welcometomyoasis · 6 hours
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
@carlesscat-thinklogic23 @jjeongddol @jespecially
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis
svt med taglist (open)
sfw fics/ age tbc: @arrblgs @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
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welcometomyoasis · 11 hours
hi! i was wondering if i could be in the taglist of the svt med series? thank youu :)
hii! ofc you can! we'll add you in rn! :)
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welcometomyoasis · 12 hours
🏥 Seventeen Med Series [Masterpost]
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… a new series consisting of 13 individual fics brought to you by Kari @brownsugarbaybee and Shu @welcometomyoasis in honour of seventeen's anniversary...
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--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– You know without you i’m so lonely, when you’re not here 911 calling, into your heat again i’m diving, darling you, darling you, baby --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
Synopsis: When the previous director of Seventeen Medical Center retired, his grandson, Lee Jihoon, was promoted as his successor. Jihoon made many changes to the hospital, but the most important change of all? He hired 11 new medical staff members and 1 medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. As these new changes occur, you bet chaos (and 13 different romance stories) ensue. 
Pairing: seventeen x fem! reader 
Genre: medical au, fluff, angst (thanks to shu), hurt/ comfort, smut (only in Kari’s fics, so MDNI with those), others tbd.  
Warnings: blood, injury, illness, medical procedures (needles, operations), patient death, others tbd.
Status: ongoing… 
Update frequency: whenever we can. Don’t worry though! Each fic can be read as a standalone!! 
Disclaimer 1: Please note we are both not in the medical field, we don’t claim to know anything about medicine. Our fics will contain incorrect medical information and are supposed to be taken as works of fiction.
Disclaimer 2: Please note Shu’s account is sfw, and Kari does write nsfw content. Since we are each writing different fics for different members, we will post the fics separately on our respective accounts. For minors, everything on Shu’s account will not contain any nsfw, but MDNI with the fics linked here that contain nsfw content. We will be careful in putting warnings in this masterlist and on fics with nsfw content. We understand this is confusing so please send us an ask or dm if you wish to clarify anything!
Authors’ Note: this series is inspired by our conversations and Shu’s obsession with Doctor Conner Rhodes from Chicago Med. We will be opening a taglist for this series, if you’re not on our permanent taglists and wish to be tagged, please send either one of us an ask if you would like to be added!! Note that minors will only be tagged for sfw fics!!
✧ Without further ado… cueing the opening song! 
✧ Introducing our characters!
⚕️Dr. Choi Seungcheol, Trauma Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, Neurosurgeon ⚕️Dr. Joshua Hong, Pediatric Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Wen Junhui, Radiologist ⚕️Kwon Soonyoung, RN, Emergency Department Nurse in Charge ⚕️Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, Pathology ⚕️Dr. Lee Jihoon, Director of Seventeen Medical Center (Current position), Cardiologist (Previously) ⚕️Dr. Lee Dokyeom, Psychiatrist ⚕️Dr. Kim Mingyu (PhD), Physiotherapist  ⚕️Xu Minghao, Head of Patient Services ⚕️Boo Seungkwan, RN, Emergency Department Nurse ⚕️Dr. Vernon Chwe, Orthopedic Surgeon ⚕️Lee Jung Chan (Dino), 4th Year Med Student
✧ Masterlist:
⚕️Prologue (sfw, written by Shu)  ⚕️…
--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– ‘Cause I’m your home, home, home, home, a place you can come to, a place you can come to --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis svt med taglist (open) sfw fics: @arrblgs
Taglist age tbc: @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
636 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 12 hours
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
@carlesscat-thinklogic23 @jjeongddol @jespecially
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis
svt med taglist (open)
sfw fics/ age tbc: @arrblgs @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
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welcometomyoasis · 13 hours
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seventeen fic recs (ot13) [may]
check out the specfic members here
all credits go to the respective authors. this is a fic rec list and i do not claim to have written these posts. if you would like your writing removed, please let me know and i will erase it immediately.
