloodhound, no way he’s going to waste any drop of those precious juices. Leaning back on Kyle’s body, his hands slipping past the hem of your shirt, his lips pressing against yours hungrily, drinking all your moans elicited by his fingers flicking and pinching your hardened nipples down with his tongue leading you in a deep kiss. It’s until your back arch upwards, thighs trembling and riding through your orgasm with Johnny’s lips giving little sucklings to your twitching clit, resting your cheeks on Kyle’s shoulder and recovering from the release, that you finally notice the two hulking forms lurking at the open bedroom door.
“Told you muppets to keep her entertained, not wearing her out before she has her birthday cake.” John chides them with his gruff voice, but the amusement in his tone is obvious, not to say the smirk on his lips when you look at him with glazed eyes.
“ 'm just having my cake first” Giving a peck to your pussy lips, Johnny unabashedly smirks back to the captain.
“You’re not even the one whose birthday’s today, Johnny.” Simon sets down the cake on the nightstand, rolling his eyes before looking down at you, gaze soften a bit at the view of your blissed out face. “But the princess looks happy enough, guess Gaz and you had take good care of her, huh?”
“Can always count on us, Ghost.” You hum softly as agreement to Kyle words, which gets a snort from Simon, but he sure does approve his statement.
You eyes land on the cake, exquisite decorations with just your favorite flavor, they always spoil you even more when it’s your birthday, from refusing you to do any chores and ushering you to lounging around in the house, to gifts and cake that always make you confuse how these hotheads know that you’ve been storing those products in your basket for months but always close the app after staring at the ‘buy’ button and hesitating whether you should buy them or not.
“Thank you.” Your eyes shift from the cake and the presents, to meet each of theirs. Each of them distinct, convey their love to you in their own unique fashion, yet share the same affection and devotion to you.
“Does the birthday girl want her cake first…” John scoops a bit of the whipped cream from the cake, letting you have a taste of the creamy sweetness, then his chest rumbles with laughter when he spots the eagerness in your eyes, thumb slide past your lips and allow you to lick the cream clean from it. “Or she wants her ‘birthday gift’ from us first?”
You’re suddenly aware of how they surrounded you in a circle, John sitting in front of you between your spread thighs, his bulge restrained by his trousers nudging your puffy pussy—still wet from Johnny eating you out and you’re sure it’s dripping juices and staining the bedsheets now, body heating with desires of all your men drowning you in their scents— and Kyle’s cock already poking at the fat of your ass, his arms circling around your waist as he waits for your response.
“Doubt she’s able to enjoy the cake when she just wants us now.” Ghost tilts your head, tossing his gloves aside before sneaking a kiss from your lips, tasting the remnants of the whipped cream from devouring you in a prolonged kiss. You don’t have to give his crotch a glance to know he’s probably rock-hard too from watching your little show earlier.
“Cannae wait to get yer pretty cunny filled with our cum, eh?” and Johnny…the shameless bastard’s already stroking his dick through his sweat pants while teasing you.
“Well…Can’t say you’re wrong…” Giggling at them, you admit your wish without hesitation, before getting pulled into a kiss again, relaxing entirely under their touches and indulging in all four men’s pampering.
Because birthday girl deserves all the attention from her lovers, yeah?
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perfectlyoongi · 2 days
JEALOUS!YOONGI who doesn’t understand why he has a heavy heart when you say you’re going out with someone else. if there was someone who supported you and encouraged you to see the world, it was Yoongi. he was always ready to receive your news with a wide smile and your stories with a sparkle in his eyes; but when you talked about another person, someone else who made you laugh and shared pleasant memories with you, Yoongi felt a bitter taste in his heart. would Yoongi be sad that he didn’t take you on that trip? would Yoongi be disappointed in himself for not taking you to that restaurant for the first time? what spells did your words cast to cover his heart with a thorny cloak of pure discomfort? “i hope you have fun. but… if you see something is wrong or you don’t feel comfortable, don't hesitate to call. i will get you as soon as possible and i promise to make your time worth it.”
JEALOUS!YOONGI who can’t control his face when he sees someone flirting with you. at parties or meetings, on walks or dinners, every time someone tried to be more flirty to get your attention, Yoongi just looked at them. his eyes lost the shine they gained since the day he met you; his lips were pressed into a straight line in an attempt to control his sarcastic smile; his hands closed into two perfect fists for him to divert all his disdain into his hands; and his mind just repeated the same questions over and over again so they stay stuck in his heart instead of confessing them to you. “have you ever noticed that only men with mommy issues decide to talk to you? have you ever noticed how desperate they are of getting your attention? why couldn’t you pay attention to me instead? i would make you laugh. i would make your night perfect. so why do you prefer those children instead of me?”
JEALOUS!YOONGI who spends the entire car ride in silence. when the end of the day arrived and he was getting ready to leave you at home, Yoongi couldn’t think of a single word to address you. maybe if he went back to yesterday when he still had universes to confess to you he could think of something to tell you; but the reality is that Yoongi only thought about your giggles, your smiles, your eyes so beautiful and bright, your words so delicate and pleasant — all focused on the others. what did they have that Yoongi didn’t? what words did they say that Yoongi couldn’t repeat? no. that Yoongi couldn’t improve, mold them perfectly for your heart to take comfort in them and realize that in reality you only needed Yoongi to make you truly happy.
JEALOUS!YOONGI who remembers all the names and details of your friends. John was so tall you had to gently tilt your head to look him in the eyes — how cute. Chan had fingers so long that your hands touched when he gave you the glass — he wanted that too. Luke made you laugh so hard that you had to cover your mouth with your hand and look around in embarrassment — what a melody. Seok managed to tell such a good story that you just kept asking for more and questioning everything — he wanted that too. Jun convinced you to take a photo with him and you even leaned against his chest — how beautiful. and Yoongi just saw you, just heard you, just admired you, without any courage to make all those details his own. “yes, yes, i remember Choi. wasn’t he the one who greeted you with a hug? and then spilled his drink on you, but those are details. who pays attention to them, am i right?”
JEALOUS!YOONGI who denies with all his strength that he is jealous. why would Yoongi be jealous if you, firstly, were just his friend?, and secondly, he just wanted to see you happy? Yoongi wouldn’t stop your happiness, and, even if it meant you talking to someone who made him uncomfortable, he would just support you and help you find your way. of course he preferred to see you laughing at his jokes and blushing when you accidentally touched his hands. of course he would prefer you to tell him everything about your day and invite him on spontaneous dates. but what do you mean he was jealous? don’t be ridiculous. “do you really think that? please! i’m just looking out for you. you deserve better than them — you are better than them! don’t be silly. go hang out with him and leave me alone.”
JEALOUS!YOONGI who says you are a free person to live your life. if you want to sleep at someone else’s house, feel free to do it! if you want to try the new coffee with that one, go ahead! why should Yoongi stop you from living your life? you are the one who knows what you want, and who you want it with. Yoongi had no vote on the matter. go! go to the park with this guy and leave Yoongi at home! why not, right? after all he will always be there waiting for you. so go! live your life without thinking about him. go! “just go. but if you want to come back, if you feel like it was all a mistake, you can always come to me. always.”
JEALOUS!YOONGI who doesn’t know why he shut you up with a kiss, he just felt it was necessary. shut up. shut up. shut up. why do you always have this need to tell everything in detail? why do you think Yoongi wanted to know how your date went? yes, he already understood. he’s very funny ah ah ah. okay, now that’s enough. stop. please. shut up. shut up. shu—! “i… i don’t know what came over me. sorry. you just... you just talked and talked and wouldn’t shut up and i... i wanted you to shut up. and… and i…”
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mehiwilldoitlater · 2 days
Yandere Wukong!! What about yandere Destined One?
Can I request The Destined One as a yandere, first meeting his love? Love at first sight from his P.O.V if possible.
- Phoenixeclipse-lmkau 🩷 💕
In his entire life, he had never seen other Yaoguais such as himself. Mount Huaguo was popular only with monkeys, and if there was something out of the ordinary, they were always aware of that.
And yet, how could he have not noticed you?
"Tree spirits are simple ones. They do not ask for more than what the earth can give them. They need many years to accommodate power, and often the tree dies even before they could even manifest themselves."
That was what the elders once explained to him and his companions, and he had never imagined to see one in front of him.
Were you really a spirit? Weren't you some kind of divinity coming to bless their mountain?
He couldn't get where your long, hairy ends were, interwined between the branches of the tree like an ivy, and they were decorated by jewels of the same color as the flowers that the tree sprouts.
Your eyes were so kind, so beautiful, so gentle, while they admired the bird that had decided to visit you at the top of the tree.
Your hanfu was like the hair that moved the leaves; his delicate green color adorned your skin like that color was meant. Just to be yours.
And your voice...when was the last time he heard such a magic melody? You were the treasure of the earth—something precious that had been worn and kept as a secret! He couldn't resist; he needed to take a closer look and bathe in your beauty!
But his bsudden coming from the woods must have frightened you, and you take refuge in the tree itself.
"No please!" He pleaded, "Don't leave! I just wanted to meet you!"
He caressed the textured rind of the plant, searching for a trace of the leaves, hoping to glance into those beautiful eyes again. He wanted to see those eyes—to be seen by them!
But you didn't reappeared, not even after his many plea
Every day, the monkey never loses a chance to come to your tree. Every day, he admired you from afar and observed your disappearance in the tree after you had spotted him.
Then he sat and lay on the trunk, talking to you, hoping you could listen to his story.
He told you about the mountain, about his brothers and sisters, about his life and mission. He wondered if you were listening sometime and if the tree where you were hiding allowed you.
The day when, during his talk, he had noticed the silk of your hanfu caressing his shoulder, he was glad.
Hearing your voice was like listening to nature itself. He loved hearing your talk and watching you tell him about your life in the tree and your connection with Mother Earth and nature itself.
He could have listened every day.
Yet, he wondered, have you ventured beyond the branches of the tree? Have you ever taken a step away from your Meadow or followed the stream that gently passed near you? Have you ever tried to leave?
"I may not leave this tree. My life is bound to it. As his roots stay, I must too."
He wondered if those words were true, but when you tried to follow him farther from your place of birth, a barrier stopped you. You were trapped, and you didn't care.
At night he wondered, What if he wasn't there to protect you? What if someone found you and hurt you? ...or court you.
This idea made his tail Twitch in bed.
You were the most beautiful creature that the earth could birth; you were a fruit ready to be eaten! 
And his mission...
He didn't want to leave you, but he didn't want you to be taken away by someone else!
Even a god would fall for you! And you were, oh, so naive and kind. No, he couldn't allow anyone to hurt you or tò take you away from him.
And so he spoke his thought.
At first, it was just your curiosity in your head about the world you were living in, the mountain, and the other monkeys.
But you seemed unfazed, only content with the stories that he told you.
Then he tried to tell you about the danger of being alone in such a place, with only a tree as a line of defense. He told you about the Yaoguais that roamed the mountains, the humans with the axes, and the gods with their dirty tricks. 
And yet you stayed strong like that plant.
And he grew desperate, so he told you his love for you, his desire to be yours as you could be his, to be together as one in his home, where no one could harm you or even lay an eye on you.
And you grow cold like the winter.
"Stop asking me something I can't. I'm bound to this tree, and I'll stay with it until the skies burn."
...that damn tree...
Your screamed echied thought thevslley Just as the thunderous sound of the falling tree touching the earth.
He had tried again to convince you, and he gave you an ultimatum.
You said no again, and he took the situation into his own hands.
He never knew that he could be so strong by ripping that tree in half with his bare hands. Surely, he thought, you were able to bring the worst out of him.
You pained cries hurt his beare, but it was necessary. Your hands grasped the truck, screaming for the pain and the loss.
"HIW COULD YOU?! YOU DEMON, HOW COULD YOU?! I'LL DIE! I'll die because of you."
Who could have guessed that such cruel words could come out of those lips, the ones he dreamed to kiss and own?
"You forced my hand. I have your choice, and you refused!"
His eyes looked at you. So scared, so trembling, so helpless.
You were BEAUTYFULL even in the lowest part of your life, and he wanted to have you more than ever.
No matter how much you fought, he was stronger, and in his grasp, he silently took you away from your place of birth, from the tree that had nurtured you for years, and from everything you knew.
You didn't had to know about the small branch that he had olanted away to grant your survival; you didn't have to know that everyone was ready to have you as his wife.
What you really needed to know was that he loved you, and he would rather burn the world than let you go.
@sun-jglim @crimsonflameproxy @everlastingmoonlightsworld
@miraclecherryblossomsblog @certifiedsimpinggalore @sleepingdramaqueen @cromboloni @masksandfeathers
@cinnamonroll-anon @justrandomlypassing @cute-angi @luckyangelballoon @dressycobra7
@naarra @virtualexpertanchor @phoenixeclipse-lmkau @szynkaaa @kirax-the-lazy-girl
@sleepydang @weaverworks @kishimiest @marcu-bug @thepoweroffiction
@riolu4 @angryvampire @s0rr3l @rootin-tootin-morgan @lightlumi
@cleverfeststarlight @anfie01 @tunadunanana @jeminiikrystal @jssy96
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richarlotte · 2 days
How I got my life together.
