thebangtancloud · 4 months
hello everyone, hope you’re doing well here :)) i know i’m not very active, but I always still think of my lovely followers and a warm feeling fills my heart. ya’ll have truly made my life so much better even when you don’t realize it!
i need some help. on the second of this month, a very very close friend of mine passed away in a bike accident and he suffered a lot of pain for an entire month before he finally gave up. it feels like he’s taken away a part of me with him and there’s this void within me that I desire to fill. I found out today that he was in the process of writing a book. He never told me that he wrote, he had more of a social media persona and had an income through online gaming streams and reels/vlogs etc. His elder brother sent me the drafts of the first two chapters that he had written (he didn’t want anyone to know and wanted to surprise all of his friends and family with the book that he wrote) and unfortunately he passed away before he could complete the book.
I immediately wanted to complete that book for him. I offered to do so and his family were more than delighted to let me do that. However, I’ve not been writing the past few months - which is a writer’s block that I can certainly overcome - but there’s something that I need a little help with. Based on the 2 drafts that he’s written, the story is set in Japan, heavily influenced by Japanese culture and names and places and food that I’ve never even heard of. Although I need to do a lot of research, I don’t know where to start. I’m not a fan of anime and i don’t really think i’m in a state to watch multiple shows/dramas to understand their culture.
Do you think you could help me by sending me anything that could be useful? Anything that you’ve seen or known when it comes to Japan and its culture, it would be a great start for me to do something for my friend.
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thebangtancloud · 5 months
I'm soo glad to hear that your having fun. May onlyy good things come your way.
I'm finally relaxed after a long semester and enjoying the break, phew.
And the mtl 😂, yoongi most definitely would observe and then succeed.
mama otter!! i have missed you terribly 🤧😭 i’m glad that you’ve gotten through your semester, and I could say the same! i just got my results for my term end exams and I passed with 89% 🥲
he definitely would 🤣 i recently had a dream where I was friends with Yoongi! it was such a sweet dream, he told me he texted me a recipe after we spent a day outdoors planning meals and then i panicked because he was leaving and i realized that i didn’t have his number but he texted me?! and then i woke up feeling so sad that Yoongi was not really my friend in real life 😭😭
but anyway!! i have missed you loads and i’m glad you’re enjoying your break. make most of this time 🥰
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thebangtancloud · 5 months
Hii how are youu its been so longg??
helloooo hiii anon!! yess it has been crazy long 🫠 i’ve been super caught up with work and a lot of adult things 🥲 i recently quit my job which has been the best thing i’ve done for myself in a while, so i’m taking some time off to just relax and get back to my old self.
how are you??? how has tumblr been all this time without me?!🙃 hope you’ve been well and happy🤍
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thebangtancloud · 5 months
Hey just wanted to check in hope you are okay.
And also wanted to say thank you for writing some amazing stuff. Your work is super great to read. I always find myself coming back to re read basically your whole masterlist.
But yeah hope you are good. 😊
Hello!! :) i am doing okay, thank you very much. just a lot going on at the moment, nothing bad, dw! :D
THANK YOU for your super sweet words, i’m so glad that you’re a part of this small little fantasy world of mine 🥹 thank you for always coming back, even though i don’t post as regularly as before. lots and lots of love to you my dear anon🩶
Yes, i’m doing excellent and I hope you continue being great and taking good care of yourself.☺️
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thebangtancloud · 5 months
Hope you have a nice day
heyy dear anon, thank you for this sweet message. i hope you have a brilliant day/evening and don’t forget to stay hydrated🤍
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thebangtancloud · 11 months
How areeee youuuuu? Missed you💜💫
Btw I saw this
And who in bts??
Mtl mtl mtl
I'm good!! I'm in a different state right now to visit my best friend for her birthday and I'm having the time of my life! how are you, mama otter? I've missed you even more 😭❤️
that video screams Jinkook to me 😭🤣
1. Jungkook - c'mon, he'd be the one to suggest it in the first place. he's go to Jimin or Taehyung to try it, but would end up trying this with Jin. Also, don't forget the world biggest bunny smile and his laughter that wouldn't stop even for a second.