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ᝰ svt as stoners by @buncatz
ᝰ svt with a tall s/o who flusters them by @januaryrabbit
ᝰ svt appreciates your beauty by @monamipencil
ᝰ svt, how they hold hands: hyung line & maknae line by @pinklemonadeflav
ᝰ svt answering to "would you still love me if i was a worm?" by @seungcheorry
ᝰ svt, who would get married first by @welcometomyoasis
ᝰ svt, when they misunderstand and kiss your cheek: 95z & maknae 98/99 by @whipped-for-kpop-fics
ᝰ svt when their partner receieves a lot of love confessions by @wifeyoozi
ᝰ svt reacts to you working at marvel (black widow) by @wonuwrites
ᝰ ways to show love to svt by @woozivrse
ᝰ svt, when you stop for a cat during a walk by @yxlnst
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ᝰ svt, when they take a joke too far by @babyleostuff
ᝰ svt realizing that they're in love with you by @cxffecoupx
ᝰ svt's pet names for you by @emocheol
ᝰ svt, how they comfort their s/o after a nightmare by @fairyhaos
ᝰ svt, comforting their s/o that's scared of talking too much by @gi4hao
ᝰ svt, how they make you feel beautiful by @gi4hao
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ᝰ svt, their red flags: hyung line & maknae line by @madewithangst
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ᝰ svt when reader stops breathing during orgasm by @hoshifighting
ᝰ svt, their interest in kinks by @kwonkioz
ᝰ svt, their favorite place to fuck by @nonuify
ᝰ svt, drunk or high sex by @svtswhorehouse
ᝰ svt edging vs overstimulation by @svtswhorehouse
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all love to the authors! i enjoyed reading every single one of these writings! <3
148 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 18 hours
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
@carlesscat-thinklogic23 @jjeongddol @jespecially
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis
svt med taglist (open)
sfw fics/ age tbc: @arrblgs @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
168 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 1 day
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
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welcometomyoasis · 1 day
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
@carlesscat-thinklogic23 @jjeongddol @jespecially
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis
svt med taglist (open)
sfw fics/ age tbc: @arrblgs @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
168 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 1 day
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
@carlesscat-thinklogic23 @jjeongddol @jespecially
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis
svt med taglist (open)
sfw fics/ age tbc: @arrblgs @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
168 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 2 days
🏥 Seventeen Med Series Prologue
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Synopsis: After a long business trip, the director of Seventeen Medical Center, Lee Jihoon, finally returns to his home.  Seventeen (no reader in this prologue) | doctor au | 2.75k words | warnings: injuries, blood, death  Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. This fic contains incorrect medical information and is supposed to be taken as a work of fiction. Please do not repost the banner, I spent a long time drawing it.  A/n: This is the prologue to the Seventeen Med series - you can find the masterpost here. I don’t think i explained it well but the hospital compound is literally shaped like the seventeen logo. But anyway, it’s in the banner! Also, there are some spoilers here! Try and catch it if you can 🤭
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“Mr Lee? We’re about to approach the hospital in 5 minutes.”
At the sound of his driver’s voice, Lee Jihoon closed the document he was mulling over. Looking out the window, Jihoon watched the passing scenery. He observed in anticipation as the rows and rows of towering skyscrapers on either side of the road became nothing more than a tiny speck in his peripheral vision. 
Finally, after what felt like forever for Jihoon, his driver pulled the car into a familiar side road. Jihoon leaned closer to the window, his eyes twinkled in excitement, and an affectionate smile spread across his driver’s face. Some things never changed. Although Jihoon traveled down this path regularly since he was a child, he always remained awestruck at the large, domineering, triangular shaped hospital compound they were now getting closer to. 
The compound consisted of three, interconnected buildings shaped like parallelograms. Each of the buildings lay in different positions along the circumference of the triangle, with there being a gap on the south-west side of the compound where the entrance to the Emergency Department was. In the center of the compound, there was a large, triangular shaped inner courtyard full of seating areas and gorgeous, neatly pruned greenery. Regardless of how spectacular the compound might seem, no one could deny it was certainly in an odd shape for a collection of buildings in the middle of a busy business district. But, it held so much meaning and history for Jihoon’s family. Afterall, when viewed from above, the three buildings and the inner courtyard formed the diamond/ triangular shape for the logo of the Lee family’s hospital - Seventeen Medical Center. 
The Seventeen Medical Center had initially been founded by Jihoon’s grandfather. He arrived in the city with nothing but his doctor’s bag, and built this vast compound up from his small basement unit where he practiced medicine. In his later years, he served as the hospital’s chairman, and Jihoon’s father served as the hospital’s director. However, with Jihoon’s grandfather passing away a year ago, Jihoon’s father was promoted to chairman. This meant the responsibility of being the hospital’s director fell onto Jihoon’s lap. Jihoon was hesitant at first. He was a trained cardiologist, what does he know about running a hospital? 
Despite his fears, Jihoon grew into the role over the past year, and he made a remarkable number of positive changes to the hospital. For starters, he decided it would be a great idea to hire 11 new medical staff and 1 new medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. They were extraordinary individuals, aces in their chosen field, and some of his closest friends. He was sure they would be able to bring the hospital to new heights. 
