wiypt-writes · 7 months
Hi! Somehow, I can't access the link for you cereal killer csi series.
I don’t know why.
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wiypt-writes · 7 months
For reasons explained above, and the fact there’s been such a huge drop on engagement, this blog is going on an indefinite hiatus.
It won’t be getting deleted, so things will still be here to read, but as it stands, I’ve no intention of posting any updates to fics beyond the ones I’ve already got finished. And I can’t tell you when I’ll get round to posting them. At this moment in time, I’ve no desire to even go to the bother of doing that.
I’ll be around on my main blog, and will still be posting/updating/writing with @spectre-posts .
To those of you who’ve reblogged and commented, and engaged and supported, I love you all.
And to those of you whom are currently engaged in the whole “let’s trash two people who don’t even know I exist because they’ve had the audacity to form a romantic attachment to one another,” the best advice k can give is seek help. 🤷‍♀️
Take care, peeps xx
Just so you know, if you’re subscribing to the whole “publicity” thing, going out there to troll or trash Alba, or just generally being a bit of an idiot about him or her, then I’m blocking and unfollowing.
Not because I care, but I DON’T.
I don’t believe it’s publicity. I really don’t. And I think anyone who does is just delusional and desperately wishing for some strange reason he was still single. But that’s my opinion. You are, of course, entitled to yours. Just as I am entitled to not want to read or see it.
And FYI, whilst we’re at it, writing untruths whilst they’re presented as facts (such as things about no leaves being green this time of year- news flash, THEY ARE… or comments about how she Alba possibly be in the country/state due to Visas. Again, BULLSHIT, trust me, I’ve had enough experience with visas for the US to last me a lifetime) is really fucking sad and dangerous.
You parasocial fucks are the reason the majority of us normal guys are now not seeing much of him at all. He said his break from SM was for the summer, I’ll be surprised if he ever comes back at all. So yeah, nice work, morons.
I find it all gross and just a bit strange to be honest. But what I find more gross is how now these people are going for him and her and their looks and how they’re both “gross” and “ugly”, how he’s “losing his looks”, “looks haggard,” “ageing rapidly,” and that she’s a “plain Jane…” bla bla bla. That’s disgusting. And I hope when you finally grow the fuck up, you really understand how shameful that is.
The marriage might last. It might not. But I really think you all need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
This fandom is toxic. And I want nothing to do with that shit. My writing blog is going on indefinite hiatus. The only stuff you’ll see coming from me will be what I’m beta reading or contributing too with my writing partner. I’m out, and need well away from this crazy.
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wiypt-writes · 8 months
@before-we-get-started hmmm never say never 🙂
In Consciousness of Guilt, how does Looby adjust to being a big sister once her baby brother comes?
Oooh that’s something you’ll find out soon-ish! I’m not quite finished, although it’s been a while I admit!! But I have 2 chapters and an epilogue planned to hopefully explore this a bit better!! 😍😍
But she will adapt well. There will be moments of jealousy. Of course, she’s her daddy’s Loobysaurus, and she won’t want anything to stop that, and it’ll be up to Andy to make her see she still is.
(There won’t be any Rori type brat levels of breakdowns though!)
Great ask!
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wiypt-writes · 9 months
In Consciousness of Guilt, how does Looby adjust to being a big sister once her baby brother comes?
Oooh that’s something you’ll find out soon-ish! I’m not quite finished, although it’s been a while I admit!! But I have 2 chapters and an epilogue planned to hopefully explore this a bit better!! 😍😍
But she will adapt well. There will be moments of jealousy. Of course, she’s her daddy’s Loobysaurus, and she won’t want anything to stop that, and it’ll be up to Andy to make her see she still is.
(There won’t be any Rori type brat levels of breakdowns though!)
Great ask!
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wiypt-writes · 10 months
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Epilogue: Until The Cows Come Home
Summary: Five years post the final battle, Life at Avengers Ranch is pretty sweet
Warnings: Language, smut (NSFW) 18+
Pairing: Cowboy Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Reader. Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So here it is! The epilogue. I hope you enjoy. As of now, I have no plans really to continue but…perhaps if the muse strikes we might see a few one shots to follow up.
Rawhide Masterlist // Main Master-list
 Part 14
W/C: 5.4k
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“My grandad told me about a cowboy he knew, once. We’re going way back to the forties here. He rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, pulled his gun, and fired a shot right into the air.”  Clint made a gun motion with his fingers and mimed the action.
“Way to make friends an influence people.” Pete rolled his eyes.
“Well, it was his horse, ya know, valuable commodities in those days. They still are.” Clint shrugged, “So, he goes back into the bar, kicking off, demanding to know which snake had taken his horse. No one answered, so he says that he’s gonna have one more beer, and if his horse ain’t back outside by the time he finished his drink, that he’s gonna ‘do what I dun in Texas, and I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas…’” Clint mimicked a southern accent and cleared his throat. “Some of the locals start shifting a little, ya know, nervous like. Anyway, true to his word, he has another beer, heads outside and his horse has been returned.”
“So, that’s it?” Bucky frowned, “that’s the point of this story?”
“Pretty much.” Clint shrugs, “he saddled up, and started to ride out of town. He hasn’t got more than a few yards though, when the bartender comes out and asks ‘say, partner, before you go…what happened in Texas?’ Dude tips his Stetson as he looks back and says, ‘I had to walk home’.”
There was a moment of silence, before the group groaned collectively, as Clint laughed. Bucky threw the crust of his sandwich at Clint’s head.
“That is the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard.”
Steve snorted, listening to the guys banter as he leaned back against the tree trunk, his hat pulled down over his face. It had been a busy few days, moving the herd back down to the summer pastures and getting ready to bale the hay and silage that would see them through the winter. But he wasn’t complaining. In fact, he hadn’t complained about much over the past 5 years or so.
 Well, bar Bucky being a persistent pain in his ass, but what else was new?
In the months that followed the battle, Fury had been appointed interim president of the WSC and had been permanently installed following a term of elections, for two terms running now. As such, the World Security Council had made good on its promise. Each state had their own elected representatives, and the divide which had separated red and blue states had been torn down.
 Of course, some states still held conservative views, but even in those areas things had gotten much better for Omegas. Because their basic human rights had been secured through the Omega Rights Act at a federal level, something they failed to do the first time round due to the WSC preferring the appeasement method. Now, violation of those rights was punishable by law, no matter where you were, although how much it was enforced was anyone’s guess and varied, again state to state.
It wasn’t perfect, but then again nothing was. And it had been met in some instances with violent opposition, but that had been quashed pretty quickly. Some had been in favour of a more gradual overhaul, suggesting that each state should be allowed to install their own laws around Alphas, Betas and Omegas, as a sort of half-way house with a view to eventually changing the overall attitudes of people.
But, as Tony said in his speech when he was elected as the Senator for Montana, “sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.”
Essentially, it was all that they could have hoped for, and whilst it wasn’t perfect, it was a damned site better than it had been. Steve's shield and suit, and indeed the rest of the Avengers’ weapons and kit remained untouched, gathering dust in the armoury. 
Things had even taken a turn for the better at the ranch. It was bringing in good money, both from the cattle and the sudden tourism boost, people flocking to see the battle grounds where the latest Civil War had taken place. This, in turn, had seen an expansion to the ‘Dude Ranch’. Although Steve hadn’t been particularly on board with that idea at first, he’d quickly been talked around.
As such, life for all the Avengers Ranch and everyone else in Stark Wood was good. In fact, life all round was good, but from a selfish point of view, the former was all Steve really gave a damned about now.
His mind strayed to you, and a soft smile spread across his face. Married now, you bore his name and his rings. More symbolic than anything, given the fact you were bonded beyond the normal ties of a bond anyway. But he’d wanted to show you exactly what you meant to him. Following his casual proposal, the night you’d returned home to the ranch, he’d done it properly a few weeks later. The pair of you had taken a ride up to the top of the hills and he’d gotten down on one knee at sunset, offering you his Mom’s ring. Which you’d tearfully accepted.
You’d married in the same place, the following summer, Thor overseeing the ceremony in his ordained state as Sheriff, and then you and your friends had partied long into the night in the huge tent on the grounds of the ranch.
Steve had kept good on his word too. Once he felt it was safe, the pair of you had gone to Texas where you’d visited your mama’s grave and told her you were okay, laying a bunch of her favourite wildflowers by her headstone. And then, you’d located Colin’s. Tactfully, Steve kept his distance there and allowed you to say a proper goodbye to your previous alpha. You’d told Colin (or at least you’d spoken to his modest headstone) all about your job at the ranch, how you worked shifts at the Vet clinic with Banner. You’d chuckled when you’d explained how you were still the one doing the books because your Alpha was just as bad at it as he had been…and you’d finished by thanking him for his sacrifice which meant you were alive today, and living the best possible life you could. Whether Steve believed in the afterlife or not, it had clearly made you feel better having said a proper goodbye, and who was he to deny you that?
He’d deny you nothing. He’d give you the moon and the stars in the sky to make you happy.
A boot kicking at the sole of his foot jerked Steve from his daydream, and he tipped his hat to look upwards.
“Ready to kick on?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, yeah I am.” He smiled. With a groan, he pushed himself up and dusted down the seat of his well-worn wranglers before he mounted Star.
Together, the five men herded the longhorns down towards the pastures which surrounded the ranch, where the work would start over the next few weeks to tag the calves and conduct the health checks needed on the females. When the last one was in the correct pasture, Clint closed the gate with a click.
As they turned the final corner towards home, Steve couldn’t help the smile as he saw you in the riding arena. You leading Quin around, your Stetson sat on your head, a grin on your face as you walked. And upon Quin’s back sat a smaller figure, whose head was covered by a safety helmet.
Your daughter, Serenity Clara Rogers, known as Seren. It was a name chosen for its various meanings. In its full form her first name meant peaceful, which was what your lives had been since the battle and what you both hoped it would be for the rest of your lives. In its shortened, it translated as star, a small tribute to Steve’s emblem.
Her middle name was a payback to your Southern roots, and it meant bright and clear. And when it was all put together, it was exactly what she was to you both, a shining, bright star of peace and love and hope.
Getting Star up into a trot, and then a loping canter, he was pulling into the main grounds of the ranch a few minutes later.
“Daddy! Looks! I wides Quin!”
Steve grinned as he hopped off his horse and strode towards the paddock fence, looping the reins around the top rail. “I can see that!”
“Cans I has my own?”
Steve laughed, “you think you’re old enough?”
“I’m free!” A tiny handheld up three fingers as Steve faulted over the post and rails and strode towards you both.
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beamed as he kissed you softly.
“Hi, Doll.” His lips brushed yours before he turned to look at his daughter. She was much like you, same eyes, same hair, same attitude, and excitement to life. But, very much with the Rogers attitude and, funnily enough, his cheekbones and nose. 
“Good day?” 
“Yup, all cows present and correct. Did that new family check in?”
“Yeah, all good.” You nodded. “Oh, Banner called. He asked if I could cover the on call shift tonight at the surgery. Apparently Natasha has come down with that bug that’s going round, and he doesn’t want to leave her to take care of the baby Danny alone. Think they’re all still adjusting, ya know, after the adoption…”
“I think that’s okay, don’t you, Wren?” he playfully poked Seren’s tummy, speaking his nickname for her and she giggled.
“Cans we watch Toy Story? Wivs popcorns?”
“Toy Story? Again?” Steve groaned and Seren narrowed her eyes.
“I wikes it. Is my fave-rite.”
“Really, I’d never have guessed.”
Her Daddy’s sarcasm went right over Seren’s head, and you chuckled. “We got everyone coming for dinner tonight, baby, so you might not get chance.”
“After dinner?”
“We’ll see.” You smiled, “you ready to get down? I think Quin could do with a drink before we pop him out.”
“Otay…”Seren sighed, dramatically. She held her arms out and Steve reached up to pluck her out of the saddle. Her little arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her cheek. “Daddy, your whiskers are scratchy!”
“Are they?” Steve frowned, before he rubbed his cheek against hers, causing her to squeal. Her hands pushed at his face as she giggled. With a laugh, Steve pulled back and she cupped his face, her fingers threading into his beard as she smushed his cheeks together.
“I wobes you, daddy bear.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. More than all the stars.”
Your heart swelled, the way it always did when you watched Steve with your daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he doted on her in all the right ways. He indulged her, let her be her own person, but wasn’t afraid to dish out the discipline when needed.
In contrast to Bucky, who pretty much let her get away with anything and everything.
Steve carried her out of the paddock, and you followed, leading Quin.
 “Unca Buck!” Seren squealed as she spotted her favourite uncle and she wriggled. Steve let her down and she took off towards him.
“Hey, Squirt!” Bucky grinned as he picked her up. “You had a good day?”
“Yips. Me and Mama took ‘Mando for a walk, dens we made lunch, and I rides!”
“yeah, I saw you on Quin. Bout time daddy got you a pony of your own, huh?”
“Dass what I saids!” Seren held her hands out to her side and Bucky laughed, ignoring the death stare Steve was shooting him.
“She might have a point, Alpha.” You smirked as you passed him by and tried not to chuckle as his head whipped towards you.
“huh?” he followed you into the barn. “Really? You think she’s old enough?”
“It’s not like she’ll be going on cattle drives.” You smiled as you undid the girth to Quin’s saddle. “But what harm can it do? A little pony or something she can love and cuddle. You’ve seen what she’s like with every animal she comes across.”
“Yeah, which is how we’ve ended up with a damned cat that lives in the house now and not the barn, much to Commando’s disgust.”
“Hey, Barney would have died otherwise…”
“And the guinea pigs? Were they on deaths door too when Bucky and Sam bought them for her?”
“Sparkle and Cookie live outside, well in Summer anyway…”
“The tank of goldfish?”
“She won one at a fair. Thor was right, it was mean to keep him in a bowl on his own. He needed friends.”
Steve scoffed and you snorted.
“Stop being a grouch.” You teased, “make the most of her being like this. Because give it ten, twelve years she’ll be out dating and chasing boys instead.”
“Over my dead body.” Steve glowered.
“You can’t fight her growing up.”
“No, but I can fight any punk that comes within a three mile radius of her.”
That made you laugh, as you placed Quin’s saddle on the rack. “Oh, Steve.” You turned towards him, stepping into his arms. He groaned, his face pressing into his neck.
“Stop it…”he whined. “I don’t want her to grow up, ever. Where’s our baby gone?”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. 
“What time are you on call from?”
“Seven-ish.” you stroked the hair at the nape of his neck, which was a little damp with sweat. Not that you cared. “I might not be needed but, you never know.”
“Okay, so if we grill for dinner at sixish, you should be okay?”
“Counting on it.” you smiled, “sides and fixings are all ready.”
“You’re too good to me, to us.” He smiled, his lips pressing back to yours.
You hummed into the kiss, allowing him to pull you closer. The smell and feel of your Alpha, your soul mate, your husband washed over you as his strong arms wrapped around your back. You allowed yourself to get lost, giving into that Omega part of you that you now loved as much as Steve did. 
“Mama and Daddy is smoochin’!” A loud giggle came from behind you and Steve gave a small groan as he pulled away.
“Ewww!” Bucky wrinkled his nose, “do they smooch a lot?”
“Aaaallls da times!” Seren said, dramatically. “Unca Tony says mama wobes daddy’s animal maganatism…”
“I’m gonna kill Stark.” Steve muttered as you, and the rest of the gang laughed.
As was customary post the cattle drives, you hosted the guys, plus their partners for dinner. Thor and Tony also joined you, along with his daughter, Morgan and Pepper who was sporting a pretty large bump as Baby Stark number 2 was very much about to make an appearance.
Morgan and Seren, separated in age by less than a year spent the spring evening playing in the garden, and by the time everyone was leaving they were both exhausted. Steve took this as a win as he didn’t have to sit there and watch Buzz and Woody for what felt like the hundredth time that week.
After bidding everyone goodbye, after clearing down the dishes and table, you headed off to take a call which had come through from the surgery.
Steve scooped his daughter up, “bedtime, baby.”
“I nots tired…” Seren protested, as she yawned and blinked hard.
“Sure…” Steve chuckled, “well let’s get you bathed and then we can discuss this, huh?”
Once bathed, dried and in her little set of cowgirl themed pajamas, Seren had given up the fight and was, indeed, half asleep. Steve tucked her into her little bed, chuckling as Commando took up his usual place on top of the comforter, by her side. Her little hand curled into his fur as she yawned.
“You bet.” Steve smiled, “which one tonight?”
“Spinderella.” She grinned. “I wikes dat one.”
“Spinderella it is…” Steve crossed the room to her bookshelf and then looked as you wandered into the room.
“I gotta go in.” You sighed, “one of Mr. Craft’s horses has injured itself, pretty badly in its stall. He said it can’t wait until tomorrow.”
“That’s okay, we got things here, huh Wren?”
“Yups.” Seren yawned again.
“I give her two pages, tops.” Steve chuckled, waving the book at you.
“I bet its four.” You smiled, leaning over to kiss her head. “Night baby, momma loves you so much.”
“Wobes you too, momma.” she hugged you before you stood up, ruffling commando’s fur. You then turned to Steve and kissed him quickly.
“I dunno how long I’ll be.”
“It’s okay’ Mega.” he smiled. “Drive safe, okay?”
You winked before you pulled away, his hand squeezing yours and you turned and left.
Seren actually fell asleep after three pages. When Steve heard her breathing even out, he glanced down and saw her eyes closed as she snuggled into him.
With a soft chuckle, he gently moved, his hand curling the back of her head. He lay her down, made sure she had her little bunny teddy with her and tucked her in.
“Night, my little star. Sweet dreams.” He whispered as he kissed her head.
Commando followed him as Steve headed down the hall after quietly shutting Seren's door. He padded his way down the staircase and found refuge at the wet bar for a drink before he settled up on the couch. His faithful dog hopped up next to him, resting his rather large head on Steve's lap. Flicking through channels, he found the mundane drone of the news filled his ears.
He watched the report and the panel as they chatted over a high profile court case that was filling the news at the moment, an actor versus his ex-wife who was accusing him of having jars of cocaine and ‘mega pints’ of red wine or some bull shit like that.
It was frivolous. And really, Steve had no idea why it was news. But the fact it was, meant there was nothing more worthy of the airtime, meaning things with the WSC and senate were calm.
Which was fine by him.
He sighed contently and brought his whiskey to his lips. He'd nearly finished the glass by the time he'd heard your truck pulling up toward the porch.