2. Jin - I'd expect only a slight bit of hesitation from his end, maybe a few complaints that he's getting old, but he'd be the one to enjoy trying this the most.
3. Jimin - He'd try anything that would make Jungkook happy, and would probably just fall to the floor in fits of laughter while attempting to clear this.
4. Yoongi - I mean, I may expect him to be the last person to try this, but I feel like he'd observe the others try and fail and then jump in and be like, "No, you guys are doing it wrong, this is how you're supposed to do it!" and may actually end up solving it with a small smirk on his face.
5. Hoseok - He would try it definitely, but I feel like he'd just watch the others and have the time of his life laughing and recording them while they make a fool of themselves.
6. Taehyung - Taehyung would try this with Jungkook or Jimin, but I feel like he'd try to sit and analyse the concept and figure out a way to crack it while practicing it alone before trying it with anyone else.
7. Namjoon - well, he'd walk by the others with a book and his glasses, maybe stop and laugh for a bit, but would dismiss the thought of him trying it. if he's ever up for it, he'll try and give up cuz he's too big to move like that lol.
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thebangtancloud · 11 months
Babeeee this guy has some serious beating coming up for him (I've leashed secret mama otter powers on him but shh don't tell anyone we're not allowed to use them). But seriously I hope he falls into a gutter😒😠😡🤬.
And I'm soooo sorry for the blues my liddol angle baby~~ I've no idea how the this works soo please let me know how can I make it any better for you.
Sending loads and loads of love and comfort for my little baby otter
And this little video I found:
Love you loadsssss ❤🤍❤🤍❤🤍❤
oOOH HE SERIOUSLY DOES!! mama otter powers are exactly what he needs at this point 😭 I used to hope so too, but I ended up falling instead and now we're kind of (?) back together...💀 eeuughhh it's not gonna last long I know it, getting back with him this time made me realize that I deserve so much more. THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVE AND COMFORT MAMA OTTER IT REMINDS ME OF THAT VIDEO WHERE THE MAMA OTTER HOLDS HER BABY UP AGAINST HER AS THEY FLOAT IN THE WATER 🥺❤️
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and the link doesn't work 😭
I love you even more. thank you for being here 🤧❤️
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
there's no way I'm getting over him
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
This may be news to most of you, but I'm going through post break-up blues rn. Have been for the past two weeks. After 5 long years of being single, I found a guy that caught my attention. Might I add that this man walked straight out of Wattpad with his buzz cut and tattoos. I was blown away the day I saw him, and I texted him one fine day, cuz why not? He replied, and it ended up being him noticing me a few weeks before I even saw him for the first time, and we hit it off. Well, kinda. We sorta rushed things since we both were equally as attracted to each other, aaaaand things got slightly toxic. Okay, let's be honest here, it was very toxic. And I knew I didn't want any of that, so I called things off. It ended just as fast as it started, and it's kinda left me...idk, dizzy. Like, what even happened? It barely just started and it's over?
Long story short, I'm still struggling to get over him, and I randomly thought to myself that I should write about him. The moment I write about him, I can gain the closure that I needed from this relationship. So I decided that I will complete the story - our story - in a work of fiction, in another world where him and I could have worked. I'll write the end of our story, so that I can get over him here in real life :')
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
Hi. Can i request a fluff with Changbin? With: 92. 99. and 77. With schoolmate readerxchangbin but a funny love story?
Thanks a lot. :))
Alive ~ Seo Changbin
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"Your jokes suck." + "Don't talk to me, someone might thing we're dating." + "I don't feel well."
pairing: senior!changbin x schoolmate!reader
genre: fluff, humour, romance, friends to lovers
Summary: There's something going on between you and him. Schoolmates, yes. Friends? Maybe. Something more than friends? Absolutely. You're both aware of it and he's determined to make sure you know that he's serious about you.
"Oh look, it's the rebel."
You didn't even need to look to the side to know who was talking to you, a swift roll of your eyes that pulled an enamoured chuckle from the guy who had jogged a good minute to catch up to you.
"What do you want?"
"Geez, you gotta show some respect to your senior, (Y/n)," Changbin playfully glared at you, slowing down to a walk once he was right beside you, his footsteps in line with yours.
