#& now ain't nothing on this side is working right 🙄🙄🙄
eclaire-went-bam · 4 months
left side of my body is useless. nearsighted in left eye. need hearing aid in left ear. hurts to move my fingers in certain ways on my left hand. constantly falling over to my left side. left eye opens veeeery slightly less than my right. constant spasms/tics/twitches/WHATEVER they are on the left side of my neck down to my left hand. tremours usually just on the left side of my body (but there are exceptions to this one 🤩)
like cmon
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berberriescorner · 11 months
Hello! Stoping by to tell you I love your Husband/Father!Rio mini series. I know you don't take request, but was just wondering if you plan on giving us anymore glimpses of this cute little family? I love the way you write them. Hope you're doing okay and feeling better.
I'm doing okay, love. Good days and bad days, but I'm pushing through. Thanks for asking💜! I hope you're doing okay as well!
You're in luck, love bug! I cooked something up for them just the other day. The idea came to me, and I just had to get it out😆. I had planned to post it the other day, but I just didn't have the energy.
When I tell y'all this was the most frustrating mood board I've ever worked on🙄. I had it exactly to my liking and went to save...nothing happened. I tried everything before giving in and hitting the refresh button. Lost all my progress and had to start from scratch. That being said, enjoy, comment, and stop being scary with that reblog button😆🧡!
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Inspired By💜🧡:
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“It Be Your Own Blood”
Snickers filled the room, making way for the side eye your husband gave his two eldest daughters. His eyes moved at a snail’s pace before landing on you. Rio kissed his teeth as he watched your shoulders bounce up and down in silent giggles. You did everything to hold the laughter in, but his reaction made it difficult.
“Ain't a damn thing funny about any of this, mama,” he rasped.
Rio groaned as a tiny hand collided with his thigh. Sucking in a frustrated breath, he looked down, eyes settling on your third and youngest daughter.
“Daddy! You said a bad word. You’re not getting any dessert tonight. Gon’ miss out on all da candies,” she scolded, finger wagging in his direction.
“Alright, little miss thing. You're about to lose candy privileges as well. Are you supposed to be putting your hands on other people,” you reprimanded.
Her head tilted to the side, confusion written on her face. Big amber-colored eyes stretched with realization. “Sorry, Daddy,” she offered in a sweet baby voice.
“It's all good, baby girl. Daddy ain't mean to say a bad word.”
Rio noticed you and the two oldest rolling your eyes, hands flying in the air.
“Now, what I do?”
“These babies got you wrapped around their fingers.”
Just as Rio was about to argue your point, baby boy piped up, reminding him why he was irritated in the first place. The agitated toddler yanked at his pant leg. They eyed one another as his cute, chubby little hands stretched toward your husband. 
“Bae! Up!”
Laughter filled the room once more. You locked eyes with your husband. He side-eyed you as he picked the bossy toddler up.
Your husband nodded towards the chubby tot, “This is what I’m talkin’ about. These little goons talkin’ to me crazy.”
Rio’s brown orbs stared into identical eyes. “Aye, listen, little dude. You’re my mans and all, but you gon’ stop with this bae mess. Can you say Daddy?” Rio pointed at himself and enunciated slowly, “Daddy.”
The little tyrant giggled, shook his head no, and shouted, “Bae!”’
“Listen, little man, we ain't about to be roaming this neighborhood, decked out in the finest of costumes, with you hollering bae at me every five minutes.”
His little feet kicked as he bounced in his father’s arms.
“Baebaebae,” he retorted, doing a little jig.
“How old was little mama when we finally got her to switch back to daddy from bae?”
“Christopher, baby. He's in his terrible twos. Baby boy’s going to do what he wants. Don't fight it, bae-.”
“You do realize you're the problem. That's why I like it when you call me da-.”
Your hand connected with the back of his head softly. “Christopher!”
“I’m just saying, sweetheart. You got my boy over here thinking that’s my name. Put Daddy on repeat, and maybe he’ll get it right. Use my other nickname more often. Papa–that I can rock with.”
“You do realize the more you fight it—he’ll continue to say it, right?”
“All these kids are petty like their momma. It be your own blood, for real. I thought you was the homie, son,” he teased the babbling toddler.
