witchycandle222 · 3 years
The fun we've become
(Niragi/Arisu) (Pt. 1)
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Credit to @aslowknife for the stunnin fanart!!! 💎💙💎
It's me!! Again... So... This one was difficult. Obviously. I decided to make Niragi a little less one dimensional since a lot of people have said they don't like that. Also, mini character study!
Pairing: Niragi/Arisu
TW: Mentions of death, implied sexual content, language, Niragi being Niragi
"I think... I think you should stop hurting people..." Was the first sentence that Arisu formed when he felt the hot, sweaty and frustrated weight fall off of him and next to his side.
This was what? The third time this week? Niragi had pulled (More like dragged) him aside.
He still refused to let Arisu get a word in. Not that it wasn't nice to not speak for portions of time. It was the one luxury Niragi allowed Arisu to have. Niragi was sweating and out of breath after the third time they had sex this week. Laying beside Arisu completely ignoring what he just requested.
Arisu layed on his side. Mostly because of how rough Niragi had been it would hurt his entire spine if he layed on it. He stared at the man beside him. He was actually more repulsing up close. Not that it was Arisu's fault.
Arisu's small brain still couldn't understand how out of all the women AND men at the beach, Niragi just HAD to choose him. Arisu knew he wasn't very pretty. He didn't have the body, or the face that could provide Niragi with what he wanted. Was it for his mind? Chishiya was plenty smart and him and Niragi could have all the hate sex they wanted. Everyone would be happy and in perfect health in the end.
Yet, Niragi seemed satisfied with Arisu every time.
"Did you hear what I said?" Arisu asked, actually terrified for a response.
"Yeah... I just don't think I give a fuck..." Niragi turned his head in the opposite direction. Completely disgusted with this question and even his own response to it.
Arisu already figured out how this routine worked.
He would go to these meetings, and they would always end the same:
He would get threatened and Niragi would make this big show on how much he hated him
He would end up half exposed from the waist down
Both of them under the covers as Niragi took him from behind
Arisu would bite his lip, curse under his breath and wish he didn't enjoy this as much as he did
Arisu could already see the look of disgust and judgment on Chishiya's face, in his mind. Not that he would understand.
"Please... Could you do it for me?" Arisu's voice shook as he asked this. Niragi loved this. It was like music to his ears. Arisu truly didn't know what made him think he could change someone like Niragi. It's not like he would want him any less.
Niragi turned back to him. For at least one second, Arisu swears he saw a different colouring in his eyes. It was a weak colour and almost looked like he was crying on the inside.
Arisu layed there. Hands under his cheek as he silently shaked on the inside, frozen in fear on the outside.
"You have a pretty face." Was the last thing Niragi said, as he brushed Arisu's face with his thumb and placed a (Surprisingly and thankfully) gentle kiss on his lips. He then got up.
Arisu slammed his eyelids shut. Not because he was afraid of seeing Niragi so exposed like this, but because he still didn't know what the answer was. He didn't say "Yes"... But he didn't say "No" either. Arisu should probably get dressed and out of Niragi's room. Usagi would probably be looking for him...
Omg, what's gonna happen next??! 😱😱
Sorry my beginnings are always short. It's better that way for me, to write a little to start of my chain of ideas.
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
A bond built off smoke
🚬♥️ (Pt. 1)
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(Ugh, the chemistry!) @stonefades gave so many prompts and I felt blessed✝️! I felt like a kid in a candy store, so many choices! So, I decided to blend some of them. The first part is set during ep 2. The rest roughly after ep 5. But there is a few changes. Also, gonna write a Niragi/Arisu sometime eventually.
Usagi meets Arisu at the beach. Their dynamic is the same. But barely mentioned
They all survived the 7 of hearts. Yay. I'll explain in the fic how they survived
Shibuki is gonna be a lil ooc, hopefully not too much though
Pairing: Shibuki/Karube
Rating: Idk? It's gonna be a lil NSFW eventually I guess
TW: Cursing, mentions of death, smoking, implied sexual content but I will warn you when it is there
Prompts included: Shibuki and Karube being parents to Chota and Arisu. Shibuki confiding in Karube. Beach bonding. Banter from the stove scene.
