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Ugh, it's been a minute, huh?
Well, just dropping in to say that within the next couple months, @what-is-your-plan-today and I have not one, but two maybe three updates coming your way! Personal lives are busy AF right now, IYKYK. But, we'll give you a hint in the gifs at who's up next for updates!
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Definitely the first two! 😉😉
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Is this thing on?
Just out of curiosity, since it's gone gravely quiet here and has been doing so in a consistent downward slope for a while,
Like I said, just curious.
Something else to say or add? Tap the comment bubble and LMK.
No offense taken, harm or foul either way.
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Oh look….Shea is back!!!
Monkey See, Monkey Do – Chapter 15
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Disclaimer: This and all works on this blog are a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. This work and all works on this blog are not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content, adult content and themes, language, etc. By reading this work or any works posted, shared or reblogged on this blog, you agree that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Monkey See, Monkey Do Masterlist
Beta’d by and Co-written with @what-is-your-plan-today
Spectre-posts Masterlist
@what-is-your-plan-today Masterlist
Characters: Colin Shea x Reader/You
WC: 5.6k
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of past relationships, parental death, Adult Content, Adult Situations, Swearing, NSFW 18+ (applies to all chapters)
After New York, you and Colin both seemed to fall into a domestic rhythm of sorts. You would get up, throw up, get ready for work, throw up again and attempt a feeble breakfast before heading out of the door. He would get up, make his coffee and your tea, hold your hair, get showered for class himself, hold your hair again and be out the door with you. Like something from a movie, you’d leave the parking spaces at the same time and most days, you’d arrive home without him. Those were the days he had night classes or a gig. Depending on how you felt, you’d go, or you’d just stay home, more often than not waiting for him in bed.
Then, you’d both get up and do it all over again.
You still had Sundays and Mondays off, so you took those days to move a little slower. On Sundays you and Colin spent shifting between brunch with your mom and evenings in, thinking about names or looking online at baby gear. You'd nap while Colin sat studying. Or you'd start the day lazy and slow just lounging around before you'd end up for dinner at his parents. Mondays where chore and errand days like grocery shopping and or what cleaning you could. It'd take you a little while, as sometimes the even mildest of cleaners and fast movements would set off your morning sickness and you’d find yourself giving up. Sometimes on Mondays, when the errands and chores were just too meh to deal with, you'd have lunch dates with your mom and Colin's and those were the days that seemed to go by fast.
By now, everyone who was anyone were well aware that you were pregnant, and Colin was proudly puffing his chest out about it when he could. A shock reaction to those that knew him before your time with him, and prior to Ally as it had been mentioned. 
His gentle hands hardly left any part of you. Sometimes it was delicately settled at the small of your back when the two of you were walking or resting there in a group setting. If he wasn’t holding your hand, his arm was around your shoulders and sometimes his fingers would tickle the base of your neck. At night, his hand would settle on your bumpless belly, and you could almost hear his mind willing one to appear. He seemed to enjoy nearly every second he was around you, happily lending helping hands and stepping up to pick up around the house, cook, do the dishes, the laundry, whatever you needed when you felt you couldn't do it yourself. The only thing he was struggling with was the lack of drive you seemed to have when it came to sex. He understood how tired you were and downright awful feeling on those really hard sickly days. But he was hoping the hump or lack thereof so to speak would soon pass.
You on the other hand, were just hoping to get past the stage of vomiting five times a day and turning your nose up at distinctive smells. You even had to get Colin to change from his usual smell of bergamot and cedarwood to something less offensive which really depressed you as he always smelled so damn good. 
While you, too, were willing a bump to appear, you were grappling with other changes to your body like the bigger breasts and the absolute soreness that went with it. You felt the bloat of your stomach changing and your hips felt a little tender, but you weren’t even at the tip of the iceberg in being halfway by the time Colin's graduation ceremony and party came around. 
Kelly and Jan took full liberties in planning the party, so you didn't have to bear the weight alone. In fact, you were quite thrilled when Jan offered to take on most of it over lunch one afternoon with you and your mom. Smiling in acceptance at her, you then offered up anything she needed your help with you'd take on. 
It turned out, that was simply keeping Colin out of her hair. She and Scott wanted to pay for everything. And while you were hoping to do more, you understood what a big deal this was for Colin's parents.
And all that led you to today.
It was finally time for Colin's graduation. You were so proud of him, he'd worked so hard. He was given this chance as a favor to his father, and he vowed not to screw that up. He busted his ass in class and studying, he showed up for nearly all his classes and he made up for the ones he missed. On top of all that, he had the band gigs for extra money and managed time for your sweet landlord's little needs and made sure he had his time for you and your growing baby.
The man of the day was currently in the shower while you were sorting out the lint brush over his dress uniform. You'd gotten hot in the cotton robe you'd thrown on after your own shower and stood there in your bra and panties as you rolled the sticky roller over the dark material of his dress jacket.
When you were finally confident it was de-fuzzed and completely ready for him, you stepped back.
You hadn't even heard the water shut off, but you did catch the creak of the door when he opened it, revealing himself in a towel with water droplets on his shoulders and clinging to his freshly buzzed cut hair.
"It's all fuzz free for the fuzz," you smirked.
He smiled, his eyes scanning you up and down.
"What?" You frowned. 
"There's a baby," he grinned. "Oh, Monkey, you popped, babe! Look!"
He took you to the mirror in the corner of your room and turned you to the side so you could see what he saw. His hands settled at your hips, and you stared at your reflection.
There it was, barely noticeable but noticeable enough that you could see the slightly rounded curve against your stomach. "Oh," you whispered.
“Our boy is in there!” His fingers brushed the small but visible curve of your belly.
"Or girl," you smirked.
"Nope, I've done all the manifestation possible," he kissed your shoulder. "Baby Shea is a boy."
“That so, huh?”
"I've told you this," he rest his chin on your shoulder. His hands settled now on your bump.
You settled your hands atop his, "I know. I'm nearly convinced because of it."
He chuckled, kissing your cheek.
"I love you, Colin," you felt the urge to say.
“I love you, too.” He whispered back, not missing a beat.
You turned a little in his arms and smiled softly. You kissed his lips sweetly and took a step back, "I'm so proud of you. You've worked so hard for this. I'm proud to be with you."
A faint flush tinged at his cheeks as he smiled down at you.
"I'm so happy I get to watch your dad pin your badge on you today."
Colin smiled, “well it means a lot to him. And to me.”
You smiled softly, "we should get ready. Can't be late on your big day."
"I'm gonna get dressed and get a snack," you kissed him softly. "Officer Shea."
He grinned, “here to serve and protect.”
"And always come home."
“Hey, I’ll always come home to you.” Colin replied, his face soft. “And our little turnip.”
You nodded with a little snort at the turnip comment and turned away, a little cloud of emotions coming over you as you walked into the closet. You pulled your hunter green, samar satin dot embossed dress from the closet. It was relaxed enough to be comfortable and for now, would keep your bump between you and Colin. You wanted today to be about him, not the focus of your ever changing body and child.
You walked out with the garment and laid it out on the bed, admiring the cowl neck and longer sleeves. The length, coming to just your knees, was perfect for the October sky.
“That new?” Colin asked as he was toweling down his hair.
"Uh, no, I've had it. Just had it tucked away," you shrugged as you sat down to lotion up.
“I like it.”
The two of you maintained the easy, idle chit chat as you dressed. With a little make up and a quick knot at the nape of your neck, you were ready just as Colin was fixing his uniform tie in the mirror. You smiled to yourself as you watched him, he really did look incredibly handsome. 
"And just like," you whispered stepping up to him. Your fingers gently tapped his away and took over, "it's a little crooked." He stood still and let you sort it. "There," you tapped his chest lovingly with your palm. "I'm going for the snack now, and water. I'll meet you downstairs."
His arm gently looped round your waist, and he stooped to kiss you softly.
You hummed against his lips. "I don't know if you'll be sober enough later, so, I wanna give you my gift before we go, okay?"
“You didn’t have to get me anything…”
"I know I didn't, but I wanted to, so," you shrugged and headed out of your bedroom.
With a smile, Colin followed.
You grabbed the gift, wrapped in black paper with a blue ribbon tied to it, from your work bag and handed it to him.
He took it gently and grinned at you. “Thanks babe.” Colin tore the paper after he pulled the ribbon and unveiled a black, wooden box with Original Grain stamped in gold on the top.
He opened the box to reveal a beautiful watch, gunmetal in tone and wood grain. The Taylor Guitars emblem nestled under the glass with a pick boxed next to it.
“Oh…oh my…babe!” Colin blinked as he tore his eyes from the watch to you. 
You grinned. "I know you might not want to wear it on duty, and it be for special occasions but...."
“It’s…it’s beautiful. I…thank you.”
"You're welcome," you smiled. "Ready?"
“Yeah…” he nodded, pulling the watch from the box. “Just…lemme put this on.”
As quick as he opened it, Colin had the watch on and the two do you were driving towards the Seaport. The ceremony was going to be held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center for Colin's class of fifty nine cadets. The two of you were going to be staying at his parents for the night so you made sure you had everything stowed in a duffle for you both. He held your hand as you went, only letting go when it was time to park.
Jan, Scott, Kelly, and Justin were all waiting at the front entrance when you'd walked up, your mom not too far behind the two of you.
“Oh my…” Jan beamed when she saw Colin, “you…you look just like your dad did at his graduation.”
"Thanks, Ma," he grinned.
"Proud of you, son," Scott hugged Colin and shook his hand as he did so.
“Thanks, Dad.”
"Hey, Shea, we gotta go, man," one of his fellow cadets called out to him. "Line ready."
Colin grinned, "showtime!" He kissed your lips, kissed Jan's cheek, your mother's, his sister's and then ruffled Justin's hair as he passed. "See you soon."
You waved your fingers as you said goodbye. Then you smiled up at your mom, "let's get our seats."
"Colin Scott Shea," Colin's academy director called his name from him to come forward and collect his certificate of completion. Then a few more steps down the line was given his badge by the Commissioner and Chief of the Boston Police Department.
With pride, Colin walked across that stage and shook the hand of his director and posed for a brief picture. You watched with misty eyes as the whole ceremony carried on.
Once all the names of the cadets had been called, they were directed to stand and be sworn in. Each cadet raised their right hands and took their oath to serve and protect without prejudice the people of Boston and it's commons.
You could hear his mom fighting back her own little sobs. Your heart felt so full, your chest felt it would burst. Your mom held your hand as you both watched on. Your free hand fell to your belly as Colin's name was called and he grinned even wider looking at Scott standing there to pin his badge on his uniform.
“Proud of you, son.” His dad gave him a subtle wink.
"Thanks, Pop," Colin winked back and then shook his hand as it was over. Colin and Scott posed for an official photo before both exited the stage.
As the pinning of the badges went on, you began to feel a little unwell, so you excused yourself briefly to rush to the bathroom. You'd barely made it as you lost the snack you'd had and breakfast in the stall. 
"At least you waited for Daddy's part to be over, huh?" You snorted as you wiped your mouth with toilet paper and flushed the toilet.
When you returned, the crowd was piling out of the space and your heart sank. "Damn it," you swore. 
"There you are," Jan found you first. "She's over here!" She turned and looked at the family pouring out the doorway towards you. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. The baby decided I needed an empty stomach."
“You okay?” Colin asked you gently, cupping your face.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nodded and smiled at him, your eyes a little wet. "I missed then end, I'm sorry."
“Not much to report on.” Colin smiled.
"Okay." You breathed out. "Officer."
With a smirk he gave you a salute.
"You have some time, we're not expecting everyone at the house for a couple hours," Jan explained. "Figured we could all use a little winddown with all the excitement."
“Before we go, can someone get a photo of me and Y/N before I get outta the uniform?” Colin asked, before he looked down at you. “That okay?”
"I'd be offended if we didn't get one."
With a huge grin, he moved to stand beside you, arm looped around your waist. You rested your hand on his chest as the other curled around his back and settled there, splaying over his spine through his jacket. After smiling for the phones and cameras held up by your families, Colin squeezed your hip. You looked up at him with a bright smile and again, misty eyes.
"I'm so proud of you," you sniffed.
He dipped to kiss you, but you pulled away a little, "I just puked!"
"Don't care." He snorted as his fingers brushed your belly.
“Ewwww.” Justin made a gagging noise.
"Shutahp!" Colin pulled back and teased. "One day, bud."
A little under an hour later, you and Colin were pulling up to Jan and Scott's, the rest of the family and your mum having gone ahead, leaving you and Colin to stay while he spoke to a few people and had a few more photos taken.
Once the car stopped, Colin hopped out and was straight round to help you. But you'd thrown the door open and slid out, taking his certificate and badge box with you. He simply raised his brow.
"What?" You shrugged with a smirk. "I'm hungry, you're not moving fast enough."