“You say that like it’s a bad thing. At least people will know not to try them,” you sassed.
Rio’s face lit up at that. “You right, mama. Come, kiss Daddy,” he demanded.
“That’s opp behavior, son. Do better,” he chuckled as he rubbed his hand across your growing bump.
He kissed, leaving a playful bite on your bottom lip as his free hand grabbed a handful of your round, plump derrière. “I love this green dress on you, mama. I’m feeling this—what are the ladies callin’ them these days? Bust down middle parts,” he quoted. Rio stared at you lustfully, “That honey blonde lookin’ good on you, darlin’. He leaned closer and whispered in your ear, “Wear it to bed tonight.”
“Calm yourself, husband. The children are present.”
Rio bit his lip, nodding his head in appreciation. “Who are you dressed as this year,” he questioned, stealing another kiss.
“Pregnant Beyoncé, duh! You know this is giving very much Queen Bey. Don’t play with your girl. You ain’t gotta worry, b-Papa.” You twirled strands around a finger, biting your lip, “This is an install. You have plenty of time to enjoy her in private.”  Leaning closer, finishing in a mumble, “Can’t wait for you to come up with a name for this alter ego.”
“You need to bust out the red joint again. I’m anticipating a visit from Red Ryder soon,” he insisted.
Clearing her throat, the eldest child brought you two back to more important matters. You chuckled, “Sorry, loves. Let’s revert to more important topics such as these beauties.” Pointing at each child, oldest to youngest, you explained their costume. “Please believe if I’m going as momma Bey, you gotta have Blue and Rumi. Then we have the beautiful Little Mermaid—Halle Bailey’s version, of course, and last, but most certainly not least—Sir Carter.”
“Mama, is this why you got me dressed in black tie? Let me guess—.”
“Yep! You Billionaire Hov. You’re not a businessman. You’re a business, man!” you boasted, popping your tongue. “Minus the cheating, of course. You know not to play with me. Sorry, Bey! Shade but no shade.”
“Let’s go before this little menace says it again,” Rio sighed. “Everybody got their Halloween buckets?”
He looked toward the oldest, and she took the words out of his mouth, “Make sure you hold your sister’s hands. I know, Daddy.”
Rio continued, “Remember-.”
“Always say Trick or Treat, be polite, and don’t hustle anybody for extra candy. Daddy, we got this, chill,” she finished once more.
His head tilted to the side as he mumbled, “Got a response for everything. Stop laughing, mama. She’s not that funny. Everybody, come on. We out.”
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Did you cackle? I hope so😜! Rio, wifey, and children are such a trip😆. Please be sure to show your girl love, my sweet babies💜🧡.
Divider Credit: @firefly-graphics
Tagging some lovelies💜🧡:
@darqchilddaydreamz @4everbrookemarie @starrynite7114
@nightlywords7 @fineanddandy @rio-reid-whoreee
@novaniskye @that-one-anxious-mango @1andonlytashae
@blkbutterfly816 @lovedlover @vanityinvenus @librarian1002
@banana123pudding @fezcosonlylove @sunshine-flower
@invisiblegiurl @astoldbychae @percosim @amorestevens
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samoankpoper21 · 7 months
JJK Men As You're Giving Birth
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Gojo Satoru: This dude is the definition of a little shit I'm not even joking 🙄 he's taking pictures of you looking a hot mess for "memories" 🙄🖕🏽 "Okay hunn' ima need you to give me one big push." the doctor instructed. You took one big breath attempting to push when your concentration broke from your annoying husband's voice. "Pft! Hehehe. Babe, you should see your face." "Satoru," you seethed through gritted teeth. "Did you just take a picture of my face?" "Hehe. I'm going to put it as my lock screen." You squeezed his hand attempting to hurt him but you already knew it wouldn't have an affect on this man, after all he's the 'strongest'. "I swear to God Satoru this is all your fault!" you shrilled. "Eh? But you like it." "Just shut up!" you began squeezing his hand harder as the contractions picked up. "That's it hunn'," encouraged your doctor. "Keep breathing like that." You looked up to see your husband smirking and, blame it on the pregnancy, but you saw red. "Toru, keep smirking and I won't ever let you cum in me again." "Whoa now, don't say something so rash." " Toru!" "Oh look a head."