The only thing was, Jihoon had been away for two months on a long business trip. He was a bundle of nerves. While he was excited to be back to where he felt the most comfortable, he was horribly nervous as well. How had the changes he made held up? Would the hospital be running as efficiently as he left it? He had faith in his friends, but to put it bluntly, they could be eccentric and chaotic at times. As his driver pulled the car to a stop at the Emergency Department’s entrance, Jihoon shook his fears away and sucked in a deep breath. His driver glanced into the rear view mirror, giving Jihoon an encouraging nod. Returning his driver’s gesture with an affirming nod of his own, Jihoon pushed open the car door and stepped out.
Jihoon let out a shaky breath, his eyes running over the bolded letters on the sliding doors “Seventeen Med: Emergency Department”. He was the director, he needed to put on a bold face for his staff. Straightening his back, Jihoon stepped into the building, only to be immediately met with loud bickering coming from the nurses station. He raised his brows at the sight.
The Emergency Department’s Nurse in Charge, Kwon Soonyoung, was currently making faces at and bickering with his fellow nurse, Boo Seungkwan. Soonyoung stuck out his tongue at Seungkwan, mimicking Seungkwan’s actions. In turn, Seungkwan stuck his fingers in his ears, his eyes turned upwards as he pranced around Soonyoung going “bleh bleh bleh, I can’t hear you.” 
Jihoon chuckled, and exchanged a knowing look with one of the security guards. Right. What was he worried about again? It was business as usual. 
Just then, Soonyoung’s PDA beeped. His aloof behaviour changed instantly. He raised a finger to halt Seungkwan’s actions. Soonyoung quickly ran his eyes over the message, leaping over the nurse’s station. He motioned Seungkwan to glove up, yelling, “INCOMING! We have a TA (traffic accident) victim coming in!”
They ran to meet the paramedic team at the entrance. Moments later, they returned wheeling the victim in. Soonyoung led the way, shouting orders, “You’re going to Trauma Two! DINO? GET IN HERE! You’re going to be on this case, and we need a trauma surgeon so DR. CHOI? CHOI SEUNGCHEOL? COUPS GET TO TRAUMA TWO RIGHT NOW!”
Emerging from another treatment room, Seungcheol hurriedly ran over to where the paramedics were wheeling the patient in. Gripping the side of the gurney, he nodded to Dino, a 4th year medical student, indicating that they needed to turn the gurney and back into the room. Taking out his stethoscope, Seungcheol listened to the patient’s heartbeat while listening to the paramedic who was rattling off the patient’s condition. 
“Multiple leg fractures, possibly a punctured lung, broken ribs. Major bloodloss, GCS 3, he’s completely unresponsive. We intubated him in the field.”
Finishing his initial assessment, Seungcheol looked up at his team, “Let’s get an x-ray right now. Get two packets of blood, typed and crossed. Dino get in a groin line. Hurry, we need to find where the bleeding is coming from and stop it. Soonyoung? Call ahead and get me an OR. After that he’ll need a CT scan so get someone from Radiology and Neurosurgery here. Oh, and get Ortho in here.”
“Got it. I’ll call Jeonghan, Junhui and Vernon.” Soonyoung affirmed. 
Walking back to the nurse’s station, Soonyoung typed away at his PDA. Once he was done, he placed the PDA down to catch his breath. He glanced around the Emergency Department to take note of what needed to be done. Noticing Jihoon observing silently from the side, Soonyoung waved, calling out cheerfully, “WELCOME BACK OUR JIHOONIE!!!”
Jihoon’s chest swelled with pride. As chaotic as his friends could be, they were professionals and managed the Emergency Department like a well oiled machine. Jihoon pointed at the room Seungcheol was in, giving Soonyoung a thumbs up. Soonyoung beamed, preening under Jihoon’s praise. Sure, saving lives was rewarding, but so was getting approval from Jihoon over the way they handled the situation. Jihoon laughed at Soonyoung, and turned to leave.
Walking across the North Wing of the hospital, Jihoon snuck a peak at the hospital’s pharmacy, gift shop and florist, waving to those who recognised him. He liked to make sure everything was running as smoothly as possible on the way to his office.
Jihoon only had a moment to glance at the owner of the voice before having the wind knocked out of him from being whoomped in a huge side hug. Jihoon scowled, “Do you have to do that every time you see me?”
Jeonghan returned Jihoon’s scowl with a cheeky, toothy grin. Jeonghan squeezed Jihoon tighter, rubbing his cheek on Jihoon’s hair, “I can’t help it. You’re our director but you’re also so so cute!”