"Why are you disturbing me?"
"Why are you wearing this dress?"
You followed his hand that was gesturing to the olive green dress that you had on, the material appearing soft and cascaded down with little frills until it reached just below your knees.
"You're supposed to be wearing your school uniform, (Y/n), See?" He pointed to the white shirt and the red tie that he was wearing. "Follow in the footsteps of your seniors. It will do you good."
"Yeah? Then why did you follow me here?"
Changbin whistled in response, not really knowing why.
"But still..." he trailed off awkwardly, shoving his hands into his trousers, "Why are you wearing a colored dress? Did no one catch you yet?"
"It's my birthday," you nodded, keeping your eyes ahead of you.
"Oh," he said lamely, coming to an abrupt stop. The sun was blazing over your head, the distant sound of students rushing around the cafeteria filling the awkward silence between the two of you.
"Happy Birthday."
"Thanks," you nodded again, not stopping once which made Changbin click his tongue in annoyance, jogging once more to catch up to you.
"Do you hate me?"
"Then why don't you talk to me?"
"Cuz..." you shrugged, turning briefly to take a look at the frown on his face.
"I don't feel well, that's all."
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing," you shook your head and stuck your tongue out at him. "I just want to live."
"Woah," Changbin couldn't help but laugh in surprise at your response.
"Life sucks sometimes, doesn't it?"
"Mhm," you agreed with him, reaching into the little pocket that was attached to the side of your dress to pull out a toffy for him.
"Oh, thanks," he took the sweet from your hand with a shy grin. "What plans for your birthday?"
You remained silent until he finished opening the wrapper, watching as he threw it a few feet away from him with a swift flick of his wrist and then popped the toffy into his mouth.
"No plans," you stated with another shrug. "Family is working. Friends are out of town. I think today will be a boring day."
"Hey," he frowned defensively. "I'm right here."
"You're not my friend."
"Why not?" he looked rather offended.
"Because we never speak."
"I always try to speak to you! It's you who doesn't speak to me!"
"Yeah, exactly. We're not in a school with open-minded people. So don't. Don't talk to me, someone might think we're dating."
Changbin turned to look at the students who couldn't seem to care about the two of you walking on the football turf.
"Let them."
"Let them think we're dating. It's not like they're wrong."
"We're not dating, Changbin," you gave him a look.
"But," he suddenly smirked, "It's not like there's nothing going on between us."
"Right," you snorted, shaking your head and continuing to walk until you reached the mini-play area that was made for the little kids.
"You're not denying it," his smirk only seemed to deepen.
"Well," you shrugged with an awkward cough. "We did kiss once. But that doesn't mean we're dating."
"Then let's date," he suggested without a moment of hesitation. Changbin continued to watch you as you approached the swings, sitting down carefully and tucking your dress in neatly so that it wouldn't fly with the wind.
"Hmm..." you appeared to give it a thought. "Why?"
"Cuz you're cute," he pointed out. "And I like you."
"You do?"
"I do," he confirmed, walking closer until he was stood right in front of you, his head bent slightly so that he can look at your face. Within a moment, his muscular arms reached up to hold onto the metal swing handles on either side of you, bringing you to a stop so that you could only focus on him.
"You like me too, right?"
"On what?"
"On where you're taking me out on a date."
Changbin's lips pursed in an attempt to hold back the smile that was tearing at his mouth.
"I'll take you anywhere you want to go but you've never had the chance to."
"Really?" Your eyebrows raised in surprise. "Anywhere?"
"Yes," he nodded, bending slightly so that his head could be at the same level as yours. "Just say the name, I'll take you there."
"Take me to heaven, then," you snorted.
"Tch," Changbin gave you an unimpressed look. "Your jokes suck."
"I know," you chuckled softly, taking a moment to look away from his face.
"I want to go somewhere," you began, catching his head nod from the corner of your eye.
"It's not somewhere that I haven't been before," you pointed out, kicking at the ground before looking back up into his eyes.
"I want to go to that basement again."
Changbin looked surprised, his expression clearly showing you that your words took him back to the night he kissed you for the first time.
"Mhm," you nodded, a ghost of a smile playing at your lips. "I've been thinking about going back there ever since you kissed me."