“Wow…” Colin laughed, “I can’t apologize enough!”
"After you, Officer," you playfully winked and extended your arm out for him to lead the way.
“Shutahp!” He laughed and grabbed your hand.
You cackled as you let him drag you into the house. "Oh, the bag!"
"Get it later," he hollered over his shoulder.
The pair of you immediately jumped as a cacophony of voices shouting and confetti cannons exploding went off the minute Colin was through the door.
"What?!?!" He laughed as he saw everyone around cheering. He looked over at you and you shook your head indicating you had no idea. “You know you could have sent Y/N into labor…”
You chuckled, "I'm fine, we're fine." You touched your belly. "Go, have fun." You kissed his cheek.
“I gotta feed you first.”
"Baby..." you gently warned, "I'm capable. Mingle."
“Okay…okay…” he held his hands up.
Colin did just that. He slipped his jacket off and looked around for a place to put it, but you managed to swoop right in and grab it from him, ultimately taking it upstairs and setting it on the bed in his old room. Back down you went, mingling and meeting family again you'd not really seen since the 4th of July. While it was Colin's day, you kept to yourself about your nerves of seeing the rest of family that hadn't seen you since you'd realized you were pregnant. But you needn’t have worried, they were as nice to you now as they were then. His aunt even made mention how lovely it was Colin had found someone to build a family with.
You filled your plate a second time and found an open spot at the table with Jan and your mom. "You doing alright, Ma?"
Your mom looked up, then down at your belly, and back up. “You’ve popped, sweetheart.”
"Yeah," you looked down and grinned. "Came out of nowhere this morning."
Your mom beamed.
"Two more weeks, we'll know if this little turnip is pink or blue."
"Turnip, huh?" Jan smiled.
"Supposedly," you popped a cucumber slice in your mouth. 
"Well, I know I'm not speaking for just myself when I say we're excited to hear the news," your mom smiled over at Jan.
“Colin is convinced it’s a boy.”
"Oh yes, we know." Jan giggled. "He's taken up a family bet."
"No he has not!?"
“I'm afraid so…”
"Wow," you snorted. "Well, what's the wager?"
“Twenty with his dad, a Hershey’s bar with Justin and he has to wash Kelly’s car for a month.”
"Well, he has me nearly convinced myself since he's quote on quote manifested it so much."  You leaned forward, "what about the two of you?"
Your mom just smiled, “I honestly haven’t thought all that much, other than wanting him or her to arrive safe and healthy.”
"Oh," you blinked, and Jan?"
"Oh, sweetheart, I've been manifesting this baby comes out with ten fingers and toes and loves being as girly as the rest of us."
“Colin included?” You joked. 
"No," she laughed.
You grinned.
Speaking of Colin, he'd made sure to keep his eyes on you as often as possible. You'd caught him looking over more than once as he'd said hello to his friends and family, talking with them about everything. Half the guys in the band were already there and the rest were on their way.
As his eyes locked with yours again, he excused himself and headed over.
“I’m gonna grab our bag and get changed outta this uniform.” He kissed you quickly.
"Shame," you joked.
“You like it?” He grinned dopily, “well…maybe I’ll stay in it for a little longer.”
"I love it," you smirked. "But, if you're ready, go get comfy."
“I’ll hang on…”
"You eat anything?" You wondered, "your mom catered."
“I know,” He smiled, “I’ve been picking.”
"Alright," you took a bite of the potato salad on your plate.
“You need another drink?”
"I got my water, I'm fine," you looked up at him.
“You not try the 'no-secco' then?”
"Uh, actually, nope," you sighed. "I was still trying to get through the water for the day."
“Okay,” he smiled. “I'm still gahnna grab our bag, be right back.”
The party carried on. After Colin brought the bag in, he stayed in his uniform. He kept it on because of his pride and because you said you'd liked it. He also loosened up a lot more with his bandmates and friends around. Family filtered out after a short while and even yourself were growing tired. But you dare not miss a minute of watching Colin and how happy he was.
He was also definitely a little tipsy. Not drunk-drunk but happy, relaxed.
You, Kelly, and your mom, helped Jan clean up the food and made sure it was all packed away. The cupcakes and fruit were left out along with the cookie tray from Colin's favorite place in Little Italy. And by the time it was all over, the bandmates the last to go, a final hurrah of sorts as a band, Scott and Colin were sat outside around the fire ring with scotch in their hands while you were coming out in leggings and a sweater.
"Jan said I should check on you, make sure the two of you hadn't fallen in."
Colin looked up and smiled. “Nah, Monkey…I’m fine.”
You smiled softly, "nice watch." You winked and walked off. You were beat, but it wasn't late at all.
Colin followed you with his eyes abs then looked at his dad. “Erm, think that might have been a hint…”
"Nah, I think she's just giving you your time," Scott chuckled. "But I've made a mistake or two in reading your mother's mind over the years."
"Dad, thank you," Colin sighed. "For everything. This opportunity, I didn't deserve it. I was a fuck up."
“Son,” Scott sighed, “what you were doesn’t matter. It’s what you do from now on.”
"I got a whole lot ahead."
“You do.”
"Never thought.... I mean it happened so fast and we're still figuring it all out but, fahk, Pop, I really love her. And this job, I can provide for my family," Colin tipped back his drink. "My family," he snorted. "Fahkin' beats the gigs any time."
Scott smiled as he took a pull from his beer. “You sound so grown up…”
"Yeah, that's weird," Colin laughed.
“Happens to us all at some point, pal.”
"Yeah," he sighed.
"Get outtah here," Scott teased. "Before she falls asleep on you."
With a grin, Colin stood, “love you Dad,”
"Love you, too, son," Scott stood as well and hugged Colin. "Very proud day for me."
Colin smiled back, nothing else to say. He took his glass into the kitchen and rinsed it, setting it off to the side and finding everyone else in the den.
"Where's Y/N?"
Your mom looked up from where she and your mom were working on a puzzle. "She went to lay down. Kelly went to drop off Justin with Paul."
“I’ll just go see how she is.”
"Good night, baby," Jan smiled.
"Ma...." Colin groaned. He came over quickly and hugged her, bending over to do so. "Thanks, Ma, it was a great party. I love you."
“You’re welcome. We are all so proud.”
Colin smiled warmly and turned to your mom. "Caroline, thank you for coming. It meant a lot." He hugged her, too.
“I wouldn’t have missed it for anything…”
"Night ladies," Colin smiled and spoke with finality.
They both wished him goodnight as he turned abs left the room.
He climbed the stairs with a dumb smirk over his lips. He was a cop. Boston's finest. He would have been one even if he hadn't met you, but having you by his side, knowing you were out there today with his family, your growing baby, his baby, that just made it feel all the more enjoyable. Or at least he thought.
Colin stepped foot into his childhood bedroom seeing you sorting out his uniform jacket on a hanger. Your dress from earlier hanging next to it.
“Hi…” he said softly, closing the door behind him.
"Hi," you parrot. "Ready to get out of that uniform?"
“I guess…”
You chuckled with a smirk, "or don't. At least take the hardware off if you're gonna go to bed in it."
“I’m naht gonna sleep in it.” He laughed
You shrugged and moved to sit on the bed. His fingers reached up to the collar of his shirt.
"Is this my Magic Mike moment?" You snorted.
“Do you want it to be?” He grinned, pausing for a moment
You laughed, "it can't be any worse than my strip show."
“I happened to find that strip show incredibly hot.”
"I know, I remember."
He grinned as his fingers moved down his shirt.
Your eyes tracked his movements. "My mom noticed the bump."
"Yep," you blushed.
“What did she say?” His fingers finished the last button.
"That she is excited to find out what they are."
"He is a he," Colin chuckled as he slipped the uniform shirt off and draped it over another hanger.
You looked him up and down, that tight white undershirt almost painted on. His physique had been steadily changing the closer graduation had come. More refined, cut lines and thicker arms. He was already in good shape when the two of you met, but now, you could surely bounce a coin off any given body part.
"Yeah?" You met his eyes.
“Just checking you’re still with me
"Mmmhmm," you hummed. "Just admiring what's mine."
“You mean this, yeah?” He pointed at himself.
"None other," you said lowly.
He gave a dopey grin as his hands went to his belt. You licked your lips and leaned forward taking your top off.
"At my parents’ house? Really, babe?"
You only shrugged.
“You’re so bad…” he grinned
"I'll put it back on."
“Why would you do that?”
You just blinked.
“It’s my special day…and I don’t want you to.”
You nodded.
His eyes didn’t leave yours as he popped the button to the fly of his dress uniform pants. 
And then he snorted. “I should probably undo my boots first…”
"Might be helpful," you giggled. "I stand corrected, maybe I was a better stripper."
“Hey, I’ve never done this for anyone before!” He laughed as he sat down to undo his laces.
You sat up and crawled over to him across the bed and kneeled behind him. Wrapping your arms around him from the back, you leaned forward and kissed his neck.
"I hope you get to a station close to home," you spoke softly as you hung on to him while he undid his boots.
“Why? So I can come home on breaks?” He laughed. 
"No, I mean eventually. When the baby comes." You said.
He stopped and turned his head towards you, a soft smile on his face, “we’ll be fine. I promise you.”
"I know," you whispered. You gave him a peck and pulled back, sliding back to the headboard and pillows. "Or close to the zoo would be cool, too."
“I’d be able to wave at you as I drive past.” He grinned, kicking off his left boot
You chuckled, "Yeah."
A thud as his right hit the floor, and he turned and crawled over you as you sat back against the pillow.
"Hi," you whispered.
“Hi…” he smiled.
"You taking me in, Officer?"
“In a fashion.” His voice dropped.
"Too bad I have to be quiet."
“I’m sure you’ll manage…”
You leaned up and kissed him, slanting your lips over his. Your hands fell to his shoulders as you started to lay down more, taking him with you. His hands kept him propped up over you.
"Not tired anymore?" Colin asked against your lips.
"Always tired, just wanna feel you."
“Well, I shouldn’t keep you waiting huh?”
“Nope. Blame the uniform."
It was the truth. As soon as you'd seen how handsome and downright sexy he looked in his dress uniform, you were hooked. Your head spun you in a few directions through the day like what he'd look like in his regular beat uniform, his training polo, if he'd bring his cuffs home.
“I don’t care what it is…” his lips travelled to your jaw.
You hummed with a little moan.
His teeth nipped your skin.
“Fahk Y/N.”
Your heart raced and you felt a twist in your belly that tingled your core.
“I love you, baby.”
"I love you," you sighed.
“And you…” his hand cupped your belly.
You chuckled lowly. "They love you, too."
"Mmhmm, he..."
Colin smirked as his lips slanted over yours once more. You hummed against his kiss, parting your own lips to take the kiss deeper. Your hands cupped his face as you pulled him close.
“Get naked…”
With a little shift you managed to start shimmying out of your sleep shorts and panties, moving your legs back and forth against the comforter to get them over your hips and thighs, down past your knees.
“You’re wearing too many clothes,” you whispered as he nuzzled at your neck.
Colin gave a little snort and pulled back. He sat up on his knees, towering over you and reached behind his head. In a quick motion, his crisp white tee was off and tossed to the floor. He bent and kissed you, his chest rubbing against yours and you moaned at the friction to your sensitive nipples. You gave him a playful shove and he took the hint, standing at the side of the bed to slip out of his slacks and boxers.
With a coquettish flick of your brow, you bent your legs open
“Fahk," he groaned.
“Don’t keep me waiting Mr. Shea…”
Colin crawled over you and started trailing his lips from yours to down your neck while his hand slipped between you. He felt around for your folds and toyed with your slit. A little gyration from your hips in response made him chuckle into your skin.
"Oh, baby," he whispered.
“What do you want, Monkey?”
"You," you managed as he played with you, "I want you."
"Love on me, wanna see you." You reached between the two of you and brushed past his hand until your fingertips touched the sensitive tip of his cock.
You drew a groan from his mouth, his eyes flittering shut. With a little twist you started to bring him closer to your opening. You felt him shift, his nose brushing yours as he tipped his hips forward.
His hand was replaced by yours, guiding him where you wanted him and with another small thrust, Colin slid inside you. You whimpered, trying to keep your noise to a minimum.
A slow pull back, saw him pushing into you again deeper this time.
"Oh fuck," you squeaked out. "Like that."
"Yeah," you rasped.
Slow rolls into you, soft kisses all up your neck and across your jaw had you quietly whimpering.
"Fahk, y/n," he groaned.
"Don't....I'm close."
His teeth grazed your ear, “feel so good…”
Your breath began a staccato chant in his ear.
“Oh baby…”
"Colin, more...."
With a grunt, his hands reached for yours. Lacing your fingers together, he pressed them on the bed by your head.
"I love you," you whispered. "I love you so much."