“Yoon Jeonghan. You’re the hospital’s top neurosurgeon. Shouldn’t you act like it? Maybe you should go get your brain scanned, or maybe I should schedule you for a psychological evaluation with Dokyeom.”
Jeonghan snickered, “Please, we all know that if anyone needs a psychiatrist’s appointment, it’s Dokyeommie himself. Maybe you should schedule one for him with the new psychiatrist in his department.”
“I still think your brain needs to be examined.” Jihoon retorted, thrashing around, trying to break free from Jeonghan’s grasp. Geez, for someone so lanky and tall, Jeonghan was strong as hell. 
Nuzzling into Jihoon’s hair a little longer, Jeonghan finally let go, causing Jihoon to gasp for breath. Jeonghan skipped off before Jihoon could wring his neck. He giggled, “Welp, I have to go now. Something about a TA patient in the ED. See you Jihoonie!!”
Jihoon shook his head. It was exasperating to deal with Jeonghan sometimes, but the man was arguably one of the country’s top neurosurgeons. Many influential people from all over the world flew over just to have Jeonghan operate on them. Indeed, hiring Jeonghan was possibly one of the best decisions Jihoon ever made. Although Jeonghan did insist on getting a private office with a gorgeous view, a queen sized bed, coffee machine, ramen maker, and TV for said office, it was worth it. With the surgeries Jeonghan did, the hospital’s revenue skyrocketed.
Of course, Jeonghan wasn’t the only one who made the hospital more reputable than ever. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Dino kept the Emergency Department running efficiently which made the Seventeen Medical Center ranked as one of the top hospitals in the city. Vernon, their lovable, eccentric, resident food vacuum critic, was also one of the best Orthopedic Surgeons around. He used to jet all around the world treating athletes and modern day royalty. The revenue he collected helped him to afford to do as many pro bono surgeries as he wanted on those who couldn’t afford it. His charity work proved to be a great PR tool for the hospital. 
Then, there was Dokyeom who was a remarkable psychiatrist. He always managed to build an amazing rapport with his patients, and he somehow was always able to treat them using both orthodox and more experimental ways. Jihoon chuckled, Jeonghan was right. It did feel like sometimes Dokyeom needed to get his own brain examined. There were several occasions where Dokyeom ran around the psych ward hollering at the top of his lungs while beating a hand held drum for the sake of helping his patients blow off steam. As long as it wasn’t anything unethical, Jihoon let Dokyeom be. 
As Jihoon wandered around the hospital, his mind was far away musing over his brilliant decision to hire his friends. Finally looking up, Jihoon found himself near the hospital’s pediatric wards. He remembered all the time he spent here. It was always bittersweet. These patients were all so young, so full of potential, and yet some of them would never grow up to fulfill that. Sighing, Jihoon walked into the ward, reminiscing over all the patients he treated, healed, and lost. 
Hearing boisterous laughter coming from one of the wards, Jihoon peaked his head in. He was unable to stop himself grinning at the sight. Joshua and Junhui were making their ward rounds together. Dr. Joshua Hong, the hospital’s gentleman and pediatric surgeon, was crouched over, smiling tenderly at a little girl while checking her surgery wound. Meanwhile, Junhui, the hospital’s radiologist, was telling the little girl a story about how a hero with X-ray vision was going to check on her wound and make sure she was all okay to go home. Between Joshua’s gentility and Junhui’s natural quirkiness and affinity for children, they made a formidable duo. Their bedside manner for children was unmatched. Treating children came naturally for them. Jihoon snickered, perhaps it was due to them being huge kidults themselves. Still, a feeling of warmth spread through Jihoon’s chest. So long as Joshua and Junhui were together, those children would all be fine. 
With that, Jihoon slipped away before his presence disturbed their young patients (or rather before he got bogged down dealing with Joshua who was also Jeonghan’s evil twin, and Junhui who was a weird little alien from outer space). Jihoon glanced at his watch, gasping. He arrived at the hospital at 8.30 am and had just spent an hour wandering around. He needed to prepare for his meeting at 10am. If he didn’t get to the office soon, Minghao, the hospital’s head of patient services, would have his head. 
Jihoon scurried off to his office, tapping his foot impatiently on the floor of the elevator. When the doors opened, he grabbed a coffee from the pantry and tried to hurry to his office. But alas, he was interrupted by someone incessantly tapping on their glass office window. Even without looking, Jihoon knew who it was. Jihoon turned around slowly, grinning sheepishly at a very annoyed Minghao who was giving him a disapproving stare. Jihoon gave Minghao an awkward wave before literally booking it to his office. Slamming the door shut, Jihoon heaved a huge sigh of relief. He was safe from Minghao for now, though he was sure the younger one would give him a huge lecture about punctuality later. 
