[hello everyone! still not posting yet but i'm getting ready to post soon :3 apologies for the extended break] [also thought you all would like to see this!!!]
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[hello everyone, i just. wanted to give an update]
[first things first: i'm going on break. i know it seems.. inconvenient, cause of the january event (which has now been extended), but constantly drawing comics, drawing gangle, all of this has extremely impacted my mental health. i seriously need a break. im sorry to disappoint,, i promise it'll be finished up once im back]
[i dont know if i can give an exact time for when break will be up, but i'm looking at either 1 or 2 weeks of break time. i might still slowly post comics that are already done during that time, i'm not sure, but i don't think i can really answer any actual asks.] [sorry..]
[you can still find me on my main (and possibly the anon blogs..?)] [but yeah. i just want to focus on more personal art goals, projects, etc. and i really just want to rest]
[and also nearly 800 followers, so uh, yahoo!..]
[january event will resume once i return, although technically its now february event !] [so, yeah. :3] [i hope you all have a good day/afternoon/night, thanks for following the blog!]
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[just so you guys know, january event is extending into february a bit (for my own sake) :3] [you have more time to change the tides! wahoo! yippee!]
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can you draw..
Capsaicin Cookie? the one on my pfp?
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[here is the guy :) its not my greatest work but. he is very silly in my humble opinion and it was nice to draw someone other than gangle DJHASJHD] [i hope you like it!!]
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hi sangle! your a uhm,,, scrunkly, a scrimblo even
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[she didn't understand what you were saying, but she was flattered anyway /ref]
[How many questions were answered in the events that led up to her fall?]
[okay out of spooky harbinger january event mode for a second. either i'm going to upload a bunch of comics tomorrow or i'll extend the event a bit into february. i'd hate to do the latter but this whole event has had a super big impact on me, and i just don't know if it's possible to finish all of it in one day (especially considering you guys need a chance to find the harbinger, the key stuff, the comics, etc.)]
[soooo..yeah!] [that is all :3] [reblogs of the comics would be appreciated, ty :3]
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"hello connie! you are very small. how long have you been asleep? do you like being sentient? i would hope so. what is your opinion on gangle? do you share the same thought process? do you have the same opinions? do you like the same things? can you curse? do you enjoy being blue? do you have a favorite blorbo? do you like the her body pillow? what does it look like? what character is on it? are these questions getting too personal? i'm sorry if they are. before i go, remember that you are adorable. love you!"
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[anywho, more january event hints tiime!]
[Three, four, what day was it again? The hours pass by too fast.]
[Puzzles pieces of art, telling a story in each, how many, how many?]
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Abracadabra! You can no longer use the letter "N" for the next 5 asks!
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...I wish to stop the task.
[thanks to @gummy-axolotl for the help with the comic!]
[Rows and Columns.]
[ One two, what's the month?]
[ And now, what was the day?]
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hi gangle!!, *gives big gift basket* i uh dont know where s gangle is so uh *tps another big gift basket to where s gamgle is*
uh yeah :3
-shard anon
oh!- thank you for the gift basket!.. theres a lot of stuff here..
...i.. don't know where s-gangle is, though.
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[Rows and columns, 4 times 7.]
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[the end of january is nearing.. we are all doomed.. in fact i am VERY doomed... so i'm gonna begin posting the comics i have done!] [i'll set them to post by the hour or something along those lines. i hope you all enjoy :3]
[also. You are getting closer. Good Luck]
[One last hurdle before the game's over, convienently created due to unforeseen changes. Her birth and her death. Good luck.]
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[quick explanation AAHH-]
[IN SUMMARY. i may have fallen asleep right when i got home and slept for literally 12 hours. i was just a bit eepy. sorry]
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good morning whatd i miss uuueyyyyyfgggg
[HOLY MOLY] [HELLO SUGARCANE. . . YOU WERE GONE FOR A WHILE!!!] [you missed (checks notes) a lot but it should be in pinned post. current event going on is. January event :3] [which i am currently working on!] [hopefully it'll actually be done BEFORE january ends jhgkdhjg]
[anyway welcome back gjfhdhjfd]
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[sorry for lack of updates]
[all ask comics are sketched, plans are set in motion] [the animation is halfway done] [and will be done around 25th possibly]
[to the anon who sent an ask at the flower blog; i see your ask, but please give me time] [thank you :)]
[anyway this song is amazing. don't read into the captions by the way i just really like this song and its giving me terrible ideas]
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[hello everyone, im sorry for being so inactive recently] [i was taking small breaks since ive been working for a while] [but. good news! the comics are getting done :)] [and you'll get the animation soon]
[i'll also begin answering asks with proper art again as soon as i finish all the comics (which will hopefully be done by tomorrow)] [so, yeah !]
[one again, im genuinely sorry for the wait. i know im supposed to be more active and answering asks but its super hard for me to answer asks without drawing art (for some reason i feel the need/urge to. i am feral /silly)]
[so, yeah! i'm also active on @silhouette-anon if you just wanna see more of my modposting and some of my anon content :)] [apologies for the wait]
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[hey uh, how do i get to the pick a flower ow blog again
i know i got there once but i forgor]
[alright so] [you go here] [because the blog is private so i dont think you can just search it up]
[then type "our escape for survival"] [and you're in!]
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..... wait a minute.
Soup was the answer given out for cursemas.
Like for those who had knowing lore as their curse. Is. Is this where that ties in.
- Mod star
[erm. nuh uh :) forgot to answer this but yeah no thats not the answer] [also i have a comic! but the ask it was for is kinda. lost to time for some reason] [so im posting it here!]
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Subcongle might as well get a strawby now
(Idk how to spell that, but it鈥檚 from the same game as bungers)
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I wish I was different.
[oh yeah just recently posted a hint. not even hidden just. please. please find it i am begging you all (sobbing)]
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Test Tube: you are the best, 10/10. *gives you the ultimate huggy wuggies*
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..Please watch your step..
[me after answering yet another ask thats been collecting dust.. screams]
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