“I love you too.” He kissed you deeply, his hips speeding up.
The closer you got to orgasm, the more you squeezed his hands. You bent your knees and brought the up to his hips, ready to hold on as your body began to tense.
“Can feel you baby…” he grunted, “man I can feel you.”
"I'm... I'm gonna cum," you tensed.
“Thassit….let go sweethaaht.”
"Oh my g....."
“Ohhh baby girl…” Colin slowed his hips as you moved through it, your body feeling weightless as you floated on the remaining tendrils of ecstasy. His lips peppered your cheeks.
With what strength you had left, you tilted your hips to roll your bodies so that Colin was on his back. His hands flew to your hips. The curve of your belly visible from his angle. His eyes lingered there, before they trailed back up and met yours. Your hair was messed up, your lips plump, your eyes glittering with list and your breasts were full.
“You look so beautiful…”
The compliment caught your breath.
His eyes never left yours as he rolled up into you.
"Oh wow."
Shifting, he bent his knees, feet flat on the bed jolting you a little
You lightly moaned and settled your hands on top of his. Sliding them to your little bump from your hips, you held them there and rolled into his hips.
“Fahk…” his bottom lip curled between his teeth
"Take it, Shea."
“Oh, Jesus…”
You kept the roll of your hips in time with the tilt of his, a second orgasm for yourself approaching.
“I’m…fahk!” His head fell back against the pillow
"Oh, yeah, Colin..."
The tendons in his neck strained.
You bent forward a little, your small bump grazing the small trail of hair at his belly button. You were teetering on the edge yourself. A swivel of your hips and you were just right there. You planted your lips into his and kisses him fiercely, swallowing your own whimper as you came.
The pair of you led, spent.
Colin managed to get the two of you on your sides, "can't squish him."
You giggled, then sighed.
"Mmhmm," he hummed into your hair. "This has been the best day of my life, y/n."
You pulled back to look up at him, smiling softly. “I’m so glad you feel like that,”
His fingers delicately stroked up and down your spine as you settled into him further.
You tucked your head under his chin. "I love you," you whispered as you nodded off.
“Love you too….” The soft reply came, the last thing you heard.
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Guess who's getting an update today?!
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☝🏻This☝🏻 guy!
@what-is-your-plan-today and I hope you enjoy!
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Happy 10 year anniversary to my fave Marvel film!!! CATWS
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch 13: On Your Left
Summary: Steve and Katie meet a new friend whilst out jogging, and Steve is sent on a mission to rescue a ship- the Lemurian Star…but it fast becomes apparent that not everyone on his team is pulling in the same direction.
Paring: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Language! Smut (NSFW, 18+)
A/N: We jump forward a couple of months here and slip straight into the Winter Soldier storyline. Credit to @angrybirdcr​ for another lovely edit, and this re-post contains additional materiel- I’ve written the mission out instead of merely skipping over it.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 12 Part 2
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Keep reading
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Monkey See, Monkey Do Masterlist
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Disclaimer: This and all works on this blog are a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. This work and all works on this blog are not intended for those under the age of 18 due to explicit sexual content, adult content and themes, language, etc. By reading this work or any works posted, shared or reblogged on this blog , you agree that you are at least 18 years of age.
The author of this work claims not own any characters outside of the OC(s; original character(s)) here within. 
In addition, works posted on this blog are NOT to be reposted on any other website. This includes WattPad, AO3, fanfiction.net or any other entity of the like. I, the author and creator, DO NOT consent to have ANY work hosted on any third party app or site or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr, it’s been reposted WITHOUT permission.
By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer and ALL warnings posted here.
Spectre-posts Masterlist
@wiypt-writes Masterlist
Characters: Colin Shea x Reader/You
Rating: Mature/NSFW 18+/Explicit
Warnings: fluff, past relationships, NSFW 18+, swearing, adult content, adult situations (applies to all chapters)
Written with and beta’d by: @what-is-your-plan-today (@wiypt-writes)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5, Part 1
Chapter 5, Part 2
Chapter 6 (Kinktober 2022 Entry)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Asks, Drabbles and One Shots
Nosy Asks 31 and 38
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@sweater-daddiesdumbdork ❤️❤️❤️
Imma add my partner in crime @spectre-posts for the wonderful joint projects we got going on
Let's spread some positivity! Tag some of your fellow content creators here and let them know why they are absolutely amazing!❤️
@navybrat817 The passion in your stories always shines through so vividly, I love the care you give everything, big and small.
@sagechanoafterdark your love for giving Bucky something good makes me so happy everytime I see it.
@americas-ass-writing I absolutely adore that you were willing to touch on hard subjects, like reader feeling unseen or Steve wanting to have a simpler life and not be captain america.
@autumnrose40 your monsters, chefs kiss. I always love when you do something monster, shifter, ghost, etc. You always make me yearn for more of those verses.
@what-is-your-plan-today your dedication to detail and weaving the story from start to finish, and all the small stuff in between to add to the bigger picture. I admire your dedication.
@astheskycries the softness and tenderness in your characters! the way they grow into themselves. I always love how your stories progress.
@ronearoundblindly I admire how vulnerable you make your characters, recently reading your series, you touched on some aspects of Steve that just don't get seen often and it was so beautifully done.
@krirebr I admire the way you have me holding my breath in anticipation of what is going to happen next, reading your dark andy series had me grasping for clues as to where you were going to take us next.
@targaryenvampireslayer Suz, recently reading your dark bucky had my heart racing. I love how you are able to keep us on the edge of our seats, reading as fast as possible just to see what unhinged thing was gonna happen.
This is just a small list of writers, but please everyone feel free to continue tagging some of your favorites for a shoutout.
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I was so pleased when this dropped in my inbox! Wonderful to see them back 🥰🥰🥰
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Six: Busted
Summary- 5.3k. Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Everyone is getting together for a dart tournament at Paulie's when everything is derailed before the night even starts.
Warnings- Unwanted attention from drunken men, vicious comments and name calling, fighting, police not taking the situation seriously, talk about Curtis's past and his mental health.
A/N- Thank you so much! Everyone who takes the time to like, share, comment, leave me messages and asks. Especially those who just feel seen in this storyline. You all have all my gratitude and appreciation. (let's be honest, I totally tear up and get all emotional) You all honestly are part of the reason I continue writing and sharing. Special shout out to @what-is-your-plan-today for editing. Dividers made by the talented @firefly-graphics
A/N 2- Is there an award for terrible titles? Cause I should have that trophey.
Chapter Twenty-Five / Masterlist
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You, Claude and Yona drove together after getting done at the school for the week, heading straight for Paulie's. The three of you were getting ready in Yona’s car, laughing amongst yourselves as makeup was applied in the car's vanity mirrors and someone played lookout while the other changed in the backseat. While you were doing the finishing last touches on your outfit, Claude was filling you and Yona in about having her first official weekend with Sophia present. You were finishing up your lipstick while in the backseat Yona helped Claude do her hair. “How are you feeling about this weekend?” 
“I’m excited. I have a bunch of games and stuff to do with her. I just… want her to like me being around when she's with her dad?” Claude fretted a bit, glancing out the window while Yona calmly braided her long hair in an intricate pattern. 
“You don’t have much to worry about. Sophia likes just about everyone. Ella and Grey are pretty good co-parents.” You assured her. “What are you doing this weekend Yona?” 
The woman whipped a couple of ties in Claude’s hair, patting on the braids to make sure none of them were loose. “Tomorrow I’m taking Edgar to do some indoor rock climbing.” She grinned in excitement. “He claims he isn't scared of heights and it's something I love doing, so we will see.” 
“Okay, that sounds pretty cool and Yona, are you like a professional stylist?!” Claude was leaning between the seats to look in the rear view mirror at the tight curls of braids Yona made in her hair, her head tilting left and right to check them out. “I would have paid a small fortune for this at a salon.” 
Yona shrugged as if it was no big deal. “I used to do my friend's hair all the time at home. What about you?” 
“Oh, I think tomorrow we are gonna have a game night with Tanya, Timmy, Ella and I think Grey was coming around too with you and Soph?” You asked Claude and she gave a nod confirming it. “Okay, I’m ready to get inside. Are you guys?” Another glance out the window made you catch sight of Curtis’s truck in its usual place as well as quite a few other regulars and out-of-state plates, meaning it was going to be a busy night.
Which you didn’t mind, that meant Curtis would spend some of the time helping Paulie at the bar making great tips and giving you a chance to shamelessly check him out while he was working. It always made some fun flirting and usually sneaking off together much to Paulie's dismay. Claiming his place of business was reputable. 
“I'm ready,” Claude said as she pushed the door open and the three of you piled out of the car to make your way to the front door, where a group of men were just stepping out and headed back to the cars that had out-of-state plates on them. None of you paid any attention to passing the loud boisterous group till one reached out to grasp your arm, stopping you in your tracks with surprise. 
“Where you running off to sweetheart?” He flashed a grin that was supposed to be flirtatious but came off more leering than anything. It made your heart tighten, reminding you so much of Jake’s grin that he flashed whenever he had you cornered. Your eyes widened in alarm as you pulled your arm from the stranger's grasp. 
“No thank you, not interested.” You said to brush him off, going to sidestep around him to re-join Claude and Yona who just noticed that you were no longer with them. You weren’t allowed to leave though, he stepped back in front of you, blocking your way. 
“Come on, I’m just trying to be nice. You could at least give me a smile.” His gaze fell down your body. You felt sick at his gaze, taking in your figure as if he was contemplating how easy you might be. From the gleam in his eyes, he wasn’t thinking you would pass him up. 
“Let me go.” You said calmly, good at hiding the flutter of unease building. 
“Y/N… You all good?” Claude re-joined you, glaring at the man in your path as she hooked her arm through yours, making you both a joint team. 
He sneered at the two of you, his circle of friends coming to enclose the space further cutting you and Claude now off from the door. There were a few cold snickers and the heavy smell of alcohol coming off of them. 
“Yeah, let's get inside, I’m sure Grey and Curtis are expecting us.” You went to lead Claude through an opening between the strangers but that too was cut off. Over their shoulder, you saw Yona take a few steps as if to join you but then dart inside. You were sure she was going for some help. 
In the few seconds all this took place, you felt helpless. It would take too long to grab the pepper spray from the keychain in your jeans pocket and Claude was gearing up to swing a punch, you felt her practically vibrating with anger next to you. “What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Fucking dickheads, MOVE.” She snapped, pushing against one's chest to back them up a step.
He was bigger though, an unmoveable force who she bounced off.
The original prick barked out as he waved a hand towards you. “That’s the problem with the girls around here, ungrateful bitches.” He stepped in closer to you, brushing against you momentarily to make you stumble back, his hands once more catching you to pull you aggressively in while you yelled with alarm, slapping at him while losing contact with Claude. “You should be thanking me for being willing to fuck someone like you.” 
You could have sworn you felt bile roll up your stomach while his liquored breath soured the air you were breathing, panic starting to set in. 
“Let her the fuck go.” Claude yanked at you once more into her hold and you lifted your arm, throwing a punch at the drunk stranger. Your aim fell wildly off its mark but it was enough for Claude to pull you out of his reach and then a sharp roar came up behind them. You only saw a flash of Curtis’s dark face, enraged before he struck. His fist landed firmly against the back of someone's head, pitching them against one of their drunk friends. 
“Get your fucking hands off those girls.” His voice was deep with anger, while he shoved his way between you and them, his fist landing in someone's gut, making them keel over and throw up the liquor. Grey came up to block you and Claude, sending you out of the mayhem while Edgar barrelled out of the bar to help Curtis. Yona followed out right behind him to get you guys inside. 
“Someone has to help them.” You rushed, ready to go right back out but Grey caught you to pull you back into the bar. Paulie was coming out with a bat in his hands muttering to himself as he went to go outside and from the distance, police sirens could be heard. “Curtis and Edgar are outnumbered, Grey.” You said in a panic and he shook his head at letting you go back outside. Claude and Yona went around the back of the bar to search for a first aid kit. 
“Trust me, it won’t last long. Curtis and Edgar are fine.” Grey assured you, catching you from slipping around him. “This isn’t either of their first fights. Just stay, okay? Curtis would ring my neck if I let you back out there. ” He let you go and moved to slip back outside. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck.” You swore, waiting all of ten seconds to burst out of the door following Grey. Several cop's cars were flashing lights and scattered around the parking lot. Officers were dragging both Curtis and Edgar into the back of one of the cars. “Hey!” You dashed down the steps to yet again be blocked by another man. 
A sober cop this time. You glared up at him while pointing to the car you just saw Curtis and Edgar piled into. “Miss, go back inside.” 
“Why the hell are you arresting them!?” Your voice raised in question. “They saved me and my friend from being harassed and assaulted.” 
“By who?” The officer stepped aside to show the majority of the men from before bloodied and being helped up. 
