yeen-meteor · 8 days
I'm curious. Tag this with your sexuality and what your favorite M/F ship is.
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yeen-meteor · 10 days
While I mean no disrespect whatsoever to A.B.A enjoyers and I'm of the mind there's no inherently wrong way to get into a series especially in regards to its characters it's just also very funny that people are trying to get into a series and better understand its lore through the character that literally canonically has basically nothing to do with anything or anyone else in the roster whatsoever
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yeen-meteor · 13 days
jack'o "1 or 190 depending on who's fronting" valentine
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To be clear, I don't think it's wrong, but it is weird.
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yeen-meteor · 16 days
Luz: So you know how wild witches are shunned, treated like freaks, and sometimes arrested, right?
Amity: Yes...?
Luz: And you know how it's all because some powerful jerk leader hundreds of years ago said 'oh, I speak for the Titan, I know what the Titan wants, and the Titan thinks wild magic is a crime against nature', right?
Amity: ...And where are you going with this?
Luz: Telling Mama we're dating is kinda going to be a whole. Thing. For. Extremely similar reasons. Here, take a flag, it's a symbol of proud defiance against authority and conformity!
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yeen-meteor · 22 days
sound off everyone what’s the worst texture. just in anything. for me it’s ground beef not even a question
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yeen-meteor · 22 days
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yeen-meteor · 24 days
They were, Aria was a seperate person, but Jack'o was originally built as a vessel to house Aria's soul. Then Jack'o formed two personalities of her own, and Aria meanwhile was really annoyed/traumatized by everyone(asuka) repeatedly ignoring her wish to die in peace, so she refuses to front and give anyone the satisfaction of reviving her. and then sol fell in love with jack'o for who she was independently!
i love the valentines.
gun girl with untreated ADHD who just really really really really really wants to get married (does not understand how a relationship works) and recently started a metal band for the attention
girl who tried to kill all the humans, levitates giant swords and wears a cape made of meat and teeth. has never done anything wrong in her life, has a puppy, turned good because she ate a hamburger and decided humanity had its merits
tall redhead, is a system, if she doesn't eat candy all the time she will die maybe? is dating her mom's widower. her mom is also part of the system and is cool with it but doesn't feel like fronting
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yeen-meteor · 24 days
i love the valentines.
gun girl with untreated ADHD who just really really really really really wants to get married (does not understand how a relationship works) and recently started a metal band for the attention
girl who tried to kill all the humans, levitates giant swords and wears a cape made of meat and teeth. has never done anything wrong in her life, has a puppy, turned good because she ate a hamburger and decided humanity had its merits
tall redhead, is a system, if she doesn't eat candy all the time she will die maybe? is dating her mom's widower. her mom is also part of the system and is cool with it but doesn't feel like fronting
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yeen-meteor · 26 days
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yeen-meteor · 27 days
nothing more embarassing than when you develop personal beef with a piece of media thats entirely petty. like sorry no i cant talk about that show it. bit me.
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yeen-meteor · 27 days
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yeen-meteor · 1 month
I have seen a dozen posts defending Shuro and talking about people not understanding Japanese culture and I have seen exactly 0 posts criticizing Shuro for literally anything.
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yeen-meteor · 1 month
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post canon laishuro prelude :>
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yeen-meteor · 1 month
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It came to me in a dream
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yeen-meteor · 2 months
Also, if you hate Netflix and pirate the show, remember Trigger has a patreon you can tip directly without Netflix taking a cut!
I know that it’s easy to forget being on tumblr, which is the Eating Monsters and Elfyuri website, but outside of the gay circles, it is important to know that Dungeon Meshi… isn’t actually that popular.
Yes, it’s doing pretty well! And the per-ep rating is going up, plus stuff like MAL reviews are a dark pit from which no light escapes. But even just seeing the ambient discussion, it’s pretty clear that… Dungeon Meshi is by far from the most popular thing this season. Frieren, Villainess 99, Apothecary Diaries… all of them are beating it out handily in the polls.
So like. Do buy the manga if you can. Watch it, if you’re on the fence. I like all of the shows I mentioned and think they’re good, but you cannot argue that they are more… conventional in many ways with how they depict bodies and relationships, which leads to their greater appeal.
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yeen-meteor · 2 months
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This meme immediately made me think of these two so yk I had to draw it. I refuse to draw big hats so sorry for exposing Johnny's stupid hair <3
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yeen-meteor · 2 months
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