Jihoon placed his coffee down, and took off his coat. Letting his eyes roam around his pristine office, he felt a wave of comfort wash over him. He was finally back after two, painful months of living out of his suitcase and working out of unfamiliar offices and hotel rooms. Jihoon sauntered to the blinds shielding him from the light coming in from his floor to ceiling windows. Unrolling the blinds, Jihoon squinted at the sudden glare from the sun. 
As his eyes adjusted, Jihoon looked down at the view in the inner courtyard from his office. Amid all the unfamiliar faces of patients and visitors, Jihoon could vaguely make out Wonwoo and Mingyu’s figures at one of the benches eating ramen. It was always endearing to see how Wonwoo and Mingyu always stayed best friends through the years despite their fields being so different. Wonwoo was a pathologist at the hospital while Mingyu was a physiotherapist. Their paths rarely crossed when they were working, but they always made time to meet up in between shifts and when they weren’t working for a meal. 
Actually, the same could be said for all his friends. Thinking back to all his friends he hired, Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung, Wonwoo, Dokyeom, Mingyu, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, and Dino, Jihoon was overcome with an inexplicable wave of nostalgia and fondness. Bringing his friends to work with him in the hospital, it was one of the best decisions he ever made. Sure, they helped make the hospital a better place, but more importantly, they were finally all together in the same place again. Although they couldn’t always work together, they loved each other dearly, and always made time for each other.
The Seventeen Medical Center already meant so much to Jihoon since it was part of his family and his childhood. But somehow, bringing his friends in made him develop a new fondness and love for the hospital. A warm, fuzzy feeling enveloped Jihoon. He gazed down fondly at the courtyard and the rest of the hospital compound. The sun’s rays shone into the courtyard, reflecting off the hospital buildings’ windows, giving the whole area an ethereal warm, golden glow. Jihoon closed his eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun. And in that moment, he just knew. The warmth he felt, it didn’t just come from the sun. It came from him just being there, in his office, overlooking the hospital he loved so dearly, surrounded by people he cared about deeply. His patients, who he swore his staff would nurse back to health, his staff members, who worked incredibly hard, and his friends, who Jihoon also saw as his family. With everyone there, Jihoon felt like a missing piece of a puzzle in the hospital was finally filled. 
In that moment of warmth and enlightenment, Jihoon slowly opened his eyes, a loving smile spreading across his face. This place. It wasn’t just a place he spent his childhood, a place for healing, a place of work for him, nor a place which was part of his family’s legacy. No. This place, this hospital, it was so much more. It was Jihoon’s home… Seventeen Medical Center was home. And Jihoon couldn’t wait to see what would happen in the future.
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shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
@carlesscat-thinklogic23 @jjeongddol @jespecially
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis
svt med taglist (open)
sfw fics/ age tbc: @arrblgs @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
168 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 2 days
we can't wait for you to read it! ❤️
🏥 Seventeen Med Series [Masterpost]
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… a new series consisting of 13 individual fics brought to you by Kari @brownsugarbaybee and Shu @welcometomyoasis in honour of seventeen's anniversary...
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--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– You know without you i’m so lonely, when you’re not here 911 calling, into your heat again i’m diving, darling you, darling you, baby --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
Synopsis: When the previous director of Seventeen Medical Center retired, his grandson, Lee Jihoon, was promoted as his successor. Jihoon made many changes to the hospital, but the most important change of all? He hired 11 new medical staff members and 1 medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. As these new changes occur, you bet chaos (and 13 different romance stories) ensue. 
Pairing: seventeen x fem! reader 
Genre: medical au, fluff, angst (thanks to shu), hurt/ comfort, smut (only in Kari’s fics, so MDNI with those), others tbd.  
Warnings: blood, injury, illness, medical procedures (needles, operations), patient death, others tbd.
Status: ongoing… 
Update frequency: whenever we can. Don’t worry though! Each fic can be read as a standalone!! 
Disclaimer 1: Please note we are both not in the medical field, we don’t claim to know anything about medicine. Our fics will contain incorrect medical information and are supposed to be taken as works of fiction.
Disclaimer 2: Please note Shu’s account is sfw, and Kari does write nsfw content. Since we are each writing different fics for different members, we will post the fics separately on our respective accounts. For minors, everything on Shu’s account will not contain any nsfw, but MDNI with the fics linked here that contain nsfw content. We will be careful in putting warnings in this masterlist and on fics with nsfw content. We understand this is confusing so please send us an ask or dm if you wish to clarify anything!