He checked his watch, all in all you’d been gone just over an hour. Which meant whatever it was can’t have been that serious. Hopefully, you wouldn’t get another call that night. It was rare that you did when you were covering the emergency shift.
Commando grunted and slipped off the couch to greet you at the door.
“Hi…” you bent down to give him loves, “hi, fella…”
His tail wagged and wagged happily. And when Steve snapped his fingers, the dog walked off. The simple command allowed you to get back inside and shut the door.
"That was quick," Steve spoke gently as he stood from the couch. He made it a point to never, ever have his back to you in conversation if he could help it. You were his equal and you deserved  equal respect.
“Oh, daft animal had been rearing in his stable and got his leg stuck. Nasty cut but I managed to clean it and pad it. Gave him a tetanus booster and that was it, said I’d check back in tomorrow.” You smiled, “I just need ten minutes to type up the notes before I forget.”
"Alright," Steve nodded. "Can I get you a drink. 'Mega?"
“I’ll take a tea, please.” You smiled, “best not drink anymore in case I gotta go back out.”
You took your tablet from your bag and headed to the couch. By the time Steve was placing your drink down, your notes were done.
You shut the device down and placed it on the coffee table, picking up your drink and getting yourself comfortable as you swung your legs up beside you.
Steve picked up your leg from the ankle and set it in his lap, his strong hands rubbing over your calf through your jeans.
"Seren go down okay?"
“Three pages.” Steve chuckled.
You smirked as you blew a little over the rim of your mug, "new record."
“Think today tuckered her out. And I did a little thinking…”
He watched you wince a little as he dug into a knot, "what's that?" You looked at him.
“Maybe a pony of her own ain’t such a bad idea.”
“Okay, that…that didn’t take much convincing at all, Alpha.”
Steve chuckled then he sighed, "I think she's ready. I could make a few calls, see who's got one available."
“No need…” you bit your lip. “The Crafts have one…their youngest has outgrown him. I said I’d talk to you…”
"Oh," Steve nodded, "that works then."
“Yeah, convenient…” you agreed. And then Steve noticed the smirk on your face.
He gave a groan and a snort. “Was I actually going to get a say in whether or not she got a pony or was this just something you were gonna do regardless?”
"I mean I was just making it known that we'd discussed it. Formalities of checking with my mate and all that."
Oh, checking with your mate? Don’t you mean asking permission from your Alpha?” Steve teased.
"Details, details," you sniggered.
Steve rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. “So, what is it?”
“A male Shetland pony. Called Coco.”
Steve merely nodded as you continued.
“And. Let’s face it, it’s an investment.” You continued, “because when Seren has outgrown him, well…hopefully there’ll be another little one who’s ready to take the reins so to speak.”
Steve's face softened. "yeah?"
“Yeah.” You looked at him, a smile on your lips. “I thought that maybe when my next heat is due to hit, I don’t get my shot…see what happens.”
"Don't, don't do it." He sat forward, "I'm ready, darlin'."
You bit your lip, “me too.”
Steve held your ankles on his lap with one hand and leaned forward toward you more, "I want as many pups as we can, while we can."
“Woah, slow down there cowboy…” you chuckled, “I’m absolutely happy for two, I could be persuaded for three…”
Steve pecked your lips, "I'm teasing. We talked about two, but I'd be alright with three."
You smiled, your hand running through his hair, and then you moved to press your fingers to your mark.
I love you… your voice echoed in his head.
“I love you too," he whispered lowly. "So much, 'Mega."
“Kiss me Alpha.”
It took a tiny growl from his chest before his lips slowly, tenderly melted against your own. His soft kiss fluttered your insides and without though to it, you were in his lap.
Your hands cupped his bearded cheeks, the pads of your fingers softly brushing against his bristles as your lips allows his to lead them in a slow, sensual dance.
"Lemme love on you, 'Mega."
“Always…” your nose brushed his, “take me to bed.”
Steve needn't say another word, nor make any extra moves. He simply stood as he settled you into his arms and began his way towards the stairs. Blindly, yet expertly, he carried you up and up, to your bedroom where your bed awaited.
With a tenderness he reserved especially for you, he laid you down in the middle, on top of your pale blue comforter and positioned himself over you. One knee nestled between your thighs, his left hand planted by your head whilst his right hand cupped your face.
"My beautiful 'Mega," his voice whispered as his breath gently fanned your face.
Your own hand reached up, fingers gently tracing the curve of his jaw as he closed his eyes.
“My handsome, strong, protective Alpha.” You purred.
Time stood still when the two of you were like this. The intimacy so pure, that it squeezed at the heart in your chest that now beat for only he and Seren.
Steve dipped his head and captured your lips in a soft kiss. The feel of his lips on yours made you hummed against him. You parted your lips as the tip of Steve's tongue tickled at the pucker lines of your bottom lip.
Your hands dipped, finding the hem of his shirt and you gave a tug.
Steve's kiss barely stopped as you pulled the shirt up and over his head. The material pooled at his wrist by your ear. His fist curled together in his right hand, and he knuckled the mattress to flick away his tee. His lips were quickly back on yours trailing across your jaw and down your neck.
You sighed, happily, an Omega trill rolling in your throat which made Steve grumble a chuckle in response.
He sat back on his knees and pulled at the hem of your own tee as he did so, taking your body with him. With a light giggle you fell back with a little bounce to the mattress.
"That's better," Steve rasped as he bent back over you. He continued his trail of bearded kisses down your décolletage, to between your breasts and descending towards your navel.
He smiled against your skin as your belly twitched, always the same. So sensitive and ticklish in areas. He found it cute, and sexy.
He gave a nip to the skin below your belly button at the tip of your scar that gave him his daughter. Then he kissed the sting away tenderly. Those glittering, cerulean eyes looked up at you and he smiled against your skin.
You felt as if you blinked and then suddenly you laid naked before your Alpha, bar the bra that covered your breasts.
You chuckled and Steve looked at you, his chin resting on your sternum.
“Nothin, just the speed at which you undress me always amuses me.”
"You make me very impatient, doll."
“I bet you say that to all the girls…”
"Just you," he smirks as his beard began to tickle the inside of your calve.
“Good to know…” you sighed.
"Mmhmm," he kept his lips to your leg.
You trilled again as whiskers tickled the inside of your thigh.
“Oh, Mega…I love those noises…” he worked his way up.
He nudged that joint where hip and thigh came together, scenting you. Your hand automatically tangled in his hair, your breath hitching in your chest.
Tentatively, Steve nosed your mound, the tip of his tongue tickling your swelling, sensitive bud. You whined, your back arching off the bed.
A low rumble sounded in your ears as Steve tasted you. He locked at you like a kitten to milk.
You whimpered and moaned softly, your knees caging his head in at his ears as your alpha gave you what you craved, what you wanted.
He'd eat away at you with fervor, then he'd slow to a near stop and  make love to you there like it would be the last time.
And you loved every single moment.
Your orgasm was growing close, and you felt your body teetering on the edge of bliss. Tingling through your body felt like soda bubbles in your nerves.
"S'close, Alpha..."
He growled a little, before just as you knew he would, he slowed down. Leaving you mewling and begging for more.
"Please, Alpha..."
With a final grunt, Steve pulled away and wiped his face on the comforter. With a quick movement, he was up, out of his jeans and then back over you.
You were breathless, your body aflame. A sheen of sweat was beginning to cover your skin as you burnt hot from within.
“I got you, mega…” he whispered.
Steve held himself as he slipped right into you, a moan from you and a groan from him filling the airy space of the room.
Your hands flew to his broad back, curling round his shoulders as you dug your fingers into his muscles.
"You feel so good, doll." Steve's voice tickled your ear.
“You too…” you whimpered, your voice barely a whisper over your panting.
Steve pulled back and slowly thrust back in, a rolling tide to his hips as he set the pace of loving on you.
His hands reached for yours, fingers lacing through your own as he pressed them either side of your head.
You sighed as his body melted into yours. The weight of him felt like a warm blanket, comforting you and securing you. It gave you a never ending sense of security. And to lock your bodies together tightly; you raised your hips and brought your ankles up to settle the heels of your feet against his lower back.
“Shit…” he grunted, his eyes closing for a moment before they opened, locked back on yours.
"There you are, Alpha," you sighed as he kept rolling those hips into you. "Don't ever hide." His eyes flashed a little as you arched into him even more. “Let go, Steve…”
"No....not 'til you...."
Always putting you first, that never changed. No matter what, you were his priority in your moments together. 
You preened your neck, stretching out for him. You felt his nose dip along your mark, and he shuddered. Your lips parted in a sigh as you started to tilt your hips again to meet him.
His teeth nipped softly at your mating gland, enough for you to feel it, but not enough to break the skin.
"Oh shit," you rasped. "Alpha...."
“Mega…my mega…”
"I'm...." you needed just a little more, you were so damn close.
Steve knew, he always knew. His hips picked up the pace, but somehow he kept the same depth and rhythm. 
His lips claimed yours, the kiss deep yet soft. A juxtaposition. Just like your alpha himself. So strong, get gentle. So firm, but soft.
"Alpha...." you whined as you tightened around him, your nose buried right against his mark.
“Cum for me, mega…” his voice was deep, his instruction clear. It was an alpha command, the only time he ever used them in you was in moments like this. 
And you craved it.
"Oh my....fuck, yes," you came with a cry.
“Good girl…” Steve panted, his lips back at your mark.
You whined, whimpered then whined again at the praise.
“My beautiful Omega…” Steve’s words were almost whispered, a strain in his voice. 
He was close.
"Steve....let go, baby," you cooed.
You nudged at him with your nose, bringing his eyes back to yours.
Like times before there was the fleck of gold that flashed in his eyes, and you knew he saw it in yours. For the room went black and beyond the gaze of your connection a galaxy swarm around you.
When you finally found yourself again, Steve’s face was buried in your neck. He was panting, deeply. The rise and fall of his chest pressing against you and then releasing you from its hold.
Your fingertips danced up his spine and into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He gave a soft hum.
"I love you, my Alpha," you whispered.
“I love you too, my Omega. And I always will. Until the cows come home.”
“Until the cows come home,” you kissed his neck, before he moved and captured your lips with a soft, sweet kiss. “Until the cows come home.”
133 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 10 months
First off Jamie it's so nice having you back. Hope life has been treating you with endless amounts of love and kindness. Now about the following bit of writing advice:-
And nicknames are awesome. Sweetheart, princess, pumpkin. Those are awesome, especially when you've got a hero like Ransom or Lloyd.
When did our tantrum throwing man child become a hero🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Okay, I'm sitting here cackling now lol You got me. Lloyd doesn't exactly fit into that category does he?
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But one day, he just might 😱🫢😨
Thank you! HUGS I've missed you 💕
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wiypt-writes · 10 months
@lokislady82 wow! That’s a big effort and late so thank you so much.
I’m blown away with the reaction this series has had as a whole 😊
Rawhide Masterlist
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Chapters are chronological
Please heed the individual warnings at the start of each chapter.
This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters in this series bar reader and any other mentioned O/C
Keep reading
2K notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 10 months
@mes-2016 me too. Sad it’s time to say goodbye but it’s been amazing to write.
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Epilogue: Until The Cows Come Home
Summary: Five years post the final battle, Life at Avengers Ranch is pretty sweet
Warnings: Language, smut (NSFW) 18+
Pairing: Cowboy Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Reader. Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So here it is! The epilogue. I hope you enjoy. As of now, I have no plans really to continue but…perhaps if the muse strikes we might see a few one shots to follow up.
Rawhide Masterlist // Main Master-list
 Part 14
W/C: 5.4k
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“My grandad told me about a cowboy he knew, once. We’re going way back to the forties here. He rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, pulled his gun, and fired a shot right into the air.”  Clint made a gun motion with his fingers and mimed the action.
“Way to make friends an influence people.” Pete rolled his eyes.
“Well, it was his horse, ya know, valuable commodities in those days. They still are.” Clint shrugged, “So, he goes back into the bar, kicking off, demanding to know which snake had taken his horse. No one answered, so he says that he’s gonna have one more beer, and if his horse ain’t back outside by the time he finished his drink, that he’s gonna ‘do what I dun in Texas, and I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas…’” Clint mimicked a southern accent and cleared his throat. “Some of the locals start shifting a little, ya know, nervous like. Anyway, true to his word, he has another beer, heads outside and his horse has been returned.”
“So, that’s it?” Bucky frowned, “that’s the point of this story?”
“Pretty much.” Clint shrugs, “he saddled up, and started to ride out of town. He hasn’t got more than a few yards though, when the bartender comes out and asks ‘say, partner, before you go…what happened in Texas?’ Dude tips his Stetson as he looks back and says, ‘I had to walk home’.”
There was a moment of silence, before the group groaned collectively, as Clint laughed. Bucky threw the crust of his sandwich at Clint’s head.
“That is the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard.”
Steve snorted, listening to the guys banter as he leaned back against the tree trunk, his hat pulled down over his face. It had been a busy few days, moving the herd back down to the summer pastures and getting ready to bale the hay and silage that would see them through the winter. But he wasn’t complaining. In fact, he hadn’t complained about much over the past 5 years or so.
 Well, bar Bucky being a persistent pain in his ass, but what else was new?
In the months that followed the battle, Fury had been appointed interim president of the WSC and had been permanently installed following a term of elections, for two terms running now. As such, the World Security Council had made good on its promise. Each state had their own elected representatives, and the divide which had separated red and blue states had been torn down.
 Of course, some states still held conservative views, but even in those areas things had gotten much better for Omegas. Because their basic human rights had been secured through the Omega Rights Act at a federal level, something they failed to do the first time round due to the WSC preferring the appeasement method. Now, violation of those rights was punishable by law, no matter where you were, although how much it was enforced was anyone’s guess and varied, again state to state.
It wasn’t perfect, but then again nothing was. And it had been met in some instances with violent opposition, but that had been quashed pretty quickly. Some had been in favour of a more gradual overhaul, suggesting that each state should be allowed to install their own laws around Alphas, Betas and Omegas, as a sort of half-way house with a view to eventually changing the overall attitudes of people.
But, as Tony said in his speech when he was elected as the Senator for Montana, “sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.”
Essentially, it was all that they could have hoped for, and whilst it wasn’t perfect, it was a damned site better than it had been. Steve's shield and suit, and indeed the rest of the Avengers’ weapons and kit remained untouched, gathering dust in the armoury. 
Things had even taken a turn for the better at the ranch. It was bringing in good money, both from the cattle and the sudden tourism boost, people flocking to see the battle grounds where the latest Civil War had taken place. This, in turn, had seen an expansion to the ‘Dude Ranch’. Although Steve hadn’t been particularly on board with that idea at first, he’d quickly been talked around.
As such, life for all the Avengers Ranch and everyone else in Stark Wood was good. In fact, life all round was good, but from a selfish point of view, the former was all Steve really gave a damned about now.
His mind strayed to you, and a soft smile spread across his face. Married now, you bore his name and his rings. More symbolic than anything, given the fact you were bonded beyond the normal ties of a bond anyway. But he’d wanted to show you exactly what you meant to him. Following his casual proposal, the night you’d returned home to the ranch, he’d done it properly a few weeks later. The pair of you had taken a ride up to the top of the hills and he’d gotten down on one knee at sunset, offering you his Mom’s ring. Which you’d tearfully accepted.
You’d married in the same place, the following summer, Thor overseeing the ceremony in his ordained state as Sheriff, and then you and your friends had partied long into the night in the huge tent on the grounds of the ranch.
Steve had kept good on his word too. Once he felt it was safe, the pair of you had gone to Texas where you’d visited your mama’s grave and told her you were okay, laying a bunch of her favourite wildflowers by her headstone. And then, you’d located Colin’s. Tactfully, Steve kept his distance there and allowed you to say a proper goodbye to your previous alpha. You’d told Colin (or at least you’d spoken to his modest headstone) all about your job at the ranch, how you worked shifts at the Vet clinic with Banner. You’d chuckled when you’d explained how you were still the one doing the books because your Alpha was just as bad at it as he had been…and you’d finished by thanking him for his sacrifice which meant you were alive today, and living the best possible life you could. Whether Steve believed in the afterlife or not, it had clearly made you feel better having said a proper goodbye, and who was he to deny you that?
He’d deny you nothing. He’d give you the moon and the stars in the sky to make you happy.
A boot kicking at the sole of his foot jerked Steve from his daydream, and he tipped his hat to look upwards.
“Ready to kick on?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, yeah I am.” He smiled. With a groan, he pushed himself up and dusted down the seat of his well-worn wranglers before he mounted Star.
Together, the five men herded the longhorns down towards the pastures which surrounded the ranch, where the work would start over the next few weeks to tag the calves and conduct the health checks needed on the females. When the last one was in the correct pasture, Clint closed the gate with a click.
As they turned the final corner towards home, Steve couldn’t help the smile as he saw you in the riding arena. You leading Quin around, your Stetson sat on your head, a grin on your face as you walked. And upon Quin’s back sat a smaller figure, whose head was covered by a safety helmet.
Your daughter, Serenity Clara Rogers, known as Seren. It was a name chosen for its various meanings. In its full form her first name meant peaceful, which was what your lives had been since the battle and what you both hoped it would be for the rest of your lives. In its shortened, it translated as star, a small tribute to Steve’s emblem.
Her middle name was a payback to your Southern roots, and it meant bright and clear. And when it was all put together, it was exactly what she was to you both, a shining, bright star of peace and love and hope.
Getting Star up into a trot, and then a loping canter, he was pulling into the main grounds of the ranch a few minutes later.
“Daddy! Looks! I wides Quin!”
Steve grinned as he hopped off his horse and strode towards the paddock fence, looping the reins around the top rail. “I can see that!”
“Cans I has my own?”
Steve laughed, “you think you’re old enough?”
“I’m free!” A tiny handheld up three fingers as Steve faulted over the post and rails and strode towards you both.
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beamed as he kissed you softly.
“Hi, Doll.” His lips brushed yours before he turned to look at his daughter. She was much like you, same eyes, same hair, same attitude, and excitement to life. But, very much with the Rogers attitude and, funnily enough, his cheekbones and nose. 
“Good day?” 
“Yup, all cows present and correct. Did that new family check in?”