Getting your life together, and I mean really getting it together, should be a priority of yours. You can’t miss out on your life by staying in a pattern of losing it all, pulling it together as quickly and as carelessly as you can, and then losing it all again because you weren’t ready enough or devoted the first time. I made a choice to pull my life together when I was 18, and I’ve stayed improving myself ever since; I bettered my mental health, fixed my body, changed my mindset, found an aesthetic and style that worked for me and that I loved, and have done my part to keep steadily improving my life and my mindset. If you are devoted to yourself and your life, you will do well and find that the path towards your future will become much clearer as time goes on.
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You need to be exercising, bettering your body, and taking the time to nourish yourself and your health. This means eating whole meals and taking the time to cook and prepare them, considering removing heavily processed foods and alcohol from your day-to-day diet, and taking the time to do at home or in gym workouts. I do Move with Nicole videos in the morning, finish up with a quick yoga session, go to the gym in the evenings, and make sure that my body is being fueled by real foods and being properly hydrated throughout the day. You will live in the same body for the rest of your life; you need to make sure that you’re caring for it and nourishing it in ways that will let it support you for the rest of your life. You won’t regret a health journey, and you should actively be on one. 
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Isolation will kill you, and if you already have anxiety, it will worsen it. You should be meeting people, getting to know them, leaving your comfort zone, and trying new things. Your late teens and early twenties are all about taking the time to know people, making and losing friends, and figuring out the sorts of people you want to have in your life forever. You have to socialize, go to social events, join clubs and different activities, and get out of the house. I’m a person who believes in spending time around and loving other people, and that has saved my life. If you aren’t sure how to socialize, don’t have friends, or aren’t sure of what you like, now’s the time to learn how. You don’t become good at meeting people in one day; it takes time and failure, but the more you do to leave your comfort zone, the easier it will become as time moves along.
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I believe that life is meant for learning. It’s important to always be learning, to always be bettering yourself, and to always be keeping your mind busy. While I strongly believe that every woman should have a university education and a degree, I understand that it’s not always feasible. If it’s not possible for you to get a degree, you have to learn a trade, a skill, a language, or find something to occupy your mind so that it’s not idle. It’s important to always be doing something, and it’s important that you’re pursuing a passion; life isn’t much if you’re not passionate about what you’re doing, so you have to find them and do more with them. Education can come from work experience; it can come from pursuing projects, cultivating wisdom, and spending your time nourishing your mind and reading books. Life is a learning experience, and you should be in constant pursuit of educational excellence. 
Seeing More.
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Life is about seeing more and seeing things you’ve never experienced. If you’ve always wanted to watch a tennis match, step into the ocean, or see the sights in a new city, now’s the time to start making plans to do those things. We all deserve to see and experience beautiful things, so it’s important that we find the time to do so. If I hadn’t made the time to find beauty in the mundane, I wouldn’t have made it far. You don’t have to spend money pursuing beauty; I find the most beauty I’ve seen in my life is found on short walks and time spent around my city. You should spend your time both looking for beauty and becoming beautiful too.
Doing More.
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Doing more is next. I’ve spent my life trying new things, failing, succeeding, having a good time, and learning about what I enjoy. You should be doing more; your twenties are for moving away, visiting new cities, trying new foods, working jobs you hate and finding jobs you love, going to new restaurants and getting into new relationships, and doing more with yourself. All of the greatest women I’ve ever known have told me that they spent next to no time resting in their twenties because they had so much life to live. I’d encourage you to do things without holding yourself back, and if you don’t know what to do with yourself, find things to do. You can't waste your youth being idle; now is the time to get out of your room, see the world and what it has to offer, and do more with yourself and your gifts.
Richarlotte x
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dollwrites · 3 days
ᴘᴏsᴇ ғᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ғᴀɴs ! ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ᴄᴏɴɴᴇʀ ᴋᴇɴᴛ
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!heiress!reader, camming / sex work, objectification, rough sex, anal sex, hair pulling / spanking, reader is a superfan so there’s a power imbalance, playful banter and name calling. all characters featured are aged 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading < 3
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗯𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 ∣ act four [ camboy ]
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you felt like the luckiest girl in the world right now, and you weren’t quite sure why. the reasonable side of you kept reminding that you had not been the only girl in this hotel room tonight, and you wouldn’t be the last. but the superfan in you fought against that, awestruck by the fact that Conner Kent was giving you the ride of your life.
Conner had so many fans, after all; many men and women across the globe that were just like you— visiting his live every weekend. Fridays and Saturdays quickly became your favorite days in the week, when you could willingly drain your bank account just to watch this beautiful man you’d become infatuated with get off in every way imaginable. if your parents ever found out just how you spent your allowance, and how many of your credit cards you’d already maxed out just to watch your fantasy become reality, you could almost swear they would cut you off. to be completely honest with yourself, your fathers multi-million dollar company had only a few more years left of profit if your addiction to Conner’s live chat room didn’t die out. you couldn’t help it— you were hyperfixated, and last month, your favorite camboy had a very special announcement: a way to thank all of his loyal fans— by meeting up with several whilst he traveled the country and fucking them senseless live in his hotel rooms. needless to say, you’d been over the moon when your city was one of the first stops on his tour; you’d dreamed of fucking this man for months now, and now you’d have your chance.
and he hadn’t disappointed.
your body rocked forward, smearing your face into the pillow with every backshot that you took. it was already difficult to breathe, as you wore a mask that covered your mouth and nose to keep your anonymity, but when one of his palms pushed against the back of your head and held you flush against the pillow, too, you felt as if you were overheating. both hands clawed at the sheets that were damp with a mixture of your and Conner’s sweat to combat the maddening pressure of his thick cock driving into you over and over again. his size had been manageable when he fucked your pussy, but since the second he’d begun to ravage your virgin asshole, you’d become acutely aware of just how big he was. the stretch was unreal, and when he’d switched holes, he left your cunt feeling hollow and uncomfortably empty.
“Damn, sweetheart, you were born to be a little whore, weren’t you?” Conner taunted, his hand then sweeping down your head and over your shoulders, following the arch in your back. “Made for this, designed to give up your tight holes, and let me bust them wide open.”
there was a loud chime that played whenever a viewer donated. the longer the chime, the more money the donation was, and at this point, you were certain the noise had become a never-ending song. one donation bled into another, and then another, and that chime became the soundtrack to your decimation. “Heh,” Conner was grinning, though his teeth were bared, and he chuckled hoarsely. his thick, heavy palm swats at your ass, and he watches as the flesh recoils and jiggles. “Tight, little daddy’s girl wants to be my favorite fuck-meat?”
with your face buried in the sheets, you could smell his scent clinging to them, and you just hardly resisted the urge to push the mask down and lap at the wet linens like a needy dog. you yip and nod at his question, which only spurred more and more donations from the virtual audience. Conner swooned, spanking your ass again, and again, and once more until it stung. then, he dug his fingers into your skin, the discomfort flaring further as he groped handfuls of your soft, warm ass. “I think the audience wants to hear you, princess.” he teases, squishing your ass against his rough palm, doing little to massage the sting away. “Tell ‘em.”
you raise your head, albeit weakly, and stare directly into the lens. you can see yourself in the viewfinder, and ( if you were coherent enough to care ) you almost couldn’t believe the mess he’d made you. hair mussed up, on all fours, with glassy eyes and slick skin. Conner had put you through the wringer, and he, somehow, still wasn’t done. you almost couldn’t force the words out amongst the cries and grunts as he ravaged your ass. “I—I—- want to be your favorite fu—-ckmeat- shit!!”
Conner hits an incredibly tender cord when one hand slips underneath your belly, and two thick digits plug your drooling hole. your eyes roll back at the intensity of having both holes filled, and you grip the sheets tighter, sputtering against the cloth mask as your head drops forward.
“Nuh uh uh, princess,” Conner croons, and his free hand slides from your ass up to the nape of your neck and over the shape of your lolling head, making a fist at the crown to grip your roots and force your head back up. his hips snap more fiercely, now, filling your canal to the hilt, his balls slapping against his own hand as he pumps his fingers into your cunt in tandem. heavens above, how the hell was he so good at overloading you?! “You hear all that?” he asks, gruffly. he was beginning to snort and howl like an animal, too, but he smeared his sweaty cheek to yours when he hunches over, pressing his rock-solid torso to your back. “All that fucking money you’re making me? You should know better than anyone, baby girl, what the audience wants to see me do to a spoiled brat like you. What do they want?” he hisses it against your cheek, using his tongue to swirl the taste of your sweat around before pulling it into his mouth.
“They— want to see you fuck me stupid…!!” you cry out.
“That’s right,” Conner was scoffing and his voice was strained and husky as he plowed into you, now, gripping your hair tight enough to keep your brows knit tightly in discomfort. “So let’s not hide those pretty, pretty eyes. They want to see them glaze over. The more they get to see you break, the more they’re going to pay.”
it was the obvious answer. if you were in the audience, you would want to see it, too. how braindead Conner’s cock could drive the poor recipient of his earth-shattering, skillful fucking. however, being on the other end of it was somehow even better. being able to cum and cum and cum some more without this adonis even losing steam or vigor, making it clear that you wouldn’t have a single moment of peace until he was finished ( and yet? no end was in sight ), and feeling every thought— every worry and every feeling not directly connected to Conner Kent’s cock as he pounded you just fracture and fall away with every thrust into you. it was an addicting, degrading, delicious experience. one that you knew you’d never forget.
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caplanbuckybarnes · 2 days
New Hope (Steve Rogers)
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gif sent in by @eccentricallygothic a little over a month ago. sorry!
Summary: You confess to Steve you're pregnant.
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy announcement
WC: 640ish
Read on Ao3!
The evening light filtered through the windows of the Avengers compound, casting a warm glow over the living room. You were sitting on the couch, fidgeting with a small piece of paper, your heart racing. You had known for a few days now, but tonight felt like the right time to tell him.
Steve walked in, still in his workout gear, his hair slightly damp and a towel draped around his neck. He smiled at you, a soft, genuine smile that made your heart flutter. “Hey there, you,” he said, his blue eyes sparkling with warmth. “What’s got you so pensive?”
You took a deep breath, your fingers tightening around the edge of the paper. “Steve, can we talk?”
He tilted his head, sensing the seriousness in your tone. “Of course. What’s on your mind?”
You gestured for him to sit next to you, and he quickly settled down, his body instinctively turning toward you. The air felt charged, as if the universe was holding its breath along with you. You glanced at the paper, then back at him.
“I’ve been feeling a little… different lately,” you began, your voice steady but soft. “And I took a test.”
Steve’s brow furrowed, concern etched on his face. “Different? Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
You smiled gently, your nerves slowly giving way to excitement. “I’m okay. In fact, I’m more than okay. Steve, I’m… I’m pregnant.”
Silence enveloped the room, the words hanging in the air like a delicate balance between disbelief and joy. You held your breath, waiting for his reaction. For a moment, he seemed frozen, processing the news.
Then, a wide grin broke across his face, the kind that lit up his entire being. “You’re serious?” he asked, his voice almost a whisper. You nodded, unable to contain your smile any longer.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, laughter bubbling up in his throat. “We’re having a baby?”
You nodded again, feeling tears prick at the corners of your eyes. Steve reached out, his hand finding yours, fingers interlocking tightly. “This is amazing,” he said, his eyes shining with a mix of disbelief and joy. “I can’t believe it.”
His excitement was contagious, and you felt your own joy blossoming. “I was so nervous to tell you. I didn’t know how you’d react.”
“Are you kidding? This is the best news ever!” He pulled you into an embrace, lifting you slightly off the couch as he spun you around. You laughed, the sound ringing through the room, mixing with the happiness radiating from him.
When he set you down, he held you at arm’s length, his eyes searching yours. “We’re going to be parents. I can’t wait to meet our little one.”
You felt your heart swell at the thought, a wave of love washing over you. “You’re going to be such a great dad, Steve.”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck, a little bashful but still brimming with excitement. “I hope so. I mean, I’ve seen how you are with kids. You’ll be the best mom.”
“I just want us to be there for them, to give them the love and safety we’ve both always wanted,” you said, your voice steady and filled with conviction.
Steve nodded, a serious look crossing his face. “We will. Together. Whatever it takes.”
He leaned in, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss, sealing the promise of a beautiful future ahead. When he pulled back, his eyes sparkled with determination. “We’re in this together. Always.”
You nodded, feeling more connected to him than ever. The world outside might be chaotic, but in that moment, everything felt right. You could already picture the little one who would be part of both of you, a new chapter waiting to be written.
With Steve by your side, you knew there was nothing you couldn’t face.
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foreverisntenough · 2 days
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‘Act II’
Summary: Attraction is like a gravitational pull that is undefinable and unavoidable. Unbeknownst to you, Jude had been keeping an eye on you since he caught a glimpse on his best friend’s girlfriend’s Instagram but he’s been loving his single life. You always were independent and know how to swim on your own but maybe you have been just treading water. Could the tides change on a holiday in Greece when you finally meet? It might get a little rocky but maybe you could be his paradise.
Warnings: This series is 18+ MDNI
Note: Thank you for reading! Please be sure to like, comment, or message me what you think of the series! ‘Act II’ is interconnected to the 'You’re Mine' and 'Ours' Series but can read it independently.