Authors’ Note: this series is inspired by our conversations and Shu’s obsession with Doctor Conner Rhodes from Chicago Med. We will be opening a taglist for this series, if you’re not on our permanent taglists and wish to be tagged, please send either one of us an ask if you would like to be added!! Note that minors will only be tagged for sfw fics!!
✧ Without further ado… cueing the opening song! 
✧ Introducing our characters!
⚕️Dr. Choi Seungcheol, Trauma Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, Neurosurgeon ⚕️Dr. Joshua Hong, Pediatric Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Wen Junhui, Radiologist ⚕️Kwon Soonyoung, RN, Emergency Department Nurse in Charge ⚕️Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, Pathology ⚕️Dr. Lee Jihoon, Director of Seventeen Medical Center (Current position), Cardiologist (Previously) ⚕️Dr. Lee Dokyeom, Psychiatrist ⚕️Dr. Kim Mingyu (PhD), Physiotherapist  ⚕️Xu Minghao, Head of Patient Services ⚕️Boo Seungkwan, RN, Emergency Department Nurse ⚕️Dr. Vernon Chwe, Orthopedic Surgeon ⚕️Lee Jung Chan (Dino), 4th Year Med Student
✧ Masterlist:
⚕️Prologue (sfw, written by Shu, launching 1st June 2024)  ⚕️…
--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– ‘Cause I’m your home, home, home, home, a place you can come to, a place you can come to --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas @cheolsposts
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis svt med taglist (open) sfw fics: @arrblgs
Taglist age tbc: @heyitz00 @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff @blissedjoon
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
@miidorei @hamji-hae @suraandsugar @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @yoongznme
@missychief1404 @napipope-ta @haechanshoes @777bae @lightprincess-world
@odetoshua @hayleyfields33 @nkl1a @tnafzi @nonie1ov3r
636 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 2 days
I'll send you all the pandas you want. (I'm going to send them via discord 🤭)
do you know how much i am so endeared by you? because if you didn't now you do ❤️ (it's as much as i adore joshua and jeonghan but shhh don't tell them)
pls i was js giggling reading ur rb 😭 everydayy you make me love you a little more and then i surprise myself bc i thought i already loved you to the max but clearly not
(fufjuxhxjddndjjjs whattttttt 😃😃😃)
10 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 3 days
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🏥 Seventeen Med Series [Masterpost]
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… a new series consisting of 13 individual fics brought to you by Kari @brownsugarbaybee and Shu @welcometomyoasis in honour of seventeen's anniversary...
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--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– You know without you i’m so lonely, when you’re not here 911 calling, into your heat again i’m diving, darling you, darling you, baby --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
Synopsis: When the previous director of Seventeen Medical Center retired, his grandson, Lee Jihoon, was promoted as his successor. Jihoon made many changes to the hospital, but the most important change of all? He hired 11 new medical staff members and 1 medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. As these new changes occur, you bet chaos (and 13 different romance stories) ensue. 
Pairing: seventeen x fem! reader 
Genre: medical au, fluff, angst (thanks to shu), hurt/ comfort, smut (only in Kari’s fics, so MDNI with those), others tbd.  
Warnings: blood, injury, illness, medical procedures (needles, operations), patient death, others tbd.
Status: ongoing… 
Update frequency: whenever we can. Don’t worry though! Each fic can be read as a standalone!! 
Disclaimer 1: Please note we are both not in the medical field, we don’t claim to know anything about medicine. Our fics will contain incorrect medical information and are supposed to be taken as works of fiction.
Disclaimer 2: Please note Shu’s account is sfw, and Kari does write nsfw content. Since we are each writing different fics for different members, we will post the fics separately on our respective accounts. For minors, everything on Shu’s account will not contain any nsfw, but MDNI with the fics linked here that contain nsfw content. We will be careful in putting warnings in this masterlist and on fics with nsfw content. We understand this is confusing so please send us an ask or dm if you wish to clarify anything!
Authors’ Note: this series is inspired by our conversations and Shu’s obsession with Doctor Conner Rhodes from Chicago Med. We will be opening a taglist for this series, if you’re not on our permanent taglists and wish to be tagged, please send either one of us an ask if you would like to be added!! Note that minors will only be tagged for sfw fics!!
✧ Without further ado… cueing the opening song! 
✧ Introducing our characters!