“Yeah, all good.” You nodded. “Oh, Banner called. He asked if I could cover the on call shift tonight at the surgery. Apparently Natasha has come down with that bug that’s going round, and he doesn’t want to leave her to take care of the baby Danny alone. Think they’re all still adjusting, ya know, after the adoption…”
“I think that’s okay, don’t you, Wren?” he playfully poked Seren’s tummy, speaking his nickname for her and she giggled.
“Cans we watch Toy Story? Wivs popcorns?”
“Toy Story? Again?” Steve groaned and Seren narrowed her eyes.
“I wikes it. Is my fave-rite.”
“Really, I’d never have guessed.”
Her Daddy’s sarcasm went right over Seren’s head, and you chuckled. “We got everyone coming for dinner tonight, baby, so you might not get chance.”
“After dinner?”
“We’ll see.” You smiled, “you ready to get down? I think Quin could do with a drink before we pop him out.”
“Otay…”Seren sighed, dramatically. She held her arms out and Steve reached up to pluck her out of the saddle. Her little arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her cheek. “Daddy, your whiskers are scratchy!”
“Are they?” Steve frowned, before he rubbed his cheek against hers, causing her to squeal. Her hands pushed at his face as she giggled. With a laugh, Steve pulled back and she cupped his face, her fingers threading into his beard as she smushed his cheeks together.
“I wobes you, daddy bear.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. More than all the stars.”
Your heart swelled, the way it always did when you watched Steve with your daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he doted on her in all the right ways. He indulged her, let her be her own person, but wasn’t afraid to dish out the discipline when needed.
In contrast to Bucky, who pretty much let her get away with anything and everything.
Steve carried her out of the paddock, and you followed, leading Quin.
 “Unca Buck!” Seren squealed as she spotted her favourite uncle and she wriggled. Steve let her down and she took off towards him.
“Hey, Squirt!” Bucky grinned as he picked her up. “You had a good day?”
“Yips. Me and Mama took ‘Mando for a walk, dens we made lunch, and I rides!”
“yeah, I saw you on Quin. Bout time daddy got you a pony of your own, huh?”
“Dass what I saids!” Seren held her hands out to her side and Bucky laughed, ignoring the death stare Steve was shooting him.
“She might have a point, Alpha.” You smirked as you passed him by and tried not to chuckle as his head whipped towards you.
“huh?” he followed you into the barn. “Really? You think she’s old enough?”
“It’s not like she’ll be going on cattle drives.” You smiled as you undid the girth to Quin’s saddle. “But what harm can it do? A little pony or something she can love and cuddle. You’ve seen what she’s like with every animal she comes across.”
“Yeah, which is how we’ve ended up with a damned cat that lives in the house now and not the barn, much to Commando’s disgust.”
“Hey, Barney would have died otherwise…”
“And the guinea pigs? Were they on deaths door too when Bucky and Sam bought them for her?”
“Sparkle and Cookie live outside, well in Summer anyway…”
“The tank of goldfish?”
“She won one at a fair. Thor was right, it was mean to keep him in a bowl on his own. He needed friends.”
Steve scoffed and you snorted.
“Stop being a grouch.” You teased, “make the most of her being like this. Because give it ten, twelve years she’ll be out dating and chasing boys instead.”
“Over my dead body.” Steve glowered.
“You can’t fight her growing up.”
“No, but I can fight any punk that comes within a three mile radius of her.”
That made you laugh, as you placed Quin’s saddle on the rack. “Oh, Steve.” You turned towards him, stepping into his arms. He groaned, his face pressing into his neck.
“Stop it…”he whined. “I don’t want her to grow up, ever. Where’s our baby gone?”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. 
“What time are you on call from?”
“Seven-ish.” you stroked the hair at the nape of his neck, which was a little damp with sweat. Not that you cared. “I might not be needed but, you never know.”
“Okay, so if we grill for dinner at sixish, you should be okay?”
“Counting on it.” you smiled, “sides and fixings are all ready.”
“You’re too good to me, to us.” He smiled, his lips pressing back to yours.
You hummed into the kiss, allowing him to pull you closer. The smell and feel of your Alpha, your soul mate, your husband washed over you as his strong arms wrapped around your back. You allowed yourself to get lost, giving into that Omega part of you that you now loved as much as Steve did. 
“Mama and Daddy is smoochin’!” A loud giggle came from behind you and Steve gave a small groan as he pulled away.
“Ewww!” Bucky wrinkled his nose, “do they smooch a lot?”
“Aaaallls da times!” Seren said, dramatically. “Unca Tony says mama wobes daddy’s animal maganatism…”
“I’m gonna kill Stark.” Steve muttered as you, and the rest of the gang laughed.
As was customary post the cattle drives, you hosted the guys, plus their partners for dinner. Thor and Tony also joined you, along with his daughter, Morgan and Pepper who was sporting a pretty large bump as Baby Stark number 2 was very much about to make an appearance.
Morgan and Seren, separated in age by less than a year spent the spring evening playing in the garden, and by the time everyone was leaving they were both exhausted. Steve took this as a win as he didn’t have to sit there and watch Buzz and Woody for what felt like the hundredth time that week.
After bidding everyone goodbye, after clearing down the dishes and table, you headed off to take a call which had come through from the surgery.
Steve scooped his daughter up, “bedtime, baby.”
“I nots tired…” Seren protested, as she yawned and blinked hard.
“Sure…” Steve chuckled, “well let’s get you bathed and then we can discuss this, huh?”
Once bathed, dried and in her little set of cowgirl themed pajamas, Seren had given up the fight and was, indeed, half asleep. Steve tucked her into her little bed, chuckling as Commando took up his usual place on top of the comforter, by her side. Her little hand curled into his fur as she yawned.
“You bet.” Steve smiled, “which one tonight?”
“Spinderella.” She grinned. “I wikes dat one.”
“Spinderella it is…” Steve crossed the room to her bookshelf and then looked as you wandered into the room.
“I gotta go in.” You sighed, “one of Mr. Craft’s horses has injured itself, pretty badly in its stall. He said it can’t wait until tomorrow.”
“That’s okay, we got things here, huh Wren?”
“Yups.” Seren yawned again.
“I give her two pages, tops.” Steve chuckled, waving the book at you.
“I bet its four.” You smiled, leaning over to kiss her head. “Night baby, momma loves you so much.”
“Wobes you too, momma.” she hugged you before you stood up, ruffling commando’s fur. You then turned to Steve and kissed him quickly.
“I dunno how long I’ll be.”
“It’s okay’ Mega.” he smiled. “Drive safe, okay?”
You winked before you pulled away, his hand squeezing yours and you turned and left.
Seren actually fell asleep after three pages. When Steve heard her breathing even out, he glanced down and saw her eyes closed as she snuggled into him.
With a soft chuckle, he gently moved, his hand curling the back of her head. He lay her down, made sure she had her little bunny teddy with her and tucked her in.
“Night, my little star. Sweet dreams.” He whispered as he kissed her head.
Commando followed him as Steve headed down the hall after quietly shutting Seren's door. He padded his way down the staircase and found refuge at the wet bar for a drink before he settled up on the couch. His faithful dog hopped up next to him, resting his rather large head on Steve's lap. Flicking through channels, he found the mundane drone of the news filled his ears.
He watched the report and the panel as they chatted over a high profile court case that was filling the news at the moment, an actor versus his ex-wife who was accusing him of having jars of cocaine and ‘mega pints’ of red wine or some bull shit like that.
It was frivolous. And really, Steve had no idea why it was news. But the fact it was, meant there was nothing more worthy of the airtime, meaning things with the WSC and senate were calm.
Which was fine by him.
He sighed contently and brought his whiskey to his lips. He'd nearly finished the glass by the time he'd heard your truck pulling up toward the porch.
He checked his watch, all in all you’d been gone just over an hour. Which meant whatever it was can’t have been that serious. Hopefully, you wouldn’t get another call that night. It was rare that you did when you were covering the emergency shift.
Commando grunted and slipped off the couch to greet you at the door.
“Hi…” you bent down to give him loves, “hi, fella…”
His tail wagged and wagged happily. And when Steve snapped his fingers, the dog walked off. The simple command allowed you to get back inside and shut the door.
"That was quick," Steve spoke gently as he stood from the couch. He made it a point to never, ever have his back to you in conversation if he could help it. You were his equal and you deserved  equal respect.
“Oh, daft animal had been rearing in his stable and got his leg stuck. Nasty cut but I managed to clean it and pad it. Gave him a tetanus booster and that was it, said I’d check back in tomorrow.” You smiled, “I just need ten minutes to type up the notes before I forget.”
"Alright," Steve nodded. "Can I get you a drink. 'Mega?"
“I’ll take a tea, please.” You smiled, “best not drink anymore in case I gotta go back out.”
You took your tablet from your bag and headed to the couch. By the time Steve was placing your drink down, your notes were done.
You shut the device down and placed it on the coffee table, picking up your drink and getting yourself comfortable as you swung your legs up beside you.
Steve picked up your leg from the ankle and set it in his lap, his strong hands rubbing over your calf through your jeans.
"Seren go down okay?"
“Three pages.” Steve chuckled.
You smirked as you blew a little over the rim of your mug, "new record."
“Think today tuckered her out. And I did a little thinking…”
He watched you wince a little as he dug into a knot, "what's that?" You looked at him.
“Maybe a pony of her own ain’t such a bad idea.”
“Okay, that…that didn’t take much convincing at all, Alpha.”
Steve chuckled then he sighed, "I think she's ready. I could make a few calls, see who's got one available."
“No need…” you bit your lip. “The Crafts have one…their youngest has outgrown him. I said I’d talk to you…”
"Oh," Steve nodded, "that works then."
“Yeah, convenient…” you agreed. And then Steve noticed the smirk on your face.
He gave a groan and a snort. “Was I actually going to get a say in whether or not she got a pony or was this just something you were gonna do regardless?”
"I mean I was just making it known that we'd discussed it. Formalities of checking with my mate and all that."
Oh, checking with your mate? Don’t you mean asking permission from your Alpha?” Steve teased.
"Details, details," you sniggered.
Steve rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. “So, what is it?”
“A male Shetland pony. Called Coco.”
Steve merely nodded as you continued.
“And. Let’s face it, it’s an investment.” You continued, “because when Seren has outgrown him, well…hopefully there’ll be another little one who’s ready to take the reins so to speak.”
Steve's face softened. "yeah?"
“Yeah.” You looked at him, a smile on your lips. “I thought that maybe when my next heat is due to hit, I don’t get my shot…see what happens.”
"Don't, don't do it." He sat forward, "I'm ready, darlin'."
You bit your lip, “me too.”
Steve held your ankles on his lap with one hand and leaned forward toward you more, "I want as many pups as we can, while we can."
“Woah, slow down there cowboy…” you chuckled, “I’m absolutely happy for two, I could be persuaded for three…”
Steve pecked your lips, "I'm teasing. We talked about two, but I'd be alright with three."
You smiled, your hand running through his hair, and then you moved to press your fingers to your mark.
I love you… your voice echoed in his head.
“I love you too," he whispered lowly. "So much, 'Mega."
“Kiss me Alpha.”
It took a tiny growl from his chest before his lips slowly, tenderly melted against your own. His soft kiss fluttered your insides and without though to it, you were in his lap.
Your hands cupped his bearded cheeks, the pads of your fingers softly brushing against his bristles as your lips allows his to lead them in a slow, sensual dance.
"Lemme love on you, 'Mega."
“Always…” your nose brushed his, “take me to bed.”
Steve needn't say another word, nor make any extra moves. He simply stood as he settled you into his arms and began his way towards the stairs. Blindly, yet expertly, he carried you up and up, to your bedroom where your bed awaited.
With a tenderness he reserved especially for you, he laid you down in the middle, on top of your pale blue comforter and positioned himself over you. One knee nestled between your thighs, his left hand planted by your head whilst his right hand cupped your face.
"My beautiful 'Mega," his voice whispered as his breath gently fanned your face.
Your own hand reached up, fingers gently tracing the curve of his jaw as he closed his eyes.
“My handsome, strong, protective Alpha.” You purred.
Time stood still when the two of you were like this. The intimacy so pure, that it squeezed at the heart in your chest that now beat for only he and Seren.
Steve dipped his head and captured your lips in a soft kiss. The feel of his lips on yours made you hummed against him. You parted your lips as the tip of Steve's tongue tickled at the pucker lines of your bottom lip.
Your hands dipped, finding the hem of his shirt and you gave a tug.
Steve's kiss barely stopped as you pulled the shirt up and over his head. The material pooled at his wrist by your ear. His fist curled together in his right hand, and he knuckled the mattress to flick away his tee. His lips were quickly back on yours trailing across your jaw and down your neck.
You sighed, happily, an Omega trill rolling in your throat which made Steve grumble a chuckle in response.
He sat back on his knees and pulled at the hem of your own tee as he did so, taking your body with him. With a light giggle you fell back with a little bounce to the mattress.
"That's better," Steve rasped as he bent back over you. He continued his trail of bearded kisses down your décolletage, to between your breasts and descending towards your navel.
He smiled against your skin as your belly twitched, always the same. So sensitive and ticklish in areas. He found it cute, and sexy.
He gave a nip to the skin below your belly button at the tip of your scar that gave him his daughter. Then he kissed the sting away tenderly. Those glittering, cerulean eyes looked up at you and he smiled against your skin.
You felt as if you blinked and then suddenly you laid naked before your Alpha, bar the bra that covered your breasts.
You chuckled and Steve looked at you, his chin resting on your sternum.
“Nothin, just the speed at which you undress me always amuses me.”
"You make me very impatient, doll."
“I bet you say that to all the girls…”
"Just you," he smirks as his beard began to tickle the inside of your calve.
“Good to know…” you sighed.
"Mmhmm," he kept his lips to your leg.
You trilled again as whiskers tickled the inside of your thigh.
“Oh, Mega…I love those noises…” he worked his way up.
He nudged that joint where hip and thigh came together, scenting you. Your hand automatically tangled in his hair, your breath hitching in your chest.
Tentatively, Steve nosed your mound, the tip of his tongue tickling your swelling, sensitive bud. You whined, your back arching off the bed.
A low rumble sounded in your ears as Steve tasted you. He locked at you like a kitten to milk.
You whimpered and moaned softly, your knees caging his head in at his ears as your alpha gave you what you craved, what you wanted.
He'd eat away at you with fervor, then he'd slow to a near stop and  make love to you there like it would be the last time.
And you loved every single moment.
Your orgasm was growing close, and you felt your body teetering on the edge of bliss. Tingling through your body felt like soda bubbles in your nerves.
"S'close, Alpha..."
He growled a little, before just as you knew he would, he slowed down. Leaving you mewling and begging for more.
"Please, Alpha..."
With a final grunt, Steve pulled away and wiped his face on the comforter. With a quick movement, he was up, out of his jeans and then back over you.
You were breathless, your body aflame. A sheen of sweat was beginning to cover your skin as you burnt hot from within.
“I got you, mega…” he whispered.
Steve held himself as he slipped right into you, a moan from you and a groan from him filling the airy space of the room.
Your hands flew to his broad back, curling round his shoulders as you dug your fingers into his muscles.
"You feel so good, doll." Steve's voice tickled your ear.
“You too…” you whimpered, your voice barely a whisper over your panting.
Steve pulled back and slowly thrust back in, a rolling tide to his hips as he set the pace of loving on you.
His hands reached for yours, fingers lacing through your own as he pressed them either side of your head.
You sighed as his body melted into yours. The weight of him felt like a warm blanket, comforting you and securing you. It gave you a never ending sense of security. And to lock your bodies together tightly; you raised your hips and brought your ankles up to settle the heels of your feet against his lower back.
“Shit…” he grunted, his eyes closing for a moment before they opened, locked back on yours.
"There you are, Alpha," you sighed as he kept rolling those hips into you. "Don't ever hide." His eyes flashed a little as you arched into him even more. “Let go, Steve…”
"No....not 'til you...."
Always putting you first, that never changed. No matter what, you were his priority in your moments together. 
You preened your neck, stretching out for him. You felt his nose dip along your mark, and he shuddered. Your lips parted in a sigh as you started to tilt your hips again to meet him.
His teeth nipped softly at your mating gland, enough for you to feel it, but not enough to break the skin.
"Oh shit," you rasped. "Alpha...."
“Mega…my mega…”
"I'm...." you needed just a little more, you were so damn close.
Steve knew, he always knew. His hips picked up the pace, but somehow he kept the same depth and rhythm. 
His lips claimed yours, the kiss deep yet soft. A juxtaposition. Just like your alpha himself. So strong, get gentle. So firm, but soft.
"Alpha...." you whined as you tightened around him, your nose buried right against his mark.
“Cum for me, mega…” his voice was deep, his instruction clear. It was an alpha command, the only time he ever used them in you was in moments like this. 
And you craved it.
"Oh my....fuck, yes," you came with a cry.
“Good girl…” Steve panted, his lips back at your mark.
You whined, whimpered then whined again at the praise.
“My beautiful Omega…” Steve’s words were almost whispered, a strain in his voice. 
He was close.
"Steve....let go, baby," you cooed.
You nudged at him with your nose, bringing his eyes back to yours.
Like times before there was the fleck of gold that flashed in his eyes, and you knew he saw it in yours. For the room went black and beyond the gaze of your connection a galaxy swarm around you.
When you finally found yourself again, Steve’s face was buried in your neck. He was panting, deeply. The rise and fall of his chest pressing against you and then releasing you from its hold.
Your fingertips danced up his spine and into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He gave a soft hum.
"I love you, my Alpha," you whispered.
“I love you too, my Omega. And I always will. Until the cows come home.”
“Until the cows come home,” you kissed his neck, before he moved and captured your lips with a soft, sweet kiss. “Until the cows come home.”
133 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 10 months
@tbhiddlestan83 wow. High praise indeed. Thank you so much
Rawhide Masterlist
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Chapters are chronological
Please heed the individual warnings at the start of each chapter.
This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters in this series bar reader and any other mentioned O/C
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wiypt-writes · 10 months
Wrapped Up in You
PAIRING: Soft!Steve Rogers x Reader SUMMARY: Steve loves staying in bed with you WORDS: 624 WARNINGS: Mentions of depression and anxiety, very brief mention of sex (probably like PG-13?), swearing, sickly sweet fluff :D  A/N: This is an extremely late entry for @wiypt-writes challenge. This was so much fun to write once it got started. I adore sweetheart Steve, I just can’t! I had the prompt: “Is this a test?”
As always, please do not share this work outside of Tumblr without my express written permission. 
Likes are amazing. Comments and reblogs are better. (And keeps content fresh!)