Chapter 15 - 'Le Château’ | ‘Act II’
word count - 11.6k
When you woke up the next day still in Paris with Jude it felt both unbelievable and romantic, like stepping into a scene from a dream. The warmth of his arm wrapped around you, the soft glow of the morning light filtering through the curtains, and the faint sounds of the city waking up outside—it all felt impossibly perfect. 
After getting ready for the day, you sadly had to leave your dream tucked inside the Four Seasons and headed back to your family’s home. You led Jude down the hallway, through the house, and to a private elevator that descended into the garage. The sleek, polished doors slid open, and you stepped out, with Jude trailing behind, still groggy from probably staying up a bit too late messing about between the sheets but his eyes still glimmered with curiosity. The sight that greeted him snapped him out of it immediately. His jaw practically hit the floor when he saw the black Bugatti Bolide parked in front of you. The car’s dark, glistening curves reflected the garage lights, every inch of it screaming luxury. You casually moved toward it, pulling open the door with ease as if this wasn’t a rare, multimillion-dollar car. Jude blinked, trying to process what was happening.
“Y/N….What... what is this?” Jude finally managed to ask, his voice filled with awe and confusion. You couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction. 
“It’s my dad’s car,” you said, like it was no big deal. “I told you it’s a thing. I wouldn’t normally drive it, but… well, you heard the request.” You smiled.  Jude looked at you, then back at the car, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“I’m definitely not complaining,” he said with a grin. You gave him a playful smirk as you slipped into the driver’s seat, glancing up at him. 
“You know,” you teased, “you really should learn how to drive. Might come in handy one day.” Jude raised an eyebrow, leaning against the car door, a playful yet conflicted look on his face. He was torn. He had never been more attracted to you, sitting there behind the wheel of one of the most beautiful cars he had ever seen, dressed in an effortlessly chic outfit that somehow made the whole thing even more intoxicating. But then again, he couldn’t stop his mind from drifting back to last night—flashes of your skin, your warmth, and how he felt tangled up with you in bed. His thoughts bounced between the sight of you now and the memory of you then, and he couldn’t quite decide which version of you made his heart race more.
“It’s a tough call,” Jude finally said, stepping closer and running a hand along the car’s sleek frame. “I think watching you drive this might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen... but last night? That might be rival it.” You chuckled, shaking your head as you started the engine, the roar of the car filling the garage. 
“Well, if you’re lucky,” you said, giving him a mischievous look, “you’ll get to enjoy both today.” Jude grinned, hopping into the passenger seat. 
“I’m the luckiest guy in France right now.” You eased the car onto the road, the hum of the engine harmonizing with the soft buzz of Paris fading into the distance. As the cityscape gave way to rolling countryside on the route to Burgundy, you glanced over at Jude, smiling as the sunlight began to dance across his skin. His usual golden complexion was now kissed with a warm tint, the soft rays making his features even more striking. Jude sat back in his seat, eyes half-closed, but his senses were fully alive. The sound of the Bugatti was intoxicating, a deep, guttural purr that made him smile almost unconsciously. He tilted his head toward you, still relaxed but obviously impressed. “Alright, I’ll admit it,” he said, glancing at the dashboard, then back at you. “Maybe I really should learn how to drive... this is too good to miss out on.” He told you. You laughed, glancing at him with a playful shake of your head. 
“I’ll help you,” you promised, your voice light. “But don’t get too excited—driving my dad’s car is like being on the final level of a video game. You’re not starting here.” Jude leaned back in his seat with a mock sigh, putting on his most devastatingly cute pout. 
“Really? No Bugatti on my debut?” he teased, his lower lip sticking out just a little. You shot him a quick, amused glance before focusing back on the road. 
“Sorry, baby. Not unless you plan on running before you can walk,” you quipped. Jude chuckled, feigning disappointment but clearly loving the back-and-forth. 
“I’m a fast learner, you know. Maybe I’ll surprise you.” He cooed. 
“Oh, I’m sure you’ll surprise me in more ways than one,” you teased back, smiling as you settled into the easy rhythm of the drive. The sun continued to rise higher in the sky, casting long, golden beams that bathed the French countryside in a warm, inviting glow. You felt the weight of Jude’s gaze on you, and the freedom of the open road. It was one of those perfect moments, where the world seemed to slow down just enough to let you savor every second. And a few hours later, as the car slowed to a stop on the stone driveway of your family’s château in Burgundy, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside you. Jude had been calm for most of the drive, but now, sitting beside you, you could feel a slight tension in him. The fields filled with rows and rows of grape alleys framing the massive country home. He adjusted his sunglasses as his eyes scanned the figure standing in front of the grand estate. You could just barely see through the tint of the lenses, his eyes narrowing into a squint. Your mother stood there, as elegant as ever, waiting with a smile that could both warm your heart and send shivers down your spine. Dressed in a sleek, effortlessly chic outfit with a scarf wrapped loosely around her neck, she looked like the epitome of French sophistication. Jude, who had grown used to your descriptions of her, was now seeing her in the flesh, and you could tell he was both intrigued and slightly intimidated. He took a deep breath, then got out of the car, walking around to your side to open the door for you like a true gentleman. You stepped out and he slipped his hand into yours, a subtle gesture of reassurance for both of you. As you approached your mother, you gave her a bright toothy smile, feeling a little giddy introducing Jude to her.
"Maman!" you said warmly, your heart racing just a bit, "this is Jude… my boyfriend." Your mother’s eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight, her perfectly painted lips curving into a wide smile. 
"Oh là là!" she gasped in excitement, her voice spilling over in that typical French fashion. "Enfin! Look at you both!" Before either of you could react, she moved forward, pulling Jude into a hug. For a brief moment, you saw a flicker of shock cross his face—this was not the cool, reserved French mother he had been expecting. But then he quickly recovered, smiling as he embraced her, still slightly taken aback by her warmth. She greeted him in a mix of French and English, her accent flowing effortlessly between the two.
“Enchantée, Jude. Welcome to our home! Oh, you are even more handsome than in the pictures!" Jude blushed slightly, caught off guard by her forwardness, but smiled politely. 
“Thank you. It’s so lovely to meet you. I’m really happy to be here.” He cooed. Your mother waved her hand dismissively, chuckling lightly.
“And we’re happy to have you. Please, call me Amélie." She took a step back, her gaze flitting between you and Jude, taking you both in like she was trying to memorize the moment. When she turned to hug you, she leaned in close.
“He’s much too pretty to let get away, ma chéri. And look at you—so happy. C’est parfait.” Her lips brushed your cheek as she whispered into your ear.  You pulled back, beaming, your heart swelling at her words. Jude squeezed your hand softly, a silent acknowledgment that he had caught the tender exchange between you and your mother.  As you all stood together on the driveway, your mother’s playful teasing and Jude’s slightly overwhelmed but still charmed demeanor filled the air with a warm, light energy. It was both comforting and exhilarating. As you stepped inside the château, Jude seemed to pause for a moment, taking in the atmosphere of the home. It wasn’t the cold, intimidating mansion he might have expected from an affluent French family. Instead, there was a warmth that radiated from the stone walls, softened by the light streaming through the windows. The hallway was lined with family photos—some in ornate frames, others more simple, but all filled with moments of happiness and love. It clicked for Jude in that instant: this wasn’t just a show of wealth or status, this was you—your heart, your memories, your life. Your mum clung to you as you walked through the door, kissing your cheek and holding you tightly as though you hadn’t seen each other in years.
“I missed you, ma chérie,” she said softly, her hand resting on your back as if she was reluctant to let you go. 
"I missed you too, maman." You smiled, returning her embrace Jude watched the exchange, his gaze softening. This wasn’t what he had imagined at all. There was so much genuine connection, so much love here, that any preconceived notions he had of cold, aristocratic families faded away. A part of him mildly confused because he’d heard from not only you but Whitney too that your family life was a bit distant. He was realizing though that that distance seemed to be more one of physicality then emotionality. 
"This place is beautiful," Jude remarked sincerely, his eyes wandering over the rustic but elegant decor—the perfect mix of comfort and class. Your mum smiled appreciatively but waved her hand dismissively again. 
"Merci, Jude. You’re very kind, but it's just a home. A little too big now that it's just me and your papa rattling around. But I’m so glad you like it." As she led you both further into the house, she started chatting away, her excitement spilling over. "I’ll admit Jude, I don’t follow football very closely, but from what I’ve heard around our house, you’ve been very impressive this year.” She then turned to you. “Your brother told me he’s going to be quite the problem for France at the Euros," she added with a teasing smile. Jude laughed, a sound that filled the room, warm and genuine. You couldn’t help but feel your heart swell as the two of them engaged so easily, their laughter melding together in a way that made your chest tighten, but in the best possible way. It was like you were witnessing the beginning of something special, a new chapter of your life that blended the people you loved most.
"I don’t know about that," Jude said modestly, still smiling. "But I’ll definitely do my best as long as it doesn’t ruffle any feathers here. I’d like to be welcomed back." Your mum laughed at his remark and continued to chatter about how Jude was always welcome as long as he looked after you, and how she’d been trying to catch up on football just to understand what all the fuss was about but had kept mum about your relationship to your dad. Jude listened attentively, the warmth of the room making him feel at home in a way he hadn’t expected. And as you stood there, watching him laugh and talk with your mum, you realized this was exactly what you had hoped for. The blending of two worlds you adored—Jude, with his down-to-earth charm, and your family, who had always tried their best to support you despite your unusual circumstances. It was all coming together, more beautifully than you could have imagined.
With too much time to spare before the dinner your mum had told you you’d have in a few hours, you found yourself wandering through the halls of your family’s chateau with Jude, showing him all the bits and bobs as you did back in the city. The house felt calm, almost serene—your mum was busy, and Louis and your dad were nowhere to be seen. Suddenly you had a mischievous glint in your eye as you led Jude further into the house toward your little art studio. It was a glass porch at the vineyard bathed in sunlight, each ray filtering through the vines that twisted along the edges of the windows. The air smelled of fresh earth, paint, and the faintest hint of grapes carried on the breeze. It was the perfect setting, peaceful and intimate, for what you were about to do: teach Jude how to paint.
“You ready for your first painting lesson?” you asked with a playful smile, turning to him. Jude hesitated, his confident demeanor faltering for just a moment. 
“Painting? Ah… I don’t know, angel…. I’m not sure how I’ll actually do at this,” he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck, a nervous chuckle escaping him. You giggled, stepping closer to him and wrapping your arms around his waist. You kissed his cheek softly, reassuring him. 
“It’s just for fun, Jude. You don’t have to be good at it, and I promise I’ll go easy on you,” you teased, giving him a soft wink. Jude’s face softened, and he returned your smile, his hands resting comfortably on your hips. 
“Alright, but only if you promise to be gentle with your new student,” he said, his voice laced with amusement. “I don’t know if I’m ready for the harsh critique of a professional.” He smiled. 
“You’ll be fine,” you laughed, pulling him along into the studio. “You’re my favorite student anyway.” Inside, the room was filled with light streaming through the large windows, the smell of paint a bit more prominent. You handed Jude a paintbrush and pointed to a canvas you had just set up for him, already grinning at the idea of watching him paint.  As he took the brush in his hand, his brow furrowed with concentration. 
"So, uh, what do I start with?" he asked, looking adorably lost. He stood beside you, an oversized canvas in front of him, looking both eager and slightly nervous. You smiled, amused by how his confidence on the pitch seemed to disappear when faced with a blank canvas. 
“It’s not a match, Jude. There’s no winning or losing here,” you reassured him softly, squeezing his arm as you set down a palette of colors in front of him.
He looked at the array of paints, then at you. Jude exhaled, his gaze flicking between your face and the canvas. “Alright,” he murmured, determined. “So what do I do… seriously?” He asked, feeling ready now despite his apprehension. 
“Anything you want,” you said, standing beside him. “Think of something that makes you happy.”
“Hmm…” Jude bit his lip, eyes narrowing at the blank canvas before him. “I’m drawing a blank, literally because I’m not going to attempt painting you.” He looked at you concerned. Like you might think he was dumb for not knowing but you felt the opposite. You just liked that he was willing to give it a go. You laughed, thinking he was sweet for indirectly saying you made him happy whilst you set up your own canvas. 
“Okay, well. First part is the easiest. We just paint the entire canvas with the gesso so you’re in good shape so far.” You smiled at him sympathetically but with reassurance in your eyes. 
“Gesso? Baby, I need… I need you to talk like I’ve never done this before because… I’ve never done this before.” He laughed at himself. 
“Oh right, right. Sorry. Okay, erm… Gesso primes or okay… like it prepares the canvas to paint. So genuinely just brush the canvas all over. Can’t do it wrong, baby.” You explained to Jude and so he did but meticulously copied the way you dragged the brush on your canvas just to be sure.  
“Now what, angel.” He looked at you proud of himself despite his still essentially blank canvas. You ran your hand over your face with a giggle. 
“I guess we could start with something simple, like what about a landscape? Just some basic shapes or whatever you want! Maybe you’re more of an abstract guy” You giggled. 