⚕️Dr. Choi Seungcheol, Trauma Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, Neurosurgeon ⚕️Dr. Joshua Hong, Pediatric Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Wen Junhui, Radiologist ⚕️Kwon Soonyoung, RN, Emergency Department Nurse in Charge ⚕️Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, Pathology ⚕️Dr. Lee Jihoon, Director of Seventeen Medical Center (Current position), Cardiologist (Previously) ⚕️Dr. Lee Dokyeom, Psychiatrist ⚕️Dr. Kim Mingyu (PhD), Physiotherapist  ⚕️Xu Minghao, Head of Patient Services ⚕️Boo Seungkwan, RN, Emergency Department Nurse ⚕️Dr. Vernon Chwe, Orthopedic Surgeon ⚕️Lee Jung Chan (Dino), 4th Year Med Student
✧ Masterlist:
⚕️Prologue (sfw, written by Shu, launching 1st June 2024)  ⚕️…
--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– ‘Cause I’m your home, home, home, home, a place you can come to, a place you can come to --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis svt med taglist (open) sfw fics/ age tbc: @heyitz00 @nonie1ov3r @belladaises @zahrareadsstuff
all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
@yuuyeonie @myjaeyunn @yeonjinnie @tangerine-seungkuan @hoshisgalaxy
636 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 3 days
😭 we apologise in advance, right? @brownsugarbaybee we might go a little insane...
🏥 Seventeen Med Series [Masterpost]
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… a new series consisting of 13 individual fics brought to you by Kari @brownsugarbaybee and Shu @welcometomyoasis in honour of seventeen's anniversary...
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--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– You know without you i’m so lonely, when you’re not here 911 calling, into your heat again i’m diving, darling you, darling you, baby --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
Synopsis: When the previous director of Seventeen Medical Center retired, his grandson, Lee Jihoon, was promoted as his successor. Jihoon made many changes to the hospital, but the most important change of all? He hired 11 new medical staff members and 1 medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. As these new changes occur, you bet chaos (and 13 different romance stories) ensue. 
Pairing: seventeen x fem! reader 
Genre: medical au, fluff, angst (thanks to shu), hurt/ comfort, smut (only in Kari’s fics, so MDNI with those), others tbd.  
Warnings: blood, injury, illness, medical procedures (needles, operations), patient death, others tbd.
Status: ongoing… 
Update frequency: whenever we can. Don’t worry though! Each fic can be read as a standalone!! 
Disclaimer 1: Please note we are both not in the medical field, we don’t claim to know anything about medicine. Our fics will contain incorrect medical information and are supposed to be taken as works of fiction.
Disclaimer 2: Please note Shu’s account is sfw, and Kari does write nsfw content. Since we are each writing different fics for different members, we will post the fics separately on our respective accounts. For minors, everything on Shu’s account will not contain any nsfw, but MDNI with the fics linked here that contain nsfw content. We will be careful in putting warnings in this masterlist and on fics with nsfw content. We understand this is confusing so please send us an ask or dm if you wish to clarify anything!
Authors’ Note: this series is inspired by our conversations and Shu’s obsession with Doctor Conner Rhodes from Chicago Med. We will be opening a taglist for this series, if you’re not on our permanent taglists and wish to be tagged, please send either one of us an ask if you would like to be added!! Note that minors will only be tagged for sfw fics!!
✧ Without further ado… cueing the opening song! 
✧ Introducing our characters!
⚕️Dr. Choi Seungcheol, Trauma Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, Neurosurgeon ⚕️Dr. Joshua Hong, Pediatric Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Wen Junhui, Radiologist ⚕️Kwon Soonyoung, RN, Emergency Department Nurse in Charge ⚕️Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, Pathology ⚕️Dr. Lee Jihoon, Director of Seventeen Medical Center (Current position), Cardiologist (Previously) ⚕️Dr. Lee Dokyeom, Psychiatrist ⚕️Dr. Kim Mingyu (PhD), Physiotherapist  ⚕️Xu Minghao, Head of Patient Services ⚕️Boo Seungkwan, RN, Emergency Department Nurse ⚕️Dr. Vernon Chwe, Orthopedic Surgeon ⚕️Lee Jung Chan (Dino), 4th Year Med Student
✧ Masterlist:
⚕️Prologue (sfw, written by Shu, launching 1st June 2024)  ⚕️…
--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– ‘Cause I’m your home, home, home, home, a place you can come to, a place you can come to --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis svt med taglist (open) sfw fics: all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
636 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 3 days
i sincerely doubt i will regret it. and i love being shown love aggressively 😃
do you know how much i am so endeared by you? because if you didn't now you do ❤️ (it's as much as i adore joshua and jeonghan but shhh don't tell them)
pls i was js giggling reading ur rb 😭 everydayy you make me love you a little more and then i surprise myself bc i thought i already loved you to the max but clearly not
(fufjuxhxjddndjjjs whattttttt 😃😃😃)
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welcometomyoasis · 4 days
🫡 we are at your service :)
🏥 Seventeen Med Series [Masterpost]
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… a new series consisting of 13 individual fics brought to you by Kari @brownsugarbaybee and Shu @welcometomyoasis in honour of seventeen's anniversary...