Enjoy my work? Buy me a ko-fi. ❤ 
Steve Rogers never had an issue getting up in the morning. Even before his army training would brand that idea into him, he would always get up with the sun. It was in his nature, in his blood. The morning rays that streamed in through the shades called to him: morning run, mission briefings, training, meetings, and on and on his brain would circle until he got up to start his day. 
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207 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 10 months
@dangertoozmanykids101 shucks! Thank you so much!
The master list to What Is Dead May Never Die can be found HERE
First off Jamie it's so nice having you back. Hope life has been treating you with endless amounts of love and kindness. Now about the following bit of writing advice:-
And nicknames are awesome. Sweetheart, princess, pumpkin. Those are awesome, especially when you've got a hero like Ransom or Lloyd.
When did our tantrum throwing man child become a hero🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Okay, I'm sitting here cackling now lol You got me. Lloyd doesn't exactly fit into that category does he?
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But one day, he just might 😱🫢😨
Thank you! HUGS I've missed you 💕
56 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 10 months
@sweater-daddiesdumbdork I always saw glimpses of the playful side to Andy in the TV series, it’s more evident in the book so this has been fun to bring out for sure.
Consciousness Of Guilt Ch 24
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Summary: It’s the countdown to Christmas, and you and Andy have a very excited almost 3 year old…and a pain in the ass Elf to contend with.
Warnings: Language, adult themes, Smut (NSFW, 18+)
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar the reader and any other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer. I do not consent to my work being translated or posted elsewhere. If you see this fiction on any site other than Tumblr it has been taken without permission.
W/C: 7.3k
A/N: Thanks to my beta @spectre-posts
Consciousness Of Guilt Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 23
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According to Ferris Bueller, “life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” Well, you certainly could relate.
Within what felt like such a short amount of time; Lucy was growing, life was rapidly changing and there was no slowing down. You had gone back to work and while that was an adjustment in and of itself, you enjoyed the opportunity to work from home as well when necessary. Lucy was attending a daycare in the lobby of the building, and it gave you (and Andy) a chance to check in on her. Although you weren’t sure it were a good idea in the beginning as you knew Andy was down there “watching” or “checking in” far more than you were. Ron even would joke that if one couldn’t find Andrew Barber in his office then his calls should be 
“forwarded to the nursery in the lobby.”
And speaking of Ron, the end of the year was fast approaching and so was his retirement. The founding partner had given the news to yourself, Andy and the board with their spouses present at a dinner party they’d hosted at autumn’s start. He had declared that he would be stepping down at the end of February the following year. That meant many changes were coming including adding much more to Andy’s desk. Because, with Ron’s announcement, came another vote to seat Andy as the second head of the firm.
Simply put, it was as if you and Andy had merely blinked, and here you were. Your baby girl now almost three, and another year about to draw to a close.
You woke and stretched, leaning over to give Andy a quick peck on the cheek good morning. He stirred, and smiled, his arm moving to slip round your back.
“Morning, Angel.”
“Good morning, BB.” You smiled as your lips brushed his. “Happy first of December.”
Andy snorted, “whoopee…” You playfully slapped his chest and he laughed. “Seriously, what’s to get excited about? You’ve already put the tree up…it went up the day before Thanksgiving.”
You knew he was only half-serious. Whilst he’d grumbled it was far too early, when he’d seen how excited his little girl at the boxes of decorations, he’d got stuck right in to help.
“Listen, Mr Grinch…have you forgotten what’s waiting downstairs?”
At that, Andy grinned. This was the first year that Lucy had really appreciated and understood what Christmas was and her excitement was infectious.
“I can’t wait for her to see it.”
The two of you laid quietly talking for a few minutes, until Andy’s alarm obnoxiously signaled it was time to get up.
"Hit snooze," you suggested.
Andy sighed, “I’d love to, but I have a lot of prep today.”
You groaned, "alright. I'm working from home today. I'll keep Looby with me."
Andy groaned as he stretched. “I know it’s only a DUI and possession but whilst he’s pleading guilty for the DUI, on the rest he claims he’s been stitched up…”
You rolled to your side, facing his side of the bed, "well, I know it's been tough so far, but I’m sure it's going to work out."
“It feels like an awful amount of prep for something so minor, but there’s huge implications here that go behind the verdict.”
“Bent cops.” Andy wrinkled his nose. 
“Yeah,” Andy shrugged a little, before his arm which lay under your neck threaded into the hair at the back of your head. “Busy couple of weeks before the holidays.”
You nodded and leaned up for a kiss. "You best get up, or I'll kidnap you."
“Isn’t kidnapping when it’s done against your…” he trailed off, the joke dying on his lips. “Fahk, Angel…that was…”
Your eyes grew soft, "Hey....," you cupped his face, "Andy no, it's okay. I'm okay."
He took a deep breath and accepted the soft kiss you gave him. “I know, I still don’t like the…the jokes, you know?”
Before you could reply, a little voice called out echoing down the landing and through the monitor on the bedside table.
“Daddy! Mommy! Isss awakes!” 
“Well, that's a new record," you snorted. "That’s your fault for reminding her last night she’s got her advent calendars to open.”
"Me? I did no such thing, that was Penny sending that fahkin' ugly bright box of which, no doubt, is full of shit prizes and candy."
“Oh hush!” You giggled, “you know full well she’s more excited about that glittery card dinosaur one you managed to find!”
Andy chuckled as you moved so he could climb out of bed, his bare torso flexing a little as he headed out of the room, Grant following. He opened the baby gate into Lucy’s room to find her sat up, the early light from the sunrise illuminating her slightly.
“Good morning Looby-Saurus.” He beamed.
“Hi Daddy Wex!” She giggled as Grant hopped up onto her toddler bed and stuck his nose into her face. “Gwant!”
“Stupid dog…” Andy grumbled, rolling his eyes.
“Daddy nos calls Gwant!” Lucy admonished as she stared up at him and Andy couldn’t help but snort at the expression she wore, so like you.
“Okay, okay.” He grinned and swooped her up in his big arms. She still sometimes looked so small in them to him, his precious girl. "Do you want to come snuggle Mommy so I can get ready for work?"
“Yup yup yups!” She hugged him round his neck and then she gasped. “Oh…iss a-vent day?”
He groans a little, "yep, it's advent day."
She squealed. “We goes?”
"Yes, but after I get dressed for work."
"I'll be quick, promise." He kissed her cheek as he walked them into his room.
“Mommy!” Looby grinned as she saw you sat up in the large bed.
"Good morning, Looby Loo!"
“Iss assvent!”
"I know! Are you excited?"
In the corner of your eye, you saw Andy trying not to laugh at the unfortunate mispronunciation of the word.
“I so esscited!”
Andy headed into the bathroom, and you smiled at Lucy.
"I tell you what. Let’s go grab your robe and your slippers, make sure you’re warm when we go down, yeah?”
"Does it snows wast night?"
“I think so.” You grinned, “shall we see?”
"Outs dare?" She pointed to the French doors on your balcony.
"Yep, go see!"
She hopped down from your bed and ran to the long curtains, pulling them apart as she pushed her face through. “Mommy! More snows!”
"Oh my! Well, we'll just have to go out in it, won't we?" You laugh. “Make a snowman!”
“Wike Olaf!” Looby grinned as you climbed out of bed and grabbed Andy’s sweater from the vanity chair.
"Yes!" You pulled it on over your sleep cami.
That was when Andy threw open the bathroom door and rushed out in only a towel. "Sorry, two minutes." he quickly said and grabbed his underwear and undershirt, running back in.
“Daddy siwwy.”
"Yes, he is!" You carried her back to her room to get her robe and slippers. Andy met you two in the hall, his tie hanging around his neck and his jacket fisted in his hand. The smell of his shower gel, aftershave and the linger of toothpaste was a particularly heady mix that morning.
"Okay, let's get your advent!” He swooped up Lucy as she grinned and clapped. 
You followed and smiled at Andy as you opened the door to the huge open plan loving area of your old farmhouse. Andy set your daughter down and she immediately squealed.
“Oh. Wow!” You gasped as Andy took a dramatic inhale, “what on Earth…”
"Wassat, Wassat?!"
“It looks…it looks like an elf!” Andy grinned as Lucy ran to the little elf doll on the sofa. The Elf was sat holding a balloon.
"Das 'L' for Lucy!" She bounced on the spot, pointing at the balloon.
“You’re right.” Andy nodded. “That’s what it says. Hi, Lucy!”
Jumping up and down with pure glee, she took the sign and handed it to you.
You gasped, "Bunny, I think it's... It's a note, look!
“Issat?” Her eyes widened.
"Hang on, I need to make sure it's real...." Andy took the note from you and squinted as he inspected the teeny writing on the page. “Miss Lucy Jo Barber, Sheephill Cottage!” He read with an astonished tone. “It is real!”
"Reads it, Dadd-wex, peas!"
“Okay…” Andy took a deep breath and opened the letter. “Hi Lucy! I’m your special elf! I’m new, from the North Pole, and Santa sent me to your home especially so we can play together!” He paused as Lucy gasped.
You could help the grin that matched your daughter's as Andy read. This was definitely going to be the best part of the season.
“Like all new elves, I don’t have a name. So, the first thing we can do together is pick one. Anything you want, as long as it isn’t a rude word like…” Andy gasped and playfully looked at Lucy, “like fart or butt…”
She giggled and covered her grin with her small hands.
“You can play with me all day, but at night you have to leave me under the tree so that I can report back to Santa through the special Red bauble…”
"I can do it, I can do it!"
“I can’t wait to play and have lots of adventures. With love, from your Elf!” Andy finished. “Well, how awesome is that?!”
"I so esscited! I has to name hims! Don't goes!"
Andy chuckled, “I have to get to work soon, Bunny but…okay, a couple of minutes.”
"Think really hard, Lucy... A name is special." You encouraged.
Andy snorted, “what?"
Andy was about to ask why, but his phone rang. It was Ron. "Angel... I..."
“Yeah, okay…go. See you tonight.”
"I love you," he bent and kissed you. Then he kneeled down, "I gotta go, Bunny, come gimme a kiss then you and 'Pickles' can play."
“Bye daddy!” She ran to him and kissed his bearded cheek. “I wobes you.”
"I love you, too." He stood and kissed you again before rushing out.
"So," you clapped your hands together and smirked, "what are we going to do with Pickles?"
And that was how it started.
You quickly realized the Elf couldn’t be left “under” the tree as Grant took a liking to him, and on the first night, Andy spent a good five minutes trying to retrieve him from your dog’s jaws. 
Then, each and every day you had to remind yourself or Andy to move the damn elf, that fast became an annoying and obnoxious chore. But seeing Lucy’s reaction each morning was so worth it. It was in the kitchen hanging off the fridge, it was in the bathroom Lucy used being naughty using the sink as a tub. It scuba dived in Grant’s water bowl, pulled all the cushions off the couch, left a trail of marshmallow footprints all over the kitchen counters….When it was Andy's turn to move it, you'd learned to double check the setup, for the first time he was in charge there was a very precarious pose your husband had put it in. So, you had to fix it. And that was how every turn Andy had went, so you had to scold him each time as you fixed it before Lucy saw.
But one Tuesday evening, a few weeks after his 46th birthday, Andy outdid himself.
You’d arranged Pickles on the coffee table with one of Lucy’s Barbie Dolls, and a few of her dinosaurs around a little table of their own along with a sign that informed everyone that this was a “tea-rex” party. You’d left to go grab a drink from the kitchen and come back to find Pickles’ head was now between Barbie’s legs and Andy was bent over the scene, giggling like a naughty schoolboy.
"What?” He spun to face you.
“You absolute child!”
“Hey, Picks has to try Barbie at least once in his life!"
“You are the…” you slapped the back of his head, causing him to yelp, “absolute worst!”
"Oh c'mahn!" He drawled in his Boston baroque as you moved to fix the toy porn scene in front of you. “I mean I'm naht a Barbie man myself, but..." he  wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling your neck.
“You’re not?”
"Nope...." he kissed your skin. "I like wings."
"I have my moments," he snorted.
“Hmmm…” you moved in his arms, turning to face him.
"It's just a little fun, Angel," he smirked and kissed the tip of your nose. "You laughed, something you haven't done for a week."
You sighed. "I know, it's been busy. With both Amber and Eva already gone, and now the nursery closed for the holidays, I've been overloaded. And I'm still not feeling well."
“No?” He frowned. “I thought you said you were yesterday?”
"I just still feel tired and run down," you sighed. "Honestly, it's just the full plate but now that I'm working from home, it'll get easier. Especially with you and Ron buttoning up this case. I didn't want to say much because you're so stressed and putting in the hours."
Andy took a deep breath, “well, we have the closing arguments tomorrow so…that’s it. If no verdict by 5pm, it’s deferred until new year. I’ll be finished tomorrow evening regardless.”
"Good," your hands ran up his cotton tee covered chest and sighed. "You wanna light that fire now? We can turn the lights out and leave the tree on?"
“Mmmm get comfy, huh?” He smiled and leaned down to kiss you. “Any of that red we opened at dinner left?”
"A bit. Maybe a glass each."
“Just enough.” He smiled, “the Christmas order from the Wine club should be arriving tomorrow or the day after. I stuck a few bottles of the cheap stuff in so we can make mulled wine.”
"My favorite," you slipped from his arms and padded back toward the kitchen.
When you came back a small fire was just starting to pick up. Andy tossed on more kindling before, once satisfied it was going to take, he chucked on a log.
You passed off his glass and he took it with a soft smile, but not without kissing you gently in the glow. His free hand rest against the small of your back.
You loved the night times. Andy always made time for Lucy when he came home, playing, bathing, and reading her a story. But once she was tucked in, and it was just the two of you, he relaxed even more.
"I love you," you bumped your nose against his.
“I love you too.” He smiled, his lips brushing yours.
"What now, counselor?"
“Movie? Sit on the rug and talk?
"Rug sounds good to me,” you winked.
You both settled down, you sat between his legs, your back settled in against his chest as he leaned against the oak coffee table. One of his long legs was extended flat along the floor, the other bent at the knee.
The two of you drank your wine and talked, in the easy way you’d always been able to. Andy’s hands would rub up and down your forearms and sometimes his lips would kiss your neck. Your hands would move up and down the top part of his shin or fingers would draw lines and swirls over his thigh.
It was peaceful, intimate, and in the comfortable moments of silence, the crackle of the fire filled the room making it feel even more homely and cozy. 
As the flames started to die down, you checked your watch.
"It's late, Andy," you spoke with a softness almost as if any louder you might disturb the silent night. "You don't want to be late in the morning."
“Ten more minutes.” He whispered, his lips kissing the back of your shoulder.
"Alright," you sighed in appreciation.
His lips didn’t move far from your skin. His beard tickled you as it gently rubbed against the crook of your shoulder.
You reached back to curl your hand around his neck. Your fingers ran down the length of his neck.
He hummed in appreciation, as his lips found the hinge of your jaw. You responded the same. But you leaned your body into him more as your fingers scratched at the shorter hairs along the back of his head and a hand pressed further into his thigh.
As he nuzzled into you, one hand moved, splaying across your belly as the other arm wrapped across your chest. Your hum turned into breathy grunt and sigh.
The hand that was splayed on your belly slid further down, fingers softly brushing the inside of your right thigh through your sleep pants. The other softly traced the swell of your breast. A gentle moan left your throat at the feel of his hands on you like that. Your body easily responding to your husband’s touch with a delicate yet elevated sensitivity.
Andy sighed, his lips now at your chin as his fingers danced over your nipple, which was peaked through the soft material of your sleep shirt. “Oh, Angel…so responsive for me…”
You whimpered at his voice and touch, "Mmm, yeah.” You tilted your hips back against him. His lips met yours as you felt the hand on your thigh slipping beneath the waistband of your pants.
You gasped into his mouth, the tickle of his fingers passing your mound was pleasurable. Your own fingers curled into his hair. His mouth hovered over yours, his eyes twinkling as he slowly circled your clit with his fingers, the other hand now slipping into the neckline of your top.
The twist of your body against his chest gave you a better angle to feel his hot breath against your lips. Your hips tilted forward just a pinch to practically fall into that finger circling you. You jutted your chin just a fraction outward to capture a kiss as his hand now cupped your breast.
He gave a squeeze and his thumb rubbed over your nipple now with the pad of his thumb against your skin. It was slow, delicate, like a strum to a guitar string.
"Mmm," you hummed against his lips.
“Good?” His voice was a grunt as his tipped his hips forward, his hardness pressing into the dip of your back.
"Yeah," you whispered. "S'good...."
“Can I fuck you like this?” he rasped.
Your belly knotted as your chest fluttered, "ah, fuck, yes...."
You didn’t wait, your hands moved, and you pulled off your top and then tipped your head back round to Andy. 
“Lose yours.”
His hand came away from your sleep pants, your clit missing his touch, as he took that very hand to single handedly pull that collar of his sleep shirt over his head.
You moved as he did so, slipping your sleep pants down and you heard Andy groan a little behind you.
"Good?" You smirked.
He chuckled as you felt him shuffle, hands on your hips as you knelt up. He eased you back over him, one hand letting go to grip at his dick. As you moved yourself backwards, you felt his head brushing through your folds, and you moaned. 
“That feels good…”
Andy sighed pleasurably as you rocked over his cock. His head tickled your clit and a delightful whimper sounded from your lips at the feel. His hands remained at your hips, not pushing, or pulling, simply resting as you dictated your speed.
It all felt so good. His hands on you, your hands bracing yourself at his thighs as you rubbed along his shaft. You felt a stir inside and changed tactic, wanting him inside you.
You stopped and shifted backwards, Andy immediately obliging. His tip slipped in with ease and you slowly sank down on him. The remnants of the burning embers and fire, now near gone, still warmed you and  the Christmas lights around you casted a romantic glow across your bodies.
You leaned back against his chest as he tipped his hips upwards, both of you sighing as he filled you.
After a minute, your hips rolled as you snaked that hand and arm back and up around his neck and nape. His lips nipped at your shoulder, hands sliding up your rib cage until they cupped both of your breasts.
"Yes," you hissed. You splayed your fingers over the back of his head as the heel of your hand cradled the base.
His hips were slow, thrusts deep as his palms squeezed your mounds before his fingers pinched your nipples.
"Fuck, Andy," you squirmed.
His hands continued, teasing you as his rolls were measured. His lips brushed up your neck.