“And if I’m neither?” He smirked but you waved him off. After a moment, he dipped his brush into the paint, hesitating before finally dragging it across the canvas. He made his first stroke, a tentative sweep of blue across the canvas. You could feel his concentration, the intensity he usually reserved for football matches now channeled into the strokes of paint. His lines were shaky, like he was thinking too hard,  but he didn’t seem to mind too much. You watched him with a smile, appreciating the effort he was putting in despite his nerves. As the two of you painted side by side, the room filled with easy laughter. Jude would glance over at your work, pretending to be jealous of how effortlessly you created shapes and colors. “How do you make it look so easy?” he asked, a playful whine in his voice.
“Years of practice, baby. You’ll get there. Stick with me.” You smirked. Jude rolled his eyes dramatically but smiled, clearly enjoying the process more than he expected.  
“Trust me… that’s the plan, angel.” He smiled. You stood close, watching as he started to relax, his strokes becoming more confident. The sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a golden glow over both of you. You worked for a little while like that getting further into the paintings. You continued to paint side by side, lost in the moment, the world outside disappearing as the colors on the canvas began to take shape. “You know, I might just be the best student you’ve ever had.” He beamed looking at his own canvas. 
“Bold claim,” you teased, reaching over to pinch at his arm.  
“Hey!” He yelped, chastising you with feigned anger. “Don’t mess with my work please. Keep your hands to yourself.” He broke into a slight laugh at the tail end of his sentence, unable to hold onto his farce. 
“Alright, sorry! Sorry! Hands to myself. I got it.” You raised an eyebrow and both hands, trying not to laugh.
“Well… just well I work, angel. When I’m done… rules change.” He smirked.  Jude paused looking at his canvas again, then with a grin, he added a little stick figure to his landscape. “That’s me,” he said proudly. “Look at me, blending into nature.”
“A real masterpiece,” you declared, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. “You’re really a natural.” You fell into a sweet laugh, unable to hold it in. 
“You know, it’s more fun than I thought,” he admitted. “Especially with you here.” Jude smiled, the warmth in his eyes making your heart swell. As the evening sun started to set outside, the two of you continued to paint, the time slipping away in each other’s company. You realized that this moment, teaching Jude to paint in your family’s chateau, was one you’d hold on to forever—a quiet, intimate memory of just the two of you. It was turning out not to be a bad first day as his girlfriend. You gently reached for another brush, dipping it in green, and made a sweeping motion on your own canvas. 
“See?” you said, nodding towards your own strokes. “It’s just meant to be fun.” You smiled implying his worries before were unnecessary. Jude turned to look at your work, his eyes softening as he watched you. There was something in the way you moved, how natural it was for you to create something beautiful. He admired you, of course, but this was different. He felt like he was seeing a side of you that was so deeply personal. 
“You make it look so easy,” he murmured, his voice low with admiration. You smiled, moving to step behind him. You wrapped your arms gently around his waist. 
“It’s not about easy. It’s about feeling.” You rested your chin on his shoulder, guiding his hand again as he made another stroke. “Like how hard are you really thinking when you strike a ball? You’re not. It’s instinctual. You know how to do it. It’s just a feeling. Comfort and confidence and maybe a bit of bravery” You told him as you reached over to your own canvas making a dramatic line on your painting. You watched Jude’s eyes go wide momentarily, nervous that you’d messed it all up but then he tilted his head seeing that somehow it looked better that way. 
“I like that. That’s exactly how I feel about footie. Comfort and confidence… bit of bravery.” He cooed. But then Jude paused, feeling the warmth of your body pressed against his back, the scent of you mingling with the fresh air and the sweet scent of the chateau. He turned his head slightly, his cheek brushing against yours. “You know, I’ve never seen you so in your element. It’s... beautiful,” he whispered. You blushed, caught off guard by the sincerity in his voice. 
“No one’s ever really cared about this stuff before… You know things I actually like or  my process,” you admitted softly, the vulnerability in your words catching you off guard. “Like I told you… everyone just always wants to see the end result.” Jude’s hand moved to rest over yours, still holding the brush. 
“I care,” he said quietly. “I want to see everything.” For a moment, you both stood there in the sunlit porch, surrounded by the quiet of the vineyard, the only sounds being the gentle strokes of paint and the soft rustling of the vines outside. There was something incredibly intimate about it, sharing this creative space with him. It was as if he was seeing you in a way no one else ever had. You glanced at Jude, who was so focused now, a small smile on his lips as he worked. It wasn’t perfect—far from it—but that wasn’t the point. It was raw, honest, and beautiful, just like the two of you. Jude stepped back momentarily, looking at his creation with a mix of pride and amusement to inspect his current progress. “I don’t know what it is, but I like it,” he said with a grin.
“It’s you,” you said softly. “It’s yours. And it’s beautiful.” You laughed, stepping next to him and taking in the colorful swirls and lines.  He turned to you, his eyes softening as he reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“You’re beautiful,” he said quietly, his voice full of meaning. “Thank you for sharing this with me.” You leaned into his touch, feeling the warmth of the sun and the weight of his words. In that moment, surrounded by paint, sunlight, and love, everything felt perfect. You both returned to your paintings. You were focused, completely immersed in yours, but you could feel Jude's eyes on you, studying you. The brush in your hand moved effortlessly over the canvas, but your mind kept drifting back to the way he was watching you-his gaze soft, affectionate, and admiring.
"Do you need something?" you asked teasingly, without turning around, coughing slightly to hide your fluster. You could feel his stare like a gentle weight.
"Feels a bit backwards when the artist is more beautiful than the art." Jude chuckled, his voice low and warm. You grinned but raised an eyebrow in mock offense, finally turning to face him.
"So you don't like my work?” He rolled his eyes playfully, letting out a dramatic sigh. 
"I didn't say that." He quipped. You laughed, returning your focus to the canvas, but you could still feel him watching. A few more strokes of the brush, and suddenly you felt something cool and wet on your skin.
"Oh my god!!" You looked down to see a streak of light blue acrylic paint smeared across your exposed stomach. Your mouth dropped open in shock, quickly followed by a giggle as you saw Jude standing there, his brush in hand, grinning like a child who had just gotten away with something mischievous. "Jude!" you exclaimed, giving him a mock-glare. He simply shrugged, that playful gleam in his eyes, knowing full well what he'd done. Without missing a beat, you dipped your brush in paint and lunged toward him, but he was quicker. Dodging your attempts, the two of you fell into a childish chase around the studio, laughing like carefree kids. After a few near misses and lots of laughter, Jude managed to dodge you one last time, spinning around to wrap you up in his arms, trapping you. 
"Got ya.” He laughed, kissing your neck. “Maybe I need to teach you a few things. You’re slow, angel" he teased, pressing kisses all over your face and neck, his lips gentle yet full of playful affection.Your giggles echoed around the room as you squirmed in his grasp, unable to resist the joy of the moment. 
"Okay, okay, you win!" you conceded between laughs, still trying to catch your breath. He slowed his playful assault, his lips lingering near your ear. 
"Go ahead. I'll let you get me back." He whispered. Your heart skipped a beat at his words, feeling the shift in the air between you. You dipped your brush back into the white paint you were using, your hand trembling slightly, and with a slow, deliberate motion, you dragged the brush across his sharp jawline. The white paint was stark against his rich skin, the contrast making the moment feel charged, electric. Jude's eyes darkened, his playful grin fading into something more intense as he felt the brush glide over his face. He grabbed your hand, the one holding the brush, stilling your movement as his grip tightened ever so slightly. In one fluid motion, he pulled you into him, crashing his lips onto yours in a kiss that sent sparks through your entire body.
The kiss was deep, consuming. His hand came up to cup your face, the other still holding yours, as if anchoring you to him in that moment. You could feel his heartbeat thudding against your chest, and you responded in kind, your fingers tangling in his hair as you pressed closer, your body melting into his. The room, the paint, the canvas-it all faded into the background as you lost yourself in him. Every kiss was a new breath, every touch igniting a deeper connection. When you finally pulled away, gasping for air, you both stood there, staring at each other with that same fire in your eyes, the room charged with an unspoken understanding.
"You might've just made me love painting." He whispered again. Jude smirked, his lips brushing yours one last time.  You and Jude were giggling in the sun-drenched room, basking in the easy, playful intimacy of the moment when suddenly, the sound of a door slamming shut echoed through the house. Your heart jumped. You knew that sound well. Only one person entered the house with that kind of unannounced energy—your brother, Louis.
"Merde..." you muttered, already anticipating the whirlwind that was about to hit.  Louis was amazing but you were stuck with fear of introducing your boyfriend to your older brother. You moved to gently wipe the paint off Jude’s face before you led him into the massive farmhouse kitchen, where Louis was standing, tossing his keys onto the counter and immediately launching into rapid-fire French, his voice filled with warmth, jokes, and the unmistakable undertone of how much he had missed you. You exchanged back, just as fast, your words filled with sibling banter. Jude watched, trying to follow the conversation, his eyes flitting between you and Louis, clearly amused by the lively exchange.
“Ah! J'ai finalement décidé de rentrer à la maison!”  [Ah! Finally decided to come home] You know, you promised you would about five months ago, sœurette” [little sister] Louis teased, slamming the fridge door shut with one hand and grabbing a baguette with the other. You rolled your eyes, smiling.
 “Oui, oui, oui but I’m here now, no?” You shot back, playfully nudging Jude, who was watching the scene unfold with quiet amusement. Louis’ grin widened as he finally took in his surroundings and noticed Jude for the first time, his brows shooting up in exaggerated surprise. 
“Je n'y crois pas!” [i don't believe it] He cut himself off, switching to English for Jude’s sake, his tone now playful but dramatic. “Nah, no way. Jude Bellingham? What the fuck?” Louis laughed at the insanity of Jude’s presence. To say Louis followed football would be an understatement. “Ouah, you can’t possibly be interested in this.” Referring to you as ‘this.’ Louis laughed again throwing a torn piece of bread at you playfully. You shook your head, already bracing for the inevitable teasing. 
“Oh, tais-toi!” [shut up] you groaned, but you couldn’t help the smile tugging at your lips. Louis walked over, extending his hand to Jude, his extroverted personality taking over instantly.
“Mon dieu man, this is wild. What are you doing here, mate? What a pleasure.” He grinned at you mischievously before adding, “Can’t believe you’re with Y/N. She was a nightmare growing up, you know.” Jude laughed, shaking his hand firmly. 
“Yeah, she hasn’t changed much,” he joked back, throwing you a playful look. “Nah, pleasure’s mine though. Just here as Y/N’s boyfriend.” Jude smiled. 
“Excuse me, I’m a delight. Not having that from either of you.” You gasped mockingly, crossing your arms. “But yeah, Louis, this is Jude, my boyfriend.” You smiled proudly. Louis raised an eyebrow, clearly enjoying himself. 
“Oh, I’m sure you’re a delight now, but when we were kids? Let’s just say there’s a reason we needed two nannies,” he quipped, glancing at Jude with a conspiratorial grin.You rolled your eyes dramatically. You weren’t troublesome, Louis was being dramatic just to get a rise out of you. 
“Louis, s'il te plaît.” You whined. Louis laughed heartily before his expression turned more curious, glancing between the two of you. 
“But seriously… Does Dad know about this?” He tilted his head slightly, a teasing glint in his eyes. You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck, knowing this was coming. 
“Not yet. But let me guess—you’re going to have a field day telling him, aren’t you?” You gave him a pleading look. Begging your big brother not to do just that.  Louis grinned, not even attempting to hide his glee.
“Oh, you know me too well. I can’t wait to see his face.” Louis laughed. If Louis was into football, your dad was football. He lived for it. 
“Sounds like I’m in for a big introduction.” Jude chuckled but looked at you with a slightly raised brow. You should’ve prepared Jude but you figured his naiveness would be to his benefit and cute to watch. 
“Okay, okay… enough. Arrêt, Lou.” You sighed, playfully punching Louis in the arm. “Papa will love him. You’re just unnecessarily going to scare him and he’ll leave.” Jude smiled, his hand finding yours as he gave it a reassuring squeeze. 
“I’m not going anywhere, angel” he said softly, and even Louis, for a moment, seemed to catch the sincerity in Jude’s voice. 
You all moved to find yourselves in the glow of evening filtered through the tall windows of one of the lounges at the chateau, casting a warm light across the room’s rich wooden floors and plush furnishings. You sat comfortably beside Jude on a velvet couch, your fingers lazily intertwined with his, while your mother and Louis were seated across from you, each with a glass of aperitif in hand. The air was light with the scent of lavender and rosemary drifting in from the garden outside, mixing with the faint notes of the citrusy aperitifs your mother had prepared. Small plates of olives, almonds, and crisps sat on the low table between you all, each bite meant to tease the appetite before the family dinner to come. Your mother, elegantly dressed in a soft linen blouse, leaned back in her chair with a contented smile, clearly pleased to have her family gathered around, and perhaps a little more delighted that you had brought Jude to meet them. Louis, always the charmer, had been deep in conversation with Jude, discussing football and casually teasing him about adjusting to French wine. Jude, ever polite and easygoing, held his glass in one hand, the other gently resting on your knee still intertwined with yours. He was relaxed now, having settled into the rhythm of the conversation, his usual confidence shining through in the way he spoke with your family, even though you could tell he was trying to be on his best behavior. His laugh blended smoothly into the room, warm and genuine, as Louis made a playful remark.
“I’ll admit,” your mother said, raising her glass slightly toward Jude, “I wasn’t sure if ma petite fille was ever going to bring someone here. But I’m glad it’s you.” Her tone was soft but sincere, and she gave you a knowing smile. Jude glanced at you, squeezing your hand before smiling back at your mum.