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--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– You know without you i’m so lonely, when you’re not here 911 calling, into your heat again i’m diving, darling you, darling you, baby --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
Synopsis: When the previous director of Seventeen Medical Center retired, his grandson, Lee Jihoon, was promoted as his successor. Jihoon made many changes to the hospital, but the most important change of all? He hired 11 new medical staff members and 1 medical student, all of whom he knew from his days as a medical student. As these new changes occur, you bet chaos (and 13 different romance stories) ensue. 
Pairing: seventeen x fem! reader 
Genre: medical au, fluff, angst (thanks to shu), hurt/ comfort, smut (only in Kari’s fics, so MDNI with those), others tbd.  
Warnings: blood, injury, illness, medical procedures (needles, operations), patient death, others tbd.
Status: ongoing… 
Update frequency: whenever we can. Don’t worry though! Each fic can be read as a standalone!! 
Disclaimer 1: Please note we are both not in the medical field, we don’t claim to know anything about medicine. Our fics will contain incorrect medical information and are supposed to be taken as works of fiction.
Disclaimer 2: Please note Shu’s account is sfw, and Kari does write nsfw content. Since we are each writing different fics for different members, we will post the fics separately on our respective accounts. For minors, everything on Shu’s account will not contain any nsfw, but MDNI with the fics linked here that contain nsfw content. We will be careful in putting warnings in this masterlist and on fics with nsfw content. We understand this is confusing so please send us an ask or dm if you wish to clarify anything!
Authors’ Note: this series is inspired by our conversations and Shu’s obsession with Doctor Conner Rhodes from Chicago Med. We will be opening a taglist for this series, if you’re not on our permanent taglists and wish to be tagged, please send either one of us an ask if you would like to be added!! Note that minors will only be tagged for sfw fics!!
✧ Without further ado… cueing the opening song! 
✧ Introducing our characters!
⚕️Dr. Choi Seungcheol, Trauma Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Yoon Jeonghan, Neurosurgeon ⚕️Dr. Joshua Hong, Pediatric Surgeon ⚕️Dr. Wen Junhui, Radiologist ⚕️Kwon Soonyoung, RN, Emergency Department Nurse in Charge ⚕️Dr. Jeon Wonwoo, Pathology ⚕️Dr. Lee Jihoon, Director of Seventeen Medical Center (Current position), Cardiologist (Previously) ⚕️Dr. Lee Dokyeom, Psychiatrist ⚕️Dr. Kim Mingyu (PhD), Physiotherapist  ⚕️Xu Minghao, Head of Patient Services ⚕️Boo Seungkwan, RN, Emergency Department Nurse ⚕️Dr. Vernon Chwe, Orthopedic Surgeon ⚕️Lee Jung Chan (Dino), 4th Year Med Student
✧ Masterlist:
⚕️Prologue (sfw, written by Shu, launching 1st June 2024)  ⚕️…
--⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄– ‘Cause I’m your home, home, home, home, a place you can come to, a place you can come to --⌃⌄-💎-⌃⌄–
shu's taglist:
@weird-bookworm @wonijinjin @babyleostuff @wishing-fieshes @kwanienies
@mayashu @megseungmin @porridgesblog @haecien @mirxzii
@scoupsofcherries @eightlightstar @brownsugarbaybee @zaggprincess2 @nonononranghaee
@hrts4hanniehae @treehouse-mouse @vcutparis @heavenfilm @bananabubble
@hyneyedfiz @abibliolife @isabellah29 @starshuas
kari's taglist: @phattyboo90 @welcometomyoasis svt med taglist (open) sfw fics: all fics: @eightlightstar @iamawkwardandshy @foxinnie8 @shuabby1994 @black-swan-blog27
@xuimhao @junniesoleilkth @justsomekpopstuff @jenowithjaem @armycarat2612
636 notes · View notes
welcometomyoasis · 4 days
do you know how much i am so endeared by you? because if you didn't now you do ❤️ (it's as much as i adore joshua and jeonghan but shhh don't tell them)
pls i was js giggling reading ur rb 😭 everydayy you make me love you a little more and then i surprise myself bc i thought i already loved you to the max but clearly not
(fufjuxhxjddndjjjs whattttttt 😃😃😃)
10 notes · View notes