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Kento Nanami: I swear this man is literally a god send 🥹 he will let you talk your shit because he knows and understands that it's not easy to carry another human, especially considering the constant pressure on your bladder, pain in your back, boobs, and legs. You squeezing his hand roughly was nothing in comparison to the pain you were feeling down below. Nanami leaned forward kissing your sweaty temple. "You're strong love, I know you can do this." "Nanami," you choked out. "It hurts." "I know love but you just have to give us one more push and he'll be out of there. Can you do it for me love? Hm?" You weakly nodded your head inhaling a large amount of air. You began to grunt and push, squeezing his hand again. What felt like an eternity of pushing finally ended when you heard your son's cry pierce the tense atmosphere. You instantly cried as you saw tufts of blonde hair, the umbilical chord still attached. Nanami leaned down planting another kiss to your temple. "You did so good love. I'm so proud of you."
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Geto Suguru: Much like Nanami he would be a god send HOWEVER he's an empath so your feelings of pain/negativity may rub off on him 😅 It has been more than 5 hours since you were in labor and your daughter still did not want to come out. The doctor recommended that you lean forward on your bed while standing making the dilation process speed up. "Suguru," you exhaled. "Yes love?" "I can not with her." "What are you talking about?" "She ain't even here and she's already working my nerves." "Babe, don't say that." "I just...why isn't she coming out yet?!" "Baby, look at me." You looked up with tears in your eyes. He can't fault you for your frustrations, he's partially to blame too. Walking towards you he embraced you swaying side to side. "She'll come when she's ready and when she decides to I'll be right here."
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Choso: This poor sweet lamb 😅 he's such a nervous wreck he low key doesn't know what to do with himself "Alright hunn' keep pushing, keep pushing!" instructed your doctor. You were squeezing the life out of Choso's hand but he didn't mind, as a mater of fact he was stuck. He saw a head come out and slowly after arms. "That's it! Keep pushing, keep pushing!" You took a huge breath and screamed, not fully registering that Choso was screaming along with you. The doctor didn't seem to mind, this was nothing new to her. She's seen all types of new expectant fathers so for one to be screaming with his wife wasn't an unusual sight. You paused, panting, glancing at your husband. He was panting too when your brain finally registered the low baritone screaming along with you belonged to him. "Pft. Baby was that you screaming along with me?" "Yes," he shyly replied. "Can you give me 2 more pushes hunn'? your doctor asked. You nodded your head, locked eyes with your husband; and as you began to push you both screamed at the top of your lungs.
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Toji Fushiguro: Much like Satoru he's a little shit. Not only will he allow you to talk your shit but he'll talk shit back to you 🙄🖕🏽 "Give me one big push." the doctor gently instructed. You took a deep breath, held it, and pushed. Your were gripping Toji's hand for dear life and the motherfucker had the audacity to look bored. "What's with your face?!" "What the hell are you talkin' bout?" "I'm sorry that this isn't entertaining to you." you spat out. "You're making something out of nothing. Stop it." "Or what?" Toji leaned down expertly planting a kiss on your head while whispering, "You don't want to know the answer to that." You scoffed and rolled your eyes, the pressure from Toji's hand tightening around yours. Surprising him, you pulled him towards you by the nape of his sweater, wanting to laugh at how his eyes nearly bugged out of his head if it weren't for the pain. "Baby," you purred. "We're not fucking for a while." He smirked as a new wave of contractions coursed through you causing you to give a tiny push. "We'll see about that."
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Ryomen Sukuna: He's trying to be the best supportive husband he can but much like Toji he's talking his shit: to you, the doctor, the staff 🙄 *le sigh* "You almost got it babes I just need one more really big push and he will be out of your way. Can you do that for me babes?" you nodded to your doctor. Sukuna stood there looking pissed. "How long does it take for a baby to come out?" "Kuna! Really?" "I'm just saying all you have to do is push." "All I have to do is push?" you incredulously asked. "All I have to do is push??!! Fuck you dawg! You wanna try pushing a big ass head out of a small hole?! No? Didn't think so! So shut the fuck up. I swear to gawd Kuna-" a wave of pain shot through you as you squeezed Sukuna's hand again. His eyebrow shot up as he slyly said, "I like that look on you, being in pain." Through gritted teeth you say, "Remind me to never let you cum inside of me again."