When Karube saw Arisu run out of the mall entrance and into the peopleless streets of the city, he felt a huge emptiness. Karube knew that Arisu was just going exploring hoping to find another human being. Or possibly an answer. Or anything normal. He still felt an emptiness, even knowing Arisu was in no danger and was clearly coming back.
When he returned to the furniture store, all that was heard was the sound of a boil and the clouds of steam floating throughout the room. Shibuki was gently lifting up Chota's head from the large sofa he was sleeping on. (The sign said it was 70% off) With her placing another fresh thick pillow under his head to cushion it's weight. Even though he had a pillow already and pulling the thick double duvet over his shoulders. It was part of his routine. Pray in the evening and then sleep.
Slowly pushing some of his hair back from his eyes. She leaned down, to what Karube assumed was place a kiss on his forehead but stopped midway and stood back up. Moving over to the wooden table where her portable stove was cooking. She used it to boil water, make tea and occasionally cook bagged rice.
Shibuki didn't even notice that Karube had walked back into the room after Arisu's send off. She pulled her thick shiny hair behind her ears and rolled her suit sleeves up to set up the bowls.
"What ar-"
"Jesus, you nearly gave me heart attack, Karube..." She laughed to herself quietly before speaking again. "You should eat." With a more serious tone, as she removed the lid allowing more of the savoury steam to escape. He barely even knew her and she was already acting like his enslaved wife.
She picked up the metal ladle to pour this vegetable soup she had made into a small China bowl.
Karube realised how long he had gone without a cigarette and fresh air. Immediately rushing onto the balcony, lighter Stumbling out of his breast pocket. He had dragged these huge (And neatly cushioned) chairs outside.
As soon as the smoke was realised he felt a sudden relief. It tasted a little bit like home...
Within about fifteen seconds, he heard footsteps on the concrete floor. Outcame Shibuki slowly walking towards him, bowl in her hands. Taking precaution walking with his meal in her hands.
She had been walking everywhere barefoot because her heels were loud and extremely unnecessary. Her feet also needed the rest.
"Can I have one?" She said, placing it down, and sitting down on the seat next to him.
He hesitated. Considering the fact that she was a grown woman, he didn't need to worry. He held the pack out for her. Looking in the opposite direction. He heard the click of a lighter and the exhale of smoke.
They stayed like this for a few minutes and then a couple more minutes.
"Before I came here..." Shibuki began, staring out into the skyscrapers in every direction. Causing Karube to snap out of his thoughts and turn to her.
"I was actually having sex with my boss..." This automatically make him cough up, and wheeze in the process. She giggled to herself.
"You are so immature... I hated it. I was trying to get a promotion and he promised me it was the fastest way. Even though his wife probably wouldn't be very happy, if she found out..." She explained. It felt weird telling this to somebody for the first time. He would probably assume she was some manipulating slut, after this.
Karube knew that was a disgusting act, however he couldn't say he was any better. His own girlfriend was partly... Somebody else's partner as well. At least he did it for love, and not for money or a higher position.
"I guess I should put this away. It's getting cold and you're not gonna eat it, obviously..." She attempted to pick the food up and go back inside, but Karube realized how ungrateful this gesture would seem later.
He grabbed her elbow from where she was sitting. The touch feeling rather unnecessary, but also comfortable. He took it. "Thank you, Shibuki." He said, taking the chopsticks on the table. It was still luke warm and the pasta was good.
She sat back down and they stayed in a more comfortable silence. Karube realized something. The way Shibuki sat there. No shoes on. Legs exposed. Work clothes still on. Smoke coming out of her nostrils.
She looked like she had been pulled out of a movie. Or a fashion magazine for that matter.
"Oh my gosh, stop staring at me!" She playfully pushed his shoulder. Both laughing this time. And for a second. Karube forgot to worry...
This is a little appetiser and a little starter to their chemistry. We will be heading to the beach next!! Let me know what you think and even leave a little request in any form for what you want to happen between these two.