“Them obviously.” You snapped. “That one blocked me from going to the bar and the rest joined in him taunting us. Fuck, he even grabbed me.” 
“Okay Miss, we can take you down to the station if you want to put in a formal statement against them.” 
“You still didn’t answer why you arrested Curtis and Edgar. Why not those men?” 
You could see the flash of irritation at you, another officer coming up to join him. “Miss, please calm down.” 
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down.” Your arms folded defensively against your chest as you kept pushing for an answer. “Why?” 
“Because Everett and Bell assaulted those men and…” He waved his hands at Paulie’s “Intoxicated.” 
“That is utter fucking bullshit.” You spat out and they narrowed their eyes at you. “Claude and I were attacked first and they haven’t been here long enough to be intoxicated. The guys who grabbed me, they’re the ones that are intoxicated!”
“That’s not your call to make Miss… What is your name?” 
“Y/N.” You snapped out. “When can they be picked up then?” You were raging now at the utter unfairness of what was going on. The men who harassed you were being treated by a few EMTs for what looked like bloody, possibly broken noses. They had all miraculously sobered up enough to put on a decent act. “Yes, I will be putting in a report on them.” You were shaking while you leaned enough to look around the cops. “THOSE ASSHOLES HARRASSED ME.” You flipped them the bird while behind you Paulie came up, bat still in hand. 
“She’s right, I just kicked them out for trying to start a fight.” 
“Yes, we are being told it was more like the other way around. That Edgar and Curtis were trying to start something inside with them and they left.” 
Paulie snorted in disgust while you rolled your eyes at them. “Bullshit, Curtis, and Edgar weren’t doing anything but hanging out at the dartboards waiting on the girls for a game. It’s a tournament night here. This lot took up the slot next to them and started in on them looking for a fight. Kicked 'em out, we all look out for each other here. It was my mistake not checking outside to see who was in the parking lot.” Paulie gave you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry Y/N, if I just followed them out, and made sure they left...” 
You put a hand on your friend's arm, smiling at him to assure him you weren’t upset. “Don’t, you had no idea they would mess with us too.”  
“Well, we will look into it, if you got cameras set up or anything.” One officer offered a way to a solution, the other looked like he wanted to be doing anything other than dealing with you and Paulie. 
“Yeah, I have some covering the front door, it should see everything that happened out here.” He motioned to go inside, the officer following him. That left you with the one who seemed to not give a shit. 
“So, I just have to go to the station to get Curtis and Edgar?” 
“We will still be keeping them overnight.” 
You wanted to continue about how ridiculous it was, but it was clear that was the most you were going to get. Turning away, you went back into the bar to grab your stuff. “They are not letting Curtis or Edgar out tonight.” You informed the group, Yona immediately grabbed her jacket to slip back on. 
“I can drive us over.” She informed. “They were arrested?” 
“Yeah, supposedly for being publicly intoxicated. And possibly assault.” Claude handed you your purse you had ditched earlier. 
“Do you want me and Grey to go?” She questioned worriedly while Grey went to dig out his car keys. 
“No, Grey you probably shouldn’t go if you have had anything to drink or else they will find some bullshit to charge you with.” You sighed in aggravation. 
He hesitated before pulling you aside. “Listen, I don’t know what Curtis has told you, but they might give you a bit of a hard time.” 
“Why?” You frowned while listening. 
“It isn’t the first time he has been arrested for fighting and it’s been quite a while but they don't let shit go.”
“Of course.” You pinched the space between your forehead and nose. “Okay, thanks. I will drop you guys a message later about what's going on.” You waved at Grey, Claude, and Paulie on your way out with Yona. 
That little dark thought lodged in your brain, wondering if Curtis was hiding his previous arrest from you all along, or was it something he simply never thought to bring up? 
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Edgar paced back and forth in the cell while Curtis leaned back against the wall, one leg stretched out ahead of him and the other folded closer to him, bouncing now and then with anxious energy. They hated this, both of them but all they could do was wait it out. The likelihood they would be let go tonight was slim. Not with his previous track record. 
His eyes were closed as he pictured the look on your face as you looked up at that asshole blocking your way on purpose. You looked calm at that moment, but he could see how wide your eyes were, shining way too brightly with alarm. He had been intent on just approaching and standing the guy down, already knowing he would back down the second he saw him.
But then the bastard had stepped into your space, purposely making you stumble back in an attempt to keep yourself out of his reach, laid a hand on you and that’s when Curtis was ready to rip the man’s head off. 
Curtis did manage to lay the man flat out with the promise that if he ever laid a hand on you or any woman again, Curtis was going to rip him apart. That was when the cops showed up. Familiar faces from years ago dragging him off and slapping cuffs on him. 
‘Bout time we brought you in again.’
He ground his teeth in aggravation at the memories it dragged up, his eyes slitting to open, watching Edgar pace back and forth muttering about asshole cops. Curtis worried about how you were dealing, were you okay? He knew Claude, Grey, Yona, and Paulie would make sure you were fine, but he just kept picturing your face. Hearing you afterward calling his name as the door slammed on him. 
You looked pissed at that moment and he couldn’t help smiling at that. 
“What are you grinning at?” Edgar stopped pacing and slouched on the bench next to him, still a ball of nervous energy. 
“Just thinking about Y/N giving those officers hell.” 
Edgar laughed then, leaning back much like Curtis was. “I saw out the back window, she was mad. Not like it do us any good, but she looked like she was ready to deck him.” 
“Yeah, she did.” Curtis barked a laugh. “I don’t think I have ever seen her mad like that before.” 
“When do you think they will let us out?” 
“They won’t, not till morning at least. Public intoxication and all that.” 
“Bullshit charge, we hadn’t even finished a beer yet,” Edgar muttered in outrage, glancing around the empty cell. “I hate this.” 
“So do I.” Curtis pushed up to stretch himself out, the bench a hard unrelenting place. He would much rather be in his bed with you, soft, and warm in his arms. “Probably those bastards will just get a slap on their hand and let go too.” 
“Fuck I hope not.”
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It was hours later when they were finally let go, served with papers for fines they needed to pay. Charges were dropped against them for assault, much to Curtis’surprise. You and Yona were sitting out in the lobby, both of you huddled in the uncomfortable seats, heads leaning against one another in what must have been an unrestful sleep. Edgar was gentle when he touched Yona, his hand brushing along the side of her face, whispering her name. Curtis squatted in front of your seat, letting his hands slide over yours till your eyes slipped open and you gave him a sleepy smile, sliding forward to hug around his neck. 
“Hey, I didn’t think they were ever going to let you out.” You muttered into the crook of his neck
He squeezed you back assuringly, rubbing at your back. “They like to drag ass over this stuff. You ready to go home?” 
“Please.” You pulled back to let him go and Curtis held you against him a second longer before letting you ease off the seat, pulling himself back up to a stand. In the parking lot, you said goodbye to Edgar and Yona, who were quick to promise to call later to reschedule the missed triple date at the bar but you could tell they just wanted to head home. Neither had gotten a lot of sleep that night. Curtis was relieved to see his truck already there. 
“Yeah, he said he had a spare to your house and grabbed your extra keys.” You dug them from your purse to hand over to Curtis. 
Getting in, the drive back to the house was quiet. But not the typical comfortable kind that happened between you two, more like you had something on your mind and it was worrying you, causing unspoken tension. “Did you stay there all night Honey?”
“Hmm?” You turned back towards him just as he was pulling into the driveway, next to your car. “Oh yeah, Yona was set on staying till she at least saw Edgar, and good luck getting me to leave after what happened. Every time we asked to see either of you, they had an excuse not to let us talk to you.” You paused as if collecting your thoughts. “They seemed to not like you. At all.” 
“Mmhh, yeah,” Curtis said, he wasn’t ready to elaborate and you let it die there for now. Instead, you both made your way into the house, yawning loudly as you looked at the time. 
“Good morning, about the time I typically wake up.” You chuckle and Curtis rubbed at his face, making himself go cross-eyed a bit. 
“How about today we nap in bed instead, take a real lazy day?” 
“I could really go for that.” You shrugged out of your jacket and hung it up, offering to take his. 
“Deal, you wanna go get comfy upstairs and I will be up with some snacks?” Curtis offered. 
“I can make you something if you want?” You hesitated at the foot of the stairs, thinking out loud. “I have those veggies diced up and you got eggs, I saw them in there yesterday. I could make us western omelets.”
Curtis shook his head, directing you back towards the stairs. “Nope, I got it. Go shower if you want and get comfy… wear that tee of mine I love so much?” 
You went up a few steps, twisting to face him while still inching up the steps, grinning. “That and what else?” 
“Absolutely fucking nothing.” He gave a feral grin, even as tired as he was and you laughed while finishing going up the stairs. Curtis heard the house's old pipes groan, signaling you started your shower. It gave him plenty of time to get some of the quick easy snacks he had in the house. Grabbing some of Sophia’s granola bars, a bag of your favorite goldfish, his stash of Oreo cookies, and some other randoms he found in the pantry. Then he was sure to make you a cup of your favorite tea with generous dollops of honey to sweeten it to your liking. He took a quick sip, making sure it was how you liked it. 
Curtis finally made it upstairs where his bed never looked so good. Especially with a few of your clothes littered on it from where you undressed to shower. Dropping the snacks at the foot of the bed, he heard you turn the water off, steam flowing from out of the shower. Yanking off his shirt and pants, he walked into the bathroom in his boxers, preparing the tub for himself while you stood at the mirror doing a few last-minute things. 
“There’s a cup of tea on your nightstand Honey.” He brushed a kiss to your still bare shoulder, the towel firmly wrapped around you while you rubbed some of your lotion on your face and down your neck. 
“Thanks Curtis, water should be plenty hot. I was quick.” You smiled at him in the mirror while he shed the last of his clothes and slipped in behind the curtain. 
You finished what you were doing, sure to clean the sink off while listening to the water splash around Curtis, now and then the curtain would move with his movements. You retreated from the bathroom before he finished, crawling up on the bed and letting yourself lean back into the pillows. 
There was a lot to take in over the past several hours. Something you hadn’t let yourself ponder on till now when it was all said and done. You hated the doubt that crept in, the way Curtis had gone after all those men without any hesitation or fear, then Grey making mention that Curtis had been in trouble before. It wasn’t that you thought of Curtis as being violent, not towards you in the least and you had only heard him lose his temper with Edgar at Halloween. But Jake was always such a nice guy until he wasn’t and you never would have guessed that from him. You knew him your whole life, your father and his were partners in their consultation firm. 
But then one day it started and you always allowed it to continue while lying to yourself to be okay with it. As much as you loved Curtis, more than you ever felt for Jake, you couldn’t be that way with someone again. 
Curtis came back out, this time dressed in his plaid pajama bottoms and a faded old tee, ready to crawl into bed next to you. You took an appreciative sip of the tea that he made, letting the warm liquid calm you down a bit more while Curtis slipped into the bed next to you, making a grab for the snacks he had brought up and deposited them on the nightstand, grabbing a couple of oreo cookies and flipping one into his mouth. 
“Thank you for coming to get me at the station Honey.” He finally said, breaking the silence in the room while offering you his other cookie. 
You took it, nibbling on it a second before setting everything in your hands aside. “As I said, after seeing the way those officers were acting, I wasn’t about to leave you there.” 
“They dropped the charges surprisingly,” Curtis admitted while leaning back against the pillows, his hand coming up to your back and tracing patterns in it while he started to relax for the first time. “I wasn’t expecting that.” 
You let yourself sink into the feeling of his fingers on you, making your body slowly loosen from his touch, you were soon easing back and curling up next to him, your hand sliding against his chest while he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his side. “They had to drop them after Yona and I went down to fill out our reports against that group, Claude will be going in later today, she told me to do the same thing. Between us and Paulie pulling up his security videos, they weren't able to make anything solid stick. Keeping you overnight was just a way to hold you and Edgar for a while longer." You frowned with frustration.  
Curtis tilted forward to press an affectionate kiss to your forehead, scooping you in closer to him.
"It should have never fucking happened. You, Yona, and Claude should be able to walk across a parking lot at any time." 
You felt the tip of his fingers lift your chin so you looked up at him, the sheer concern in his expression, the way his eyes were a wide blue boring into you, you yet again felt foolish over your concern that this man would in any way hurt you. “Curtis…” You twisted to your hip to face him, letting there be a bit of space between you so you could comfortably look at him to talk. "Yes, I was scared at the moment, but I knew you were close.” 
“Mmmh, They will probably just get a slap on the wrist and nothing further than that.” He practically growled and you let your hand raise to smooth the worried lines in his forehead. 
“Unfortunately that is probably gonna be the case. I hope that they learned a lesson in what the word ‘No’ means though. You and Edgar left them quite a few reminders” You let your hand drop once his forehead smoothed out. “But Grey said that you were familiar with the cops picking you up?” You hesitated, not wanting to bring up his past like this, but you had to know. 