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jodjuya · 3 months
Alrighty, bad guy defeated and Time Key Thingy recovered!
Back to the future we go, to hopefully get Masamune reforged with no further complications...
Lucca helping out with reforging the sword while Chrono and Marle stand in the corner making out because they have nothing better to do...
Off we go to find Frog!
I wonder when we'll finally be able to open up those Mysterious Seal chests...
Sweet, Lucia's dad made her some fire-resistant armour. Thanks dad!
Frog is in The Past I think? 🤔
Wait, Frog is a king?!?!????
Also, what, all four of us are supposed to snuggle up on Frog's one little bed while we stay the night? 😅
(who tf is Glenn?)
Ohh, THAT'S the Frog King!
Why did Frog King have the hero badge? I thought we gave that back to Regular Frog??
I bet Glenn turns into Frog...
Lucca: "nothing can beat science!"
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("Science" is the name of her gun)
All this trouble to obtain Masamune and I can't even equip it????
More tedious flashbacks about how Glenn was a frog the whole time even before he became Frog.
Also, didn't the manual say he was badly beaten and turned into a frog? Looks to me like he got turned into a frog first and then fell off a cliff about it...
Crono, you could have just handed him the sword rather than staking it into the turf and dulling its edge 🙄
Frog unlocked the power of being a simp! He can finally wield the sword sharp enough to cut a mountain in half!
Me during that fight: I should take Froglenn to The End Of Time and learn him some magic!
Crono after the fight: we should go to The End Of Time and learn you some magic!
Off we go on a Magical Detour!
That was quick and easy. :D
Back to our quest to Find and Fuck Up the Fiendlord!
Why is there a little bat following us around?? A spy??!
Froglenn and Marle learnt their Ice Water dual-tech after their very first fight together.
I've been battling with Froglenn and Lucca together through many battles and they ain't learnt shit. What gives?? 🤔
Oh, it depends on Froglenn's single-tech abilities which he hasn't learnt yet...
This castle is creepy AF but nobody's home?? 🤔🤔🤔
I bet that Spy Bat will attack when we try to leave...
Oof, the skeletons ask us to end their misery? Fucking necromancy.
Seems like a pretty bad sign that that little Spy Bat leaves when fighting starts then returns right after...
I knew it! Bat was secretly a bad guy!
Okay, we fucked up Magus in the middle of his ritual, and all got sucked into a time portal, and now Crono is married to Marle and they're living like Common People and also Crono is an unemployed layabout? I think we broke the timeline... 😬
Aaaaand we're also simultaneously 65mya?? Poor timeline 😭
"Red star in sky. See even daytime!" Yep, I knew it. This game is so good at foreshadowing! 😁
Something weird in the lava but we need a pterodactyl to get there. Good thing I know where those guys hang out: with the cowardly tribe!
Oh no! Cowardly tribe! 😭
Time to go exterminate some reptites! >:[
★Lightning II is my best friend.
Oh lol he's not going to fight us? He's just going up stand there doing upper body flexes forever? 😂
Oh I guess he changed his mind and/or remembered that he was supposed to be a bouncer and not just eye-candy. Silly himbo dinosaur.
Lmfao! The flexing was textual! 🤣
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No, Ayla, don't honour your fallen foe! Yeet that sonofabitch off the side of this castle and into the waiting lava below!
This jackass didn't even know what he was summoning?? He just wanted to apocalypse the planet the old fashioned way with a really big rock for giggles??
No! Ayla! No! Bad cave-woman! Don't rescue that piece of shit who tried to genocide your entire fucking clade! YEET HIM INTO THE LAVA!
Well at least he got vaporised. Small condolence... 😒
Good thinking, Marle! Go coup de gras that sonofabitch space monster while he's still groggy from his encounter with gravity!
Huh, cool. Ice age.