“Thank you. I appreciate it. I’m lucky I got to be the one she brought. But I'm just happy to be here. It’s… beautiful,” he said, his eyes briefly sweeping over the room, then out toward the sprawling grounds beyond the French doors. You could feel his nerves slipping away with every sip of the chilled aperitif, the bubbles dancing on his tongue. He was fitting in seamlessly, but you knew it meant a lot to him to make a good impression.
“And I have to say,” Louis added, swirling his drink with an appreciative look, “you picked a good vintage, Jude.”  He smirked. Your mum had shown Jude one of the wine cellars off the kitchen and offered him the opportunity to pick a wine to start with. You stood next to him and coyly pointed at a bottle with a wink.  
“Honestly, I just follow her lead when it comes to wine.” Jude chuckled, his thumb brushing the back of your hand. 
“Oh mate, don’t do that.” Louis quipped. You’re mum swatted at Louis to be nice.  The room filled with soft laughter, the atmosphere light and welcoming. You leaned into Jude, resting your head on his shoulder for a moment, feeling the warmth of his skin through his shirt. It all felt so easy, so right, sitting there with him beside you, your family around you, the peacefulness of the chateau wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. As the conversation carried on, you caught your mum stealing glances at you both, her eyes gleaming with approval and happiness. You could tell she was happy to see you this way, with someone who made you feel at ease, someone who seemed to love you as deeply as you deserved. After Jude had charmed your family over pre-dinner drinks, he excused himself to use the bathroom, leaving you and your brother Louis alone in the room. The warm glow of candlelight bathed the room, the quiet chatter of your mum to the chefs drifting in from the kitchen. You took a sip of wine, savoring the calm before dinner.
"I need to talk to you about something." Louis, usually relaxed and easygoing, leaned in closer, his voice dropping slightly. 
"About what?" You blinked, caught off guard by his sudden shift in tone. 
"About Jude," he said, his gaze serious.
"What about him?" You straightened in your chair, frowning. The casual atmosphere you’d been enjoying moments before seemed to evaporate.  Louis rubbed the back of his neck, clearly uncomfortable, before glancing toward the hallway where Jude had disappeared. 
"I just... Are you sure about him? About bringing him here?" A wave of confusion rolled over you. 
"I wouldn’t have brought him if I wasn’t sure," you replied, your voice firm but puzzled. Louis had seemed fine with Jude earlier. In fact, they’d hit it off well, talking about football, French wines, and even exchanging a few laughs over stupid boy stuff. So why the sudden shift?
"I mean... there are other people, you know? People who’d be better suited for you." Louis sighed, leaning back in his chair, his brows knitting together. Your frown deepened. 
"What are you talking about?" The knot in your stomach tightened as his words sank in. It was rare for Louis to make a comment about a boy you’d see. It was a rarity for you to have a boyfriend in general. And it was completely uncharted for you to bring one home so this took you by surprise considering Louis knew how important Jude must’ve been to you if you were brining him home. 
"Someone like Gabriel. He’s from around here, from a good family. He could still give you what you want. You two would make sense. You’d fit." Louis shifted again, clearly struggling with how to phrase what he wanted to say. “Like if you want to settle down or whatever, maybe someone like that makes more sense for you.” He looked at you almost pleadingly.
"Gabriel? Are you serious?" You couldn’t help the disbelief that laced your tone. You stared at him, incredulous. Gabriel? The aristocratic boy you’d barely known, who only appeared at family gatherings to talk about business and vineyards? The boy who had a stick up his ass and told you going out was ‘beneath him.’ You hadn’t even exchanged more than a few words with him after that.  
"He’s stable. You know what you're getting with someone like him. He’s not... like Jude." Louis looked at you with an unwavering seriousness that you hadn’t expected.
"What do you mean, ‘like Jude’? What’s wrong with Jude? Louis… he’s my boyfriend. What the fuck?" You couldn’t hold back the frustration bubbling inside you. 
"It’s not that there’s something wrong with him," Louis said, his tone measured. "But his life is... different. Fast. Unpredictable. Guys like him are surrounded by people who want a piece of them, and I just don’t want you to get caught up in something that could hurt you." You stared at Louis, taken aback. It wasn’t like him to voice such concerns so bluntly, especially not about someone you cared about. 
"I don’t understand. You seemed to like him before," you said slowly, trying to make sense of his sudden caution. "You were getting along with him earlier. What changed?"
"I do like him," he admitted. "He’s great, honestly. But his lifestyle… that’s the problem." Louis looked conflicted, running a hand through his hair as if searching for the right words.
"What’s the problem?" You tilted your head, confused. Louis leaned forward slightly, his expression softening but his words still heavy. It felt a bit hypocritical. You access to the luxuries of life were equally on par with what Jude had in reach. You and Louis probably had been a bit more reckless with them to be honest. 
"Look ma chéri. You’ve always been careful with who you let in. You’ve never brought someone home, and that’s why I’m worried. Because guys like Jude... they live in a world where everything is magnified. The fame, the pressure, the temptation. I’ve seen it with friends. One minute everything’s fine, the next... things fall apart." He explained. 
"So, what? You think I can’t handle it?" Your chest tightened, your heartbeat quickening. Louis had always been protective, but this felt different, more personal. Suddenly you felt much younger than you were. 
"It’s not about you," he said quickly. "I know you’re strong, and I know you’re smart. But that doesn’t mean you’re immune to getting hurt." You felt a swell of frustration, and maybe even that hurt, building inside you. 
"Louis, I’m not naïve. I know what Jude’s life is like. I’ve seen it. But that doesn’t mean he’s going to hurt me." You quipped. Louis looked at you, his eyes softening with concern. 
"I know you’re not naïve. But you’re also not invincible." The silence between you felt heavy, the warmth of the room suddenly suffocating. You hadn’t expected this kind of resistance from Louis, not when he’d been so welcoming earlier. 
"Jude’s not some reckless celebrity, Louis. He’s kind, he’s respectful, and he’s been nothing but good to me." And as you said those words, you realized they weren’t all that true. Jude’s life had caused issues. It’d hurt you before you were even his girlfriend. 
"I’m not saying he’s not," Louis said quietly. "I’m just saying... his world is different from yours. And I don’t want you to lose yourself in it." He explained further. Your shoulders dropped slightly as the weight of his words sank in. Louis had always been a rock for you, a protector, but this felt like he was questioning your judgment and frankly, you began to question yours as well.  And it hurt more than you wanted to admit.
"Louis, stop." you said, your voice quieter now, "Jude is someone I care about. He’s not just some fling. I wouldn’t be with him if I didn’t think he was worth it." You cooed. 
"I know," he said, his tone gentler. "I know you wouldn’t. The thing is, it’s not about him being worth it, Y/N. It’s about it being right for you." Louis’s face softened further, the lines of tension easing. The sound of the bathroom door opening broke the tension, and you both turned to see Jude walking back into the room, his expression relaxed and unaware of the conversation that had just taken place. He smiled at you, his presence instantly easing the tension in your chest. Louis straightened up, offering Jude a smile as he returned to his seat. But as Jude took your hand, you couldn’t shake the lingering weight of your brother’s words.
As the dinner began, the waitstaff meticulously placed each plate of French cuisine before you and your family. Jude shot you a questioning glance, clearly trying to navigate the formality of the moment, which stood in such contrast to the warm and easy vibe your family had at home. You smiled reassuringly, squeezing his hand under the table, grounding him. The conversation meandered lightly, your mum asking Jude small but thoughtful questions — about Madrid, his career, his family, and how he found France. He answered politely, though you could see the slight tension in his shoulders. It was the first dinner with your family, and while the atmosphere was relaxed, there was an undeniable pressure that Jude felt. This wasn’t just anyone’s family — this was your family. Just as a server refilled the wine glasses, the unmistakable sound of the door opening echoed through the room. Your heart leapt at the familiar noise of footsteps. 
"Papa!" you exclaimed, jumping up from your seat as your father finally appeared, fashionably late as usual. Everyone watched with soft smiles as you dashed to greet him, exchanging rapid French in your usual excited manner. He was a man of presence, even when absent for stretches at a time, and that made you cherish the moments with him even more. You hugged him tightly, his cologne bringing back a wave of nostalgia. After exchanging a few words, you pulled back, eyes twinkling. "Papa, I want you to meet someone very important." Jude had already stood up as you turned, and the tall figure of your boyfriend made his way to the center of the room. As he approached, your father’s eyes narrowed slightly, the natural reaction of a father seeing his daughter’s suitor up close for the first time. You noticed the brief scrutiny, the protective instinct rising to the surface. But then, something shifted.
"Well, well... what is the Golden Boy doing in my house?" he said, his deep French accent adding weight to the teasing tone. Your dad's lips twitched, and a glint of recognition sparked in his eyes as they widened ever so slightly. He glanced back at you, then to Jude. Your heart skipped a beat as the nickname, tied to Jude's win of the prestigious Golden Boy award, rolled off your father’s tongue. Jude had made headlines across Europe for the honor, and you hadn’t fully realized until this moment that your dad, though rarely detached from football, was fully aware of Jude's reputation.
"It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir. Jude Bellingham." Ever poised, he extended his hand with a warm smile. Your father grasped his hand firmly, but the narrowed look had given way to a more playful one. He clapped his free hand on Jude’s shoulder, giving him an approving look. 
"Ah, the pleasure is mine. You’ve come here with Y/N?" he said, the warmth creeping into his voice. Jude gave him a sincere ‘yes.’ As much as you loved your dad… he was in and out of your life, busy always. He couldn’t remember if he knew if Jude was a potential friend of Louis but your introduction had him feeling otherwise but nevertheless he wasn’t thrilled about his little girl bringing a boy home but it being Jude was slightly redeeming. "But to have the Golden Boy in my house... well, what a treat." Jude laughed, his usual confidence coming back full force, though you could sense the bashfulness underneath. 
"I’m sure you’ve had bigger names through these doors than me." Jude cooed. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding. Jude’s ease around people would always be attractive. Your dad waved off the modesty, turning to your mum. 
"He’s being humble. This one’s going to give France problems next year, you’ll see, poulette." He cooed as your dad moved to go give your mum a kiss. You stifled a laugh as you glanced at Jude, whose cheeks flushed just slightly. There was something about your father’s approval that seemed to lift the weight off his shoulders. The nerves Jude had been carrying all evening seemed to dissolve with that single statement.
"I can only hope I have a good tournament. But Y/N’s been kind enough to invite me here…" Jude continued, his eyes softening as he turned to you. "kind enough to let me be her boyfriend and invite me here." Jude explained with a sly smirk. Your breath caught at his admission. Your father raised an eyebrow, his gaze flicking between the two of you before settling on you with an affectionate smile. 
"Ah, so that’s how it is." He gave Jude another inspecting glance now knowing he was officially a boyfriend. "You better treat her well, or I’ll be coming after you."
"I wouldn’t dream of doing anything less, sir." Jude chuckled nervously. There was something that felt terrifyingly real about the subtle threat. You took a deep breath but the playful exchange filled you with warmth. 
"I think you’re winning him over." You whispered, leaning into Jude.
"I hope so," Jude murmured, smiling down at you. Just then, Louis, who had been silently observing the whole scene from his seat, rolled his eyes and let out an exaggerated sigh. 
“Ouah, c'est tellement incroyable d'avoir le golden boy avec nous.” [it’s so amazing to have the golden boy with us.] he muttered in full french leaving Jude following nothing but the fact that it was about him. Louis shook his head with a grin that suggested he wasn’t surprised by the swift approval your dad had given Jude. "Mais Bien sûr, [but of course]  it’s the Golden Boy, Papa for your golden girl"  he teased, though there was no malice in his tone, it was weighted. Louis believed your dad favored you, and maybe it was true but also, now that he’d told you his apprehension about the relationship it felt more poignant. 
"Ah Louis,  la jalousie ne te va pas?" [Ah Louis, jealousy doesn't suit you] A smirk played on your dad’s lips as he took his seat at the head of the table. Your dad, catching on to Louis’ reaction, chuckled.
"Not jealous, just... surprised how fast this is going." Louis shook his head, giving you a pointed look. You gave him a look that said ‘we’ll talk later,’ but couldn’t help the way your anxiety was spiking at the whole situation. Jude seemed to take it all in stride, unfazed by Louis’ remark. He slipped his arm around your waist, drawing you closer as everyone returned to their seats. As the conversation continued, you noticed your mother giving you a nod of approval, clearly impressed with how Jude had handled himself. She had been watching the whole exchange closely, and the ease with which Jude fit into the family dynamic seemed to win her over too.
"You've done well, sweetheart," she whispered to you in French as the meal continued. You smiled, your heart swelling with the knowledge that your family had welcomed Jude, even Louis at least on the surface. Dinner was a whirlwind of stories, old inside jokes, and names of people Jude had never heard before. He spent most of the meal catching up, his eyes darting between family members as he tried to follow the decades-old family stories being shared. Conversations would slip in and out of French, and you'd have to quietly translate for him, but Jude handled it all with ease. You admired how quickly he picked up on the rhythm of your family, offering smiles, laughs, and even thoughtful questions at just the right moments. It hurt you though that he was blissfully unaware Louis wasn’t exactly thrilled about the pairing. And so, after dessert, the meal wound down, and you offered to help your mum in the kitchen. Jude, ever the gentleman, asked if he could help too, but before you could answer, your dad interjected, extending a hand toward Jude. 