Your skin felt like it was on fire and not from the dying flames, but from Andy's touch and his deep thrusts. He filled your still tight insides with a stretch you'd grown accustomed to, desired most days and begged for at times. The way his soft hands were gentle always at first but demanding when begged for.
“Feel so good, Angel.”
"Yeah, it does," you replied with a whine. "Jesus, Andy, it's real good."
His fingers continued their massaging and plucking, your nipples so sensitive as his rolls and thrusts picked up pace ever so slightly.
Your delicate walls began to flutter against his shaft as it rubbed along your ridges. The hooded edge of his tip kissed your spongy surface as the slow drag of his thrusts slipped through you.
He kept that same, steady pace to the end, and you came with a soft whimper as his teeth nipped your shoulder.
Your weight settled with a welcome slouch against his lap as you became pliant to his touch. Your orgasm had your whole body tingling and every sense was intensified. You could feel the fibers of his hair on his thighs, the grooves of his teeth on your skin. Even the prints of his fingers and thumbs felt like imprints on your nipple and breasts.
“Oh, baby…” he cooed, “there we go…”
"Fuck, Andy...."
Andy could feel you, squeezing him as you trembled in his lap.
"Jesus, Angel...."
You could only whimper as your body kept going. It was as if a shorter, weaker, second orgasm was trickling through. An aftershock of sorts.
You were that caught up, you didn’t feel Andy as he came, but you heard his little grunt in your ear.
The room was silent bar your heavy breaths mixing with his. There was a peppering sound of soft kisses, but it were only for your ears.
"That was good, Angel."
He lightly chuckled with a rasp to his voice but made no attempt to move you, and the two of you remained there for a bit longer.
Neither of you wanted to get up the next morning, but Andy knew the end was in sight. He was up, showered, downstairs and waiting with coffee before you and Lucy appeared.
He could hear the two of you in her room, giggling in excitement at what Pickles could have been up to overnight. He smirked with a flick of his brows knowing damn well what the little shit had been up to.
Soon after, the door opened and Looby ran into the room and squealed, “looks!”
"Oh my, he's had a party with your other friends!" You grinned and your eyes moved over to Andy. 
He smirked at you over his mug. “Yeah, said friends look really happy. Bet Barbie had a great time last night.
You blushed, "Angel did."
He said nothing, merely arched a brow and you knew he was smug as fuck.
Breakfast was the usual affair and at 8:15 you kissed him goodbye so he could make the half hour drive to Denver.
As he went through security, he placed his case in the conveyor belt and walked through the scanner. As Andy replaced his belt and watch, stuck his phone back in his pocket, the guy at the X-ray machine peered carefully at the screen before he chuckled to himself and looked Andy.
“Merry Christmas, Mr Barber.”
"Merry Christmas, Jack," he smirked. "Have a good one."
He grabbed his case and jacket and headed through. A few moments later he entered the courtroom as spectators did but slipped through the bailiff to sit at the Defense table. He placed his case down on the desk in front of his seat, an empty one to the left where his client would sit and turned to Ron as he clicked the clasps on his case open.
“Good evening?” Ron smiled.
"Great evening,"
“Dare I ask?” Ron snorted.
Andy just smugly grinned, "Nope."
Ron chuckled as Andy opened the case and stopped dead.
“What the…” his boisterous laugh filled the room as those around took a glare at him.
“I don’t…how the hell…” he chuckled as he turned his open case to Ron. There, on top of his files, led Pickles.
Now, it was Ron's turn to join in on the laughter.
“Is that the famous Pickles?” He reached for the elf.
"That it is," Andy shook his head.
Ron grinned as he sat the Elf doll on the edge of the desk.
“Shit, Ron! You can’t…” but Andy’s attention was jerked away as the Bailiff called for order and their client was led in.
"All rise...." the spiel went on and as the judge sat down then told everyone to do the same, his eyes shot up at the defendants side.
"Barber, what the hell is that?"
Ron snorted as clearly Andy was head seat and was taking the ticking off from His Honor.
“A new witness.” Ron quipped.
“No, I…it’s… Ron!” Andy hissed.
“It’s a little unbecoming to try and enter a new witness at such a late stage,” the Judge’s mouth twitched a little. Various titters rang round the court room.
“I’m sorry, your Honor. My daughter…she must have snuck it into my bag…” Andy grabbed the doll and pinched the bridge of his nose, “I can only apologize.”
"I'm a grandfather to twelve Barber, I get it. They’ve all had these damned Elf On A Shelf things each year for ages. But the merry little shits are annoying as hell, so put...."
"Pickles, Your Honor..." Ron interjected to more laughter.
"Pickles," the judge snorted, "back in the case until recess, huh?"
“Yes, sir…it’ll stay in there, believe me.” Andy tossed the doll into his case and closed it with a snap. “More than my life is worth to lose him.”
He glared at Ron as he sat back down, the soon retiring senior partner grinning like a fool back at him.
Thankfully, the rest of the proceedings went according to plan. The summing up was completed and then before lunch the jury were sent to consider their verdict. To Andy’s surprise, they were called by the clerk less than three hours later as the verdict was in.
Andy bit his lip and exhaled with relief as the verdict came back not guilty. The Judge nodded, and then following the sentencing for the DUI and a final consultation with their client, Andy and Ron left the courthouse. As they were leaving, the DA pulled them both to one side, informing them that she would be sanctioning an investigation into the allegations of corruption.
After Andy promised the firm would help in any way they could, they headed out into the cold air, buoyed by both the result and the fact it was now officially over in time for Christmas.
“Well,” Ron turned to Andy as he paused at his Mercedes, “not a bad one to bow out on.” He smirked as he opened his car door. “Maybe you should thank the elf…”
"You know, you're still my boss, or I'd say fahk you," he snorted.
“Only for another 2 months.” Ron grinned, “hit me with your worst!”
"Man, just 2 months left. I can’t believe you’re bowing out, you bastard!" Andy chuckled.
"Oh yes, yes I am," Ron touted. "I've put in my time. I'm seventy, and I’m done."
Andy had the door open to his Audi coupe, "I'm heading back for a few hours before going home.”
“What? Why? Fuck that! It’s back past your house to go to the office and you’ve done enough. We tied everything up, so go home. That’s an order, and as I’m still your boss…”
“Fahking fahk you!” Andy snorted, as Ron shot him a look. “Okay, okay, I’ll go home!”
“Good! I’ll check.”
“Don’t I know it. Hey, are you and Giselle coming by for dinner still?"
“Absolutely, be with you at seven-ish. Unfortunately, I’m driving as the boys, wives, and grandkids land early tomorrow morning so…”
“Yeah, you mentioned. Don’t worry, Y/N’s made mulled cider, not wine. Coupla beers if you fancy. Lucy will no doubt have us up at the crack of dawn, so we won’t have much either. Save it for tomorrow.”
“Speaking of my little pal, will she still be up tonight when we arrive or…”
“Well, she goes down around seven but she’s not in nursery, sure we can let her stay up a little longer. You never know, she may lay in tomorrow, I can pray for a Christmas miracle.” Andy winked.
"Good," Ron winked, "I'd hate to miss spoiling my God daughter on Christmas Eve Eve!" Ron chuckled and slipped into his Mercedes. He rolled down the window and shouted over the loud dual muffler. "See you at seven!"
With a smirk, Andy climbed into his car and pulled out of the lot, dialing his secretary’s number just to check in. By the time he was home, he was satisfied all his loose ends for the years were tied up and he was absolutely ready for the ten or so days break he would get.
The moment he stepped inside the house, he could smell the spirit of Christmas. Clearly, you'd been busy. And the motley crew of decorated cookies who seen better days proved so as they sat on the counter.
"Looby-saurus!" Andy kneeled down and dropped his case and jacket to his feet as he caught her little body.
“We medz cookies!” She grinned as she wrapped her little arms round his neck.
"I can see that! Did you decorate them?" He picked one up and offered her a bite before taking one himself.
“Yups!” She nodded. “Mama says Uncle Won and Aunti Zel will wike dem!”
"Oh, I bet they will, they're gonna be here later," he kissed her cheek. Then he turned to his right and kissed you tenderly. 
"How'd it go?" Your hands pressed into his chest. 
"Standard sentence for the DUI: fine and costs plus community service and a driving ban, no custodial or probation. But we expected that as it’s his first offense. Main thing is, not guilty for the possession," he said softly with a smile. “Which means we just ripped open an IA on the department.”
"Well, congrats BB, it all worked out. And judging by the early arrival, you're home for good now?"
“Yup.” He grinned and jiggled Lucy a little. “I’m done now until the 6th of January!”
You grinned, "Did you hear that, Lucy? Daddy-Rex is home for a lot of days!"
“Yay!” She cheered.
“So,” Andy set Lucy on the kitchen counter, “what else did my girls do today?”
"We cleaned up, made our cookies, had a Snowball fight!" You smiled.
"I gots Gwant. Den, he pushed me."
“He pushed you?” Andy gasped, as he reached to unwrap his scarf, “well  that’s just put him right on Santas naughty list!”
"Das what I says!" Lucy opened her hands up like she was saying 'I don't know.'
"Lucy, hop down and go wash so you can help me, okay?" You offered.
Andy gently dropped her to her feet, and she ran off with excitement towards the bathroom by the laundry room.
He took off his coat, dropped it over the back of one of the tall stools which sat under the breakfast counter and loosened his tie.
He snorted as he lifted his case to set it in the same stool, remembering what was inside, "the fahkin' elf."
"What was that?" You looked up at him.
Andy moved his case to the counter and looked at you, “open it…”
You dried your hands from your work and walked around to the stool. You clicked the locks on the top and opened the case. Then, you sputtered a loud snort that turned into a chuckle. "How...I swear I did NOT do that!"
“Well, if it wasn’t you, it was either that spotty little Asshole or Lucy.”
Knowing full well it wasn't Grant, you simply smirked and titled your chin as your eyes humorously looked at your husband.
“Ron sat the damned thing on the desk, in court. Then told the judge it was a new witness.”
Your jaw dropped as you tried to cover it, "oh no...." you started chuckling again.
“Thankfully, the judge saw the funny side.” Andy snorted.
"I'd hope! It's Callahan, right? Guy's got a crap load of kids and grandkids." You remembered the judge from Andy having had a trial previously with him.
“That’s the one.” He nodded, then spun round as Lucy came back into the room.
"Looby…." you smirked, "where's Pickles? He was here this morning..."
“Erms…” instantly she adopted the same guilty expression Andy wore when he’d been caught out and Andy grinned.
“Pickles has been in court!”
"I knows!" She giggled and put her chubby little hands over her grinning face. "He goes!"
“Did you put him in my briefcase?” Andy gasped, “I thought he climbed in!”
"I halps!"
“Well, he got to see the judge. Uncle Ron sat him on the table.”
“He did?” She squealed, “was you in tempt?”
Andy chuckled, "almost!"
You blinked, not quite sure how your nearly three year old knew what that was, let alone how to use it in the right context. But then again, she was bright as a button. Her vocabulary and self-awareness already streets ahead of what you’d expect of a child her age.
"Alright, Smart Bunny," you shook your head with a smirk, "I need your help with the snacks while Daddy goes and changes for Ron and Giselle."
“Otay…oh, I puts Pickles back first?”
"Yes," Andy thrust him in her direction, "He needs to think about what to tell Santa tonight about his day!"
As she took the elf, Grant sidled over, his tail wagging.
“No, Gwant!” Looby sternly told him. “Daddy, you ups so I reaches?”
“Absolutely.” Andy picked her up and crossed the dining area to the living space where the larger tree sat.
She reached and set the elf right on what Lucy had deemed the 'homes' branch next to a red bauble. Grant sat looking up, licking his lips.
"NO GWANT! Bad dog!" Lucy shook her finger at him. "No eats!"
“He can’t reach, baby.” Andy kissed her head, “don’t worry.”
You snorted as you heard, "I wouldn't trust that. He got all the way to the back of the counter this morning."
“He what?” Andy wheeled round.
"Yep," you popped your 'p'. "This," you indicated to the chicken and mushroom pasta bake waiting to go into the oven, "is the second one. Lucy and I had to go back to the market after nap." You glared at the dalmatian.
“Fur coat…” Andy grumbled.
"Today, I'd agree." You snorted.
Andy headed up with a shake of his head to change and decompress from the day before Ron and Giselle were to arrive. It felt damn good to keep the laptop closed for at least a week and ignore important emails for just as long. He hung his tie and shirt, ready for the cleaners as well as his suit pieces. He slipped into dark jeans and a thin sweater, keeping his undershirt from the day on. 
You heard his boots thud along the stairs as he came back down to join you and Lucy.
The three of you prepared the rest of the snacks and the accompanying sides to the pasta bake. Lucy then had her dinner, and Andy took her upstairs for a bath and to change into her pajamas ready for the evening. 
"No bed," she argued as he slipped her snowmen sleep shirt over her head.
“No, not yet. You can stay up and see Uncle Ron first. Maybe open the presents they’re bringing if mama says you can.”
"Oh... Can I seep wif Daddy Wex and Mommy?"
“I tell you what, you can go to sleep in our bed with the tv on and then I’ll move you later on, okay?”
"Otay, Gwant comes?”
“Yeah, Grant can sleep with you.”
She grinned, "Ups, peas, we goes!"
Andy chuckled, “want me to carry you or you wanna ride on my back?”
“Alright, robe and slippers on first.”
"'tay," she slid off her bed, feet first with her belly to the duvet.
She slipped her little feet into her Rudolph slippers that Pickles had bought one morning and then Andy held out her little dinosaur robe.
"Danks, Daddy Wex." Then Lucy gasped, "Daddy!"
"What, Bunny?"
"Oh nos! I forgot!"
Andy crouched down, "hey... Lucy what is it?"
"I fogots my assdent!"
Andy tried not to laugh, “that’s okay, we’ll open it now.”
“Now…” Andy swiveled round, “hop on…”
He grunted as she did, then stood and tossed her a bit so he could settle her evenly, causing her to giggle. At the same time, he thanked whomever that she was still tiny, or he'd be fucked with his old man back.
“Lessgo Daddy-wex!”
With a roar, Andy jogged out of her room, causing her to shriek and giggle. You heard their laughs and giggles before his feet touched the stairs to come down and just as they hit the first floor, there was a knock on the door. Grant barking to make sure they were all well aware.
"Deys here! Dems here!"
“Well let’s go let them in!” Andy exclaimed back, bouncing to the door.
He opened the inside door to the porch first, Lucy still on his back and then he swung the heavy oak outside one inwards.
"Uncle Won! Auntie Zel!”
“Well, hi!” Ron beamed, as Lucy bounced on Andy’s back.
“Come on in outta the cold!” Andy chuckled, stepping back. He crouched so Lucy could slide off his back.
“Lemme get inside, pipsqueak!” Ron chuckled, “get these bags down so I can give you a hug!”
The greetings were spread between all and once the excitement died down and Lucy showed Giselle everything, she had in her advent for the fifth time, they'd settled in the living room by the fire.
“Bunny, did you open your advent for today now or did you forget again?” Andy asked.
"Aun Zelle halped! Penny gots me dis!" She held up a toy so close to his eye that he needed to lean back to see it.
“Another dinosaur!” Andy grinned.
"Issa di.... Di..." 
“Diplodocus…” Andy said, pronouncing it carefully so Lucy could copy.
“That’s it. Hi five!” Andy grinned.
Ron found the mispronunciation hilarious while and Giselle rolled your eyes.
"Alright, Looby Loo, you get to open your gifts from us, and then I heard Pickles say it was bedtime," Ron sighed.
Lucy opened her mouth to argue but a look from Andy stopped her impending protest dead.
“Remember what we agreed upstairs, bunny.” He spoke softly but firmly.
"Yes," she sighs a bit.
“Come on…it’s Christmas Eve tomorrow, we got a big day!”
"What's we do?"
“Well, we got breakfast and the last Advent day, then we’re gonna take Grant for a walk by the creek, build a snowman. Then we’re gonna help Mommy get things ready, before we go to Patti’s for dinner and watch the Carol singers. Then it’s home, and we make sure Pickles is ready to go back to the North Pole with Santa!”
"Santa! I sees him near Patti's," Lucy grinned as she took an outstretched gift from her Godfather. "Fanks!"
She flopped down as she started to unwrap the first present, but then paused halfway through ripping off the first bit of paper
“How’s comes dese presents here?”
“Well, you see, Santa brings some presents, but friends and family, well they buy each other things too.” You smiled, running your hand over her head. “So, Uncle Ron and Auntie Giselle bought these for you. And in a minute, you can give them their gifts from us.”
"Oh...." she drew out.
She continued and squealed as she unwrapped her gifts, which formed a set of new art supplies, complete with a wooden box with her name on to keep them in.
"I wuv dems! Fank you!"
“You’re very welcome, honey.” Giselle caught her hug before she then ran to Ron.
“Merry Christmas, my little squish monster!” Ron hugged her tight.
After exchanging the adult gifts, Looby was ushered round to say goodnight before Andy carried her upstairs.
That gave you the chance to invite Ron and Giselle to the dining area to take their seats so you could eat.
The hour was late by the time things were consumed and cleaned up. Giselle helped you, despite Andy's protests that he and Ron should be doing it. Even Giselle told Andy to piss off as she found it to be the perfect point in time for 'the two of you to have your cigars and scotch'. 
She stirred the mulled cider and inhaled the aromatic scent that made one's heart warm and fill with a delightful holiday spirit. "So, what'd you get Andy for Christmas?"
“A long weekend in Vermont, towards the end of January.” you smiled. “Ron helped me, said he’d wangle the diaries. Booked us a cabin. Lucy’s going to my parents.”
"Oh, how lovely! You two deserve a trip like that. A log cabin, big fire, skiing! Ugh, we haven't done that since Ronnie's hip replacement. Old fart seizes up as soon as it hits forty*.”
You chuckled, “you know I’ve never been skiing. Andy has, not for a while.” You smiled, “and, then from Lucy…” you grinned, “I booked them one of the experience days at the museum, you know where they do the special dinosaur days and tours?”
Giselle grinned and opened her mouth to answer you, but you suddenly felt extremely warm and a little bit funny.
“I’m fine just…it’s a little warm, that’s all.” You waved Giselle away, “been feeling off for a few days.”
"Well, here, sit," she guided you to one of your bar stools. "I'll finish these." She grabbed you a glass of water.
“Thanks…” you sat down, glancing over to where Andy and Ron were sat. Neither seemed to have noticed. 