Is that a fucking flying mountain tethered to earth with a giant chain?! Fuck yeah! 🤩
The books light themselves on fire when you try to read them? Talk about hot secrets lmao
Hey kid, don't prophesize my doom! That's such a rude thing to do!
Valuable loot to the North, magical research secrets to the West. So many quests to undertake! :D
Definitely don't burn the sapling received from the guru of life.
"Discovered the Nu's itchy spot! 🥳" Uhhhh... okay?
This whole dream palace is powered by praying to Lavos?? Seems suss...
That Mammon Machine is the most sinister goddamn contraption I've ever seen in my life
Pretty sure we're not going to see that princess alive again 😬
But her amulet that looks like Marle's amulet unlocked the mysterious door! I wanna unlock the mysterious door too!
Haha! Yes! Charge my amulet you horribly sinister contraption!
Don't prophesy against me you dick! Fucking Chancellors!! All my homies hate Chancellors!!!
Back to 65mya to grind more TP from the Nu at the Hunting Grounds...
Enough of that. Let's go look for all of those sealed chests and doors I think I can open now...
Present Day Chancellor telling Marle that her dad 'killed' her mum. Dude, what the actual fuck is wrong with you?? What the fuck is the problem that all Chancellors in this fucking game have???
God, Marle's dad is such a little bitch. What the fuck do you mean that princesses aren't allowed to have friends??
Oof, just got disowned. Why would that scheming cunt of a Chancellor engineer this situation??
And all he has to say for himself is "oh dear..."
Aaaaand he's right back to threatening to have Crono put to death for no fucking reason. Dude, I am going to marry the princess purely for the sake of becoming prince consort & gaining the authority to have you defenestrated from the castle's tallest spire into a pit of spikes and broken glass.
Then he suggests bribing the king back into a good mood with spiced jerky. That's like the second or third person who's requested that now... I should track some down... 🤔
Kitchen hand doesn't have the recipe but says I can get it in Porre. Hmm.
(oh neat, the castle kitchen has a pair of ordinary domestic refrigerators!)
"Pierre is awaiting you downstairs". Fuck, that's ominous...
Oh, it's just my lawyer lol
He was able to change the king's mind so he no longer believes I kidnapped his daughter
Oof, the Chancellor hired all the prison guards... Who have creepy inhuman eyes and stares??? This is an insurrectionist plot from the supporters of the Fiendlord!!! REPTITE BODYSNATCHERS ARE INFILTRATING THE GOVERNMENT!
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Spiced jerky found. Let's go make the king less hangry...
Lmao!!! Whoops!! It's a lethal amount of spicy?? "This is the last straw! Now I truly know how much you hate me!" - That scheming fucking Chancellor set us up!!!
Can't believe bro has the gall to fuck with time-travellers. Bro I'm going to fucking unmake you! Gunna find your dad and cut his balls off!
Got my very own personal time machine, hurrah!
Going spelunking in that sinkhole that mysteriously opened up in 600AD...
Hell yeah, reverse that desertification! Go robo!
Hell yeah magical hat nun!
Hell yeah camping in the forest that we created!
This is some top tier foreshadowing! Who could be behind it all?!
Oh, I'm Lucca now?
Haha, Froglenn sleeps in his fell-off-a-cliff death pose 😂
Special portal for Lucca?
We've travelled back ten years to when Lucca thought science was stupid? 🤔
Oh shit! Mum's getting sucked into a machine.
Ohhhhhh fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck she got her legs mangled right in front of my eyes a second time
Imma reload my save until I figure out how to save her. Jesus fucking Christ Chrono Trigger what the fuck
The password is his one true love? Lara?
Fuck that was a close call. At least Lucca no longer blames herself for her mother getting crippled. 😬
...how did Robo know what happened, and that Lucca blamed herself???
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Right, back to the Past, to go kick the ass of that evil prophesizing git of a scheming chancellor...
Climbed up the chain to the tethered floating mountain/s
These omnilock guys are annoying as heck. 😒
Ayla learnt Dino Tail and that is the single goofiest special attack I've ever seen in a video game before. 🤣
Unexpected boss battle because I wasn't paying attention to The Signs And Portents. (aka there being a save point there at the end of the dungeon)
Busted Giga Gaia to bits anyway. I feel sorry for the guy that every time he regrew his arms (a very neat technique for a boss monster to have) I immediately re-disintegrated them with Crono's nuclear bomb special move. 😅
Anyway, we freed Melchior from his prison!
