forgotyouraxe · 3 years
It is difficult to share this, to ask for this kind of help, but in order to continue living and get healthy, I need to have bariatric surgery. My liver is worsening by the day and I need to drop weight and fast. The surgeon said while the full benefits will not come for about a year, the initial drop of 20-40lbs will help immensely in making me more healthy and able to be cleared from the liver disease. If you can help in any way, even just sharing this post, please do. It is all appreciated. Thank you!
You can find the gofundme here.
Please reblog and signal boost!!!
Thank you so much!
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
tw tumor, tw tumors
I apologize for any mistakes but I’m not English.
Everyone here knows I hate asking for money, I always asked for commissions so I could earn a few dollars for extra meds or similar things, but this is different, this can’t wait and it’s not about me, it’s about this adorable innocent dog, Saetta, who has a tumor, and we need about 80-100 euros for ultrasounds and blood-tests (I think the equivalent is like 90-110 dollars) to start helping her, money that is a lot more than what I can make here, but that maybe I can get if I find many people who can spare a little, so I have to try to reach out to everyone in every way, pride be damned.
please if you can donate so we can figure out if she can be saved, leave a ‘for your dog’ note too if you want! (Screenshot time and donation if you may want a refound because I can’t reach the needed amount, so I can try to give it back through paypal, I don’t want to risk people asking money back that they didn’t give. I’m doing this with ko-fi so YOU can keep track of what I’m getting, and I’ll post there when it’s done, I don’t want to steal money and I’ll make clear when my page is back to normal ‘business’. Godfoundme may put me at risk of having to pay more taxes than what I can afford here in Italy, I don’t know how it works and don’t have the time to find out).
If you can’t donate reblog this, please!
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you can actually see it there on her chest ^ but she’s not suffering yet and we are hoping it’s still completely removable 
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The money is so that we can find out if she can be saved with the two (expensive) surgeries the vet told us about or if she simply has to “wait” and we’ll have to go back if she starts being in pain. We absolutely need to know so we can proceed in Saetta’s best interest, because we want to find a family who can take care of her properly, either to give her a final happier place to stay or actually save her and keep her, but we need to start from this, from knowing what to say. I’m not asking for more money here because even if we could afford the surgeries we shouldn’t keep her, this is just to make more probable an adoption from someone who will give her everything she needs. Now that my father has completely lost his mind she has no one who can give her the needed time, attention, nor get her vaxxed or take her out, we are all poor, sick and trying to take care of my grandfather, so no time, energies nor more importantly money to keep a dog. We love her, so obviously if we could keep her and take care of her we would, but we are not the best option for her by far, we are just barely better than a kennel so exactly because we do love her we have to let her go.
More details under read more because maybe you don’t care, the important part was above.
Keep reading
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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sexiest man of the year three years in a row bruce wayne
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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hubs & i have matching huckleberry things🥰🥰🥰 he is putting one patch on his motorcycle vest and the other will be an alternate patch for his hat🥺🥺🥺
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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                                         I  saw  you  fly.
    independent // private  multi-muse  featuring  heather  nill  from  panic.                                                           adored  by  mj. promo  credit 
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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Val Kilmer, Premiere Magazine (1997)
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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                                         I  saw  you  fly.
    independent // private  multi-muse  featuring  heather  nill  from  panic.                                                           adored  by  mj. promo  credit 
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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i just think about this a lot
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
mobile but i wanna write so he re's the thing. if we're moots i will gladly make us a discord server or we can do wire (@ fliesicecold )but only folks up rn have val's face
choose your player~
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
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this happens to be a nocturne.
                                a… which?                 you know…
                                                frederic fucking chopin.
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
i turned on the soundbar and put top gun back on bc tombstone was getting sad so like...........................
                                  im on the highway to the danger zone now bitches
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
i lovewhen doc mocks johnny ringo with a tiny cup
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
guess i gotta make a whole gifset of val flipping coins
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
with the amount of pistols that just fired into the ceiling it’s a wonder the house didn’t catch fire and/or burn down wow
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
prettiest man i ever saw
oikay sir relax
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
shit is that billy zane??? i always forget hes in this 
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forgotyouraxe · 3 years
he really pulled him out the saloon by his ear, slapped a man with a the horse’s bridle, and slapped this shady mfer 2x
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