Curtis nodded a bit to confirm. “I can’t say the local Duluth precinct and I are on the best of terms. Of course, this was many years ago, but bar fights weren’t an uncommon thing for me.
You stayed quiet, intent on letting him continue with whatever he wanted to share. “As a young man… I was angry? Lost and unsure of myself, my grandparents did an amazing job being my parents. But I was still mad at the world for having never gotten to have that time with my mom and dad, I never got to see Tyler grow into the man he should have been. I had so many what-ifs built in me. Lillian and Wilford tried to help me, but you know when you are young you miss what is right in front of you.” 
“So all this anger, it turned into fighting?” 
“It did, I would get into it with other people. Looking for it I guess would be the best way to put it. It was the only thing that made me feel good.” He glanced at you worriedly but you kept your features neutral. “I don’t know if I’m explaining it right, I was an angry young man. I’m glad you didn’t know me then.” 
“Hey, we all have our shit, right?” You said with a gentle smile. “Keep going, what happened?” 
“I hit rock bottom. Had to spend some time at a minimum security prison. Not long, but it was several months. My Gram came to visit me several times, and my grandfather did a couple of times. But it was easy to see how disappointed he was. I hated it, I was ashamed of how low I went with it. The judge released me and I went to Nam for a more permanent job.” His fingers flowed up and down your arm, making pleasured sensations settle in you, retaining that connection even while you two were separated a bit to face each other. “Sent me to training and I started from the bottom up. Grandpa was retired by then so I worked up to his position.” 
“You must have wanted the change to work that hard Curtis.” You wiggled a bit closer. “Did all those feelings, the anger… they stop?” 
“Um, I channeled them in a new way. Grey and I were friends during this time, he was always trying to get me to go with him to his uncle's gym, just beyond the school called Big Jon Boxing.
When I got out, I finally took him up on the offer. Big Jon taught me some boxing, tossed me in the ring to punch and kick out all those feelings.” 
You half pushed up, leaning on an elbow. “You’re just sharing with me that you can box?” 
Curtis laughed, shrugging a shoulder. “Yeah, pretty good at it too, not to brag.” 
“Do you still go?” You eased down again, now back in his side, curling a leg through his. 
“I haven’t in a while, not since last summer. Grey was telling me Big Jon was asking when I’m coming back.” 
“So since you met me?” You huffed out, making Curtis chuckle again. 
“Well, I also have some equipment down in the cellar for when I couldn’t go. But yeah… I haven’t felt the need to.” 
You smiled a bit to yourself, it was hard not to feel a bit of pride that Curtis didn’t need such an outlet. Your hand slipped under his tee, tracing your fingertips on his belly, sinking into your thoughts. “Would you go back?” 
“Of course, it is like another home, much like Paulie’s is. I just… haven’t. Actually, in light of what happened, would you like to go?” 
“Me? To a gym?” You wrinkled your nose, the idea of it making you wildly self-conscious. Gym’s always felt like a nightmare, all those fit people and then there is you. You tried, in the past. You went to Jake’s gym using his membership. Always when he was at work, not that he ever said anything, but you could tell that he was embarrassed to see you struggling with the equipment. 
“Yes you Honey. We can teach you some self-defense moves in case you ever feel unsafe or have to be alone.” His hand was assuring on your side, all while his belly flexed under your fingertips. You felt him grasp at the back of your thighs, easing you over him till you were straddling him, leaning against his chest till you pushed up to a sit, using your knees folded under you to keep from leaning too heavily against him. Underneath you he looked perfectly relaxed and content, waiting on you to sort through your doubts and fears about going to the gym. “You could knock Edgar out next time he pisses you off.” He smirked at you and you couldn’t help the little amused smile you gave at your friend's expense. 
“So tempting, but…” 
“But what Honey.” His hands slipped up the bare part of your thighs to grasp gently on your hips and ease you to relax against him. “Tell me.” 
“It’s the gym, full of beautiful fit people.” 
“Nah, this is a cool gym. It’s for everyone.” Curtis said. His hands flexed against your hips, making him smirk a bit up at you. “I could buy you all those hot leggings too. All the leggings.” His eyes glinted up at you wickedly, making you feel heat flush your face and down your chest, your heart race in excitement and apprehension. 
“I have leggings already Curtis, you don’t have to buy me more.” 
“I know and you are always fucking hot in them.” He slipped a hand up your back to lightly grasp the back of your neck, pulling you in close for his mouth to find yours, drawing you into a heated kiss as he set out to prove just what he felt when seeing you in those leggings. Being tired completely forgotten when he flipped you to your back and hovered over you, chaining kisses down your neck and working your shirt up while you did the same with his to toss it away for the rest of the day. 
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@hansensgirl I’m sure this is @sweater-daddiesdumbdork ‘s series, Precarious Agreements
hey im looking for a ransom drysdale fic (a series actually), it's was a while ago. ransom and her were friends with benefits before something happened between them and they lost touch. he calls her kitten I think. but meet again after a few years and shes dating some boring lawyer guy. she cheats on her bf with ransom and they're friends with benefits again but ransom actually wants to be with her. she ends up leaving her bf and enda up with ransom. could you please lmk if you know about it thanks
does anyone know this series? let’s help the nonnie out!
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81 notes · View notes
Man, what the fuck.
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Re reading this made me smile! I do love these two and their little story so much
Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Heart Felt Truths
Summary: 4.7k Curtis x Plus!Sized Reader. While still dealing with the power outage, you get to spend more time with Curtis's family and Curtis takes you out with Sophia to show you something special.
Warnings- None.
A/N- Wow it's been a while but I hope you all are still here for the ride. @what-is-your-plan-today edited this chapter for me ages ago, so I have to thank you for doing, I always appreciate your input with these two. @mumbles411 ... This is for you! You have been asking for this moment for a while. Again, THANK YOU EVERYONE for reading and sharing. Dividers made by the lovely @firefly-graphics
Chapter Twenty-Four / Masterlist
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There was a soft patter of feet across the old creaky floor and a giggle at the end of the bed. Curtis knew it was coming, had warned you that Sophia would probably crawl in with you both first thing in the morning. He let his gaze slit open to see her at the foot of the bed, grabbing onto the blankets to pull herself up. 
The room was still gray, the hues of dawn barely coming, not quite arriving fully yet and of course, his niece was wide awake right now. He was going to need coffee, coffee would require more work than usual with the power out. 
Maybe if he waited long enough Ella or Lisa would make coffee, that sounded like a better plan. 
Next to him, you stirred, lifting your head enough to see what was moving at the end of the bed, before you burrowed back into your pillows, making Curtis snort softly in amusement. You weren’t a morning person, not unless you had to be. 
“Uncle Curtis.” Sophia whispered, crawling up the middle of the bed. Curtis lifted an arm for her to come snuggle in against his chest, Sophia tumbling under the blankets while both you and Curtis shifted to give her space. “Momma is snoring.” 
“Does she sound like the train at work?” Curtis muttered sleepily. 
“Louder!” Sophia said with some enthusiasm and Curtis pressed a finger to his lips, pointing at you next to them. 
“Quiet voices, Y/N and I are still sleeping.” 
You were quick to fall back asleep while Sophia tucked herself up under her uncle's chin.
“Can I have your phone?” She whispered and without opening his eyes, he reached behind him on the nightstand, feeling around for the device. When he handed it to her, she expertly unlocked it and picked her favorite app he had downloaded for her. 
“Volume off Soph.” He whispered against the crown of her head, which Sophia compiled while she started her game. 
Curtis knew he wasn’t going to be falling back to sleep, but he could just enjoy this moment of peace before the day came blaring full force, requiring him to participate. Now very grateful that he had insisted the two of you get fully dressed again just in case this happened. He let his mind wander, recalling how good a day yesterday was for all of you. The house was full of laughter and games, Sophia keeping all of you busy while the cold weather and loss of power kept you all together. 
He knew Lillian and WIlford would have wanted their house like this, full of family and friends and no longer an empty shell of what was once a home. 
Finally, Sophia got bored and announced she was leaving, so Curtis let her back out into the cool air and he pulled in closer to you, hugging around your waist to press his hand under your shirt to rest just under your breasts, making you wiggle back into him. 
“Your hand is still cold.” You muttered, pulling the blankets further over them. 
“Hmm sorry, do you want me to stop?” He nuzzled the back of your neck as he slipped further into the bed, spooning you from behind. 
“No, it's warming up now.” Your hand rubbed against his arm around you and settled over the top of it. “It’s cold out there, isn't it?” 
“Yeah Honey, I should go check that fire.” Curtis made no move to get up, just letting himself not leave his little warm bubble for a few more moments. “I was hoping Lisa or Ella would start coffee.” 
“Oh god…” You half twisted to face him, your eyes hopeful. “What are the chances?” 
He grinned, pushing up to lean over and kiss you, morning breath be damned, he was feeling good and wanted you to feel just as good. “Give me ten minutes and I will be back, with coffee.” 
You squealed in laughter as he flushed more kisses across your nose and then pulled away while you flipped all the blankets back over yourself. 
Curtis hummed as he went down the stairs, his bare feet cold on the floor when he landed on at the bottom, making him hop from one foot to the other till he got to one of the runner rugs he had scattered around the downstairs. He glanced around to see the bedroom where Lisa had the door eased open enough to let heat in but she must still be in bed. The pullout couch where Ella had slept with Sophia was back to being folded up in place, meaning his cousin must be awake. Curtis assumed Sophia was in Lisa’s bedroom by the sounds of a tablet playing a cartoon.
“I already got the fire going.” Ella said from the kitchen as she stepped into view, a steaming mug in her hands as she sipped from it. “It was chilly.” 
“Thanks, I should have gotten up and checked it earlier.” Curtis bypassed her, stealing her cup to sip from. When she smacked at his back, he flashed her a grin and took another before handing it back to her with a grimace on his face. “Too much sugar.” 
“Heathen.” Ella sputtered as she claimed her mug once more, scowling at him. “I need it to sweeten me up. Mom’s here, but you mind watching Soph for a while? I gotta get to the aquarium, check in on what the upcoming plan is and help feed. Cole already sent me a message saying he was there all night.” Ella sputtered to herself as she glanced once more at her phone. “Idiot never told me he actually needed help keeping everything functioning.”  
Curtis was busy at the stove to make you both a mug, giving a nod. “Of course, you know I’m never gonna say no to watching my favorite niece.” He motioned with his hand that she should go. 
“Your only niece and this is why I keep you around. You are useful.” Ella teased as she savored more of her coffee. 
“Glad to be useful.” Curtis pipped up as he mixed everything together. “Want me to take you over? I don’t think it snowed or anything last night. But you never know what the wind kicked onto the roads.” He peered out his back window over the sink, but it looked like yesterday, his backyard knee deep in snow.
“Nah, I’m good. Stop trying to take care of all of us.” Ella scolded him while draining the last of her cup, Curtis mimicking her with a roll of his eyes. “Have more fun today, chill out. You are just getting the hang of it.” She winked as she set her mug in the sink. “Even Mom noticed how much you have changed.” 
“What do you mean changed?” His brows arched in surprise. 
Ella continued getting ready to leave, sliding on a jacket and stuffing a scarf around her neck. “Yeah, she said you hadn’t laughed like that since you were a kid.” Ella gave a wave. “And yes, if I need anything, I will call. See you later!”
Curtis mused a moment at what Ella said. She was right though just as she had been before Christmas, he was happier. Life has been better since the beginning of September. It made him smile, a content feeling settling in his chest. 
His thoughts drifted to last night and how different even that was for him. Last night he was overcome with just needing to feel you and make you feel good. He didn’t even have his own pleasure in mind when he was with you. It was all about making you feel beautiful and appreciated. It wasn’t sex, it didn’t feel like sex. 
Sex was always good, but that wasn't it. He never was that kind of intimate with someone, rarely did he bring anyone home before and the times he was dating, sex was always just for fun. Now you lived here part time and it was still for fun, but he craved that connection it built each time as well. 
This was more and the tingles of realization tickled his mind. Love, that was love and it settled like he was wrapped in a blanket around him. 
He really loved you. 
Curtis inhaled deeply in a calming manner as he let this knowledge take hold, in the silence of his kitchen with the morning sun shining bright to light up the room, he glanced up, looking around the old kitchen, swearing he felt someone with him. 
“Is this what it's like? You two would know.” 
As he picked up the mugs to bring back upstairs, Curtis could have sworn he felt a hand on his shoulder like it was confirming that it was a yes. 
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You rolled to your back, still wrapped up in clothes and blankets, the sun warming your face. A soft smile played on your lips. Last night had been incredible, you never felt such passion and connection with anyone before. It made flutters fill your belly, excited at what overcame the two of you last night. Whatever it was, you wanted more of that feeling, that feeling that it was just the two of you in the world.