"Why don't you join us outside instead, Jude? Louis and I were about to have a chat. You can tell us about your plans for the Euos so I can tell Didier." You shot Jude a reassuring glance, knowing this was your dad's way of bringing him into the fold. Jude hesitated briefly, but when your dad clapped him on the back and Louis stood up, he gave you a quick smile and followed them out. Jude’s brow did furrow momentarily trying to figure out if your dad actually knew Didier Deschamps or if it was a joke but nevertheless he went. You let him keep wondering. Your mum smiled at the scene, her eyes following Jude and your father. 
“He’s doing well,” she mused as you both headed into the kitchen. The staff was already cleaning up, so you and your mum leaned against the counter, glasses of wine in hand, taking the moment to catch up on gossip. She gushed about how happy you looked, how she thought Jude was handsome and polite, and how your dad seemed quite taken with him. “He fits,” she said simply, and you couldn’t help but smile. It made you feel better that she thought so, despite Louis’ hesitancy. The kitchen was cozy, filled with the warmth of your mother’s approval and the soft hum of conversation from the dining room staff. But you couldn’t shake the conversation from earlier in your mind, your heart heavy with the knowledge that Louis’ doubts had struck a chord in you. Outside, however, the atmosphere was a little different. Jude, your father, and Louis sat on the terrace, surrounded by the soft night air. Your dad had offered cigars, but Jude politely declined, opting to sit back and enjoy the conversation instead. Football, of course, dominated the talk. Your dad was in his element, relaying old stories of his favorite French teams and players. Louis joined in, discussing the upcoming Euros, analyzing team strategies and player potentials. Jude laughed easily, offering his own insights when asked, and it warmed your heart every time you heard his laughter drift back into the house. The scene outside seemed like a perfect integration of your two worlds — the man you loved fitting seamlessly into the family you cherished. But after a while, your father excused himself. He came back into the house to find you, his eyes softening when they landed on you. 
“I’ve missed you, ma chérie,” he said softly, pulling you into a hug. There was always something about your father’s presence that made you feel like a little girl again, like everything was safe and secure. Unfortunately tonight, thanks to your brother you felt more like one then ever. You chatted with your dad for a while, catching up on life and Jude, but you couldn’t help but wonder how things were going outside now that he had left Jude alone with Louis.
Back on the terrace, the dynamic between Jude and Louis had shifted. Louis, who had been quieter than usual for most of the conversation with your dad, now seemed to study Jude more intently. The easy laughter from earlier faded into a more measured silence.
"You’re a good player," Louis finally said, his tone neutral but not as warm as before. “Use you on FIFA all the time, bro.” Jude smiled, a bit unsure of where this was heading, but still polite. 
"Yeah? Thanks, mate.” Jude responded. Louis shifted in his chair, leaning forward slightly, his elbows resting on his knees, his expression darker and more intense than Jude had seen all night. The laughter and easygoing conversation of earlier felt distant now, like it had been replaced with something far more serious.
"Listen," Louis started again, his voice low and deliberate. "I’m sure you’re a good guy. My parents, they love a charming guy, especially one that’s got Y/N actually smiling, and not the bullshit facade she’s usually got on and they’ll see that. They’ll invite you in, make you feel like family. But they don’t know you like I do. They don’t see the whole picture." He paused, his eyes locked on Jude’s, and the weight of his words hung in the air. Jude’s smile faltered, his heart sinking as the atmosphere shifted. For the past hour, he had felt like he was doing everything right—getting along with your dad, sharing stories, even earning a few laughs. But now, the warmth had drained from the evening, replaced by an unsettling tension. 
"I don’t understand," Jude said slowly, trying to keep his voice steady. "Why is that a bad thing? I want them to like me. I want them to accept me because I love her. Isn’t that the point?" Jude questioned. Louis’s gaze didn’t waver. He leaned back in his chair, folding his arms over his chest. 
"You don’t get it, bro, do you? It’s not about them liking you. It’s not even about Y/N liking you. Hell, she says she’s in love with you but what it’s really about? It’s really about you being good for her. And I’m not sure you are." Jude blinked, stunned by Louis’ bluntness. 
 "I care about her—she’s everything to me. Why would I—" Jude began to waffle in a panic. 
"That’s not enough." Louis’s tone was sharper now, more forceful. "You don’t know what you’re getting into. You don’t know her like I do. She’s tough, but she’s so sensitive. And I don’t think you can give her the type of dedication she deserves, bro." Jude’s mouth went dry. He hadn’t expected this. Not from Louis, who had seemed friendly enough at first, even laughing and joking with him earlier. But now, it was as if a wall had gone up between them, and Jude wasn’t sure how to climb over it. “Think of your schedule alone. You’re in and out of Madrid 9 months out of the year and then on international duties in the summer. Do you really have the time to care about her life then?” Louis snapped again. Jude’s heart sank. He wanted to rebuttal. Unfortunately as much as he disagreed, there was truth in what your brother was saying. He physically couldn’t be with you as much as he’d want to be. Louis shifted his chair again, the metal scraping loudly against the patio stones. The sound echoed in the quiet night, making the tension between them even more palpable. He leaned forward, his expression hard. "I’m going to be straight with you, Jude. You’re going to hurt her. You might not mean to, but you will. And when that happens, I’ll have to hurt you." Jude’s stomach dropped, a sickening twist of dread tightening in his chest. This was the second threat of the night. He had heard threats before, hell, he’d heard one from your dad mere hours ago but this was different. Louis wasn’t angry or aggressive—he was calm, almost resigned. That made it worse. "I don’t want it to come to that," Louis continued, his voice quieter now but no less menacing. "I like you. I really do. I told you, I even use you on FIFA, so trust me, I don’t want to hurt you. But if it comes down to protecting her? I will." Jude was an older brother so he understood mildly but he didn’t feel the need to protect Jobe in the way Louis felt the need to with you. Jude was speechless. He had no idea what to say. The threat wasn’t violent, but it carried the weight of someone who had been protecting you for years and wasn’t about to stop now. He opened his mouth, trying to find the right words, but they wouldn’t come. For a moment, all he could do was sit there, stunned and unsure of how to respond. Jude sighed, leaning back in his chair, running his hand over his hair. It was clear to him now that Louis was one of the few people in your life who saw beyond the exterior, someone who knew you for who you really were—vulnerable, strong, but more delicate than anyone else could ever truly grasp. That realization only added to the weight on his shoulders. Jude wanted to get this right, and it wasn’t just about convincing Louis—it was about showing him that he knew what he had with you was rare. He looked at Louis, trying to figure out where to start. This was unfamiliar territory for Jude, opening up to someone who wasn’t you, especially about something this personal. Finally, he found his voice. 
"Listen," Jude began cautiously, his voice quieter than usual. "I’ve messed up before with Y/N. I don’t know if you know that yet but I know that I have. I thought being ‘Jude Bellingham’—the footballer, the guy everyone sees on TV—was more important than being her Jude." His eyes met Louis’s, trying to gauge his reaction. Louis raised an eyebrow, his arms still crossed over his chest, not looking entirely convinced.
"And how exactly is this supposed to make me feel better?" he shot back, not unkindly but still guarded. Jude took a deep breath, holding up a hand. 
"Just… just give me a minute here mate, okay?" He paused, collecting his thoughts, before continuing. "What I’m trying to say is—I can’t breathe without her, man. I mean, I don’t know if you’ve see my performances the last month but it’s because of her. I can’t think straight without her." He chuckled, though there was no real humor in it. "I’m a mess without her. I had to go get her in New York. It wasn’t a choice. It was a necessity. I really really fucking love her.” Jude sounded desperate.  Louis’s expression softened ever so slightly feeling almost a pity for Jude but his guard was still firmly in place. "I know I’m not… I’m not worthy of her time," Jude admitted, his voice dropping as he spoke. "I’m just grateful she let me matter at all. I get what she means to you, Louis. And I’m not trying to mess up how much you take care of her. I just— I want to be there maybe in those ways you can’t be" He hesitated for a moment, unsure if his next words would land right. “I… The thing is….” He tried to think of the only comparison he could, something that would make sense in his world. "She’s… she’s like my World Cup. The thing that, if I win her,  it’ll be like I’ve done something that actually matters. My life would feel complete." But before Jude could continue, Louis cut in, his face finally cracking into a small smirk.
"Alright, alright, no need to go that far," he said, holding up a hand. "She’s great, but she’s not that great." Louis smirked. Jude laughed softly, feeling a weight lift from the conversation, even if just a little. He glanced at Louis, his expression earnest. 
"She might be, though," Jude said, the sincerity in his tone evident. Louis leaned back in his chair, a long exhale escaping his lips. He still didn’t fully trust Jude—how could he?—but for the first time, he could see that Jude was genuinely trying. There was something raw in the way he spoke about you, something that felt real. And maybe, just maybe, that was enough to let his guard down, if only slightly. 
"Look," Louis finally said, after a long moment of silence. "I don’t expect you to be perfect. Hell, I don’t expect anyone to be perfect. But if you’re really serious about this, about her, then you need to prove it. Not to me, you don’t owe me shit. You’ll know I hate you if you don’t prove it but really, I mean to her. Because the second you mess up again, Jude… I won’t be easy to convince  because you haven’t really convinced me now." 
“You wouldn’t have even known if I hadn't told you. That’s how sure I am. I won’t, Louis. But I get it.” Jude sheepishly smiled with a nod, swallowing hard. “I’ll prove it.” He meant every word. He had to. Louis gave Jude a firm slap on the back before heading inside. Jude stood there for a second, gathering himself after the unexpectedly intense conversation. As Louis walked through the doorway, your dad looked up at him, his brow raised inquisitively, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.
"Qu’est-ce que tu lui as dit?"  [What did you say to him] Your dad asked, his tone light but laced with curiosity. Louis smirked, leaning against the doorframe. 
"Papa, someone had to scare the kid," he replied, shrugging as though it was the most natural thing in the world. "Clearly, you weren’t going to do it." Then, with a grin, he exaggerated his voice, mocking your dad’s earlier words with an even thicker French accent, 'Ah, tu vas être un problème à l'Euros' mimicking the way your dad had praised Jude earlier. [Ah, *you are going to be a problem at the Euros*,] You caught the words, and your heart skipped a beat. What had Louis said to Jude out there? You never brought anyone to your family’s chateau, and now you were worried—what if Jude had been put off? You tried to catch Louis’s eyes, but he just gave you a smug little smile, clearly enjoying having rattled both of you a bit. You shifted in your seat, glancing towards the door anxiously, your mind spinning. What if Jude was ready to leave? What if Louis had gone too far? You couldn’t bear the thought of losing the warm, comfortable connection you had brought with you from Paris to here. But then Jude walked back in, casually carrying the glasses that had been left outside. His face was calm, his expression soft. He looked... fine. Better than fine, actually. He flashed you a wink as he handed the glasses to your mum, who immediately melted at his thoughtfulness.
"Oh, Jude, mon cherie," your mum cooed, taking the glasses from him. She leaned in, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "I love you already!" she declared to the room, her tone light and cheerful. She was clearly charmed, and you couldn’t help but smile, a little of the tension easing from your body. Jude grinned, a bit bashful, but still managing to take it all in stride. He seemed completely unfazed, as though whatever Louis had said outside hadn’t shaken him at all.  You pouted at him, half-jokingly, but also just a little bit out of concern, wondering if everything was truly alright. He caught your expression and leaned over, giving you another playful wink, as if to say, Don’t worry, I’ve got this. Louis, standing off to the side, crossed his arms with a smug smile, clearly impressed by Jude’s resolve. Despite his earlier attempt to rattle him, Jude had handled the situation well. He hadn’t been scared off—he’d stuck it out. And though Louis would never admit it outright, that had earned Jude a bit of respect. For now, anyway. With the evening settling back into its rhythm, you exhaled softly, feeling a new wave of warmth toward Jude. He wasn’t just enduring the challenges of your world—he was embracing them. As the house quieted down, the echoes of laughter and conversation fading into the stone walls, you and Jude stayed behind in the warm, dimly lit kitchen. The remnants of dinner were cleared away, leaving only the soft glow of the old chandelier and the subtle clinking of glasses as Jude filled a cup of water. You watched him, feeling an overwhelming sense of contentment, the coziness of the chateau wrapping around you both.
“Thank you for coming,” you whispered. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as you walked up behind him, slipping your arms around his waist and resting your cheek against his back.
“You don’t have to thank me. I wanted to be here, angel.” Jude turned his head slightly, glancing back at you with a soft smile.
“I mean, my family is a lot. I’m sorry if it was too much. Louis… can be… He just cares. Sorry.” You apologized. You felt a twinge of embarrassment bubbling up. Jude shook his head, setting down the glass and turning around in your arms to face you. His hands found their way to your hips, pulling you in a little closer. 
“You’re my girlfriend. It could never be too much,” he said, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Don’t worry about Louis. Besides, we still have to tell Jobe. That’s gonna be fun.” You laughed at the mention of his younger brother, remembering the easy rapport the two of you had when you first met. But now, knowing you were officially Jude’s girlfriend, it felt different. 