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
Random observation: Luci is actually a BETTER friend and a better person than Elfo. That's literally the opposite of how it is supposed to be. Let me explain
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Things that Luci has done for Bean AND Elfo:
Sacrified his immortality, wings AND broke his trust from satan
Got Bean into hell so they could rescue Elfo
FLEW them out of hell on his own
Always giving them drinks and listening to their problems
Actually their only sense of relief through humour
Stopped all the KINGDOM'S MONEY from being stolen using his intelligence and observation
Followed Bean to Dankmire to make sure she is safe (Which she wasn't cause DAGMAR)
Broke Cloyd and Becky's promise and decided to not corrupt Bean and choose her side
Not saying he is a tender hearted being just in comparison to Elfo he is so willing to give and prone to love. Not saying Elfo hasn't contributed because he has. But Luci went from being the most selfish of the trio to the most selfless. IT'S TRUE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. CAN'T WAIT FOR SEASON FOUR!
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
Ya'll out here drooling over Hyuk but forgot the literal Queen of the show:
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
I'm giving the whole Aib incorrect quotes a try... This is from Meet the Goldbergs I think...
Karube: I'm watching cartoons with my son...
Arisu: *Stumbling into the room*
Oh, hey beautiful. What do you say we get together... In a special way...
Kuina:I'm pregnant
Arisu: The more the merrier?
Chishiya: With my baby?
Arisu: Hey you can come too beautiful... See? I can call a man beautiful. Guess I'm open- minded as heeeeelllll. I said your pretty good looking!
The Fandom, even when Arisu breathes:...BICON!
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
dude i need alice in borderland season 2 ASAP! the way they left it at that should be illegal
OMG. Literally. I was so thirsty for more. ALL the characters need more screen time. Whether it is individual or interactions. Most characters need a backstory or need to build on the existing ones. THE FANDOM IS WAITING! 😭😭😭
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
Me seeing the thirsty X reader Fanfiction for characters I see as innocent and precious:
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
I feel like, FINALLY, Aib will use Kuina and Chishiya to show that two people of the OPPOSITE GENDER CAN STILL BE JUST FRIENDS!
Maybe I'm looking too far into it but love their friendship. The whole two heterosexual opposite gendered people can't be just friends because that's not how it works!! Has honestly been done to death🙄🧂
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
The Aib Characters when they are wasted (Pt. 2):
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Ballet dancing
Starts trying to look into everyone's ears
Starts pulling everyone's hair back in order to look into everyone's brain
Starts putting lipstick on her eyelids
Super creepy and quiet drunk
Splits at random times
Running everywhere barefoot
Stroking Niragi's hair with absolute no fear of what might happen
Choking a flower vase
Actually more sexy
Super happy and friendly
Hugs... SO many hugs
Dancing like no one is watching
A bit bi...
Super flamboyant
Shirt gets ripped open
Keeps trying to kiss Arisu and Chota and they r like "You love us. We know. STOP!"
Drunk bike driving
Confused and crying
Praying for God out in the alleyway
Thinks he can see angels
Keeps pouring random drinks on his head and makes his hair super sticky
Giggling for no reason
Throwing his hat all over the place and then picking it up... Just to throw it again
Extremely fearless
Happy guy at the disco
Eating as much as possible
Automatically thinks this makes him bros with Arisu
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
The Best Bromances on TV, (In my opinion) :
Jughead + Archie (Riverdale)
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Klaus + Diego (Umbrella Academy)
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Justin + Clay (13 Reasons Why)
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Mike + Will (Stranger Things)
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Rogelio + Micheal (Jane the Virgin)
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Luci + Elfo (Disenchantment)
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Adrien + Nino (Miraculous Ladybug)
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Arisu + Karube + Chota (Alice in Borderland)
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
The most pointless and unnecessary characters to ever walk the planet of the Fictional universe:
Estela De la Cruz (13 Reasons why)
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Pogo (Umbrella Academy)
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Guinevere Beck (You)
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Polly Cooper (Riverdale)
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Barb Holland (Stranger Things)
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
"Transgenderism is never presented in the media!"
Kuina Hikari (Alice in Borderland)
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Tyler Ronan (Tell me why)
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Angel Evangelista (Pose)
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Blanca Rodriguez Evangelista (And almost the entire cast of Pose)
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Liz Taylor (American Horror Story: Hotel) (Season five)
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
"Bisexuality is never presented in the media!"
Petra Solano (Jane the Virgin)
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Charlie St. George (13 Reasons Why)
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Vanya Hargreaves (Umbrella Academy)
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Piper Chapman (Orange is the new black)
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Peach Salinger (You)
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
Aib Ships (Pt. 2) (And there ships names...)