Curtis had always been an affectionate man with his loved ones and that attention was what you felt last night. His complete devotion. You wanted to think of it as love, but you just weren’t quite sure that’s what it was. You thought Jake loved you, he said it early on to you and you were sure that's what it was for you too. Towards the end, he said it less and less, only when he was trying to persuade you to do something you didn’t want to. It was always the nudge to push you to do what he wanted till that last night. The memories that you had yet to talk about out loud with anyone made you shudder for a second, pushing it away. 
That was something you still weren’t ready to deal with. 
Instead, you went back to thinking about last night, your connection with Curtis, how it felt so absolute for you. Curtis never said anything beyond needing you, but it felt like so much more than just a quickie for you two. 
But you didn’t want to jump to conclusions.
You were still mulling over the sensation when Curtis came in, two mugs carefully balanced. You pushed up to a sit, taking a steaming mug gratefully to take a sip. 
He knew you well, having your coffee made just the way you liked it. “Ella is already out the door, I told her I didn’t mind watching Sophia today.” 
“Mmmh.” Your eyes closed peacefully as the caffeine worked its magic. “Anything you wanted to do? Or anything you had to do away from the house? I don’t mind sticking around with Sophia while you go out.” You offered and peeked at him while you took another sip, sensing his surprise at your offer. “What?” 
“You would do that?” Curtis asked incredulously, like you were offering the world. 
“Well yeah? Why wouldn’t I? I love hanging out with Sophia, she is such a great kid to be around.” You shrugged it off, still not seeing why he was so surprised. 
Curtis blew on his coffee before taking a rather large swallow, getting as much of the hot liquid in him as possible to prepare for his niece's energy before answering. “Not many jump at a chance to babysit, especially someone else’s kid in my experience.” He shrugged back, a grin forming on his face as he leaned forward to peck your lips affectionately. “So thank you, I know Ella would let you take Sophia anytime. But today you are stuck with me. I don’t have to go anywhere.” He set his mug down and rubbed at his head, waking himself up further. “I wish the power would come back on so I could trim this down.” His fingers tugged at the slightly longer strands, making your gaze lift. 
He might not like the longer strands, but you did. You bit at your lip and set your mug aside to shift to a kneel before him, running your hands through his hair and marveling at how soft it felt against your palm. “Not gonna lie stud, I like it.” 
A wicked gleam formed in his eyes as he watched the way you enjoyed touching him. “Do you now… I might have to keep it.” Your fingers tightened in the short hair, barely able to tug on it a bit. 
“Will you? Not for long, I just really want to…” Your fingers gave another slight pull to drag his head back to expose his neck, making you lean into it, nipping playful kisses along his bobbing adam’s apple. Your tongue darted out, another playful seduction that made Curtis groan in your hands. 
“Anything for you.” He muttered, letting himself enjoy the change in the room, both of you edging on staying in bed just like this. 
“You spoil me Curtis.” You let your hands smooth through his hair and lean into him while he wrapped you into his arms, pulling you in against him while stealing a coffee laced kiss from you. 
“As long as you will let me.” He winked and the bedroom door creaked open to show Sophia poking her head in, staring at the two of them. “What's up Sophia Bear?” Curtis questioned while you moved back for your mug on your nightstand. 
“I’m hungry!” 
Curtis pushed up and swiftly grabbed a giggling Sophia in his arms. “Alright, let's go feed you, what do you say? Brussel sprouts? Last I knew that's what little cubs like you eat.” 
You give him a look and snort into your coffee, Sophia mimicking you with utter repulsion. “Ice cream!” 
“No way kid, it's cold out already and you want ice cream? How about…. A chicken leg?” He wrapped his hand around her ankle giving it a shake and lifting like he was gonna take a bite out of it. 
“NO!” Sophia squealed, squirming till he dropped her on the bed, making her roll into you to protect her from her uncle. When she was snuggled in your side, she contemplated what he could make her. “Tater tots.” 
“Where am I supposed to get tater tots, Soph? Powers out.” Curtis flopped back on the bed next to you two. “I can make you some toast.” He started and she gave a sigh and rolled her eyes. 
You pipped up just as Curtis was gearing up with another hopeless suggestion. “Have you ever had cinnamon sugar toast?” 
“What’s that?” Sophia asked and Curtis smacked his palm against his forehead. 
“Oh I forgot all about that. Sophia wouldn't want that though… it's too good.” 
“No, I want it.” Sophia started and you shrugged, sipping from your coffee. 
“You sure, I mean… It's pretty special. Much more special then tater tots and ice cream.”
You said in all seriousness and Sophia’s eyes got huge. 
“I want it.” 
You looked at Curtis, his eyes showed relief that you were able to bring Sophia around to the suggestion of something easy. “Alright kiddo, let's go make it together.” He held his arms out and the bouncing child leaped at him, clinging around his neck while Curtis moved to a stand. “My grammy used to make this for me and your mom so I got the super-secret recipe.” He glanced over at you still curled up on the bed, savoring more of your coffee. “Take your time coming down Honey.” He dropped earnestly and you nodded with a smile, watching as the two of them headed for the stairs, Sophia now asking questions about the super secret recipe. 
You sighed in pure happiness at where you were right that moment. 
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The morning went quickly, Ella sent a message saying that she was going to be at the aquarium for the day helping out, which Curtis told her to take her time. Sophia loved the cinnamon toast, which you also diced up an apple with some yogurt you had in the fridge, luckily still cold. Lisa came out later in the morning, looking bleary-eyed and angling for some hot water that you heated on the stovetop. 
You were able to keep Sophia entertained with coloring at the table while you read through some manuscripts looking for the next drama club play. Curtis was back and forth between hanging at the kitchen table, coloring with Sophia and out in his shed out behind the house, a motor once in a while sputtering to life before it would die out. Lisa spent her time in the living room, back to her crochet project. 
When you sank in the couch next to her, Sophia cuddling up under some blankets next to you to watch her tablet, you took a few more lessons from Lisa, listening to her talk about more of Curtis’s past as a kid and her own memories of her childhood in the house. 
It was late afternoon when Curtis triumphantly came inside, Sophia having just woken up from a nap in her grandmother's bed, all bundled up back in the blankets on the couch watching some other cartoon Ella had saved for her.
“How would you two feel about going for a ride?” 
“What kind of ride?” You asked, knowing he wouldn't ever consider taking the vintage Camaro out in the snow. However, Sophia jumped right up as if she knew what he was talking about. 
“Yeah!” She bolted down the hall off the kitchen for where the coat closet was. Lisa tucked the blanket over her leg all that much more. 
“Have fun and be safe.” Clearly she had no interest in going. 
“Snow machine.” Curtis grabbed your coat to hold it up, enticing you to join them. Sophia already was trying to wriggle into her snow pants. 
“Oh no way, you have one?” You asked excitedly while going to stuff your arms into the jacket sleeves. 
“Yeah, an old junker, but with some tweaking she works just fine.” Curtis admitted while you zipped up your coat. 
“It’s not gonna break down on us, is it?” You asked with a tease, but the worried hint was still there, questioning if he had to work on it.” 
“It’s fine, trust me.” He turned to help Sophia, who was almost dressed now while you were also pulling on more clothes for the wintery ride. “Right Sophia Bear?” 
“Yeah! Uncle Curtis goes fast.” 
“Not too fast!” Lisa called from the living room and Curtis huffed.
“Of course not.” Then he ushered you two out the door before any more questions could be asked. Out in the backyard, you three crossed to an older modeled two-seater. You stalled a bit, noticing it was just the one. 
“Are you sure Curtis? It might be too much with both of us on it.” 
Curtis tugged you closer, easily lifting you by your waist which you yelped in surprise and he perched you up on the back seat, making you sit slightly higher than his. “Honey, I swear this thing can easily handle more then the two of us.” Sophia was already climbing on, grabbing at the handles like she was going to drive. You fidgeted a bit while Curtis leaned forward, hands braced on the machine's seat as his forehead dipped with yours. “I also have something I really want to share with you. Please?” 
When he asked like that, how could you continue to question it? With a nod, you smiled and Curtis dipped his head enough to kiss you, making you giggle as he disappeared into the shed to go grab some helmets. You fit yours on while Curtis made sure Sophia’s was on correctly. Eventually, he swung himself onto the sled and settled with you as you wrapped your arms around his waist to press up behind him. Sophia sat in front of him, protected in his arms, excited to go. He turned the key, and the sound of the machine filled the snowy area and you lurched off into the woods, on a well-worn path Curtis had made over the years. 
It was exhilarating, watching the trees zip by as Curtis took turns on occasion, leading you further away from the house. He was sure to slow at the curves, having you all lean just right to keep the sled from tipping on the uneven ground. Eventually, you guys made your way towards the snowy covered lake, severely frozen over in the late winter months, all across it were tracks where other people enjoyed the freedom the lake provided. Sophia squealed excitedly from the front, loving the rush of the machine with all the speed it gave. Curtis revved the motor several times, making her all that more excited. 
He took you along the lake’s edge, letting you all see the quiet expanse of the town, just the occasional lights and hums from someone’s generators making a disturbance in the quickening approaching evening. The sky was turning all hues of color, stars quickly dotting the landscape's edge of the lake. The wind howled across, making you feel the bite of it escaping under the helmet and you would hide your face against Curtis’s shoulder when he turned the machine towards the middle of the lake, opening it up fully to zip further away from the shore. It wasn't far though before he started slowing back down, the ice far ahead was giving way to choppy water where the lake was to wild to freeze over.
You lifted your head to admire the way the snow glinted off the bit of light coming from the stars and moon above where twilight finally gave way to the night sky. The frozen crystals started putting on a show, once the motor quieted, the water could be heard even from quite a distance away. You leaned off Curtis’s strong back to sit up straight again, tugging off the helmet to let the cool air wash over your face. Curtis swung off onto the ice and helped Sophia off. 
“Soph, what are the rules when we are on the lake?” 
“No going past Mater.” She patted the snow machine and Curtis gave a nod before letting her go. 
Sophia pushed herself across like she was ice skating on her boots, back towards the shore. He popped his helmet off and held out his hands to help you off as well. Swinging your leg over the seat, you slipped off, sliding into his arms, which he held you up with a grin. “Watch out, it's slick Honey.” 
“We need ice skates.” You clutched at his jacket till you were steady.
“Next time we can grab some. I have a bunch stored in the shed I kept the snow machine in. The snow is kept just shallow enough here by the wind to easily skate.” Curtis backed up slowly, taking your hands and bringing you with him while Sophia shot around you two, giggling and dancing to some music she was imagining.
“Is your snowmobile named Mater, after the Disney truck?” You asked as he suddenly swung you closer, making you two grip at each other.
“Last winter she was obsessed with Cars. She named the Camaro Lightning McQueen.” 
You laughed with a tilt of your head. “Perfect name. You know, I used to skate all the time with Jade when we both lived in Lake George together. When she moved to Florida, no one was interested.” You shared while you two slipped on the ice, using each other for balance. “What did you want to show me?” 
“Look up Honey.” His head tilted back and you followed suit to see a night sky as brilliant as your first date. Only here the Milky Way took over, stretching overhead in a light-colored streak, dappled with so many stars it was impossible to count them all. “Do you know what mythology says that is?” 
You gave a slight shake of your head, still in awe of the miracle above you. Curtis turned you around so you were tucked under his chin, your back pressed to his chest. “That’s the bifrost or birost depending on what you're reading. A rainbow bridge from earth to Asgard, where the Norse gods live.” 
“Did Wilford tell you that?” You questioned as you admired the sky, appreciating all that much more, you could tell from Curtis’s tone that it was a thing of beauty and wonder for him too. 
“He did, he would bring me out here on nights like this. Usually ice fishing, we had to hike out here. But I always looked forward to it, when you get to see something like this…” His tone drifted off, tucking his face in closer to your neck, you could feel the warmth of him seeping into you. Around you Sophia plopped in the snow, singing Frosty the Snowman although it was the very beginning of March. “Honey, I gotta tell you something. I’ve been waiting all day, for this moment really..” 
You tore your gaze away from the wonder above you, trepidation seeping into your pores. Curtis sounded so serious what you turned in his hold, to face him. Whatever he was going to say, you wanted it to your face, so that there was no mistaking what it was.
“Honey…” His hands came up to your cool face, the touch warming you as calloused fingers slid against the softness of your full cheeks. “I love you, I have for a while and right now, when I get to show you some of my favorite wonders in this world that I have never wanted to share with anyone else, you have to know.”
You let out a huff of surprise at his words, not at all what you were expecting. Your lips parted, unsure of what you were about to say because so much was filling your mind in this moment, standing before Curtis, someone who treated you better then anyone ever has before.
