the-underthinker · 10 days
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the-underthinker · 10 days
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Me, I am bitches
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the-underthinker · 2 months
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oomf wanted a totoro x jjk crossover 🥹🌱
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the-underthinker · 2 months
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You don’t think I ever fought for something bigger than myself? That’s all I ever tried to do.
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Season 1 Episode 6: One World, One People
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the-underthinker · 4 months
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the-underthinker · 4 months
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✦ Summary: The little green monster has a way of ruining a perfectly good night, and he is not talking about the Hulk.
✦ Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
✦ Warnings: Little bit of angst, jealousy
✦ Word Count: 2.4k
✦ Author’s Note: This was written ages ago for a request that’s now vanished from my ask box from an anon asking for a jealous Bucky.
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It’s there in the curl of your lashes and the hand that you bat against the Asgardian’s arm - that’s when the clenching sensation presses down on his throat. When he feels his fingers wrap a little tighter around the shot glass on the bar. The night long since gave way to the pleasant thrum of inebriation, but all Bucky can sense is the bitter taste in his mouth when he watches you laugh so freely across the room.
Another gloating tale of ancient glories, a genuine laugh, a flirtatious quip - Bucky’s painfully present for it all.
Keep reading
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the-underthinker · 5 months
The Avengers are actually Crack Addicts.
Part 2: Daddy Bucky can get it, just sayin’
Description: Bucky’s been undercover for a little over six months now, and the the man is exhausted to say the least. But before he can go home he must capture the enemy before he can escape and disappear off the face of the earth for good. The only thing is, he needs help to do that. So who other than two of the greatest avengers (Y/n and Peter’s words, not his) to help him out.
Pairings: Enhanced!Reader x Avengers (Platonic), Enhanced!Reader x Bucky Barnes (tiny smidge? maybe? he won’t admit it lol)
Warnings: idiocy, foul language, randomness, crack, humor, slight flirting? A whole lot of spelling errors and grammar mistakes, oops. 
- divider credits to @promenadewithme-graphics
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The wind blew harshly all around Bucky as he trudged up a snowy hillside in the middle of Russia. He was making his way toward a secluded warehouse where he was to meet the others. His skin was glazed over in a light blanket of ice that was beginning to harden all around his body, snow had etched itself into every crevice of his beard, and fingernails. Grunting in annoyance, he chipped at the ice that was beginning to grow like a rash rapidly around his body. He thought he’d be able to tolerate the harsh freeze that bordered him, but moments like this reminded him that maybe he’d never be able to look at snow the same again.
It was supposed to be two weeks in Portugal where he would only be tailing his target, then finding the right moment where he would get the intel (with the help of an inside source that was cooperating with Shield), and finally head back home where he’d make a nice big cup of tea and cuddle Alpine to sleep, with his favorite show (Golden Girls) in the background. 
But you don’t always get what you wish for, trust him, he would know.
Said ‘inside source’ was squealing behind their backs, and plans had to be rearranged from two weeks that turned into two months, then four—now he’s in the middle of Russia six months later playing a cat and mouse game he quite frankly did not sign up for. 
Six months without Alpine and he was in desperate need of cat cuddles.
Bucky sighed, this would not be easy.
Because although he was finally given the ‘Green Light’ to take out these criminals he was not allowed to proceed without a witness. Shield still didn’t trust him and would not allow him to make any move without monitoring it in the event that “he” decided to come out and play. So, instead of sending Steve, or even Tony, they decided that the best option, the ‘best team’ that would help prevent him from “going all psycho winter on us” (definitely not his words) were to send the most unhinged and incredibly unstable humans of all. 
“Bucky, over here!” 
Bucky sighed once more, the weight of the snow on his boots did not compare to the weight he now felt on his shoulders.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Bucky trudged on over toward dumb and dumber as they flailed there arms around like baby geese. Giant smiles glowed upon there faces as he gave them a small salute in greeting.
“Ready when you are Sargent.” Peter said, as he stood in a way a proud soldier would almost slapping himself as he attempted to salute Bucky.
Rolling his eyes, Bucky couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at the young hero’s gesture.
“At ease soldier, don’t hurt yourself before we even begin.”
Peter laughed, his eyes crinkling like crumbled paper. He quickly gave Bucky a side hug and then moved aside just in time as Y/n hurled herself into Bucky’s chest.
Bucky laughed as Y/n wrapped her arms and legs around him like a baby koala. She quickly assessed him scouting for any sign of injury or pain. When all was good, she jumped off and patted his cheek gently while nodding her head in contentment.
Shaking his head at Y/n’s antics, he clapped his hands together ignoring the warm blush that began to appear on his cheeks.
There was no time to get distracted. It was time to get down to business.
Peter let out a big yawn as he stretched his arms above his head. His eyelids struggled to remain open as he nodded off into space.
Bucky chuckled, amusement coursing through him.
So much for the “best team” to help him out.
Bucky’s gaze then moved over to thing 2, where she was assigned to keep watch on any moving targets from a distance. Except he started to notice that she hasn’t been able to take her eyes off of him for the past few hours.
Each time Bucky caught a glimpse of her, she was staring at him with these type of fish eyes that were starting to creep him out.
Fixing his coat around the collar, Bucky cleared his throat as he adjusted the weapon that was ready to shoot at any given moment.
He wanted to ask her what her deal was, but he hasn’t been quite good with words for a while now. Before Bucky could muster up the courage to question her oddness at this time, Y/n spoke up after six long hours of staring and awkwardness.