After a few sips of water, you felt better and were thankfully able to participate in the rest of the night.
But something was niggling in the back of your mind, and you couldn’t quite figure out what.
Christmas Eve morning had you slowly starting the morning. And that was despite Andy's plans of a big busy day.
But no worries, it was a lazy breakfast, more brunch really, and then you set off for a walk. Andy made good on his promise, you built a snowman the three of you before heading home and warming up with hot chocolate and a snack.
Then, you loaded into your jeep and headed back into Boulder. You let Lucy give Patti the small gift you’d bought for her, and in exchange she was very happy with the dinosaur book Patti gave her. 
Then, after your burgers and fries you went out onto the square full of little Christmas market stalls, to wait for the Carol service.
Lucy and Andy were busy examining something at one of the stalls when you glanced around, and it suddenly hit you. What that nagging feeling had been.
You moved towards Andy and gently stood on your toes.
“One last thing I need to pick up, won’t be long…”
“Alright…” he leaned down, giving you a quick kiss.
You shot off across the square, slipped into the shop in question, leaving less than five minute late with your purchase stuck in your inside pocket. You needed another quick pit stop, before you returned ten minutes after you had left.
“Looks, Mommy!” Lucy excitedly waved a little wooden tree ornament at you as you reached her and Andy. “Is a daddy wex!”
“Oh, wow!” You beamed. “That’s amazing!”
“We got three!” Andy grinned. “A daddy rex, a mommy rex and a Looby saurus.”
“Hmmm, that’s great.” You beamed, “but…well, you might need to add another.”
"What?" Andy looked as if he hadn't entirely heard you.
You reached into your pocket, dipping your chin into your scarf a little and pulled out the test you’d just done. Thankfully, Lucy was too busy looking at the Carol singers who were now walking into the square with their lanterns to hear Andy’s exclamation.
“Holy fahking shit!”
You grinned. It was all you could do.
His nose was redder than seconds ago his eyes definitely not stinging from the winter air. He had no words, but you could see it on his face.
You'd just given him the third best gift of his life with you.
And pulled his hands from his pockets and quickly grabbed your face. His beard poked then tickled your cheeks as he kissed you, hard.
Lucy giggled, “kissy!” and you spluttered a bit as he pulled away.
“I know….we hadn’t planned another after Lucy, and…we’re gonna be a bit older than we both probably wanna be but…oh, Andy!” You couldn’t help the tears of happiness that pricked your eyes, “another baby!”
He grinned and pulled your face to his again. "I love you, fahk, I fahking love you much, baby."
You spluttered, allowing him to kiss you again before a yell of protest came from Lucy.
You broke apart quickly with a wet laugh from you both. Andy spoke first his voice able to carry over the growing crowd.
"What's the matter?"
“I no sees ” She looked up at you both, pointing to the singers who were now stood ready to start on the small makeshift stage in the middle. Her woolly hat slipped down over her eyes and Andy chuckled. He lifted her up into his arms, righted her hat and gave her cheek a huge kiss. 
“Shoulders, peez!”
He grinned and tossed your daughter in her rightful place. Once she was settled, and her holding on, Andy looked down at you again.
His free hand cupped your jaw while his fingers carted through your hair and around the base of your head. "Here we go again," he grinned and bent as far as he could without losing Lucy.
You pressed up on your toes and met him the rest of the way, a final searing kiss to your lips as the opening carol played.
"Angels we have heard on high
Sweetly singing o'er the plains
And the mountains in reply
Echoing their joyous strains...."
"Thanks, Santa," Andy whispered as he pulled away
Chapter 25
148 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 10 months
@patzammit thank you!
Consciousness Of Guilt Masterlist
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Multi Chapter Story
Sequel to Murder, He Wrote
Chapters are chronological
Contains MATURE (NSFW, 18+) themes throughout including, and not limited to, bad language, smut. PLEASE NOTE: whilst this is not a dark series, per se, it is the sequel to a previous Dark Series and as such may contain mentions of dark themes (Non-Con and Dub-Con situations, kidnapping and violence). Specific warnings will be given at the start of each chapter. READER DISCRETION ADVISED.
Keep reading
908 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 11 months
@anika-ann oh thank you so much!
It’s been a fun one to write, and oddly therapeutic in some ways too. But I’m absolutely going to miss them!
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Epilogue: Until The Cows Come Home
Summary: Five years post the final battle, Life at Avengers Ranch is pretty sweet
Warnings: Language, smut (NSFW) 18+
Pairing: Cowboy Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Reader. Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So here it is! The epilogue. I hope you enjoy. As of now, I have no plans really to continue but…perhaps if the muse strikes we might see a few one shots to follow up.
Rawhide Masterlist // Main Master-list
 Part 14
W/C: 5.4k
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“My grandad told me about a cowboy he knew, once. We’re going way back to the forties here. He rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, pulled his gun, and fired a shot right into the air.”  Clint made a gun motion with his fingers and mimed the action.
“Way to make friends an influence people.” Pete rolled his eyes.
“Well, it was his horse, ya know, valuable commodities in those days. They still are.” Clint shrugged, “So, he goes back into the bar, kicking off, demanding to know which snake had taken his horse. No one answered, so he says that he’s gonna have one more beer, and if his horse ain’t back outside by the time he finished his drink, that he’s gonna ‘do what I dun in Texas, and I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas…’” Clint mimicked a southern accent and cleared his throat. “Some of the locals start shifting a little, ya know, nervous like. Anyway, true to his word, he has another beer, heads outside and his horse has been returned.”
“So, that’s it?” Bucky frowned, “that’s the point of this story?”
“Pretty much.” Clint shrugs, “he saddled up, and started to ride out of town. He hasn’t got more than a few yards though, when the bartender comes out and asks ‘say, partner, before you go…what happened in Texas?’ Dude tips his Stetson as he looks back and says, ‘I had to walk home’.”
There was a moment of silence, before the group groaned collectively, as Clint laughed. Bucky threw the crust of his sandwich at Clint’s head.
“That is the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard.”
Steve snorted, listening to the guys banter as he leaned back against the tree trunk, his hat pulled down over his face. It had been a busy few days, moving the herd back down to the summer pastures and getting ready to bale the hay and silage that would see them through the winter. But he wasn’t complaining. In fact, he hadn’t complained about much over the past 5 years or so.
 Well, bar Bucky being a persistent pain in his ass, but what else was new?
In the months that followed the battle, Fury had been appointed interim president of the WSC and had been permanently installed following a term of elections, for two terms running now. As such, the World Security Council had made good on its promise. Each state had their own elected representatives, and the divide which had separated red and blue states had been torn down.
 Of course, some states still held conservative views, but even in those areas things had gotten much better for Omegas. Because their basic human rights had been secured through the Omega Rights Act at a federal level, something they failed to do the first time round due to the WSC preferring the appeasement method. Now, violation of those rights was punishable by law, no matter where you were, although how much it was enforced was anyone’s guess and varied, again state to state.
It wasn’t perfect, but then again nothing was. And it had been met in some instances with violent opposition, but that had been quashed pretty quickly. Some had been in favour of a more gradual overhaul, suggesting that each state should be allowed to install their own laws around Alphas, Betas and Omegas, as a sort of half-way house with a view to eventually changing the overall attitudes of people.
But, as Tony said in his speech when he was elected as the Senator for Montana, “sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.”
Essentially, it was all that they could have hoped for, and whilst it wasn’t perfect, it was a damned site better than it had been. Steve's shield and suit, and indeed the rest of the Avengers’ weapons and kit remained untouched, gathering dust in the armoury. 
Things had even taken a turn for the better at the ranch. It was bringing in good money, both from the cattle and the sudden tourism boost, people flocking to see the battle grounds where the latest Civil War had taken place. This, in turn, had seen an expansion to the ‘Dude Ranch’. Although Steve hadn’t been particularly on board with that idea at first, he’d quickly been talked around.
As such, life for all the Avengers Ranch and everyone else in Stark Wood was good. In fact, life all round was good, but from a selfish point of view, the former was all Steve really gave a damned about now.
His mind strayed to you, and a soft smile spread across his face. Married now, you bore his name and his rings. More symbolic than anything, given the fact you were bonded beyond the normal ties of a bond anyway. But he’d wanted to show you exactly what you meant to him. Following his casual proposal, the night you’d returned home to the ranch, he’d done it properly a few weeks later. The pair of you had taken a ride up to the top of the hills and he’d gotten down on one knee at sunset, offering you his Mom’s ring. Which you’d tearfully accepted.
You’d married in the same place, the following summer, Thor overseeing the ceremony in his ordained state as Sheriff, and then you and your friends had partied long into the night in the huge tent on the grounds of the ranch.
Steve had kept good on his word too. Once he felt it was safe, the pair of you had gone to Texas where you’d visited your mama’s grave and told her you were okay, laying a bunch of her favourite wildflowers by her headstone. And then, you’d located Colin’s. Tactfully, Steve kept his distance there and allowed you to say a proper goodbye to your previous alpha. You’d told Colin (or at least you’d spoken to his modest headstone) all about your job at the ranch, how you worked shifts at the Vet clinic with Banner. You’d chuckled when you’d explained how you were still the one doing the books because your Alpha was just as bad at it as he had been…and you’d finished by thanking him for his sacrifice which meant you were alive today, and living the best possible life you could. Whether Steve believed in the afterlife or not, it had clearly made you feel better having said a proper goodbye, and who was he to deny you that?
He’d deny you nothing. He’d give you the moon and the stars in the sky to make you happy.
A boot kicking at the sole of his foot jerked Steve from his daydream, and he tipped his hat to look upwards.
“Ready to kick on?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, yeah I am.” He smiled. With a groan, he pushed himself up and dusted down the seat of his well-worn wranglers before he mounted Star.
Together, the five men herded the longhorns down towards the pastures which surrounded the ranch, where the work would start over the next few weeks to tag the calves and conduct the health checks needed on the females. When the last one was in the correct pasture, Clint closed the gate with a click.
As they turned the final corner towards home, Steve couldn’t help the smile as he saw you in the riding arena. You leading Quin around, your Stetson sat on your head, a grin on your face as you walked. And upon Quin’s back sat a smaller figure, whose head was covered by a safety helmet.
Your daughter, Serenity Clara Rogers, known as Seren. It was a name chosen for its various meanings. In its full form her first name meant peaceful, which was what your lives had been since the battle and what you both hoped it would be for the rest of your lives. In its shortened, it translated as star, a small tribute to Steve’s emblem.
Her middle name was a payback to your Southern roots, and it meant bright and clear. And when it was all put together, it was exactly what she was to you both, a shining, bright star of peace and love and hope.
Getting Star up into a trot, and then a loping canter, he was pulling into the main grounds of the ranch a few minutes later.
“Daddy! Looks! I wides Quin!”
Steve grinned as he hopped off his horse and strode towards the paddock fence, looping the reins around the top rail. “I can see that!”
“Cans I has my own?”
Steve laughed, “you think you’re old enough?”
“I’m free!” A tiny handheld up three fingers as Steve faulted over the post and rails and strode towards you both.
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beamed as he kissed you softly.
“Hi, Doll.” His lips brushed yours before he turned to look at his daughter. She was much like you, same eyes, same hair, same attitude, and excitement to life. But, very much with the Rogers attitude and, funnily enough, his cheekbones and nose. 
“Good day?” 
“Yup, all cows present and correct. Did that new family check in?”
“Yeah, all good.” You nodded. “Oh, Banner called. He asked if I could cover the on call shift tonight at the surgery. Apparently Natasha has come down with that bug that’s going round, and he doesn’t want to leave her to take care of the baby Danny alone. Think they’re all still adjusting, ya know, after the adoption…”
“I think that’s okay, don’t you, Wren?” he playfully poked Seren’s tummy, speaking his nickname for her and she giggled.
“Cans we watch Toy Story? Wivs popcorns?”
“Toy Story? Again?” Steve groaned and Seren narrowed her eyes.
“I wikes it. Is my fave-rite.”
“Really, I’d never have guessed.”
Her Daddy’s sarcasm went right over Seren’s head, and you chuckled. “We got everyone coming for dinner tonight, baby, so you might not get chance.”
“After dinner?”
“We’ll see.” You smiled, “you ready to get down? I think Quin could do with a drink before we pop him out.”
“Otay…”Seren sighed, dramatically. She held her arms out and Steve reached up to pluck her out of the saddle. Her little arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her cheek. “Daddy, your whiskers are scratchy!”
“Are they?” Steve frowned, before he rubbed his cheek against hers, causing her to squeal. Her hands pushed at his face as she giggled. With a laugh, Steve pulled back and she cupped his face, her fingers threading into his beard as she smushed his cheeks together.
“I wobes you, daddy bear.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. More than all the stars.”
Your heart swelled, the way it always did when you watched Steve with your daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he doted on her in all the right ways. He indulged her, let her be her own person, but wasn’t afraid to dish out the discipline when needed.
In contrast to Bucky, who pretty much let her get away with anything and everything.
Steve carried her out of the paddock, and you followed, leading Quin.
 “Unca Buck!” Seren squealed as she spotted her favourite uncle and she wriggled. Steve let her down and she took off towards him.
“Hey, Squirt!” Bucky grinned as he picked her up. “You had a good day?”
“Yips. Me and Mama took ‘Mando for a walk, dens we made lunch, and I rides!”
“yeah, I saw you on Quin. Bout time daddy got you a pony of your own, huh?”
“Dass what I saids!” Seren held her hands out to her side and Bucky laughed, ignoring the death stare Steve was shooting him.
“She might have a point, Alpha.” You smirked as you passed him by and tried not to chuckle as his head whipped towards you.
“huh?” he followed you into the barn. “Really? You think she’s old enough?”
“It’s not like she’ll be going on cattle drives.” You smiled as you undid the girth to Quin’s saddle. “But what harm can it do? A little pony or something she can love and cuddle. You’ve seen what she’s like with every animal she comes across.”
“Yeah, which is how we’ve ended up with a damned cat that lives in the house now and not the barn, much to Commando’s disgust.”
“Hey, Barney would have died otherwise…”
“And the guinea pigs? Were they on deaths door too when Bucky and Sam bought them for her?”
“Sparkle and Cookie live outside, well in Summer anyway…”
“The tank of goldfish?”
“She won one at a fair. Thor was right, it was mean to keep him in a bowl on his own. He needed friends.”
Steve scoffed and you snorted.
“Stop being a grouch.” You teased, “make the most of her being like this. Because give it ten, twelve years she’ll be out dating and chasing boys instead.”
“Over my dead body.” Steve glowered.
“You can’t fight her growing up.”
“No, but I can fight any punk that comes within a three mile radius of her.”
That made you laugh, as you placed Quin’s saddle on the rack. “Oh, Steve.” You turned towards him, stepping into his arms. He groaned, his face pressing into his neck.
“Stop it…”he whined. “I don’t want her to grow up, ever. Where’s our baby gone?”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. 
“What time are you on call from?”
“Seven-ish.” you stroked the hair at the nape of his neck, which was a little damp with sweat. Not that you cared. “I might not be needed but, you never know.”
“Okay, so if we grill for dinner at sixish, you should be okay?”
“Counting on it.” you smiled, “sides and fixings are all ready.”
“You’re too good to me, to us.” He smiled, his lips pressing back to yours.
You hummed into the kiss, allowing him to pull you closer. The smell and feel of your Alpha, your soul mate, your husband washed over you as his strong arms wrapped around your back. You allowed yourself to get lost, giving into that Omega part of you that you now loved as much as Steve did. 
“Mama and Daddy is smoochin’!” A loud giggle came from behind you and Steve gave a small groan as he pulled away.
“Ewww!” Bucky wrinkled his nose, “do they smooch a lot?”
“Aaaallls da times!” Seren said, dramatically. “Unca Tony says mama wobes daddy’s animal maganatism…”
“I’m gonna kill Stark.” Steve muttered as you, and the rest of the gang laughed.
As was customary post the cattle drives, you hosted the guys, plus their partners for dinner. Thor and Tony also joined you, along with his daughter, Morgan and Pepper who was sporting a pretty large bump as Baby Stark number 2 was very much about to make an appearance.
Morgan and Seren, separated in age by less than a year spent the spring evening playing in the garden, and by the time everyone was leaving they were both exhausted. Steve took this as a win as he didn’t have to sit there and watch Buzz and Woody for what felt like the hundredth time that week.
After bidding everyone goodbye, after clearing down the dishes and table, you headed off to take a call which had come through from the surgery.
Steve scooped his daughter up, “bedtime, baby.”
“I nots tired…” Seren protested, as she yawned and blinked hard.
“Sure…” Steve chuckled, “well let’s get you bathed and then we can discuss this, huh?”
Once bathed, dried and in her little set of cowgirl themed pajamas, Seren had given up the fight and was, indeed, half asleep. Steve tucked her into her little bed, chuckling as Commando took up his usual place on top of the comforter, by her side. Her little hand curled into his fur as she yawned.
“You bet.” Steve smiled, “which one tonight?”
“Spinderella.” She grinned. “I wikes dat one.”
“Spinderella it is…” Steve crossed the room to her bookshelf and then looked as you wandered into the room.
“I gotta go in.” You sighed, “one of Mr. Craft’s horses has injured itself, pretty badly in its stall. He said it can’t wait until tomorrow.”
“That’s okay, we got things here, huh Wren?”
“Yups.” Seren yawned again.
“I give her two pages, tops.” Steve chuckled, waving the book at you.
“I bet its four.” You smiled, leaning over to kiss her head. “Night baby, momma loves you so much.”
“Wobes you too, momma.” she hugged you before you stood up, ruffling commando’s fur. You then turned to Steve and kissed him quickly.
“I dunno how long I’ll be.”
“It’s okay’ Mega.” he smiled. “Drive safe, okay?”
You winked before you pulled away, his hand squeezing yours and you turned and left.
Seren actually fell asleep after three pages. When Steve heard her breathing even out, he glanced down and saw her eyes closed as she snuggled into him.
With a soft chuckle, he gently moved, his hand curling the back of her head. He lay her down, made sure she had her little bunny teddy with her and tucked her in.
“Night, my little star. Sweet dreams.” He whispered as he kissed her head.
Commando followed him as Steve headed down the hall after quietly shutting Seren's door. He padded his way down the staircase and found refuge at the wet bar for a drink before he settled up on the couch. His faithful dog hopped up next to him, resting his rather large head on Steve's lap. Flicking through channels, he found the mundane drone of the news filled his ears.