"Why, may I ask?"
"I dunno," you shrugged, pushing at his arms and standing up so that you were almost at eye level with him. "I felt alive, back then."
"Was it just the place? Or was it me that made you feel alive?"
You took a moment to let your eyes run over his features, watching how the sun hid away behind a cloud and made a softer shade of grey soften the look on his face.
"Why don't we find out?"
"And how would we do that?" he inquired, his curious eyes stealing a quick look at your lips before they flickered back up to meet your gaze.
"Kiss me here and we'll find out if it was the place that made me feel alive, or you."
For a moment, he look over your shoulder towards the group of students playing around, before he smirked and shook his head.
"Trust me babe," he took the smallest step in your direction. "I don't want to risk us being suspended, but I'm also determined to prove to you that it was me."
"Do as you please," you commented, laughing lightly and brushing past him towards the slides.
"I will," he promised, walking behind you and nodding to himself. "Finish your last class, I'll prepare something for you until then."
"And why would you do that?"
"Because," Changbin slipped his hands into his back pockets, blessing you with a brilliant smile. "You make me feel alive too."
Request 10/30 || Stray Kids Masterlist.
Note: Most people on my skz taglist have changed their usernames and I don't know their updated ones. If you were a part of my taglist and you see this, you can text me if you want to be added once again.
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
Something coming soon!
Hello everyone! I hope you all are doing well and taking good care of yourselves. I've finally had some time to write, and although I feel like I've lost touch, I'll continue posting often to get back into the flow. With my exams done and the workload a little less now, I feel like I can get back to writing!
I've completed an skz request that was sitting in my drafts for a long time now, hopefully you guys like it, even though it's not the best :')
I tried to add the same taglist that I used to have before but most of the usernames have changed and I can't find the updated ones. If you'd like to be a part of the taglist, do let me know :)
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
How have you been? Is life treating you like it should or should I beat it up? It has been on and off for me🤷🏻‍♀️ but nothing too bad..
I've been checking up on your blog and was soo happy to see you active again.
Loads of love from mama otter💖💞💖💞💖
I've been alright. Life is good, but people are not. You definitely need to come beat a guy up for me for being the biggest jerk in the history of jerks. I'm glad to hear that it hasn't been too bad for you. Life goes on, whether it is in the highs and the lows, life keeps going on, so as long as you're holding on, you're doing great mama otter!!
I'm happy to have you here with meeeee🥺💝💝
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
I missed youuu🥺🥺🥺🥺
I MISSED YOU SO MUCH MORE YOU HAVE NO IDEA 😭😭😭😭 I was thinking of sending out a post calling for mama otter but I thought you'd not see it 🥺 how've you been??
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
omggg I missed seeing you and your notifications😭😭😭💞 i hope you’re doing alright
Hiiii I missed being here more than you could imagine!!🥺🥺 I'm doing good, I have soooooo many things to share with you guys, if you're up for it? I hope you're doing great, and that you're taking good care of yourself a well.
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
Hi just reread most of your masterlist I was feeling down,I like to read to distract myself. And you work always cheers me up. Thanks for your creations. 😊
Hey lovely, i know what you mean when you say that you like to read to distract yourself. It's an honour to have you read something that I wrote to help you in times like that, and I hope you're feeling better now. You can always reach out to me if you need someone to chat with, I'm here for you always <3
Thank you for reading them. ❤️
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you. learn to know your mutuals and followers. 💚✨
this got me thinking for a bit, let's see:
1. Jesus.
2. Music. (Including all the bands and artists that I follow)
3. Rain / Stormy dull weather. (+ ramen)
4. A productive day...? Idk, that just gives me the best sleep when I get back home or once I'm done studying.
5. Idek what else to write here so I'm just going to say, 'making up imaginary scenarios in my head' lol.
Bestieeee @royallyjjk been so long since I heard from you, how're you doing?
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thebangtancloud · 1 year
Hi, love your work!!! if you don't mind can you do a reaction of the boys to y/n going through a difficult time with their mental health?
Thank you for loving my work and taking the time out to write to me!! I will add this to my to-do list and get back to it once I'm back to writing :)
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