“Before you say it Honey, mean it. I don’t want you feeling like you need to say it because I did… do it when you are ready to, if you ever are.” 
That was it, you literally couldn't fall more in love with him anymore and you shook your gloves off to fall at your snow-covered boots. You placed your warm hands over his on your cheeks, to feel his hold in your own and luck would have it warm up his fingers with yours as you weaved your touch into his, tucking his hands down and closer to your heart, your warmth able to fill him. 
“Curtis of course I love you! You showed me what I wanted in this life, what being with someone should be like. You have so much to give to everyone in your life and every day I count myself lucky to be yours, to be able to love you back.”
His blue eyes were soft in the small bit of light the Milky Way provided. Around you Sophia was still entertaining herself, flinging herself across the ice and smacking into Curtis’s legs, making the two of you tumble on the ice into the snow, laughter ringing out from you. A very shocked Curtis rolled off you enough to make sure you were okay while Sophia pulled herself up off the ground. Curtis gave a quick glance at his niece, who was happily back to skating on the patch of ice before turning back to you. 
“Are you okay?” He leaned over as you lay in the snow under him, looking up once more at the Milky Way streaking across the night sky, so clear without the light pollution from the nearby city. 
“More than okay Curtis.” You pushed yourself up on your elbows, facing him. “I'm the happiest I have ever been and that is because I am with you.” You felt his arm slip under you, pulling you up enough to share the most passionate kiss you have ever experienced. 
The stars shine as your witness.
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Get out and touch the grass, remember there are real issues in the world as opposed to who’s married to who etc etc.
friendly reminder that you didn’t waste your year. any moments of happiness or comfort, any small accomplishments, they all matter. this has been a really hard year, and simply surviving is something to be proud of. 
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Happy 2024, y’all
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He he he this was chaotic and j loved it.
And for the record, llamas scare the shit outta me
What Are You Doing On New Year's Eve?
A Holidays in Hel Loki Avengers Story
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In which Loki and Mina endure visits from unlikeable relatives, Holiday Market attacks and flying llamas.
This is part two of the Holidays in Hel series, featuring Loki and all your favorite Avengers in yet another Holiday fuck-up.
Part One: The Christmas Party
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“Loki, you promised-”
“You PROMISED, Loki!!”
Mina had been following the exasperating god around his (well, hers now, too) palatial apartment for an hour as he gracefully dodged her. She suddenly found herself pinned on top of the kitchen counter next to his irritatingly fancy wood-fired oven with a flick of his finger.
“Darling…” Loki was using his tone of exaggerated patience, which was always infuriating. “Do you perhaps recall what happens every time we attempt to celebrate one of your benighted cultural celebrations?”
His expensive, custom-cut cedar wood stack was poking her in the side. Shifting, she looked away. “It’s not always-”
“Yes. Yes, darling, it is. It is always an unmitigated disaster.” Loki’s long fingers were on Mina’s cheek, turning her face to look at him. He surveyed the pout she was valiantly attempting to banish from her expression but it was clear the disappointment was keen. Absently rubbing his thumb over her cheekbone, he prodded, “Then you have forgotten the Captain’s Fourth of July party where Hydra infiltrated the fireworks with millions of murderous nanobots that showered all of Manhattan?”
Mina absently chewed her lower lip. “No.”
“Or, perhaps, the previous Valentine’s Day where you and all the women you love nearly had your souls sucked from your withered corpses by a clutter of rogue Incubi?”
“No.” Mina knew her response reeked of Pout. But she couldn’t help it.
The stroking thumb moved to pull her lip free from her teeth before she gnawed it off. “No, what, darling?”
Clearing her throat, Mina glared at Loki. “No, I have not forgotten the Incubus. Es’s. I. The Incubi.” Loki was about to turn from her with a smug expression of ‘discussion over’ when she continued. “But I also haven’t forgotten how you took me to that planet-”
“A Realm. Valeria.”
“Yes, the Valerian Realm and we had…” she sighed in spite of herself, remembering that particular evening, “we had just the most epic … unbelievable … sex. Remember? Where those tiger-eagle thingies were watching us?”
Did his thin, mobile mouth twitch just a bit? “I do.”
“And…” her legs stealthily wrapped around Loki’s waist, wrinkling his perfectly tailored jacket, “…that blistering rogering you gave me on top of the Empire State Building after you and the rest of the Avengers finished off the Hydra nanobots?” 
Loki’s eyes were narrowed, but she could see the smirk about to blossom on his handsome face. “I believe the tourists from … one of those bland, midwestern states…” 
“Iowa,” Mina supplied.
“Required psychiatric intervention?”
Bursting into an embarrassed giggle, she tightened her legs around him. “You never did tell me what the Mayor’s fine was for that, but I remember Tony was mad as hell.”
Tenderly plucking a kiss from Mina, Loki raised one elegant brow. “While I do appreciate your transparent efforts at distraction and seduction, it does not change the pitiful certainty that any effort to celebrate this … New Year’s Eve, and with your family, will inevitably end in ruin.”
Taking a deep breath, Mina ran her hands up the smooth lapels of his suit. “Remember that, uh … the thing you wanted to do?”
Loki was attempting to unwind her legs, clinging to him like a particularly stubborn strain of ivy, but he paused for a moment.
‘Ah, HAH!’ Mina thought. 
“What … thing, my sweet girl?” Loki’s emerald eyes were sparkling now, with speculation, amusement.
“You know what thing!” she was blushing furiously, but she leaned in close. “We can do it.” Mina leaned in for the kill. “Twice.” As he groaned and bit her earlobe, she knew she had him.
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“So! I’ve made a list, Amelia, and I think-” Mina looked up to see her niece staring at her indifferently. The expression was remarkably similar to Loki’s, though it looked rather tragic on the nine-year-old. Also tragic was the child being gifted with her father’s long legs, but her mother’s stumpy midsection. And the weak eyes that were a trait in Mina’s family. She herself had worn vile, coke bottle thick glasses until she was old enough for Lasik surgery. Eyewear quite similar to the ones, in fact, currently being sported by Amelia. But the most tragic was the reality that her brother and sister-in-law had traveled to New York City just long enough to deposit their child on Loki’s doorstep and then cut and run.
“Hey, so, good to see you, sis…” Jerry sneaked a glance at his watch. Loki had just left the spacious living room to take a priority Avengers-related phone meeting. 
Carlotta cut in, “But our flight leaves in an hour so we have to get moving.”
Mina’s jaw dropped, feeling the crush of impending doom. “What? Where are you going? You just got here - I thought you were staying with us for the weekend.”
Her sister-in-law’s laugh was artificial and painfully high. “Oh, no, silly! Just Amelia.” The rat bastard she was related to and his equally vile spouse were halfway down the hallway before Mina could close her mouth again.
At the overly cheerful “ding!” of the elevator, she turned and smiled uncertainly at her niece. “That’s not … what your mom said on the phone.”
Perching on a corner of the couch’s padded arm, the girl shook her head. “It never is.”
And then to make the moment a complete, steaming pile of Manhattan slush mixed with doorman spit, Loki swanned gracefully back into the room. Putting his hands in the pockets of his well-tailored pants, he looked around with a really annoying level of thoroughness. “Why, where are dear Jerry and Carlotta?”
Stepping next to Amelia, Mina put a protective arm around her shoulders. “Well, you’re going to laugh about this, but-”
“The parents dropped their only child off like a stray kitten and are now absconding to the airport?” Oddly, Loki didn’t look enraged, which she’d expected. He seemed slightly … amused? Seriously?
“Uh, yeah?”
“Eloquently said, darling. Well, then. Shall we take that shabby suitcase of yours to the guest room, Miss Amelia?” The little girl grunted something, but she pushed off the couch and followed her well-dressed host out of the room while Mina wondered who’d taken over the body of her Asgardian God - boyfriend. 
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“There’s some really fun things to do this weekend,” Mina pushed forward. She was still shocked and a little stunned that Loki took the instant abandonment of her niece on their doorstep so casually. But his calm regarding the situation seemed to transfer to Amelia. So calm, in fact, that getting the little monkey excited about anything was the real challenge. “Oh! I know! The Holiday Market!”
“Christmas is over,” the little girl mumbled. 
“True…” Mina wedged herself on to the couch next to her niece. “But this is one of the biggest cultural gatherings for the holidays. There’s all kinds of food… candy… last year they had reindeer.”
Amelia’s brow arched under those godawful thick, heavy glasses. “Reindeer?”
Mina nodded vigorously. “And last year, there were Sugar Gliders and this other furry thingie, so…” she trailed off invitingly. Exotic animals were her niece’s weak spot.
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“What do you call a bunch of Avengers?” Mina queried teasingly, “A gaggle? A bundle? A thicket?” Loki ignored her as he cleared the crowd before them, leaving a majestic wake behind for Amelia and Mina to follow. His efforts to saunter unnoticed out of the Tower had failed when Scott Lang popped up like an overly cheerful jack in the box…
“What’s up? Where are you going? What are you doing, man? It’s New Year’s Eve!”
“At this moment, it is midday and we are taking Miss Amelia to the Holiday Market,” Loki said repressively, still steering the girls toward the elevators.
Scott beamed widely. “That’s a great idea!” Turning his head in the direction of the common room, he shouted, “HEY! C’mon, we’re going to the Holiday Market!”
Loki’s groan was audible.
So, while they strolled between the quaint little booths, consumed an unnatural amount of fried funnel cakes drenched in powdered sugar, and exclaimed over charming little knick-knacks and thick woolen sweaters, Mina and Amelia had an entourage of Earth’s Greatest Superheroes behind them.
“Hmmm…” Loki’s lips pursed disapprovingly. “These are not the mythical reindeer from that ridiculous fairy tale.”
“Llamas!” Amelia sighed rapturously, “There are so much better. Although it would be perfect if they flew, too.”
Her sour little face was suddenly alight, eyes shining behind those thick lenses. Mina pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “Yeah, flying llamas would be so much cooler than reindeer.” As the aforementioned llamas gazed down at them superciliously, they migrated to the next booth, where Loki stood, stark against the holiday greens in his black suit, arms folded and staring at shelves full of red elves. 
“These are unnatural,” he said disapprovingly as Mina drew next to them. “Real elves are fierce and powerful. Beautiful. Vicious and deadly in battle.”
“Oh, they’re unnatural,” Sam agreed, shoving the last of his funnel cake in his mouth. “Creepy as hell. They remind me of Chucky.”
“Of who?” Steve and Bucky both looked confused and dreading another cultural reference to be surreptitiously written into their notebook of Things to Look Up Later.
“Ugh,” Natasha waved her giant mug of hot chocolate, laced with rum. “I watched Chucky parts one and two in a moviehouse in Moscow. It’s even worse in Russian. A demonic doll that comes to life and kills everyone and traumatizes the little child who owns him for life.”
Loki lifted one elegant brow. “Really.” He eyed the red-hatted toys again, rows and rows of them, all wearing that blank, painted-on smile. “Do they act as a harbinger of doom? A message sent to enemies to warn of their imminent demise?”
“No,” scoffed Amelia, “they’re dumb. Parents buy them and put them in different positions all over the house and they’re supposed to prove to the kid that the Elf on the Shelf is spying on them for Santa.”
“They do not move on their own?” scoffed Loki. “Useless lumps of felt.”
As they all turned to meander down to the next stall, Mina caught a glimpse of- what? Nothing. That’s ridiculous. An Elf on the Shelf did not hiss, plastic face twisted with malice. ‘Maybe Natasha slipped the rum in my hot chocolate too,’ she thought.
Of all things to save the Avengers, it never occurred to them that it would be the llamas. A deafening chorus of enraged bleating made the group turn around. The beasts were kicking violently against their enclosure, knocking one wall loose. Steve remembered something from one of his beloved documentaries. “You know, a lot of the French from the war had guard llamas to protect the sheep and goats. They would also take out wandering Nazi soldiers. They have very sharp hooves.” His fingers gathered together into a point and he absently jabbed his improvised hoof in the air. “But, what are they doing?”
A scream behind them made the group whirl to see the woman running the Elf on the Shelf stand rolling in the snow, howling as-
“Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me!” Tony groaned, pulling off his blue-tinted glasses for a closer look. Four of the toy elves were attached to the poor vendor, one savagely biting her cheek as the others clawed and bit at her arms and back. 
A man racing past wailing “Get it off me get it off me get it off meeeee!” nearly knocking Amela over and Mina pulled her back, arms around the girl. There were at least eight, nine of the repellant little things crawling all over him, one ripping out chunks of his hair and laughing in a painfully high-pitched tone.
The worst part, Mina thought wildly, was that the little bastards seemed to be getting bigger, bits and pieces of their little felt suits falling off them and a vile, vomitous-looking green skin emerging. Their tiny plastic hands were growing sharp, curved claws and now the market-goers running past them screaming seemed to be bleeding, too.