He watched the report and the panel as they chatted over a high profile court case that was filling the news at the moment, an actor versus his ex-wife who was accusing him of having jars of cocaine and ‘mega pints’ of red wine or some bull shit like that.
It was frivolous. And really, Steve had no idea why it was news. But the fact it was, meant there was nothing more worthy of the airtime, meaning things with the WSC and senate were calm.
Which was fine by him.
He sighed contently and brought his whiskey to his lips. He'd nearly finished the glass by the time he'd heard your truck pulling up toward the porch.
He checked his watch, all in all you’d been gone just over an hour. Which meant whatever it was can’t have been that serious. Hopefully, you wouldn’t get another call that night. It was rare that you did when you were covering the emergency shift.
Commando grunted and slipped off the couch to greet you at the door.
“Hi…” you bent down to give him loves, “hi, fella…”
His tail wagged and wagged happily. And when Steve snapped his fingers, the dog walked off. The simple command allowed you to get back inside and shut the door.
"That was quick," Steve spoke gently as he stood from the couch. He made it a point to never, ever have his back to you in conversation if he could help it. You were his equal and you deserved  equal respect.
“Oh, daft animal had been rearing in his stable and got his leg stuck. Nasty cut but I managed to clean it and pad it. Gave him a tetanus booster and that was it, said I’d check back in tomorrow.” You smiled, “I just need ten minutes to type up the notes before I forget.”
"Alright," Steve nodded. "Can I get you a drink. 'Mega?"
“I’ll take a tea, please.” You smiled, “best not drink anymore in case I gotta go back out.”
You took your tablet from your bag and headed to the couch. By the time Steve was placing your drink down, your notes were done.
You shut the device down and placed it on the coffee table, picking up your drink and getting yourself comfortable as you swung your legs up beside you.
Steve picked up your leg from the ankle and set it in his lap, his strong hands rubbing over your calf through your jeans.
"Seren go down okay?"
“Three pages.” Steve chuckled.
You smirked as you blew a little over the rim of your mug, "new record."
“Think today tuckered her out. And I did a little thinking…”
He watched you wince a little as he dug into a knot, "what's that?" You looked at him.
“Maybe a pony of her own ain’t such a bad idea.”
“Okay, that…that didn’t take much convincing at all, Alpha.”
Steve chuckled then he sighed, "I think she's ready. I could make a few calls, see who's got one available."
“No need…” you bit your lip. “The Crafts have one…their youngest has outgrown him. I said I’d talk to you…”
"Oh," Steve nodded, "that works then."
“Yeah, convenient…” you agreed. And then Steve noticed the smirk on your face.
He gave a groan and a snort. “Was I actually going to get a say in whether or not she got a pony or was this just something you were gonna do regardless?”
"I mean I was just making it known that we'd discussed it. Formalities of checking with my mate and all that."
Oh, checking with your mate? Don’t you mean asking permission from your Alpha?” Steve teased.
"Details, details," you sniggered.
Steve rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. “So, what is it?”
“A male Shetland pony. Called Coco.”
Steve merely nodded as you continued.
“And. Let’s face it, it’s an investment.” You continued, “because when Seren has outgrown him, well…hopefully there’ll be another little one who’s ready to take the reins so to speak.”
Steve's face softened. "yeah?"
“Yeah.” You looked at him, a smile on your lips. “I thought that maybe when my next heat is due to hit, I don’t get my shot…see what happens.”
"Don't, don't do it." He sat forward, "I'm ready, darlin'."
You bit your lip, “me too.”
Steve held your ankles on his lap with one hand and leaned forward toward you more, "I want as many pups as we can, while we can."
“Woah, slow down there cowboy…” you chuckled, “I’m absolutely happy for two, I could be persuaded for three…”
Steve pecked your lips, "I'm teasing. We talked about two, but I'd be alright with three."
You smiled, your hand running through his hair, and then you moved to press your fingers to your mark.
I love you… your voice echoed in his head.
“I love you too," he whispered lowly. "So much, 'Mega."
“Kiss me Alpha.”
It took a tiny growl from his chest before his lips slowly, tenderly melted against your own. His soft kiss fluttered your insides and without though to it, you were in his lap.
Your hands cupped his bearded cheeks, the pads of your fingers softly brushing against his bristles as your lips allows his to lead them in a slow, sensual dance.
"Lemme love on you, 'Mega."
“Always…” your nose brushed his, “take me to bed.”
Steve needn't say another word, nor make any extra moves. He simply stood as he settled you into his arms and began his way towards the stairs. Blindly, yet expertly, he carried you up and up, to your bedroom where your bed awaited.
With a tenderness he reserved especially for you, he laid you down in the middle, on top of your pale blue comforter and positioned himself over you. One knee nestled between your thighs, his left hand planted by your head whilst his right hand cupped your face.
"My beautiful 'Mega," his voice whispered as his breath gently fanned your face.
Your own hand reached up, fingers gently tracing the curve of his jaw as he closed his eyes.
“My handsome, strong, protective Alpha.” You purred.
Time stood still when the two of you were like this. The intimacy so pure, that it squeezed at the heart in your chest that now beat for only he and Seren.
Steve dipped his head and captured your lips in a soft kiss. The feel of his lips on yours made you hummed against him. You parted your lips as the tip of Steve's tongue tickled at the pucker lines of your bottom lip.
Your hands dipped, finding the hem of his shirt and you gave a tug.
Steve's kiss barely stopped as you pulled the shirt up and over his head. The material pooled at his wrist by your ear. His fist curled together in his right hand, and he knuckled the mattress to flick away his tee. His lips were quickly back on yours trailing across your jaw and down your neck.
You sighed, happily, an Omega trill rolling in your throat which made Steve grumble a chuckle in response.
He sat back on his knees and pulled at the hem of your own tee as he did so, taking your body with him. With a light giggle you fell back with a little bounce to the mattress.
"That's better," Steve rasped as he bent back over you. He continued his trail of bearded kisses down your décolletage, to between your breasts and descending towards your navel.
He smiled against your skin as your belly twitched, always the same. So sensitive and ticklish in areas. He found it cute, and sexy.
He gave a nip to the skin below your belly button at the tip of your scar that gave him his daughter. Then he kissed the sting away tenderly. Those glittering, cerulean eyes looked up at you and he smiled against your skin.
You felt as if you blinked and then suddenly you laid naked before your Alpha, bar the bra that covered your breasts.
You chuckled and Steve looked at you, his chin resting on your sternum.
“Nothin, just the speed at which you undress me always amuses me.”
"You make me very impatient, doll."
“I bet you say that to all the girls…”
"Just you," he smirks as his beard began to tickle the inside of your calve.
“Good to know…” you sighed.
"Mmhmm," he kept his lips to your leg.
You trilled again as whiskers tickled the inside of your thigh.
“Oh, Mega…I love those noises…” he worked his way up.
He nudged that joint where hip and thigh came together, scenting you. Your hand automatically tangled in his hair, your breath hitching in your chest.
Tentatively, Steve nosed your mound, the tip of his tongue tickling your swelling, sensitive bud. You whined, your back arching off the bed.
A low rumble sounded in your ears as Steve tasted you. He locked at you like a kitten to milk.
You whimpered and moaned softly, your knees caging his head in at his ears as your alpha gave you what you craved, what you wanted.
He'd eat away at you with fervor, then he'd slow to a near stop and  make love to you there like it would be the last time.
And you loved every single moment.
Your orgasm was growing close, and you felt your body teetering on the edge of bliss. Tingling through your body felt like soda bubbles in your nerves.
"S'close, Alpha..."
He growled a little, before just as you knew he would, he slowed down. Leaving you mewling and begging for more.
"Please, Alpha..."
With a final grunt, Steve pulled away and wiped his face on the comforter. With a quick movement, he was up, out of his jeans and then back over you.
You were breathless, your body aflame. A sheen of sweat was beginning to cover your skin as you burnt hot from within.
“I got you, mega…” he whispered.
Steve held himself as he slipped right into you, a moan from you and a groan from him filling the airy space of the room.
Your hands flew to his broad back, curling round his shoulders as you dug your fingers into his muscles.
"You feel so good, doll." Steve's voice tickled your ear.
“You too…” you whimpered, your voice barely a whisper over your panting.
Steve pulled back and slowly thrust back in, a rolling tide to his hips as he set the pace of loving on you.
His hands reached for yours, fingers lacing through your own as he pressed them either side of your head.
You sighed as his body melted into yours. The weight of him felt like a warm blanket, comforting you and securing you. It gave you a never ending sense of security. And to lock your bodies together tightly; you raised your hips and brought your ankles up to settle the heels of your feet against his lower back.
“Shit…” he grunted, his eyes closing for a moment before they opened, locked back on yours.
"There you are, Alpha," you sighed as he kept rolling those hips into you. "Don't ever hide." His eyes flashed a little as you arched into him even more. “Let go, Steve…”
"No....not 'til you...."
Always putting you first, that never changed. No matter what, you were his priority in your moments together. 
You preened your neck, stretching out for him. You felt his nose dip along your mark, and he shuddered. Your lips parted in a sigh as you started to tilt your hips again to meet him.
His teeth nipped softly at your mating gland, enough for you to feel it, but not enough to break the skin.
"Oh shit," you rasped. "Alpha...."
“Mega…my mega…”
"I'm...." you needed just a little more, you were so damn close.
Steve knew, he always knew. His hips picked up the pace, but somehow he kept the same depth and rhythm. 
His lips claimed yours, the kiss deep yet soft. A juxtaposition. Just like your alpha himself. So strong, get gentle. So firm, but soft.
"Alpha...." you whined as you tightened around him, your nose buried right against his mark.
“Cum for me, mega…” his voice was deep, his instruction clear. It was an alpha command, the only time he ever used them in you was in moments like this. 
And you craved it.
"Oh my....fuck, yes," you came with a cry.
“Good girl…” Steve panted, his lips back at your mark.
You whined, whimpered then whined again at the praise.
“My beautiful Omega…” Steve’s words were almost whispered, a strain in his voice. 
He was close.
"Steve....let go, baby," you cooed.
You nudged at him with your nose, bringing his eyes back to yours.
Like times before there was the fleck of gold that flashed in his eyes, and you knew he saw it in yours. For the room went black and beyond the gaze of your connection a galaxy swarm around you.
When you finally found yourself again, Steve’s face was buried in your neck. He was panting, deeply. The rise and fall of his chest pressing against you and then releasing you from its hold.
Your fingertips danced up his spine and into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He gave a soft hum.
"I love you, my Alpha," you whispered.
“I love you too, my Omega. And I always will. Until the cows come home.”
“Until the cows come home,” you kissed his neck, before he moved and captured your lips with a soft, sweet kiss. “Until the cows come home.”
133 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 11 months
@saiyanprincessswanie it’s been a favourite of mine to write too! Thank you x
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Epilogue: Until The Cows Come Home
Summary: Five years post the final battle, Life at Avengers Ranch is pretty sweet
Warnings: Language, smut (NSFW) 18+
Pairing: Cowboy Alpha Steve Rogers x Omega Reader. Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any of the characters contained within this series bar the Reader and any other OCs that may or may not be mentioned. I do not give permission for this to be translated and/or reposted on any other platforms. Reblogs are fine: Sharing is caring.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
A/N: So here it is! The epilogue. I hope you enjoy. As of now, I have no plans really to continue but…perhaps if the muse strikes we might see a few one shots to follow up.
Rawhide Masterlist // Main Master-list
 Part 14
W/C: 5.4k
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“My grandad told me about a cowboy he knew, once. We’re going way back to the forties here. He rode into town and stopped at a saloon for a drink. Unfortunately, the locals always had a habit of picking on strangers, which he was. When he finished his drink, he found his horse had been stolen. He went back into the bar, pulled his gun, and fired a shot right into the air.”  Clint made a gun motion with his fingers and mimed the action.
“Way to make friends an influence people.” Pete rolled his eyes.
“Well, it was his horse, ya know, valuable commodities in those days. They still are.” Clint shrugged, “So, he goes back into the bar, kicking off, demanding to know which snake had taken his horse. No one answered, so he says that he’s gonna have one more beer, and if his horse ain’t back outside by the time he finished his drink, that he’s gonna ‘do what I dun in Texas, and I don’t like to have to do what I dun in Texas…’” Clint mimicked a southern accent and cleared his throat. “Some of the locals start shifting a little, ya know, nervous like. Anyway, true to his word, he has another beer, heads outside and his horse has been returned.”
“So, that’s it?” Bucky frowned, “that’s the point of this story?”
“Pretty much.” Clint shrugs, “he saddled up, and started to ride out of town. He hasn’t got more than a few yards though, when the bartender comes out and asks ‘say, partner, before you go…what happened in Texas?’ Dude tips his Stetson as he looks back and says, ‘I had to walk home’.”
There was a moment of silence, before the group groaned collectively, as Clint laughed. Bucky threw the crust of his sandwich at Clint’s head.
“That is the stupidest joke I’ve ever heard.”
Steve snorted, listening to the guys banter as he leaned back against the tree trunk, his hat pulled down over his face. It had been a busy few days, moving the herd back down to the summer pastures and getting ready to bale the hay and silage that would see them through the winter. But he wasn’t complaining. In fact, he hadn’t complained about much over the past 5 years or so.
 Well, bar Bucky being a persistent pain in his ass, but what else was new?
In the months that followed the battle, Fury had been appointed interim president of the WSC and had been permanently installed following a term of elections, for two terms running now. As such, the World Security Council had made good on its promise. Each state had their own elected representatives, and the divide which had separated red and blue states had been torn down.
 Of course, some states still held conservative views, but even in those areas things had gotten much better for Omegas. Because their basic human rights had been secured through the Omega Rights Act at a federal level, something they failed to do the first time round due to the WSC preferring the appeasement method. Now, violation of those rights was punishable by law, no matter where you were, although how much it was enforced was anyone’s guess and varied, again state to state.
It wasn’t perfect, but then again nothing was. And it had been met in some instances with violent opposition, but that had been quashed pretty quickly. Some had been in favour of a more gradual overhaul, suggesting that each state should be allowed to install their own laws around Alphas, Betas and Omegas, as a sort of half-way house with a view to eventually changing the overall attitudes of people.
But, as Tony said in his speech when he was elected as the Senator for Montana, “sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.”
Essentially, it was all that they could have hoped for, and whilst it wasn’t perfect, it was a damned site better than it had been. Steve's shield and suit, and indeed the rest of the Avengers’ weapons and kit remained untouched, gathering dust in the armoury. 
Things had even taken a turn for the better at the ranch. It was bringing in good money, both from the cattle and the sudden tourism boost, people flocking to see the battle grounds where the latest Civil War had taken place. This, in turn, had seen an expansion to the ‘Dude Ranch’. Although Steve hadn’t been particularly on board with that idea at first, he’d quickly been talked around.
As such, life for all the Avengers Ranch and everyone else in Stark Wood was good. In fact, life all round was good, but from a selfish point of view, the former was all Steve really gave a damned about now.
His mind strayed to you, and a soft smile spread across his face. Married now, you bore his name and his rings. More symbolic than anything, given the fact you were bonded beyond the normal ties of a bond anyway. But he’d wanted to show you exactly what you meant to him. Following his casual proposal, the night you’d returned home to the ranch, he’d done it properly a few weeks later. The pair of you had taken a ride up to the top of the hills and he’d gotten down on one knee at sunset, offering you his Mom’s ring. Which you’d tearfully accepted.
You’d married in the same place, the following summer, Thor overseeing the ceremony in his ordained state as Sheriff, and then you and your friends had partied long into the night in the huge tent on the grounds of the ranch.
Steve had kept good on his word too. Once he felt it was safe, the pair of you had gone to Texas where you’d visited your mama’s grave and told her you were okay, laying a bunch of her favourite wildflowers by her headstone. And then, you’d located Colin’s. Tactfully, Steve kept his distance there and allowed you to say a proper goodbye to your previous alpha. You’d told Colin (or at least you’d spoken to his modest headstone) all about your job at the ranch, how you worked shifts at the Vet clinic with Banner. You’d chuckled when you’d explained how you were still the one doing the books because your Alpha was just as bad at it as he had been…and you’d finished by thanking him for his sacrifice which meant you were alive today, and living the best possible life you could. Whether Steve believed in the afterlife or not, it had clearly made you feel better having said a proper goodbye, and who was he to deny you that?
He’d deny you nothing. He’d give you the moon and the stars in the sky to make you happy.
A boot kicking at the sole of his foot jerked Steve from his daydream, and he tipped his hat to look upwards.
“Ready to kick on?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah, yeah I am.” He smiled. With a groan, he pushed himself up and dusted down the seat of his well-worn wranglers before he mounted Star.
Together, the five men herded the longhorns down towards the pastures which surrounded the ranch, where the work would start over the next few weeks to tag the calves and conduct the health checks needed on the females. When the last one was in the correct pasture, Clint closed the gate with a click.
As they turned the final corner towards home, Steve couldn’t help the smile as he saw you in the riding arena. You leading Quin around, your Stetson sat on your head, a grin on your face as you walked. And upon Quin’s back sat a smaller figure, whose head was covered by a safety helmet.
Your daughter, Serenity Clara Rogers, known as Seren. It was a name chosen for its various meanings. In its full form her first name meant peaceful, which was what your lives had been since the battle and what you both hoped it would be for the rest of your lives. In its shortened, it translated as star, a small tribute to Steve’s emblem.
Her middle name was a payback to your Southern roots, and it meant bright and clear. And when it was all put together, it was exactly what she was to you both, a shining, bright star of peace and love and hope.
Getting Star up into a trot, and then a loping canter, he was pulling into the main grounds of the ranch a few minutes later.
“Daddy! Looks! I wides Quin!”
Steve grinned as he hopped off his horse and strode towards the paddock fence, looping the reins around the top rail. “I can see that!”
“Cans I has my own?”
Steve laughed, “you think you’re old enough?”
“I’m free!” A tiny handheld up three fingers as Steve faulted over the post and rails and strode towards you both.
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beamed as he kissed you softly.
“Hi, Doll.” His lips brushed yours before he turned to look at his daughter. She was much like you, same eyes, same hair, same attitude, and excitement to life. But, very much with the Rogers attitude and, funnily enough, his cheekbones and nose. 
“Good day?” 
“Yup, all cows present and correct. Did that new family check in?”