“He’s gonna make it a whole thing, isn’t he?” you said with a nervous chuckle. Jude’s eyes sparkled with amusement as he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. 
“Oh, definitely. He’ll probably take credit for the whole thing too. Somehow spin it like he had been involved.” You laughed along with him, feeling the tension melt away. Jude was always good at making you feel at ease, even when your nerves got the better of you. He wrapped his arms fully around you, holding you close and lowering his voice. “But speaking of… do I get to sleep with my girlfriend tonight? Or are your parents not about that?” You felt your face heat up at his teasing words, and you playfully squeezed his arm. 
“You’re not sleeping anywhere else,” you replied with a smirk. “They’ll just have to deal with it.” Jude’s grin widened, and as you led him out of the kitchen and through the quiet hallways of the chateau, you felt the weight of the evening slowly lifting. The old floorboards creaked under your feet, and the dim sconces along the walls cast soft shadows that danced across the antique furniture. You brought Jude to a secluded wing of the house, the air cooler and more still. When you opened the door to your room, Jude stepped inside, taking in the spacious yet cozy setting, the heavy drapes, and the ornate furniture that made the place feel like it had been frozen in time yet shimmer in luxury. He raised an eyebrow, flashing you a mischievous grin. 
“So... how thin are the walls in this place?” He cooed. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes, biting back a smile. 
“You’ll have to be on your best behavior, Judey,” you teased. Jude chuckled, pulling you into his arms again.
 “Can’t make any promises.” He whispered as his lips brushed against your ear.  You laughed, swatting him playfully once more, but the warmth of his embrace and the soft glow of the room made everything feel perfectly right.
🪩🫶❤️‍🔥🍹🌞🍒 Thank you for reading! Please like, comment, or message what you think of the chapter 🍒🌞🍹❤️‍🔥🫶🪩
Next part - Chapter 16 xx
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vinylmango · 2 days
On our own terms
Nicholas Alexander Chavez x black!famous!reader
Description: After going official, some time has passed in Nicholas’ and (y/n)’s relationship and a continuation of part three.
Warnings: none
quick note: it’s been like a year since they went official.
Parts: one two three FOUR (i might add onto this in the future)
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tagged: nicholasalexanderchavez
Liked by nicholasalexanderchavez, vogue, and 2,789,218 others
(Y/n) i can’t wait to see what the future has in store for us. Four years down and forever to go 🤍
sofcruz yay! My favorite couple! 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨
user1 you were dating secretly for THREE YEARS?!
> (y/n) 🤭
sofcruz if there are no more (y/n) and Nick shippers Cooper and I are dead
> liked by cooperkoch, nicholasalexanderchavez, and (y/n)
> cooperkoch SO TRUE
> (y/n) ILY both
nickand(y/n) OMG HUSBAND?! I would secure that bag immediately too
(y/n)ismother HUSBAND? I apologize Mr. Chavez, I was unfamiliar with your game 🤭😏
nicholasalexanderchavez GUYS MY WIFE IS UNREAL 🗣️🥵😍🔥
nicholasalexanderchavez how is she so perfect?!
nicholasalexanderchavez literally in awe of you, love of my life
chavezsightings AHHH you mean now I get an excuse to officially officially merge my two pages?! SAY LESS
nicchavezismine ewww he’ll wake up one day and realize he’s settled
> nicholasalexanderchavez definitely not 😐😒 hope this helps
> user1 LMAOOO love a sassy man from infinity to infinity
> goddess(y/n) somebody check on her 💀💀💀
user2 sometimes I still think about them having fan pages for each other 🥺
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Tagged: (y/n)
Liked by (y/n), zendaya, cooperkoch, and 2,113,213 others
nicholasalexanderchavez I don’t know if there are enough words to fully be able to tell you how much I love you, my beautiful wife. 🤍
(Y/n)ismother i love love 🥹
cooperkoch (y/n) you are now my favorite Chavez. Love you! 💗
> nicholasalexanderchavez RUDE
> cooperkoch you know it’s true
> (y/n) awww Coop 🥺 that’s so sweet love you
User1 this couple is single-handedly making my little cynical heart believe in love again
no1nacsupporter congrats! The way you love each other should be written into history 🥺 they’re so cute
zendaya congrats (y/n/n) and Nick! I don’t think I’ve ever seen you both happier
> (y/n) thank you Z 🫶🏽✨
user2 getting married on your dating anniversary is so cute
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tagged: nicholasalexanderchavez & (y/n)
Liked by (y/n), nicholasalexanderchavez, goddess(y/n) and 500 others
chavezsightings they’re so cute together. 🥺💗
These pics were sent in by a couple of fans that saw them yesterday. They went on their honeymoon a couple of days ago. The fans wrote and I quote:
“They’re literally so sweet. We didn’t want to interrupt them but they waved at us and started talking to us so we took a pic together and then left them alone. I’m not going to post the pic bc I look like trash but I love them together <3“
“My friend and I honestly couldn’t believe it when we saw them at the same restaurant we were at. They were so nice and it was amazing to talk to them and congratulate them on their marriage and newest projects. They’re so supportive of each other and the way they look at each other is literally out of a romcom. They’re definitely soulmates.”
(y/n)andnick would it be weird to say that I can’t wait to see their kids?
> user1 yes and no? Kinda? Idk but i get it girl
goddess(y/n) It’s so nice seeing them together. They look so happy.
sofcruz they’re so cute it’s actually sickening
> user4 OMG HI SOF
> sofcruz lol I told you i was their biggest shipper
> cooperkoch 🧍‍♂️
> sofcruz …one of their biggest shippers
> cooperkoch better
user5 i want to meet them 🥹
nicchavezismine he’d look better with me instead of that ugly bimbo
> user6 lol you’re still around after he checked you on his own page?
> user7 seek help loser
> user8 deactivate quickly 💗
> user9 he’s literally married…to a supermodel. I can assure you that you have no chance.
no1nacsupporter omg the first pic was from me! They were so sweet. He’s so protective and supportive of her 🥺 so excited for their married era!
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taglist: [comment or dm to be added!]
@hockeyboysarehot @jukeboxsweethearttt
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aangelinakii · 3 days
aj!!! your work is so beautiful i think i’ve reread it like a million times already!! this is so cliche but i was thinking of oblivious friend!reader dressing up to the nines for a gala and honestly being so fun and charming with everyone but still making time to hang out with jason on the side of the room 🥺 and OOP they both have a crush on each of they’re really hesitant to make a real move 🫣🫣🫣 bonus points if jason says something like you have beautiful eyes when DRUNK at the end of the night 🫢🫢🫢 also on a side note your roy imagine was SO GOOD it hurt my soul i think about it frequently
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— we should stick together.
summary : you're the lady of the hour at the birthday party your best friend's family has thrown for you, but you'll always be able to make time for him.
warning : this May be my magnum opus
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jason didn't think you could ever look any more gorgeous than you already looked every day; each day he saw you, even the times you had major bedhead after waking up, or the times you had a bit of vomit on the corner of your lip from puking in the toilet after a night of clubbing — and he was the one holding back your hair.
not that he would say it, but he'd do anything for you. and not that you would say anything either, but you knew he would, and you'd do the same for him. i'm not too sure if he knows that.
but when you began to step down the foyer of the wayne mansion, chandelier overhead causing your hair to shine, the sparkles on your dress to glitter, and your pearly smile to glint, jason can't deny the weakness in his knees, prepared to fall to them and worship.
he'd have to thank stephanie later, who was trailing behind you smugly in her own formal attire, for her involvement in helping you get ready.
from beside him, dick clapped him on the shoulder, causing him to sway, and the drink in his hand to spill a little over the rim. "wow, she looks amazing," he whispered into jason's ear, that cheeky smile on his face already evident in his tone. "everyone's gonna want to have a bit of her tonight, you'll have to reserve a spot to dance with her. you will dance with her, right?"
it wasn't ideal, dick knowing the way jason felt about you; it was like any moment he could, he just trolled him for it, threatened to let it out to the entire world.
"shut it, dick," jason replied discreetly through gritted teeth, taking a sip of his slightly-emptier champagne to disguise him saying anything at all.
sometimes it was fun referring to dick, because you could never tell if you were calling him by name, or insulting him. in this case, i'll make it easy for you — it's an insult.
nevertheless, already used to jason's verbal abuse, dick flashed a grin and stepped forward to meet you at the bottom of the grand red-carpeted steps.
"happy birthday, pretty lady," dick sang as he wrapped a chaste arm around your shoulders, careful to not over-impose, despite his words.
the beautiful song of a laugh brushed past your painted lips, revealing your perfect teeth — even if not straight, or perfect in the dictionary sense, jason adored your smile, revelled in it. it was perfect to him, if nothing else. "thanks, man," you hummed in return, giving him a platonic squeeze around the shoulders, too.
when you pulled away, your eyes met his. jason's. your best friend's, your one true love's, your soulmate's. just best friends, just one unrequited true love, just platonic soulmates. you were sure of that; that he didn't feel the same way.
as soon as those glittering eyes connected with his, jason gave a quick intake of breath, nervous, practically floored by just one look. he placed his glass down on the ledge of the wall behind him and smoothed down the front of his maroon waistcoat with his other hand, mentally calming himself as you stepped toward him.
immediately, despite your usual closeness, an immense chasm seemed to linger between you. it wasn't everyday you saw each other get so decked up; and jason looked great.
contrasting to before, you let out a more uneasy laugh, arms beginning to raise to pull your best friend into a hug. as much time you spent together, not a lot of it was spent in each other's arms, unsurprisingly. it didn't come naturally, but, finally, once you figured out how to approach the action, your bodies fit together like matching puzzle pieces.
chin coming up to his broad shoulder, you made an effort to not smear lipstick on his jacket, but you couldn't help but feel the urge to sink into him.
"thank you so much," you whispered softly against his neck, arms squeezing his torso tightly, causing a laboured chuckle to ache through him.
careful not to squeeze too much, jason reciprocated the affection, unable to push down a smile. "anything for you, (name). seriously."
but as you pulled away carefully from his body, softly inhaling his oud cologne, you wished that was true. however, it didn't go unacknowledged that he was the reason for this party in the first place. maybe he would do anything.
jason todd, event hater, planning a birthday party for his best friend in wayne manor, inviting all his family you'd come to know and love, your own closest family, and the friends he'd met through you, along with his own friends you'd met through him.
when you peered up at him from beneath dark black eyelashes, you could see an expression on jason's face you'd never caught before; smile the widest you'd ever seen it, although his top two teeth seemed to be sinking into the gum on the inside, trying to hold it back — impossible — and his pale green eyes had halved into crescents, the colour of them almost unnoticable now. but he was happy. looking at you, he seemed so happy.
and your expression bled into the same; same smile, same crescent eyes, cheeks aching with how hard you smiled.
"i better go see everyone else," you finally spoke, voice barely above a whisper, almost silent against the music that had began to play overhead. just before you turning away, your fingers grazed the fabric of the jacket cloaking his forearm. "thanks again. i'll try catch you later."
with that, you disappeared into the crowd — so many people here for you, all because jason wanted them to be — and jason was finally able to let out the breath he'd been holding.
over the night, jason found himself searching for you in the foyer of people, you in your dress, so radiant that no one else had chose it in that colour. no matter where you were, who you were with, you always found a way to stand out, even unintentionally. and it was by no means a bad standing out, it was admirable.
in fact, jason found himself admiring you a lot.
a few hours had gone by, and you were making your rounds, always seeming to pass him by. even if you were clearly on your way to him, someone else managed to whisk you away for another conversation. he was selfish to have organised your birthday party, and still expect your entire, undivided attention.
by now, he'd decided to escape, deeply irritated by a comment timothy drake had made about the way he'd styled his hair — "for once," he'd said, "and it looks horrific." jason knew tim was just pulling his leg, as he tended to do, but he'd already had four glasses of champagne and was missing his best friend, so he disappeared to get some air on one of wayne manor's various balconies.
behind him, the door creaked open, and his immediate response was to go to the defensive. "hey, i'm kinda looking to be alone right now." his voice was gruff, slightly slurred, eyebrows furrowed. but everything dissipated as soon as he saw who had joined him.
"even from the birthday girl?" you'd hummed hopefully, the softness of your smile, and the slight haze of your made-up features from a few drinks, thawing his heart.
watching as the corners of his lips began to tip up, you knew you had your answer, and stepped out onto the stone, carefully closing the glass-paned door behind you.
jason's eyes remained on you as you joined him, unable to stop them running down your form. how could he help it when you looked so amazing in that dress?
after a few beats, jason pulled his — what, fifth? sixth? — glass up to his lips and turned away, mimicking you in gazing out to the starry gotham lights.
"have you been having a good night?" he asked, staring down the bottom of his glass as he replaced it down on the stone banister, fingers careful on the base. he glanced over to you, smile absently forming on his lips as he watched your own lips upturn.
nodding, you looked back up at him, eyes twinkling as they set on him. "yeah, it's been amazing. i can't believe you set all this up for me, jace."
that dreamy, slightly alcoholic tone of your words was exactly what drove jason crazy, up the wall, off his knocker — for you.