And as always when Things Turned To Complete Shit - at least supernaturally - everyone looked at Loki, who looked distinctly put out. “What do we-? How-?” Scott ripped a growling Elf on the Shelf who looked like he was about to take out the eye of a thrashing man. It sliced a long cut along the top of his hand and hissing, Scott threw the elf onto the concrete and stomped it to pieces with his heavy boot.
“Exactly like that,” Loki drawled. “You must separate the head from the body. As the creatures grow, it will become more difficult.” His hands left his pockets and two razor-sharp daggers suddenly appeared.
“Wow,” gasped Amelia, “that’s so cool.”
“He’s using his blades made from Niflheim steel,” Mina said absently, pivoting to keep her niece away from the advancing, tiny red army, “he must be really concerned.” Her beautiful boyfriend passed her with a jade-glinted side-eye as if to remind her of the one, inescapable fact.
Holidays and the Avengers were always a shit show.
The spritely little elf decorations were indeed growing, and scaly skin and savage, reddened eyes began bulging from the cracking plastic. And the noise. Their screams and screeches were a nauseating mix of a bird of prey, angry teakettle, a traffic cop’s whistle and the speeded-up sound of … food rotting, Mina thought wildly, there was no other way to explain it. But if the now knee-high fiend’s claws weren’t ripping through one of the wailing market-goers, the godawful noise from those jagged mouths was making their victims collapse, mittened hands flailing wildly. Mina looked up as Loki shouted her name, jerking his head at a safe corner by a brick wall. Herding Amelia over there, she ripped off her thick scarf and wrapped it around the girl’s ears tightly, putting her behind her and slapping her hands over her own. But when three of the holiday monstrosities leaped over an overturned cart, spilling brightly colored German candies over the cobblestones, Mina flailed for a weapon. Seizing a huge wooden spoon meant to mix caramel corn, she used it like a baseball bat, hitting one hard enough to break it in half, the next she sent sailing into a mass of taffy, churning over and over on steel paddles. Within seconds, there were endless lengths of taffy dotted with Elf Bits.
Unfortunately, her childish moment of gloating cost Mina, and the other elf latched on to her neck, scrabbling through her mass of hair and latching its needle-like teeth into her neck. Trying to rip it off her throat was excruciatingly painful, and she gritted her teeth when Amelia’s high-pitched scream of terror made her pivot. There were five of the biggest of these holiday serial killers scuttling up the awning behind them and about to drop down on the little girl.
And then, the llamas came.
Majestic with their superior height and silky hides, they lashed out with their viciously sharp hooves flaying one elf from head to crotch, crushing two against the brick wall and batting the rest somewhere over the roof. “Th- thank you?” Mina gasped. She could swear one winked at her from its long-lashed eye before it whirled to take on another clot of elven fiends. The tide turned as the llamas leaped into action, smashing and crushing their way through the tidal wave of elven offal and helping the Avengers rescue hysterical festival-goers. Within another ten bloody minutes, the dysfunctional Elves on the Shelf were nothing more than shredded bits of flesh, forlorn tatters of red felt and gelatinous green blood that seemed splashed liberally on every surface, including Loki’s suit. He turned, still regal while dripping green gore and bowed to the llamas standing before him.
“We are in your debt,” he said, “stories of your courage in battle will be spoken of for centuries.”
The head llama inclined its fluffy head in a stately fashion, and the herd turned as one and trotted swiftly away.
“Oh,” said Amelia sadly, “I was really hoping I could pet one of them.”
“Another time, dear girl,” Loki moved quickly to press his hand against Mina’s torn and bleeding skin and she moaned a little in gratitude as a cool sensation swept over her as he healed the wound.
“Is everyone okay?” Mina squeezed his hand, looking for their friends. Everyone was mainly intact, though Tony suffered a nasty gash on his abdomen before he could get his suit to form and Bucky was bleeding from a cut over his eye. Making a little noise of disgust, Loki ran his long fingers ran down his suit and it was impeccable again. 
Eyeing the holiday carnage, Steve nodded, “We’re okay, none of the shoppers were killed. But I guess we have to call Fury and Dr. Strange to get this cleared up.”
“Oh, of course,” sneered Loki. “Dr. Strange, I am certain this will be explained away as yet another gas leak.”
“Well,” offered Mina, “it worked pretty well with the incubus… eses…” 
“Incubi,”  Loki supplied.
“Incubi attack on Valentine’s Day,” she finished hopefully.
Back at the Tower, everyone staggered off to their own apartments, trying to ignore Tony’s shout of, “This doesn’t mean any of you are exempt from going to the party tonight! Attendance at my New Year’s Eve party is MANDATORY!”
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“How are you, honey?” Mina was brushing Amelia’s wet hair, looking at her reflection in the mirror. 
“I really wish I could have had another funnel cake,” the little girl said.
Breaking into a weak chuckle, Mina said, “That’s your biggest issue with today?”
“Well,” allowed Amelia, “I would have liked to meet the llamas.”
Loki leaned against the bathroom door. “Miss Amelia, would you accompany me to the greatroom? I shall make you comfortable with a movie and some sweets. Your aunt, as you see, is still covered in elf fragments.“
Slumping against the tile wall as green, red and mottled flesh bits sluiced off her skin in the steaming water, Mina jumped a little as the shower door opened and a deliciously naked Agardian stepped in. “Loki!” she gasped, “Amelia-”
“-is safely ensconced on the couch and surrounded by the entirety of your clandestine candy cabinet,” he soothed, taking the soap away from her.
“It’s only hidden because of your voracious sweet tooth,” she sassed, but it died off in a sigh as his fingers carefully soaped her breasts, smoothing down her belly and drawing one long finger between her legs.
Loki’s mouth moved up and down her neck softly. “My brave darling,” he purred, “you were so fierce today, a veritable Valkyrie with that wooden paddle.”
Laughing tiredly, Mina looped her arms around his shoulders. “I’m pretty sure you did all the heavy lifting on this one. When you whipped out those daggers, I swear my ovaries detonated.”
This was a mistake. Leaning back, he eyed her with a mixture of lust and malice. “Really…”
“Oh, god-” she groaned, and it was on.
Putting one foot on the tile bench, Loki swiftly lifted her to straddle his thigh, hands sliding over her ass and squeezing gently. Sliding her painfully sensitive center up, and then down his marbled thigh, he chuckled as her legs tightened against him. There was something so delicious about how his Mina’s back would arch, pressing down, her agile hips swirling against him. “So delicious, lovely girl. You were so shy when we met, and see now how you rub against me like a most accomplished harlot. This heated quim…” 
He growled and the sound reverberated down Mina’s spine and shot through her pussy. Her movements on his thigh were faster now, her slick making the path of her clit bumping over each defined muscle more intense. Sliding one hand down to his shaft, already hard and straining toward his midsection, she squeezed gently. “You’re hard to resist, my King,” she managed, trying to not whimper like a schoolgirl when he lifted her easily, poised above his cock.
Leaning in and biting her earlobe sharply, he warned, “You must be quiet, darling, with the little one just in the next room…” and then spitefully dropped her on his cock, sheathing her in a moment and grunting as Mina’s sharp little teeth dug into the muscle of his shoulder. To her credit, his darling managed to keep mostly silent, aside from a few whimpers now and then when he’d thrust higher inside her clutching passage. Sucking a bruise into her throat, he chuckled, “Such restraint. Perhaps I simply need to fuck you harder?” Making a strangled little noise, she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on for dear life.
Seriously, he was pushing so hard that she could feel him in her throat, Mina thought dazedly, how did that slab of meat and blood turn to stone like this? His heated length stroked along her, swirling his hips to strike sparks and tickle sensitive spots so deep inside her that it seemed anatomically impossible. But there was nothing like it, nothing like her beautiful, infuriating, wonderful god. “Oh, god…” she barely squeaked out, “I’m not going to be able to sh- shut up-” Mina slapped his hand over her mouth as every muscle in her shaking body stiffened, eyes still pinned by his pleased gaze and coming again as Loki did, flooding her with heat and wet and dripping from her in the most arousing possible way.
Walking carefully from their bedroom to avoid looking bow-legged, Mina smiled to see both Darcy and Bucky, who were, according to her loud-mouthed friend, celebrating “Our ten-month anniversary, isn’t that romantic as shit?” It would have seemed painfully awkward, but Bucky was smiling down at her, and Mina’s heart melted.
“That is quite charming, really,” drawled Loki. He was resplendent in a perfectly fitted Tom Ford tuxedo, and he straightened his cuffs as he eyes the two sternly. “You will remember that you are here to safeguard the continued good health of our niece and not to indulge in carnal excess.”
Bucky shifted uncomfortably, “You don’t have to worry, Mina.”
“I know,” she said, “thank you again.” Inside, it felt like her heart was melting right through her dress.  ‘Loki called Amelia our niece,’ she thought, eyes misty.
To Tony’s credit, this party was much less elaborate than the silver-blue spray-painted disaster from the year before, when HYDRA associates melted half the ballroom with thermite. There was a lovely Big Band-styled orchestra and thousands of twinkling fairy lights dancing across the ceiling. Swinging her gracefully into his arms, Loki took Mina to the center of the dance floor. 
“Oh, this song is my favorite,” she said, head tilting back to look at his beautiful face.
His lips wore an oddly tender smile. “I know.”
When the bells all ring and the horns all blow
And the couples that we know are fondly kissing
Will I be with you or will I be among the missing?
Maybe it’s much too early in the game
Oh, but I thought I’d ask you just the same
What are you doing New Year’s, New Year’s Eve?
Wonder whose arms will hold you good and tight
When it’s exactly 12 o'clock, midnight
Welcoming in the New Year, New Year’s Eve
Oh, maybe I’m crazy to suppose
That I’d ever be the one you chose
Out of the thousand invitations you receive
Oh, but in case I stand one little chance
Here comes the jackpot question in advance
What are you doing New Year’s, New Year’s Eve?
It was the delighted tinkle of her niece’s laughter that made Mina turn around abruptly to look out the massive doors leading to the balcony. Squinting through the dimmed lighting, she gasped, “Is that…? No. No freaking way.” Racing out on to the terrace, she stared upward.
“Oh, yes,” agreed Loki, sliding his arms around her waist and pulling her back against him, “Yes, it is.”
A wildly excited Amelia waved joyfully to her aunt, clinging like a monkey on the back of a llama.
A flying llama. 
Several of them, in fact, sailing majestically around Stark Tower and diving down to reveal Darcy, laughing uncontrollably astride her llama and Bucky on the back of another, looking shockingly calm about the whole thing. The gracefully waving hooves of the herd steered them closer to the balcony, and Loki nodded, emitting the oddest combination of bleats and barks, to which Head Llama blinked those lovely, long lashes in return and then the entire group swooped upwards, Amelia’s giggles trailing after them.
“Wh- did- how-” Mina stared up at Loki, mouth opening and closing helplessly. 
“So articulate, darling,” he said, “but not to worry. I told their leader that those three needed to be back on our balcony by midnight.” The sound of the huge crowd in nearby Times Square could be heard counting down the last moments of the year, and Loki took Mina back in his arms, swaying gently. “Now then,” he purred, “I do recall we had an agreement regarding hosting the charming Miss Amelia?”
“We did,” Mina allowed, smiling up at him mischievously.
“While I did enjoy our tryst in the shower,” he drawled, “when did you plan to fulfill our bargain?”
Taking his hand from her waist, she slid it down over the silk of her dark green Stella McCartney gown, pressing his fingers between her buttocks. “Right after this party,” Mina winked.
Pushing a bit harder against the fabric, Loki could feel the lace of her thong and then… “Why, my decadent little girl,” he leered, “would that be the emerald-tipped plug I had selected for you?”
Giving a saucy shrug, she leaned into him again. “I think a big, strong man like you can find that out for yourself.”
He laughed, a deep, rich sound that Mina almost never heard and pulled her closer, swirling her gracefully in circles.
Oh, maybe I’m crazy to suppose
That I’d ever be the one that you chose
Out of the thousand invitations you receive
Oh, but in case I stand one little chance
Here comes the jackpot question in advance
What are you doing New Year's, New Year's Eve?
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True story about llamas- my cousin and her husband run a llama ranch, and when I’d visit I always liked feeding them. The llamas look so gloriously haughty. And apparently, they can hold quite the grudge. I accidentally stepped on the hoof of one, and even though I apologized profusely, he would have nothing to do with me. Every time I’d visit he would eschew me. Then after a couple of months, he suddenly rushed up to me, bit me really hard on the shoulder. the bruises lasted for like three weeks, but after that, we were the best of friends. Yeah, those fluffy little bastards can really hold a grudge.
I'm starting over with a vague memory of who might like my Loki and Avengers tales. If you would like on or off this list, please let me know! Thank you. Mwah!
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