“Yeah, all good.” You nodded. “Oh, Banner called. He asked if I could cover the on call shift tonight at the surgery. Apparently Natasha has come down with that bug that’s going round, and he doesn’t want to leave her to take care of the baby Danny alone. Think they’re all still adjusting, ya know, after the adoption…”
“I think that’s okay, don’t you, Wren?” he playfully poked Seren’s tummy, speaking his nickname for her and she giggled.
“Cans we watch Toy Story? Wivs popcorns?”
“Toy Story? Again?” Steve groaned and Seren narrowed her eyes.
“I wikes it. Is my fave-rite.”
“Really, I’d never have guessed.”
Her Daddy’s sarcasm went right over Seren’s head, and you chuckled. “We got everyone coming for dinner tonight, baby, so you might not get chance.”
“After dinner?”
“We’ll see.” You smiled, “you ready to get down? I think Quin could do with a drink before we pop him out.”
“Otay…”Seren sighed, dramatically. She held her arms out and Steve reached up to pluck her out of the saddle. Her little arms wrapped around his neck as he kissed her cheek. “Daddy, your whiskers are scratchy!”
“Are they?” Steve frowned, before he rubbed his cheek against hers, causing her to squeal. Her hands pushed at his face as she giggled. With a laugh, Steve pulled back and she cupped his face, her fingers threading into his beard as she smushed his cheeks together.
“I wobes you, daddy bear.”
“I love you too, sweetheart. More than all the stars.”
Your heart swelled, the way it always did when you watched Steve with your daughter. She was the apple of his eye and he doted on her in all the right ways. He indulged her, let her be her own person, but wasn’t afraid to dish out the discipline when needed.
In contrast to Bucky, who pretty much let her get away with anything and everything.
Steve carried her out of the paddock, and you followed, leading Quin.
 “Unca Buck!” Seren squealed as she spotted her favourite uncle and she wriggled. Steve let her down and she took off towards him.
“Hey, Squirt!” Bucky grinned as he picked her up. “You had a good day?”
“Yips. Me and Mama took ‘Mando for a walk, dens we made lunch, and I rides!”
“yeah, I saw you on Quin. Bout time daddy got you a pony of your own, huh?”
“Dass what I saids!” Seren held her hands out to her side and Bucky laughed, ignoring the death stare Steve was shooting him.
“She might have a point, Alpha.” You smirked as you passed him by and tried not to chuckle as his head whipped towards you.
“huh?” he followed you into the barn. “Really? You think she’s old enough?”
“It’s not like she’ll be going on cattle drives.” You smiled as you undid the girth to Quin’s saddle. “But what harm can it do? A little pony or something she can love and cuddle. You’ve seen what she’s like with every animal she comes across.”
“Yeah, which is how we’ve ended up with a damned cat that lives in the house now and not the barn, much to Commando’s disgust.”
“Hey, Barney would have died otherwise…”
“And the guinea pigs? Were they on deaths door too when Bucky and Sam bought them for her?”
“Sparkle and Cookie live outside, well in Summer anyway…”
“The tank of goldfish?”
“She won one at a fair. Thor was right, it was mean to keep him in a bowl on his own. He needed friends.”
Steve scoffed and you snorted.
“Stop being a grouch.” You teased, “make the most of her being like this. Because give it ten, twelve years she’ll be out dating and chasing boys instead.”
“Over my dead body.” Steve glowered.
“You can’t fight her growing up.”
“No, but I can fight any punk that comes within a three mile radius of her.”
That made you laugh, as you placed Quin’s saddle on the rack. “Oh, Steve.” You turned towards him, stepping into his arms. He groaned, his face pressing into his neck.
“Stop it…”he whined. “I don’t want her to grow up, ever. Where’s our baby gone?”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” You kissed his cheek. 
“What time are you on call from?”
“Seven-ish.” you stroked the hair at the nape of his neck, which was a little damp with sweat. Not that you cared. “I might not be needed but, you never know.”
“Okay, so if we grill for dinner at sixish, you should be okay?”
“Counting on it.” you smiled, “sides and fixings are all ready.”
“You’re too good to me, to us.” He smiled, his lips pressing back to yours.
You hummed into the kiss, allowing him to pull you closer. The smell and feel of your Alpha, your soul mate, your husband washed over you as his strong arms wrapped around your back. You allowed yourself to get lost, giving into that Omega part of you that you now loved as much as Steve did. 
“Mama and Daddy is smoochin’!” A loud giggle came from behind you and Steve gave a small groan as he pulled away.
“Ewww!” Bucky wrinkled his nose, “do they smooch a lot?”
“Aaaallls da times!” Seren said, dramatically. “Unca Tony says mama wobes daddy’s animal maganatism…”
“I’m gonna kill Stark.” Steve muttered as you, and the rest of the gang laughed.
As was customary post the cattle drives, you hosted the guys, plus their partners for dinner. Thor and Tony also joined you, along with his daughter, Morgan and Pepper who was sporting a pretty large bump as Baby Stark number 2 was very much about to make an appearance.
Morgan and Seren, separated in age by less than a year spent the spring evening playing in the garden, and by the time everyone was leaving they were both exhausted. Steve took this as a win as he didn’t have to sit there and watch Buzz and Woody for what felt like the hundredth time that week.
After bidding everyone goodbye, after clearing down the dishes and table, you headed off to take a call which had come through from the surgery.
Steve scooped his daughter up, “bedtime, baby.”
“I nots tired…” Seren protested, as she yawned and blinked hard.
“Sure…” Steve chuckled, “well let’s get you bathed and then we can discuss this, huh?”
Once bathed, dried and in her little set of cowgirl themed pajamas, Seren had given up the fight and was, indeed, half asleep. Steve tucked her into her little bed, chuckling as Commando took up his usual place on top of the comforter, by her side. Her little hand curled into his fur as she yawned.
“You bet.” Steve smiled, “which one tonight?”
“Spinderella.” She grinned. “I wikes dat one.”
“Spinderella it is…” Steve crossed the room to her bookshelf and then looked as you wandered into the room.
“I gotta go in.” You sighed, “one of Mr. Craft’s horses has injured itself, pretty badly in its stall. He said it can’t wait until tomorrow.”
“That’s okay, we got things here, huh Wren?”
“Yups.” Seren yawned again.
“I give her two pages, tops.” Steve chuckled, waving the book at you.
“I bet its four.” You smiled, leaning over to kiss her head. “Night baby, momma loves you so much.”
“Wobes you too, momma.” she hugged you before you stood up, ruffling commando’s fur. You then turned to Steve and kissed him quickly.
“I dunno how long I’ll be.”
“It’s okay’ Mega.” he smiled. “Drive safe, okay?”
You winked before you pulled away, his hand squeezing yours and you turned and left.
Seren actually fell asleep after three pages. When Steve heard her breathing even out, he glanced down and saw her eyes closed as she snuggled into him.
With a soft chuckle, he gently moved, his hand curling the back of her head. He lay her down, made sure she had her little bunny teddy with her and tucked her in.
“Night, my little star. Sweet dreams.” He whispered as he kissed her head.
Commando followed him as Steve headed down the hall after quietly shutting Seren's door. He padded his way down the staircase and found refuge at the wet bar for a drink before he settled up on the couch. His faithful dog hopped up next to him, resting his rather large head on Steve's lap. Flicking through channels, he found the mundane drone of the news filled his ears.
He watched the report and the panel as they chatted over a high profile court case that was filling the news at the moment, an actor versus his ex-wife who was accusing him of having jars of cocaine and ‘mega pints’ of red wine or some bull shit like that.
It was frivolous. And really, Steve had no idea why it was news. But the fact it was, meant there was nothing more worthy of the airtime, meaning things with the WSC and senate were calm.
Which was fine by him.
He sighed contently and brought his whiskey to his lips. He'd nearly finished the glass by the time he'd heard your truck pulling up toward the porch.
He checked his watch, all in all you’d been gone just over an hour. Which meant whatever it was can’t have been that serious. Hopefully, you wouldn’t get another call that night. It was rare that you did when you were covering the emergency shift.
Commando grunted and slipped off the couch to greet you at the door.
“Hi…” you bent down to give him loves, “hi, fella…”
His tail wagged and wagged happily. And when Steve snapped his fingers, the dog walked off. The simple command allowed you to get back inside and shut the door.
"That was quick," Steve spoke gently as he stood from the couch. He made it a point to never, ever have his back to you in conversation if he could help it. You were his equal and you deserved  equal respect.
“Oh, daft animal had been rearing in his stable and got his leg stuck. Nasty cut but I managed to clean it and pad it. Gave him a tetanus booster and that was it, said I’d check back in tomorrow.” You smiled, “I just need ten minutes to type up the notes before I forget.”
"Alright," Steve nodded. "Can I get you a drink. 'Mega?"
“I’ll take a tea, please.” You smiled, “best not drink anymore in case I gotta go back out.”
You took your tablet from your bag and headed to the couch. By the time Steve was placing your drink down, your notes were done.
You shut the device down and placed it on the coffee table, picking up your drink and getting yourself comfortable as you swung your legs up beside you.
Steve picked up your leg from the ankle and set it in his lap, his strong hands rubbing over your calf through your jeans.
"Seren go down okay?"
“Three pages.” Steve chuckled.
You smirked as you blew a little over the rim of your mug, "new record."
“Think today tuckered her out. And I did a little thinking…”
He watched you wince a little as he dug into a knot, "what's that?" You looked at him.
“Maybe a pony of her own ain’t such a bad idea.”
“Okay, that…that didn’t take much convincing at all, Alpha.”
Steve chuckled then he sighed, "I think she's ready. I could make a few calls, see who's got one available."
“No need…” you bit your lip. “The Crafts have one…their youngest has outgrown him. I said I’d talk to you…”
"Oh," Steve nodded, "that works then."
“Yeah, convenient…” you agreed. And then Steve noticed the smirk on your face.
He gave a groan and a snort. “Was I actually going to get a say in whether or not she got a pony or was this just something you were gonna do regardless?”
"I mean I was just making it known that we'd discussed it. Formalities of checking with my mate and all that."
Oh, checking with your mate? Don’t you mean asking permission from your Alpha?” Steve teased.
"Details, details," you sniggered.
Steve rolled his eyes and took a sip from his drink. “So, what is it?”
“A male Shetland pony. Called Coco.”
Steve merely nodded as you continued.
“And. Let’s face it, it’s an investment.” You continued, “because when Seren has outgrown him, well…hopefully there’ll be another little one who’s ready to take the reins so to speak.”
Steve's face softened. "yeah?"
“Yeah.” You looked at him, a smile on your lips. “I thought that maybe when my next heat is due to hit, I don’t get my shot…see what happens.”
"Don't, don't do it." He sat forward, "I'm ready, darlin'."
You bit your lip, “me too.”
Steve held your ankles on his lap with one hand and leaned forward toward you more, "I want as many pups as we can, while we can."
“Woah, slow down there cowboy…” you chuckled, “I’m absolutely happy for two, I could be persuaded for three…”
Steve pecked your lips, "I'm teasing. We talked about two, but I'd be alright with three."
You smiled, your hand running through his hair, and then you moved to press your fingers to your mark.
I love you… your voice echoed in his head.
“I love you too," he whispered lowly. "So much, 'Mega."
“Kiss me Alpha.”
It took a tiny growl from his chest before his lips slowly, tenderly melted against your own. His soft kiss fluttered your insides and without though to it, you were in his lap.
Your hands cupped his bearded cheeks, the pads of your fingers softly brushing against his bristles as your lips allows his to lead them in a slow, sensual dance.
"Lemme love on you, 'Mega."
“Always…” your nose brushed his, “take me to bed.”
Steve needn't say another word, nor make any extra moves. He simply stood as he settled you into his arms and began his way towards the stairs. Blindly, yet expertly, he carried you up and up, to your bedroom where your bed awaited.
With a tenderness he reserved especially for you, he laid you down in the middle, on top of your pale blue comforter and positioned himself over you. One knee nestled between your thighs, his left hand planted by your head whilst his right hand cupped your face.
"My beautiful 'Mega," his voice whispered as his breath gently fanned your face.
Your own hand reached up, fingers gently tracing the curve of his jaw as he closed his eyes.
“My handsome, strong, protective Alpha.” You purred.
Time stood still when the two of you were like this. The intimacy so pure, that it squeezed at the heart in your chest that now beat for only he and Seren.
Steve dipped his head and captured your lips in a soft kiss. The feel of his lips on yours made you hummed against him. You parted your lips as the tip of Steve's tongue tickled at the pucker lines of your bottom lip.
Your hands dipped, finding the hem of his shirt and you gave a tug.
Steve's kiss barely stopped as you pulled the shirt up and over his head. The material pooled at his wrist by your ear. His fist curled together in his right hand, and he knuckled the mattress to flick away his tee. His lips were quickly back on yours trailing across your jaw and down your neck.
You sighed, happily, an Omega trill rolling in your throat which made Steve grumble a chuckle in response.
He sat back on his knees and pulled at the hem of your own tee as he did so, taking your body with him. With a light giggle you fell back with a little bounce to the mattress.
"That's better," Steve rasped as he bent back over you. He continued his trail of bearded kisses down your décolletage, to between your breasts and descending towards your navel.
He smiled against your skin as your belly twitched, always the same. So sensitive and ticklish in areas. He found it cute, and sexy.
He gave a nip to the skin below your belly button at the tip of your scar that gave him his daughter. Then he kissed the sting away tenderly. Those glittering, cerulean eyes looked up at you and he smiled against your skin.
You felt as if you blinked and then suddenly you laid naked before your Alpha, bar the bra that covered your breasts.
You chuckled and Steve looked at you, his chin resting on your sternum.
“Nothin, just the speed at which you undress me always amuses me.”
"You make me very impatient, doll."
“I bet you say that to all the girls…”
"Just you," he smirks as his beard began to tickle the inside of your calve.
“Good to know…” you sighed.
"Mmhmm," he kept his lips to your leg.
You trilled again as whiskers tickled the inside of your thigh.
“Oh, Mega…I love those noises…” he worked his way up.
He nudged that joint where hip and thigh came together, scenting you. Your hand automatically tangled in his hair, your breath hitching in your chest.
Tentatively, Steve nosed your mound, the tip of his tongue tickling your swelling, sensitive bud. You whined, your back arching off the bed.
A low rumble sounded in your ears as Steve tasted you. He locked at you like a kitten to milk.
You whimpered and moaned softly, your knees caging his head in at his ears as your alpha gave you what you craved, what you wanted.
He'd eat away at you with fervor, then he'd slow to a near stop and  make love to you there like it would be the last time.
And you loved every single moment.
Your orgasm was growing close, and you felt your body teetering on the edge of bliss. Tingling through your body felt like soda bubbles in your nerves.
"S'close, Alpha..."
He growled a little, before just as you knew he would, he slowed down. Leaving you mewling and begging for more.
"Please, Alpha..."
With a final grunt, Steve pulled away and wiped his face on the comforter. With a quick movement, he was up, out of his jeans and then back over you.
You were breathless, your body aflame. A sheen of sweat was beginning to cover your skin as you burnt hot from within.
“I got you, mega…” he whispered.
Steve held himself as he slipped right into you, a moan from you and a groan from him filling the airy space of the room.
Your hands flew to his broad back, curling round his shoulders as you dug your fingers into his muscles.
"You feel so good, doll." Steve's voice tickled your ear.
“You too…” you whimpered, your voice barely a whisper over your panting.
Steve pulled back and slowly thrust back in, a rolling tide to his hips as he set the pace of loving on you.
His hands reached for yours, fingers lacing through your own as he pressed them either side of your head.
You sighed as his body melted into yours. The weight of him felt like a warm blanket, comforting you and securing you. It gave you a never ending sense of security. And to lock your bodies together tightly; you raised your hips and brought your ankles up to settle the heels of your feet against his lower back.
“Shit…” he grunted, his eyes closing for a moment before they opened, locked back on yours.
"There you are, Alpha," you sighed as he kept rolling those hips into you. "Don't ever hide." His eyes flashed a little as you arched into him even more. “Let go, Steve…”
"No....not 'til you...."
Always putting you first, that never changed. No matter what, you were his priority in your moments together. 
You preened your neck, stretching out for him. You felt his nose dip along your mark, and he shuddered. Your lips parted in a sigh as you started to tilt your hips again to meet him.
His teeth nipped softly at your mating gland, enough for you to feel it, but not enough to break the skin.
"Oh shit," you rasped. "Alpha...."
“Mega…my mega…”
"I'm...." you needed just a little more, you were so damn close.
Steve knew, he always knew. His hips picked up the pace, but somehow he kept the same depth and rhythm. 
His lips claimed yours, the kiss deep yet soft. A juxtaposition. Just like your alpha himself. So strong, get gentle. So firm, but soft.
"Alpha...." you whined as you tightened around him, your nose buried right against his mark.
“Cum for me, mega…” his voice was deep, his instruction clear. It was an alpha command, the only time he ever used them in you was in moments like this. 
And you craved it.
"Oh my....fuck, yes," you came with a cry.
“Good girl…” Steve panted, his lips back at your mark.
You whined, whimpered then whined again at the praise.
“My beautiful Omega…” Steve’s words were almost whispered, a strain in his voice. 
He was close.
"Steve....let go, baby," you cooed.
You nudged at him with your nose, bringing his eyes back to yours.
Like times before there was the fleck of gold that flashed in his eyes, and you knew he saw it in yours. For the room went black and beyond the gaze of your connection a galaxy swarm around you.
When you finally found yourself again, Steve’s face was buried in your neck. He was panting, deeply. The rise and fall of his chest pressing against you and then releasing you from its hold.
Your fingertips danced up his spine and into the hair at the nape of his neck.
He gave a soft hum.
"I love you, my Alpha," you whispered.
“I love you too, my Omega. And I always will. Until the cows come home.”
“Until the cows come home,” you kissed his neck, before he moved and captured your lips with a soft, sweet kiss. “Until the cows come home.”
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wiypt-writes · 11 months
@anika-ann 🥰😊😊
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: There Were Six In The Bed, And The Little One Said…
Summary: It’s Steve’s birthday…and the bed feels a little crowded.
Warnings: “Language!” SMUT (NSFW, No under 18s…)
A/N: You can thank @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ for this… HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEEBY, and Happy 4th July to all of you over the pond!
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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wiypt-writes · 11 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 153 & 154
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Welcome to Week 153 & 154
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal boosting them. Author is listed next to title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
My Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ & header by me
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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