“Daddy Bucky can get it, just sayin’.” Y/n stated, before walking a few feet in front of him and surveying their surroundings. Acting like she didn’t just almost kill Bucky with her words.
All Bucky could do was pound his fist against his chest as he attempted to recover from almost choking and dying from his spit.
Peter cackled in the background as he jumped onto the top of a snow covered boulder. His masked eyes sealed shut as he clutched tightly onto his abdomen. Laughing harder at the faint pinkish hue that painted itself on the canvas that was Bucky’s cheekbones.
Y/n turned back around, smirking at the sight in front of her. Fist pumping Peter as she walked by him to pat Bucky on the back as he continued to hack and pound on his chest like a gorilla.
As the trio continued to be distracted by one another, they failed to recognize a troop of figures heading towards them, their weapons aimed and ready to shoot when necessary.
Just when Peter was about to explain “beard burn” to Sergeant Barnes. The young spider-ling felt a tingle shoot up his spine and travel down his arms, causing him to shiver slightly. His Peter tingle was definitely tingling, and warning him about something.
Quickly he jumped off the boulder he was perched upon just before a stray bullet could land a hit on his shoulder. He yelped in fear as he made eye contact with an unknown figure just a few meters below him.
Grabbing Peter by the neck, Bucky dragged him a few feet back before grabbing his rifle and began shooting towards the enemy.
“Dammit kid, are you okay?” Bucky screeched, shooting bullet after bullet at the enemy. He’s eyes drifting to Peter, but not once missing a moving target.
Peter only nodded as he sat in shock behind Y/n’s form. Still trying to recover from his almost run-in with death. His pearls were clutched tightly as he started to mimic the breathing techniques shown to him by his therapist—Betty. She be proud of him with the way he was taking in gulps like he was finding a way to breath while sucking dic—
Y/n growled lowly, snapping Pete out of his NSFW thoughts. Y/n began muttering curse words under her breath as she caressed Peters head tenderly, hovering over him like a mama bear would her cub. Her hands skillfully maneuvered the weapon she held onto tightly as she landed kill shot after kill shot on each target she set her eyes upon.
“Son of a bitch” Y/n yelled, cursing as she attempted to head shot the damn enemy that just wouldn’t stay still.
Peter, now getting over his initial shock of almost facing death, grabbed onto his bestie’s shoulders as he hid behind her intimidating form.
“Not the enemy trying to shoot his damn shot!” Y/n screeched as a bullet flew past her head, causing her to see red as she threw her now useless weapon aside. With all the anger she could summon after almost witnessing her best friends death, she levitated the ginormous boulder Peter was perched on just moments before, and hurled it towards the group of hydra agents heading towards them.
The boulder was thrown onto the group of hydra operatives fiercely. The sound of screams blew through the icy wind around them almost like a bitter melody.
Bucky and Peter stood in shock, mouths agape as they witnessed the cliff the enemy troop were just on crumble as they succumbed to their deaths.
“Holy shit,” Bucky muttered. Shivering slightly, not only because of the cold wind that surrounded them like a blanket, but because he thinks he might’ve been a bit turned on.
Peter on the other hand only shook his head to rid away the surprise that was written on his face. He then ran forward kicking a rock towards the avalanche of snow that was making its way down the mountain. The slippery ice causing him to trip and fall flat on his face.
“At least ask us out to dinner first, bitches!” Peter said, his voice muffled from the snow underneath his mask as he raised his fist aggressively in the air.
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I’ve been having writers block for so long now. This was bad, but I needed a filler to help me out fr 😭😆 thanks for reading! :)
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the-underthinker · 5 months
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merry christmas from tiny loki and company.
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the-underthinker · 6 months
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big sweater bonky for warmup :)
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the-underthinker · 6 months
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snoopy of the day
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the-underthinker · 7 months
“Growth is painful. Change is painful.But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong.”
— Mandy Hale
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the-underthinker · 8 months
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keeping up with the fushigojos || the trials and tribulations of helping the strongest sorcerer in the jujutsu world face his biggest challenge yet: raising megumi
please don’t spam like. gentle reminder that you don’t need to like all of the 100+ posts in a row. if you really want to support me and this series at least consider reblogging a fic or five!!
a favour
child rearing
proud parent
merry christmas from the fushigojos
the talk
loose tooth
drunken dancing
weird sidekicks
adult time
two truths and a lie
sweet nothing
family meeting
school dance
mother’s day
the more you know
three conditions
off days
first kisses & falling in love
empty apartment
first crush
bachelorette party
sharing is caring
sick day
keeping up with the fushigojos: extended cut!
game night
halloween nonsense
can’t lose you
united front
in laws
fushigojo headcanons (too many, check the tag for more!)
random fushigojo hc’s
picking sides
other parent
there was only one bed
first fight
colpo di fulmine
long night
proposal hcs
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cats & compromise
shikigami can’t keep secrets
first date
accidental confession
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more than you know
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truth or dare
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the-underthinker · 8 months
Summer with Ushijima and Tendou goes crazy
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the-underthinker · 8 months
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the-underthinker · 1 year
“And yet, you kept going.”
— Unknown
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the-underthinker · 1 year
oh haven’t you heard???? things will get better and you will be okay
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the-underthinker · 1 year
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oh uh. scuse me. just a lil snail crossing your dash
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