Again, tried my best on these ship names
Niragi/Arisu - Niragisu
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Arisu/Karube/Chota - (You make it up...)
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Kuina/Usagi - Kuinsagi
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Asahi/Momoka- Asaka
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Kuina/Usagi/Arisu/Chishiya - Er...
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
Aib Ships (Pt. 1) (And some of there ship names??) :
Since I don't think a lot of these have names I tried my best...
Arisu/Usagi - Arisagi
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Kuina/Chishiya - Kuinshiya
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Hatter/Aguni - Haguni
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Kuina/Ann - Kuinan
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Chishiya/Arisu - Chirisu
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Niragi/Chishiya - Niragishiya
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Karube/Arisu - Karisu
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Karube/Chota - Karuta
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Shibuki/Chota - Shibuta
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Kuina/Last Boss - (Idk, how you can make a ship name out of that)
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witchycandle222 · 3 years
The Aib Characters when they are wasted (Pt. 1) :
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Huge crier
Starts having conversations with Usagi on how she could be a really good mother one day
*High pitched screaming down the halls as Arisu runs away from nothing (But thinks it's some super intense villain from a vid game)*
Starts petting Chishiya like a cat
Really confused as to who he is
"I mean there is a chance I might not be gay...but there is a chance I might NOT not be gay... 🤔😅"
Scratching his head constantly
Starts trying to put his foot behind his head
Shirt over his head and happy yelling
Starts doing workout session with the wall. Like... She is hyping it up and stuff
Actually beautiful but messy dancing
Hair all messed up
Sweats out the alcohol... Idk if that's a thing🤷‍♀️
Cartwheels and somersaults which lead to her hurting both of her ankles and someone carrying her around
Shuffle dancing but just more womanly and epic
Really extra and exaggerated high notes
Starts jumping in the pool
Starts yelling about how loud and rude Chishiya is when he is sleeping because sometimes he snores super loud and she can't sleep
Laughs so much she suffocates
Starts ball room dancing with Arisu
Trips all over her flip flops
Trying to kiss random women... Or are they women?? *Squints*
Flicking those braids every two seconds
*Beyonce dancing and music intensifies*
Ninja also intensifies but she is fighting with the air
"Okay... I guess the Last Boss is a little bit hot...but just a little..."
Rolling all over the floor like a cat
Squints a lot so he can tell who he is judging
Starts super political debates with himself or anybody that will listen
*Head bopping from side to side*
Tells Kuina how much he loves her as a person and then denies it the second day
Weird hand movements
Gushes over how stunning he is
Chewing on his hair
Finger guns
Rock paper scissors with Kuina
Eyes super wide or super small. No in between
Cartwheels all over the place
Keeps trying to convince Aguni to carry him every where
Thinks wine glasses class as goggles
Pretending he is on a catwalk
Talks about Greek mythology
Starts yelling Queen lyrics everywhere
Gathers a whole squad of random people, (Niragi being one of them) takes them to the conference room and is like "I want to start a strip club. Right here. Right now."
Wears like fifteen pieces of clothing because you can never have too much!! ⭐🌟
Gymnastics with Hatter!
Actually wears a tophat
Making out with his rifle
Unconscious flirting with Chishiya and Chishiya is like "Nah, I'm way out of your league, b*tch"
Eating salt by itself
Hugging the Last Boss like ALL THE TIME
Attempts at cutting his own hair off with a nail file (Ann's probably)
Bites himself too many times
Smells himself and is like "Huh... I should use a Lynx"
Niragi: "Wanna get together in a special way?"
Person: "No, I like women"
Stress eating
Drunken laughter and immediate crying with Hatter
Opera singing in random places and every is like 😶 and Hatter is like😭🤧
Groovy dancing
Starts lifting up like five people at once on his shoulders
Random sneezing
Lay on the floor face down
Last Boss
Licking his sword (And cutting his tongue while doing it)
Flirting with Kuina
Rolls everywhere
Treats it like a spiritual awakening
Twerking in front of the entire nightclub
Trys drawing more tattoos on with a marker pen
Trys pulling off Niragi's piercings to see if they come off
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