"anything for you," jason quoted himself from previously that evening, from just a few hours ago. despite his soft smile, his eyes seemed tired; probably the effect of a few drinks, but you'd had some, too. you probably looked the same.
you could only smile at his words, gazing up at him in adoration. a laugh brushed past your lips, and you extended your elbow out to lightly nudge him in the torso, turning back to gotham, but he didn't flinch.
despite having turned away, you could feel his gaze boring into the side of your head; not judgemental at all, but a soft sting in your skin.
"you look just.. unbelievable tonight," your best friend breathed, a nervousness to his voice, invisible to the untrained ear, and he looked away too. this time, when you glanced over, you could see he was the uncomfortable one, the confidence of champagne having dissipated in a moment.
jaw tensing, he glanced over at you, out the corner of his eye, before looking back ahead.
"and you don't look too shabby yourself," you replied, a chuckle to your words. oh, you'd down-played it so bad; he'd given you an uncommon compliment, and you'd replied like that? shocking.
but jason still smiled, a tension releasing from his broad shoulders, breathing a soft laugh.
still, something wasn't right.
careful, you placed your hand on the back of his, causing him to tense up once more, the veins in the back of his hand popping beneath your palm. "you sure you're okay, jace? you seem... off."
not off, lovesick. but he couldn't say that, could he?
with a dismissive shake of his head, jason shrugged. "i'm fine. long night."
despite humming and turning your attention away, to the horizon, your hand, warm against his skin, remained upon his. sighing in content, you shuffled closer, until your side hit jason's, and you craned your neck to the side, laying upon jason's shoulder.
beneath the weight of your head, his back seemed to deflate, and you were unsure if you'd overstepped. until you felt his head upon yours, and you knew jason was just as happy as you were.
whether he liked you back or not.
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https-murdock · 3 days
Slow Dancing - Matt Murdock
summary: Matt is trying to teach you how to slow dance, but he just wants to show you how beautiful you are.
word count: 1.1k
warning: oral f receiving - that's all just lots of fluff!! 18+ MDNI
note: in a fluffy mood, hope you all enjoy :)
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“Yeah, and then you just-” Matt says, one hand on your waist and the other confidently holding your hand. He lets go of your waist to spin you around, the sound of your giggles making his heart skip a beat.
He can hear the way your heart has slowed. Usually it’s much faster, things making you nervous or worry a lot - but he always noticed that when it was just you and him, the world seemed to slow down. It was the same for him - his mind usually focused on a new case, someone else he needed to go and save, but with you it felt like everything stopped.
He had a gala coming up, something to do with some fancy new client or something - you didn't quite understand why he needed to go, never mind take you along with him. But you didn't know how to dance still, and Matt was determined to show you how - so here you both were, slow dancing in his loft under the beaming red lights of the billboard outside.
“You’re much better than me,” You laugh, looking up at him as he sways still with you pulled close to him, “I don't wanna embarrass you in front of that many people.” And Matt immediately laughs - and for a second you wonder if he's about to tell you that you shouldn't come anymore, until he says “You think i won't embarrass myself anyway?”
The giggle he hears you let out makes him smile even wider, hearing your happiness always sets something off inside of him. He would do anything to make you smile, even if it means embarrassing himself in front of a lot of rich people.
“I love you.” You speak, and your voice is suddenly a mere whisper as you look up at him, and realise both of you have stopped dancing, and you’re just holding each other. “I love you too.” He replies, and again things are slow, nothing else matters and in a moment of such a small piece of affection you wonder how your feelings for Matt got so strong. Everything about him was so perfect, you often wondered how he was all yours. 
He raises his hands to your face, pulling you closer and letting his lips meet yours - and it's like the first time you kissed all over again. 
“You’re so… beautiful,” He speaks, lips still touching yours as he starts to lead you toward his bedroom, “My perfect girl.” 
Matt picks you up by your thighs, still in his suit from work, you in one of his shirts from your day at home. When he throws you onto the bed, your head hitting the pillows, you let out a little laugh - something that sends a shock right to his core. Matt would give anything to make you laugh forever, make you sound like an angel's song underneath him all night.
“Matt-” You start, sitting up onto your knees as he stands at the end of the bed, beginning to unbutton his shirt, desperate to see some skin. “Need you so bad, sweetheart.” He whispers, the sound of his belt unbuckling making you clench your thighs together in an act of need for friction.
He finally undresses himself, crawling above you on the bed and meeting your hips with his, grinding downwards and feeling the heat coming from your core. Matt groans above you, his tongue meeting yours, the kiss deepening as a primal need for release makes its way through the air.
He crawls between your thighs, nestling himself in the comfort. Pulling your underwear to the side, he lets out a small moan at the scent of you taking over him. “P-please Matt, I-” You speak, breathing getting more erratic by the minute, the desperate need to feel his mouth.
“Use your words, tell me what you need.” He says, voice trailing as he leaves kisses on your thighs, his stubble tickling your skin gently.
“Need you to make me come, please.” You’re almost begging, looking down to see his brown hair tucked tightly between your legs, and you can tell he is relishing in your reactions, he loves the way you react to him every time - the way you speak, moan, the way he can so easily make you scream. “Like this?” Matt asks, finally letting his tongue slip through his lips and toward your folds, immediately moaning at the way you taste.
A moan leaves you suddenly, grateful to feel his touch again where you so desperately need him. Kitten licks on your clit making your legs shake, his calloused hands holding them open to keep you from taking away what he needs so desperately. Matt is listening to every sound leaving your mouth, nothing else matters in this moment apart from him and you.
“Fuck, y’always taste so good.” He’s almost growling, speaking to himself as his tongue delves deeper, entering your hole and listening to the way your heart starts to race when you feel a coil turning just below your stomach, such a familiar feeling from him. Matt places two fingers at your entrance, letting you feel the way he teases you with them before they enter you, the sounds of your slick amongst your moans as you realise how full you always feel with him.
“Oh-Hmph, Matt yes!” You shout, your chest rumbling with how loud he always makes you, his fingers bending and hitting that spot inside you.
His tongue is teasing at your clit again, a mix between strong and soft licks as Matt listens to your breathing - he knows exactly how to get the biggest reactions from you, and he loves doing exactly that. “Come for me, sweetheart,” He’s speaking between sucks on your clit, “Let me hear you. Need to hear those beautiful sounds.”
Your eyes roll into the back of your head as you feel the break, your orgasm washing over you in a wave - your ears muffling themselves as Matt feels you clench around his fingers, fighting to keep up with the way your body convulses with the force.
“You are the most beautiful person I've ever met.” He’s still complimenting you, and you can’t believe how lucky you got with someone like Matt - someone so kind, understanding - someone who is willing to teach you how to slow dance in his living room.
“You can’t see me, how do you know I'm beautiful?” You laugh, looking at him as he smiles, getting comfortable next to you and pulling you into his warm chest. “I don’t need to, it’s obvious.” He’s grinning, he knows exactly what to say all the time. 
“You still need to teach me how to dance, we didn’t get very far into the lesson.” You mention, realising that the gala isn’t that far away and you still might embarrass Matt with your two left feet.
“There’s something else I'd like to do first…” He laughs, rolling on top of you and basking in the way you laugh at his words.
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@lambmurdock @parker-murdock @silas-aeiou @blushingrn @audreyclimbs @pupmurdock @millennial-birkin
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bunnys-kisses · 10 hours
kink-o-ween - day 5
logan sargeant - shower sex
cw: smut/pwp, domestic smut, shower (bath) sex, reverse cowgirl, intimacy, slight body worship & breast play, established relationship
kink-o-ween: formula one edition - call of duty edition
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you loved baths. ever since you were a teenager, scampering back from school at the end of a tiring day. you enjoyed the ritual of a bath, everything from the lights lowered to the soft scents of the soaps. while your selection as a teen was the local pharmacy or dollar store. now as an adult, the allure of a lush store sometimes got to you, which only added to your collection of sweet smelling bath items.
and when you started to date logan sargeant, you'd eventually turn him on to baths as well. especially with you.
logan hadn't really had a bath since he was a kid. he was more of a shower man, he loved a good hot shower after a day of racing. to feel the warm spray against his achy skin. but after the miami grand prix and back in the apartment you shared, he was a little more willing to indulge in your little habit of taking a bath.
you giggled a little, "see, it's not horrible." you squirmed a little bit in his lap as you got seated in it. the lights in the bathroom were low, you had lit a candle that was sitting on the sink counter and the room felt muggy in a good way.
your boyfriend kissed your cheek, "i might have to steal some of your things when i go to imola next week. have the guys wonder why i smell like lavender."
you kissed him once more, "it's not the worse smell in the world. it's a hell of a lot better than that one axe smell you bought where it smelled like lighter fluid." he tightened his arms around you and kissed your neck.
logan was an attentive lover. you had to give him credit for that. he always had a keen sense about you that honestly surprised you. you had never dated an athlete before you, but you heard stories. but, even with distance and time zones, he made sure that you knew he was thinking about you. from a photo of a sunset that reminded him of you to a place in some far off place he wanted to take you to sometime. you felt part of his world, even while back in america.
however, having him close physically was the best part. when he was home, he hung over you like a shadow. even now, with his lips at your neck and his arms around you. you felt secure against your lover, even with his cock prodding against your backside.
"i love you." he said softly as he took a small bite into your shoulder.
you moaned and steadied yourself with your hands on the edges of the tub. you replied, "i love you too." and looked over your shoulder. he looked at you and dropped his hands against your waist. you said, knowing where this was going, "we don't have a lot of room."
he replied, "that's fine. i don't mind." then watched you as you spread your legs a little further to allow him to slip his cock in under the bubbly water. you leaned a little forward with your hands on the edges of the tub.
it was hard for him to see past the bubbles to sink into you. but, he knew that feeling like a second skin. the feeling of his beautiful, stunning, amazing, perfect girlfriend sinking down onto his cock. the snug fit made him clench his fists so he didn't react too much. the space was small.
"fuck." he panted. he held onto your hips, feeling your soft skin and the water as he leaned forward to kiss the center of your back. it felt good. you felt good.
then again you always felt good. that wasn't a surprise. he moved his hips a little bit to meet your pace. it wasn't a rapid fire pace. steady rocks of your hips against each other. his kisses lingered onto your skin and he felt hot all over.
the sound of water gently splashing filled the bathroom paired with the echo of your soft moans and heavy breathing. you said to your lover, "logan. shit. honey. you feel so good. it feels like you've gotten bigger since you left. did you do something stupid to your cock." you choked out a small laugh and logan gripped your thigh tightly for a moment which made you clench around his cock.
"i just think you're not as used to me since i've been gone." he kissed the nape of your neck as you continued to move against him. the air of the room grew hotter and even the scent of the bath products felt stronger.
you whined, "well, it's not like i'm going to fuck anyone else. not even my toys feel as good as you feel." you arched your back a little as you felt the pleasure course through your body. it felt so good all over, it made your heartbeat skip with how it all felt.
the water lapped right up against the edge of the tub, threatening to spill over due to your motions. this felt good, good in a way that your nipples felt hard. logan only knew that they were because his large hands started to knead at them lovingly.
"next time." he said, "we're going to do this the right way. i want to see your pretty face and those pretty tits of yours."
"tits?" you giggled as you continued to move up and down his cock, you leaned a little further to get an angle that made you see stars. your eyes closed as you panted heavily. your heart pounded in your chest and the heat radiated off your body.
"yeah, they're pretty. i'm obsessed with them. remember when you wrote my name across them and i almost lost it?" you remembered that fondly and it made you giggle a little. he held onto them tightly, "i'm sorry. you're breasts. you're beautiful breasts." he laughed a little even though the pleasure was deep in his system.
what was the point of fucking a beautiful woman if you couldn't laugh a little. and he would describe your relationship with you as full of laughter. he kissed you once more and continued to move against you. you felt like a dream around him.
he wished he could pack you up and bring you around the world with him. see every corner you could go. but someone needed to finish their graduate program and logan wasn't getting in the way of that. so for now, it would be long distance but, he'd enjoy every second he got to feel close to you.
to be intimate with the woman he loved.
the water splashed over the edge of the tub from your faster movements. you clutched onto the edges of the tub for leverage to make sure that you were working his cock perfectly. logan's cheeks were stained pink. he could feel the leap in his chest as you continued to move against him. even if he couldn't see your face, he knew that it was twisted in pleasure. the wrinkle in your nose as you really got closer to your climax.
you finished first with a loud moan and logan picked up the pace to make sure he reached his climax as well. his cheek pressed against your back as he worked your sweet pussy. his praises for you were heavy and they made you feel warm all over. you felt loved by him, he was your beating heart as he could feel it through your back. the angle you were in felt good even if your knees were a little sore as was his back side from being in the tub for so long.
"fuck." he said as he finished inside of you with one final thrust. he clutched onto your hips to keep you up against him and you both heavily panted together. the swirl of pleasure in the humid bathroom felt good, but left your bodies feeling tacky.
you rested up against him and he wrapped his strong arms around you. he rested his chin against your shoulder and held you. his softening cock still inside of you.
you panted, "well, i guess we have to get clean again."
he sighed dramatically before he kissed you neck softly, "too bad. i like smelling like you. reminds me of home."
"i don't know if lavender can cover up the smell of sex." you giggled.
he held onto you tighter and you squirmed which made water hit the floor beside the tub. he kissed you and said, "well, one way to find out." <3
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