warmasf · 14 days
Something happened last night that I wanna share…I felt like I was in a fic
So last night I was at a clients house babysitting, and the dad came home late with two of the other kids (I was watching their infant.) he looked so so tired, and while we were talking and I was waiting on an Uber home, he mentioned how he didn’t feel well. Mind you, he is a VERY good looking man. Then he left the room with his second youngest to get the kid in the shower, and from the living room I could hear him start sneezing. He sneezed about 9 times, spaced out and loud 😳
Then, cherry on top, he came back into the den sniffling, and went to hand me a wad of cash, but he pulled away before he could give it to me and sneezed loudly into his elbow, and apologized for how “sneezy” he was (yes, he said the word sneezy…)
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warmasf · 1 month
Little food for thought:
Someone being so, so incredibly stuffed up with a bad cold that they can barely breathe, because their nose is all clogged and their throat is sore and congested. They try to sniffle it up, but their poor throat can’t handle the post nasal drip, each drop feeling like fire in their mouth. They rub and rub, but the itch only grows. Even when their nose isn’t itchy, the need to blow is very apparent. The only option is to blow their nose…but this makes them sneeze every.single.time. Their nose is just so itchy. When they blow, their whole nose buzzes with pressure, letting congested, wet, itchy sneezes out into the tissues. They become increasingly agitated, a combination of fever, exhaustion, and just plan old not feeling good, and burst into tears. Caretaker comes in at just the right moment, holding whumpees head to their chest and comforting them as their itchy, congested, full bodied sneezes are let loose into caretakers shirt as they try to blow away the tear-induced snot. Poor thing just can’t get any relief…
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warmasf · 1 month
Currently obsessing over the idea of someone rubbing their nose before sneezing, a full, indulgent, vigorous rub, but that just isn’t enough to stop them from sneezing. Even better, someone rubbing and massaging their nose after a sneeze, only to sneeze AGAIN. Like ughhhh all that rubbing and begging not to sneeze, all useless in the face of such a fierce itch and a nose that just desperate needs to sneeze.
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warmasf · 5 months
Partner A is stoic and largely unaffectionate, disliking physical touch and outward displays of affection in almost every situation.
Partner B is also relatively closed off and non-emotive, but has more of a soft nature than A, and craves comfort and touch even though they don’t enjoy giving it.
Luckily, all B has to do is mutter a simple, “I don’t feel good,” for A’s entire demeanor to change. Solid gazes turn into warm embrace, they hold B tight, kissing their fever-warm face and neck with comfort laced intentions. Even through their hard outer shell, A loves B and cares for them, through sickness and health.
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warmasf · 5 months
Thinking about blankets and their many uses
A blanket draped around whumpees shoulders by an increasingly worried caretaker, both sitting by thr raging fire as whumpee shivered, eyes glazed over with fever
A blanket fully encasing whumpee as they lay in bed with an awful cold, because if they breathe in the cold, dry air in their room, they’ll undoubtedly sneeze, which hurts their head and floods their nostrils
Blankets piled up on a feverish, shakey whumpee by the caretaker. They try to mutter a word of thanks, but their voice is too shot to enunciate more than a mere “th’nk y-hou”
The corner of a blanket being used as a tissue by cold-ridden, sneezy, sniffly whumpee. They muffle harsh,wet sneezes and coughs into the plush fabric and wallow in their misery, knowing that they have something soft to take their pain.
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warmasf · 5 months
Snz thought
Ok imagine the hottest, finest most attractive person you know. You got it? Ok: they sneeze. Probably every day, maybe even multiple times a day.
That’s it, that’s the post.
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warmasf · 6 months
Thinking ab tiny, comforting, caretaking gestures
Caretaker gently touching whumpees thigh under the table, letting them know that their discomfort isn’t being ignored
Caretaker holding onto whumpees bicep, keeping them steady under the guise of a meaningless touch
Caretaker rubbing small circles on whumpees back as they cough or get sick, giving them a bit of comfort through the violence of their illness
Caretaker playing with whumpees sweaty hair, feeling their fever-warm skin and holding them close
Caretaker whispering small words of encouragement, little “shh”s and “it’s okay, it’s okay”s under their breath as whumpee cries, because they just don’t feel well
Whumpee collapsing into caretakers arms as they sob, because they’ve never felt this loved through such small actions
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warmasf · 6 months
Not snz but just general whump
The idea of someone literally “waking up with a fever” is so sweet to me. Just imagine whumpee at their partners house, having a slight headache and a weird feeling in their throat, but thinking nothing of it, taking a nap with partner and blaming it on being tired. In a few hours, whumpee wakes up to partner placing a cold flannel to their forehead and whispering their name into their ear.
“Hey, you gotta wake up baby, you’re burning up. Why didn’t you tell me you weren’t feeling good?” In a hushed voice.
Whumpee lets their eyes close as partner feels their cheeks and embrace them again. They feel terrible, but maybe waking up sick was the perfect catalyst for the love and care they so desperately desired.
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warmasf · 6 months
The thought of a person whose nose is so itchy on the outside that it makes them sneeze. Right beneath their nostrils is red and irritated, their nose wiggling side to side near constantly in attempt to lessen the burning sensation on their skin. They reach up and rub at the appendage harshly, willing THR itch to go away. When that doesn’t work, they begin running a nail over the bridge of their nose with force, scratching madly. They trace the rims of their nostrils with their nail too, hopefully scratching the tickle off, but it’s to no avail. The itch has worked its way into their nostrils now. They run vigorously, up and down side to side, until their nose is bright red and irritated inside and out. They sniffle up the congestion that the rubbing seemed to have loosened but it only increases the itch. They run a finger under their running nose and swipe upwards, but all it does is let the clear snot dribble down to their upper lip. With one final sniffle and a quick run, the tickle climaxes and…
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warmasf · 6 months
The thought of someone on a high dose of cold medicine, trying to get through the day at school. Watery, fever glazed, red tinted eyes, slipping shut at random and causing them to jump when they realize that they’re about to fall asleep at their desk. Smoothed pale skin with dark undeye circles- they don’t just look tired, they look downright half dead. Raspy coughs smothered into heavy sweatshirt sleeves, stuffy mouth breathing and watery sniffles rubbed into their sleeve cuffs. Dazed, daydreaming stares at the whiteboard as their groggy brain tries to make sense of the lesson. The faint scent of menthol and cherry following them around, cough drops clinking against teeth. Dry responses and a cracking voice letting everyone around them know rhat they’re not all there. A fever that won’t break, leaving them shivering through their classes. A cool, gentle hand laid on their forehead, then moved to their cheek. A soft voice pulling them out of their DayQuil-addled trance with a quiet, “hey, you’re warm..let’s get you home and in bed.”
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