Wait, why was Melchior imprisoned in a crystal? And why doesn't he recognise us? We've already seen him hanging out free in his house plus he reforged Masamune for us. Oh, of course, time-travel shenanigans!
"Oh dear, the queen is going Evil and Insane? Don't worry, Melchior, we know how to fix that!! [Crono cocks his sword like a pump-action shotgun. It makes the noise and everything. Ayla and Robo do the same with their forearms but Ayla clearly just made the sound effect with her own mouth. It sounded weird and cute way because she has no clue what sound she's supposed to be imitating.]"
Oh shit, the entire mountain is exploding because we freed Melchior? RIP those poor magicless folks living underneath it.
Oh 'good', that princess is here to help, and her brat of a brother.
Oh, the princess controls the machine, and is going to cut off her mother from the juice? I bet her life expectancy can be counted in minutes...
Dalton, we beat your ass already, don't make us do it a second time!
Ooh, he punched the brat across the room. That's kitten-kicking villainy right there.
"don't attack me or I'll kill the princess (whom I need to capture alive for this scheme to actually work)" bro I'm not sure you thought that one through. Killing her will achieve our goals and thwart yours.
Ooh, new chopper! Is it a weapon I can equip or just a mcguffin to lug around?
Boo, mcguffin.
Get wrecked, Dalton, you chump. Down we go to the ocean palace!
0 notes
thelonesomequeen · 4 years
I know we're moving on from asp talk but I just wanted to add, I feel like the overall problem people may actually have is that Chris himself is the one promoting it wrong. He should say that the goal is to get kids more engaged instead of blabbering on about tackling misinformation, bc, well, he ain't doing that. I also have to agree that i don't think Chris is open to change for website from his overly defensive answers. Ironically, he doesn't seem very open to constructive criticism😂
ASP is a great tax right off if nothing els. I feel like thats the main benifit it brings to mark & chris. & good pr // is ASP good PR though? He was doing so well on twitter. He was speaking up for issues that mattered. And then he went and blew it all away with this both sides nonsense. It really made me question his credibility. And now to earn these politicians' "trust" he won't be even speak up about anything anymore. Not a peep out of him about the Georgia voter suppression laws.
He gets very defensive>> He doesn't like to be re-beaten, criticized, he seems like the type of guy who likes to have the final say on anything, which may explain why his relationships don't work. Imagine an argument with him, and he start to get defensive, he will blame you. That's why he didn't like the branded thing, because she was able to see through the facade, so he was defensive.
I love that Chris created this website so that there could be more civil discourse and debates and discussion about people's opinions yet when someone dares give their opinion on the website, Chris seems to get all defensive in interviews 😂. I agree w the other anon that he probably won't change the website as he probably thinks he knows best and it's perfect for him. He's a man of privilege and should follow his own advice of listening to others opinions (especially on the site)
To be honest I feel like when Chris' promoting asp he's focusing more on what sounds good than what they're actually doing w the website. I feel like the whole "tackling misinformation" is just to make the website sound better when in reality he's just trying to given D and R viewpoints/opinions about some issues and try to connect people. If he was more truthful of the actual goal, I feel like they'd be less criticism of the site.
To be honest I feel like when Chris' promoting asp he's focusing more on what sounds good than what they're actually doing w the website. I feel like the whole "tackling misinformation" is just to make the website sound better when in reality he's just trying to given D and R viewpoints/opinions about some issues and try to connect people. If he was more truthful of the actual goal, I feel like they'd be less criticism of the site.
I know u probably want to move on from all the asp debating but I just wanted to add I absolutely loved the conversation on here about it. Also agree w other anon about how Chris had no reason to be involved as a kid. My dad grew up in working class NE England when the mines closed (due to Thatcher 🙄) + his dad- a miner+single dad- lost his job due to it + had to provide for 3 kids. There wasn't no help from gov so my dad HAD to get involved in politics from young age. Chris is v privileged imo
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